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The musical purpose of this lesson is to show how music is special,

like treasure. Move creatively to a variety of different pieces of music.

The social purpose of this lesson is to introduce the students to the Recall the phrase of the day, "Rules help us."
concept of rules and how rules can help us.
Describe three ways music is special (like treasure).
Essential Question: How do composers generate creative ideas?

Hello, Welcome
45 min If You're Happy and You Know It
Mobile devices (optional)
Coming Soon! Obeying the Rules
The Clock Symphony - Haydn
Non-pitched percussion
Goodbye, Farewell

1 . Welcome to Rules + Music is Like 3 min

Have the welcome screen up and the music for the welcome song playing as
students enter the class.
Invite students to tell you what they see on the welcome screen.
Introduce Boobam (the drum with hands), Songbird, Suzi, Teddy and Cloud who are
characters that will help guide students through pre-school music lessons.
Have students sit down. After they are seated, have them say their names.
Ask students if they have any rules in their home.
Say or sing the phrase of the day: "Rules Help Us".
Have students repeat the phrase.
Tell students that this lesson is about a special kind of treasure - music. Music is very
special just like treasure is very special.
Take attendance, if needed.

Hint: To get the fastest internet speeds, preview all your screens ahead of time so they are
pre-loaded in your computer and close all open windows except for Quaver. 1/5

2 . Hello, Welcome (Lyrics) 5 min

Each Pre-K lesson starts with a song that welcomes the students to the lesson.
Listen to the song, then have students sing the song together, following the
movements on the screen.
Select three students to come to the front, and include the names of the three
students in the song. Do this until all students in the class have been included. There
will be more time at the end of the lesson.
Sing the song again, and walk around the class, introducing students to objects in
your classroom; ask the students the names of the objects you are pointing to.
(chairs, tables, doors, windows)
Sing the welcome song as if you are saying hello to the objects in the room. (Hello
table, how are you?)
Do the same with the instruments in the room. (Hello drum, how are you?)
This song is in folk style, is in 4/4 meter, and is in a major key

3 . Music is Treasure 4 min

The third screen in each lesson introduces the musical theme of the day.
Ask students what they can see on the screen. Select a student to click on one of the
treasure boxes. Count the boxes, (1-3) and point out the colors and shapes.
Once all the treasure boxes are open, have students decide which play button they
would like to press.
Ask them to follow you as you pat the steady beat. Then ask them to improvise
movements in response to what they hear.
Ask them which of the pieces of music they liked the best. Guide them to use
musical words like fast and slow, loud and soft, happy and sad.
Play their favorite piece again. Ask them why it is their favorite?
Tell students that music is special. It can sound happy or sad. It can be fast or slow. It
can help us remember things. It can make us move - it is special like treasure.

4 . If You're Happy and You Know It 4 min

(Primary Lyrics)
The fourth screen of each Pre-K lesson is an action song, designed to focus the
students on themselves and their own bodies.
Remind students of the phrase of the day - Rules help us.
Listen to the song first - that's a rule in music class.
Sing If You're Happy and You Know It.
Have students pat on their legs to the steady beat, and then join in with the active
parts of the song.
Turn off the vocal track and sing the words, "If you like to follow rules, clap your
hands." 2/5

5 . Rules Help Us 4 min

The fifth screen presents the social theme of the lesson. In this lesson it is rules.
Look at and count the circles that represent simple Pre-K rules.
Discuss the colors they can see.
Click on the circles to reveal a rule. Create an action for each rule, and discuss how
rules help us in different ways. This activity could be done in groups or stations with
each group performing a movement to represent the rule. (In preparation for the
lesson you may want to listen to the Obeying the Rules song. The song references all
the rules introduced in this screen.)
This is also available as a coloring sheet for students to take home.
Later in Pre-K another set of rules will be introduced called The Quaver Five. (Be safe,
Be polite, Be co-operative, Be responsible, Be kind)
The Quaver Five are rules that are used throughout elementary school music classes.
This activity can be downloaded onto mobile devices for work in pairs or stations.

6 . Boobam's First Day at School (Story) 5 min

Each story in Pre-K, relates to the song that follows and the social theme of the day.
Listen to or read the story to students.
When the story is finished, use the yellow arrows at the top of the page to paginate
to different parts of the story and ask questions; alternatively have students say the
story in their own words along with the pictures.
Review how music helped Boobam follow or obey the rules.
Point out that music is like treasure as it helps us to remember information.

7 . Story Questions 4 min

The seventh screen poses four simple questions about the story, which reinforce the
social and musical themes of the lesson.
Read question one, or press the play button to hear the question, then paginate
using the arrows at the right hand side of the screen.
Discuss the questions, being mindful of establishing clear rules for answering
questions in the classroom. (No calling out, hands up).
The answer to the last question shows how special music can be. Music can help us
just like it helped Boobam. 3/5

8 . Obeying the Rules (Primary Lyrics) 4 min

Listen to the Obeying the Rules song that Songbird taught to Boobam in the story.
Have students use the movements from screen four to go along with the simple
rules mentioned in the song.
Have students stand and sing the song together.
Remind students that music can help us remember things; it is special like treasure.
Sing the song again, and ask students to suggest ways to make their movements
more fun or accurate.
This song is in a major key and is in 4/4 meter.

9 . Songs from Cloud 4 min

Select a student to click on the highlighted lever.

Listen to the music of Haydn's Clock Symphony, and have students copy your steady
beat actions.
Haydn drew inspiration for this piece from hearing the ticking of a clock. (Essential
In response to the music, have students create movements expressing the sounds
and the timbres they hear in the music. (creating and responding)
Explain there are rules that help us when we are moving. (Keep in your own space
and don't touch other students!)
Explain this is a piece about a clock. Have students pretend they are clocks.
Encourage big and small movements. Make the movement guidelines into rules.
The rule is to make BIG movements; the rule is to make SMALL movements.
Select students, and ask them what they liked about what they were doing.
Music can sound like things; (a clock) it is special like treasure.

10 . Our Favorite Song 4 min

Remind students that rules help us, because they keep us safe and help us to be
kind to each other.
Ask students which is their favorite song this week, and why?
Sing their favorite song. Experiment with singing louder and softer. Discuss very
simple ways to improve student performance.
Remind them that music is treasure and very special. Have them pretend to take the
music they have heard and lock it in the treasure box in their hearts.
Ask them to name three things that make music like treasure. (It can sound happy or
sad. It can be fast or slow. It can help us remember things. It can make us move. It
can sound like things - clocks, for example.) 4/5

11 . Goodbye, Farewell (Lyrics) 4 min

Listen to the Goodbye, Farewell song - include names in the song.

Remind students that names are important. If you can remember someones name, it
makes them feel special.
Have students say goodbye and wave to each other during the song.
Ask them to say the phrase of the day, and recall the rules they learned. (standing in
line, listening well, washing hands, sitting still, clearing up)
Pre-K songs are designed for variety; this song is in 6/8 meter and has a swaying feel.

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