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Dear respondents,

We, the proponents, are conducting a research project entitled THE EFFECTS OF PARENTAL PRESSURE IN THE
ACADEMY INC. S.Y 2018-2019. The study aims to identify the significance of parental pressure of the selected junior
high school students in their academic performances.

Rest assured that all information that will be provided will be gathered for the purpose of this study and strictly

Name: ________________________________________________ Grade: ________ Section: _______________

Gender: _____ Male _____ Female

1. Is your parents has a signficant role in your studying? ______ Yes ______ No

2. Do you feel any pressure from your parents to push your limits and study hard? ______ Yes ______ No

3. If yes on #2, what do you think are your manifestations on the pressure of your parents in terms of your personal
aspects? Put a check on the item(s) is/are appllicable.
Aims to be always on the top Always lack of sleep
Aims to belong to the top 10 of the class Anxiety attacks in studying
Aims to finish schooling Attitude towards schooling
Aims to get high score on exam Depressed on th parental pressure
Boost your family relationship Full of disappointment
Enjoys studying Increases fear of failure
Improves family communication Tired on studying
More family bonding Too much expectations

4. If yes on #2, what do you think are your manifestations on the pressure of your parents in terms of your social
aspects? Put a check on the item(s) is/are appllicable.
Academic advantage Can get a scholarship grant
Boost self confidence Boost positive involvement on school
Increases self esteem Earn social respect
Will be able to socialize more More friends achived

5. What do you think are your ways to overcome the pressure in academics from your parents? Put a check on the
item(s) is/are appllicable.
Create a bad habits on studying.
Create a good habits on studying.
Do things differently.
Focus on the things that is not necessary.
Giving all your best on every thing that you do.
Study harder to achive a brighter future.
Others. Please specify.

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