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Book of Ribbons

used. However, with a DM who is kind enough, you could gain

Contents a ribbon from the same class that's listed in a different
subclass in place of yours, in case you and the DM agree that
Contents and Credits 2 it is more fitting. For example, a vengeance paladin who has
made his oath in response to being lied to in the past could
Barbarian ..................................................................................... 3 gain the Deception Seeker feature of the Oath of Devotion
Path of the Ancestral Guardian ...................................................3 paladin in place of his own to be better at seeking out the liars
Path of the Battlerager ..................................................................3 and cheaters.
Path of the Berserker .................................................................... 3
Path of the Storm Herald ............................................................. 3 Why These Subclasses?
Path of the Zealot ...........................................................................3
Bard ...................................................................................................4 Before writing this book, I went through the list of all
Bard Variant: Magical Student ....................................................4 subclasses included in Player's Handbook, Sword Coast
Adventurer's Guide, and Xanathar's Guide to Everything, and
Cleric ............................................................................................... 4 looked at any class features they have up until 8th level. The
Contact the Divine ..........................................................................4 limit is there mainly because these are the most common
Druid ................................................................................................5 levels players tend to play at. If a subclass you like is not
Circle of Dreams ............................................................................ 5 included in the list, it is because I found some sort of ribbon in
Circle of the Land ...........................................................................5 there. For the sake of simplicity, I counted things like extra
Circle of the Moon ..........................................................................5 tool proficiencies as a ribbon in most cases.
Fighter ........................................................................................... 5
Some classes, such as warlock or cleric, get a feature that's
pretty much identical across all of their subclasses, because I
Champion .........................................................................................5 figured the book is long enough for now, and because I
Monk ................................................................................................6 realized there isn't any mechanic for conversating with these
Way of the Long Death ..................................................................6 figures that their identities basically revolve around. Again,
Way of the Open Hand .................................................................. 6 this feature is only used at DM's discretion, it might not be
Way of the Sun Soul ...................................................................... 6 reasonable for example when you are attempting to
Mystic ..............................................................................................6 communicate with a Great Old One who is not aware of your
Order of the Avatar ........................................................................ 6 existence, or a remnant of a dead god whose power you
Order of the Awakened ................................................................. 6 channel.
Order of the Immortal ...................................................................6 Mystic is included because when I discussed this project
Order of the Nomad .......................................................................7 with Xaphedo, he offered himself to help out with the Mystics.
Order of the Soul Knife .................................................................7 Rangers are not included, because there are too many variants
Order of the Wu Jen .......................................................................7 and a rework should include ribbons already. I'd have to look
into wizards to know what could they use, so until then they
Paladin ........................................................................................... 7 are not included in the book.
Oath of the Ancients ...................................................................... 7
Oath of the Conquest .....................................................................7
Oath of the Crown ..........................................................................7 Credits
Oath of the Devotion ......................................................................8
Oath of the Redemption ................................................................8 Cover by Yuta Onoda.
Oath of the Vengeance .................................................................. 8 Barbarian: Arctic Houri, by Alex Alexandrov
Rogue ...............................................................................................8 Barbarian: Berserker, by sunflower204.
Swashbuckler ..................................................................................8 Bard: The Man of Armadon, by Lap Pun Cheung.
Thief ..................................................................................................8 Cleric: Speedpaint: Church Interior, by inetgrafx
Sorcerer ........................................................................................9 Druid: Dryad, by Beaver-Skin
Sorcerer Variant: Study of Self ................................................... 9 Monk: Blind Monk 2, by benedickbana
Divine Soul ...................................................................................... 9 Mystic: q, by Zhihui Su
Warlock .........................................................................................9 Rogue: Pirate by danyiart
Contact the Patron .........................................................................9 Sorcerer: The Archivist, by juliedillion

How to Use This Book Made by Proph. Ribbons for the Mystic Orders were made by
the one and only Xaphedo.
I always loved the inclusion of ribbons in various classes and
subclasses for the flavor they add. However, not all subclasses
are lucky enough to get them. In this document, I try to fix that Disclaimer: We are not responsible for the consequences of
by granting new abilities that shouldn't shift the balance of characters getting tangled in all the new ribbons, or accepting
these classes, but should provide them with something the invitation by a blond-haired bearded man in a shirt of
interesting to do. flames for a trip to the Flavor Town.
Usage of any ribbon is above all at DM's discretion. If your
DM does not approve of any of these ribbons, it should not be

Path of the Ancestral
Stories in Embers
When you reach 3rd level, you know how to pass on what your
ancestors left for the future generations in a unique way.
Whenever you find a flame the size of a torch's flame or bigger,
you can use your action to shape the flame and smoke it
produces in any way you want.
Path of the Battlerager
Brutal Music
At 3rd level, you gain a proficiency in two musical instruments
of your choice, and you learn the shocking grasp cantrip.
When you cast this cantrip on a musical instrument, you give
it a unique metallic sound. This effect ends after one minute
unless the weapon is held by a creature that knows the
shocking grasp cantrip.

Path of the Berserker

Intimidating Presence
Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Charisma
(Intimidation) skill if you don't have it already, and your
proficiency bonus is doubled for any checks you make using
this skill. Additionally, you can choose to replace the Charisma
modifier added to a Charisma (Intimidation) check with your
Strength modifier.
Path of the Storm Herald
Thunder Sense
When you reach 3rd level, you can use your action to predict
the weather for the next 24 hours. You can sense where
within a 5 mile radius will a storm happen, what kind of storm
will it be, and how intense will the storm be.
Path of the Zealot
Holy Wrath
Starting at 3rd level, you learn the thaumaturgy cantrip.
Additionally, at the beginning of each of your turn while
raging, you can cast the thaumaturgy spell (no action
required). When you cast the spell this way, you can keep up
any number of effects at the same time, but all of them end
automatically when your rage ends.
Bard Variant: Magical Student
While some bards use magic through the force of their
personality, there are other bards, who instead learn to use
the magic through their mind. At DM's discretion, you could
play a bard, who learns about various sorts of magic while also
learning other things.
These rules are designed to allow you to play a bard that is
based on Intelligence as their primary ability score for the
class instead of Charisma.
Saving Throws
Your saving throw proficiencies become Dexterity, Intelligence
instead of Dexterity, Charisma when you select this class at
1st level.
Spellcasting Ability
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your bard spells, so
you use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your
spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence
modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a bard spell
you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Spellcasting Focus
You can use an arcane focus (found in chapter 5) as a
spellcasting focus for your bard spells.
Class Feature Alteration
Whenever a bard class feature references your Charisma Cleric
modifier, you must use your Intelligence modifier instead of
your Charisma modifier. Contact the Divine
Starting at 1st level, you can attempt contacting your chosen
deity by performing a 10-minute ritual. Once you do so, roll a
1d100. On a roll equal to your cleric level times 5 or lower, you
can communicate with your deity for 5 minutes, or until either
you or your deity chooses to dismiss this effect (no action

Circle of Dreams
Faerie Spirit
You learned how to become more fey-like as you wish.
Starting at 2nd level, you learn the Sylvan language. Also,
you gain the ability to assume the form of a fey creature when
you use your Wild Shape class feature. When you use the
ability in this way, you retain all of your original game
statistics except your size, speed, and movement forms (you
must still abide by the limitations listed in the Beast Shapes
table). Your ability to cast spells, speak, or take any action that
requires hands is limited to the capabilities of the fey's form.
In addition, you gain temporary hit points equal to
2 × your Druid level.
Circle of the Land
Tongue of the Plants
The voices of the weakest ones are sadly only rarely
heard. The nature has chosen you to be there for its
Starting at 2nd level, you learn how to communicate with
plants. You can use your bonus action to find out what's the
desire of one plant that's not hostile towards you through
touch. This desire is most often something very simple, like
water or sunlight, but sometimes it can be something deeper,
like a friend or a story.
Circle of the Moon
Cycle Perception
Your observation of the nature has granted you a great sense
for the passage of time.
When you reach 2nd level, you have a great sense of time
flow. You always know the exact number of hours left before
the next sunrise, sunset, as well as moonrise, moonset, or
phase of any moon on Material Plane.
Combat Proficiency
Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with improvised
weapons, and you can pick up any number of objects (no
action required), as long as you use each of these objects to
attack this round. You can never hold more than one
improvised weapon in each hand, and some might require to
be wielded with both hands. Also, you can gain proficiency
in any weapon you are not proficient with by practicing
with it for 10 minutes. You lose this proficiency after gaining
another proficiency using this feature, or after finishing a long
Furthermore, whenever you make a Charisma
(Performance) check to perform with weapons you are
proficient in, you can add twice your proficiency bonus instead
of any you would normally add.
Monk Way of the Sun Soul
Way of the Long Death Soul Sight
When you reach 3rd level, whenever your attack hits a
Walking Death creature, it is illuminated ever so slightly. Until the beginning
At 3rd level, you can use your bonus action to suppress your of your next turn, any blinded creature does not suffer
life functions, causing yourself to be detected as dead instead disadvantage when attacking this target. Additionally, you can
of alive, or to end this effect on yourself. Additionally, you can expend 1 ki point when making an attack roll while blinded to
add your Wisdom modifier to the Constitution modifier when make the attack roll without a disadvantage.
determining how long can you hold your breath for.
Way of the Open Hand
Order of the Avatar
Due to your martial arts training, you got an uncanny ability to Empathic Link
move around even when your legs are bound up. Starting at Starting at 3rd level, you are able to transmit or receive
3rd level, you can stand on your hands for an indefinite harmless emotions with a creature when communicating
amount of time. Additionally, you can move solely using your through telepathy.
hands at a rate of 1 feet per 2 feet of movement expended.
Empathic Bond
Starting at 6th level, whenever you touch a willing creature,
you can choose to merge your emotional landscapes into one.
As long as you are on the same plane, whenever one of you
feels an emotion, the other does as well. You can dismiss this
bond as an action, or by creating one with another creature.
Order of the Awakened
Educated Guess
Starting at 3rd level, your perceptions are always measured
and exact. You are able to count seconds and minutes without
error, up to consecutive 8 hours, and you immediately know
the measurements and distances of anything you can clearly
see, down to 1/25th of an inch (or a millimeter).
At 6th level, you can focus an inordinate amount of mental
energy onto a task. Whenever you make an Intelligence,
Wisdom or Charisma check, you can give yourself advantage
on the roll. Until your next long rest, you can't use this feature
again for the skill you boosted and you have disadvantage on
all checks and saving throws made with that same skill.
Order of the Immortal
Defy Annihilation
When you reach 3rd level, massive damage has a harder time
killing you instantly. When damage reduces you to 0 hit points
and there is damage remaining, you don't die due to massive
damage if the remaining damage is less than double your hit
point maximum.
Psionic Reconstitution
Starting at 6th level, if you hold your severed body members
(fingers, legs, tails, and so on) up to their stump for the full
duration of a long rest, they will knit back into their place and
become functional again.

Order of the Nomad Oath of the Conquest
Method of Loci Terror Seeker
Starting at 3rd level when you choose this order, at any point At 3rd level, whenever you use your Divine Sense feature, you
during a long rest you can choose enter a state of self- can also detect which of the creatures you can see within
hypnosis similar to sleep. In this state, you can choose to range are experiencing intense feelings of fear and dread. This
either relive, reinforce, remove or rewrite any memories you manifests to you as jet black spiders crawling on the
acquired since your last long rest. You cannot glean any new creature's skin.
details through the reliving or reinforcing of memories.
However, memories reinforced in this way cannot be lost or
modified unless you wish them to be so. When removing or
Oath of the Crown
rewriting your own memories, you can choose to also forget King Seeker
any recollection of the tampering itself. At 3rd level, your heightened senses can pick on hints that
Soothing Travels show you who do those around you consider to be their ruler.
When you use your Divine Sense feature, you can choose to
Starting at 6th level, whenever you travel a route you haven't name one sovereign. You can detect any of the creatures
traveled on before, you can travel for twice as long without within the range that are loyal to the named sovereign. This
suffering the effects of exhaustion. manifests to you as an insignia somewhere visibly on their
body or clothes.
Order of the Soul Knife
Steady Hand
Starting at 6th level, any time your soul knife deals damage,
you can choose to decrease that damage to any amount, down
to a minimum of 1. Additionally, whenever your soul knife
would reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you can choose to
instead reduce that creature's hit points to 1.
Order of the Wu Jen
Arcane Feedback
Starting at 3rd level, when you are targeted or affected by an
arcane spell you immediately know what spell slot level was
used to cast it, or its equivalent power.
Elemental Affinity
Starting at 6th level, you are able to communicate with
creatures with strong connections with the fundamental
principles of reality. Through a combination of gestures,
sounds, and telepathy you can communicate with elementals
or creatures with strong elemental affinities, such as
creatures that are naturally resistant or immune to an
element, regardless of their Intelligence score or ability to
speak a language.
Oath of the Ancients
Sorrow Seeker
At 3rd level, telling those who are sad and hopeless from the
rest comes far more easily to you. When you use your Divine
Sense feature, you can also tell whether any creature you see
within the range is experiencing strong feelings of sorrow,
hopelessness, or sadness for the duration. You know which
creature experiences them, but you can't detect the reason for
these feelings. These feelings are shown to you through the
shift of creature's skin color to appear more blue.
Oath of Devotion
Deception Seeker
At 3rd level, you have an uncanny sense for those who seem to
deceive others. When you use your Divine Sense feature, you
can also detect the location of any creature within the range
that has knowingly lied within the last hour. This manifests to
you as an image of blackened heart superimposed over the
liar creature.
Oath of the Redemption
Mercy Seeker
At 3rd level, whenever you use your Divine Sense feature, you
can also detect which of the creatures you can see are
experiencing intense feelings of guilt and need forgiveness.
This manifests to you as heavy chains wrapped around the
creature's legs, arms, or neck.
Oath of the Vengeance
Vengeance Seeker
At 3rd level, you have an easy time finding the threads leading
to those who deserve your vengeance. When you use your
Divine sense feature, you can also detect the location of any of
your sworn foes within the 60 feet until the end of your next
turn. This location is manifested by red strings visible only to
you that point to the position of foes in the most direct way
Sea Wolf
When you reach 3rd level, you gain proficiency with vehicles
(water), and navigator's tools. Additionally, you have advantage
on ability checks to keep your balance when standing on a
moving surface.
Professional Estimate
Starting at 3rd level, you can deduce what is a creature
carrying by observing it and making guesses. You can use
your bonus action to observe a creature of your choice,
naming one nonmagical object. The object can't be a specific
object, such as hair from an owlbear I fought yesterday, or a
key to a specific prison cell. You can tell whether the creature
has the object on it or not. After that, you can spend one
minute observing the creature to be able to tell how many of
that object it has.

Sorcerer Variant: Study of Self
Magic comes from within, but some sorcerers could approach
the magic as something to be explored through research. At
DM's discretion, you could play a sorcerer, who learns how
the magic works and how to alter the magic slightly whenever
they cast it using their mind.
These rules are designed to allow you to play a sorcerer
that is based on Intelligence as their primary ability score for
the class instead of Charisma.
Saving Throws
Your saving throw proficiencies become Constitution,
Intelligence instead of Constitution, Charisma when you
select this class at 1st level.
Spellcasting Ability
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your sorcerer spells,
so you use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your
spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence
modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a sorcerer spell
you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Class Feature Alteration
Whenever a sorcerer class feature references your Charisma
modifier, you must use your Intelligence modifier instead of
your Charisma modifier.
Divine Soul
Evidence of the Divine
Starting at 1st level when you choose this archetype, choose
one of the following features: eyes, hair, or mouth. On your
turn, you can choose to transform the chosen feature between
its ordinary appearance, or its divine appearance
(no action required) which reveals your nature to those
around you. Discuss with your DM what is this divine
appearance to the chosen feature. Maybe you have glowing
eyes, or eyes that are two pits of darkness. Maybe your mouth
is filled with rainbows, or moving cogs. Maybe your hair is
made up of steel wires, leaves, glows, a burning flame, and
similar. The transformation is same every time you use it.
Contact the Patron
Starting at 1st level, you can attempt contacting your patron
by performing a 10-minute ritual while burning a sacrifice
that's worth at least an amount of gold pieces equal to your
warlock level times 10, nature of which is determined by your
DM. Once you do so, you can communicate with your patron
for 10 minutes, or until either you or your patron chooses to
dismiss this effect (no action required).

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