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132 kV – 400 kV

Accessories for underground AC cables


Document title ETS-0067 Rev 0 Accessories for underground AC cables

Document no. 13/90592-211

Target group Electricity Transmission and external suppliers

Valid until 1 November 2019
Document Author Reviewer Approver
status Name Date Name Date Name Date
0 Approved RAO 17.08.2017 SSV, JDV, 06.10.2017 JSC 11.10.2017

Technical Standard
Table of contents
1. Scope/introduction ..................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Abbreviations and definitions ....................................................................... 3
2. References and standards .......................................................................................... 3
2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Health and safety requirements ................................................................... 5
2.3 Environmental requirements ........................................................................ 5
2.4 Quality requirements .................................................................................... 5
3. Dependences and conditions...................................................................................... 5
4. Performance requirements ........................................................................................ 5
5. Technical requirements .............................................................................................. 6
5.1 Joints ............................................................................................................. 6
5.1.1 Conductor connector ................................................................... 6
5.1.2 Insulation system ......................................................................... 6
5.1.3 Outer covering ............................................................................. 6
5.1.4 Jointing instructions ..................................................................... 6
5.1.5 Marking of joints .......................................................................... 6
5.2 Terminations ................................................................................................. 7
5.2.1 Insulation system ......................................................................... 7
5.2.2 Jointing instructions ..................................................................... 8
5.2.3 Data sheet – accessories parameters .......................................... 8
6. Design requirements................................................................................................... 8
7. Testing ........................................................................................................................ 9
8. Spare parts .................................................................................................................. 9

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Accessories for underground AC cables

9. Documentation ........................................................................................................... 9
10. Appendices ................................................................................................................. 9

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Accessories for underground AC cables

1. Scope/introduction
This technical component standard specifies Energinet’s technical requirements for acces-
sories for underground High-Voltage (HV) and Extra High-Voltage (EHV) cables to be in-
stalled in the Danish transmission grid.

The standard is intended to be used during tendering for new accessories, tendering for
test of cable systems, etc.

The standard ensures a unified approach to component design, and ensures that all rele-
vant parts of Energinet agree on the requirements.

It should be noted that this standard is related only to the cable accessories; cables are
standardised in Energinet standard ETS-0066. Further, it should be noted that auxiliary
components, such as link boxes, bonding cables, etc., are standardised in ETS-0054.

1.1 Abbreviations and definitions

AIS Air-Insulated System
EDS Energinet design and configuration standard
EGS Energinet guideline
EHV Extra High Voltage
EKS Energinet concept standard
ETS Energinet technical standard
GIS Gas-Insulated System
HV High Voltage
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
SVL Sheath Voltage Limiter
TB Technical Brochure

2. References and standards

2.1 General
The design of HV and EHV cables must in general be based on the most recent version of
the applicable DS/EN standards, IEC standards, and Cigré recommendations, including (but
not limited to):

 DS/EN 60228:2006 Conductors of insulated cables

 IEC 60287-1-1:2006 Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 1-1:
Current rating equations (100 % load factor) and calculation of losses – General
 IEC 60287-1-1:2006/AMD1:2014 Amendment 1 – Electric cables – Calculation of
the current rating – Part 1-1: Current rating equations (100 % load factor) and cal-
culation of losses – General
 IEC 60287-1-2:1993 Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 1:
Current rating equations (100 % load factor) and calculations of losses – Section 2:
Sheath eddy current loss factors for two circuits in flat formation
 DS/IEC 60287-1-3:2002 Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 1-
3: Current rating equations (100 % load factor) and calculation of losses – Current

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Accessories for underground AC cables

sharing between parallel single-core cables and calculation of circulating current

 DS/IEC 60287-2-1:2015 Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 2-
1: Thermal resistance – Calculation of the thermal resistance
 IEC 60287-2-2:1995 Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 2:
Thermal resistance – Section 2: A method for calculating reduction factors for
groups of cables in free air, protected from solar radiation
 DS/IEC 60287-3-1:2017 Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 3-
1: Operating conditions – Site reference conditions
 IEC 60287-3-3:2007 Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 3-3:
Sections on operating conditions – Cables crossing external heat sources
 IEC TS 60815-1:2008 Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators in-
tended for use in polluted conditions – Part 1: Definitions, information and general
 IEC TS 60815-2:2008 Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators in-
tended for use in polluted conditions – Part 2: Ceramic and glass insulators for a.c.
 IEC TS 60815-3:2008 Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators in-
tended for use in polluted conditions – Part 3: Polymer insulators for a.c. systems
 IEC TS 60815-4:2016 Selection and dimensioning of high-voltage insulators in-
tended for use in polluted conditions – Part 4: Insulators for d.c. systems
 DS/IEC 60840:2012 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories
for rated voltages above 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) – Test
methods and requirements
 DS/IEC 62067:2012 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories
for rated voltages above 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) up to 500 kV (Um =550 kV) – Test
methods and requirements
 DS/EN 62271-209:2007 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 209: Cable
connections for gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above
52 kV – Fluid-filled and extruded insulation cables – Fluid-filled and dry-type cable-
 Cigré TB 303:2006 Revision of qualification procedures for high voltage and extra
high voltage AC extruded underground cable systems
 Cigré TB 347:2008 Earth Potential Rises in specially bonded Screen Systems
 Cigré TB 560:2013 Guideline to Maintaining the Integrity of XLPE Cable Accesso-

Furthermore, at least the following Energinet standards should be taken into account with
reference to underground HV and EHV cables:

EKS-0069 132 kV and 150 kV underground AC cable systems

EKS-0070 220 kV and 400 kV underground AC cable systems

EDS-0074 Installation of underground AC cables in urban areas

EDS-0075 Installation of underground AC cables in rural areas

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Accessories for underground AC cables

EDS-0077 Design of underground AC cable systems

ETS-0054 Bonding equipment and auxiliary equipment for underground AC cable systems
ETS-0066 Underground AC cables
ETS-0082 Testing of underground cables and accessories

EGS-0085 Underground AC cables – joint data sheet

EGS-0086 Underground AC cables – termination data sheet

2.2 Health and safety requirements

Accessories must be designed in a way that takes health and safety into consideration to
the absolute highest possible level for everybody involved in design, production, transport,
installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of the compo-

2.3 Environmental requirements

Accessories must be designed in a way that takes environmental aspects into consideration
to the absolute highest possible level. This means that accessories must be designed to
minimise the environmental impact on the entire lifecycle of the individual accessory, in-
cluding design, production, transport, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance,
and decommissioning of the component.

2.4 Quality requirements

In addition to the standard ISO certificates, etc., Energinet expects accessories to be pro-
duced in a way that makes it possible to trace the quality of all subcomponents (casting
mould, insulation compound, etc.) to the furthest possible extent along the entire cable
route. This will enable a better and more accurate root cause analysis in case of future
accessory failures.

3. Dependences and conditions

Section intentionally left blank; dependences and conditions specified elsewhere.

4. Performance requirements
The accessories must be designed and manufactured for a lifetime of at least 40 (forty)

The accessories must be capable of handling all mechanical forces during installation, buri-
al, and repair.

The accessories must be designed to withstand the same electrical environment as the
cables, including fault currents, maximum operational voltage, impulse voltages, etc., and
tested according to ETS-0082.

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Accessories for underground AC cables

Furthermore, the accessories must be able to ensure water tightness (no radial and longi-
tudinal water penetration) throughout the lifetime.

5. Technical requirements
5.1 Joints
5.1.1 Conductor connector
Energinet allows all conductor connector types, if they are prequalified through previously
performed prequalification and type tests according to ETS-0082.

5.1.2 Insulation system

All straight and cross-bonding joints must be of the pre-moulded type. The insulation sys-
tem must be prequalified through previously performed prequalification and type tests
according to ETS-0082.

5.1.3 Outer covering

It is up to the accessories manufacturer to define the design of the outer covering of the
joint, i.e. the mechanical protection (joint housing, shrink tube, etc.). However, the outer
covering must meet the requirements of ETS-0082.

5.1.4 Jointing instructions

Jointing instructions are supplied by the accessories manufacturer and are available in
Energinet’s records. Jointing instructions for the delivered joint must be prequalified
through previously performed prequalification and type tests according to ETS-0082.

5.1.5 Marking of joints Design
 The signs must be made of black resopal plastic with a yellow surface. The text
must be ingraved through the yellow surface layer, so the text appears clearly.
 The signs for the joints must be equipped with an 8 mm hole in each side for
mounting on uneven surfaces.
Size Font Font size Mounting holes
60 x 155 mm Arial 7 mm Yes (8 mm)

 The first row must contain the name of the cable (HK number) followed by which
substations it is connected to. The names of the substations must be in alphabeti-
cal order in accordance with how it is filed.
 The second row must contain the voltage level of the cable, enclosed by the sub-
stations' abbreviations. The names of the substations must be in alphabetical or-
 The third row must contain the phase number and the joint number as indicated
in the single-line diagram.

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Accessories for underground AC cables

Figure 1: Correctly marked sign for cable joints. Mounting
 If there are no even surfaces for mounting of the sign, the mounting holes can be
used to tie the sign around the joint with a cord. The cord used for this must not
be electrically conductive or magnetic and must be weather resistant.
 On even surfaces, weather and water resistant silicone sealant must be used to
fasten the signs to the joints.

5.2 Terminations
5.2.1 Insulation system Outdoor terminations
All outdoor terminations must be of the pre-moulded type. The insulation system must be
prequalified through previously performed prequalification and type tests according to
ETS -0082.

The selection and dimensioning of the insulators must be performed according to

IEC 60815 (pollution level III). Energinet does not allow porcelain insulators.

Energinet allows only dry-type (oil-free and SF6-free) terminations for voltage levels up to
and including 170 kV.

Furthermore, Energinet prefers dry-type (oil-free and SF6-free) terminations for voltage
levels above 170 kV. If this is not possible, SF6-filled terminations are preferred over oil-
filled terminations. All metal surfaces forming part of the sealing of the insulating medium
must be corrosion resistant.

Terminations include the insulator with all interior components, corona rings, oil reservoir
(where applicable), and gauges for monitoring of oil/gas pressure.

Terminations using external oil tanks must have a visual indication of the amount of oil or
pressure in the tank – clearly visible from ground level.

All terminations must incorporate suitable oil/gas, level/pressure, alarm outputs.

For insulated support, each termination foot must be provided with four support insulators.

The design of the galvanised steel support structures will be specified on a project-by-
project basis.

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Accessories for underground AC cables

All terminations must be designed to accommodate internal arc faults. GIS terminations

The construction of GIS terminations must be in accordance with the latest version of
DS/EN 62271-209.

The line between cable supply and GIS plant supply is drawn according to DS/EN 62271-
209. The cable manufacturer and the GIS plant manufacturer are obliged to cooperate and
assist Energinet in laying down the final construction.

The earth connection of the cable screens must be separated from the earth connection of
the GIS plant, and the GIS terminations must be constructed to be able to withstand all
testing of the cable system.

Where GIS terminations are connected to GIS switchgear, insulation surfaces in air must be
able to withstand very fast switching surges, or they must be protected with local SVLs.

For single-point bonded systems, the GIS termination includes the necessary overvoltage
protection, including assembly parts between the earthed cable screen and the GIS switch-
gear across the insulation flange. The protection (e.g. SVLs) must be designed to allow test
of the cable without dismantling the protection devices, or with very easy dismantling of
the protection devices.

Since GIS terminations are often installed within normal reach of personnel, overvoltages
above 50 V on open metallic surfaces during short circuits must be protected with a physi-
cal barrier.

All terminations must be designed to accommodate internal arc faults.

5.2.2 Jointing instructions

Jointing instructions are supplied by the accessories manufacturer and are available in
Energinet’s records. Jointing instructions for the delivered termination must be prequalified
through previously performed prequalification and type tests according to ETS-0082.

5.2.3 Data sheet – accessories parameters

A data sheet of relevant accessories parameters is filled in by the accessories manufacturer
and is available in Energinet’s records. The empty standard template of the data sheet,
which is to be filled in by accessories supplier, is found in EGS-0085 for joints and in
EGS-0086 for terminations.

6. Design requirements
Section intentionally left blank; design requirements specified elsewhere.

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Accessories for underground AC cables

7. Testing
Reference is made according to ETS-0082.

8. Spare parts
Section intentionally left blank; spare parts specified elsewhere.

9. Documentation
Drawings and manufacturer documentation of all bonding equipment and auxiliary equip-
ment must be kept on record in Energinet’s archive. This includes, but is not limited to:

 Drawings
 Technical specifications
 Test certificates
 Risk-assessed method statements for installation under normal conditions
 Risk-assessed method statements for installation under induced voltages
o Including photos and figures of how to maintain proper grounding of all
metal parts at all times
 Risk-assessed method statements for repair under induced voltages
o Including photos and figures of how to maintain proper grounding of all
metal parts at all times
 Risk-assessed method statements for maintenance
 Specification of all materials used
 Safety sheets for all chemicals
 Test reports
o Voltage
o Water tightness
o Corrosion tests (if applicable)
o Short-circuit current tests
o Mechanical strength
 List of tools and spare parts needed, including shelf lifetime of subparts
 Maintenance plan

All documentation must be equipped with the 'Energinet cable number' to which the doc-
umentation applies (e.g. HK1206).

Energinet reserves the right to distribute documentation (or parts thereof) to third parties,
if the third-party work is dependent on knowledge stated in the documentation.

10. Appendices
No appendices.

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