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Group NO. 5
Haroon Arshad Roll no:16
Hammad Ahmed Roll no:15

Fizza Azeem Roll no:14

First of all we are thankful to Allah almighty for giving us the strength to complete this project.
We are also thankful to Mr. Tahir Masood for his guidance and help in making this project.
Telenor was launched in Pakistan in the march 2005. Despite facing fierce competition it has
managed to make its mark in the telecommunication industry and captured a huge consumer
base. It is a provider of high quality telecommunications and media communication services and
is ranked, as the 7th largest mobile operator in the world, and caters to over 153 million
subscribers. Today after four years of its existence in Pakistan, Telenor is the fastest growing
cellular network in the country. It offers a variety of packages which cater to the needs of people
from all walks of life. Telenor has been technically innovative coming up with various new
services such as ‘easy-load’, ‘Telenor mobile TV’, ‘Auto location service” to name a few. Its
marketing efforts in promoting such services have ensured that their product is differentiated
from its competitors, which helped them take hold of a large portion of the market share. This
report covers all major aspects of Telenor’s leading telecommunication services in Pakistan
including a thorough analysis of its progress and future goals for the years to come.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................................4
INTRODUCTION TO THE INDUSTY...............................................................................................................7
INTRODUCTION TO THE COMPANY............................................................................................................8
CHAPTER ONE...........................................................................................................................................12
INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATIONS.........................................................................12
Managers and managerial levels............................................................................................................12
Management skills.................................................................................................................................14
Management roles.................................................................................................................................15
Importance of customers to the manager’s job......................................................................................16
Importance of innovation to the manager’s job.....................................................................................16
Telenor as an organization.....................................................................................................................17
CHAPTER SEVEN........................................................................................................................................20
FOUNDATIONS OF PLANNING..................................................................................................................20
What is planning?..................................................................................................................................20
Variation of goals..................................................................................................................................23
Types of plans.......................................................................................................................................23
Establishing goals and developing plans...............................................................................................23
Chapter 3...................................................................................................................................................26
Environment & Culture.............................................................................................................................26
Organizational Culture:.........................................................................................................................26
Symbolic or omnipotent:.......................................................................................................................26
Organization’s Culture..........................................................................................................................26
Working Environment:..............................................................................................................................27
Flexible working hours........................................................................................................................27
Open-plan offices.................................................................................................................................27
The Environment......................................................................................................................................28
Telenor’s specific environment:............................................................................................................29
Chapter # 8................................................................................................................................................32
Strategic Management...........................................................................................................................32
Mission Statement:................................................................................................................................32
SWOT Analysis.....................................................................................................................................34
Formulating and implementing strategies:.............................................................................................38
Monitoring and evaluating:....................................................................................................................39
BCG MATRIX..............................................................................................................................................40
Competitive Strategies:..........................................................................................................................42
Porter’s five forces:...............................................................................................................................42
CHAP 11.....................................................................................................................................................45
Communication Model:.........................................................................................................................45
Verbal and non-verbal communication:...................................................................................................50
Formal or informal communication:........................................................................................................51
Communication network:.........................................................................................................................51
Communication methods followed by telenor:.......................................................................................53
ATTITUDE CHANGE AND INTERACTIVE COMMUNICATION.....................................................................54
Managerial mode of communication in telenor:.....................................................................................54
CHAP 6.......................................................................................................................................................55
Decision making process:.........................................................................................................................55
Decision making types:.............................................................................................................................58
Modes of decisions :( rational, bounded rational, or intuitive)...............................................................59
Decision making conditions:.....................................................................................................................60
The future of Pakistan’s telecommunication industry is far from bright. Pakistan
Telecommunication Authority (PTA) successfully liberalized the telecom sector of Pakistan in
an efficient, transparent and fastest deregulation of telecom in the region1.

The total fixed line subscribers stand at 4.4 million of our country’s population and this figure
increases day by day catering to the unmatched needs of our nation. This can be viewed by the
total Investment made during 2007-08 in all segments of Telecom Sector which was US$ 3,113
million. The Telecom revenues of Pakistan in 2007-08 reached Rs. 278 billion, which were 18
percent more than of previous year. These figures alone show the growth made by our
telecommunication industry form when it began almost 60 years ago.

Degree of substitutability

The major firms in the telecom sector include Telenor, Mobilink, Ufone, Warid, Paktel, Zong
and the newly introduced Wateen. All of them have significant market shares and offer
competitive and attractive packages so there is a great deal of substitutability within the market.
All of them have the same goal, to capture the maximum amount of subscribers, so they tend to
offer similar packages at very low rates. Companies might lose customers if they charge high
prices for the same packages that are being offered by different telecommunication companies at
substantially lower rates, or if there is a downfall in their respective quality of services.
However there will always be a number of customers who are brand loyal and who would not
want to go through the hassle of changing their numbers. For this purpose now all the telecom
companies have a number portability offer in which a subscriber can change his/her service
without changing their number. Despite that, all of these firms agree on one point that there is no
such thing as a perfect network and some amount of variation will always be present.

Historical Development:

For 150 years Telenor has pioneered communication technology. They came into being because
they found it was necessary to enable movement and development across Scandinavia’s long
distance and harsh natural conditions. Today however they are a major worldwide player, but
their focus remains the same: helping people to communicate. At the heart of the brand is its
logo. Telenor’s logo is a symbol of balance, movement and change. It represents their
philosophy of innovation and democratic process and takes its inspiration from Scandinavia’s
long history of design inspired by nature. Ofcourse a brand is much more than just a logo – it’s a
set of ideas, a way of doing things and measure of behaviour.

Telenor reached the global market on the basis of its strong positions in satellite
communications, in mobile communications and in domestic Internet activities.

Telenor acquired the license for providing GSM services in Pakistan on April 2004, and
launched its services commercially in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Karachi on March 15, 2005.
The official opening was held in Islamabad with the former President of Pakistan, General
Pervez Musharraf, as the guest of honour and a Telenor delegation headed by the CEO of
Telenor, Jon Fredrik Baksaas. On March 23, 2005 Telenor started its services in Lahore,
Faisalabad and Hyderabad. It has its corporate headquarters in Islamabad, with regional offices
in Karachi and Lahore.
Its primary aim is to offer top quality mobile services and promote healthy competition in the
mobile market. Its first step after entering the Pakistani market was to grab everyone’s attention
so it sold some of its simcards for free. It had to face a lot of obstacles during its course of
establishment such as the publication of blasphemes cartoons. But it overcame all the initial
hurdles and is now one of the major telecommunication companies of Pakistan.2

Telenor Pakistan
Telenor’s wide network offers both postpaid and prepaid packages. The postpaid packages are
mainly for businessmen and for the ‘elite class’ who carry out phone calls for most of their tasks
and demand a lot more out of mobile communication. They are best suited for personal as well as
business needs, while providing quality connectivity along with value added features and
dedicated customer services.

Telenor's postpaid package called ‘Persona’ gives the customer freedom of getting more while
paying less. They offer different services within the postpaid package, these include summaries
of bills and free minutes over SMSs, access level and credit limit information, being able to
check the price plan details, using the USB stick, Telenor mobile TV service, song dedication
packages, downloading smart tunes and auto location services. Telenor persona also introduces
direct debit Service that offers its customers comfort and ease of paying their mobile phone bills
automatically through VISA card or Master credit card.

However for consumers who were unable to utilize the postpaid packages, the company
introduced a number of prepaid packages, where a subscriber himself recharges his account by
using different scratch cards available in the market.

There are a number of attractive prepaid packages offered which target different consumers. This
includes ‘talk-shawk’, which in their opinion is the smartest package for calling any network at
any time. This package is for the masses and not just a specific segment of the population. Its
salient features include Aik Paisa SMSs, picshare, bubble message, easy load, content download,
smart tunes, akhbar (news paper) service, GPRS/WAP portal, EDGE (enhanced data rates for
GSM evolution) auto location service and IVR music mantra. Since the arrival of this package
Telenor has experienced significant increase in their sales revenue.
Telenor’s latest addition to its prepaid package includes ‘Djuice; which was launched in Pakistan
in March 2005. Djuice brings its customers with more than just an experience it brings them a
lifestyle of fun and entertainment. It brings the best rates to help stay in touch, gives you access
to the coolest downloads, the trendiest mobile services like Telenor TV, Smart Share, SMS
Timer… to name just a few; and mobile entertainment galore. It is the first name in mobile
Instant Messaging; Meaning you get to bring all your online buddies straight to your mobile

In a broad-spectrum the market for this prepaid package generally targets the chic teenagers who
use SMS and MMS services on a regular basis. With very low SMS and MMS rates, this
package is very convenient for the youth of Pakistan.
Managers and managerial levels
No organization in the world can work successfully without having efficient and effective
managers who plan, organize, lead, and control the work force. Telenor is a similar multi-
national telecommunication firm which is, along with other factors, also dependent on its
managers. Managers are mainly the ones who coordinate and oversee the work of others so that
the organizational goals can be accomplished and are therefore the most important members of
the organization. At Telenor, managers are given tremendous importance and there is specific
focus on management development, and therefore the group management has devised five
leadership requirements that apply to all managers in the group, and all management groups shall
discuss what these requirements mean to them. The demands that are to be fulfilled by the
managers at Telenor are: passion of business, change and constant renewal, operational
excellence, empower people and integrity. Most importantly, all managers are subject to annual
evaluations based on these management criteria.

In every organization there are three basic levels of management, the first-line managers,
middle managers and top managers. The first-line managers at Telenor include the assistant
managers, who report to the managers responsible for different departments, such as the
Manager Corporate Sales North, Manager Corporate Sales South and etc. These managers report
to the middle level managers, also known as the Directors of the organization, who include
Director Post Paid, Director Customer Relations, Director Pre-paid and etc. These middle level
managers in return are responsible to the Top level managers, who include the CMO (chief
marketing officer), CTIO (chief technical and information officer), CFO (chief financial officer)
and etc. In every organization there is one person who is the head of the entire organization,
known as the CEO. This is the highest level of management and all Top level managers report to
the CEO of the firm. The organizational chart below illustrates the organizational structure of

Efficiency and Effectiveness

Telenor being the world’s seventh largest mobile operator focuses on efficiency as well as
effectiveness. However, when interviewed, a manager at Telenor reported that the firm, having a
result orientated culture, stresses more upon effectiveness.

Management functions

The functions that are to be performed by the managers are planning, organizing, leading and
controlling. Fulfilling these functions the successful Telenor group has planned and prioritized
to deliver increased profitable growth, strengthen their performance culture across the group, to
make responsible business a competitive advantage, to provide a superior customer experience,
to ensure best practice benchmarking across the group and to drive change and constant renewal.
The managers are committed to assisting employees in exploring, developing and maximizing
their full potential, encouraging continuing education through internal and external training and
development opportunities. A manager, at Telenor, explained in brief words, what measures are
taken by the managers there to plan, organize, lead and control, as follows:

“The managers at Telenor have to ensure smooth and timely operations. In order to streamline
these things the managers usually adhere to the policy of task prioritization. Once the priority of
a job at hand is marked then only can there be affective team building, assignment breakup,
financial aspects and the lead time can be setup to plan, organize, lead and control projects.”

Management skills
The managers at Telenor are extremely multi-skilled and are well specialized in their own fields. The
fine-line managers, such as the Corporate Sales North manager, have effective levels of technical skills,
as these managers are directly linked with the production workforce. This level of management manages
the employees who are using tools and techniques to produce the firm’s products and services and
therefore require greater need of effective technical skills than required at any other levels of
management. Human skills that involve the ability to work well with others, individually or in a group,
are required at all levels of management. Managers at Telenor are encouraged do work in groups and
coordinate with each other, therefore special workshops are held in order to develop the human skills in
the workforce. Both local and foreign training is given to the employees to enhance their skills. An
interesting activity is carried out by the managers at Telenor Pakistan, for the sake of team-building and
better understanding amongst the employees, known as the ‘Away Day’. The employees all together go to
visit any place in Pakistan just for the sake of bonding with their co-workers. It is a part of the team-
building exercises held at Telenor very often. The conceptual skills mainly come in handy to the top
level management and are therefore used by the chiefs of Telenor to think and conceptualize about
abstract situations. This senior level of management is responsible for the identification of opportunities
for innovation, recognizing problem areas and implementing solutions, selecting critical information from
masses of data and similar tasks. The chiefs make use of their experience and the available information to
further develop their conceptual skills. Communication skills are extremely important at all levels of
management. At Telenor Pakistan, Mr. Syed Hasnat Masood is Director Corporate Communications. His
department is responsible for the External Corporate Communications deals with the media to establish
company position on various subjects, Internal Corporate Communications streamlines management-
employee interactions to create better understanding of corporate objectives and Corporate Responsibility
aims to integrate community relations into corporate strategy. Great emphasis is laid upon the importance
of customer relations and therefore employees at Telenor are easily accessible to all their customers in
order to solve their problems and queries. The organization states that their vision is simple and it exists
to help customers get the full benefit of communications services in their daily lives. They are here to
help. Their vision and values define a common approach for all their employees setting out how they do
business at Telenor. They provide a fundamental guide for taking care of their customers. A standard is
set for how they work in order to create sustainable value for their shareholders, customers, employees
and partners. The communication within the organization, amongst the employees is also very effective,
the goals and aims are made very clear to them. The friendly environment at Telenor enables its
employees to comfortably listen and ask questions. Presentation skills are highly appreciated, and the
ability to transform ideas into words is also rewarded and encouraged.

Management roles
Management roles mainly refer to the managerial behaviour, Telenor having a typical
organizational structure makes the roles for managers very clear. All managers are leaders of the
ones who report to them, and they are responsible for the motivation of subordinates, staffing,
training and associated duties. For example the CEO leads the chief levels officers and they in
return lead the middle level managers. This form of leadership falls under the category of an
interpersonal roles played by the managers. Other roles that fall under the same category are the
figurehead and the liaison. The figure head of the organization is the CEO, who greets
important visitors and signs legal documents. He is obliged to perform a number of routine duties
of a legal or social nature. Liaisons acknowledge mail, handle external board work and perform
other activities that involve outsiders. This role is played by the chief level managers who
maintain self-developed networks of outside contacts and informers who provide favours and
information. The informational role as a spokes person is mostly played by the CEO of the
company who holds board meetings to give information to the media, however in certain
situations other senior level managers many also do this job. Other informational roles such as
the monitor and disseminator are also played by the top or middle level managers as they to
some extend require authoritative power. Decisional roles, however, are played only by the top
level management, such as the CEO as an entrepreneur, as they require the organizing of the
strategies and reviewing sessions to develop new programs. The resource allocator also is a top
level manager who is responsible for the allocation of the organizational resources. The
disturbance handler makes decisions using his experience when the organization faces
important unexpected disturbances. A negotiator also needs to be well experienced and is
therefore one of the top level managers as he represents the organization at major negotiations.

Importance of customers to the manager’s job

Customers are the most important of all stakeholders to an organization. At Telenor it is believed
that their values are a constant reminder to them of how they should serve all their customers
around the world. They inspire them to be a driving force in modern communications and
customer satisfaction. At Telenor, they want to make it easy for their customers to get what they
want, when they want it. They claim to keep promises and do what they say they will do. They
also claim to innovate to deliver fresh ideas. And, as an international company, they promise to
respect the customers and their local cultures.

Importance of innovation to the manager’s job

In today’s dynamic work environment innovation is the key to success. Different phrases are
used by Telenor to emphasis on the importance of innovation and to make its function clear –
e.g. making tomorrow today, the future is now. Authorities at Telenor clearly promote
innovation, working with academic and industrial partners worldwide, Telenor is constantly
developing, testing and demonstrating new mobile services and technology solutions. Their main
research areas are wireless broadband, future SIM, connected objects, content and services,
profitability in emerging markets. The Telenor Research & Innovation unit is an innovation hub
for the Telenor Group. With three locations in Norway and a satellite in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, Telenor R&I employees 236 people from 23 countries. The Telenor Group provides a
wide range of innovative services that are available throughout the world. They have categorized
this selection into 3 portions:

Mobile fun; which consists of mobile sports, mobile music, mobile communities and mobile

Mobile interaction; which consists of community information centers, teledoctors, mobile in

flight, mobile at sea, and ApnaPCO – share a mobile.

Mobile commerce; diGiREMIT – mobile banking, cellBazaar – marketplace in your pocket,

billpay – pay by phone.

Telenor Research and Innovation (R&I) is an innovation hub for the Telenor Group with
particular focus on strategically driven innovations with a long-term perspective. The R&I unit’s
competence areas include users, markets, business models, technology and commercialization.
Experimentation, testing and demonstration facilities are part of the work. Telenor R&I
practice’s an open innovation model based on cooperation with leading users, businesses,
universities and institutes.

R&I is a competence resource centre for the Telenor Group, providing expertise and advice, and
challenges to management on existing strategies and business mindset. The unit also provides
significant support to the business units through joint projects. R&I is wholly owned by Telenor.

The Telenor Innovation Prize is an annual award designed to highlight the great significance
research and innovation have in forming our future society. The award also aims to encourage
efforts in the telecommunication field. Every year we choose a new theme for the award. For
2008 the theme was: “The impact of internet and communication technology on the home and
consumer environment”.

Telenor as an organization
Telenor can be described as a contemporary organization. It has a dynamic and flexible work
environment. At Telenor they believe their employees perform best when they enjoy the benefits
and flexibility that their communication technology allows: with a laptop, a cell phone and
network access, you can do your job almost anywhere, at any time. Parents can combine work
and family in a way that better suits their schedule; employees who like to work at odd hours
may do so.

It is up to you. Work is something you do – it is not a location.

It has a skilled-focused workforce and work is defined in terms of tasks to be done. Work at
Telenor is team-orientated and, as mentioned earlier, special team-building exercises are carried
out regularly. Employees also participate in decision making and because of the firm being
customer orientated they are given the authority to take any decisions that satisfy the needs of
their customers.

Management is a very universal field and is useful at every post in every organization. At
Telenor efficient management techniques and methods are practiced at every level in the

Rewards and challenges of being a manager at Telenor

Despite the hard work the managers at Telenor have to put up with, their job is equally
rewarding. Although their success is highly dependent on other’s work performances, once
successful they receive satisfying salaries and bonuses. Telenor, being a multi-nation firm,
enables its managers to interact with different people from different cultures and different
societies, adding to their experience and giving them plenty of exposure. The innovative nature
of the organization also gives the managers many opportunities to think creatively and use their
imagination. It sure is difficult to blend knowledge, skills, ambitions and experiences of a diverse
work group but being a manager means to give support and coaching to others which results in
extreme self-satisfaction and the feeling of achievement. Telenor is one of the largest cellular
companies of the world its managers are well recognized and receive high status in the
communities they are located in. Upon being asked, a manager at Telenor answered that the main
reward of this position is the empowerment, while one of the main challenges is being
completely accountable for the tasks and work assigned to them.
Ever since Telenor has been established in Pakistan the management model is the same, that is,
there are multiple managers who report to the directors who then report to the Chief level
managers. The drawback of this structure is that multiple number of managers handling distinct
departments report to a single manager, who obviously does not hold expertise in every
department. For example the director of marketing is reported by manager prepaid and manager
post paid, none the less, he is also reported by the manager business intelligence. This results in
cross functions, that is, business intelligence is a different business function, which is IT related,
than marketing functions. Therefore Telenor needs to restructure the model to break up these
cross functions within the organization.

Telenor has a flat organizational structure, that is, there are too many managers at the lower
level. This results in less managerial satisfaction in terms of career growth. Managerial layers
can be increased in order to increase satisfaction and motivation. Layers can be added for
exceptional performances. This will also help the previous point, as the responsibility will be
shared at each level.

Telenor is diversifying is businesses, it is now offering financial services, media channels as well
as broadband. Instead of hiring new employees Telenor should train and promote its existing
staff to higher posts, and recruit new employees at lower levels of the organization. This would
enable the employees to experience growth and it would also promote Telenor’s culture
throughout the new businesses.


What is planning?
Every action and decision is initiated by planning, planning involves defining the organizations
goals. Upon interviewing a manager at Telenor , he defined planning as – ‘The initial stage of
any assignment or project at hand in which one has to analyze and forecast the various project
elements, goals & targets, bottlenecks, stakeholders and the way about to execute’. And he
defined the purpose of planning as –‘The basic element required to execute a project’.

There are two forms of planning, formal and informal. In informal planning nothing is written
down and there is little or no sharing of goals with other in the organization. it is also a very
general form of planning which lack continuity. Formal planning, on the other hand, specifies
goals covering a longer period of time. The goals are shared with all member of the organization
to reduce ambiguity and make the aims, which are to be reached, clear. Lastly the managers
define how these goals are to be reached. Telenor practices both informal and formal planning.
Informal planning is obviously done by the lower levels of the organization, while the top levels
of the organization devise formal plans.

The Telenor Group has a strong track record of delivering on ambitious goals. It states “By
2011, we aim to be one of the fastest growing mobile operators in the world, with a strong
broadband position in all markets, successfully developing new services and adopting new and
responsible business models.”

Purposes of planning and types of goals

The main purposes of planning are to provide direction to managers and non managers
altogether, to reduce uncertainty, to minimize waste and redundancy and to establish the goals or
standards used in controlling. These goals can be categorized in two ways: stated goals and real
goals. Stated goals are the ones mentioned in the company’s official statements and what they
want their stakeholders to believe, on the other hand, real goals are the ones that are actually
pursued by the organization. Telenor has more specific stated goals as follows:

1. To deliver increased profitable growth

The Telenor Group aims to achieve a substantial revenue increase in the years to come. This
growth will mainly come from existing businesses. We will seek to increase our core mobile and
fixed voice revenues and explore broadband opportunities in our emerging markets. The Telenor
Group is also investing in adjacent markets, such as basic financial services and machine-to-
machine (M2M) communication worldwide.

2. To strengthen our performance culture across the Group

In all our operating companies, we will continue the successful practice of combining a local
approach with global expertise. This means that the local management teams will build a unique
performance culture based on their own initiatives and in line with the Telenor governance
model, Codes of Conduct, vision and values, our people policy and the way we work across
borders. In terms of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE), our objective is to improve working
conditions and environmental management by having clearly defined standards across our
operating companies and supply chains.

3. To make responsible business a competitive advantage

Corporate responsibility at Telenor will be part of managing risk and linked to our core business.
For example, the measures we have taken to fight climate change are motivated both by our
commitment to corporate responsibility and by an enlightened view of associated business
benefits and opportunities: what is good for the environment is also good for business. Telenor
now has clearly defined targets on CO2 emissions from its operations - not just to help save our
planet, but to save energy and money. Telenor has a strong track record when it comes to
sustainable business: it was ranked top performer by the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes
(DJSI) in 2007 and 2008.

4. To provide a superior customer experience

Faced with an increasingly competitive environment, Telenor needs to differentiate itself by
providing a superior customer experience. In our vision – we’re here to help – and core values
(make it easy, keep promises, be inspiring, be respectful), we put customer experience at the top
of the agenda throughout the Telenor Group. One of our ambitions is to reach a situation where
end-users’ brand preference is higher than the Telenor market share for all operating companies.

5. To ensure best practice benchmarking across the Group

Telenor will undertake benchmarking and best practice sharing across the Group. A global
objective is to achieve a higher reduction in the average operational cost per minute than the
expected decline in average price per minute. The Telenor Group aims to achieve considerable
continued growth in operating cash flow from all of its operations.

6. To drive change and constant renewal

To secure a strong industry position, we need to innovate in everything we do. To get the most
out of our efforts, we have prioritized five group-wide innovation areas:

Broadband outside the Nordic countries. Our long-term ambition is to achieve the same
position in broadband (mobile and fixed) as we have in mobile voice today.

Connected objects / M2M.  The “Internet of things.” The Telenor Group is working to establish
itself as a global player within this rapidly growing and potentially huge market.

Financial services.  The Telenor Group aims to establish itself as a significant player in parts of
the financial services industry in select under-serviced markets, establishing a platform for long-
term growth.

Partner innovation. The Telenor Group controls many valuable assets that can be further
developed together with partners. Partner-driven innovation is a cost-effective way to create
many new revenue-generating services.

Climate change. Our number one priority is to reduce CO2 emissions. The Telenor Group aims
to be part of the climate solution by de-carbonizing business processes and reducing physical
travel and transport.
Variation of goals
Every organization, to a certain extent, faces obstacles while working towards fulfilling their
stated goals. This aspect at Telenor is made clear by a manager when he answered some
questions as followed:

What factors influence the nature of the stated goals at Telenor?

Answer: Company targets and values

If at all, to what extend do the stated goals vary from the real goals?

Answer: Stated goals may seem to vary from the real goals but in the longer run, both are always

Types of plans
The above mentioned stated goals are followed by an explanation of why and how these goals
are to be attained. These plans apply to the entire organization and to some extend also specify
the details of how the goals are to be achieved, therefore they can fall under both the categories
of strategic plans as well as operational plans.

Telenor’s short term plans that are aimed to be fulfilled within a year’s time period include
lowering call rates in order to compete with the other telecommunication firms. On the other
hand it is stated that one of their long term ambitions is to achieve the same position in
broadband (mobile and fixed) as they have in mobile voice today.

Specific plans are plans that are clearly defined, while directional plans are the flexible ones
that set out general guidelines. A manager at Telenor answered a related question as follows:

Do managers at Telenor use directional or specific plans? Why?

Answer: Directional plans as all projects are different from each other and require customized
plans rather than a specific chain of plans.

Establishing goals and developing plans

A typical traditional goal setting approach is when the goals are set at the top of the organization
and then broken into sub goals of each organizational level, on the other hand MBO
(management by objectives) is a process of setting mutually agreed upon goals and using those
goals to evaluate employee performance. However, at Telenor things work a little differently, as
mentioned by a manager in the answers to the following questions:

Does Telenor follow a traditional approach for planning? (I.e. do only the top level managers

Answer: No. The planning is being exercised from the initial level to the manager level.

Does Telenor follow a traditional goal setting approach or MBO? Why?

Answer: Traditional approach, as it marks the standard of the company being followed across the
board by every individual.

Well-designed goals at Telenor

Also, he defined well-designed goals as ‘being achievable and possible and they should be
realistic and timed to avoid delays.’

Steps in goal setting

Telenor’s management strictly believes that all steps in setting goals are necessary in order to
fulfill them. Therefore all steps starting from reviewing the organization’s mission, evaluating
available resources, determining the goals individually, writing the goals and communicating
them to all those who need to know and lastly reviewing the results whether the goals are met or
not, are given equal importance.

Criticisms of planning

It is reported that at Telenor, the only criticism of planning faced by the management is that
planning does not give you the freedom of innovation as it marks the standard of the company
being followed across the board by every individual.
Effective planning in today’s dynamic environment

Telenor being a great success in today’s dynamic environment, interests others to know the key
factor of its effective planning, and upon asking one of the managers, the answer to the questions
was that great stress is laid upon time management.


Due to industry dynamics in today’s competitive environment, it is thought best not to disclose
information, fearing that the information can be leaked out, to the extent that managers at
Telenor do not share information with each other. For example, the middle level managers such
as the Brand Manager would not share information with the IT Manager, although they are
interdependent on each other. This lack of combined planning effects quality, trust and personal
relations. Therefore Telenor needs to come up with a mechanism of trust and security in order to
improve its planning practices.
Chapter 3

Environment & Culture

Organizational Culture:

“The set of shared values and norms that controls organizational members’ interactions with each other
and with people outside the organization.”

Symbolic or omnipotent:
In telenor the manager’s view is symbolic. The managers in telenor are not held responsible if
the things go wrong. Rather it is believed that the job of the manager is greatly influenced by the
unavoidable external factors. Managers ability to affect outcomes is infuenced by the external

Organization’s Culture
In an organization, the culture always plays a vital role for the person to show high performance.
The culture at the Telenor is TOP DOWN, the top employees establishes the tone for the
organization. The top level employees take good care while performing any task or action,
because it will have to be followed by the subordinates. Things are properly informed; there is no
means for getting misinformation. When the employees the highly ranked employee setting an
example, then they follow it without contradictions. The employees are provided with
recreational activities, by sending to hilly areas to be getting fresh and also perform certain work
tasks which are to be completed in normal routine. They get motivated and work well by having
recreational activities.
The employees are provided with complete resources that if they move from one place, they
move as an office, they are provided with laptops, in telenor building the facility of Internet is
available, and otherwise, they connect to their telenor service through mobile phones. So when
the recruitment manager has to move to different areas of Pakistan, he travels as if he is having
his office along. (with laptop, connection, and required documents). So when employee realizes
the importance of the resources he is being provided with, he/she get motivated to work for
organization which is considering the needs of employees. The employees get used to the culture
due to the inviting nature and simplicity of the culture.

Working Environment:

Flexible working hours

At Telenor it is believed that employees perform best when they enjoy the benefits and flexibility
that communication technology allows: with a laptop, a cell phone and network access, you can
do your job almost anywhere, at any time. Parents can combine work and family in a way that
better suits their schedule; employees who like to work at odd hours may do so.

It is up to you. Work is something you do – it is not a location.

Open-plan offices

At Telenor there are no individual offices. Open-plan office solutions were first installed at the
Telenor headquarters in Norway in 2002. Since then offices in Serbia, Thailand and Hungary
have adopted, or started to adopt, similar office structures. According to a study carried out by
the independent research group SINTEF, employee satisfaction with the physical work
environment increased after the new offices were installed. Open-plan offices make it easy for
employees to communicate with one another, solve problems and share knowledge. Managers
and employees talk more freely. In the end, it makes each employee, as well as the entire
organization, more efficient.
The Environment

A manager's environment is made up of constantly changing factors — both external and

internal — that affect the operation of the organization. If a new competitor appears in the
marketplace, the managerial environment is affected. If key clients take their business
elsewhere, managers feel the impact. And if technological advances date an organization's
current methods of doing business, once again, the managerial environment has to adapt.
Although managers can't always control their environments, they need to be aware of any
changes that occur, because changes ultimately affect their daily decisions and actions.
Telenor’s specific environment:
Telenor’s specific environment is made up of the following:

1. Customers
2. Competitors

Customers have got a massive say in the company makes its strategies. People using telenor
want good service and coverage. At the same time they want the services at cheap rates. If not
given they might switch to some other networks.

Competitors also play a role in shaping telenor’s strategies. The innovations in

telecommunication industry by the likes of Ufone and Mobilink have to be matched by telenor. If
one of the competitors lowers its call rates or introduces some SMS packages, telenor also has to
lower its rates in order to stay in the competition. Because if its rates are high the users will shift
to something which is cheaper.

Telenor’s general environment:

There are several external factors that effect Telenor Pakistan.

1. Economic factors
2. Political factors
3. Demographic

Economic factors: include interest rates, inflation, changes in disposable income and changes in
general business cycles. These factors can affect management practices in an
organization.Pakistan current state of recession is having a great impact on the cellular network.
With the change in economic conditions the company faces greater challenges to maintain its
level of profitability. High inflation also poses problems for the company while hiring new
employees because the employees demand reasonably high wages and it is difficult to attract a
skilled and trained work force at low cost.

Political factors: Pakistan’s politics is always in a dynamic state. The federal and local
government parties keep on changing which poses problems for the company with each new
governmental agency new laws and new political policies are introduced and it is difficult for the
company to adjust everytime according to the current legislations.

Demographic: Pakistan is vast in its culture, geography and demographics. The people, their
traditions, customs and tastes vary from province to province therefore, the management of the
company should keep in mind the changing location and make their decisions accordingly. These
demographic factors constrain how a manager plans, organizes leads and controls.
 The company should improve the socialization process in the company for the newly
hired employees.
 The top management should be well informed of the changing economic and political
conditions and their impacts on the performance.
 The management should be able to cope up with the continously changing
 The company should give emphasis on managing stake holder relationships by
keeping them well informed of the company’s activities.
Chapter # 8

Strategic Management

Mission Statement:

Telenor Pakistan is committed to being both an industry leader in the management and
implementation of Corporate Responsibility and to make this an integral part of our
business development.


The three primary objectives for Telenor Pakistan's emphasis on Corporate Responsibility

Telenor Pakistan's customers shall be confident that the company runs its operations in
an ethically responsible manner.
Telenor Pakistan's employees shall be proud of the way in which the company handles
its social responsibility.
Telenor Pakistan’s other stakeholders, expecting high standards of social commitment,
shall have high regard for the company.
Telenor Pakistan is committed to Corporate Responsibility in all its activities by making it
an integral part of the corporate culture.

Role in society is clear: We are here to help people communicate. That goes for all the
countries in which we operate.

Respond to challenges:

Telenor’s aim is to understand and respond to the challenges that society is faced with, using
technology and competence to find innovative solutions. They believe they have important
contributions to make on key issues, such as alleviating poverty, combating climate change
and encouraging safe use of Information Communication Technology (ICT).

Build trusting relationships:

Telenor Pakistan believes in building trusting relationships with its stakeholders and
demonstrate a readiness to help find solutions to the challenges they are facing. “We want
our customers to be confident that the Telenor Pakistan runs its operations in a responsible
manner. We want investors expecting high standards of social and environmental
commitment to prefer Telenor. We work towards making Telenor's employees proud of the
way we do our business”.

Our efforts are based on Telenor's values; “Make it easy, Keep promises, Be inspiring
and Be respectful”.
SWOT Analysis


Multi-national company:

Telenor is a multinational company which is one of its biggest strengths. It can boast about its
big investment and strong company culture.

Superior customer care:

Telenor Pakistan boasts customer care better than any telecom company in Pakistan. Its main
aim is to provide its customers with the best possible service. 24 hr help line is available for the
customers help if they need it.

Network quality and design:

Telenor’s network service is remarkable throughout the country. The signal quality is good and
its signals are available even in the most remote areas.

Vast coverage:

Telenor covers a total of coverage area in more than 3000 cities, towns and highways throughout
Pakistan, making it the 2nd largest GSM service provider in Pakistan. Telenor Pakistan has more
than 5,000 cell masts throughout Pakistan, making it the 2nd largest network in Pakistan. It has
GPRS service and EDGE service across its network in Pakistan. Telenor has a strategic alliance
with Nokia Siemens Networks for expansion in Pakistan. Telenor currently has these dialing
codes, 0342, 0343, 0344, 0345, 0346, 0347, and 0350.
Financial Strength:

Being a multi-national company telenor has got good fund backing and is able to compete with
the well established companies like Mobilink and Ufone. With its cash it is able to make
outstanding marketing strategies.

Customer diversity:

Telenor targets different types of customers at the same time. With Djuice its main aim is to get
hold of the youngsters. They do this by providing cheap SMS rates. With their post-paid package
“Persona” they target more of the executive class.

Partnership with Nokia:

Telenor has a strategic alliance with Nokia Siemens Networks for expansion in Pakistan.


Relatively low market share:

Biggest disadvantage for telenor is the relatively low market share. Mobilink and Ufone have
already settled down. Heavy investment and good marketing strategy is required to break the
other company’s monopoly in the telecom industry.

Less Switching Cost:

Switching cost of customer from one service provider to other is low. Fewer stakes are involved
with one company. Customer is getting less differentiation from all the service providers. A
service of one provider, if not perfect is a good substitute of the service of others. Pricing is
going down quality is improving and customers enjoying more power.

Less Differentiation:

On the other hand differentiation between the services players already offering in Pakistan
telecom industry are not much distinct from one other. That means if government liberalized its
regulation more there is potential in other new entrants from abroad to invest in telecom sector of
Pakistan. On the other hand it might be the demotivating factor because of less differentiation;
creative new entrant might not enter easily.

Negative cash flow in initial years:

Initial years were not good as the entry into the telecom industry was not at all easy. The
company also had to bear losses after the propaganda was made against the Norwegian based
telecommunication company after the publication of caricatures of the Prophet (P.B.U.H).


A number of opportunities exist in the voice telecommunication space, which are centered on
obtaining the necessary licenses and investing in the appropriate infrastructure. A number of
players have already begun to invest in the infrastructure by obtaining comparable data and video
communication licenses and are now in a position to exploit the voice market. This in no way
limits new entrants to enter the market but rather provides acquisition and consolidation

Investment Opportunity:

Obtain one of the existing cellular companies. Valuation could range between 8-12 times

Market size:

Market size is the biggest ever opportunity in Pakistani telecom sector. Almost 80% of
population is living in rural areas of Pakistan in which above 70% have no access to cellular
connections. That is market opportunity which any operator can avail by applying expansion

Inefficiency and poor network service of other networks:

Poor network service by the other networks is an opportunity for telenor to exploit. If the
continue their good service to its customers, its customer base is only going to increase. Other
companies loss is going to be telenor’s gain.

Political instability:

Government is now stable from the day President General Musharaf has taken over. Therefore
telecom industry of Pakistan has been experiencing growth since last one and half years. Current
government has liberalized the taxation and licensing polices in order to attract more and more
foreign direct investment in the country. But this political instability can occur if the government
changes and bring new policies which might not be in favor of telecom industry.

Propaganda by religious forces:

Telenor had to face severe criticism from the religious forces in Pakistan after the publishing of
caricatures on the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). people called for the total opposition of the
Norwegian based company.

Public pay phones & calling cards usage where network is not available:

It is a big threat to the company as it cuts down companies profits. Moreover, people can even
shift to other network who have coverage in those areas. So the company should take notice and
try to provide service in every nook and corner of the country.
Formulating and implementing strategies:
Once the SWOT analysis is complete the company needs to pay attention to the expansion of the
business by offering a number of quality products in the market. The company needs to evaluate
its growth strategy so that it can have a clear understanding of the direction towards which it is
heading. The organization should concentrate on its primary line of business in order to achieve
successful expansion.

Telenor Growth Strategy

The Telenor Group has a strong track record of delivering on ambitious goals. The Telenor
Group has defined strategic ambitions which it aims to achieve by 2011. These are:

To deliver increased profitable growth

The Telenor Group aims to achieve a substantial revenue increase in the years to come. This
growth will mainly come from existing businesses. The company seeks to increase its core
mobile and fixed voice revenues and explore broadband opportunities in the emerging markets.

To strengthen the performance culture across the Group

The company aims to achieve successful practice of combining a local approach with global
expertise. This means that the local management teams will build a unique performance culture
based on their own initiatives and in line with the Telenor governance model, Codes of Conduct,
vision and values, people policy and the way they work across borders. In terms of Health,
Safety and Environment (HSE), the company’s objective is to improve working conditions and
environmental management by having clearly defined standards across our operating companies
and supply chains.

To make responsible business a competitive advantage

Corporate responsibility at Telenor will be part of managing risk. Telenor now has clearly
defined targets on CO2 emissions from its operations - not just to help save the planet, but to
save energy and money.
To provide a superior customer experience

Faced with an increasingly competitive environment, Telenor needs to differentiate itself by

providing a superior customer experience. In their vision – “we’re here to help”, the company
puts customer experience at the top of the agenda throughout the Telenor Group.

Challenges ahead

The global telecom industry is still growing and generating large profits. Looking ahead, the
company expects the usage of mobile and fixed voice communications to grow significantly.
Broadband also represents a huge growth opportunity. However, there are challenging trends,
e.g. maturing markets, financial instability, pricing pressures as well as regulatory issues. Still,
well-positioned players will benefit from market growth and increased efficiency, enabling
significant cash flows in the future.

Climate change: The company’s number one priority is to reduce CO2 emissions. The Telenor
Group aims to be part of the climate solution by de-carbonizing business processes and reducing
physical travel and transport.

Monitoring and evaluating:

The company needs to constantly monitor its performance from time to time. This helps the
managers to know how effective the strategies have been and what adjustments are required in
the near future.
In the BCG matrix telenor is placed in the problem child the reason is that because it’s a fast
growing industry and its competitors like ufone and mobilink have a quite high market share so
they are placed in the star category, but in comparison with them the market share which telenor
is going to catch is small, thus by the effect of high growth industry and low market share its
obviously placed in the problem child quadrant of the BCG matrix.

Telenor’s Djuice package has got high growth rate and has got good maket share so it is a star.
Tawkshawk is having a good growth rate but low market share so it is a prolem child(question
mark). Telenor’s post-pay package “Persona” is having a good growth rate but has a low market
share so it is a problem child (question mark).
Competitive Strategies:
The competitive forces influence the performance of the company. They should be recognized
and dealth with accordingly. On the basis of the effectiveness of the competitive forces a
company can manage to have an advantage over the others this is termed as competitive
advantage. This advantage would set the organization apart from the others and give it a distinct
edge. This edge is an indication of the organizations capabilities. There is no one who can do the
task better than the organization. Competitive advantage can also come from the organization’s
assets and resources. Telenor’s advantage over the other companies comes mainly from its
capable and motivated team of employees. Another distinctive feature is the wide range of
economical packages which are not offered by any other telecom company. Telenor claims to be
the pioneer in introducing economical and user friendly packages for its customers. In order to
develop competitive advantage over time a company needs to formulate the competitive
strategies by keeping five factors in its mind. These five forces determine an industries
attractiveness and feasibility of formulating corporate strategies.

Porter’s five forces:

1. Rivalries: Telenor faces intense competition from Mobilink and Ufone and Warid to
a certain extend. These competitors affect the industry growth rate and increasing or
falling demand. Telenor needs to keep an eye on its rivals and develop such corporate
strategies which give it a competitive advantage.

2. Bargaining power of buyers: in the telecommunication industry there is fierce

competition between the companies. The companies keep on coming up with new and
better services. This gives a variety of selection to the buyers. The buyers would opt
for the company which suits them the most. Therefore, the bargaining power of
buyers is relatively high. Telenor cannot take the risk to make any decision not
desirable by the customer because otherwise it would lose them to some other
3. Bargaining power of suppliers: A telecom company cannot have defined suppliers
it gets a variety of services from different sources. Therefore, the bargaining power of
suppliers is relatively less because small sources would be serving a huge company.
The greater the number of suppliers the lesser would be the bargaining power.

4. Threat of substitutes: Telecom companies face a major threat of new and improved
products and services. They need to be well informed of the renewal strategies of the

5. Threat of new entrants: threat of new entrants is relatively low apart from that the
brand loyalty by the consumers play an effective role to minimize the threat of new
 Building an organization with competency, capabilities and resource strengths.
 Developing Technical Know How in Employees by establishing better training
 Developing budgets to steer ample resources into critical value chain activities.
 Creating strategy supportive policies and procedures.
 Instituting best practices and a commitment to continuous improvement.
 Installing support systems and Value added Services.
 Maintain low cost.

Communication Model:
The main purpose of our research was to study the communication model of the Telenor.
There are two kinds of communications taking place in an organization. These are as follows:

1. Internal Communication
2. External Communication

1.     Internal Communication:

 In telenor, internal communication is taking place through different modes. They are using
E-mails, Internal Phone System (IP system), mobile phones, video conferencing and sometimes
face to face meetings also take place. Employees are asked to make sure that while in the office
they have their email accounts active so that they can reply back to their supervisors within 10 to
15 minutes along with the asked information. The employees are also given the company’s
mobile numbers and are asked to keep them on 24 hours a day to avoid any delay in

Within the organization there are three kinds of communication:

a. Upward Communication
b. Downward Communication
c. Horizontal Communication
a. Upward Communication:

  At telenor, employees enjoy a kind of freedom to talk to their supervisors. They have an
open door communication system but are used in rare cases. Mostly the communication with
supervisors is formal and takes place through E-mails or IP systems. In the meetings with CEO
or chairman, video conferencing is used depending on the situation. Power point and Multimedia
presentations are also used in such high level meetings.

b. Downward Communication:

Supervisor and senior members of organization often arrange dinners and luncheons with
subordinates to know their needs and capabilities and to judge that what measures are to be taken
for the satisfaction of employees. Other then dinners and luncheons, normally an E-mail and/or
IP System are used. Documented record (hard copy) is very rarely made of reports sent to
supervisors. Only those reports are documented (hard copy) which are very important and are
concerned with sensitive and important issues.

c. Horizontal Communication:

Employees working at the same level in telenor, communicate with each other through IP
System. Face to face interaction is a common mode of communication between employees
working at same level.
E-mails IP System Face To Face
Mobile Phone Video conferencing Letters


2. External communication:

External communication involves communication with:

A. customers

B. franchises

C. alliances.

With Customers:

Customers are the focus of all the importance. As the success of the company depends all
upon the customers, satisfaction of the customers is the main goal of the business entity. And for
achieving this goal, different policies, rules and regulation are made.

Customers are kept informed about new tariffs and packages through SMS alerts and
print and electronic media. Different advertisements are shown on TV and radio to attract the
customers. To help customers in a better way there is a call centre at the head office of telenor at
Islamabad and it works 24 hours a day to satisfy its customers.

In major cities company’s customer care centers are the places where face to face
interaction takes place. Billing system is documental. Bills are mailed to the customers through
courier service.
SMS Call Centre Face to Face
Letters Print Media Electronic media


10% 25%


b. With Franchises:

Telenor has a total of more than 232 franchises all over the Pakistan. This low number of
franchises is due to the reason that they want to interact with the customers through customer
care centers than through franchises so that they can satisfy their customers in a better way.
Communication with the franchise holders is usually face to face and through e-mails. They also
arrange multimedia presentations for the Franchise holders when they face a delay in getting
their bills and other expenses cleared.

Face to Face Multimedia E-mail


10% 65%
c. With Alliances:

Major alliances of telenor are with MCB.. MCB provides them financial assistance technical
assistance. To communicate with the alliances, meetings are arranged in which multimedia
presentation are given. Communication is also through mails. The alliance will result in building
unmatched synergies between 2 giants: MCB with its 950 branches, 4.5 million customers and
vast array of consumer banking products and Telenor Pakistan as the fastest growing cellular
network in Pakistan with the widest data network in the country.
The offering will include providing novel services bundled with contemporary innovation, ease
of use and ensuring eventual benefit in terms of value and convenience to the end consumer base
of both companies.

Face to Face E-mails


Verbal and non-verbal communication:
Verbal communication:

Verbal communication is one way for people to communicate face-to-face.  Some of the key
components of verbal communication are sound, words, speaking, and language. 

In telenor the verbal communication takes place through:

 Meetings:

Meetings are an important vehicle for personal contact. In a meeting, people come together for
the purpose of discussing a (usually) predetermined topic such as business or community event
planning, often in a formal setting.

 Telephonic discussion

Telephone discussions help managers and other employees in company to easily contact each
other and discuss important things and decisions in the company.

Non-Verbal communication:

Ways of conveying or altering the meaning of an intended message other than oral speech (e.g.
gestures, eye contact, facial expression).

In telenor the non- verbal communications takes place through:

 E-mails:

E-mail is fast and cheap and can be used to send the same message to numerous people at the
same time.It’s a quick and convenient way for company’s members to share information and
communicate.It also helps managers to coney important message to thier employees.
 Local messenger:

This is interactive real-time communication that takes place amoung computer users who are
logged onto the computer network at the same time.

Formal or informal communication:

Formal communication:

Communication that takes palce within prescribed organizational work arrangements.

Informal communication:

Communication that is not defined by the organization’s strutural hierarchy.

In telenor informal communication takes place. The informal communication help in

 to satisfy personal needs

 to prevent boredom
 to provide information relevant to the job that is not provided by formal channels.

Communication network:

Wheel communication:

In the wheel pattern, all coomunication flows through one central person, who is probably the
group’s a sense the wheel is the most centralized network,because one person receives
and disseminates all information.

Chain communication:

The chain offers a more even flow of information amoung members, although two people (the
ones at each end) interact with only one other person.
All communication:

The all-channel network, the most decentralized, allows a free flow of information amoung all
group members. Everyone participates equally, and the group’s leader, if there is one, is not
likely to have excessive power.

In telenor all communication network is followed. It is more effective and efficient than
other networks. It helps employees in the organization to communicate without any
hinderance from top to lower managers.
Communication methods followed by telenor:

 Set communication objectives that are SMART (simple, measurable, achievable, realistic
and time bound)
 Identify the performance indicators that tell you if you’ve achieved these objectives.
 Find a way to measure the performance indicator.
 Set your benchmark or baseline data by measuring your performance indicators.
 Test progress against the benchmark at an agreed time using the same measuring tools.

Consumers are constantly faced with messages inducing them to change their attitudes.
Persuasion refers to an attempt to change attitudes and is the goal for marketing communications.
People always prefer limited amount of products, they don’t like that every other person has the
same thing in his hand. Authority is a major issue which is established through news articles
about the product. Consistency is another issue which is achieved through doing what they say.
In our case, telenor is consistent in giving the consumers the call price they predict. Liking is an
issue where attractive people are more admired in giving a message. Consensus is an issue that
we will take into account what other mobile operators are giving before deciding the best

Managerial mode of communication in telenor:

The primary mode of communication in the company is the face-to-face communication. The
employees also interact with each other by means of cell phones and emails. Messaging is
another mode of communication which is fast and reliable. In order to communicate with the
lower staff, the mode of communication is usually direct communication.

The managers communicate inter-personally by means of these modes. Following skills are
required in order to achieve effective communication.

 Judgment
 Creativity
 Analytic ability
 Confidence
 Interpersonal skills
Decision making process:

Decision making Process

There are 8 steps in decision making process in telenor pakistan.

 Establish specfic Goals & Objectives:

Goals are general guidelines that explain what you want to achieve in your community. They are
usually long-term and represent global visions such as “protect public health and safety.”
Objectives define strategies or implementation steps to attain the identified goals. Unlike goals,
objectives are specific, measurable, and have a defined completion date. They are more specific
and outline the “who, what, when, where, and how” of reaching the goals.
Reduce call rates
Improve network coverage
Increase customers
Improve customer care services
 Establish network in the rural areas
 Identify & define the problem:

Management of Telenor does research and analysis to find the various demands and likings of
its customers. For instance there was a demand for low call rates among the youth. People
wanted to talk more frequently on mobile phone. Telenor analysed this situation and looking at
the preferences defined what actually was demanding and dealt with the problems.

 Establish priorities:

Telenor has some specific priorities for introducing new packages. The management looks at the
preferences which are likely for both the customer and the company. Their main concern is to get
the maximum profit and huge customer group. Apart from that they also look at the market. i.e.
packages of other telecom companies like ufone, warid and mobilink. They try to give the lowest
call rates to gain competitive advantage.

 Develop alternative solution:

Management at telenor finds different solutions to meet the demands of the people. They study
each and everything in detail. Their drawbacks and outcomes are assessed. At least two or three
solutions are made. They do analysis on such solutions. Whether the solutions would be
beneficial or not depends on the analysis.

 Evaluate the alternatives:

Telenor previously has introduced a great number of packages to the liking of their customers.
The alternatives that telenor can have is the use of technology and man power in achieving the
aims. Out of these alternatives, the best technology which is efficient and effective is selected.

 Select a solution:

To produce packages which are economical and cheap for the customers, they select the best
possible solution that is feasible for the customers of all types whether they be rich or poor.
 Implementation of the decision:-

After all the analysis and research the top management arranges a meeting to discuss all the
issues and details. Every department head is asked to present his findings about a certain project.
Then after the detailed discussion, a decision is made i.e. the project is implemented. Every
department is assigned specified tasks. They are supposed to report to the top management. They
need to give all the details about their doings and findings. In this way at the end of the day a
new project is launched.

 Monitoring:-

After introducing a new package they assess the success and failure of the package. Telenor
offers online coverage to its customers. They can log in and send their opinions about the
packages. They are also asked to write the suggestions if there are any. Customers are the boss in
every firm. For telenor nothing else is more important than customers. They expect the decision
that they have made to be efficient and effective. They compare the standard working of the
packages to the ones in use. If they think anything else needs to be done to make it more
effective, they work on it to make it more useful.
Decision making types:
Programmed Decisions:

Programmed decisions are made in routine, repetitive, well-structured situations with

predetermined decision rules. These may be based on habit, or established policies, rules and
procedures and stem from prior experience or technical knowledge about what works or does not
work in a given situation.

For example, telenor often has standardized routines for handling customer complaints or
employee discipline. As this problem is well-structured, the managers do not have to go through
the trouble and expense of working through a complicated decision making process.

Non programmed decisions:

Non-programmed decisions are made in response to unusual opportunities and threats. It is a non-routine
decision making process. Such decisions have a long lasting effect on the organization and it does not
need rules or guidelines to be followed because the situation is unexpected or uncertain.

At telenor non-programmed decision making is used when the company decides to invest in telecom
sector. Also when telenor plans to launch a new package it goes through the process of non-programmed
decision making, because in that case the company needs to make decisions base on their intuition and
reasoned judgments.
Modes of decisions :( rational, bounded

rational, or intuitive)

Rationality is a term that is normally related to the idea of being or giving a sensible reason or
idea. Rationality can refer to intelligence and inference. It can also refer to being rational with
explanation, justification or understanding, that to particularly if it is based on certain ground or
motive. Rational can also mean being reasonable or having sound judgments, not being extreme
or aggressive in taking a certain judgment.

Bounded rational:

Bounded rationality that is manages make decisions rationally, but are limited (bounded) by their
ability to process information.


Intuition is receiving input and ideas without knowing exactly how and where you got them
from. You simply know it is not from yourself. Like creativity, intuitive inspiration often
happens when someone virtually combine in an activity, when one is highly focused on the
respective activity in a state of joy and fulfillment

In telenor mode of decisions are intuitive and systematic.

Intuitive is by experience, insight & the understanding of the Environment. Systematic,

organized, and careful evaluation of the data & Information for choosing among the alternatives.
Decision making conditions:

Certainty conditions:

A situation in which a manager can make accurate decisions because all outcomes are known.

Risk conditions:

A situation in which the decision maker is able to estimate the likelihood of certain outcomes.

Uncertainty conditions:

A situation in which decision maker has neither certainty nor reasonable probability estimates

These are basically the conditions for evaluating alternatives. In telenor managers base decision
on Values, personality, potential for Dissonance Propensity for Risk.
In the modern world telecommunication companies should develop dynamic marketing strategic
location-based advertising, content, and services. In order to establish strong position in the
enterprise market the company should enhance its cross-cultural communication strategies.
Telenor should pursue its growth opportunities in total communication

Large corporate as well as well small and medium sized businesses require effective
communication in order to form a consumer pulling market. It should also maintain connections
with stockholders to keep them satisfied.

The company should keep such managers who are decisive and quick. The dynamic
environment requires the managers to adapt quickly to the changing conditions. This is
imperative for the survival of the company.

The company should increase its risk taking policy. This is necessary for effective expansion.

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