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; ConsoleVariables.

; Why we have this file:
; A developer can change it locally to save time not having to
type repetitive console variable settings.
; This file should be in the source control database (for the
comments and to know where to find it) but kept empty expect from
; Details:
; This file allows to set console variables (cvars) on engine
startup (order is not defined).
; This is the only ini file where we allow to load cvars marked
as ECVF_Cheat. We don't load this file when compiling
; The variables need to be in the section called [Startup]
(typical ini file syntax).
; The name comparison is not case sensitive and if the variable
doesn't exists it's silently ignored.
; Lines are commented by a leading ";"
; Using a friendly name (e.g. Yes, No, True, False, On, Off) is
supported and it converts those into 0 or 1.
; Other way to set cvars:
; in engine ini files (e.g. BaseEngine.ini, DefaultEngine.ini)
in the [SystemSettings] section
; from the in game console or in editor OutputLog
; Device Profiles
; Platform settings (editor UI)
; What if the cvar wasn't created yet:
; The system creates a dummy cvar which is hidden by the system
until someone creates a cvar with that name, then it copies over
it's value.
; This is also the reason why there is no error message if a
cvar doesn't exits.
; Example file content:
; [Startup]
; r.FogDensity = 0.9
; post.ImageGrain = 0.5


; Uncomment to get detailed logs on shader compiles and the

opportunity to retry on errors
; r.ShaderDevelopmentMode=1
; Uncomment to dump shaders in the Saved folder
; Warning: leaving this on for a while will fill your hard drive
with many small files and folders
; When this is enabled, dumped shader paths will get collapsed
(in the cases where paths are longer than the OS's max)
; When this is enabled, when dumping shaders an additional file
to use with ShaderCompilerWorker -direct mode will be generated
; Uncomment to enable parallel rendering at startup

; r.XGEShaderCompile is now enabled by default in source.

Uncomment to disable XGE shader compilation.
;r.XGEShaderCompile = 0
; Uncomment when running with a graphical debugger (but not when

; If Linux editor crashes in FMallocBinned with callstack that

mentions MeshUtilities, you may need to uncomment this.

; Uncomment to disable engine and app registration, e.g. to

disable GPU driver optimizations during debugging and development
; (Setting r.ShaderDevelopmentMode=1 will also disable engine and
app registration)

; Uncomment to enable frame markers in D3D12 for the Radeon GPU

Profiler (RGP)
; (Vulkan will auto-enable frame markers for RGP, but in D3D12,
they have to be enabled manually for now.)


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