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Endodontic Topics 2012, 27, 74–102 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
All rights reserved Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd


Update on endodontic
irrigating solutions

Bacteria have long been recognized as the primary etiological factor in the development of pulp and periapical
lesions. Successful root canal therapy depends on thorough debridement of pulpal tissue, dentin debris, and
infective microorganisms. Currently, it is impossible to eradicate intraradicular infection with mechanical
instrumentation alone. Therefore, irrigants are required to complete this task. In this article, the different actions
and interactions of the most commonly used irrigants are discussed. The aim of this review is to analyze the
relevant literature on root canal irrigants.

Received 30 March 2013; accepted 12 April 2013.

Introduction ability to inactivate endotoxin, and (iii) they are non-

toxic when they come in contact with vital tissues, are
Bacteria have long been recognized as the primary not caustic to periodontal tissues, and have little
etiological factor in the development of pulp and potential to cause an anaphylactic reaction (iv). The
periapical lesions (1). Successful root canal therapy characteristics of an ideal irrigant and classification of
depends on thorough chemomechanical debridement current irrigants are shown in Tables 1 and 2,
of pulpal tissue, dentin debris, and infective respectively.
microorganisms (2). The principle of a treatment to
reach favorable outcomes in endodontic infection
management requires the recognition of the problem Irrigation solutions in endodontics
and the removal of the etiological factors.
Irrigation is defined as “to wash out a body cavity or Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)
wound with water or a medicated fluid” and aspiration
as “the process of removing fluids or gases from the Sodium hypochlorite is a chemical compound with
body with a suction device.” Disinfectant, meanwhile, the formula NaOCl. Sodium hypochlorite solution,
is defined as “an agent that destroys or inhibits the commonly known as bleach, is frequently used as a
activity of microorganisms that cause disease” (3). disinfectant or a bleaching agent. It is the medicament
The objectives of irrigation in endodontics are of choice during root canal treatments due to its
mechanical, chemical, and biological. The mechanical efficacy against pathogenic organisms and pulp
and chemical objectives are as follows: (i) flush out digestion. The main characteristics of sodium
debris, (ii) lubricate the canal, (iii) dissolve organic and hypochlorite are summarized in Table 3.
inorganic tissue, and (iv) prevent the formation of a
smear layer during instrumentation or dissolve it once
it has formed. The biological function of the irrigants NaOCl was first produced in 1789 in Javelle, France,
is related to their antimicrobial effect, more by passing chlorine gas through a solution of sodium
specifically: (i) they have a high efficacy against carbonate. The resulting liquid, known as “Eau de
anaerobic and facultative microorganisms in their Javelle” or “Javelle water” was a weak solution of
planktonic state and in biofilms, (ii) they have the sodium hypochlorite. However, this process was not

Update on endodontic irrigating solutions

Table 1: Characteristics of an ideal endodontic irrigant Table 3: Summary of characteristics of NaOCl

1. Effective germicide and fungicide. • Current irrigant of choice

2. Non-irritating to the periapical tissues. • Effective antimicrobial agent

3. Stable in solution. • Excellent organic tissue solvent

4. Prolonged antimicrobial effect and a sustained • Lubricates

antibacterial effect after use.
• Effective fairly quickly
5. Active in the presence of blood, serum, and protein
derivatives of tissue. Limitations of NaOCl:

6. Able to completely remove the smear layer. • Toxic (hypochlorite accident)

7. Low surface tension. • Not substantive

8. Able to disinfect the dentin/dentinal tubules. • Corrodes, unpleasant odor

9. Does not interfere with repair of periapical tissues. • Removes only the organic part of the smear layer

10. Does not stain tooth structure.

11. Inactivation in a culture medium.

chlorine. This method was commonly used to produce
12. Does not induce a cell-mediated immune response. Is
non-antigenic, non-toxic, and non-carcinogenic to tissue NaOCl solutions for use as a hospital antiseptic that
cells surrounding the tooth. was sold under the trade names “Eusol” and “Dakin’s
solution.” Sodium hypochlorite as a buffered 0.5%
13. Has no adverse effects on the physical properties of
exposed dentin. solution was recommended for the irrigation of
wounds during World War I by Dakin.
14. Has no adverse effect on the sealing ability of filling

15. Easy to use/apply. Mode of action

16. Inexpensive. When NaOCl contacts tissue proteins, within a short
time nitrogen, formaldehyde, and acetaldehyde are
formed. The peptide links are broken up to dissolve
Table 2: Classification of the commonly used the proteins. During this process, hydrogen in the
irrigating solutions (5) imino groups (-NH-) is replaced by chlorine (-N.Cl-)
A) Chemical agents:
forming chloramines, which plays an important role
a. Tissue dissolving agents: NaOCl for the antimicrobial effectiveness. Thus, the necrotic
b. Antibacterial agents: tissue and pus are dissolved and the antimicrobial
i. Bacteriostatic: CHX, some antibiotics agent can better reach and clean the infected areas. In
ii. Bactericidal: Some antibiotics, NaOCl
addition to its application as a root canal irrigant,
c. Chelating agents:
i. Weak: HEBP NaOCl is commonly used to deproteinize hard tissues
ii. Strong: EDTA for biomedical applications.
d. Combination products (tissue dissolution & Estrela et al. (6) reported that sodium hypochlorite
antibacterial effect): MTAD, QMiX, SmearClear,
exhibits a dynamic balance. Sodium hypochlorite acts
as an organic and fat solvent that degrades fatty acids
B) Natural agents: and transforms them into fatty acid salts (soap) and
a. Antibacterial agents: e.g. Green tea, Triphala
glycerol (alcohol), and so reduces the surface tension
of the remaining solution (saponification reaction)
(Fig. 1).
very efficient and alternate production methods were Sodium hypochlorite neutralizes amino acids
sought. One such method involved the extraction of forming water and salt (neutralization reaction). With
chlorinated lime (known as bleaching powder) with the exit of hydroxyl ions, there is a reduction of pH.
sodium carbonate to yield low levels of available When chlorine dissolves in water and it is in contact

Basrani & Haapasalo

canal treatment with a low incidence of mishaps.

Overall, if lower concentrations are to be used for
Fig. 1. Mechanism of action of NaOCl. intra-canal irrigation, it is recommended that the
solution be used in higher volume and in more
frequent intervals to compensate for the limitations of
with organic matter, it forms hypochlorous acid. It is a low concentrations (15).
weak acid with the chemical formula HClO. HClO is Instrumentation coupled with an antimicrobial
an oxidizer. This acid acts as a solvent, releasing irrigant, such as NaOCl, has been shown to yield more
chlorine that combined with the protein amino negative cultures than instrumentation alone (16–18).
group forms chloramines (chloramination reaction). However, even with the use of NaOCl, removal of
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl-) and hypochlorite ions bacteria from the root canal systems following
(OCl-) lead to amino acid degradation and hydrolysis. instrumentation remains an elusive goal.
The chloramination reaction between chlorine and Grossman (19), observing pulp tissue dissolution
the amino group (NH) forms chloramines that capacity, reported that 5% sodium hypochlorite
interfere in cell metabolism. Chlorine, a strong dissolves this tissue in between 20 min and 2 h. The
oxidant, presents antimicrobial action by inhibiting dissolution of bovine pulp tissue by sodium
bacterial enzymes leading to the irreversible oxidation hypochlorite (0.5, 1.0, 2.5, and 5.0%) was studied
of SH groups (sulfhydryl group) of essential bacterial in vitro under different conditions (6). It was
enzymes (6). concluded that: (i) the velocity of dissolution of the
Sodium hypochlorite is a strong base (pH > 11). bovine pulp fragments was directly proportional to the
The antimicrobial effectiveness of sodium concentration of the sodium hypochlorite solution
hypochlorite, based on its high pH (hydroxyl ion and was greater without the surfactant; (ii) the
action), is similar to the mechanism of action of variation of surface tension, from beginning to end of
calcium hydroxide. The high pH of sodium pulp dissolution, was directly proportional to the
hypochlorite interferes in the cytoplasmic membrane concentration of the sodium hypochlorite solution and
integrity with an irreversible enzymatic inhibition, was greater in the solutions without surfactant—
biosynthetic alterations in cellular metabolism, and solutions without surfactant presented a decrease in
phospholipid degradation observed in lipidic surface tension and those with surfactant an increase;
peroxidation (6). (iii) with the elevation of temperature of the sodium
hypochlorite solutions, dissolution of the bovine pulp
tissue was more rapid; and (iv) the percent variation of
the sodium hypochlorite solutions, after dissolution,
As an endodontic irrigant, NaOCl is used in was inversely proportional to the initial concentration
concentrations between 0.5 and 6%. There has been of the solution, or in other words, the greater the
controversy over the use of different concentrations of initial concentration of the sodium hypochlorite
sodium hypochlorite during root canal treatment. solutions, the smaller the reduction in pH (6).
Some in vitro studies have shown that NaOCl in
higher concentrations is more effective against
Time of exposure for optimal effect
Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans (7–9). In
contrast, clinical studies have indicated both low and There is considerable variation in the literature
high concentrations to be equally effective in reducing regarding the antibacterial effect of NaOCl (20). In
bacteria from the root canal system (2,10). NaOCl in some articles, NaOCl is reported to kill the target
higher concentrations has a better tissue-dissolving microorganism in seconds, even at low concentrations,
ability (11), but even in lower concentrations when although other reports have published considerably
used in high volumes it can be equally effective longer times for the killing of the same species (20).
(12,13). Higher concentrations of NaOCl are more Such differences are a result of confounding factors in
toxic than lower concentrations (14); however, due to some of the studies. The presence of organic matter
the confined anatomy of the root canal system, higher during the killing experiments has a great effect on
concentrations have successfully been used during root the antibacterial activity of NaOCl. Haapasalo and

Update on endodontic irrigating solutions

colleagues (20) showed that the presence of dentin Milton, as long as the container and lid are
caused marked delays in the killing of E. faecalis by 1% intact, the product should be effective until the
NaOCl. Many of the earlier studies were performed expiry date.
in the presence of an unknown amount of organic (vi) Frequent opening of a container or failure to
matter. When the confounding factors are eliminated, close it securely would have an effect similar to
it has been shown that NaOCl kills the target leaving a container open, and the shelf life would
microorganisms rapidly even at low concentrations of thus be similarly reduced.
less than 0.1% (21,22). However, in vivo the presence (vii) Metallic containers should never be used for
of organic matter (inflammatory exudate, tissue sodium hypochlorite as the NaOCl will react
remnants, and microbial biomass) consumes NaOCl with the metal in the containers.
and weakens its effect. Therefore, continuous (viii) The corrosive nature of sodium hypochlorite
irrigation and time are important factors for the must be considered before disposal. As drainage
effectiveness of NaOCl (20). pipes from sinks and dental units may use
In summary, even fast-acting biocides such as stainless-steel, copper, galvanized steel, PVC,
NaOCl require an adequate working time to reach polythene, or perhaps other materials, copious
their potential. Chlorine, which is responsible for the quantities of water should be flushed down all
dissolving and antibacterial capacity of NaOCl, is drains at the time of disposal to avoid the risk of
unstable and is consumed rapidly during the first phase perforation of drainage traps that have undiluted
of tissue dissolution, probably within 2 min (23); sodium hypochlorite in them for any length of
therefore, continuous replenishment is essential. This time (25).
should especially be considered in view of the fact
that rotary root canal preparation techniques have
expedited the shaping process. The optimal time that a
sodium hypochlorite irrigant at a given concentration Sodium hypochlorite is a non-specific oxidizing agent.
needs to remain in the canal system is an issue yet to be Products of the oxidation reactions are corrosive.
resolved (24). Solutions burn skin and cause eye damage, particularly
when used in concentrated forms. However, as
recognized by the NFPA, only solutions containing
Storage and handling
more than 40% sodium hypochlorite by weight are
The following points should be considered when considered hazardous oxidizers. Solutions less than
handling sodium hypochlorite: 40% are classified as a moderate oxidizing hazard
(i) The stability of NaOCl solutions is reduced (NFPA 430, 2000). The toxic effects of NaOCl on
by lower pH, presence of metallic ions, exposure vital tissues include hemolysis, epithelial ulceration,
to light, open containers and higher and necrosis (4).
temperatures. Several mishaps during root canal irrigation have
(ii) To ensure good shelf life, all solutions should been described in the dental literature. These range
be stored in light-proof (opaque glass or from damage to the patient’s clothing, splashing the
polythene), airtight containers, in a cool place. irrigant into the patient’s or operator’s eye, injection
(iii) If diluted, they should be diluted as soon as through the apical foramen, and allergic reactions to
possible after purchase, because dilute solutions the irrigant, to inadvertent use of an irrigant as an
deteriorate less rapidly than concentrated anesthetic solution. (4). Preventive measures that
solutions. should be taken to minimize potential complications
(iv) Domestic bleach solutions produced and stored with sodium hypochlorite are presented in Table 4
in this manner will deteriorate more rapidly than (26).
Milton because they do not have the added salt, A literature review of inadvertent extrusion of
which provides stability. NaOCl beyond the apical foramen found similar
(v) If undiluted bleach is used, the bottle should symptoms, regardless of the concentration, with tissue
always be tightly sealed, and the bleach should responses proportional to the volume of NaOCl
be discarded by the “use by” date. Similarly for extruded (27) (Fig. 2). Extrusion of NaOCl into the

Basrani & Haapasalo

Table 4: Protective measures during NaOCl irrigation The main symptoms when NaOCl is injected into
• Plastic bib to protect patient’s clothing the periapical and periradicular tissues are immediate
severe pain; immediate edema of neighboring soft
• Provision of protective eye-wear for both the patient and
tissues; possible extension of edema over the injured
the operator
side of the face, upper lip, or infra-orbital region;
• The use of a sealed rubber dam for isolation of the tooth profuse bleeding from the root canal; profuse
under treatment
interstitial bleeding with hemorrhage of the skin and
• The use of side-exit Luer-Lock needles for irrigation mucosa (ecchymosis); chlorine taste or irritation of
• Irrigation needle a minimum of 2 mm short of the the throat after injection into the maxillary sinus;
working length (Fig. 3) secondary infection; reversible anesthesia; and
• Avoidance of binding of the needle into the root canal
Current treatment protocols for NaOCl accidents
• Avoidance of excessive pressure during irrigation have been determined mainly from the numerous case
reports published, rather than more evidence-based
research efforts. Mehdipour et al. (29) suggest early
recognition of extrusion, immediate canal irrigation
with normal saline, encouragement of bleeding, pain
control with local anesthetics and analgesics and
warm compresses and frequent warm mouth rinses
for stimulation of the local systemic circulation,
reassurance of the patient, and monitoring of
improvement. Cancellous bone is significantly affected
by NaOCl, whereas cortical bone is minimally affected.
Cancellous bone after an NaOCl accident is less dense,
with broken and dissolved architecture. The deeper
penetration of the test needle was interpreted as being
due to a removal of structural integrity of the
cancellous bone. The principal harm is to the cells
because they are dependent on the specific fluid
environment in which they are found; NaOCl changes
that environment, causing cellular necrosis and
apoptosis. The damaged matrix can then become a
nidus for infection. Trabecular bone was damaged by
the toxic effects of NaOCl. The less cellular cortical
bone was clearly less affected. The results show
that the loss of organic content of bone and
demineralization are significant, and no sign of living
Fig. 2. Sodium hypochlorite accident: extrusion of cellular content remains (30). Various precautions
NaOCl into the periapical area during root canal such as awareness of the depth of needle placement
treatment has caused a severe pain reaction and tissue
destruction in a large area next to the tooth. (Fig. 3), needle tip design, and flow rate must be taken
to decrease the possibility of NaOCl accidents.

periapical tissues can result from several pathways. A

Effect of NaOCl on dentin
wide apical foramen, lack of apical constriction, or
extreme pressure might all lead to the extrusion of Dentin is composed of approximately 22% organic
NaOCl. Most complications occur because of material by weight. Most of this consists of type I
incorrect working length, widening of the apical collagen, which contributes considerably to the
foramen, lateral perforation, or binding of the mechanical properties of dentin (31). Sodium
irrigating needle (28). hypochlorite is known to fragment long peptide chains

Update on endodontic irrigating solutions

organic phase of dentin. Moreover, in their eagerness

to ensure “complete” disinfection, dentists vary not
only the concentration but also the volume, duration,
flow rate, and temperature in their attempts to
eliminate all bacteria (37). It is quite clear from the
literature that the higher the concentration of sodium
hypochlorite, the greater the deleterious effects on
dentin. These effects include reduction of the elastic
modulus and flexural strength.

Sodium hypochlorite penetration of

dentinal tubules
Not many studies have analyzed the penetration of
NaOCl inside the dentinal tubules. Zou et al. (38) is
the first report in which NaOCl penetration into
dentin has been measured with micrometer accuracy.
Within their experimental setup, the depth of NaOCl
penetration varied between 77 and 300 mm. The three
parameters potentially affecting NaOCl penetration
that were evaluated in their study were concentration,
time, and temperature. All of these did have an impact
Fig. 3. Placement of rubber stopper on irrigation needle
on the penetration, but the effect was generally less
to prevent NaOCl accident.
than anticipated. Perhaps the most surprising
observation was that increasing the concentration
from 1% to 6% did not result in more than a 30%–50%
and to chlorinate protein terminal groups; the increase in penetration. A longer exposure time in
resulting N-chloramines are broken down into other their study resulted in deeper penetration of NaOCl,
species (32). Consequently, NaOCl solutions may although the speed of penetration declined sharply
affect mechanical dentin properties via the degradation over time. For example, at 20°C, the penetration
of organic dentin components (33). depth of 1% NaOCl in 2 min was about 77 mm; after
A study of bovine dentin suggested that, within the another 18 min at the same temperature, the depth
timeframe of a root canal treatment, concentrated reached about 185 mm. Because the solubilizing
NaOCl solutions cause untoward effects on dentin abilities of NaOCl solutions are reduced by contact
biomechanics (34). A 2-h exposure of dentin to with organic material, it can be speculated that most
NaOCl solutions of more than 3% (w/v) significantly of its activity is lost after 2 min, and continuous
decreases the elastic modulus and flexural strength of replenishment of fresh solution will be needed. The
human dentin compared to physiological saline (35). antibacterial effectiveness of NaOCl is dependent on
However, contrasting results have also been published its concentration, temperature, and volume and
(36). A recent study showed a clear concentration- contact time in the root canal. The results showed that
dependent effect of NaOCl solutions on mechanical the three variables all had an effect on NaOCl
dentin properties resulting from the disintegration of penetration, but the effect was not very pronounced
the organic dentin matrix (37). for any of the factors alone. The penetration depths of
There have been several reports of the adverse effects 1%, 2%, 4%, and 6% solutions after 2 min at room
of sodium hypochlorite on the strength and physical temperature were 77, 96, 105, and 123 mm,
properties of dentin such as flexural strength, elastic respectively. The highest values, 291 and 300 mm,
modulus, and microhardness. These changes in the were found in the groups treated with 6% NaOCl at
physical properties of dentin come not only from 37°C and 45°C for 20 min. Within the limitations of
changes in the inorganic phase but also from the this study, temperature, time, and concentration all

Basrani & Haapasalo

Fig. 4. Sodium hypochlorite penetration into dentinal tubules. The root dentin was first stained overnight with
crystal violet, irrigated with sodium hypochlorite, and sectioned for microscopy. (a) NaOCl has penetrated into the
dentin canals all around the canal wall. (b) NaOCl has penetrated into dentin in most areas, but some areas remain
unaffected by NaOCl (arrows). (c) The dye has penetrated only in the buccal and lingual directions, followed by
NaOCl. In some areas where the stain has penetrated only a small distance (arrows), no penetration of NaOCl can be
seen. (d) Section from the apical root canal shows only limited penetration of the dye and no penetration of NaOCl.
Courtesy of Drs. Davis, Shen, and Haapasalo.

played a role in determining the depth of NaOCl Nevertheless, hypersensitivity and contact dermatitis
penetration into the dentinal tubules. The deepest may occur in rare cases. In cases of hypersensitivity
penetration was obtained when these factors were to sodium hypochlorite, CHX should not be used
present simultaneously, suggesting an additive effect either due to the chlorine content. In such cases,
(Fig. 4) (38). the use of an alternative irrigant with high
antimicrobial efficacy such as iodine potassium iodide
should be considered. Before use, any allergy against
Allergic reactions to NaOCl
iodine must be ruled out. Further irrigants such as
Although a few reports on allergy-like reactions to alcohol or tap water are less effective against
sodium hypochlorite have been published (39,40), microorganisms and do not dissolve vital or necrotic
real allergies to sodium hypochlorite are unlikely to tissue. Calcium hydroxide could be used as a
occur as both sodium and chlorine are essential temporary medicament as it dissolves both vital and
elements in the physiology of the human body. necrotic tissue (41,42).

Update on endodontic irrigating solutions

Effect on biofilm below in this article), 2% CHX, MTAD, and 1% and

2% NaOCl. QMiX and 2% NaOCl killed up to 12
Biofilm growth on root surfaces has been times more biofilm bacteria than 1% NaOCl
demonstrated in teeth with chronic apical (P < 0.01), 2% CHX (P < 0.05; P < 0.001), and
periodontitis and teeth refractory to root canal MTAD (P < 0.05; P < 0.001) (45).
treatment. Bacteria organized as biofilms have been
found in inaccessible areas of necrotic pulp space and
Increasing the efficacy of NaOCl
on root surfaces and cemental lacunae. Growing
within a competitive environment, the organisms in Possible ways to improve the efficacy of NaOCl
biofilms generally have a low metabolic rate and tend preparations (46) in tissue dissolution are to increase
to be very resistant to antimicrobial substances. The the pH or temperature of the solutions, use ultrasonic
negatively charged polymers within the matrix may activation, or extend the working time.
neutralize strong oxidizing agents, making it difficult
for them to penetrate and kill microorganisms.
Increasing the temperature of
Because of the close proximity of bacterial cells within
sodium hypochlorite
the biofilm, DNA exchange readily takes place and
can rapidly transfer antibiotic resistance. Therefore, Cunningham (47) reported that the collagen-
antimicrobial substances that easily kill free-floating dissolving ability of 2.6% sodium hypochlorite was
organisms have not shown the same effectiveness on comparable to that of 5.25% at both 21°C and 37°C.
the same organisms originating in a biofilm. In The investigators also compared the ability of the
addition, the structure of the biofilm offers protection solutions to kill bacteria at different temperatures.
to resident bacteria from immune defenses. These They tested the ability of 2.6% and 5.25% sodium
properties of biofilm help to explain the chronic nature hypochlorite in reducing a planktonic culture of E. coli
and resistance of some endodontic infections (43). to below the culturable level at 20°C and 37°C. They
Clegg et al. (44), in their classic paper on the effect found that it took less time to kill E. coli in both
of NaOCl on biofilms, reported that 6% NaOCl was concentrations at 37°C. Interestingly, it was also
the only agent capable of both physically removing reported that increasing the temperature of sodium
artificial biofilm and killing bacteria. There was a dose- hypochlorite to 50°C did not help in making the root
dependent effect of NaOCl against bacteria, as higher canal cleaner. However, at the higher temperature
concentrations were more antibacterial. This confirms (50°C), Berutti et al. (48) observed a thin, less
results of previous studies that also demonstrated organized, and less adherent smear layer on the root
the concentration-dependant antibacterial nature of canal wall. This thinner layer was not evident on root
NaOCl. 1% and 3% NaOCl showed some disruption canals irrigated with sodium hypochlorite at 21°C.
and physical removal of bacteria when viewed with the From the above studies it is apparent that raising the
SEM; however, both gave positive cultures when their temperature of the sodium hypochlorite may have
dentinal shavings were cultured, indicating that some benefit in killing bacteria more quickly.
bacteria had escaped the effects of the irrigant likely However, raising the temperature of the sodium
by invading the dentinal tubules. The lower the hypochlorite to 37°C does not help dissolve tissues
concentration of NaOCl, the more bacteria survive. more effectively. Although raising the temperature of
However, the lower NaOCl concentrations may have irrigants is a way to kill bacteria more effectively, the
been more effective against bacteria if they were temperature should not be raised more than a few
replenished or given additional time to exert their degrees above body temperature as this may have
antimicrobial properties. The antibiofilm effects of harmful effects on the cells of the periodontal ligament
NaOCl may be a result of removal of organic tissue, (49).
thus eliminating the bacterial attachment to dentin Different devices for warming the NaOCl syringes
and other organisms (44). (Fig. 5) have come onto the market, but these devices
A recent study evaluated the antibacterial effect of are not capable of maintaining any increase of
several irrigating agents on 3-week-old E. faecalis temperature. The best way of heating NaOCl is to use
biofilms. The agents analyzed were QMiX (see details an ultrasonic device in situ.

Basrani & Haapasalo

Fig. 5. Heating devices for sodium hypochlorite syringes.

A recent study evaluated and compared the effects reversal agent because of its ability to affect the
of concentration, temperature, and agitation on the polymerization of the resin sealer (52).
tissue-dissolving ability of sodium hypochlorite (45).
The results showed that weight loss (dissolution) Chlorhexidine (CHX)
of the tissue increased almost linearly with the
concentration of sodium hypochlorite. Higher History
temperatures and agitation considerably enhanced the CHX (Fig. 6) was developed more than 50 years ago
efficacy of sodium hypochlorite. The effect of agitation at Imperial Chemical Industries in England, and was
on tissue dissolution was greater than that of first marketed in the United Kingdom in 1953 as an
temperature; continuous agitation resulted in the antiseptic cream (53). Since 1957 it has been used for
fastest tissue dissolution. general disinfection purposes and also for the
treatment of skin, eye, and throat infections in both
Agitation humans and animals (53,54).
Moorer & Wesselink (12) found that the impact of
mechanical agitation of NaOCl solutions on tissue Molecular structure
dissolution was very important and they emphasized
CHX belongs to the polybiguanide antibacterial
the great impact of violent fluid flow and shearing
family, consisting of two symmetric 4-chlorophenyl
forces caused by ultrasound on the ability of NaOCl to
rings and two biguanide groups connected by a central
dissolve tissue. Stojicic et al. (45) found that refreshing
hexamethylene chain (Fig. 7). CHX is a strongly basic
the NaOCl solution at the site of dissolution by
molecule and is stable as a salt. CHX digluconate salt
agitation, preferably continuous, also resulted in a
is easily soluble in water (55).
marked increase in the NaOCl effect. Fabiani (50) also
demonstrated that the use of ultrasonic agitation
increased the effectiveness of 5% NaOCl in the apical Mode of action
third of the canal wall. Finally, passive ultrasonic CHX is a wide-spectrum antimicrobial agent, active
irrigation with a nickel–titanium tip produced superior against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and
tissue-dissolving effects as compared to sonic irrigant yeasts (56). Due to its cationic nature, CHX is capable
activation (51). of electrostatically binding to the negatively charged
surfaces of bacteria (57), damaging the outer layers of
Influence of NaOCl on bond strength
the cell wall and rendering it permeable (58–60).
NaOCl irrigation leads to decreased bond strength Depending on its concentration, CHX can have
between dentin and resin cements and may require a both bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects. At high

Update on endodontic irrigating solutions

is bacteriostatic, causing low molecular weight

substances, i.e. potassium and phosphorous, to leak
out without the cell being irreversibly damaged. It also
can affect bacterial metabolism in several other ways
such as abolishing the activity of the PTS sugar
transport system and inhibiting acid production in
some bacteria (61).

Due to the cationic nature of the CHX molecule, it
can be absorbed by anionic substrates such as the oral
mucosa (62,63). Chlorhexidine has the ability to bind
to proteins such as albumin, which is present in serum
or saliva, pellicle found on the tooth surface, salivary
glycoproteins, and mucous membranes (64,65). This
reaction is reversible (66). CHX can also be adsorbed
onto hydroxyapatite and teeth. Studies have shown
that the uptake of CHX onto teeth also is reversible.
This reversible reaction of uptake and release of CHX
leads to substantive antimicrobial activity and is
referred to as “substantivity” (67). This effect depends
on the concentration of CHX. At low concentrations
of 0.005–0.01%, a stable monolayer of CHX is
adsorbed and formed on the tooth surface, which
Fig. 6. Chlorhexidine must be stored in a dark container
might change the physical and chemical properties of
to preserve its activity. the surface and may prevent or reduce bacterial
colonization. At higher concentrations (> 0.02%), a
multilayer of CHX is formed on the surface, providing
a reservoir of chlorhexidine, and this multilayer can
rapidly release excess CHX into the environment as
the concentration of the CHX in the surrounding
environment decreases (68).
The antibacterial substantivity of three
concentrations of CHX solution (4%, 2%, and 0.2%)
after 5 min of application has been evaluated. The
results have revealed a direct relationship between the
concentration of CHX and its substantivity (69). In
contrast, Lin et al. (70) attributed the substantivity of
CHX to its ability to adsorb onto the dentin during
the first hour. They stated that it is only after the
saturation point is reached after the first hour that the
Fig. 7. Molecular structure of chlorhexidine
digluconate. antimicrobial capability of CHX increases with time.
Furthermore, Komorowski et al. (71) revealed that a
5-min application of CHX did not induce substantivity
concentrations, CHX acts as a detergent and by and that the dentin should be treated with CHX for 7
damaging the cell membrane, it causes precipitation days. Overall, it seems that residual antimicrobial
of the cytoplasm and thereby exerts a bactericidal activity from CHX remains in the root canal system for
effect. At low sub-lethal concentrations, chlorhexidine up to 12 weeks (69).

Basrani & Haapasalo

Cytotoxicity plaque formation, and gingivitis, especially in elderly

and senile patients, as well as in those with conditions
In the medical field, chlorhexidine is normally used at
such as cerebral palsy and in patients with immune-
concentrations between 0.12% and 2.0%. According to
compromising diseases. It has also been recommended
Löe (72), at these concentrations, CHX has a low level
for the prevention of alveolar osteitis after extraction of
of tissue toxicity, both locally and systemically (74).
third molars. Another application of CHX is in the
In another report, when 2% CHX was used as a
treatment and management of periodontal diseases, as
subgingival irrigant, no apparent toxicity was noted on
well as in the reduction of the incidence, severity, and
gingival tissues (72,73). Moreover, CHX rinse was
duration of aphthous ulceration. In addition, it has
reported to promote the healing of periodontal
been advocated as a denture disinfectant in patients
wounds (74). Based on these reports, Jeansonne et al.
susceptible to oral candidiasis. CHX can be prepared
(75) assumed that the periapical tissues would be as
in the form of mouth rinses, gels, varnishes, and
tolerant to chlorhexidine as gingival tissues. In two
controlled-release devices (84).
studies, an inflammatory reaction developed when
CHX and NaOCl were injected into subcutaneous
tissues of guinea pigs and rats; however, the toxic Chlorhexidine application in endodontics
reaction to CHX was less than that to NaOCl (76,77).
In endodontics, CHX has been studied as an irrigant
Furthermore, when CHX was applied as a rinse to the
and intracanal medication, both in vivo (85–88) and in
extraction sites of third molars on the day of surgery
vitro (89–92). In vitro, CHX has at least as good or
and several days later, it was reported to reduce the
even better antimicrobial efficacy than Ca(OH)2 (93).
incidence of alveolar osteitis (78). In addition, only a
Notably, 2% CHX was very effective in eliminating
few allergic and anaphylactic reactions to CHX have
a biofilm of E. faecalis (94). In vivo, it inhibits
been reported (79,80).
experimentally induced inflammatory external root
Conversely, some studies have reported unfavorable
resorption when applied for 4 weeks (95). In infected
effects of CHX on the tissues. Hidalgo (81)
root canals, it reduces bacteria as effectively as
demonstrated that CHX is cytotoxic to some lines of
Ca(OH)2 when applied for 1 week (96). Unlike
cultured human skin fibroblasts. Recently, the
Ca(OH)2, CHX has substantive antimicrobial activity
behavior of osteoblastic human alveolar bone cells in
that, if imparted onto the root dentin, has the
the presence of CHX and povidone iodine (PI) has
potential to prevent bacterial colonization of root
been investigated. It was reported that CHX has a
canal walls for prolonged periods of time (71,75). This
higher cytotoxicity profile than povidone iodine (82).
effect depends on the concentration of CHX, but not
Faria et al. (83) also demonstrated that CHX injected
on its mode of application, which may be as a liquid,
into the hind paws of mice could induce severe
gel, or controlled release device (90).
toxic reactions. In addition, they reported that CHX
induced apoptosis at lower concentrations and
necrosis at higher concentrations when added to Chlorhexidine as an endodontic irrigant
cultured L929 fibroblast cells.
CHX in liquid or gel form has been recommended as
Another interesting observation has recently been
an irrigant solution, and its different properties have
reported: when CHX is in contact with other agents
been tested in several studies, both in vitro (7) and in
such as NaOCl, the by-product of the reaction is the
vivo (96–103).
formation of toxic breakdown products such as para-
Many investigations have been conducted to study
chloroaniline (PCA), which may have a negative
the antibacterial effectiveness of CHX in different
impact on tissues (84). The toxicity level of CHX on
concentrations. It has been demonstrated that 2%
periapical tissues when it is applied to the root canals
CHX as an irrigant has a better antibacterial efficacy
needs to be further investigated.
than 0.12% CHX in vitro. Thus, it has been concluded
that the antibacterial efficacy of CHX depends on its
Chlorhexidine applications in dentistry
concentration level (91). Since NaOCl is still the most
Chlorhexidine has several applications in dentistry. It commonly used irrigant, the antibacterial efficacy of
has been used for the prevention of dental caries, CHX has been tested against that of NaOCl. The

Update on endodontic irrigating solutions

results from these studies are not conclusive, but in CHX-group cases compared to 25% in the NaOCl
general no significant difference between the two group (107).
solutions has been reported. However, it is possible However, a more recent study also based on a
that culture methods are not sensitive enough to culture technique revealed no significant difference
detect differences in the antibacterial effectiveness of between the antibacterial efficacy of 2.5% NaOCl and
various antibacterial agents; that is, the methods may 0.12% CHX liquid when they were used as irrigants
not be suitable to quantitate the killing of biofilm during the treatment of infected canals (102). It is
bacteria. Unlike NaOCl, chlorhexidine lacks a tissue- important to reiterate that culture techniques are not
dissolving property. Therefore, NaOCl is still sensitive enough to detect bacterial growth.
considered to be the primary irrigation solution used
in endodontics.
CHX and dentin bonding
The cleanliness of root canals irrigated with CHX in
gel and liquid forms was evaluated using scanning During the last 2 decades, chemical and technical
electron microscopy in two separate experiments. In advances have contributed to increases in resin-dentin
an in vitro study, the canals treated with 2% CHX gel bond strength. However, the premature loss of bond
were cleaner than those treated with 2% CHX liquid strength is one of the problems that still affects
or 5.25% NaOCl, and it was suggested that the adhesive restorations (108) and markedly reduces their
mechanical action of the gel might have facilitated the durability (109–112). Carrilho et al. (112) evaluated
cleansing of the canals. Another in vitro study showed the effect of CHX on resin–dentin bond stability ex
that the 2% CHX liquid was inferior to 2.5% NaOCl in vivo. The investigators found significantly better
cleaning the canals (104). However, in vitro studies preservation of bond strength 6 months after CHX use
may not properly reflect actual in vivo situations, and that the protease inhibitors in the storage medium
which are more clinically relevant. had no effect on the bond strength. Analysis showed
The antibacterial effectiveness of CHX in the there was significantly less failure in the hybrid layer
reduction of bacteria in infected root canals in vivo with CHX compared to controls after 6 months. The
has been investigated in several studies. Ringel et al. same authors also evaluated the effect of CHX on the
(105) reported that 2.5% sodium hypochlorite was preservation of the hybrid layer in vivo (112). Their
significantly more effective than 0.2% chlorhexidine findings showed that bond strength remained stable
when the infected root canals were irrigated for in the CHX-treated specimens, while bond strength
30 min by either of the solutions. decreased significantly in control teeth. Resin-
In a controlled and randomized clinical trial, the infiltrated dentin in CHX-treated specimens exhibited
efficacy of 2% CHX liquid was tested against saline a collagen network with normal structural integrity.
using a culture technique. All of the teeth were initially Conversely, progressive disintegration of the fibrillar
instrumented and irrigated using 1% sodium network was identified in control specimens. They
hypochlorite. Then, either 2% chlorhexidine liquid or concluded that auto-degradation of collagen matrices
saline was applied as a final rinse. The authors reported can occur in resin-infiltrated dentin, but may be
a further reduction in the proportion of positive prevented by the application of a synthetic protease
cultures in the CHX group. Their results showed inhibitor such as CHX (112). Overall, because of its
a better disinfection of the root canals using broad-spectrum MMP-inhibitory effect, CHX can
chlorhexidine compared to saline as a final rinse (106). significantly improve resin–dentin bond stability.
In a recent study, the efficacy of 2% CHX gel was
tested against 2.5% NaOCl in teeth with apical
Effect on biofilm
periodontitis and the bacterial load was assessed using
real-time quantitative-polymerase chain reaction A dentin infection model was used to compare the
(RTQ-PCR) and colony forming units (CFU). The antibacterial effect of different disinfecting solutions
bacterial reduction in the NaOCl group was on young and old E. faecalis biofilms. High-
significantly greater than the CHX group when concentration NaOCl (6%) showed the strongest
measured by RTQ-PCR. Based on a culture antibacterial effect amongst the solutions tested for
technique, bacterial growth was detected in 50% of the both young and old E. faecalis biofilms. QMiX, a

Basrani & Haapasalo

product containing EDTA, CHX, and a detergent, was Table 5: Characteristics of chlorhexidine (69)
equally effective as 6% NaOCl in killing 1-day-old E. 1. CHX has a wide range of activity against both Gram-
faecalis but slightly less effective against bacteria in positive and Gram-negative bacteria
3-week-old biofilm. It is worth noting that 2% CHX
2. CHX is an effective antifungal agent especially against
and 2% NaOCl killed only 13% to 15% of the 3-week- Candida albicans
old biofilm bacteria in dentin after 1 min of exposure.
3. The effect of CHX on microbial biofilms is significantly
This result suggests that a quick final rinse with these less than that of NaOCl
two agents at the given concentration is not effective
in reducing the number of viable bacteria in the 4. CHX has antibacterial substantivity in dentin for up to 12
tubules (113).
5. Dentin, dentin components (HA and collagen), microbial
biomass, and inflammatory exudate in the root canal
Allergic reactions to CHX system may reduce or inhibit the antibacterial activity of
CHX, although reported to be a relatively safe
6. CHX has little to no ability to dissolve organic or
solution, may induce allergic reactions. The
inorganic tissue
sensitization rate has been reported in several studies
to be approximately 2% (114). One case of 7. Medication and/or irrigation with CHX may delay the
contamination of root-filled teeth by bacteria entering
anaphylactic shock after application of 0.6% CHX
through the coronal restoration/tooth interface
to intact skin, which presented as a rash following
a minor accident, has been reported in the 8. Medication and/or irrigation with CHX will not increase
leakage through the root-filled apical foramen
dermatological literature (115). Further allergic
reactions such as anaphylaxis, contact dermatitis, and 9. Combinations of NaOCl and CHX cause color changes
urticaria have been reported following direct contact and formation of a precipitate, which may interfere with
the seal of the root filling
to mucosal tissue or open wounds (116–119). There
are no publications of allergic reactions following 10. CHX can significantly improve the integrity of the hybrid
layer and resin–dentin bond stability
root canal irrigation with CHX (4). The main
characteristics of chlorhexidine are summarized in 11. The biocompatibility of CHX is acceptable
Table 5.

XTRA) or 2% CHX with surface modifiers (CHX-

Irrigant solutions with added detergent
Plus) (Vista Dental Products, Racine, WI). It was
Surface-active agents have been added to several newer hypothesized that NaOCl and CHX would be equally
irrigants to reduce surface tension and improve their effective and that the addition of surface modifiers
wettability (120). SmearClear (SybronEndo, Orange, would improve the bactericidal activity of the
CA), Chlor-XTRA (Vista Dental, Racine, WI), CHX- respective irrigants compared to the original
Plus (Vista Dental, Racine, WI), MTAD, and QMiX are formulations. Results indicate that 6% NaOCl and
examples of EDTA-, NaOCl-, and CHX-based Chlor-XTRA were superior against E. faecalis biofilms
irrigants that contain surface-active detergents (Fig. 8) compared to 2% CHX and CHX-Plus at all timepoints
(121). except 5 min.
Several studies have analyzed the antibacterial Similarly, Palazzi et al. (123) studied the new 5.25%
properties and wettability of these new irrigants with sodium hypochlorite solutions modified with
contrasting results. Williamson et al. (122) created a surfactants, Hypoclean A and Hypoclean B. Both had
monoculture biofilm of a clinical isolate of E. faecalis surface tension values that were significantly lower
and determined the susceptibility against four (P < 0.01) than Chlor-XTRA and 5.25% NaOCl.
antimicrobial irrigants. Biofilms were subjected to 1-, Because of their low surface tension and increased
3-, or 5-min exposures to one of the following contact with dentinal walls, these new irrigants have
irrigants: 6% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), 2% the potential to penetrate more readily into the
chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX), or one of two new uninstrumented areas of the root canal system as well
products, < 6% NaOCl with surface modifiers (Chlor- as allow a more rapid exchange with fresh solution,

Update on endodontic irrigating solutions

Fig. 8. Irrigating solutions with added detergent for improved activity: SmearClear, Chlor-XTRA and CHX-Plus.

enabling greater antimicrobial effectiveness and irrigation with NaOCl to dissolve the organic
enhanced pulp tissue dissolution ability. components, irrigation with EDTA to eliminate the
In contrast, Jungbluth et al. (124) compared smear layer, and irrigation with CHX to increase the
physico-chemical features of these products and antimicrobial spectrum of activity and impart
investigated their impact as 1% dilutions on bovine substantivity. Although such a combination of irrigants
pulp tissue dissolution. No differences were detected may enhance the overall antimicrobial effectiveness
between solutions with or without a detergent. It is (96), the possible chemical interactions amongst the
not known at present whether the differences between irrigants need to be considered. Some studies have
the studies are at least partly affected by differences in reported the occurrence of a color change and
experimental design such as different dilutions (e.g. 6% precipitation when NaOCl and CHX are combined
vs. 1%) and the different types of tissue tested. (Fig. 9) (84,126). Furthermore, concern has been
Finally, Wang et al. (125) evaluated the effectiveness raised that the color change may have some clinical
of dentin disinfection by different antibacterial relevance because of staining and that the precipitate
solutions in the presence and absence of detergents might interfere with the seal of the root filling (126).
using a novel dentin infection model and confocal The formation of a precipitate could be explained by
laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The addition of the acid-base reaction that occurs when NaOCl and
detergents in the disinfecting solutions used in their CHX are mixed together. CHX, a dicationic acid, has
study increased the antibacterial effects against the ability to donate protons while NaOCl is alkaline
E. faecalis in the dentinal tubules. When used alone and can accept protons from the dicationic acid (127).
as a single agent, cetrimide showed antibacterial This proton exchange results in the formation of a
effectiveness comparable to 2% NaOCl, 2% CHX, and neutral and insoluble substance referred to as the
2/4% IPI. “precipitate” (84). Basrani et al. (84) evaluated the
chemical nature of this precipitate and reported that
there was an immediate reaction when 2% CHX was
Interaction between NaOCl and CHX
combined with NaOCl, even at a low concentration
A suggested clinical protocol by Zehnder (24) for (0.023%). Increasing of the concentration of NaOCl
treating the dentin before root canal filling consists of to 0.19% (the sixth dilution in their series) resulted in

Basrani & Haapasalo

sensitive enough to detect its presence (129). In

the other study (130), the authors reported
only native CHX, parachlorophenylurea (PCU)
and parachlorophenylguanidyl-1,6-diguanidyl-hexane
(PCGH) present in the precipitate formed when CHX
was mixed with NaOCl. However, it was shown later
that PCU could be metabolized to form PCA and
therefore still retained a risk (130).
A recent study aimed to determine if the formation
of para-chloroaniline (PCA) can be avoided by using
an alternative irrigant following sodium hypochlorite
but before chlorhexidine; however, none of the tested
solutions used for intermittent irrigation prevented the
formation of PCA. The investigators concluded that
citric acid used as the intermediate irrigant resulted in
the least amount of PCA formation in the canal system
(127). When NaOCl and QMiX are mixed there is no
formation of a precipitate, but there is a change of
color in the combination. This is the reason why the
manufacturer recommends rinsing with saline solution
Fig. 9. Mixing NaOCl and chlorhexidine results in the before using QMiX.
immediate formation of an orange-brown precipitate. Another study proposed that the precipitate could
be prevented by using absolute alcohol or minimized
by using saline and distilled water as intermediate
the formation of a precipitate, which consisted mainly flushes (131).
of para-chloroaniline (PCA). This occurred through a Overall, the combination of NaOCl and CHX causes
substitution of the guanidine group in the CHX color changes and the formation of a neutral and
molecule. They found that the amount of PCA directly insoluble precipitate, which may interfere with the seal
increased with the increasing concentration of NaOCl. of the root filling. Alternatively, the canal can be dried
PCA has been shown to be toxic with short-term using paper points before the final CHX rinse (24).
exposure of humans to PCA resulting in cyanosis,
which is a manifestation of methemoglobin formation.
Decalcifying solutions
In another study, Bui et al. (128) evaluated the effect
of irrigating root canals with a combination of NaOCl Until recently, decalcifying solutions in endodontics
and CHX on root dentin and dentinal tubules by using were only comprised of chelators and acids, most
an environmental scanning electron microscope and a commonly EDTA and citric acid. In the last few years,
computer program. Their findings indicated that there however, several combination products have appeared
were no significant differences in the amount of debris where their main function—that is, their decalcifying
remaining between the negative control group and the effect—has been combined with other characteristics
experimental groups, although there were significantly thought to be helpful for treatment. The added
fewer patent tubules in the experimental groups when characteristics are reduced surface tension and,
compared with the negative control group. They perhaps more importantly, antibacterial activity. The
concluded that the NaOCl/CHX precipitate tends to new combination products are based either on EDTA
occlude the dentinal tubules and suggested that, until or citric acid. They will be discussed at the end of this
this precipitate is studied further, caution should be section after the “conventional” products.
exercised when irrigating with both NaOCl and CHX. A smear layer is formed during preparation of the
Some studies have not corroborated this finding root canal. The smear layer consists of both an organic
but the gas chromatography method of identification and an inorganic component. Both NaOCl and a
used in one of these studies may not have been decalcifying agent are required for complete removal

Update on endodontic irrigating solutions

of the smear layer. No clear scientifically based Mode of action

understanding exists on whether this layer must be
With direct exposure for an extended period of time,
removed; however, a multitude of opinions have been
EDTA extracts bacterial surface proteins by combining
offered regarding this question. In addition to weak
with metal ions from the cell envelope, which can
acids, solutions for the removal of the smear layer
eventually lead to bacterial death.
include carbamide peroxide, aminoquinaldinium
diacetate (i.e. Salvizol), and EDTA. In objective
Applications in endodontics
studies, carbamide peroxide and Salvizol appear to
have little effect on smear layer buildup (132,133). A EDTA alone normally cannot remove the smear layer
25% citric acid solution also failed to provide reliable effectively; a proteolytic component (NaOCl) must
smear layer removal (134). also be used (preferably before EDTA) to remove the
organic components of the smear layer (135).
Commercial products with such combinations are
EDTA available. EndoDilator N-0 (Union Broach, York,
EDTA is often suggested as an irrigation solution PA) is a combination of EDTA and a quaternary
because it can chelate and remove the mineralized ammonium compound. Such an irrigation fluid has a
portion of smear layers. EDTA is a widely used acronym slight detergent effect in addition to the chelating
for the chemical compound ethylenediaminetetraacetic effect. Several new irrigating solutions, MTAD
acid. EDTA is a polyamino carboxylic acid with the (Dentsply, Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK), QMiX and
formula [CH2N (CH2CO2H)2]2. This colorless, water- SmearClear (SybronEndo), have recently been
soluble solid is produced on a large scale for many studied. SmearClear, which is commercially available,
applications. Its prominence as a chelating agent arises is a clear, odorless, water-soluble solution containing
from its ability to “sequester” di- and tri-cationic metal water, 17% EDTA salts, a cationic surfactant
ions such as Ca2+ and Fe3+. After being bound by EDTA, (cetrimide), and anionic surfactants.
metal ions remain in solution but exhibit diminished EDTA is normally used at a concentration of 17%. It
reactivity. Compounds and their characteristics are removes smear layers in less than 1 min if the solution
shown in Table 6. reaches the surface of the root canal wall. The
decalcifying process is self-limiting because the
chelator is used up. For root canal preparation, EDTA
History has limited value as an irrigation fluid. It may open up
The compound was first described in 1935 by a very narrow canal if given the time to soften the
Ferdinand Munz, who prepared the compound from 50 mm it is capable of decalcifying. This amount, at
ethylenediamine and chloroacetic acid. Today, EDTA two opposite canal walls, results in 100 mm. This is
is mainly synthesized from ethylenediamine (1,2- equivalent to the tip of a #010 file.
diaminoethane), formaldehyde (methanal), and Although citric acid appears to be slightly more
sodium cyanide. potent at similar concentration than EDTA, both
agents show high efficiency in removing the smear
layer. In addition to their cleaning ability, chelators
may detach biofilms adhering to root canal walls
Table 6: Characteristics of decalcifying solutions (Kishor Gulabivala, personal communication). This
• Remove the inorganic part of the smear layer may explain why an EDTA irrigant proved to be highly
superior to saline in reducing intracanal microbiota,
• Remove the smear layer after NaOCl irrigation
despite the fact that its antiseptic capacity is relatively
• Contribute to the elimination of bacteria in the root canal limited. Although never shown in a randomized
• Combination products have wide-spectrum antimicrobial clinical trial, an alternating irrigating regimen of
activity. EDTA may have antifungal activity NaOCl and EDTA may be more efficient in reducing
• Demineralize dentin (20–50 mm) bacterial loads in root canal systems than NaOCl
alone. Antiseptics such as quaternary ammonium
• Low toxicity
compounds (EDTAC) or tetracycline antibiotics

Basrani & Haapasalo

(MTAD) have been added to EDTA and citric acid

irrigants, respectively, to increase their antimicrobial
capacity. EDTAC shows similar smear-removing
efficacy as EDTA, but it is more caustic.
Chelating agents can be applied in liquid or paste-
type form. The origin of paste-type preparations dates
back to 1961, when Stewart devised a combination of
urea peroxide with glycerol. Later, based on the results
of that first preliminary study and the successful
introduction of EDTA to endodontic practice, urea
peroxide and EDTA were combined in a water-soluble
carbowax (polyethylene glycol) vehicle. This product
has since been commercially available. Similar paste-
type chelators containing EDTA and peroxide have
later been marketed by other manufacturers. However,
none of these pastes should be used, as they are
inefficient in preventing the formation of a smear layer.
Furthermore, instead of lowering physical stress on
rotary instruments as advocated, carbowax-based
lubricants, depending on instrument geometry, have
either no effect or are even counterproductive (136).
Fig. 10. Mixing EDTA and chlorhexidine results in the
immediate formation of a white, foggy precipitate.
Interactions between EDTA, NaOCl,
and CHX layer (139). In addition, bacteria that have penetrated
into dentinal tubules should have been killed, while
Grawehr (137) studied the interactions of
dentin characteristics (strength, composition, etc.)
ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) with sodium
should not have been affected in any negative manner.
hypochlorite (NaOCl). Grawehr concluded that
Recent studies showed that the sequence of use of
ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid retained its
the common endodontic irrigants, NaOCl and
calcium-complexing ability when mixed with NaOCl.
demineralizing agents (EDTA), is a key factor in
However, EDTA caused NaOCl to lose its tissue-
determining the level of erosion in root canal wall
dissolving capacity, and virtually no free chlorine was
dentin (Fig. 11). Although erosion has already
detected in the combinations. Clinically, this suggests
occurred after 1 min of NaOCl exposure when done as
that EDTA and NaOCl should be used separately. In
the final rinse after the demineralizing agent and it
an alternating irrigating regimen, copious amounts of
increases with increasing times of exposure to the
NaOCl should be administered to wash out remnants
irrigants, it is not known presently whether such
of EDTA.
erosion is harmful for the root dentin and the tooth
The combination of chlorhexidine and EDTA
(139). What is well known is that the mineral
produces a white precipitate. Rasimick et al. (138)
component in hard connective tissue contributes to
(Fig. 10) determined if the precipitate involves the
the strength and elastic modulus, whereas collagen is
chemical degradation of chlorhexidine. The precipitate
responsible for the toughness (37,140). Theoretically,
was produced and re-dissolved in a known amount
the observed erosion could be a contributing factor in
of dilute trifluoroacetic acid. Based on the results,
vertical root fracture depending on the depth of
chlorhexidine forms a salt with EDTA rather than
erosion, thickness of the root, and the amount of
undergoing a chemical reaction.
sclerotic dentin in the root. However, erosion may also
help in achieving a maximally clean root canal wall
Dentin erosion
surface, free of debris and bacteria.
Optimally, after irrigation the root canal should be free Based on available research, the following irrigation
of all organic debris, microorganisms, and the smear sequence is recommended during root canal

Update on endodontic irrigating solutions

Fig. 11. Erosion of root canal wall surface dentin after using EDTA followed by NaOCl.

treatment: full strength (5.25–6%) NaOCl should HEBP is applied in pool water disinfection because of
be used during instrumentation. After the its compatibility with calcium hypochlorite (i.e.
instrumentation is finished, final rinsing can be done Ca(OCl)2 tablets are used in swimming pools). The
using one of the following strategies: (i) 17% EDTA HEBP prevents staining from inorganic compounds
for 2 min; (ii) EDTA followed by 2% CHX; or (iii) at the water line. It also reduces dentin debris
MTAD, SmearClear, or QMiX. Constant agitation accumulation in the root canal during rotary
during irrigation is helpful in achieving a cleaner canal. instrumentation (144).

HEBP (1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-bisphosphonate; QMiX was introduced in 2011. QMiX is one of the
also called etidronic acid) is a chelator that can be new combination products introduced for root canal
used in combination with sodium hypochlorite irrigation (Fig. 12) (145–147). Its manufacturer
(NaOCl) without affecting its proteolytic or recommends that it be used at the end of
antimicrobial properties (24). However, in contrast to instrumentation after NaOCl irrigation. QMiX
EDTA, HEBP is a weak decalcifying agent and hence contains EDTA, CHX, and a detergent and comes as a
cannot be used as a mere final rinse. Therefore, it is ready-to-use clear solution.
recommended that HEBP be mixed with NaOCl to
be used as a more complete root canal irrigant. This
combination is advantageous in that the solution
keeps the sodium hypochlorite–hypochlorous acid QMiX should be used as a final rinse. If sodium
equilibrium toward NaOCl, which has better tissue- hypochlorite was used throughout the cleaning and
dissolution capacity than hypochlorous acid (141) shaping, saline should be used to rinse out the
and is also less cytotoxic (142). Furthermore, an NaOCl to prevent the formation of PCA, although
irrigating protocol using the NaOCl + HEBP no precipitate has been described when mixing QMiX
combination has been shown as able to optimize the and NaOCl (see interaction between NaOCl and
bonding by Resilon/Epiphany root fillings (143). CHX).

Basrani & Haapasalo

microscopy. QMiX removed the smear layer equally

as well as EDTA (P = 0.18). They concluded that the
ability to remove the smear layer by QMiX was
comparable to that of EDTA. Dai et al. (146)
examined the ability of two versions of QMiX to
remove canal wall smear layers and debris using an
open-canal design. Within the limitations of the
open-canal design, the two experimental QMiX
versions are as effective as 17% EDTA in removing
canal wall smear layers after the use of 5.25% NaOCl
as the initial rinse.

Antibacterial efficacy and effect on biofilms

Stojicic et al. (145) assessed in a laboratory
experimental model the efficacy of QMiX against E.
faecalis and mixed plaque bacteria in planktonic phases
and biofilms. QMiX and 1% NaOCl killed all
planktonic E. faecalis and plaque bacteria in 5 s. QMiX
and 2% NaOCl killed up to 12 times more biofilm
bacteria than 1% NaOCl (P < 0.01) or 2% CHX
(P < 0.05; P < 0.001). Wang et al. (113) compared
the antibacterial effects of different disinfecting
solutions on young and old E. faecalis biofilms in
dentin canals using a novel dentin infection model and
confocal laser scanning microscopy. Six percent
Fig. 12. QMiX is an EDTA preparation that contains NaOCl and QMiX were the most effective disinfecting
chlorhexidine and a surfactant. Due to specific solutions against the young biofilm, whereas against
manufacturing process, CHX and EDTA do not cause a
white precipitate; the solution is clear. the 3-week-old biofilm, 6% NaOCl was the most
effective followed by QMiX. Both were more effective
than 2% NaOCl and 2% CHX.
Surface tension
According to Grossman (120), low surface tension is In vivo clinical trials
one of the ideal characteristics of an irrigant. Lower
surface tension may help in better penetration of the The efficacy and biocompatibility of QMiX has been
irrigating solutions into the dentinal tubules and demonstrated via non-clinical in vitro and ex vivo
inaccessible areas of the root canal system (148). To be studies. Further clinical research from independent
more effective in debris removal and to penetrate more investigators is needed to corroborate the findings.
readily into the root canal system, irrigants must be in
contact with the dentin walls. The closeness of this MTAD and Tetraclean
contact is directly related to its surface tension (149).
Irrigants with a low surface tension are more suitable as MTAD (150) and Tetraclean are two new irrigants
endodontic irrigants. QMiX incorporated a detergent based on a mixture of antibiotics, citric acid, and a
in its formula to decrease the surface tension. detergent. MTAD (151) was the first irrigating
solution capable of removing the smear layer and
disinfecting the root canal system at the same time.
Smear layer removal
MTAD is a mixture of 3% doxycycline hyclate, 4.25%
Stojicic et al. (145) investigated the effectiveness of citric acid, and 0.5% polysorbate (Tween) 80 detergent
smear layer removal by QMiX using scanning electron (151). It has been commercialized as BioPure MTAD

Update on endodontic irrigating solutions

(BioPure, Dentsply, Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK) and is Cytotoxicity of MTAD

available as a two-part set, liquid in a syringe and
Using an MMT–Tetrazolium method, Zhang et al.
powder in a bottle, which should be mixed before
(157) compared the cytotoxicity of MTAD to that of
application. MTAD has been recommended for use
eugenol, 3% hydrogen peroxide, REDTA Aqueous
in clinical practice as a final rinse after completion
Irrigant, Peridex (CHX 0.12%), Pulpdent Ca(OH)2
of a conventional chemomechanical preparation
paste, and four concentrations of NaOCl (5.25%,
2.63%, 1.31%, and 0.66%). They concluded that
Tetraclean (Ogna Laboratori Farmaceutici, Muggio,
MTAD appeared to be less cytotoxic than eugenol, 3%
Italy) is another combination product similar to
H2O2, Ca(OH)2 paste, 5.25% NaOCl, Peridex, and
MTAD. The two irrigants differ in the concentration
EDTA and more cytotoxic than 2.63%, 1.31%, and
of antibiotics (doxycycline 150 mg/5 mL for MTAD
0.66% NaOCl solutions (157). The authors suggested
and 50 mg/5 mL for Tetraclean) and the kind of
further investigation was needed to determine if the
detergent (Tween 80 for MTAD, polypropylene glycol
results from their in vitro study could be applied to a
for Tetraclean).
clinical situation.

Mode of action Surface tension

There is no detailed information on the exact To decrease the surface tension, Tween 80 has been
mechanism of action of MTAD in the removal of the added to the MTAD solution. It has been reported that
smear layer and the killing of bacteria. In most MTAD has a lower surface tension than 5.25% NaOCl,
studies, its effect on the smear layer is attributed to 17% EDTA, or water. Although it seems that lowering
both the doxycycline and citric acid. These two the surface tension may help the irrigants penetrate
components of MTAD have been separately reported deeper into the dentinal tubules or other confined areas
as effective smear layer removal solutions (156). Its of the root canal system, and consequently improve the
antibacterial effect is mostly attributed to the antibacterial effectiveness of the irrigants, there is no
doxycycline, which is an isomer of tetracycline. clinical evidence to support this possibility.
Tetracycline, including tetracycline-HCl, minocycline,
and doxycycline, are broad-spectrum antibiotics that
Smear layer removal
are effective against a wide range of microorganisms.
Tetracycline is a bacteriostatic antibiotic which exerts Scanning electron microscopy has been used to
its effect through the inhibition of protein synthesis. determine the effectiveness of various irrigants at
According to Torabinejad et al. (151) this property removing the smear layer. The paper that introduced
may be advantageous because, in the absence of MTAD addressed its potential in removing the smear
bacterial cell lysis, antigenic by-products (i.e. layer in extracted human teeth (151). The authors
endotoxin) are not released. In high concentrations, reported that MTAD performed better than EDTA in
tetracycline may also have a bactericidal effect. The cleaning dentinal tubules of debris and removing the
role of citric acid in killing bacteria is not well known. smear layer in the apical third of root canals; however,
Tween 80 seems to have limited antibacterial activity, there was no significant difference in the middle and
yet it may increase the antibacterial effect of some coronal portions of the root canals. In the same study,
substances by directly affecting the bacterial cell the results also indicated that MTAD created less
membrane, and it may facilitate the penetration of erosion than EDTA in the coronal and middle thirds
MTAD into dentin. However, Tween 80 may also be of the root canals. The better efficacy of MTAD in
used as a nutrient by some bacteria, and it may removing the smear layer was attributed to the
inactivate the antibacterial properties of some combination of citric acid, doxycycline, and Tween 80
disinfecting agents such as chlorhexidine and in the MTAD solution. In two other studies, the
povidone iodine. Doxycycline, citric acid, and Tween efficacy of MTAD or EDTA in the removal of the
80 combined might have a synergistic effect on smear layer was confirmed; however, no significant
the bacterial cell wall and on the cytoplasmic difference between these two solutions was reported
membrane. (158,159).

Basrani & Haapasalo

Antibacterial efficacy collected from the teeth of patients diagnosed with

apical periodontitis were grown as a biofilm on
Reported results regarding the antibacterial properties hemisections of root apices. MTAD was shown to be
of MTAD are conflicting. The studies measuring zones an effective antibacterial agent in this model; however,
of inhibition on agar plates have shown consistently it was not able to completely disrupt the bacterial
that MTAD is an effective antibacterial agent against E. biofilm compared to 6% NaOCl. NaOCl (5.25%) was
faecalis (151,160,161). Tay et al. (158) also found the most effective irrigant against a biofilm of
larger zones of bacterial inhibition using dentin cores E. faecalis generated on cellulose nitrate membrane
irrigated with MTAD compared to NaOCl-irrigated filters, while the bacterial load reduction using MTAD
dentin cores; however, when they applied MTAD to was not significant (163). MTAD was the least
the dentin that was already irrigated with 1.3% NaOCl, effective irrigant when compared to 6% and 1%
they had a contradictory result. The diameters of NaOCl, SmearClear™, 2% CHX, and REDTA, when
zones of inhibition were significantly smaller than tested in a flow cell generated biofilm of E. faecalis
those of MTAD alone and comparable to those (164).
irrigated with 1.3% NaOCl alone. They concluded that When the efficacy of four irrigants including MTAD
the antimicrobial effect of MTAD was lost due to was tested in teeth inoculated with Candida albicans,
oxidation of the MTAD by NaOCl (158). However, it was demonstrated that 6% NaOCl and 2% CHX
agar diffusion tests are no longer regarded as reliable, were equally effective and superior to MTAD and 17%
as there is no established link between the zone of EDTA. According to Portenier et al. (165), although
inhibition on the agar plate and the true effectiveness the antibacterial effect of MTAD is comparable to that
of the endodontic disinfecting agents in the root canal. of chlorhexidine, calcium hydroxide, iodine potassium
A study using extracted human teeth contaminated iodide, and sodium hypochlorite, the presence of
with saliva showed that MTAD was more effective dentin or bovine serum albumin causes a marked
than 5.25% NaOCl in disinfection of the teeth (152). reduction in the antibacterial efficacy of MTAD against
In contrast, Krause et al. (161) using bovine tooth E. faecalis.
sections showed that 5.25% NaOCl was more effective The results of testing antibacterial efficacy of
than MTAD in disinfection of dentin discs inoculated medicaments, obtained from in vitro studies, should
with E. faecalis. be viewed with caution as they may be influenced by
In another study performed on extracted human factors such as the test environment, bacterial
teeth inoculated with E. faecalis, a protocol of 1.3% susceptibility, and the different methodologies used to
NaOCl followed by 5 min MTAD was more effective evaluate the results (13).
in the disinfection of canals than a protocol of 5.25% Pappen et al. (166) investigated the antibacterial
NaOCl followed by 1 min 17% EDTA and then 5 min effect of Tetraclean, MTAD, and five experimental
5.25% NaOCl as a final rinse (153). irrigants using both a direct exposure test with
Using a culture method and extracted human teeth planktonic cultures and a mixed-species in vitro
inoculated with E. faecalis, the opposite was found, i.e. biofilm model. The results showed that Tetraclean was
the latter protocol was significantly superior to the more effective than MTAD against E. faecalis in
1.3% NaOCl/5 min MTAD protocol in disinfection of planktonic culture and in mixed-species in vitro
the root canals (154). In another study, the same biofilm. Cetrimide improved the antimicrobial
investigators using the same model disinfected the properties of the solutions, whereas Tween 80 seemed
canals with the same two protocols, and then resected to have a neutral or negative impact on their
and pulverized the last 5 mm of the root ends in liquid antimicrobial effectiveness.
nitrogen. After inoculation of the samples on BHI agar
culture plates, the investigators found that there was
In vivo clinical trial
no significant difference in the antimicrobial efficacy of
those two protocols in disinfection of the apical 5 mm With the exception of the study (167) that evaluated
of the infected canals (162). the effect of MTAD on post-operative discomfort,
In a series of studies, MTAD failed to show superior there have been no in vivo studies to address the
antibacterial efficacy against bacterial biofilms. Bacteria characteristics of MTAD. Based on the results of the

Update on endodontic irrigating solutions

above study, the clinical protocol for removal of antibacterial effect is considered weak. When used in
the smear layer and disinfection of the root canal combination with sodium hypochlorite, bubbling will
system using 1.3% NaOCl and MTAD does not result occur as a result of evaporating oxygen. Although no
in an increased incidence of post-operative pain longer recommended as a routine irrigant, its use is
compared to biomechanical instrumentation using still not uncommon in some countries.
5.25% NaOCl and 17% EDTA. Malkhassian et al.
(168), in a clinical controlled trial of 30 patients,
Iodine potassium iodide
reported that a final rinse with MTAD did not reduce
the bacterial counts in infected canals beyond the Iodine potassium iodide (IPI) has been proposed
levels achieved with chemomechanical preparation and used as an endodontic disinfectant due to its
using NaOCl. excellent antibacterial properties and low cytotoxicity
(169,170). It is used as a solution of 2% iodine in 4%
potassium iodide (171). Allergic reactions to iodine
Protocol for use
and the staining of dentin are often mentioned as
The MTAD protocol was developed on the basis of a potential risks with the use of IPI; however, reports of
pilot project (152). The results of this project showed such harmful side effects when IPI is used in
that the consistent disinfection of the infected root endodontics seem to be extremely rare (172).
canals could occur after chemomechanical preparation
using 1.3% NaOCl as a root canal irrigant and a 5-min
Green tea and Triphala
exposure to MTAD as a final rinse.
Natural products, especially food extracts, have been
used in medicine and have been shown to be good
Resistance to antibiotics
alternatives to synthetic chemicals. The polyphenols of
Resistance to tetracycline is not uncommon in bacteria green tea (i.e. EGCg) (173) were found to be cost
isolated from root canals (152). The use of antibiotics effective. They have inhibitory activity against the
instead of biocides such as NaOCl or chlorhexidine MMPs (-2, -9) found in saliva and dentin. Moreover,
appears unwarranted, as the former were developed for EGCg is also a broad spectrum antibacterial, and
systemic use rather than local wound debridement and studies have reported its effectiveness in inhibiting acid
have a far narrower spectrum than the latter. production in dental plaque bacteria as well as
The antimicrobial effect of MTAD has been largely antimicrobial activity against S. mutans. These findings
attributed to the presence of doxycycline. In a recent open a new avenue for the prevention of caries and
study, chlorhexidine was added to or substituted for debonding.
doxycycline to compare these three formulations in Triphala (174,175) (IMPCOPS Ltd., Chennai,
their ability to disinfect extracted human teeth infected India) is an Indian ayurvedic herbal formulation
with Enterococcus faecalis. The results showed that consisting of dried and powdered fruits of three
although the addition of chlorhexidine did not medicinal plants, Terminalia bellerica, Terminalia
negatively impact the efficacy of MTAD, the chebula, and Emblica officinalis (GTPs; Essence and
substitution of this antimicrobial agent for doxycycline Flavours, Mysore, India). Polyphenols found in green
significantly reduced the efficacy of the solution (152). tea (176), the traditional drink of Japan and China, is
prepared from the young shoots of tea plant Camellia
sinensis. Japanese green teas were found not have an
Hydrogen peroxide
irritating potential and some results suggest that
Hydrogen peroxide has been used as an endodontic extracts of Japanese green tea may be useful as a
irrigant for a long period of time, mainly in medicament for treatment of infected root canals.
concentrations ranging between 3% and 5%. It is active Herbal alternatives showed promising antibacterial
against bacteria, viruses, and yeasts. Hydroxy-free efficacy on 3- and 6-week biofilm (177–179).
radicals (•OH) destroy proteins and DNA. The tissue- However, presently there is not enough evidence to
dissolving capacity of hydrogen peroxide is clearly support the use of antibacterial components of green
lower than that of sodium hypochlorite; also its tea or other herbs as endodontic disinfecting agents.

Basrani & Haapasalo

Fig. 13. Recommended irrigation protocol for root canal treatment.

Conclusions organic and inorganic debris and biofilm. For optimal

irrigation, a combination of different irrigating
Irrigation has a key role in successful endodontic solutions must be used. The dentist should be aware of
treatment. A suggested irrigation protocol is presented the interactions between the various chemicals found
in Figure 13. The main goal of root canal treatment is in irrigants as they may weaken each others’ activity
to completely eliminate the different components of and result in the development of products that are
pulpal tissue, bacteria, and biofilm and produce a harmful to the host. Developing a rational irrigation
hermetic seal to prevent infection or reinfection and sequence so that the chemicals are administered in
promote healing of the surrounding tissues. The extra a proper manner to release their full potential is
time we gain by using rotary NiTi instruments should imperative for successful endodontic treatment.
be used for abundant irrigation to achieve better
cleaning of the root canal system, thereby contributing
to improved success of the treatment. References
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