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Using Teacher Tube

Teacher Major: Journalism

Video 1 as an example
Pictures of the video and the information about the video:
Competency Being Met:


In my classroom, I will start by letting my students brainstorm with their emotions and find about 3
specific things/topics they are passionate about to write about. They will then discuss with a group
why those 3 topics are meaningful to them, why they think it will be a good topic to write about and
how they are going to draw in the reader through creativity. Each group member will write this down
on a note card to start the brainstorming process. Through my teaching, and from this video, my
students will understand that their reader needs to have some sort of an emotional response to
reading their work. I will really drive home the importance of creativity and expression in my students
Video 2 as an example
Pictures of the video and the information about the video:
Competency Being Met:


In my class, I will make sure the students know how to properly handle the equipment first. I will do
this by bringing some older cameras of my own to class and letting them handle and get comfortable
with the DSLRs. I believe when the students feel more confident about their camera operation skills,
they will be able to dive into the art and creativity of photography. I will use this video to introduce
basic tips and skills to my students. I will go into depth of specific photography rules and guidelines
that I was taught years back.

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