35 Bengtson 1981 - Lethaia

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Lethaia, Vol. 14, p. 165. Oslo, 1981 07 01

Cretaceous of considerable weight


Wiedmann, J. (ed.) 1979: Aspekte der Kreide Europas. 680 Boreal crioceratid ammonites and concludes that they immi-
pp.. 33 pls., 182 figs., 42 tables. ZUGS A 6 . E. Schweizerbart- grated from the Tethys, having evolved from Mediterranean
’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart. ISBN 3-510-56004-3. forms. Kakabadze, in a palaeoecological study of the locally
Price: DM 198.00. abundant ancyloceratid faunas of the Caucasus, notes the res-
tricted distribution of most of the species. This, in combination
Aspekte der Kreide Europas is a book that deserves careful with observations on the mode of shell burial, is interpreted as
attention, not only because it is an important documentation of evidence against the hypothesis of post-mortem transport of
the Cretaceous of north central Europe and neighbouring shells by water currents. Bailey and Hart are the co-authors of
areas, but also because its 1.5 kg and nearly 700 pages con- two papers, one of which presents a foraminifera1 zonation of
tained in paperback covers (!) definitely do not permit careless the Coniacian-Santonian of southeastern England, and the
handling. The book is a collection of papers presented at the authors use this for correlation with successions in the rest of
1st Symposium on the German Cretaceous (Miinster, 1978), Europe. Despite a wealth of good exposures and appropriate
having as its main theme ‘correlation between the Boreal and lithologies, only two studies had been published previously on
Tethyan realms’. Of the 60 papers on the symposium program- the Coniacian-Santonian Foraminifera of southern England.
me, more than half are reproduced in the volume, which also The other paper deals with the distribution of middle Cre-
contains a few papers not presented at the meeting but that fall taceous planktic Foraminifera; this is controlled by a variety of
well within its theme. factors, of which temperature, water depth, and surface water
The 39 published papers are grouped under five headings in currents may be analysed in the fossil record. The paper by
the table of contents: ‘Ubersichtsreferate BRD’, ‘Biostratig- Perch-Nielsen is a demonstration of the impressive biostratig-
raphie, Faunen, Palokologie’, ‘Nord-Siid-Korrelation’, ‘Re- raphical progress made in the use of calcareous nannofossils
gionale Beitrage’, and ‘Mid-Cretaceous Events’. However, (coccoliths, for practical purposes) in only the last decade or
most of the papers span several of the topics under these S O . Her synthesis is enhanced by the inclusion of a good
headings. The last six papers are identified as contributions to amount of data retrieved from unpublished British Ph.D.
the IGCP project ‘Mid-Cretaceous Events’: in addition, 17 theses and oil-company reports.
other papers by project participants present results of direct Aspekte der Kreide Europos is another nail in the coffin of
relevance to the problems studied by the project. the traditional German subdivision of the Cretaceous. The
Ammonite taxonomy andlor biostratigraphy forms the sub- Turonian-Coniacian boundary now seems to be adjusted
ject of roughly a third of the papers in the volume. Five deal almost universally to its ‘international’ position, i.e. the Ger-
with belemnites, six with foraminifers, two with nannofossils, man Upper Turonian (and possibly also upper Middle Turo-
and one each with bryozoans, brachiopods, bivalves, red nian) is now better referred to the Coniacian.
algae, and shark teeth. Four papers are reviews of the Cre- The papers singled out in this short review give a taste of
taceous of different parts of the German Federal Republic and some of the important topics discussed, with an inevitable bias
twelve deal essentially with the stratigraphy and palaeogeogra- towards my own field of interest. The volume is likely to
phy of specific regions (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, become a standard reference in future publications on Cre-
Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the USSR). taceous biostratigraphy, although the choice of language may
Aspekte der Kreide Europas is primarily an important and limit its scientific impact (there are 23 papers in German, 13 in
welcome contribution to our knowledge of the Cretaceous of English and 3 in French). The volume would also have benefit-
the German Federal Republic (unfortunately, the German ed from the use of a more consistent terminology. Readers
Democratic Republic is not represented). Cretaceous macro- may be bothered by varying expressions such as ‘planktonic
biostratigraphy in particular has been relatively little studied foraminifera and , . , benthic forams’, and ‘Tethyan/tropical
during this century, in keeping with the situation in many other realm’, ‘Tethyan province’, and ‘Boreal region’. ‘Middle Cre-
‘classical’ areas in central Europe and southern Scandinavia. taceous’ means Aptian-Cenomanian to Middlemiss but
There are geologists who seem to believe that the scarcity of Albian-Santonian to Hart & Bailey (to pick only two of the
fresh exposures today a s compared with a century ago is an versions). The names ‘Neocomian’, ‘Vraconian’, and ‘Seno-
absolute obstacle to further improvement and refinement of nian’ persistently appear in several papers, although they have
the existing biostratigraphy. This volume is proof enough that no place in modern stratigraphical nomenclature.
there are no grounds for such a defeatist way of thinking: older The price of DM 198.00 reflects today’s exorbitant produc-
collections need to be revised continuously and new material tion costs for books of this kind and is a serious hindrance to
can certainly be acquired by alert and persistent workers. the efficient dissemination of the scientific results contained in
The paper by Ernst, Schmid & Klischies on ‘multistrati- the volume. It is only to be hoped that the authors of the
graphical’ studies in the Upper Cretaceous of Lower Saxony individual papers have realized this and armed themselves
attempts an integrated biostratigraphy and correlation with with a good number of offprints for distribution to their im-
other stratigraphical methods such as litho-, tephro-, chemo-, pecunious colleagues, and also that library savings have not
radiochrono-, and ecostratigraphy. The attempt is commend- gone so far as to impede the purchase of this important pub-
able provided that the authors and readers are fully aware of lication.
the limitations and potential errors inherent in each of these
methods, involving factors that commonly prevent direct com- Peter Bengtson, Paleontologiska museet, Box 558, S-75122
parisons from being made. Immel discusses the origin of the Uppsala, Sweden; 15th March, 1981.

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