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Executive Summary

“O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman is a corporate business where in will be run by me and my

members. The initial capital for this business in the first month of selling are worth ₱ 1782.00
that will be coming from our savings probably this business will be located near the school

If possible, this business will run after the thirsty needs of the student in which they can
gain satisfaction especially during hot season aside from water our product is also beneficial
to prevent dehydration.

II. Overview of the Business

“O-M-G Oh My Gulaman is both the business name and the primary and unique taste of
product. It combines with gulaman, refined sugar, young coconut and condensed milk it
enhances the taste of our products. It gives the satisfaction of the customer, as well as the
customer can gain benefit its terms of the thirsty needs, especially during hot seasons.
It will ensure and can satisfy the satisfaction of the customer. Dominating the stand out.
“O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman in Bulak, Dumanjug, Cebu specifically in Bulak National Highschool
as our main location. It envisions being the leading provider of the thirsty needs of the students
especially during hot season, it will surely provide the needs and brings a lot of satisfaction.

III. Business Plan

A. The Needs
Experiencing hot season are one of the aspects why most of the students w ants a refreshing
drink that can satisfy their thirsty needs. In some aspect our product is not that expensive it is
more affordable to any students in fact it is healthy and cannot give harmful effects.

B. “O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman it will surely sustain the needs of the students especially to those
students who can’t afford to buy soft drinks to satisfy their thirsty needs. Students will
usually prefer not too expensive kinds of drinks, in a reason that more money they can save
if they choose those not too expensive drinks, in fact, they can gain benefit with it.

C. We believe that the students will help us improve our “O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman business
because we offer and give services that commits and satisfy their thirsty needs. The parents
also encouraged their sons and daughter to choose wisely and preferring their needs in which
they can’t gain harmful substance. Aside from getting upset and disappointed that they can
feel satisfaction. Me and my members believe that this will surely be addressed and satisfy
the thirsty needs specifically to the students as well as the faculty and staff of Bulak National

IV. Vision, Mission and Values

In the name of good customer service, “O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman envision as the leading
innovative of high and dedicated services, working together as a partnership and will be leading
provider of refreshing drinks in Bulak National Highschool.

“O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman aims to provide and give good services, well-made products,
affordable, suitable and delicious drinks, for the students and staff of Bulak National Highschool
we participated works together with my members. This is through dedication and passion we
have to acknowledge in this kind of service. In line with this, its sets a mission to achieved at
least 40% return on equity after 3 months of operation.

“O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman as a partnership business to give its costumer the best service
it can served. We will maintain our high standard and hard work, clean equipment and the good
management as well as having good attitudes towards customer. We probably give our best to
deliver with full of sincerity and honesty for a better customer service.
We will be able to give a prompt, fast, accurate and best service to our customer, we may
also set to create and import a good service for us to improve our business.

V. Market Profile

A. Research Analysis
Todays “O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman believes to have a little improvement for customer
satisfaction. Me and my members decided that we must undergo a carefull observation in the
business location. The management also undergo an official interview with owners of the
current “O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman in Bulak National Highschool. We the owner found out
that customer is not that satisfied with service among Grade 7 students and most of our
products is not that good in taste. We as the owner believes that action must be taken
primarily to make a new powerful and good quality service as much we can do. The current
studies of our “O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman among Grade 9 students it was also observed and
has been given an attention in order to provide the students when business will start the
operation. With this premises I and my members decided to give the better improvement of
our services in order to fulfill the satisfaction of the student in the particular area. The market
will be 6 grade levels in Bulak National Highschool. The target of our business are those
areas that have plenty of population.

B. Marketing Plan
Table 1.
Number of targets Gulaman buyer per Consumer Growth

Populace Senior High Students Junior High Students Total

12 11 10 9 8 7
110 90 120 110 155 250
Daily (22 days) 20 45 10 15 10 30 130

Monthly (12 months) 440 990 220 330 220 660 2860

Yearly 5280 11880 2640 3960 2640 7920 31680

Based on the given consumer groups, the daily, monthly and yearly target students are reflected
through the assumption that from grade 11 group has the highest person who buy our product
while grade 10 and grade 8 are the lowest.


A. Product Description

“O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman is a business that gave services to the students. After we

finished collaborating our ideas on how to build up our “O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman business. The
taste of our products is so delicious and can satisfy the needs of our customer. Our products have
been passed to the inventory and was proven its quality standards.

B. Operating Strategies

The business will develop an “O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman station with high quality taste
and serv ices value as well. “O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman will need standardized quality of tools
and equipment to be used in preparing a product. As the owner, we are the one who will do the
duty. Me and my members tried to interview the students by offering them a free taste with our
products and made a comment after. During the operation, the business will think more ideas and
strategies on how to develop faster service.

C. Critical Risk
Table 2

“O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman
Competitors Market Share Target
Munchies 25% 15%
Maja Delicacies 25% 10%
Jersey’s Coconut Pudd 10% 15%
Salvamazing 10% 15%
Sioppao-licious 30% 20%
“O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman 25%

Based on the table showed, there are 6 competitors who dominate sweet delicacies in Bulak
National Highschool “O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman aims 25% of the market share. Through the
uniqueness and innovation. We believe that it will be achieved by us.

VII. Organizational Plan

A. Team Members



B. Contribution to the Business

Owner- it is responsible for the management and accountability of the business itself, at the
same time they are the ones who will manage the services through their customer.

Assistant – it is responsible for the management and accountability of the business, if incase
the owner have important matters to do.

Product Maker – it is responsible for the processing of making the product.

Treasurer – it is responsible to hold the money and the one who liquidate to know if the
business gain profit and also the one who budget the money for the next operation.

Purchaser – it is responsible to buy all the ingredients needed in the production of the product.

Employee – it is responsible for entertaining and adhering the responsibilities and services to
the customers/students.

VIII. Operational Plan

A. Work Flows


Delivering and Selling of Products Purchasing of Ingredients

Production of the Products

“O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman has a very simple operational plan. It starts from inventory of
the products to be produced daily, then purchasing of high quality of ingredients as well as the
good services. After purchasing business production of products will follow. Lastly, the delivering
and selling of products that can surely satisfy the costumers.

B. Monitoring and Evaluation

“O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman will monitor and will conduct an evaluation of our refreshing
drinks as well as the collection of money in and out the daily recorded data based and the services
involved. At the end of the day, it should be checked we hit our target or not.

IX. Sustainability

I. Financial Plan
“O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman will need at least ₱ 1782.00 to start our operation need
Bulak National Highschool. This will be coming from our own investment.
Table 3


Variable Cost

Raw materials Unit price Quantity Total

Disposable cups ₱ 19.50 22 ₱ 429.00
Refined sugar ₱ 16.00 22 ₱ 352.00
Condensed milk ₱ 32.00 22 ₱ 704.00
Gulaman ₱ 13.50 22 ₱ 297.00
Total 22 ₱ 1782.00

Table 3 shows the variable and fixed cost in the operation of “O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman Business.
This will serve as the basis for computing the breakeven money collection.

Table 4


Product Costing Projected Daily Projected Monthly Yearly

Value Daily Revenue Volume Revenue Projected
Monthly Revenue

“O-M-G” ₱5.00/ cups 100 ₱ 500.00 2200 ₱11,000 ₱132,000

Oh My
Table 4 shows the Project Revenue and this will serve as the basis of getting the Monthly
Table 5

January February March Total

Revenue ₱ 11,000 ₱ 10,000 ₱ 5000 ₱26,000

Cost ₱ 2 000 ₱ 1500 ₱ 500 ₱ 4000

Projected ₱ 9000 ₱ 8500 ₱4500 ₱ 22 000

Net Profit

Table 5 shows the Monthly Project Revenue and cost where we can see the original product and
the Profit Revenue. So, we collect a profit of ₱ 22 000 a month.

II. Social Impact

A. Long-Term Desired Outcomes
“O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman will give a sufficient service in Bulak National
Highschool. We are going to prioritize the needs of the students as well as we can meet
up the satisfactory standard of the students. Our target and advocacy is to give high
quality services.

B. Social Impact on Community

The business will not only help the students as well as the community. This will
implement students in choosing and preferring healthy drinks in fact, it is very affordable
and can meet their satisfaction in which they can save more money. Upon giving a
service like it will mold their interest as well.

C. Business impact in the community

“O-M-G” Oh My Gulaman believes in co- existing with nature and business
environment. The services we give to students will be much satisfying and suitable for
them. As we have our aims that we gladly make this certain business to prioritize the
students needs. The business has potential to survive in the community because of its
high social desirability because the ingredients that has been used.

S.Y. 2018-2019

Jo-ann Fat

Joefe Mae Eran

Rhea Mae Zozobrado

Shara Mae Lechido

Cherlyn Antiga

John Carl Cuestas

Gerald Monares

Christ Barote

Mark Anthony Miñoza

Ms. Metchie Palis

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