TTFRS: LE Pitter

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Physically, the absenence of ferroe ect riciit y in hexagonal Ba»O3
may be traced to f h rt finite chains of alter-

nating Tl and O
'nearity of successive

ions as compared with

. d of 6nite chains, and the nonco-
(2) h bsence of a highly pola

d (3) the larger d

ith the
should like to thank Professor

a e O ion between t e two Ti ions a t th e neighboriilg ends o

dls tancee between these Ti

o C.. Kittel
i e for proposing this
problem and for making helpful suggestions.
J. C. te, ys. ev 8 748 (1950).
' Helen . .. A C . 1, 3o 1948 .
D. Megaw, Proc. Roy. Soc. (Lon d on ) 189+ 261 (1947)

Note on the Bose--E'msstein Integral Functions*

Chemistry Depar tment,
men, Duke or Carolina
u e University, Durham, North
(Received June 18,
of the Bose-Emsteinin inte g ral functions

~(-, ) =-L1/~(-) j,
'ch would correspon d too w well-known develop-
m i-Dirac integra 1 func t'ons'
io are desirable for
gt avior of the F o., a for
ll H h
power series -
or tthee Bose-Einstein unc io

The F(, in Eq. (1) can be continued analytically

) defined m
e n for all ositive a, sav
at a =1 when m=0, y a p rocedure simi ar o
onl a continuation for all a
-TITANIUM -OXYQFN an 11 fo ll
ealized representation of the oxygen the use of Mellin trans or th Bo f tio
octahedra in hexagona lb ar'u
i mtit at in terms of power seri e a
ries whose functiona 1 behavior for small a is
nd which are, for t ose a o of greatest interest,
p ~y agoonal BaTiO» has been found to be non- a suited to numerica 1 co h 1.
ferroelectric. I have app lied the Loren z oc In deriving the result it is su cien o d th tt 0
the hexagonal modi6ca tion i to ascertain if i t leads reasonably to thee 1 and 0.&integer. The Me n ran
cconclusion th a t thee hexagonal mo Ii6cation
ca ion sshould be nonferro-

Iculation a little, the crystal structure was

p(o, s) = 0
F(a, a)a ~Ida = f ~e" Z CX~ dn
= ~(s) f(s+
t. The O octa h ed ra mer
mere all taken as equal
regular octahedra with the Ti ions a t thee centers and with d]- i- where f(s+a.) is the or d'inary
r Riemann zeta-function. The inverse
men ah d ra of the cubic modi6ca
s the octahe transformation then gives:
octahedron c ains we tk t ll c+ico
sultin dimensions of th 't ll f th ~( ) =(1/2 ~) . &( s)
Id ea'lized hexagonal stru are a'=568A c'=139A and c/a
=2.45, compare d wi'th the actual imension = (1/2xi)~) . u 'I'(s) f(s+ )ds, c)0. (3)
14 05A, and c/a 2 450

tion of all the other 0 an dT' d

of in6nite lengt wl th ax'i ll 1 to th XlS
o radius equal to a' VS=0.58a' circumscribed abou t the p ar-
an d of
ticu ar s in Slater s paper, i
go ionic p olarization. Th 6ldd h I ~

n of 47rPB, /3. Ignoring the effect o e

1. Contour for
' ' evaluating the Mellin in-
The calculation in dicated a necessary v ue tegral of Eq. (3).
0 bilit of the Ti T to
t proroduce ferroelectrici it y
m e go ation. This is appr eciably great than
of 0. 9&(1' cm' cac a e
umabl just bare 1y a d h h
ferroelectrlc Curie p oint temperature of 120'C Th fo b t
t0 the assumption that onlo y the Ti lons un dergo ionic polarizat ion
y be e ected that hexagon al BaTi03 should be
t ' This is consistent wi
nonferroe 1ectric.
For IssI &2sr, the contour of Fig. 1, which is indented at the
(simple} poles of the integrand, can be used. (The cut along the
These functions, together with e,
are shown graphically in Fig. 2
for the range a ~& 1. For a&1, the F(a, a) are conveniently evalu-
negative axis of reals makes possible immediate use of the Stirling ated by the familiar series of exponentials.
asymptotic expansion of logr(s)' to show that the integrand The author wishes to thank Professor F. London for his in-
vanishes on the arcs as the contour recedes to infinity. ) The terest in this work.
function f(s+o) has a simple pole at s= 1 fr with residue +1, — * This work was done under contract with the ONR.
and r(s} has simple poles at s= — n with residues ( — 1)"/n! ' J. McDougall and E. Stoner, Trans. Roy. Soc. (London) A237, 67 (1938).
2 E. C. Titchmarsh, Introduction to the Theory of Fourier Integrals (Oxford
Consequently, we have
University Press. London, 1948), pp. 7 ff. , 190 ff. G. G. MacFarlane, Phil.
" (—)"
F(o, a) =r(1 —g)a' + Z,
sssseo nt
f(cr —n)a". (4)
Mag. 40, 188 (1949).
3 E. T. Whittaker and G. N. Watson, Modern Analysis (Cambridge
versity Press, London, 1947), p. 276.

This is patently an analytic function of 0 if 0 ~& 0 and for all non-

integral 0.
If now fr=m, a positive integer, although r{1—o}a~ 1 and one
term of the series in Kq. {4) become infinite separately, their sum Radioactive Decay of I13'
remains finite. We have E. W. EMERY
— Medical Research Council, Radiotherapeutic Research Unit,
( )m 1
r(1 —a)ae + (m —1}!(g —yg+1)a~ Hammersmith Hospitol, London, England
F(m, a) =lim g (Received June 18, 1951)
of I' '
+ ss
( }rs
g(fr —n)a"= (-)
r'(m} —
loga a~ '
~HE principal radiations emitted in the disintegration
have been organized into schemes by Metzger and Deutsch
(M.D.)' and by Kern, Mitchell, and ZaGarano (K.M.Z. ).2 These
are shown in Fig. 1, and it will be seen that they include essentially
+ ss
lrs —1
( }ss
g(o —n)a", the same features and differ only in the soft beta-ray branch.
However, a number of less prominent features remain to be ac-
where C is Euler's constant. Therefore, by the principle of ana- counted for. Brosi et al. ' have found that a small fraction of the
lytic continuation, Kq. (4} holds for all o. The series converges disintegrations lead to the 12-day metastable level of Xe' '; a
absolutely if ss & 2e.. I I gamma-ray of an energy approximately 720 kev occurring in
Equation (4) readily yields the differentiation property of the about 5 percent of disintegrations has been discovered by Cava-
Bose functions: nagh4, and subsequently reported by Cork et al. ', and by Zeldes
8"F(o., a)/Bce= ( —)"F(e —n, a). et al. ;6 Cork~ has produced a convincing photographic spectrum
showing E and I
conversion lines due to a 177-kev gamma;
When a~0, it is seen that F(o, a) diverges as a I' '~ if fr(1, Zeldes' has produced evidence of a weak 810-kev beta-ray. All
and as log(1/a) if a=i, and of course converges toward g(o) if these radiations, except the 810-kev beta-ray, have been as-
fr & i. If 1 &o. &
&2, then F(cr, a) has an infinite slope at the origin sembled by Cork' into a scheme which must, however, be very far
although the function itself remains finite. Clearly, the origin from the truth. As the authors point out, there are wide anomalies
a=0 is a branch point for all the F(cr, a). in the intensities. For instance, in one branch the 600-kev beta-ray
The series in Kq. (4) converges quite rapidly in the neighbor- which arises from 85 percent of the disintegrations is shown fol-
hood of a= 0 for positive a which are not too large. For example, lowed by the 723-kev gamma-ray (5 percent) leading to the
with an accuracy of at least 1 percent when a&~ 1, we have metastable level (1 percent). Moreover, the scheme places both
F($, a) = 1.77a & —1.46 +0.208a —0.0128a, the 637- and the 364-kev gamma-rays in the soft beta-branch,
although M. D. have shown that only the first of these is asso-
F($, a) = —3.54al +2.61 +1.46a —0.104a' 10.00425a', ciated with the soft beta-ray, the other being in the 600-kev beta-
F(5/2, a) = 2.36al +1.34 —2.61a —0.730a +0.0347ae.
I ~ ~ I I ~ s I

(+) ~~
P eOO 80%)

Fso. 2. The Bose-Ein- $800(06%

stein I
F($, a), F($, a), and
F(5/2, a) for the range
0&a&1. I (3' g
Ma) 80
X lsl t iI e

(a) (b)
0 0.5 I.O
F16. 1. Decay schemes for P»: (a) Kern, Mitchell, and Zaffarano
(K.M. Z.); (b) Metzger and Deutsch (M. D.) with proposed additional
br', nches (dotted).

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