Multiplce-Choice Questions (Grad Exam Revision Part 1) Part 1: Grammar and Vocabulary

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Part 1: Grammar and Vocabulary
1. My parents hope to travel around ____ next summer.
A. A B. An C. The D. No article
2. Richard, my neighbour, ____ in World War 2.
A. Says to fight B. Says to have fought C. Is said to fight D. Is said to have fought
3. “Student should not be forced to study.” – “______. They should be allowed to study on their own
A. I couldn’t agree more B. Never mind C. Thank you. D. I can’t agree more.
4. These days, many people only read printed newspapers once in a while as they tend to access
information online.
A. Regularly B. Attentively C. Occasionally D. Selectively
5. He hated the work, only _____ consolation from his reading of poetry.
A. Deriving B. Derived C. To derive D. Having derived
6. Strong acids are ____ from the combustion of fossil fuels.
A. Derived B. Refuelled C. Strengthened D. Stopped
7. After their long-standing conflict had been resolved, the two friends decided to bury ____.
A. The bunker B. The hatchet C. The cockpit D. The secret
8. Sorry for being late. I was _____ in the traffic for more than an hour.
A. Carried on B. Held up C. Put off D. Taken after
9. She was dog tired and couldn’t keep ____ the group.
A. Up with B. Up against C. On to D. Out of
10. Students in this school are expected to always _____ school regulations.
A. Adhere to B. Disobey C. Violate D. Disregard
11. A number of programs have been initiated to provide food and shelter for the underprivileged in the
remote areas of the country.
A. Rich citizens B. Active members C. Poor inhabitants D. Average people
12. We rarely contact with each other, but sometimes he just contacts me ______.
A. Once in a lifetime B. Once in a blue moon C. Once upon a time D. Once
13. Art is considered by some people a subject which can helps ____ creativity.
A. Help B. Helping C. To help D. To helping
14. The child has no problem reciting the poem; he has ____ it to memory.
A. Admitted B. Committed C. Devoted D. Added
15. Project-based learning provides wonderful opportunities for students to develop their _____.
A. Creative B. Creativity C. Creativeness D. Creatively
16. The first few days at university can be very _____, but with determination and positive attitude,
freshmen will soon fit in with the new environment.
A. Daunting B. Memorable C. Serious D. Exciting
17. Deforestation may seriously jeopardize the habitat of many species in the local area.
A. Give rise to B. Make way for C. Do harm to D. Set fire to
18. I haven’t met him again since we ____ school ten years ago.
A. Have left B. Left C. Leave D. Had left
19. A recent survey has shown that ___ increasing number of men are willing to share the house work with
their wives.
A. The B. An C. A D. Some
20. The more demanding the job is, ____ I like it.
A. The more B. Most C. More D. The most
21. John wanted to know ______ in my family.
A. There were how many people C. Were there how many people
B. How many people there were D. How many people were there
22. Students are ____ less pressure as a result of changes in testing procedures.
A. Under B. Above C. Upon D. Out of
23. Whistling or clapping hands to get someone’s attention is considered ____ and even rude in some
A. Impolite B. Appropriate C. Unnecessary D. Suitable
24. Under no circumstances should you tell this story to anyone.
A. On no account B. At no account C. In no circumstances D. By any chance
25. “Would you like to come to my party this weekend?” – “_____________”
A. Yes, I’d love to. B. No, don’t worry C. You’re welcome D. I am afraid so
26. Mary has finally managed to get round her strict parents to let her go on a three-day excursion with
her classmates.
A. Persuade B. Offer C. Support D. Permit
27. The ____ high levels of pollution in the coastal areas are a matter of great concern to the government.
A. Redundantly B. Intensively C. Marginally D. Excessively
28. Not until a fortnight before the test did he start working ______.
A. Excessively B. Intensively C. Marginally D. Redundantly
29. If you watch this film, you ______ about the cultures of Southeast Asian countries.
A. Learned B. Were learning C. Will learn D. Would learn
30. At 9 P.M yesterday, I _____ while my father _____.
A. Cooked dinner/was watching TV C. Was cooking dinner/was watching TV
B. Cooked dinner/watched TV D. Cooked dinner/had watched TV
31. When I saw him on the street, he ______.
A. Was wearing a red hat B. Wore a red hat C. Had worn a red hat D. Was to wear
32. When she finally arrived at the cinema, we _____ for three hours.
A. Had been waiting B. Have been waiting C. Waited D. Were waiting
33. On her arrival at the cinema, we _______ for the train.
A. Had already left B. Have already left C. Was leaving D. Left
34. ________, I went on watching the final episode of Star Wars.
A. Having finished my homework C. I had finished my homework
B. I have finished my homework D. Before I finished my homework
35. After John ______ his brother, he went to sleep.
A. Had called B. Was calling C. Calling D. Called
36. Paul noticed a job advertisement while he ____ along the street.
A. Was walking B. Would walk C. Walked D. Had walked
37. Josh noticed a nice pair of sneakers while _____ by a shoes store.
A. Was walking B. Walked C. Had walked D. Would walk
38. Solar energy is not widely used ____ it is friendly to the environment.
A. Since B. Although C. In spite of D. Because of
39. The sign warns people ____ the dangers of swimming in this river.
A. About B. From C. With D. To
40. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you ____ the consequences of your actions.
A. About B. From C. With D. To
41. Up to now, the people have been given warnings ____ the upcoming flood every 3 hours.
A. From B. With C. To D. About
42. _____, they were surprised to find their favourite band playing there.
A. On arrival at the party C. They had arrived at the party
B. To have attended the party D. Just attended the party
43. Once ____ in large quantities, these products will be more affordably priced.
A. Are produced B. Having produced C. Produced D. Producing
44. Before coming to such a rash conclusion about this suicide case, has any of you _____ the possibility
that this might have been a murder?
A. Taken into account B. Brought up C. Put up D. Put off
45. The discovery of the new planet was _____ a major breakthrough in astronomy.
A. Promised B. Doubted C. Regarded as D. Supported
46. Have you ever _____ taking a new hobby instead of collecting robots?
A. Considered B. Promised C. Doubted D. Thought
47. Traffic _____ deters many people from using their private cars at peak hours.
A. Jam B. Vacancy C. Peanut butter D. System
48. If he were younger, he ____ a professional running competition now.
A. Will join B. Had joined C. Would join D. Would have joined
49. There has been little rain in this area for months, _____?
A. Hasn’t it B. Hasn’t there C. Has it D. Has there
50. Let’s go to the concert, ____?
A. Shall we B. Are we C. Should we D. Don’t we
51. The children ___ to bed before their parents came home from work.
A. Were all going B. Had all been going C. Had all gone D. Have all gone
52. Linda refused ____ in the musical performance because she was really sick.
A. To participate B. Participate C. Participating D. To participating
53. David was deported on account of his expired visa.
A. Thanks to B. Because of C. Because D. Since
54. _______ individuals are those who share the same hobbies, interests, or points of view.
A. Light-hearted B. Open-minded C. Like-minded D. Even-handed
55. After several injuries and failures, things have eventually ____ for Todd when he reached the final
round of the tournament.
A. Looked up B. Gone on C. Turned on D. Taken up
56. A good leader should not be conservative, but rather ___ to new ideas.
A. Receptive B. Acceptable C. Permissive D. Applicable
57. The proposal _____ by the environmentalists to grow more trees in the urban areas has received
approval from the council.
A. Which were suggested B. That were suggested C. Suggesting D. Suggested
58. “If I were you, I would drink as much juice as I could every day,” said the doctor.
A. The doctor told me to drink as much juice as I can every day.
B. The doctor warned me about drinking lots of juice every day.
C. The doctor asked me not to drink juice.
D. I was asked by the doctor whether he should drink juice or not.
59. Traffic congestion in big cities deters people from using their cars.
A. Discourages people from C. Limits people from
B. Encourages people to D. Prohibits people
60. The governments should _____ students with ____ financial support so that they don’t have to
hesitate when ____ to their dream school.
A. Provide/efficient/applying C. Providing/inefficient/apply
B. Provided/efficient/applying D. Provide/efficient/apply
61. Every organisers should plan everything carefully so as to leave nothing to ____.
A. Possibility B. Mistake C. Opportunity D. Chance
62. At the end of the training course, each participant
63. Jane would never forget ___ first prize in such a prestigious competition.
A. Being awarded B. To be awarded C. To have awarded D. Having awarded
64. You should turn off the lights before going out to save ____.
A. Electricity B. Electrically C. Electrical D. Electric
65. _____ school fees might discourage students from attending university.
A. Raising B. Gaining C. Receiving D. Improving
66. The biggest criticism levelled at social networking is that young people are losing their offline friends to
online friends _____ are unable to provide the same deep connection and emotional support.
A. Who B. Which C. Where D. When
67. Many studies found that people are not ____ offline friends with online companions but are using them
to support their offline relationships.
A. Substituting B. Combining C. Making D. Providing
68. It is not an overstatement to think that as handwriting deteriorates in the coming years, testing on
computers will come into practice in many academic institutions.
A. Improves gradually C. Becomes more important
B. Remains unchanged D. Gets worse and worse
69. She thought that many supposedly erotic pictures ____ women. To her, wide publication of such
pictures humiliates the status of the female population.
A. Degrade B. Value C. Deteriorate D. Decay
70. Drivers are advised to get enough petrol because filling stations are few and far between on the
A. Easy to find B. Difficult to access C. Unlikely to reach D. Impossible to reach
71. The girl has great experience of nursing. She has worked as a hospital volunteer for years.
A. Before she worked as a hospital volunteer for years, the young girl has great experience of nursing.
B. Much as she has worked a sa hospital volunteer for years, the young girl has great experience of nursing.
C. Having worked as a hospital volunteer for years, the young ril has great experience of nursing.
D. With great experience of nursing, the young girl has worked as a hospital volunteer for years.


I didn’t know the term, so I looked it …………… in the dictionary.

A. on B. at C. up D. after
I looked his address ……… in the telephone directory.

A. on B. at C. up D. after
My father’s wonderful. He’s the person I most admire.
A. look down on B. look up to C. look after D. take after
I lost my key, I suppose. Will you help me …………. them?

A. look up B. look into C. look down D. look for

When I look ……………. on my time at high school, it puts a smile on my face.

A. back B. down C. up D. in
It’s rude to ……………….. poorer people.

A. look down on B. look up to C. look into D. look back on

My lawyer had told me to ………………. the contract before I signed it.

A. look down B. look up C. look over D. look back

The accident was so horrible that I had to …………………. .

A. see off B. take in on C. look away D. watch in on

Who is ………………… the baby when you’re not home?

A. taking after B. looking in C. taking in D. looking after

You can ……………….. her number in the directory.

A. look into B. look up to C. look after D. look up

We will …………………… the problem and come back to you when we have further information.

A. look up B. look into C. look back D. look out for

When I was young, I always …………… my grandpa who was a wonderful one.

A. look up to B. look down on C. look over D. look off

The policemen will ………… the causes of the accident.

A. look up B. look up to C. look into D. look in

We were about to …………… my sister-in-law. However, she’s not home.

A. drop off B. look in on C. see in D. take back
The new students really …………….. their teachers.

A. look up B. look up to C. look down D. look down on

Is she looking …………. a new job?

A. for B. at C. forward D. to
Hey guys, look ……. this chart please.

A. at B. in C. for D. to
Lady Crawford and her friends are in the habit of looking …………. people that are less educated
than they are.

A. up to B. forward to C. down on D. back on

They ……………….. the house and decided not to buy it.

A. looked after B. looked on C. looked into D. looked around

Old people often ……………….. their lives in the past.

A. look back B. look up C. look down on D. look up to

Part 3: Idioms
1. If I say that John is making out well in his work, I mean that he _____.
A. likes his work B. is succeeding
C. is leaving D. is about to begin
2. When one makes good time, he _____.
A. has a good time B. travels at a good speed
C. is connected D. has busy time
3. To learn something by heart is to learn it _____.
A. quickly B. slowly
C. well D. by memory
4. One way of getting rid of something is to _____.
A. look at it B. admire it
C. keep it D. throw it away
5. If Mary’s purse goes well with her dress, then her purse and dress _____.
A. match B. are expensive
C. are pretty D. are worn out
6. Now and then means _____.
A. often B. suddenly
C. early D. occasionally
7. To make sure of something is to _____.
A. be certain of it B. call it off
C. turn it off D. cancel it
8. To keep house is to _____.
A. refuse to sell B. lock the door against thieves
C. do the usual work in a house D. wash the house
9. To be mixed up is to be _____.
A. happy B. worried
C. confused D. late
10. To see about something is to _____.
A. attend to it B. go to see it
C. admire it D. look at it
11. If I say that the meeting is over, I mean that the meeting has _____.
A. just begun B. ended
C. been interesting D. been called off
12. If I say that I’d rather wait, I mean that I _____.
A. like to wait B. refuse to wait
C. prefer to wait D. want to wait
13. If I say that, after studying the message, I finally figured it out, this means that at last I _____.
A. answered the message B. understood it
C. put it away D. picked it up
14. If the month is up, this means that the period of one month has _____.
A. ended B. begun
C. seemed long D. been very warm
15. To put off something means to _____.
A. look for it B. put it in place
C. cancel it D. postpone it
16. To get sick means to _____.
A. be sick B. become sick
C. be well D. become well
17. If the doctor says that you’d better do a certain thing, this means that _____.
A. you must do it B. you are going to do it
C. it is advisable that you do it D. you prefer to do it
18. To point out something is to _____.
A. need it B. touch it
C. look it up D. indicate it
19. By the way is a synonym for _____.
A. however B. at last
C. incidentally D. immediately
20. If John arrives at a place on time and Mary arrives in time, who will possibly arrive first?
A. Mary B. John
C. John and Mary D. Mary and John

PART 3: Phrasal Verbs
1. The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted _____ a good answer.
A. put up with B. keep pace with
C. made way for D. came up with
2. We can put you _____ for a few days if you have nowhere else to live.
A. on B. out
C. up D. off
3. It’s hard to _____ well with him. He’s got such a difficult character.
A. get over B. get on
C. get into D. get in

4. Hard work can often bring _____ success.

A. into B. in
C. about D. up
5. He _____ a big fortune when he was young, so he didn’t have to work hard.
A. came into B. came up
C. came across D. came round
6. She _____ down completely on hearing of her friend's death.
A. broke B. turned
C. put D. fell
7. I was talking to my aunt when suddenly my cousin George _____ in on our conversation.
A. went B. interrupted
C. intervened D. broke
8. It’s no use getting _____ him. He won’t change his mind.
A. on B. across
C. off D. around
9. Tony and Nancy always kiss and make _____ after their argument.
A. up with B. clear
C. up D. out
10. Sportsmen _____ their political differences on the sports field.
A. take part B. put aside
C. take place D. keep apart
11. As it was very hot in summer, sales of bottles of water went _____ the roof.
A. through B. to
C. above D. over
12. I'm going to stay at university and try to _____ off getting a job for a few years!
A. stay B. put
C. move D. set
13. I know we had an arguement, but now I'd quite like to _____.
A. look down B. make up
C. fall out D. bring up

14. I'm saving all my pocket money _____ to buy a new PlayStation.
A. out B. down
C. up D. away
15. We _____ with a swim in the lake.
A. got out B. took up
C. cooled off D. gave in
16. Learning English isn't so difficult once you _____.
A. get down to it B. get off it
C. get on it D. get down with it
17. On hearing the news she fainted and it was half an hour before she came _____ again.
A. round B. up
C. over D. forward
18. Jane came _____ a beautiful picture when she was tidying the room.
A. pass B. round
C. across D. into
19. The bomb _____ in a crowded street.
A. went off B. went out
C. came off D. came out
20. The Government hopes to _____ its plans for introducing cable T.V.
A. keep on B. carry on
C. carry out D. turn out

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