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Outcome 1:

To put this outcome into other words: it says that as students, we should be be able to read a
scholarly text and be able to understand what it is saying and then be able to summarize it into
our own words. We should then be able to take what we read and equate that information to
writing and research. The point this outcome is trying to get at is to make us, as students,
really think about what we are reading and be able to then use those articles in our final
essay. Two activities that correlate to this outcome are the Jenkins summary and the
annotated bibliography. While doing the Jenkins summary, we had to read an article and the
summarize what we read so that we could further understand what it was saying. After that,
we had to use it again in an essay to help explain our research. In the annotated bibliography,
we had to read and then summarize six different articles and explain how they mattered to the
topic we were researching. While doing this, we synthesized the text and tied it back to our
research of writing in the community.

Outcome 2:
In other words, this outcome states that the students will write papers based off of information
that they found on their own, and they will research a community and find meaningful
information from it. This means we will research a specific community and then write essays
based off of that information we have found. It is important that we have these skills in life
because in whatever job we get after college, we will have to be able to find information and
then interpret it so that is answers a question that we have. This outcome was achieved
throughout this course by us writing the annotated bibliography and the final research
essay. These are good examples because in both of them, we had to research article and figure
out how they revolve around our main question. This research was used in writing both of
these papers.

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