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Di¡erential adaptation of microbial pathogens to airways

of patients with cystic ¢brosis and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease
Gerd Döring1, Iyer G. Parameswaran2 & Timothy F. Murphy2
Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany; and 2Department of Medicine and New York
State Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Health Sciences, Division of Infectious Diseases, University at Buffalo, State University of New York,
Buffalo, NY, USA

Correspondence: Gerd Döring, Institute of Abstract

Medical Microbiology and Hygiene,
Universitätsklinikum Tübingen,
Cystic fibrosis (CF), the most common autosomal recessive disorder in Cauca-
Wilhelmstrasse 31, D-72074 Tübingen, sians, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a disease of adults, are
Germany. Tel.: 149 7071 298 2069; characterized by chronic lung inflammation, airflow obstruction and extensive
fax: 149 7071 293 011; e-mail: tissue remodelling, which have a major impact on patients’ morbidity and mortality. Airway inflammation is stimulated in CF by chronic bacterial infections
and in COPD by environmental stimuli, particularly from smoking. Pseudomonas
Received 11 February 2010; revised 21 May aeruginosa is the major bacterial pathogen in CF, while in COPD, Haemophilus
2010; accepted 25 May 2010.
influenzae is most frequently observed. Molecular studies indicate that during
Final version published online 24 June 2010.
chronic pulmonary infection, P. aeruginosa clones genotypically and phenotypi-
cally adapt to the CF niche, resulting in a highly diverse bacterial community that
is difficult to eradicate therapeutically. Pseudomonas aeruginosa clones from COPD
Editor: Dieter Haas patients remain within the airways only for limited time periods, do not adapt and
are easily eradicated. However, in a subgroup of severely ill COPD patients,
P. aeruginosa clones similar to those in CF persist. In this review, we will discuss the

Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Haemophilus pathophysiology of lung disease in CF and COPD, the complex genotypic and
influenzae; Staphylococcus aureus ; phenotypic adaptation processes of the opportunistic bacterial pathogens and
Burkholderia ssp.; mutator; adaptive radiation. novel treatment options.

domain. Over 1500 mutations and sequence variants have

Introduction been described to date and reported to the Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common autosomal Genetic Analysis Consortium. Most of these mutations are
recessive disorder in Caucasians, affecting 1 : 2500 chil- rare and only four mutations occur at a frequency of
dren, with a carrier frequency of 1 : 25. In the CF lung, 4 1%. The most frequent mutation, F508del, occurs in
disease develops as a consequence of mutations in the CF the DNA sequence that codes for the NBD1 (Döring &
transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, Ratjen, 2005). Abnormal transport of chloride and sodium
which encodes a membrane-bound cAMP-regulated chlor- ions caused by CFTR mutations affects water movement
ide channel (Kerem et al., 1989; Riordan et al., 1989; across epithelia, leading to pathophysiological conse-
Rommens et al., 1989). The primary structure of CFTR quences in various organs including the respiratory, gas-
indicates that it belongs to a family of transmembrane trointestinal and reproductive tract, the pancreas and the
proteins called ATP-binding cassette transporters, which liver. The CF phenotype is rather heterogeneous due to
form a large family of proteins responsible for the translo- many different mutations in CFTR and the influence of
cation of a variety of compounds across membranes of modifier genes (Davies, 2007). Chronic respiratory infec-
both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. CFTR is composed of tions caused by several opportunistic bacterial pathogens
five domains: two membrane-spanning domains, two are recognized to have the largest impact on morbidity and
nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) and a regulatory mortality in CF patients (Høiby & Frederiksen, 2000).

c 2010 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Rev 35 (2011) 124–146
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Bacterial infections in CF and COPD 125

Bacterial infections stimulate inflammatory defence me- Pathophysiology of CF lung disease

chanisms, leading to tissue destruction and extensive tissue
remodelling (Döring & Ratjen, 2007). The resulting A variety of innate immune functions have been reported to
emphysema and fibrosis mainly determine the reduced life be dysregulated in CF, and a number of mechanisms have
expectancy in individuals with CF. Once established, these been put forward to explain the fact that practically every CF
infections are difficult to treat with antibiotics and the patient suffers from chronic bacterial lung infections. The
pathogens are rarely eradicated (Döring et al., 2004). inability of mutated CFTR to effectively secrete chloride
Unlike CF, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from respiratory epithelial cells into the airway surface
(COPD), a chronic, progressive disorder of lung parenchy- liquid causes excessive water absorption from the airway
ma and airways, is exclusively a disease of adults, especially surface liquid, leading to impaired mucociliary clearance in
of individuals over the age of 60 years. COPD is the fourth individuals with CF (Matsui et al., 1998; Boucher, 2007)
leading cause of death globally, accounting for approxi- (Fig. 1). This in turn facilitates the colonization of the
mately 2.7 million deaths in 2003 (Lopez et al., 2006). viscous mucus layer on the respiratory epithelium with
COPD is defined by airflow obstruction that is not fully bacteria, rather than the colonization of the epithelial sur-
reversible, in contrast to asthma, which is associated with face per se (Ulrich et al., 1998; Worlitzsch et al., 2002).
reversible airflow obstruction (Celli & MacNee, 2004). The Furthermore, an abnormal accumulation of ceramide in
degree of reduction in forced expiratory volume in 1 s the lungs of CF mice and in epithelial cells from CF patients
(FEV1) is used to classify COPD into four stages (mild, has been shown to result in an increased death rate of
moderate, severe and very severe). Although genetic factors respiratory epithelial cells and DNA deposits on the respira-
influence COPD (Wood & Stockley, 2006; Silverman et al., tory epithelium, which facilitates bacterial adherence
2009; Smolonska et al., 2009), these influences are complex (Teichgräber et al., 2008). In addition to these mechanisms,
and mostly unknown. COPD results from responses to which explain the high incidence of chronic bacterial lung
environmental stimuli, particularly from smoking, in ge- infections in CF, other investigators have demonstrated
netically susceptible individuals (Celli & MacNee, 2004; that alveolar macrophages from CF mice exhibit defective
Wood & Stockley, 2006). Bacterial pathogens also play an killing of internalized P. aeruginosa (Di et al., 2006). After
important role in the course and pathogenesis of COPD phagocytosis by alveolar macrophages, bacteria enter the
(Sethi & Murphy, 2008). phagosome and lysosomes, exhibiting a low pH due to
Many similarities exist between CF and COPD. In both CFTR and vacuolar ATPase, and fuse with the phagosome,
diseases, exuberant inflammation causes airflow obstruc- forming the phagolysosome. The mature organelle exhibits
tion, tissue destruction and extensive tissue remodelling, an acid pH that ensures the final destruction of the ingested
leading to emphysema and fibrosis. Thus, inflammation bacteria by a variety of proteolytic enzymes. Defective
plays an important role in the morbidity and mortality of CFTR-dependent acidification of lysosomal pH (Barasch
patients. However, CF and COPD differ with regard to et al., 1991) has been linked to significant survival of
infection. While the role of chronic bacterial infections, P. aeruginosa (Di et al., 2006). The contribution of CFTR to
particularly caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, is well the regulation of pH in intracellular organelles has been
established in CF (Høiby & Frederiksen, 2000), the impact discussed controversially (Haggie & Verkman, 2007, 2009)
of these infections in patients with COPD is less clear due to experimental difficulties to ensure targeting of
(Murphy et al., 2008). Furthermore, pathogens such as identical vesicle populations by pH-sensitive fluorescent
Moraxella catarrhalis and Streptococcus pneumoniae are dyes. Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection may also be facili-
frequently observed in patients with COPD (Sethi & Mur- tated in CF airways directly by defective CFTR, which, in its
phy, 2001), and yet are seldom present in the airways of CF functional state, binds the pathogen within lipid rafts and
patients. Because of improved symptomatic treatment removes it from the epithelial surface via internalization
strategies and antibiotic therapy, the prognosis of CF (Pier, 2000).
individuals has improved considerably and many children The viscosity of the secretions has several further negative
now reach adulthood. While antibiotic therapy is beneficial consequences for the pathophysiology of CF lung disease.
in treating acute exacerbations of COPD (Anthonisen, 2002; These secretions are present in submucosal gland ducts of
Ram et al., 2006), this therapy has not been demonstrated to CF patients as a result of mutated CFTR (Engelhardt et al.,
affect the course of the disease. In this review, we will discuss 1992), and may impair the transport of antimicrobial
the pathophysiology of lung disease in CF and COPD, oligopeptides (Lehrer & Ganz, 2002; Selsted & Quellette,
bacterial colonization of airways and the complex genotypic 2003) onto the epithelium (Verkman et al., 2003; Joo et al.,
and phenotypic adaptation processes of the opportunistic 2004) (Fig. 1). They may also negatively affect the migration
bacterial pathogens in these diseases and novel treatment of neutrophils towards the pathogens within the mucus
options. overlaying the respiratory epithelium (Matsui et al., 2005)

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126 G. Döring et al.

Fig. 1. Bacterial killing mechanism of innate

immunity in the respiratory tract of CF patients
and healthy individuals. (a) In healthy individuals,
bacteria entering the mucus layer overlaying the
respiratory epithelium are effectively removed
from the airways by a functional mucociliary
clearance system and killed by CAMPs derived
from submucosal glands or epithelial cells, by
functional neutrophils (PMN) or macrophages
(MF) or within epithelial cells after uptake via
functional CFTR. (b) In individuals with CF,
defective CFTR leads to a highly viscous mucus
layer that impairs mucociliary clearance, the
migration of CAMPs, neutrophils and
macrophages towards the bacterial targets, the
uptake of bacteria by CFTR itself, and induces a
pH shift to alkaline values in epithelial lysosomes.
Because of ceramide accumulation, this results in
DNA deposits, which in turn serve as adhesion
matrices for bacteria. A similar pH shift in the
phagolysosomes of macrophages impairs
bacterial killing. Ceramide accumulation also
triggers cytokine release, which induces further
neutrophil influx (adapted from Döring &
Gulbins, 2009).

(Fig. 1). This may allow bacterial multiplication and pro- tory response dominated by neutrophils not only facilitates
found changes in the bacterial phenotypes that facilitate tissue destruction but also induces tissue remodelling
chronic infection. Furthermore, within the highly viscous (Döring & Gulbins, 2009; Ulrich et al., 2010). An essential
mucus, a microaerobic/anaerobic milieu prevails due to role in these pathogenic reactions is related to the imbalance
oxygen consumption by bacterial pathogens such as P. of serine and metalloproteases to their respective inhibitors
aeruginosa (Worlitzsch et al., 2002; Hassett et al., 2009) or (Döring, 1999; Ratjen et al., 2002). Particularly, neutrophil
invading neutrophils (Kolpen et al., 2010). Consequently, elastase has been implicated in the pathophysiology of CF
the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by neutro- lung disease. The serine protease has been shown to cleave
phils and other cells is abolished and bacterial killing is the endogenous serine protease inhibitor a1-antitrypsin,
impaired (Fig. 2a and b), particularly with regard to patho- immunoglobulins, surfactant proteins, complement com-
gens, which are intrinsically resistant to nonoxidative kill- ponents and a variety of cell receptors (Döring & Gulbins,
ing, or capable of changing their phenotype towards 2009). Cleavage of the complement receptor 1 on neutro-
resistance to nonoxidative killing. phils and the activated complement component C3bi on
Lung inflammation is a key finding in patients with CF opsonized bacteria creates an ‘opsonin-receptor mismatch’
(Konstan et al., 1994). While ceramide accumulation has (Berger et al., 1989; Tosi et al, 1990), which significantly
been shown to induce a proinflammatory status in the impairs P. aeruginosa killing.
respiratory tissue of CF mice, which precedes bacterial The vicious cycle of persisting bacterial pathogens, en-
infection, including an increased production of cytokines cased in biofilms, and decaying neutrophils leads to increas-
and recruitment of macrophages (Teichgräber et al., 2008), ing endobronchial DNA deposition and large mucus plugs,
inflammation clearly increases considerably in response to which further obstruct the airways of the patients (Whit-
persistent bacterial infections. The exaggerated inflamma- church et al., 2002; Worlitzsch et al., 2002).

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Bacterial infections in CF and COPD 127

of airway inflammation – increased neutrophils, IL-8, TNF-

a and neutrophil elastase – are all increased compared with
healthy controls (Keatings et al., 1996; Hill et al., 1999a b;
Barnes et al., 2003). Chronic colonization of the airways
contributes to this airway inflammation (Hill et al., 2000;
Parameswaran et al., 2009). However, the degree of airway
inflammation does not reach the threshold of patient-
perceived symptoms. When airway inflammation crosses
this threshold for short episodes, these are called exacerba-
tions (Hill et al., 1999a, b). The course of COPD is punc-
tuated by episodes of acute exacerbations, which are
associated with increased airway inflammation compared
with baseline levels (Hill et al., 1999a, b; Sethi et al., 2008).
Goblet cell hyperplasia and mucus hypersecretion are pre-
sent in the airways of most COPD patients, especially in
those with clinical features of chronic bronchitis (Barnes,
2000). Although mucus viscosity is considerably lower in
COPD compared with CF, mucociliary clearance of bacterial
pathogens may be impaired by the fact that respiratory
epithelial cells lose cilia and undergo squamous metaplasia
(Hogg & Timens, 2009). Lung inflammation leads to the
activation of innate immune cells, particularly macro-
phages, which have a profound effect on immune cell
recruitment into the airways and tissue remodelling (Barnes,
2004). In the small airway walls, infiltrating neutrophils and
lymphocytes cause airway thickening and remodelling,
resulting in reduced airway diameter and airflow (Hogg
et al., 2004). Inflammatory cellular infiltration of alveolar
walls is associated with the destruction of alveoli and
enlargement of air spaces, i.e. emphysema (Cosio et al.,
2009). Infiltration especially by CD81 lymphocytes occurs
in pulmonary vessel walls that are thickened due to in-
creased collagen deposition (Cosio et al., 2009). As in CF,
chronic lung inflammation is accompanied by an imbalance
between proteases and antiproteases in COPD (Stockley,
1999). Furthermore, oxidative stress is persistently enhanced
(Rahman & MacNee, 1996) as well as a number of other
Fig. 2. Bacterial sensitivity and resistance to neutrophil-mediated killing
innate immune functions that lead to tissue remodelling
in aerobic and anaerobic environments. (a) On the respiratory epithelium
of healthy individuals, neutrophils effectively kill the CF-related bacterial (Barnes, 2000; Cosio et al., 2009; Hogg & Timens, 2009).
pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa (red), Staphylococcus aureus (blue) Alveolar macrophages from COPD patients have decreased
and Burkholderia cepacia (green) by ROS and CAMPs. (b) Neutrophils in sensitivity to nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHI)
the anaerobic milieu in the mucus layer overlaying the respiratory antigens and decreased ability to phagocytose NTHI, com-
epithelium in individuals with CF are devoid of ROS, leading to intraneu- pared with normal controls (Berenson et al., 2006a, b). The
trophil survival of S. aureus (blue), which produces a protective exopoly-
structural abnormalities in airways, alveoli and pulmonary
saccharide coat (red), and B. cepacia (green), which is intrinsically
vasculature vary among COPD patients (Hogg & Timens,
resistant to nonoxidative killing (adapted from Döring & Gulbins, 2009).

Bacterial colonization of the CF lung

Pathophysiology of COPD Chronic bacterial pulmonary infection leading to an irre-
The pathophysiology of COPD is characterized by chronic versible decline in lung function is the main cause of
inflammation of airways as a result of active and passive mortality and morbidity in CF patients, with 4 95% of
smoking (Barnes, 2000; Celli & MacNee, 2004). The indices deaths due to respiratory failure (Dodge et al., 2007).

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128 G. Döring et al.

Staphylococcus aureus is the most prevalent opportunistic fascinating view is that ‘cheater’ cells that refrain from
bacterial pathogen, which chronically infects CF airways in producing ‘expensive’ metabolites benefit in such commu-
the age group of 0–9 years (55%), while P. aeruginosa is the nities from those produced by the rest of the population
most prevalent pathogen thereafter (81%) (Høiby & Freder- (Keller & Surette, 2006; Duan et al., 2009). The chemical and
iksen, 2000). At a much lower prevalence, H. influenzae, S. physical nature of the mucus plugs in CF airways, in which
pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, strains of the Burkholderia the bacterial pathogens multiply, favours such a microevo-
cepacia complex (Bcc), comprising 10 genomovars, and lution during the course of chronic infection. Interestingly,
fast-growing mycobacteria can be present in airway speci- it has been found that the number of taxa and the phyloge-
mens of CF patients (Høiby & Frederiksen, 2000). netic diversity and evenness within the microbiota in the
In addition, a large number of strict anaerobes have been airways of CF patients decrease with age, which has been
detected, which may be surprising for an air-filled organ such attributed to either repeated antibiotic therapy courses or
as the lung. However, the viscous mucus plugs, in which all invasion of P. aeruginosa into the CF airways (Klepac-Ceraj
these bacteria thrive, have been shown to create microaerobic/ et al., 2010). Microevolution processes have been studied
anaerobic conditions (Worlitzsch et al., 2002), which favour most widely in P. aeruginosa.
the growth of anaerobes. Anaerobic bacteria have been
detected in significant numbers (4105 CFU mL1) in the
lungs of CF patients using classic culturing methods, in-
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most prevalent
dicating that a highly diverse bacterial community is present
within the CF lung (Brook & Fink, 1983; Jewes & Spencer, The capacity of P. aeruginosa to cause infections in CF
1990; Tunney et al., 2008; Worlitzsch et al., 2009). These patients and other hosts can be traced back to its consider-
include diverse species belonging to the genera Prevotella, able adaptability to specific environmental conditions and
Bifidobacterium, Veillonella, Peptostreptococcus and Fusobac- the production of numerous virulence factors (Lee et al.,
terium. Single obligate anaerobic species persisted for up to 2006) (see Box 1). This adaptability is linked to a large
11 months in sputum plugs in vivo (Worlitzsch et al., 2009). number of regulatory genes. For example, in the 6.3 Mb
Whether these bacteria contribute to the pathophysiology of genome of P. aeruginosa PAO1, which contains 5570 pre-
CF lung disease is still an open question. CF patients with dicted ORFs, 521 known or putative regulatory genes have
and without obligate anaerobes in sputum specimens did been identified, demonstrating a highly complex gene
not differ in lung function (Worlitzsch et al., 2009). regulation (Stover et al., 2000). The P. aeruginosa chromo-
Culture-independent profiling methodologies (Nocker some contains a core genome consisting of the sequences
et al., 2007) such as terminal restriction fragment length that are common to all strains of the taxon and variable
polymorphism have considerably advanced our knowledge amounts of accessory DNA segments. The accessory genome
of the polymicrobial nature of CF lung disease (Rogers et al., that can be horizontally transferred among strains repre-
2003, 2004, 2006, 2009; Harris et al., 2007; Bittar et al., 2008; sents the flexible gene pool that frequently undergoes
Sibley et al., 2008, 2009; Klepac-Ceraj et al., 2010). For acquisition and loss of genetic information and hence plays
instance, it has been shown by culture-independent meth- an important role in the adaptive evolution of bacteria. The
ods that the Streptococcus milleri group of viridans strepto- flexible gene pool is made up of elements such as bacter-
cocci, comprising Streptococcus constellatus, Streptococcus iophages, plasmids, insertion elements, transposons, con-
intermedius and Streptococcus anginosus, is present in CF jugative transposons, integrons and genomic islands.
sputum specimens and related to the pathophysiology of CF Isolates from CF patients and environment are endowed
lung disease (Sibley et al., 2008). with a variable repertoire of genomic islands (Klockgether
During acute infections, which may resolve after several et al., 2007; Wiehlmann et al., 2007). The genes required for
days, microorganisms reversibly regulate gene expression by pathogenicity in one strain of P. aeruginosa are neither
responding to environmental signals, and thereby adapt required for nor predictive of virulence in other strains
their phenotypes accordingly (Green & Paget, 2004; Gilles- (Lee et al., 2006; Bragonzi et al., 2009), indicating a broad
Gonzalez & Gonzalez, 2005). During the course of chronic intraclonal diversity of pathogenicity of this organism, yet
infections, which may last 4 10 years, however, mutants no difference in virulence. Despite the high overall genome
can be selected that differ genotypically and phenotypically similarity of P. aeruginosa of o 0.5% sequence diversity in
from the originally infecting strain. Given the large micro- the core genome, comprising 80% of all genes, differences in
biota in the airways of infected CF patients, complex phenotypes can be striking even at the intraclonal level of
interactions not only occur between microorganisms and genetically highly related strains (Wehmhöner et al., 2003;
the environment but also among members of the commu- Salunkhe et al., 2005a, b).
nity that use primary or secondary metabolites in a multi- Various morphotypes that are not normally present in
tude of chemical interactions (Duan et al., 2009). A environmental P. aeruginosa strains have been described in

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Bacterial infections in CF and COPD 129

Box 1. Virulence factors of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and their regulation by quorum sensing
Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces many virulence factors, which can be divided into cell-associated and extracellular virulence factors. Many
virulence factors are regulated by the quorum-sensing circuit and other regulatory genes, which have been demonstrated in vitro and in vivo. During
the chronic course of lung infections in patients with CF, many mutants have been characterized that are defective in virulence factor expression and
quorum sensing (D’Argenio, 2004; Hogardt et al., 2004, 2007; van Delden, 2004; Ramsey & Wozniak, 2005; Lee et al., 2006; Williams & Camara,
2009; Winstanley & Fothergill, 2009).
Cell-associated virulence factors
Flagella, type IV pili, lipopolysaccharide and three different exopolysaccharides, encoded by the alg, psl and pel clusters, contribute to adhesion of the
microorganism to various surfaces. On epithelial cells, flagellar proteins bind to toll-like receptor (TLR)-5 and lipopolysaccharide to TLR-4, leading to
the stimulation of innate immune functions and inflammation. The exopolysaccharides have been implicated in biofilm formation. Flagella,
lipopolysaccharide and alginate antibodies have been detected in the sera of infected CF patients.
Extracellular virulence factors
Type I, II and III secretion systems secrete protein toxins and provide contact with eukaryotic cells. Alkaline protease is secreted by the type I secretion
system, while the LasB and LasA elastases, protease IV, exotoxin A, phospholipase C and lipase are secreted by the type II secretion system. The type III
secretion system injects the exoenzymes S, T, Y and U into eukaryotic cells. Other extracellular virulence factors include the secondary metabolites
pyocyanin and other phenazine pigments, siderophores, hydrogen cyanide and rhamnolipids. Most exoenzymes and secondary metabolites have been
shown to be cytotoxic in in vitro and in animal models, and antibodies to many of these factors have been detected in the sera of infected CF patients.
Quorum-sensing circuit
Several virulence factors are regulated in a cell-density-dependent manner by the quorum sensing circuit composed of lasRI, rhlRI and pqs systems.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces several diffusible signal molecules with autoinducer properties such as N-3-oxo-dodecanoyl homoserine lactone
(produced by the LasI enzyme) and N-butanoyl homoserine lactone (produced by theRhlI enzyme), which bind at critical concentrations to the
corresponding regulators LasR and RhlR. The lasRI system mainly regulates lasB, lasA, exoA, xcpP and xcpR expression. The rhlRI system regulates the
expression of rpoS, rhamnolipid, LasB and LasA elastase, hydrogen cyanide, pyocyanin, lipase and alkaline protease. The Pseudomonas quinolone signal
system potentiates the effects of the rhlRI system. Quorum sensing controls not only virulence in P. aeruginosa but also many other genes involved in
cellular processes, including chemotaxis and biofilm formation, comprising altogether about 10% of the P. aeruginosa genome. In addition, quorum-
sensing molecules also modulate host responses.

P. aeruginosa strains, isolated from chronically infected CF functions but also against opsonophagocytosis involving
patients, including strains that are mucoid, smooth, rough, specific antibodies, produced by the adaptive immune
dwarf, colourless or present as small colony variants (SCV) system. A key element in alginate regulation is the alter-
(size: 1–3 mm). The latter may contribute to the progressive native sigma factor AlgT, also known as AlgU, RpoE or s22,
pulmonary damage in CF and persistence in CF airways which induces the expression of algD and increases the
(Häussler et al., 1999, 2003; Lory et al., 2009; Starkey et al., expression of regulatory proteins that enhance algD tran-
2009). Additionally, ‘rugose SCVs’ have been detected that scription (Ramsey & Wozniak, 2005). The anti-sigma factor
have characteristics of enhanced biofilm formation and MucA inhibits AlgT; thus, inactivation of mucA leads to
display increased expression of the pel and psl polysacchar- upregulation of AlgT and conversion to mucoidy. Over-
ide gene clusters, decreased expression of motility functions production of alginate has been linked to biofilm formation
and a defect in growth on some amino acid and tricarboxylic in P. aeruginosa – a phenotype that favours chronic persis-
acid cycle intermediates as sole carbon sources (Starkey tence of the pathogen in murine and CF lungs (Hoffmann
et al., 2009). The psl (polysaccharide synthesis locus) genes et al., 2005). However, both mucoid and nonmucoid
are responsible for the production of mannose-rich exopo- P. aeruginosa clonal strains occur in the airways of CF
lysaccharides and the pel locus for pellicle formation. patients simultaneously (Bragonzi et al., 2009). Further-
A consistent finding in CF airways is the presence of more, the finding that a high number of nonmucoid strains
mucoid P. aeruginosa strains that overproduce the exo- from CF patients carry a mucA mutation (Bragonzi et al.,
polysaccharide alginate, a negatively charged polymer of 2006) suggests that a mucoid morphotype, intermittently
b-1-4-linked D-mannuronate, and its C5 epimer, L-gulur- selected in the CF lungs, can be suppressed at a later stage
onate (Deretic et al., 1995; Boucher et al., 1997). Alginate due to other, secondary site mutations (Boles et al., 2004),
expression is upregulated by microaerobic environmental including mutations in algU (Ciofu et al., 2008). Interest-
conditions that are present in the viscous mucus of CF ingly, P. aeruginosa rpoS mutants reveal a significantly
patients (Worlitzsch et al., 2002). Alginate expression is reduced production of alginate (Suh et al., 1999). Mucoid
considered to be an important factor for the persistence of P. aeruginosa strains from CF patients also contain increased
P. aeruginosa in the airways of CF patients as alginate levels of G6PDH activity and expression of the correspond-
protects the pathogen not only against innate immune ing zwf gene. This allows the bacterium to supply sufficient

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130 G. Döring et al.

amounts of precursor for the alginate pathway (Silo-Suh The genetic analysis of clonal isolates, obtained from the
et al., 2005). CF lung of single patients over several years, revealed the
Other phenotypic changes of P. aeruginosa strains occur- presence of mutations in many genes (Mahenthiralingam
ring during the course of chronic CF lung infection include et al., 1994; Anthony et al., 2002; Nguyen & Singh, 2006;
loss of motility (Luzar et al., 1985; Rau et al., 2010), Smith et al., 2006; Tümmler, 2006; Hogardt et al., 2007;
decreased exotoxin A expression (Suh et al., 1999), loss of Hoboth et al., 2009; Mandsberg et al., 2009; Ciofu et al.,
O antigen in lipopolysaccharide (Hancock et al., 1983) and 2010; Rau et al., 2010). When a P. aeruginosa isolate was
altered lipid moieties (Ernst et al., 1999; Sabra et al., 2003). compared with its clonal variants, isolated 90 months later
The latter change confers enhanced resistance to aminogly- from a single CF patient, revealing 68 mutations, the
coside antibiotics, cationic antimicrobials such as polymyx- analysis suggested a reduced virulence of the latter strains
in E (colistin) and potentially to cationic peptides produced with regard to their ability to induce acute infections, based
by the host (defensins). Mutations in nfxB, the repressor of on mutations in many virulence genes including type III
the MexCD-OprJ operon, results in increased resistance to secretion, quorum sensing and motility (Smith et al., 2006)
fluoroquinolones (Rau et al., 2010). Furthermore, increased (Table 1). The progressive microevolution of P. aeruginosa in
auxotrophy (Taylor et al., 1993; Thomas et al., 2000), defects CF patients, known as adaptive radiation, has been inter-
in type II (Woods et al., 1986) and III secretion (Jain et al., preted as an in vivo selection process, resulting in less
2004; Lee et al., 2005; Hogardt et al., 2007; Rau et al., 2010), virulent variants that consequently do less harm to their
reduced production of proteases and phospholipase C, loss host than the original colonizing strain (Smith et al., 2006).
of pyoverdine, pyocins and elastase expression (Hogardt Although this notion may actually be correct, the defini-
et al., 2007), altered metabolic activities (Silo-Suh et al., tion of virulence also includes the capacity of the pathogen
2005) and antibiotic resistance (Thomassen et al., 1979; to persist in a given host, causing chronic infection. To test
Oliver et al., 2000; Smith et al., 2006; Hogardt et al., 2007) this hypothesis, Bragonzi et al. (2009) isolated P. aeruginosa
have been described in P. aeruginosa strains from CF clones from airways of six CF patients during a period of up
patients. Particularly during acute exacerbations, methio- to 16.3 years and assessed the virulence of clonal variants in
nine-dependent auxotrophic mutants of P. aeruginosa have mice by monitoring acute and chronic lung infection.
been isolated from CF patients (Taylor et al., 1993). In Because the definition of virulence is also dependent on a
conclusion, chronic exposure to the CF environment selects specific host, they tested the clonal variants in mice with
for a variety of mutations in P. aeruginosa strains. different genetic backgrounds, including CF mice. The data
The frequency of mutations is increased in hypermutable or demonstrate that early and intermediate P. aeruginosa CF
mutator strains that reveal defects in genes involved in the isolates are more virulent to cause acute infections (e.g.
DNA repair or error avoidance systems, particularly in the bacteraemia) in mouse lungs than late isolates; however,
methyl-directed mismatch repair system (Oliver et al., 2002; early, intermediate and late isolates do not differ in their
Ciofu et al., 2005, 2010; Hogardt et al., 2007; Montanari et al., capacity to cause chronic infection (Fig. 3). These findings
2007). The percentage of CF patients (60%) carrying at least suggest that clonal expansion of P. aeruginosa strains during
one hypermutable strain is remarkably high (Montanari et al., microevolution within CF lungs leads to populations with
2007). Analysis of the genetic background of the P. aeruginosa altered, but not reduced virulence in mouse lung models.
mutator phenotypes from CF airways showed that mutS was Thus, it may be questionable to define late isolates as less
the most commonly affected gene, followed by mutL (Ciofu virulent than early isolates or to describe the pathogenicity
et al., 2010). A sequential analysis of CF isolates revealed that of CF lung disease as a process leading to an increasingly
mutations in mucA, leading to the mucoid phenotype and benign situation. However, the animal experiments used to
lasR, leading to loss of quorum sensing (Box 1), occurred determine virulence do not reflect a natural colonization
earlier than mutations in the mut genes, showing that hyper- process with initially small numbers of bacteria.
mutability is not a prerequisite for the acquisition of mucoidy Pseudomonas aeruginosa proteins are upregulated in the
and loss of quorum sensing (Ciofu et al., 2010). Accumulation CF lung, including the outer membrane protein OprF and
of mutators in the CF lung is associated especially with enzymes of the arginine deiminase pathway (Hoboth et al.,
multidrug resistance development, thus suggesting that the 2009) (Table 2). These changes indicate an adaptive shift
intensive antibiotic treatment is one of the main selective towards constitutive expression of genes required for growth
pressures for the maintenance and amplification of mutators under the nutritional and microaerobic conditions present
(Oliver et al., 2000; Ciofu et al., 2010). The acquisition of a in the sputum of CF patients. The high viscosity of the CF
stable mutator phenotype may confer a selective advantage for mucus also leads to a limited diffusion of siderophore
bacteria, particularly in stressful and/or fluctuating environ- molecules and therefore to an increased fitness of side-
ments because this may increase the probability of generation rophore-producing cells (Cornelis et al., 2009; Kummerli
of adaptive variants (Taddei et al., 1997). et al., 2009).

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Bacterial infections in CF and COPD 131

Table 1. Gene mutations present in Pseudomonas aeruginosa cystic fibrosis isolates

Name Annotation Function References
mexZ w
PA2020 Transcriptional regulator of multidrug efflux 1
lasRw PA1430 Transcriptional regulator of quorum sensing 1
PA0313 Probable permease of the ABC transporter 1
mexAw PA0425 RND multidrug efflux membrane fusion protein 1
accCw PA4848 Biotin carboxylase 1
vfrw PA0652 Transcriptional regulator of lasR 1
mexSw PA2491 Probable oxidoreductase 1
exsAw PA1713 Transcriptional regulator of type III secretion 1
PA0506 Probable acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 1
wspF PA3703 Probable methylesterase involved in chemosensory signal 1
rpoN PA4462 RNA polymerase s-54 factor 1
fleQ PA1097 Transcriptional regulator of flagella synthesis 1
mexT PA2492 Transcriptional regulator of multidrug efflux 1
nalD PA3574 Probable transcriptional regulator 1
ampD PA4522 b-Lactamase expression regulator 1
PA0366 Probable aldehyde dehydrogenase 1
cyaB PA3217 Adenylate cyclase 1
pilB PA4526 Type 4 fimbrial biogenesis protein 1
PA1333 Hypothetical protein 1
PA3565 Probable transcriptional regulator 1
PA2312 Probable transcriptional regulator 1
anr PA1544 Transcriptional regulator of anaerobic metabolism 1
rhlR PA3477 Transcriptional regulator of quorum sensing 1
phoP PA1179 Two-component response regulator 1
rhlI PA3476 Autoinducer synthesis protein 1
PA4796 Hypothetical protein 1
pqsB PA0997 Homologous to b-keto-acyl-acyl carrier 1
protein synthase 1
toxR PA0707 Transcriptional regulator 1
PA2435 Probable cation-transporting P-type ATPase 1
PA4420 Hypothetical protein 1
PA2121 Hypothetical protein 1
mutS PA3620 DNA mismatch repair protein MutS 2–4
mutL PA4946 DNA mismatch repair protein MutL 3, 4
mutY PA5147 A/G specific adenine glycosylase 4, 5
uvrD PA5443 DNA helicase II 3, 4
mucA PA0763 Anti-sigma factor MucA 4, 6
nfxB PA4600 Transcriptional regulator 7
Numbers relate to the genome of PAO1. References 1, Smith et al. (2006); 2, Hogardt et al. (2007); 3, Montanari et al. (2007); 4, Ciofu et al. (2010); 5,
Mandsberg et al. (2009); 6, Anthony et al. (2002); 7, Rau et al. (2010).
Genes that are mutated in 4 5% of isolates.

Other bacterial pathogens in CF glucosamine (PNAG), differs structurally from the S. aureus
capsule polysaccharides, which are lost during growth in the
Staphylococcus aureus also changes its phenotype under CF airways due to elevated pCO2 (4%) (Herbert et al.,
microaerobic/anaerobic environmental conditions in vitro 1997). The PNAG-encased cells confer resistance to nonox-
and in the CF mucus, forming biofilm-like aggregates idative killing (Ulrich et al., 2007). Phage mobilization,
(McKenney et al., 1999; Cramton et al., 2001; Ulrich et al., possibly via transduction, contributes significantly to gen-
2007), which differ genotypically and phenotypically from ome alteration in S. aureus during infection in CF patients
environmental strains and strains from the nasal habitat (Goerke et al., 2004), and agr mutants are frequently isolated
(Goerke & Wolz, 2004). The exopolysaccharide present in from these specimens (Goerke et al., 2000). Agr (for
S. aureus biofilms (Cramton et al., 1999), initially named accessory gene regulator) is a well-characterized global
polysaccharide intracellular adhesin and later poly-N-acetyl regulatory locus that is expressed from two promoters: P2

FEMS Microbiol Rev 35 (2011) 124–146 

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132 G. Döring et al.

Clinical strains 2008). Treatment of CF lung infections using the amino-

100 glycoside tobramycin may result in local subinhibitory
concentrations that favour the emergence of aminoglyco-
side-resistant SCVs (Mitchell et al., 2010), involving the
60 global regulator SigB (Biswas et al., 2009). Besides antibio-
% Mortality, survival, chronic

tics, coinfecting P. aeruginosa can also promote the forma-

infection and clearance

tion of S. aureus SCVs by producing respiration inhibitors
20 such as 4-hydroxy-2-heptylquinoline-N-oxide (Hoffman
0 et al., 2006; Biswas et al., 2009). Molecular characterization
of SCVs from CF patients also revealed that they may be
defective in the expression of the agr system (Novick et al.,
60 1993). Taken together, the adaptation of S. aureus to the CF
lung leads to biofilm formation and SCVs, both of which
favour chronic infection states as a result of increased
20 resistance to innate immune defence mechanisms and anti-
0 biotic treatment. Without optimized anti-staphylococcal
treatment strategies that reduce the bacterial load in the
Fig. 3. Virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains in a murine
model of airways infection. C57Bl/6NCrlBR mice were infected with airways (Döring et al., 2004), chronic S. aureus lung infec-
1–2  106 CFU per lung of 32 P. aeruginosa different strains embedded in tions may be considerably harmful for the CF patient.
agar beads. Mortality induced by bacteraemia (red) and survival (grey) Indeed, before the introduction of anti-staphylococcal
were evaluated on challenged mice. Clearance (white) and capacity to agents, virtually all CF patients were infected with this
establish chronic airways infection (green) after 14 days from challenge opportunistic pathogen (Andersen, 1938), which was held
were determined on surviving mice. The data show the percentage of
responsible for the widespread pulmonary changes in CF
mice infected with P. aeruginosa reference strains (PAO1, n = 66; PA14,
(di Sant’Agnese & Talamo, 1967).
n = 14), a pool of environmental strains (n = 65) and a pool of clinical
strains (n = 274), isolated at the onset (n = 91), during the intermediate The Bcc is a group of genetically distinct, but phenotypi-
phase of colonization (n = 65) or later during chronic infection (n = 118) cally similar bacteria that are divided into at least nine
(adapted from Bragonzi et al., 2009). species (Coenye et al., 2001). All group members can cause
infections in CF patients, albeit with a low prevalence
(2–3%). Bcc strains are extremely sensitive towards ROS;
and P3 (Novick et al., 1993, 1995). Agr regulates staphylo- this is reflected by the minimal mortality of neutropenic
coccal virulence and other accessory gene functions, includ- mice when infected with this opportunistic pathogen (Chu
ing the expression of haemolysins. While the P2 RNAII et al., 2002). However, in sputum plugs in airways of CF
transcript codes for the quorum-sensing elements AgrA, patients where ROS are essentially absent due to the
AgrC, AgrB and AgrD, P3 activation, during the late anaerobic/microaerobic environment and in patients with
exponential growth phase, leads to the transcription of the hereditary disorder chronic granulomatous disease
RNAIII, resulting in the repression of surface proteins such (CGD) who suffer from mutations in NADPH oxidase, this
as adhesins or protein A and in the enhanced expression of opportunistic pathogen is highly virulent due to its intrinsic
exoproteins such as haemolysins (Novick, 2003). Agr mu- resistance to nonoxidative killing during phagocytosis by
tants show enhanced biofilm formation in S. aureus, as Agr professional phagocytes (Speert et al., 1994; Pollock et al.,
activation results in the expression of extracellular proteases 1995; Baird et al., 1999; Sahly et al., 2003; Segal et al., 2003;
(Boles & Horswill, 2008) and membrane-active molecules Sousa et al., 2007). Resistance to cationic antimicrobial
(Kong et al., 2006), such as the d-toxin, which contribute to peptides (CAMPs) has been linked to the presence of 4-
the dispersal of biofilms. amino-4-deoxyarabinose moieties, which are attached to the
Often SCVs of S. aureus, which may persist in respiratory phosphate residues in the lipid A backbone of Bcc lipopoly-
epithelial cells, are detected in CF lung specimens (Sadowska saccharides (Cox & Wilkinson, 1991; Vinion-Dubiel &
et al., 2002; von Eiff, 2008). SCVs are mostly nonpigmented Goldberg, 2003).
and nonhaemolytic and their colonies are 10 times smaller While some strains may cause long-term asymptomatic
than those of the parental strain. In general, SCVs are airway colonization, others cause a rapid decline of lung
auxotrophic for haemin and menadione, compounds in- function in CF patients and are highly transmissible, result-
volved in the biosynthesis of electron transport chain ing in patient-to-patient spread within and between CF
components. Most SCVs of S. aureus, isolated from CF centres (Govan et al., 1993; Mahenthiralingam et al., 2005).
patients, are thymidine-auxotrophic due to long-term tri- For instance, Burkholderia cenocepacia strains of the multi-
methoprim-sulphomethoxazol treatment (Schneider et al., locus enzyme electrophoresis type 12 lineage can cause a

c 2010 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Rev 35 (2011) 124–146
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Bacterial infections in CF and COPD 133

Table 2. Metabolic adaptation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains during chronic lung infection in cystic fibrosis patients based on protein expression
Name Annotation Function
rbsB PA1946 Binding protein RbsB of ABC ribose transporter
aotJ PA0888 Arginine-ornithine-binding protein
PA5153 Probable lysine-arginine-ornithine-binding periplasmic protein
PA1260 Probable lysine-arginine-ornithine-binding periplasmic protein
braC PA1074 Periplasmic branched-chain amino acid transport protein
spuD PA0300 Polyamine transport protein
oprFw PA1777 Outer membrane porin OprF
oprD PA0958 Outer membrane porin OprD
fda PA0555 Fuctose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase
adk PA3686 Adenylate kinase
azuw PA4922 Azurin precursor
ccpRw PA4587 Cytochrome c551 peroxidase precursor
leuD PA3120 3-Isopropylmalate dehydratase small subunit
hisF1 PA5140 Imidazoleglycerol-phosphate synthase, cyclase subunit
arcAw PA5171 Arginine deiminase
arcCw PA5173 Carbamate kinase
PA2888 Probable biotin-dependent carboxylase
acpP PA2966 Acyl carrier protein
accB PA4847 Acetyl-CoA carboxylase
ppaw PA4031 Inorganic pyrophosphatase
trxA PA5240 Thioredoxin
sucC PA1588 Succinyl-CoA synthetase (b-chain)
ansB PA1337 Glutaminase-asparaginase
lpd3 PA4829 Dihydrolipoamid dehydrogenase 3
aceBw PA0482 Malate synthase G (glyoxylate shunt)
atpF PA5558 ATP synthase B chain
atpH PA5557 ATP synthase H chain
pdxH PA1049 Pyridoxamin 5-phosphate oxidase
glnK PA5288 Nitrogen-regulatory protein P-II 2
atoD PA1999 Probable CoA-transferase, subunit A
atoB PA2001 Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase
PA0318 Hypothetical protein
PA2575 Hypothetical protein
PA0388 Hypothetical protein
PA3440 Hypothetical protein
PA1677 Hypothetical protein
PA5178 Hypothetical protein
PA3309 Hypothetical protein
PA5339 Hypothetical protein
btuEw PA0838 Glutathione peroxidase
sodB PA4366 Superoxide dismutase
kynB PA2081 Kynurenine formamidase
bfrA PA4235 Bacterioferritin A
katA PA4236 Katalase
ahpC PA0139 Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase subunit C
tsaA PA3529 Probable peroxidase
ibpA PA3126 Heat-shock protein IbpA
ppiB PA1793 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase B
groEL PA4385 GroEL
rpsF PA4935 30S ribosomal protein S6
PA4671 Probable ribosomal protein L25
greA PA4755 Transcription elongation factor GreA
rplL PA4271 50S ribosomal protein L7/L12
tsf PA3655 Elongation factor
tufA PA4265 Elongation factor Tu
guaB PA3770 Inosine-5 0 -monophosphate dehydrogenase
pilH PA0409 Twitching motility protein PilH

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134 G. Döring et al.

Table 2. Continued.
Name Annotation Function
fliC PA1092 Flagellin type B
murF PA4416 UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanyl-D-glutamyl-2,
6-diaminopimelate-D-alanyl-D-alanyl ligase
ftsZ PA4407 Cell division protein FtsZ
Adapted from Hoboth et al. (2009).
Genes whose expression tends to be strongly upregulated during late chronic infection.

fulminate, necrotizing pneumonia, which may occasionally aeruginosa are detectable in airways of approximately
be complicated by rapidly fatal septicaemia termed the 25–50% of clinically stable COPD patients (Sethi & Murphy,
cepacia syndrome in CF patients (Corey & Farewell, 1996; 2008). Pathogenic bacteria in the lower airways induce
Jones et al., 2001). increased airway inflammation, a hallmark of COPD, even
As with other opportunistic pathogens, Bcc virulence in in the absence of symptoms of acute exacerbation (Soler
CF and CGD patients is multifactorial (for a comprehensive et al., 1999; Hill et al., 2000), supporting the ‘vicious circle’
review of Bcc virulence factors, see Mahenthiralingam et al., hypothesis that proposes that persistent bacterial infections
2005). Besides lipopolysaccharides, which cause significantly cause progressive lung damage in COPD. This notion is
more inflammation than does P. aeruginosa lipooligosac- further substantiated by the finding that the frequency of
charides (Mahenthiralingam et al., 2005), biofilm formation positive cultures increases in patients with more severe
has been implicated to play a role in the pathophysiology of COPD (Eller et al., 1998). Thus, chronic bacterial and/or
CF lung disease (Mahenthiralingam et al., 2005). Many Bcc viral infections may play a role in the development and
strains can produce biofilms in vitro (Ferreira et al., 2010), progression of COPD (Sethi & Murphy, 2008). However,
associated with the ability to produce N-acyl-homoserine conclusive evidence for this hypothesis is lacking at present.
lactones (Conway et al., 2002), which may protect single A key question on which research effort should be focused is
cells from antibiotic killing (Desai et al., 1998). Also, the whether or not chronic infection of the airways in COPD
ability of Bcc strains to form mixed biofilms with accelerates the progressive loss of lung function. Under-
P. aeruginosa has been demonstrated (Riedel et al., 2001). standing the role of chronic infection in the course of the
In a CGD mouse model of Bcc lung infection (Sousa et al., disease would serve as an important guide in directing
2007), survival and death of the infected animals was research in the field. For example, if chronic infection were
correlated to the growth rate of the different Bcc strains. shown to cause increased progression of the disease, then the
The highest growth rate was found for the epidemic strain priority should be to develop methods such as vaccines or
J2315, which multiplied from 103 CFU–108 CFU within 3 immunomodulators to eradicate chronic colonization.
days, whereas for example a Burkholderia vietnamensis strain The causative role of pathogenic microorganisms in acute
never killed any mouse and reached only 104 CFU after 12 exacerbations of COPD, however, is well established (Sethi
days of infection. Thus, genes active in metabolism may be & Murphy, 2008). Opportunistic pathogenic bacteria are
important for Bcc virulence in CF and CGD. Whether Bcc responsible for approximately 50% of exacerbations, while
strains adapt genotypically or phenotypically to the CF virus-induced exacerbations caused by rhinovirus, respira-
niche is not known. tory syncytial virus, adenovirus, influenza virus and human
As in P. aeruginosa, hypermutable phenotypes have been metapneumovirus (Greenberg et al., 2000; Seemungal et al.,
observed repeatedly in S. aureus (Prunier et al., 2003), H. 2001) are approximately 30% (Sethi & Murphy, 2008).
influenzae (Roman et al., 2004; Watson et al., 2004) and Bcc Coinfections are frequent. Table 3 shows the relative dis-
strains from CF patients (Burns, 2005), suggesting that this tribution of bacterial pathogens that caused exacerbations in
mechanism may play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of a 10-year prospective study (Murphy & Parameswaran,
chronic lung infection. 2009). Studies of COPD patients using bronchoscopy and
protected specimen brush sampling of distal airways, avoid-
ing upper airway contamination, have consistently shown
Bacteria colonization in COPD pathogenic bacteria in quantities indicative of infection
In contrast to CF, the role of pathogenic bacteria in the (Monso et al., 1995; Soler et al., 1999). Moreover, a
progression of COPD is an area of uncertainty and the comparison of exacerbation and stable state patients, using
subject of active research. Opportunistic pathogenic bacteria the same technique, showed significantly higher quantities
including NTHI, M. catarrhalis, S. pneumoniae and P. of these bacteria during exacerbation (Fagon et al., 1990;

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Bacterial infections in CF and COPD 135

Table 3. Relative distribution of bacterial pathogens in COPD indicating that selected strains persist in the airways for
Bacterial species Positive culture Exacerbation w months to years. A 7-year prospective study (Murphy et al.,
2004) including 104 COPD patients observed 17 episodes of
Haemophilus influenzae 707 84
Moraxella catarrhalis 310 68 prolonged ( 4 6 months) periods of negative sputum cul-
Streptococcus pneumoniae 219 11 tures preceded and followed by genotypically identical
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 230 15 strains of NTHI. Clearing and reacquisition of the identical
Number of positive cultures for the pathogen, isolated from the sputum strain by the patients was ruled out, because NTHI strains
of adults with COPD, followed in a 10-year prospective study in Buffalo,
are genetically highly heterogeneous, making the reacquisi-
NY. tion of the same strain circulating in the community a highly
Number of exacerbations in the same 10-year prospective study as unlikely event. Furthermore, H. influenzae does not remain
defined by the acquisition of a new bacterial strain (based on molecular viable on inanimate objects in the environment even for
typing of cultured isolates) simultaneous with symptoms of exacerbation minutes. Finally, analysis of sputum samples yielding nega-
(adapted from Murphy & Parameswaran, 2009). tive cultures revealed the presence of strain-specific NTHI
genes, further establishing persistent colonization in COPD
patients. Newly acquired NTHI strains isolated from COPD
Soler et al., 1998). Longitudinal molecular typing of patho- patients during exacerbations, when compared with persist-
genic bacteria from sputum cultures showed that acquisition ing strains, induce more airway inflammation, including
of a new strain was associated with a twofold increase in the neutrophil influx and IL-8 secretion from respiratory
incidence of exacerbations (Sethi et al., 2002). Purulent epithelial cells, and adhere more efficiently to the epithelial
sputum, a marker of exacerbation, is strongly associated cells in vitro (Chin et al., 2005). These data suggest that, as
with the presence of pathogenic bacteria in sputum (White with P. aeruginosa in chronic CF lung infection, adaptive
et al., 2003; Soler et al., 2007). processes may occur that modulate the virulence of this
pathogen. However, similar molecular studies as mentioned
above for P. aeruginosa (Smith et al., 2006; Bragonzi et al.,
NTHI and M. catarrhalis are prevalent pathogens
2009) have not yet been carried out for sequential NTHI
Haemophilus influenzae strains may produce antigenically isolates from single COPD patients to substantiate this
distinct polysaccharide capsules, which distinguishes strain notion. Analysis of the genome content of strains of NTHI
types ‘a’ through ‘f’. In contrast, strains of H. influenzae that that persist in the airways of COPD patients in comparison
colonize and infect the airways in COPD are nonencapsu- with those that are cleared quickly will help elucidate the
lated as demonstrated by a lack of reactivity with typing sera relative roles of the host and pathogen in the dynamics of
for each of the six known capsular serotypes. Thus, these infection in COPD airways.
strains are referred to as nontypeable, abbreviated NTHI. Also, M. catarrhalis is regarded as an important human
Haemophilus influenzae strains use several genetic mechan- mucosal pathogen in COPD patients (de Vries et al., 2009;
isms that alter either the gene expression or the gene content Murphy & Parameswaran, 2009). Virulence factors include a
that allow rapid adaptation and improved fitness to chan- family of ubiquitous surface proteins, including the ubiqui-
ging environments including phase variation based on tous surface protein A1 (UspA1) and UspA2, which can bind
slipped-strand mispairing, mediated by short DNA repeats a1-antichymotrypsin, thereby potentially increasing the
in either the coding regions or the upstream promoter protease activity in vivo, which may cause excessive inflam-
regions of virulence genes (Gilsdorf et al., 2004; Srikhanta mation in COPD patients (Perez Vidakovics & Riesbeck,
et al., 2010). Phase variation results in a large genetic 2009). In contrast, UspA1 has been shown to bind to the
diversity among H. influenzae strains present in different human-specific extracellular immunoglobulin V (IgV)-like
environments, which complicates the interpretation of viru- amino-terminal domain of carcinoembryonic antigen-re-
lence-related phenotypes. The multifactorial virulence of H. lated cell adhesion molecule 1, resulting in reduced toll-like
influenzae strains includes factors such as lipooligosacchar- receptor 2-initiated transcription factor nuclear factor-kB-
ides (Schweda et al., 2007), fimbriae encoded by the hif dependent inflammation (Slevogt et al., 2008). Which of
locus, IgA1 protease(s) (Erwin & Smith, 2007) and the these mechanisms dominate during M. catarrhalis infection
ability to form biofilms (Starner et al., 2006). in COPD patients is unclear.
NTHI strains show a highly variable pattern of carriage COPD patients who acquire new strains of M. catarrhalis
among COPD patients. Some strains of NTHI, causing usually clear this species efficiently from their airways in
exacerbations, can also persist for longer periods of time approximately 1 month. In a study including 104 COPD
than is apparent from sputum cultures. Molecular analysis patients who experienced 560 exacerbations, molecular
shows that a strain is present in COPD airways during typing identified 120 episodes of acquisition and clearance
periods when it cannot be recovered by routine culture, of M. catarrhalis in 50 patients (Murphy et al., 2005).

FEMS Microbiol Rev 35 (2011) 124–146 

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136 G. Döring et al.

Reacquisition of the same strain was rare. The rapid estab- aeruginosa in COPD. This epidemiological signature is
lishment of protective antibody responses against the patho- divergent from that of the chronic P. aeruginosa infections
gen in these patients suggested that the clearance of in patients with CF, the latter being characterized by no or
M. catarrhalis is a function of a functional immune system slow turnover of clones (Rakhimova et al., 2009).
(Murphy et al., 2005). The findings that 57 (47.5%) of Circumstantial evidence suggests that chronic infection of
M. catarrhalis acquisitions were associated with clinical COPD airways by P. aeruginosa occurs in those with more
exacerbations (Murphy et al., 2005), and that increased severe COPD, particularly among patients who require
inflammation and tilting of the protease–antiprotease bal- mechanical ventilation for severe exacerbations (Miravitlles
ance in favour of protease activity occurred in airways of et al., 1999; Ferrer et al., 2005; Rosell et al., 2005; Nseir et al.,
COPD patients during exacerbation as well as colonization 2006), or in other words, patients with more severe reduc-
with M. catarrhalis (Parameswaran et al., 2009), suggest that tion in FEV1, when compared with those with milder
this pathogen contributes to the long-term decrease of lung disease, are more likely to harbour P. aeruginosa in their
function in COPD patients. Calculations revealed that M. lower airways (Eller et al., 1998). Patients with more severe
catarrhalis likely causes 10% of exacerbations of COPD. COPD also experience a higher number of acute exacerba-
tions and there is increasing recognition that P aeruginosa is
responsible for such exacerbations (Murphy et al., 2008).
Pseudomonas aeruginosa does not commonly Whether chronic P aeruginosa infection has a negative
show persistence in COPD
impact on lung function and the patients’ prognosis requires
In a chronic lung disease such as COPD, which is character- further study.
ized by chronic inflammation, progressive tissue destruction The role of P. aeruginosa in the clinical evolution of
and increased mucus production, one would expect persist- COPD is not well understood. Unlike in CF, no clear
ing P. aeruginosa clones undergoing a similar microevolu- evidence of worsening of lung infection and increased
tion as described above for the P. aeruginosa strains in CF mortality is correlated to chronic P. aeruginosa infection in
airways. Indeed, single clones of P. aeruginosa have been COPD. Furthermore, unlike in CF, eradication of colonizing
identified in COPD patients that persisted over several years pathogenic bacteria, in the absence of exacerbation symp-
and developed an increasing number of mutations during toms, has not been shown to be beneficial in the clinical
the chronic course of the disease, resulting in reduced course of COPD. The questions as to why only some patients
motility, decreased protease production and increased anti- develop these chronic infections and why only selected
biotic resistance as also recognized in patients with CF bacterial pathogens establish these infections in COPD
(Martinez-Solano et al., 2008). Furthermore, different mor- remain unanswered at present. Multiple host factors includ-
photypes of P. aeruginosa, including SCVs and mucoid ing the severity of COPD, genetic polymorphisms as well as
phenotypes, were observed in sputum isolates from a single bacterial virulence factors in specific clones may play a role
COPD patient, suggesting that in this disease diversification in this context. However, a comparison of P. aeruginosa
also plays an important role in bacterial persistence. Addi- clones in the airways of patients with COPD with those in
tionally, strains that persisted over long periods of time the airways of chronically infected patients with CF revealed
tended to be hypermutable as in CF (Martinez-Solano et al., that despite the disparate geographic origin of the isolates,
2008). the dominant P. aeruginosa clones were found with similar
However, the similarity to CF reduces when larger patient frequencies in acutely and chronically infected respiratory
groups are investigated longitudinally. In a 10-year study tracts irrespective of the aetiology of the disease (Rakhimova
involving 126 COPD patients, only 13 strains persisted for et al., 2009) (Fig. 4).
4 6 months and only four of these were mucoid (Murphy
et al., 2008). These data suggest that most COPD patients
had sporadic and intermittent infection of airways with P.
Antimicrobial treatment for CF patients
aeruginosa, which were repeatedly cleared. Strains from one For chronic P. aeruginosa lung infection in CF patients,
clone were generally cleared by the patients’ immune system antibiotic therapy has been a cornerstone, allowing a largely
and a gap in time existed before the acquisition of a strain improved life expectancy of the affected patients due to
from a different clone (Rakhimova et al., 2009). Chronic stabilization of lung function; by contrast, lung function
carriage of a clone was observed in a minority of investigated rapidly decreases in untreated CF patients. Commonly
patients in this study. When a clone chronically persisted in applied antibiotics include the aminoglycoside tobramycin,
COPD-affected lungs for an extended period of time, the the b-lactam antibiotic ceftazidime, the fluoroquinolone
clone often altered the repertoire of its accessory genome. ciprofloxacine and the polymyxin E colistin (Döring et al.,
Hence, intraclonal microevolution and the frequent turn- 2000, 2004). However, this therapy regimen, even when
over or loss of clones are typical of infections with P. applied as recommended (Döring et al., 2000, 2004), i.e.,

c 2010 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Rev 35 (2011) 124–146
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Bacterial infections in CF and COPD 137

with antibiotics immediately after the first detection of the

pathogen. In this case, reported eradication rates were above
95% (reviewed in Döring et al., 2000, 2004).
In addition to antibiotic therapy, other treatment strate-
gies may also be successfully used in CF patients to fight
bacterial lung infection. Based on the abnormal accumula-
tion of ceramide in CF airways, leading to DNA deposits on
the respiratory epithelium, the sphingomyelinase blocker
amitriptyline is currently under investigation in clinical
trials (Riethmüller et al., 2009). Furthermore, recombinant
Fig. 4. Distribution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from human DNAse may be helpful in this context, as evidenced
patients with CF and COPD. (a) Venn diagram of the number of P. in experimental mouse models of P. aeruginosa lung infec-
aeruginosa clonal complexes obtained from the airways of patients with
tion (Teichgräber et al., 2008) and in CF patients with regard
COPD and CF, respectively. Clonal complexes were calculated from the
to S. aureus (Frederiksen et al., 2006).
15-marker genotype of the core genome using the program EBURST
(Maiden, 2006). The intersections represent the clonal complexes that An important question is whether antibiotic therapy
had been identified in both diseases. (b) Clonal complex structure of P. directed against P. aeruginosa is also effective against the
aeruginosa strains collected from various different habitats and geo- large number of strict anaerobes present in the mucus plugs
graphic origins. The EBURST analysis was carried out with the informative within the airways of CF patients. Two studies suggest that
SNPs of a microassay of the core genome. Coloured clonal complexes this is not the case (Tunney et al., 2008; Worlitzsch et al.,
contain airway isolates from patients with COPD (yellow), from patients
2009). If strict anaerobes actually did contribute to lung
with CF (blue) and from both patient groups (green). The size of the
disease in CF patients, additional antibiotics, specifically
symbol indicates the number of typed strains with an identical genotype.
Clones C and PA14 are the most abundant clones (Wiehlmann et al., active against these pathogens, should be administered to CF
2007). Genotypes only observed in other habitats are depicted in grey. patients.
(Figure adapted from Rakhimova et al., 2009.) In the case of Bcc infections, there is no doubt that these
microorganisms cause lung disease in CF patients. Because
of the intrinsic resistance of Bcc strains to many antibiotics,
aggressively every 3 months with high doses of inhaled combination therapy with two to three different antibiotics
antibiotics, does not eradicate the chronically persisting P. according to minimal inhibition concentration assessment is
aeruginosa from the airways of CF patients. The highly recommended (Döring et al., 2004).
viscous mucus plugs and the biofilm-like macrocolonies of
P. aeruginosa within these plugs, which impede the penetra-
Antimicrobial treatment for COPD
tion of antibiotics, are assumed to be responsible for this
negative outcome (Xu et al., 1998; Wimpenny et al., 2000;
Worlitzsch et al., 2002; Döring et al., 2004). As mentioned Antibiotic therapy regimens in COPD have focused on the
above, the stressful environment in the CF lung also favours treatment of exacerbations. However, only approximately
the emergence of hypermutable (or mutator) strains of P. 50% of acute exacerbations in COPD patients are caused by
aeruginosa, which are deficient in the DNA mismatch repair bacterial pathogens, a situation that complicates the inter-
system. Mutator strains produce antibiotic-resistant mu- pretation of results in such studies. Nevertheless, the data
tants at elevated rates (Oliver et al., 2000; Hogardt et al., available strongly suggest that antibiotic therapy for acute
2007). Combination therapy using antibiotics having differ- exacerbations in COPD patients reduces complications and
ent modes of action against P. aeruginosa could be superior hastens recovery. In a placebo-controlled study, including
to monotherapy in this situation. Recently, the combination 173 COPD patients who suffered from 362 acute exacerba-
of the fluoroquinolone ciprofloxacin and the amphipathic tions during the study period, the success rate was 68.1% in
oligopeptide polymyxin E (colistin) has yielded promising the antibiotic group vs. 55% in the placebo group (Antho-
results in killing P. aeruginosa biofilms in vitro, based on the nisen et al., 1987). Most of the success was seen in patients
concept of combining antibiotics that have different targets with more severe exacerbations, indicating that patients
in the biofilm cells. While biofilm cells exhibiting low with more severe exacerbations benefit more from antibiotic
metabolic activity were killed by colistin, ciprofloxacin was therapy. A systematic review analysed 11 placebo-controlled
found to specifically kill the subpopulation of metabolically trials (917 patients) of antibiotics in exacerbations of COPD.
active biofilm cells (Pamp et al., 2008). Whether this strategy Combining the data from three trials that used objective
is successful in CF patients still needs to be tested. definitions of COPD to qualify for inclusion showed a
To avoid the development of resistance and in an attempt reduction in mortality with antibiotic use and reduction in
to eradicate P. aeruginosa early, CF patients were treated the rates of treatment failure (Ram et al., 2006). Also, other

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138 G. Döring et al.

meta-analyses of placebo-controlled trials revealed a sub- standing the pathogenesis of P. aeruginosa infection in
stantial benefit for the antibiotic treatment of acute exacer- COPD and in the clinical management of these patients.
bations in COPD patients, emphasizing the pathogenic role
of bacteria in the course of this disease (Quon et al., 2008;
Roede et al., 2009).
Concluding remarks
Another goal of antimicrobial therapy is to slow or to The pathophysiology of CF and COPD lung disease is
prevent the worsening of pulmonary function. The use of complex. While chronic pulmonary inflammation triggered
antibiotics in stable COPD patients to prevent progressive by opportunistic pathogens is the cause of the more or less
worsening of lung function in the absence of exacerbations rapidly decreasing lung function in CF, the role of bacterial
has yielded unclear results due to the lack of large studies infection in the pathogenesis of COPD is less well under-
with stratified COPD patients. Nevertheless, a recent meta- stood. Chronic P. aeruginosa infection plays a critical role in
analysis of data from trials conducted in 1950s and 1960s the course of CF, whereas only a small minority of adults
showed that ‘prophylactic antibiotics’ produced a relative with COPD experience chronic P. aeruginosa infection. In
risk reduction of 9% for the occurrence of exacerbations COPD, the predominant pathogens are H. influenzae and
(Black et al., 2003). However, even this modest gain should M. catarrhalis. While in CF airways single P. aeruginosa
be interpreted with caution because the trials varied mark- clones, which adapt genotypically and phenotypically to the
edly in methodology and duration and many of the anti- CF niche, persist in the majority of patients due to a heavily
biotics used in these trials would not be expected to be impaired innate immune system, a frequent turnover and
effective with the current susceptibility patterns of bacteria. loss of clones are typical of infections with P. aeruginosa in
In a randomized trial, prophylactic erythromycin reduced COPD. However, once the extensive tissue remodelling and
the frequency of exacerbations in a group of COPD patients tissue destruction has reached a certain threshold (which has
and increased the mean interval between exacerbations not yet been determined), opportunistic pathogens such as
(Seemungal et al., 2008). Whether the benefits are due to P. aeruginosa may persist and develop epidemiological
antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory or both effects of erythro- signatures similar to those in CF. To prevent this point of
mycin is not clear. In a recent pilot study involving 13 COPD no return is a challenge for microbiologists and clinicians.
patients, colonized with multi-drug-resistant P. aeruginosa,
inhalation of tobramycin (300 mg twice daily for 2 weeks)
reduced the sputum density of P. aeruginosa and the exacer- Acknowledgements
bation rate (Dal Negro et al., 2008). This small uncontrolled
The authors want to thank Peter Michael Weber, Children’s
study is promising, but needs to be replicated in larger
Clinic, University of Tübingen, Germany, for excellent
controlled trials that examine the impact of such a treatment
graphic art.
on lung function and clinical outcomes.
The success of early treatment with antibiotics in redu-
cing the incidence of airway infection in CF raises the
question of whether a similar approach might be effective
in adults with COPD, particularly with regard to P. aerugi- Andersen DH (1938) Cystic fibrosis of the pancrease and its
nosa infection. The majority of adults with COPD who relation to coelic disease. Am J Dis Child 56: 344–399.
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therapy (Murphy et al., 2008). However, patients with more obstructive pulmonary disease. New Engl J Med 347:
advanced COPD, persistent infection with P. aeruginosa and 526–527.
severe exacerbations are more likely to benefit from anti- Anthonisen NR, Manfreda J, Warren CP, Hershfield ES, Harding
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chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Ann Intern Med 106:
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ing purulent sputum masses, and patients with severe
Anthony M, Rose B, Pegler MB et al. (2002) Genetic analysis of
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