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PACS Software for RVP-4

Software Manual

Version 1.0.0.
Before installing and operating the system, please read this software manual and the
operating instructions carefully. BARTEC BENKE cannot accept liability for injuries or
damages caused by failure to observe the software manual and the operating instructions
and safety precautions.

We have checked the information in this document carefully to ensure its completeness
and correctness. However, as alterations may occur due to technical improvements, we
cannot accept liability for complete consistency. This software manual does not constitute
any obligation or guarantee of performance on the part of BARTEC BENKE.

The software manual and the operating instructions were compiled according to the
requirements defined in the EU Directive 94/9/EG, Appendix II.

For translations into other languages, the German version is to be regarded as the original

If you have any problems or questions, please contact:


Borsigstraße 10
21465 Reinbek/Hamburg

Tel.: +49 (0) 40 - 72703 - 0

Fax: +49 (0) 40 - 72703 - 363

© 2007 BARTEC BENKE GmbH, Reinbek. All rights reserved.

This software manual is copyrighted. This document may not be reproduced or

transmitted, neither whole nor in parts, by any electronic, mechanical or other means,
without prior written permission from BARTEC BENKE GmbH. The manufacture of any
component with the aid of this manual without prior written permission is also prohibited.
Inhalt I

1 Introduction to PACS..........................................................................1
1.1 Application Area and Properties ......................................................................... 2
1.2 Touch Panel........................................................................................................ 3

2 Design and Function of the RVP-4 ....................................................5

2.1 Measuring Principle of the RVP-4 Analyzer ....................................................... 6
2.2 Design of the RVP-4 Analyzer ............................................................................ 7
2.2.1 Temperature control system.................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Measuring cell ......................................................................................... 8
2.2.3 Drive mechanism..................................................................................... 8
2.2.4 Valves ...................................................................................................... 9
2.2.5 Control of the Pneumatic Cylinders....................................................... 11
2.2.6 Position Feedback ................................................................................. 12
2.3 Process Flow .................................................................................................... 13
2.3.1 Process Diagram ................................................................................... 13
2.3.2 Program Start ........................................................................................ 15
2.3.3 StartUp .................................................................................................. 15
2.3.4 Wait Coarse Temperature ..................................................................... 15
2.3.5 Standby ................................................................................................. 16
2.3.6 Wait Fine Temperature.......................................................................... 16
2.3.7 Flushing ................................................................................................. 16
2.3.8 Filling ..................................................................................................... 17
2.3.9 Expand .................................................................................................. 17
2.3.10 Measure................................................................................................. 17
2.3.11 Ready .................................................................................................... 17
2.3.12 Safe State .............................................................................................. 18

3 First Steps with PACS ......................................................................19

3.1 Starting PACS................................................................................................... 20
3.2 Watchdog Module ............................................................................................. 21
3.3 Defining User Rights ......................................................................................... 22
3.4 Exiting PACS .................................................................................................... 22

4 PACS Overview .................................................................................25

4.1 Definitions: Streams, Parameters and Conversion........................................... 26
4.2 The PACS Main Window .................................................................................. 27
4.2.1 Local System Control ............................................................................ 28
4.2.2 Sample Streams .................................................................................... 28
4.2.3 Validation ............................................................................................... 29
4.2.4 Process Status and System Control...................................................... 30
4.2.5 Graphical Display of the Measuring Results ......................................... 32

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

II Inhalt

5 The PACS Menu................................................................................ 35

5.1 The IO Menu ..................................................................................................... 36
5.1.1 IO - Test ................................................................................................. 37
5.1.2 IO - Log .................................................................................................. 39
5.1.3 IO - Configuration .................................................................................. 40
5.1.4 IO Modbus (optional) ............................................................................. 46
5.2 The Configure Menu ......................................................................................... 47
5.2.1 Configure - Parameters ......................................................................... 49
5.2.2 Configure - Controller ............................................................................ 51
5.2.3 Configure - Alarms................................................................................. 52
5.2.4 Configure - Validation ............................................................................ 53
5.3 The Report Menu .............................................................................................. 54
5.3.1 Report - Report ...................................................................................... 54
5.3.2 Report - Pressure Plot ........................................................................... 57
5.3.3 Report - Controller Values Plot .............................................................. 59
5.3.4 Report - Add Message to LogBook ....................................................... 60
5.4 The Utilities Menu ............................................................................................. 61
5.4.1 Utilities - Manual Controller Operation................................................... 61
5.4.2 Utilities - Manual Process Operation ..................................................... 62
5.5 The Accesslevel Menu ...................................................................................... 64
5.5.1 Changing the Expert Password ............................................................. 65
5.6 The Help Menu.................................................................................................. 66

6 Process Control System Interface .................................................. 69

6.1 Analog inputs .................................................................................................... 70
6.2 Analog output .................................................................................................... 70
6.3 Digital inputs...................................................................................................... 71
6.4 Digital outputs ................................................................................................... 72

7 Options.............................................................................................. 73
7.1 Modbus Interface .............................................................................................. 74
7.2 Remote maintenance interface ......................................................................... 74

8 Troubleshooting ............................................................................... 75
8.1 Error Monitoring in PACS.................................................................................. 76
8.2 Software error ................................................................................................... 76
8.3 Error messages from the analysis process....................................................... 78

9 Program Parameters ........................................................................ 83

9.1 Notes ................................................................................................................. 84
9.2 General Parameters.......................................................................................... 85

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

Abbildungsverzeichnis III

Figure 1.1: Touch panel ......................................................................................3
Figure 2.1: Flow diagram ....................................................................................7
Figure 2.2: Process Diagram.............................................................................. 14
Figure 3.1: Watchdog Module............................................................................ 21
Figure 4.1: PACS Main Window.......................................................................... 27
Figure 5.1: PACS – IO Menu.............................................................................. 36
Figure 5.2: PACS - Testing Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs ....................... 37
Figure 5.3: PACS – Record Analog Input Signals ................................................. 39
Figure 5.4: PACS - Configuring Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs................. 41
Figure 5.5: PACS - Modbus Application............................................................... 46
Figure 5.6: PACS - Modbus Data........................................................................ 46
Figure 5.7: PACS - Configure Menu .................................................................... 47
Figure 5.8: PACS - Configuration of General Parameters ..................................... 49
Figure 5.9: PACS – Configuring the Controller..................................................... 51
Figure 5.10: PACS - Alarm Table ......................................................................... 52
Figure 5.11: PACS – Configure Validierung ........................................................... 53
Figure 5.12: PACS - Report Menu ........................................................................ 54
Figure 5.13: PACS - File Selection Window ........................................................... 54
Figure 5.14: Report LogBook............................................................................... 55
Figure 5.15: Report History ................................................................................. 56
Figure 5.16: Report Alarms ................................................................................. 56
Figure 5.17: Report Debug.................................................................................. 56
Figure 5.18: PACS – Pressure and Temperature Plot............................................. 57
Figure 5.19: PACS – Controller Values.................................................................. 59
Figure 5.20: PACS – AddMessage ........................................................................ 60
Figure 5.21: PACS – Controller Operation............................................................. 61
Figure 5.22: PACS – Process Operation ................................................................ 62
Figure 5.23: PACS - Help Menu ........................................................................... 66
Figure 5.24: PACS – Selecting a Manual ............................................................... 66
Figure 5.25: PACS – Help About .......................................................................... 67

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4


PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

Introduction to PACS 1

1 Introduction to PACS

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

2 Introduction to PACS

1.1 Application Area and Properties

PACS (Process Analyzer Control Software) is a software application for BARTEC BENKE
process analyzers. It is designed for automatic control of the process flow in which certain
product properties (here: the vapour pressure of petrochemical products) are analyzed.
With the aid of the sensors and actuators of the analyzer, PACS controls the process flow
and displays and documents the process status and the results of the analysis.

A Watchdog module supervises PACS and, in case of an error, resets the analyzer.

Communication with the process control room and transmission of the results can be
carried out via Modbus, using an optional module.

Software Properties
PACS is based on Microsoft Windows operating systems (Windows XP or Windows 2000)
and is installed on a PC that complies with industry standard. By means of its adjustable
parameters, PACS can be configured for every specific application. Before delivery, the
system is installed and configured for the specific application by BARTEC BENKE.

It is advisable to install a software application for remote maintenance of the system via
network, modem/ISDN or serial interface. This optional interface allows the user and
BARTEC BENKE to access the system convieniently, if required, to facilitate maintenance,
configuration and system diagnosis.

Hardware Properties
PACS is installed on an industry standard PC. Depending on the specific application and
customer requirements, various hardware interfaces (network, modem/ISDN, etc.) are

Additional Software
In addition to the operating system and PACS, further software is installed.

• Acrobat Reader – this freeware program is started by PACS in order to display user
Copyright © 2006 Adobe Systems Incorporated.

• CSView – this freeware program is started by PACS in order to view tables and data
in the CSV file format.
Copyright © 2005 Diamond Computer Systems Pty. Ltd.

• Optionally - as a commercial licence - remote control software (e.g. PC-Anywhere)

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

Introduction to PACS 3

1.2 Touch Panel

The system is equipped with a touch panel which allows you to control the software
without having to use a mouse. For easier use and to avoid fingerprints on the panel, a
touch pen is supplied.

Figure 1.1: Touch panel

The mouse functions click, double-click and drag and drop are similar to the use of a
normal mouse.

A right-click is carried out by first clicking on a mouse icon

and then on the element to which the right-click is to be
applied. (Alternatively, click on the mouse icon in the task

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

4 Introduction to PACS

The mouse icon becomes

visible by opening the touch
icon in the Windows task tray
and selecting the menu
function “Event selector”.

Danger of explosion caused by electrostatic discharge!

Sparks caused by electrostatic discharge can ignite an explosive
– To clean plastic parts, especially the display, always use a moist cloth,
never a dry cloth.
– Observe the cleaning instructions in the operating manual.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

Design and Function of the RVP-4 5

2 Design and Function of the RVP-4

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

6 Design and Function of the RVP-4

2.1 Measuring Principle of the RVP-4 Analyzer

A sample of the product is preheated or cooled to the required temperature and is then
fed into a measuring cylinder, which is usually heated to 37.8°C. By means of a measuring
piston, a defined volume is aspirated. After dosing is complete, the measuring cylinder is
closed by means of valves.

The measuring piston now retracts further and so creates a vapour area (ratio 1:4). When
the thermodynamic equilibrium has been reached, the pressure inside the measuring cell is
measured. This corresponds to the sum of the sample vapour pressure and the partial
pressure of the gases dissolved in the sample. The measured pressure is converted and
the result is displayed (see parameters P_Conversion and P_Unit).

After the measurement, the measuring cell is rinsed with product, and the next analysis
cycle starts.

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Design and Function of the RVP-4 7

2.2 Design of the RVP-4 Analyzer

The main part of the analyzer consists of the following components: temperature control
system, measuring cell, and drive mechanism. A simplified flow diagram shows the fittings,
sensors and actuators which are required to control the process flow.

Figure 2.1: Flow diagram

1 Measuring cell pilot valve 16 Proximity switch ExpandFW
2 Outlet valve 17 Proximity switch ExpandBW
3 Inlet valve 18 Proximity switch DoseBW
4 Temperature control system 19 Proximity switch DoseFW
5 Sample heat exchanger 20 Instrument air inlet
6 Peltier element 21 Dosing cylinder
7 Coolant heat exchanger 22 Expansion cylinder
8 Temperature sensor 23 Dose BW valve
9 Temperature fuse 24 Dose FW valve
10 Temperature limiter 25 Expand FW valve
11 Cooling medium outlet 26 Expand BW valve
12 Cooling medium inlet 27 Measuring cylinder
13 Sample inlet 28 Measuring cell
14 Temperature sensor sample 29 Measuring cell temperature
inlet sensor
15 Temperature sensor sample 30 Measuring piston
31 Pressure transmitter

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

8 Design and Function of the RVP-4

2.2.1 Temperature control system

The temperature control system (4) controls the temperature of the sample flowing
through the system. It consists of two heat exchangers which are connected by peltier
elements (6). The sample flows continually through the sample heat exchanger (5), where
it is heated or cooled to the target temperature. The temperature is controlled via the
temperature sensor sample (15), which is situated immediately before the measuring cell.
Excess heat is lead off to the cooling medium via the coolant heat exchanger (7). Both
heat exchangers are equipped each with a temperature sensor (8), a temperature fuse (9)
which is destroyed if the temperature is too high, and a temperature limiter (switching
with hysteresis). Additionally, a temperature sensor for monitoring the sample inlet
temperature (14) is located here.

2.2.2 Measuring cell

The measuring cell (28) consists of a measuring cylinder (27) and a movable measuring
piston. The pressure transmitter (31) and the inlet and outlet valves (3, 2) are mounted
onto the measuring cylinder. The inlet and outlet valves are actuated pneumatically via the
measuring cell pilot valve (1). The measuring cell temperature is measured by means of
the measuring cell temperature sensor (29).

2.2.3 Drive mechanism

The drive mechanism for the measuring piston consists of the interconnected pneumatic
cylinders (21, 22) which are used for adjusting the position of the measuring pison inside
the measuring cylinder. 4 magnetic valves (23 ... 26) are also part of the system. To check
the final positions of the pneumatic cylinders, proximity switches (16 ... 19) are used.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

Design and Function of the RVP-4 9

2.2.4 Valves

For better understanding of the process cycle, the following table contains a short
description of the valves, which are marked with "Y". Optionally, PACS offers a stream
switching feature. The required valves are not shown in the flow diagram.

Valve / Tag Name Function

Y_MEASURING_CELL • actuated: The line through the measuring cell is open.
The inlet valve has opened the line from the sample
(Measuring cell pilot
inlet to the measuring cell, and the outlet valve is also
valve (1))
open. Name of this position: Flow Through
• not actuated: The line through the measuring cell is
closed. The inlet valve has opened the line from the
sample inlet to the slop, and the outlet valve is closed.
Name of this position: FlowLocked
Y_DOSE_FW • actuated: Forward pressure is applied to the dosing
• not actuated: Forward pressure is released from the
dosing cylinder – it is ready for backward motion.
Y_DOSE_BW • actuated: Backward pressure is applied to the dosing
• not actuated: Backward pressure is released from the
dosing cylinder – it is ready for forward motion.
Y_EXPAND_FW • actuated: Forward pressure is applied to the expansion
• not actuated: Forward pressure is released from the
expansion cylinder – it is ready for backward motion.
Y_EXPAND_BW • actuated: Backward pressure is applied to the
expansion cylinder.
• not actuated: Backward pressure is released from the
expansion cylinder – it is ready for forward motion.
Y_Validierung • actuated: The line between validation stream and
OPTION analyzer inlet is open.
• not actuated: The line between online stream and
analyser inlet is open.
Y_VALIDIERUNG_OUT • actuated: The line between analyzer outlet and
OPTION validation backflow is open.
• not actuated: The line between analyzer outlet and
validation backflow is closed.

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

10 Design and Function of the RVP-4

Valve / Tag Name Function

Y_STREAM1 • actuated: The line between stream 1 and analyser inlet
OPTION is open.
• not actuated: The line between stream 1 and analyser
inlet is closed.
Y_STREAM2 • actuated: The line between stream 2 and analyser inlet
OPTION is open.
• not actuated: The line between stream 2 and analyser
inlet is closed.
Y_STREAM1_BB Same function as Y_STREAM1, Y_STREAM2, Y_Validierung.
Y_STREAM2_BB Optional for block-and-bleed valve control.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

Design and Function of the RVP-4 11

2.2.5 Control of the Pneumatic Cylinders

The following table describes the actuation patterns for the pneumatic cylinder valves.

Actuation of the pneumatic cylinder valves

Name of the Effect of the actuation pattern

actuation pattern


GoUndefined 0 0 0 0 Both ends of the cylinders are pressure-free.

The resulting position of the measuring piston is
undefined, it depends on the sample pressure.

GoClear 1 0 1 0 Both cylinders work in the forward direction. The

measuring piston moves to the forward position
– the measuring cell is emptied.

GoPrefill 1 1 1 0 Starting from the position GoClear, Y_DOSE_BW

is also actuated. This causes the rear of the
dosing cylinder to be pressurized, ready for the
following actuation pattern GoFill.

GoFill 0 1 1 0 The measuring piston moves to the dosing

position – the measuring cell is filled with
sample. If the rear of the dosing cylinder is
already pressurized (see GoPrefill), the restrictor
in line Y_DOSE_FW acts immediately. This
ensures a soft start of the movement.

GoExpand 0 1 0 1 The measuring piston moves to the expansion

position – the sample is enclosed in the
measuring cell, and the volume of the
measuring cell is increased.

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

12 Design and Function of the RVP-4

2.2.6 Position Feedback

The final positions of the pneumatic cylinders are checked by means of several proximity
switches. For easier understanding, the defined positions are described in the following

Dose Dose Expand Expand Position Description


1 0 1 0 PosClear The measuring piston is in

the forward position

0 1 1 0 PosAllot The measuring piston is in a

position of 1/5 of the way
from the front (dosed).

0 1 0 1 PosExpand The measuring piston is in

the backward position

0 0 x x PosUndefined The measuring piston is not

in a final position.
x x 0 0

1 1 x x PosError Error in position feedback

(positioning not possible).
x x 1 1

x means : The status of this proximity switch is irrelevant for this position.

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Design and Function of the RVP-4 13

2.3 Process Flow

This chapter describes the process flow of the analyzer, i.e. the program steps which are
carried out by the analyzer during an analysis cycle. The process flow is controlled by the
PACS software and displayed in the main window.

2.3.1 Process Diagram

The process diagram shows the simplified analysis process which is described in the
following sections.

The commands CMD_SafeState and CMD_Reset represent commands which stop or restart
the process flow by triggering an alarm. CMD_Reset is also triggered by starting PACS or
switching the analyzer on (Power On), or by activating the Reset input (by user / control
system), or by pressing the Reset button in the main window.

Note: The process flow is influenced strongly by the configuration of parameters and
alarms. For further information, please refer to chapter 5.2.

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

14 Design and Function of the RVP-4

State Condition / output


StreamRequest ==0 / dT > 1.5°C / Y = FlowThrough,

Outputs failsafe Piston released

StreamRequest >= 0
Alarm No Sample Flow
Power Up / Alarm Over Temperature
Outputs initial state Alarm no pressure
StartUp WaitCoarse

StreamRequest < 0

Cmd = SafeState
Cmd = Reset
Cmd = Restart
Cmd = Reset dTsample && dTcell < 1.5°C
StreamRequest < 0

SafeState Cmd != Reset /

Remote &&
Outputs failsafe
DI-Reset /
unchanged Alarm No Sample Flow
Standby Alarm Over Temperature
Alarm no pressure

t > ReadyTime
Alarm Stream Request >= 0 && ! DI-Reset /
No Pressure Y = FlowThrough, Piston = Clear
Detected /
Alarm No Sample Flow 1. Lock & Fill, Alarm Wait-T Timeout
Alarm Over Temperature 2. Through & Undef Alarm No Sample Flow
Alarm no pressure Ready Alarm Over Temperature
WaitFine Alarm no pressure

Vapor Pressure Detected

P and T in range
t < ReadyTime / dTsample <
1. Lock & Fill, FineTemperatureLimit
2. Through & Undef
dTsample >= FineTemperatureLimit /
output results
Y = FlowThrough, Piston = Clear
Alarm Initial Pressure
Alarm No Sample Flow
Alarm Over Temperature Alarm Piston Timeout
Alarm no pressure Measure Alarm No Sample Flow
Flush Alarm Over Temperature
Alarm no pressure
Not detected /
Y = Locked, Position != CLEAR /
Piston = Expand Y = FlowThrough,
Piston = Clear
Position == EXPAND
Wait 5 s Position == CLEAR
Wait 10 s
Position != EXPAND /
Y = Locked, Position != FILL /
Piston = Expand Y = FlowThrough,
Piston = Fill
Alarm Piston Timeout
Alarm No Sample Flow
Alarm Piston Timeout
Alarm Over Temperature
Alarm No Sample Flow
Alarm no pressure
Alarm Over Temperature
Expand Fill Alarm no pressure
Position == FILL
Wait 5 s

StreamRequest Piston Positions Sample Valve Y State

<0 none CLEAR Volume = 4ml FlowThrough into cell Name
0 stream 1 FILL Volume = 17.6ml Locked into slop
Main States
1 stream 2 EXPAND Volume = 88ml
PID type controllers
2 validation Released Volume undefined
(P type controllers otherwise)

Figure 2.2: Process Diagram

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

Design and Function of the RVP-4 15

Symbol Meaning
! not (logical negation)
& and (logical)
< lower than
> higher than
== equal
!= not equal

2.3.2 Program Start

After starting the program, PACS loads the configuration parameters and the main window
settings which were active at the last program shutdown (settings for Local/Remote,
Stream selection, and Automatic on/off). The program then starts with the state StartUp.

2.3.3 StartUp

The process cycle changes to the state StartUp if one of the following events occurs: the
program is started, or the reset line is activated, or the button Reset in the main window is
activated while the process is in the state Safe State, or no sample stream is selected. In
the state StartUp, the valves, controls etc. are set to their default states (all valves not
active, heater control off). The process remains in this state until a sample stream is

As soon as a sample stream is selected, the temperature controls for the measuring cell
and the flowing sample are activated. The sample temperature is measured using the
temperature sensor before the measuring cell.

The program switches to the state Wait Coarse Temperature.

2.3.4 Wait Coarse Temperature

The inlet and outlet valves are in position FlowThrough (sample flows through the cell),
and the pneumatic cylinder valves remain unactuated (GoUndefined).
The program remains in this state until the temperatures of the measuring cell and of the
flowing sample do not deviate by more than 1.5 K from their respective target values.
The status remains active for at least 5 seconds. Next state: Standby.

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

16 Design and Function of the RVP-4

2.3.5 Standby

This state is reached either from the state Wait Coarse Temperature, or after the end
of a successful analysis cycle (from the Ready state), or after a reset. Exception: a reset
is triggered if the process is in the state Safe State.

At first, the valve positions are not changed. If a reset is held (in remote control mode, a
reset can be held by holding the signal input in its active state), the program holds and
waits for the reset state to end.

If a different sample stream has been requested, it is activated. If no sample stream is

selected (Stream = 0), the state switches to Startup immediately. The inlet and outlet
valves of the measuring cell are switched to the position FlowThrough, and the pneumatic
cylinders are switched to the position PosClear.

The program remains in the state Standby until a sample stream is switched on and there
is no reset signal. The status remains active for at least 5 seconds. Exception: Stream = 0.
Next state: Startup (if Stream = 0) or Wait Fine Temperature (start of an analysis

2.3.6 Wait Fine Temperature

The measuring cell valves are actuated with FlowThrough and the pneumatic cylinders
with GoClear. The program waits for at least 10 seconds. If the sample stream was
changed, the program waits for another period of time, as defined in the parameter
StreamSettleTime. The program then checks if the measuring cell temperature and the
sample temperature are within the target range. If the temperature values are within the
target range, the program switches to the state Filling. If the target range is not reached
within the time defined by MaxWaitFineTime (parameter), the alarm TA_TO_WAIT_FINE is

To determine the tolerance, the temperature deviations of the flowing sample and of the
measuring cell are monitored for the period of time defined in the parameter
ObserveTime. If the measuring cell temperature deviates by less than T_Fine_Limit, it is
within the target range. For the temperature of the flowing sample, the tolerance
threshold is twice as high.

2.3.7 Flushing

For flushing, the measuring cell valves remain in the position FlowThrough, and the
pneumatic cylinders are actuated with GoClear. The measuring cell is constructed so that,
in this position, a circular gap for the sample flow remains. After 10 seconds, the program
switches to the state Filling.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

Design and Function of the RVP-4 17

2.3.8 Filling

For filling, the measuring cell valves are actuated with FlowThrough, and the pneumatic
cylinders are actuated for 1 second with GoPreFill. In this way, pressure is exerted on the
rear end of the dosing cylinder. Now the dosing cylinder is actuated with GoFill. Caused by
the pressure on the dosing cylinder, the cushioning in Y_DOSE_FW is active immediately,
and the measuring piston slowly moves to the filling position. The program now waits for
the proximity switches on the pneumatic cylinders to signal the position PosAllot. After
another 5 seconds, the program switches to the state Expand.

2.3.9 Expand

First, the measuring cell valves are actuated with FlowLocked. After 2 seconds, the
pneumatic cylinders are actuated with GoExpand. The measuring piston now moves back
to its expansion position. The program now waits for the proximity switches on the
pneumatic cylinders to signal the position PosExpand. After another 5 seconds, the
program switches to the state Measure.

2.3.10 Measure

To measure the vapour pressure, the measuring cell valves remain acutated with
FlowLocked, and the pneumatic cylinders with GoExpand. The pressure in the measuring
cell is monitored continually, the measured value is rounded to 0.1 kPa and recorded.
Evaluation starts after 2 minutes. If the current pressure deviation, and the pressure
deviation measured 1 and 2 minutes earlier, remains within 0.1 kPa, the average of these
pressure values is recorded as ASVP.

This ASVP is then converted according to the selected conversion algorithm and unit
(parameters Conversion and Unit) and is signaled to the various output channels (analog
output, Modbus, panel, history file, plot). The next state is Ready. If the vapour pressure
is not detected within 15 minutes, the error No Vapor Pressure detect is signaled, and
the next state is Standby.

2.3.11 Ready

The digital output Ready is set; it signals a valid measuring signal. The measuring cell
valves remain actuated with FlowLocked, and the pneumatic cylinders are actuated with
GoFill . As soon as the pneumatic cylinders have reached the position PosAllot, the
measuring cell valves are actuated with FlowThrough and the pneumatic cylinders with
GoUndefined. As soon as the time defined in the parameter ReadyTime has expired, the
digital output Ready is reset, and the program switches to the state Standby.

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18 Design and Function of the RVP-4

2.3.12 Safe State

The state Safe State is reached by activating the button SafeState in the main window,
or by triggering an alarm that is configured accordingly. The measuring cell valves are
actuated with FlowThrough and the valves for the pneumatic cylinders with GoUndefined .
The digital output TDO_ENABLE_POWER is deactivated so that heating and cooling are
disabled. A selected stream is deactivated. The analysis process remains in the state Safe
State until CMD_Reset is triggered. The next state is StartUp.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

First Steps with PACS 19

3 First Steps with PACS

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

20 First Steps with PACS

3.1 Starting PACS

To start PACS, proceed as follows:

• Switch on the analyzer, as described in the operating manual.

The computer for data analysis (ACU) boots up and starts the operating system, and the
PACS process software starts automatically. Only as an exception, it may be necessary or
convenient to start PACS manually, e.g. if PACS was closed manually, or if the shortcut to
PACS in the Autostart directory has been removed. To do this, proceed as follows:

• In the Windows Start menu under Programs – Bartec Benke, select the PACS
program symbol.

Note: PACS always starts on the Operator user level, using the same settings as
were stored at the end of the last session.
If the analysis process was active when the program was ended, it will now be
started again. Otherwise, only the outputs will be initialized with their starting
You can change the user level, for example to adjust program settings on the
Expert level (see chapter 5.5).

After starting PACS, the Watchdog module starts automatically (see chapter 3.2), and also,
if applicable, the Modbus module.

Additionally, if installed, the remote maintenance software starts.

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First Steps with PACS 21

3.2 Watchdog Module

After starting PACS, the Watchdog module starts automatically. The Watchdog module
shows whether particular applications which are necessary for correct system operation
are active (e.g. PACS, Modbus, etc.). These applications are registered by the Watchdog
module, and they are then polled in turn. If a registered application does not react to the
polling request, all applications and the operating system are shut down. After a delay
time, the Watchdog triggers a system reset of the PC which restarts the operating system
and the PACS software.

Figure 3.1: Watchdog Module

The LED WD shows the status of the Watchdog hardware. If the LED is grey, the
hardware is inactive. If it is green, the hardware is active.

The LED CON shows the available connections. If at least one application is registered and
polled by the Watchdog module, the LED is green. If no application is registered, the LED
is grey. The registered applications are shown in the center of the Watchdog window
under "Connections".

The LED TRIG changes color from blue to orange. While the Watchdog module is
checking if the connected applications are active, the progress bar shows the current
status of the polling process. If all connected applications are active, the hardware is
triggered, and the LED is orange. If not all applications are active, the hardware is not
triggered, and the LED remains blue. The Watchdog module then resets the system within
the next few seconds, i.e. it stops all active applications, shuts down the operating system,
resets the hardware and restarts.

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

22 First Steps with PACS

Additionally, the Watchdog window contains information on the software version.

• To close the Watchdog module, click Quit.

Note: If the Watchdog module is closed while registered applications are still running,
the correct function of the applications can no longer be checked.

If you click Reset, a system reset of the PC will be carried out. This should
only be done in exceptional cases and for test purposes, as any changes in
the system configuration which were not previously stored will be lost.

3.3 Defining User Rights

To avoid unauthorized changes to the system, you must restrict acces by defining user
rights. Changes to the system can only be made on the user level Expert. You can restrict
access by means of a password. For further information, please refer to chapter 5.5.

3.4 Exiting PACS

Before you exit PACS, close all dialog windows. There are several ways of exiting the

• Select Exit form the File menu.

• Press Alt-F4.

• Double-click on the program icon in the top left corner of the main window.

• Click on the "Close" symbol in the top right corner of the main window.

The current settings for the software configuration are stored and will be loaded
automatically at the next system start.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

First Steps with PACS 23

The following dialog window appears.

To exit PACS, click on Yes. To continue working with PACS, click on No. If you want to
exit PACS and shut down the operating system as well, click on Shutdown.

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24 First Steps with PACS

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

PACS Overview 25

4 PACS Overview

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

26 PACS Overview

4.1 Definitions: Streams, Parameters and Conversion

Parameters are adjustable values which influence the measuring process (e.g.
TW_Ready). Parameters are stored in a file and can be edited and changed by means of
specific program functions.

A sample stream (Stream) is a physical pipeline through which a sample flows into the
analyzer. PACS allows you to take a sample either from one of two available online
streams or from a validation stream.

The vapour pressure is originally measured as ASVP (DIN absolute pressure, ASTM total
pressure). The measured value can be converted and output in accordance with other
measurement methods (Conversion). In this case, the output value is calculated by
means of a linear equation.

Value = Offset + Gain * Pressure

Conversion Parameter Offset Gain

ASVP 0 0.0 1.0
ASTM_DVPE 1 -3.78 0.965
EPA_DVPE 2 -2.39 0.956
CARB_RVPE 3 -4.93 0.972
ASTM_RVPE 4 6.07 0.752
CustomVP 5 CustomVPOffset CustomVPGain

The values of offset and gain are derived from the applicable standards and publications.
CustomVP represents a non-standardized conversion. In this case, the values of offset and
gain are taken from the parameters.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

PACS Overview 27

4.2 The PACS Main Window

The PACS main window displays currently and previously measured values. You can
activate and deactivate measurements. The status of the system and any occurring errors
are displayed.

1 2 3

Figure 4.1: PACS Main Window

1 Sample streams

2 Validation

3 Process state and system control

4 Graphical Display of the Measuring Results

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

28 PACS Overview

The menus in the menu bar are explained in detail in chapter 5.

For a better overview, the main window is divided into the sections shown in Figure 4.1:
PACS Main Window. The following description refers to these sections.

4.2.1 Local System Control

The system can be controlled either locally or from a central DCS (Distributed Control

To control the system locally:

• Make sure that Local is activated in section 3. Otherwise, click on Remote.

The button Remote changes to Local. You can now set parameters and control the
system directly with PACS. Remote control by the DCS is deactivated.

4.2.2 Sample Streams

Selecting Sample Streams Manually

In section 1, both sample streams are displayed side by side. At the top of the section
there is a text field where you can enter the name or tag of the stream. The defaults are
"Stream1" and "Stream2". The LED on the right lights up green when the stream is active,
i.e. the measuring cycle with this stream is in progress.

You can analyze both sample streams separately.

To select a sample stream:

Note: The entries in the cycles fields are irrelevant for manual measurment of the
sample streams. These fields are only required for automatic measurements.

• Click on one of the two buttons Stream 1 or Stream 2 in section 1 with the status

The status changes to On and the button becomes green. This triggers a request for
a measuring cycle with this stream. If a measuring cycle with another stream is in
progress, this will not be aborted. As soon as the current measuring cycles is
finished, the selected stream is activated and the green LED next to this sample
stream lights up.

The most recent measuring results for both sample streams are displayed. Below, the
times for the respective sample names are displayed.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

PACS Overview 29

Alternate Automatically between Sample Streams

The two sample streams can be measured automatically in an alternating sequence. A
sample stream can be measured several times before switching to the other sample

In section 1, both sample streams are displayed side by side.

• Enter the names of the sample streams in the two text fields at the top.

• In the field Cycles, enter the required number of measurements for each sample

• Click the button in the field Automatic Stream Switching.

The status changes from Off to On. Automatic stream switching is now activated. If a
measurement is in progress, this will first be completed. Automatic stream switching
will then start with the first sample stream. The two sample streams are now
measured automatically in an alternating sequence. Each stream is measured as many
times as specified in Cycles, afterwards the system switches to the next stream.
If a sample stream is active, the green LED next to the name of the sample stream
lights up. The Cycle display in the field Automatic Stream Switching shows the
remaining number of measurements for the active sample stream.
The most recent measuring results for both sample streams are displayed. Below, the
times for the respective sample names are displayed.

4.2.3 Validation

Information for system validation is displayed in section 2.

At the top of the section there is a text field where you can enter the name or tag of the
validation stream. The default is "Validation". The LED on the right lights up green when
the validation stream is active. In the field Cycles, enter the required number of
measurements for validation.

To start validation manually:

• Click the buttonValidierung while it is in the state Off.

• The button changes to On. The LED Ins indicates that a number of validation cycles
has been requested.

Note: If the button On is switched back to Off, the LED Ins will remain active. If a
sample stream measurement is in progress, validation will start after the
current measurement is complete.

As soon as the validation stream starts, the LED at the top lights up green. The number of
measuring cycles specified in Cycles is carried out.

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

30 PACS Overview

The most recent result is displayed. The field below shows the time of the corresponding
sample measurement.

Note: Validation can also be started remote from the central DCS (Distribution
Control System), or it can be activated by an automatic timer (see
chapter 5.2.4). The validation stream is not included in automatic stream

4.2.4 Process Status and System Control

In section 3, you can control general system functions, and the process status and errors
are displayed.

In the field Tag, you can enter the name of the analyzer. This helps you to identify the

Error messages
If there are any error messages, they aber displayed in the field Error.

• Read the error messages carefully.

• If required, remove the cause of the error.

To confirm an error message:

• Click Quit.

Information on the Process Status

The following status information is displayed:

• State shows the current process state.

• Cycle Time displays the time since the measuring cycle started.

• The progress bar below Cycle Time shows the progress of the current action,
depending on the corresponding process step (time t, pressure (difference) P,
temperature (difference) T etc.).

• T-Cell displays the current measuring cell temperature.

• P-Cell displays the current pressure in the measuring cell.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

PACS Overview 31

Configuring the Measuring Units

To the right of the displays T-Cell and P-Cell, you can select the measuring unit for the
current temperature and the current pressure.

• The setting for T-Cell (current measuring cell temperature) affects not only the
display in the PACS main window, but also all other cases where the measuring cell
temperature is signaled, e.g. in the history, and all other temperature displays.

• The setting for P-Cell (current pressure in the measuring cell) only affects this
display. The measuring unit for the measured vapour pressure is set by a parameter.

Note: You can change parameters in the menu Configure. For more information,
please refer to chapter 5.2.

Local or Central Control

You can control the system directly via PACS or via a central DCS (Distribution Control

To control the system with PACS:

• Make sure that Local is active. Otherwise, click on Remote.

The button Remote changes to Local. You can now control the system directly with

To control the system centrally via the remote interface (digital inputs or Modbus signals):

• Make sure that Remote is active. Otherwise, click on Local.

The button Local changes to Remote.

Put System into Safe State

For maintenance, tests or troubleshooting, you can put the system into the Safe State.
You can then control actuators via the IO-Test panel and the Utility panels without
interfering with the process cycle.

The state Safe State is only conditionally safe because it is acquired

through software functions. Please observe the operation instructions.

• Click SafeState.

For more information on the state Safe State, please refer to chapter 2.3.

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

32 PACS Overview

Restart after Serious Error

After a serious error, the system will be put into the Safe State.

Remove the cause of the error. To restart the system after a serious error:

• Click Reset.

The system is reset, depending on the most recent state. The system is ready for

Transmit Analog Value as Output Signal to the DCS

In addition to the measuring result (vapour pressure), another analog value can be
transmitted to the DCS (Distribution Control System).

To select an analog value:

• Select a value from the field Selectable Signal.

The current value of the signal is displayed in the field Value. The signal will be
transmitted to the DCS via the analog output SelectedSignal.

4.2.5 Graphical Display of the Measuring Results

In section 4, the sequence of measuring results is displayed in a chart. You can select the
streams you want to display. Additionally, you can select the value range for the X-axis
and the Y-axis.

To select the streams for the display:

• In the main window above the graphical display, click on Plot Data of.. and select a
stream. You can also display all streams at the same time.

To select the value range for the X-axis:

• In the field Horizon, select a time range between 3 h and 192 h.

All measured values are displayed, from the current value back to the earliest value as
specified in Horizon.

Note: With << or >> you can display the intervals before or after the current
interval. Both functions are only available if there are sufficient measured
values available before or after the current interval.

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PACS Overview 33

To select the value range for the Y-axis:

• In the field Upper to the left of the graphical display, enter the top value for the Y-
axis, or use the arrow keys.

• In the field Lower to the left of the graphical display, enter the bottom value for the
Y-axis, or use the arrow keys.

To display the values of individual measuring points:

• Click on a measuring point in the graphical display.

The measuring point is highlighted with crosshairs in blue. Above the graphical
display, the measuring result, the average temperature, the time of the measurement
and the corresponding stream are shown.

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34 PACS Overview

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

The PACS Menu 35

5 The PACS Menu

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

36 The PACS Menu

The menu bar shows all PACS menus from which you can access the sub-menus.

File IO Configure Report Utilities Accesslevel Help

Exit Test Parame- Report Manual Operator Manual(s)
ters 2 Controller
1 3
Log Controller Pressure Plot Manual Process Expert About
Operation 3
2 3
Configuration Alarms Controller Manufacturer
Values Plot

Modbus Validierung Add Message Change

2 ¹
to Logbook Password
write access only on Manufacturer and Expert level
unlimited write access only on Manufacturer level
limited write access on Expert level
write access only on Manufacturer level

5.1 The IO Menu

The options in the IO menu allow you to carry out a hardware test. All outputs can be
switched manually, and the input values are displayed. Each input and output can be
configured and calibrated.

Figure 5.1: PACS – IO Menu

An explosive atmosphere can be a danger to your life!

If you need to open the cabinet for checks or calibration, observe all safety
instructions in the operating manual for the analyzer.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

The PACS Menu 37

5.1.1 IO - Test

To check the input and output channels, select IO – Test. The window Input/Output
Test opens:

Figure 5.2: PACS - Testing Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs

Note: Depending on the user level, this dialog window offers different functions. For
further information on the user levels, please refer to chapter 5.5.
Do not click on the buttons unless you are well acquainted with the
functions! Operating errors can cause damage!

An explosive atmosphere can be a danger to your life!

If you need to open the cabinet for checks or calibration, observe all safety
instructions in the operating manual for the analyzer.

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

38 The PACS Menu

In this dialog window, all analog and digital inputs and outputs are displayed with their
current value or switch status. When the digital inputs and outputs are switched, the
adjacent LED or switch button becomes green, otherwise it remains grey.

The digital outputs, e.g. those which switch a single valve, can be switched manually for
testing by clicking on the switch button. Similarly, you can change the values for the
analog outputs manually for testing purposes.

Note: If you change the digital outputs during an analysis cycle, you may affect the
process and the results.

In the field Modulator, you can adjust the settings for a modulator that is implemented in
the system.

Note: The modulator is not used fully by the Vapor Pressure Analyzer, only limit
monitoring functions are used. Unexplained parts can be ignored.

The LEDs Upper Limit and Lower Limit light up red if the limit value for the sensor
temperature T-HeatExchanger is violated. They switch off again as soon as the
temperature returns to a value within the tolerance range.

The LED NotLockout is switched off if the temperature falls outside the limits, and it
remains off, even if the temperature reaches the normal range again. It can only be re-
activated by pressing the push-button LockOut Reset (-SH2) in the control unit housing.
The LED LockOutReset lights up while the push-button is being pressed. Limit
monitoring is implemented by means of hardware on the IO board, it functions without the
aid of PACS. NotLockout is also a digital output which is part of the safety system (see
connection diagram). If NotLockout is not active, the measuring cell heater and the
temperature control unit are disconnected.

The status of the IO board is indicated in the field IO 98 alive: During normal operation,
the LED lights up green. The LED is red if the IO board is faulty. Additionally, the type of
IO board is displayed as either ISA or ETH.

The Temperature Conversion Tool is an additional utility which allows you to convert
temperature values between the units Kelvin (K), Celsius (°C), Fahrenheit (°F) and Ohm.

To close the window Input/Output Test, click Cancel.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

The PACS Menu 39

5.1.2 IO - Log

You can record analog input signals, e.g. from the temperature sensors.

• Select IO – Log from the main menu.

The following window opens:

Figure 5.3: PACS – Record Analog Input Signals

The input signals are saved in separate CSV files.

• Enter the file name in the field Log-Files Name. By default this is io_log.

In one file, a maximum of 32000 entries can be recorded. For further entries, new
files are generated. For this, the end of the specified file name is extended by
consecutive numbers.

• Enter the time interval between two recordings in the field Sampling Time.

• Select the input channels you want to record in the field Selectable Input Channels
to be locked.

The selected channels are marked with a check symbol, they will now be recorded.

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40 The PACS Menu

To start recording the input channels:

• In the field Execution, click Start.

The LED in the field Log Status Information shows the status of the IO board.
During normal operation, the LED lights up green, otherwise it is red.

The field Next Value in displays the time before the next recording.

The field TINI Ticks displays the internal time of the IO board.

Value Number shows the current number of entries in the file. The number of
entries is limited to 32000.

To stop recording the input channels:

• In the field Execution, click Stop.

The recording is stopped.

To view the recorded data:

• In the field Current File, double-click on the displayed file path.

The CSV file is opened as a chart in the Diamond CS Viewer.

5.1.3 IO - Configuration

To configure the digital and analog inputs and outputs and to calibrate and set other
parameters, select IO – Configuration. The following dialog window appears.

Note: These signals are configured by BARTEC BENKE before delivery of the
analyzer. The settings should only be changed in exceptional cases, and only
after consulting BARTEC BENKE.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

The PACS Menu 41

Figure 5.4: PACS - Configuring Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs

Configuring the Digital Output

By clicking the button labeled Tag, you can select a digital output in the section Digital
Output. A drop-down menu opens with the names of all configured digital outputs. Click
on one of these outputs. The name will then be displayed on the button under Name.

To change the name, click on Rename and enter a new name for the selected tag in the
dialog. The name can be up to 15 characters long. Click on OK.

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

42 The PACS Menu

In the Channel field you can assign a channel on the I/O board to the currently selected
digital output. This is only accessible at Manufacturer level, as changes in this
configuration can result in hardware errors.

The checkbox Invert allows you to invert the state of the channel (negative / positive
logic). The checkbox Init determines which value will be used to initialize the digital
output after starting the program, before the first analysis cycle. If the check box is
selected, the output is switched to active status, if the checkbox is deactivated, the output
is inactive.

Configuring the Digital Input

To configure the digital inputs in the section Digital Input, proceed as described above
for the section Digital Output. There is no initialization value for inputs.

Configuring the Analog Output

In the section Analog Output, select a channel of your I/O board. The name will then be
displayed on the button under Name.

To change the name, click on Rename and enter a symbolic name for the corresponding
property name. The name can be up to 15 characters long. Click on OK.

The field Init shows the start value for initializing the outputs, as described for the section
Digital Output.

The names of the analog and digital inputs and outputs are shown in the window Input /
Output Test.

Configuring the Analog Input

The channels for the analog input values are set in the section Analog Input. To
configure the analog input, select a channel on your I/O board and assign a symbolic
name to it which stands for the corresponding input value. The name can be up to 15
characters long (as described above for the digital outputs).

Calibrate Analog Inputs and Outputs

Note: These settings are factory-set and must not be changed! If a calibration should
become necessary due to an error, the measuring process must be aborted

The analog inputs and outputs are calibrated based on a 2-point linear equation, i.e. the
relationship between the physical property and the value in the converter is assumed to be
linear. If two values are known, their relationship can be described in a linear equation.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

The PACS Menu 43

The measuring results are output as an analog signal (4-20 mA). To do this, the physical
measuring range of each channel must be adjusted by calibration to match the digital
measuring range.

The analog input channels must also be calibrated. An exception is the temperature
measurement with Pt100 sensors which are connected directly to the IO board. To
determine the temperature, first the resistance is measured, then the temperature is
calculated using a known standard formula (according to DIN 43760 / IEC 571).

Two examples of analog input and output calibration:

PT100 input:

• Select an Analog Input, e.g. "T_SampleHE", and set the Conversion to "Pt-100".

An explosive atmosphere can be a danger to your life!

If you need to open the cabinet for checks or calibration, observe all safety
instructions in the operating manual for the analyzer.

• Disconnect the sensor from the input and connect a variable resistance box.

• Determine the calibration points (e.g. -30 °C and + 50 °C), and enter these values in
the fields Convert Value Low and Convert Value High. The required resistance
values can now be read from the fields Physical Value Low and Physical Value

• Set the resistance to the value in Physical Value Low. The value in field Digital
Value Current changes accordingly.

• Select this value with the arrow button to the left of field Digital Value Low.

• Set the resistance to the value in Physical Value High. The value in field Digital
Value Current changes accordingly.

• Select this value with the arrow button to the right of field Digital Value High. The
calibration is now complete. To save the changes, click Save, to exit without saving
the changes, click Cancel.

• Reconnect the sensor to the input.

Note: If you have the relevant resistance values available, during calibration you can
specify the "Physical Values" and read off the resulting "Converted Values", i.e.
the temperature, from the display fields.

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

44 The PACS Menu

4 – 20 mA output:

• Select an Analog Output, e.g. „TAO_VAPOR_PRESSURE“.

An explosive atmosphere can be a danger to your life!

If you need to open the cabinet for checks or calibration, observe all safety
instructions in the operating manual for the analyzer.

• Connect an amperemeter to the output.

• Determine the measuring range with 4.0 und 20.0 (mA), and enter the values in the
fields Physical Value Low and Physical Value High respectively.

• Copy the value in Physical Value Low into field Physical Value Current, using the
arrow button on the left. The output current should now be about 4 mA.

• Set the output current to 4 mA by changing the value in Digital Value Current, and
transfer this value into the field Digital Value Low with the arrow button on the left.

• Copy the value in Physical Value High into field Physical Value Current, using
the arrow button on the right. The output current should now be about 20 mA.

• Set the output current to 20 mA by changing the value in field Digital Value
Current and transfer this value into the field Digital Value High using the arrow
button on the right. The calibration is now complete. To save the changes, click Save,
to exit without saving the changes, click Cancel.

Note: The physical measuring range of an analog output can be changed at any time.
The calibration to the measuring range of 4-20 mA is retained.

Scan Parameters
The field Scan Parameters shows the scanrate (Scan-Interval), the field
IO98-Al-Filter displays the smoothing factor for the analog inputs. The field dAI/dt-
Gain shows a factor for derivation.

Note: These settings are factory-set and must not be changed!

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

The PACS Menu 45

Loading and Saving the Configuration

The menu File in the menu bar allows you

• to load an IO configuration (Load),

• to save an IO configuration under a different name (SaveAs),

• to load initial values for the IO configuration (LoadInitial).

Select File – Load to load a configuration. A dialog appears from which you can select the
required file. The standard path is C:\Program Files\BBS\RVP4\config. Click Load
to load the selected configuration file.

To save a configuration you have changed under a different name, so that it can be
reactivated later, select File – Save As. A dialog appears from which you can select the
file name and path for saving the configuration file. The standard path is
C:\Program Files\BBS\RVP4\config.

With File – LoadInitial, you can load the configuration file "InitialIO.ini". This is only
necessary if the IO board is changed. In this case, further calibration steps are required.

Note: It is recommended to save a backup copy of the config directory. The

directory contains all PACS program settings, such as parameters, products,
alarms, and IO settings. For further information, please refer to chapter 5.2.

As soon as you have made a change, the Save button becomes active. To save the
changed settings, click Save, and then click Cancel to close the window. To close the
window without saving the changes, click Cancel.

Note: When the program starts, settings are always retrieved from the file
The menu described above serves to save various configuration settings.

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

46 The PACS Menu

5.1.4 IO Modbus (optional)

As an addition or a substitute for the physical interface (analog inputs, analog outputs,
digital outputs, digital inputs) to a DCS (Distribution Control System), a Modbus interface
module can be installed. This module is described in a separate manual (Modbus Interface

Figure 5.5: PACS - Modbus Application

To put this module into operation, the necessary hardware and software must be installed
and configured, and the parameter "ModbusActive" must be set to 1 (0 = inactive). The
Modbus interface is then started automatically by PACS.

Then select IO – Modbus from the menu to open the following window:

Figure 5.6: PACS - Modbus Data

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

The PACS Menu 47

The LED Active indicates the status of the connection to the DCS.

Via the analog input Reserved (optional), an analog signal can be read from the DCS.

The remaining LEDs indicate the states of the digital inputs (Modbus) as monitored by the
system. The inputs Reset, StreamRQ1, StreamRQ2 and ValidationRQ correspond to
the digital inputs with the same name (physical, discrete connections). See also chapter 6.

Via the Modbus interface, more signals are transmitted than is shown in the dialog
window. For further details, please refer to the separate manual (Modbus Interface

5.2 The Configure Menu

The options in the Configure menu allow you to set parameters and to edit the settings
for controls, alarms, and validation.

Figure 5.7: PACS - Configure Menu

For the process run, PACS requires a number of parameters and settings. These
parameters and settings can be defined in the Configure menu.

Configuration files:

Parameters and validation:

• File: .\config\conf.par

• File: .\config\

• File: .\config\CoConf.csv

IO (access via IO – Configure):

• File: .\config\

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

48 The PACS Menu

In the file ".\config\ProgTermination.ini", the start and exit times of PACS are saved. This
can be used to determine whether PACS was exited correctly.

In the file ".\config\ProgPara.ini", some elements of the main window are saved, so that
on restart, PACS can be initialized with the saved settings and results (stream selection,
selected analog output, tag, the scale of the graphical display, the display of the most
recent measuring results, settings for Cycles).

Note: It is recommended to save a backup copy of the config directory. The

directory contains all PACS program settings, such as parameters, alarms, and
IO settings. The standard path is C:\Program Files\BBS\RVP4\config.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

The PACS Menu 49

5.2.1 Configure - Parameters

To edit the parameters, select Configure – Parameters. The following dialog window

Figure 5.8: PACS - Configuration of General Parameters

The window header shows the path and name of the file which contains the PACS

In this window, you can edit general parameters, such as the maximum and minimum
temperature values for all temperature measuring points (TemperaturMax,

For an overview of the parameters and their meanings, please refer to chapter 9.

To edit the value of a general parameter, click on Parameter Name in the section
General. A drop-down menu opens with the parameters you can select by clicking. A
Value is assigned to each parameter. You can change the parameter value by using the
arrow buttons next to it, or by typing the new value directly into the field.

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

50 The PACS Menu

In the lower section of the window, the meaning of the corresponding parameter is

Note: All parameters are preset by the manufacturer before delivery. The parameters
should only be changed after consulting BARTEC BENKE, and only if it is
necessary for adjustment to the product.

In the File menu, you can load a configuration (Load) or save a configuration under a
different name (Save As).

Select File – Load to load a previously stored set of parameters.

A dialog appears from which you can select the required file. The standard path is
C:\Program Files\BBS\RVP4\config. Click Load to load the selected configuration

To save a configuration you have changed under a different name, so that it can be
reactivated later, select File – Save As.

As soon as you have made a change, the Save button becomes active. To save the
changed settings, click Save, and then click Cancel to close the window. To close the
window without saving the changes, click Cancel.

Note: Changes in most of these parameters will not become active immediately, but
only at the start of the next analysis cycle. For further information, please refer
to chapter 9.

Note: It is recommended to save a backup copy of the config directory. The

directory contains all PACS program settings, such as parameters, products,
alarms, and IO settings. For further information, please refer to chapter 5.2.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

The PACS Menu 51

5.2.2 Configure - Controller

Figure 5.9: PACS – Configuring the Controller.

In this window, you can edit the configuration of the two controllers for the temperature
of the flowing sample and for the measuring cell. The settings are pre-set by BARTEC
BENKE and should only be changed after consulting BARTEC BENKE. Changes can only be
made on the Manufacturer level.

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

52 The PACS Menu

5.2.3 Configure - Alarms

Select Configure – Alarms.. to configure alarms and warnings.

Figure 5.10: PACS - Alarm Table

If an error occurs, the corresponding error message is displayed under Message in the
PACS main window. The reaction to these errors is configured by BARTEC BENKE and
should only be changed if absolutely necessary.

A warning indicates non-critical irregularities in the process flow, but the cause of a
warning should still be investigated. An alarm indicates a serious error and should trigger a
"Break" (process abort) or a "Shutdown".

"Break" means that the running process is aborted and the program switches to the state
Standby; the process then starts again from the beginning. If an alarm is configured as
"ShutDown", the program switches to the state Safe State. The process then remains in
this state until the button Reset is activated, or the digital input "Reset" is activated, or
the button Reset in the main window is pressed.

"mA 0" means that the signal outputs are set to their initial values.

"1" activates the respective reaction, "0" deactivates it.

Note: For further information on error messages and alarms, please refer to
chapter 8.

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The PACS Menu 53

5.2.4 Configure - Validation

Select Configure – Validation to open the window, and to view and edit the settings.

To insert one or several validation cycles into the flow of the measuring process, select
one or several days of the week under Day(s), and the time under Hour.

With ValidierungoutDelay, the delay (in seconds) is specified after which the valve
Y_ValidierungOut is actuated, relative to the valve Y_Validierung.

Figure 5.11: PACS – Configure Validierung

For further information on validation, please refer to chapter 4.2.3.

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54 The PACS Menu

5.3 The Report Menu

The menu Report allows you to view various recorded data either in a table or a chart,
and to add new entries to the logbook. Additionally, you can add a message to the

Figure 5.12: PACS - Report Menu

5.3.1 Report - Report

Select the menu option Report to open a file selection window. The directory
C:\Program Files\BBS\RVP4\DATA is preselected, which contains the report files.
You can select only files with the extension .csv.

Figure 5.13: PACS - File Selection Window

The selected report file is displayed in the program CSView. Available report files:

• LogBook.csv - chronological logbook which records various events

• History.csv – measuring results

• Alarms.csv – triggered alarms

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

The PACS Menu 55

• Debug.csv – records a large number of signals at short intervals, for

troubleshooting The report file is only saved if requested (see menu Utilities).
Instead of "Debug", a different name may be chosen.

Examples for report files:

Figure 5.14: Report LogBook

Entries are marked with an ID as follows.

A (Action): Action during the process flow, e.g. program start ("StartProgram")
E (Error): Error messages
N (Note): Operator's comments
W (Warning): Warning messages
R (Result): Result of the measurement

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56 The PACS Menu

Figure 5.15: Report History

Figure 5.16: Report Alarms

Figure 5.17: Report Debug

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

The PACS Menu 57

5.3.2 Report - Pressure Plot

To display the pressure and the temperature deviation from the target temperature of the
measuring cell in a chart, proceed as follows:

• In the menu Report, select Pressure Plot.

The window Pressure and Temperature Plot opens. This window displays the
pressure and temperature values in the state Measure, up to the time when the
vapour pressure is detected.

Figure 5.18: PACS – Pressure and Temperature Plot

In the upper section of the window, the deviation from the target temperature of the
measuring cell is displayed as a chart.

In the lower section of the window, the pressure in the measuring cell is displayed.

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

58 The PACS Menu

The fields Lowest Value and Highest Value and the corresponding bar diagrams
show the minimum and maximum pressure values at the times t (current time), t - 1
minute and t - 2 minutes. The display starts 2 minutes after the program has switched
to the state Measure.

To scale the Y-axis of the pressure chart manually:

• In the field Scaling, click Manual.

The upper and lower limits of the value range on the Y-axis are displayed in separate
number fields.

• Click in the number field you want to edit. Enter the required values. Confirm with

The new value range for the Y-axis is displayed in the chart.

To scale the Y-axis of the pressure chart automatically:

• Click Auto.

The new value range for the Y-axis is displayed in the chart.

Note: If the pressure or temperature values fall outside the permitted limits, the
graphical display is archived automatically.
The following limit values are monitored: TA_PRESS_TIMEOUT, TA_RANGE,

To view archived measuring results with measured values outside the permitted limits,
proceed as follows:

• Doubleclick in the pressure chart.

The window Pressure Plot opens.

• Select a file and load it.

The pressure and temperature values are displayed in the window Pressure and
Temperature Plot. The field File No shows the number at the end of the file name.

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The PACS Menu 59

5.3.3 Report - Controller Values Plot

Figure 5.19: PACS – Controller Values

To display the temperature values for the measuring cell and the flowing sample in a
chart, together with the corresponding set values of the temperature controllers, proceed
as follows:

• In the menu Report, select Controller Values Plot.

A window opens which shows the following charts:

- Temperature deviation of the measuring cell from the target temperature (Cell) and
temperature deviation of the flowing sample from the target temperature (Sample).

- MV Cell (MV - manipulated value) for the measuring cell heater.

- MV Sample (MV – manipulated value) for the heater module.

The sample stream can be cooled or heated. Consequently, negative or positive
values are equally possible.

The time axes are scaled in minutes, the Y-axes of the set values are scaled in %.

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60 The PACS Menu

You can scale the Y-axes manually or automatically.

To scale the Y-axes manually:

• In the field Scaling Mode, click Manual.

The upper and lower limits of the value range on the Y-axes are displayed in separate
number fields.

• Click in the number field you want to edit. Enter the required values. Confirm with

The new value range is applied to the chart.

To scale the Y-axes automatically:

• Click Auto.

The new value range for the Y-axis is displayed in the chart.

5.3.4 Report - Add Message to LogBook

To add an entry to the report file LogBook.csv, select Report – Add Message to
Logbook. A window appears where you can enter the required information. Then click
Enter. The entry will be added to the report file LogBook.csv, together with the current
date and time, and marked with the ID N (Note).

Figure 5.20: PACS – AddMessage

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The PACS Menu 61

5.4 The Utilities Menu

5.4.1 Utilities - Manual Controller Operation

This window can be used for manipulating the controllers for testing purposes.

Note: Use this utility only if you are well acquainted with the functions.
Operating errors can cause damage!

The manipulations can interfere with normal operation.

Figure 5.21: PACS – Controller Operation

With On/Off, the controllers can be switched on or off. With Man/Auto you can change
the mode between Automatic and Manual. The actual value is displayed in PV (process
value), standardized in %. The set value MV (manipulated value) remains the same. With
Manual Set, the value MV can then be changed (relatively).

Next to Manual Set on the right, various statistical values of the controller deviation are
displayed over an observation period (as set in Config Controller Observe Time).

MAX: The maximum value of deviation within the observation period.

MIN: The minimum value of deviation within the observation period.

DC and AC: The direct and the alternating parts of the deviation within the observation

Slope: The slope is calculated by means of a regression algorithm of the deviation within
the observation period.

MeanSQ: The mean standard deviation of the regression of the slope.

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62 The PACS Menu

5.4.2 Utilities - Manual Process Operation

This window allows you to manipulate the process for testing purposes, and for recording

Note: Use this utility only if you are well acquainted with the functions.
Operating errors can cause damage!

The manipulations can interfere with normal operation.

Figure 5.22: PACS – Process Operation

With Debug, you can record the most important signals and process data at short
intervals and save them in a report file (e.g. Debug.csv). After clicking Debug, a file
selection window appears where you must select or enter the file name. While the data is
recorded, you can add a comment in the field Comment.

Note: The record should not continue for too long, because it requires a lot of hard
disk space.

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The PACS Menu 63

To switch from the current process state directly to the next state:

• Click NextState.

State Time shows the duration of the current process state.

You can stop normal operation, in order to avoid interference with manual operation:

• Set the button Hold in standby to on.

When the process reaches the state Standby, it will remain in that state. You can
now control the system manually with Piston Command and Valves.

To change back to normal operation:

• Set the button Hold in standby to off.

• The process proceeds from the state Standby.

For testing purposes it can be necessary to skip the measuring piston position "clear" in
normal operation. To do this, activate Skip Pos. Clear.

To control the measuring piston in manual operation (see also chapter 2.2.5):

• Select a position in the field Piston Command.

• The measuring piston attempts to move to the selected position.

The position of the measuring piston is displayed under Piston Position:

- Error: if two positioning sensors of the same cylinder are active simultaneously.

- Undefined: The measuring piston is not in one of its end positions, it is probably in

- Clear, Fill and Expand: The respective target position has been reached.

To control the two measuring cell valves (see also chapter 2.2.3):

• Move the slide under Valves to one of the following positions:

- Through: The inlet and outlet valves of the measuring cell are opened.

- Locked: The inlet and outlet valves of the measuring cell are closed.

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64 The PACS Menu

5.5 The Accesslevel Menu

In PACS, there are three user levels: Operator, Expert, and Manufacturer.

Operator The Operator level is the level for operators on-site. This level provides
monitoring functions and allows you to switch sample streams. This is
the usual level for routine operation.
Expert At Expert level, you have access to all software functions, except:
- controller settings in the menu Configuration – Parameters
- settings in the fields Scan Parameters and Channel in the menu IO –
- manual operation of the digital and analog outputs during the
measuring process in the menu IO – Test
- settings in the dialog window Configuration – Alarms
Manufacturer At Manufacturer level, you have unlimited access to all functions of the
software. The Manufacturer level allows you to configure the hardware.
These settings are generally configured by BARTEC BENKE. They are
system-specific and should not be changed without consulting BARTEC

To change to a highter user level, e.g. from Operator to Expert level, proceed as follows:

• In the main window, select the menu AccessLevel.

A drop-down menu opens from which you can select the desired user level.

• For example, select the user level Expert.

A dialog window appears in which you are required to enter the password for the user

On delivery, the password benke is pre-set for the Expert level. In order to
prevent unauthorized access to the system, you should change this
password as soon as possible. The following section describes how you can
change the Expert password.

• To change to Expert level, enter the password in the dialog window, and click on OK.

Note: No password is needed to change to a lower user level, e.g. from Manufacturer
or Expert level to Operator level.

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The PACS Menu 65

5.5.1 Changing the Expert Password

On delivery, the password benke is pre-set for the Expert level. You should change this
password as soon as possible.

To change the Expert password, proceed as follows:

• Log in to Expert level.

• In the menu, select AccessLevel : Change Password

A dialog window opens.

• Enter a new password with at least 5 characters, and enter it again in the second line
to confirm it.

Note: For the passwort, only characters from the internation ASCII code can be used,
no blanks or special characters are allowed. A password must have at least 5
characters. Please note that the program distinguishes between upper case
and lower case letters.

• To save the new password, click on OK.

To keep the old password, click on Cancel.

The new password is active immediately. The next time you log in as Expert, you will
have to enter the new password.

For safety reasons, treat passwords as confidential and change them

regularly in order to prevent unauthorized access to the system!

Note: The password for the Manufacturer level cannot be changed. If you need it for
maintenance purposes, please contact BARTEC BENKE.

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66 The PACS Menu

5.6 The Help Menu

The Help menu offers help for working with PACS and the analyzer.

Figure 5.23: PACS - Help Menu

Select Help – Manual(s) to access the system documentation as a PDF file. A dialog
window opens in which you can select the required document.

Figure 5.24: PACS – Selecting a Manual

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

The PACS Menu 67

Under Help – About, you will find the serial number of the analyzer, the software
version, and information on BARTEC BENKE. Please keep the software version number
ready if you contact us.

Figure 5.25: PACS – Help About

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68 The PACS Menu

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

Process Control System Interface 69

6 Process Control System Interface

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

70 Process Control System Interface

As a standard, the interface to the process control system is equipped with a number of
discrete signals: digital outputs and inputs, and analog outputs and inputs.

Alternatively, these signals and further information can be transmitted via a Modbus
Interface (optional). For further details, please refer to the manual "Modbus Interface
Description RVP-4".

6.1 Analog inputs

Analog input Meaning Option

Reserved reads from the DCS yes

6.2 Analog output

Analog Meaning Option

VaporPressure Output of the measured value no
SelectedSignal One of the following signals: no
Off No signal selected
T_Cell Measuring cell temperature
T_Inlet Sample temperature at analyzer inlet
T_CoolantHE Temperature of the cooling medium heat
T_SampleHE Temperature of the sample heat exchanger
MV-Sample Set value of the controller for the flowing
sample (T-Sample)
MV-Cell Set signal of the controller for the measuring
cell (T-Cell)
P-Sample Pressure in the measuring cell

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Process Control System Interface 71

6.3 Digital inputs

Digital input Meaning Option

Reset/Standby Abortion of analysis cycle (flank 0/1), no
acknowledging alarm and holding in Standby
(static 0), if required
ValidationRQ request for validation cycle no
StreamRQ1 request for stream 1 yes
StreamRQ2 request for stream 2 yes

Stream- Stream- Validation- Reset / Function

RQ2 RQ Standby

After finishing the current

measuring cycle, the analyzer
0 0 0 0
switches to the state "Start up" and
waits for a new stream selection.
1 0 0 0 Request stream 1
0 1 0 0 Request stream 2
Request automatic stream
1 1 0 0
A flank (0/1) causes insertion of
validation cycles (number: Cycles).
x x 1 0 If the signal is kept active, further
validation cycles are carried out
(exceeding the number Cycles).
x x x 1 Reset

0 - low
1 - high
X - the state is irrelevant

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72 Process Control System Interface

6.4 Digital outputs

Digital output Meaning Option

Alarm (NC) A (serious) error has occurred. no
Warning A (minor) error has occurred. yes
Ready A measuring cycle has been finished, and the measured no
values at the analog outputs are valid.
ValidationID identification of a validation cycle no
StreamID1 identification of stream 1 yes
StreamID2 identification of stream 2 yes

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

Options 73

7 Options

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

74 Options

The following options are currently available:

7.1 Modbus Interface

The Modbus interface is used for remote control and for requesting measuring results by a
central DCS (Distribution Control System). It consists of a software module and hardware
(e.g. RS485 interface board) required to provide a transmission channel.

7.2 Remote maintenance interface

It consists of remote control software (e.g. PC-Anywhere) and hardware required to

provide a transmission channel (e.g. modem). It is used for remote control and remote
maintenance of the analyzer from a service office.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

Troubleshooting 75

8 Troubleshooting

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

76 Troubleshooting

8.1 Error Monitoring in PACS

PACS constantly monitors key system functions and issues error messages when a fault

There are two basic error types:

• Program errors, e.g. file not available, not enough memory, etc. These errors can be
further classified as follows:
• Errors during program start-up
• Error during operation

• Errors in the analysis cycle. These can be further classified as follows:

• Errors which are independent from the analysis cycle, e.g. measured value of a
sensor too high, temperature of a Pt-100 too high, or conductor damage. These
errors are monitored constantly at short intervals.
• Errors which occur during the analysis cycle, e.g. "TimeOut Measure".

Program errors are displayed in pop-up dialog windows.

Errors of the analysis process are displayed in the field Error in the main window and
recorded in the LogBook (Report – Alarms). They can be configured at Manufacturer
user level in the menu Configuration – Alarms.

8.2 Software error

Note: If PACS stops due to an error, the Watchdog (see chapter 3.2) will be
activated, i.e. a system reset will be carried out and the computer will be
restarted. In this case, the Log Book contains the comment

The following list of error messages gives you information on the cause of the problem
and the necessary steps to be taken.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

Troubleshooting 77

Error Message Cause / Result Troubleshooting

Error during program start

Program is already running ! The program can only run Confirm the message.
No duplicate allowed. once. Another program
window may be already
running in the background
or in the task bar
Can´t load Panel XXX There is a memory problem Restart the program or the
PANEL! or a program error. entire system. Check for
possible memory errors.
Unable to load XXX MENU Message for all dialog
BAR! windows and menus (XXX
stands for the respective
dialog window or menu).
Unable to display XXX There is a memory problem Restart the program or the
Panel! or a program error. entire system. Check for
possible memory errors.
Unable to display Panel for Message for all dialog
XXX! windows (XXX stands for
the respective dialog
Unable to access IO-board ! The IO board is not Check the supply voltage for
Continue without available, i.e. the IO board, the IO board, the
connection? the Ethernet adaptor board connectors, the cable and
or the connection cable are the correct location of the
missing or defective. Ethernet adaptor board.
Unable to load "conf.xx"! The required configuration Check that the corresponding
file or its copy is not file exists in the "Config"
Unable to copy "conf.xx"
accessible, cannot be subdirectory and is not being
from .\conf.bak\!
copied or loaded, or there is used by another program
Unable to load copy a memory problem or a (e.g. Notepad). If necessary,
of"conf.xx" from program error. replace missing files with
.\conf.bak\! backup files.
conf.xx stands for
• conf.par

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

78 Troubleshooting

8.3 Error messages from the analysis process

The following list of error messages gives you information on the cause of the problem
and the necessary steps to be taken.

The abbreviations in the remarks column "R." have the following meanings:
u – independent of the analysis process
a – depending on the analysis process

Tag / Message R. Explanation Possible cause Solution

TA_DELTA_TEMPERATUR a The temperature There is not enough Observe the technical data.
E difference between sample flowing.
Check that the peltier elements
T_Sample and
Difference between Peltier elements are operating correctly.
T_SampleHE is greater
sample temperature at controller is faulty.
than "T_Delta_Max".
heat exchanger and at
Control disturbance.
cell is higher than
TA_INACCURATE_TEMP a The temperature Control disturbance Observe the technical data.
deviation of the caused by large
Inaccurate Cell measuring cell has temperature change of
Temperature. Analysis exceeded the value the sample or the cooling
discarded. "T_Cell_Limit" in the medium.
process step
Measure. The
measuring result has
been discarded.

TA_IO_CONNECTION u There is an error in the IO board or Tini board is Check the electrical circuits for
connection to the IO faulty. the IO board.
Lost Connection to IO98- board.

TA_LEAKAGE u There is a leakage in Put the system out of

the analyzer housing. operation. Remove the cause of
Leakage in analyzer the leakage. Observe the safety
housing! instructions in the operating

TA_PISTON_POSITION a The measuring piston Instrument air pressure Observe the technical data.
position was not is too low.
Cannot reach piston Check the signals from the
reached within the
position. Measuring piston is proximity switches and the
time "TW_Piston".
blocked, proximity switch moving velocity of the
is faulty or wrongly pneumatic cylinders.

Choke restrictor valve is

out of adjustment.

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

Troubleshooting 79

Tag / Message R. Explanation Possible cause Solution

TA_PL_VAPOR u The pressure Line to pressure Check the electrical circuits for
transmitter power is transmitter interrupted. the pressure transmitter.
Lower limit at pressure lower than 4 mA.
detector ! Pressure transmitter is

TA_PRESSURE_INITIAL a The pressure in the Leak in measuring cell. Set the parameter
measuring cell is "P_Initial_Max" to a suitable
The intial pressure in cell at Measuring piston
higher than value. Check the measuring
begin of measurement is too expands too slowly.
"P_Initial_Max" at the piston seals.
high ! start of process step "P_Initial_Max" depends
Measure. on the sample.

TA_PRESSURE_LOW a Sample pressure is No sample flow. Check the position of the

lower than pressure relief valve. Observe
Sample pressure lower than Process pressure too
"P_Sample_Min" the technical data.
parameter "P_Sample_Min". low.
during the process
steps with open Check valve is faulty.
measuring cell valves.
Pressure relief valve

TA_PRESSURE_TIMEOUT a Pressure inside the Leak in measuring cell. Check the measuring piston
measuring cell has not seals.
Pressure in cell did not become stable within
stabilize within 900 seconds 15 minute interval in
! process step

TA_PRESSURE_TREND a Pressure in the Leak in measuring cell. Check the measuring piston
measuring cell has seals.
Pressure in cell is regressing decreased by more
during measurement ! than
Check seals and pressure "P_Decrease_Max" in
det ector ! process step

TA_RANGE a Pressure in the Pressure in the Observe the technical data.

measuring cell rises measuring cell exceeds
Pressure during Measure above "P_Range_Max"
in process step the measuring range.
exceeded “P_Range_Max".
Analysis discarded.

TA_SAFTY_CHAIN u The safety chain of the No sample flow, Check the temperature fuses
temperature control temperature control on the sample heat exchanger
Safety-Chain triggered system has been system is faulty. and on the coolant heat
(temperature fuses, lockout) triggered. exchanger.

TA_SOFTWARE u A software error has Contact BARTEC BENKE. Try

occurred. acknowledging the error or
Internal software error! restart the program.

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

80 Troubleshooting

Tag / Message R. Explanation Possible cause Solution

TA_TH_BOARD u The temperature on Make sure the environmental
High temperature at IO- the IO board is too conditions are as specified
board! high. (activate air-conditioning
system if required).

TA_TH_INLET u Temperature at sensor Conductor broken. Check the electrical circuits for
inlet is higher than the sensor.
Upper limit at temperature parameter
probe at sample inlet ! TemperaturMax.

TA_TH_MEASURING_CELL u Temperature at sensor Conductor broken. Check the electrical circuits for
MeasuringCell is higher the sensor.
Upper limit at temperature than parameter
probe at cell! TemperaturMax.

TA_TH_COOLANT_HE u Temperature at sensor Conductor broken. Check the electrical circuits for
CoolantHE is higher the sensor.
Upper limit at temperature than parameter
probe at coolant heat TemperaturMax.
exchanger !

TA_TH_SAMPLE_FLOW u Temperature at sensor Conductor broken, Check the electrical circuits for
SampleFlow is higher temperature control the sensor.
Upper limit at sample than parameter system faulty.
temperature probe in front TemperaturMax.
of cell!

TA_TH_SAMPLE_HE u Temperature at sensor Conductor broken. Check the electrical circuits for
SampleHe is higher the sensor.
Upper limit at temperature than parameter
probe at sample heat TemperaturMax.
exchanger !

TA_TL_INLET u Temperature at sensor Short circuit in sensor. Check the electrical circuits for
Inlet is lower than the sensor.
Lower limit at temperature parameter
probe at sample inlet ! TemperaturMin.

TA_TL_MEASURING_CELL u Temperature at sensor Short circuit in sensor. Check the electrical circuits for
MeasuringCell is lower the sensor.
Lower limit at temperature than parameter
probe at cell ! TemperaturMin.

TA_TL_COOLANT_HE u Temperature at sensor Short circuit in sensor. Check the electrical circuits for
CoolantHE is lower the sensor.
Lower limit at
than parameter
temperature probe at
coolant heat exchanger!
TA_TL_SAMPLE_FLOW u Temperature at sensor Short circuit in sensor, Check the electrical circuits for
SampleFlow is lower temperature control the sensor.
Lower limit at sample than parameter system faulty.
temperature probe in front TemperaturMin.
of cell !

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

Troubleshooting 81

Tag / Message R. Explanation Possible cause Solution

TA_TL_SAMPLE_HE u Temperature at sensor Short circuit in sensor. Check the electrical circuits for
SampleHe is lower the sensor.
Lower limit at temperature than parameter
probe at sample heat TemperaturMin.
exchanger !

TA_TLO_COOLANT_HE u The lock circuit to the Short circuit in sensor, Press the button LockoutReset.
sensor T_CoolantHE conductor broken, flow Button SH-2 in PAGS housing.
Temperature probe at has been triggered rate too low (sample or
sample heat exchanger because temperature cooling medium).
triggered "LockOut", press was too high or too
push button "LockOut- low.
Reset" !

TA_TO_WAIT_COARSE a Timeout in process Measuring cell heater or Check the peltier elements and
step Wait Coarse temperature control the measuring cell heater and
Timeout in process state Temperature. system is faulty. Sample their controllers. Observe the
"WaitCoarseTemperature" ! flow rate too high. technical data.

TA_TO_WAIT_FINE a The temperature Temperature changes at Observe the technical data.

values (T_Sample and cooling medium inlet or
Timeout in process state T_Cell) have not sample inlet are too
Wait Fine become stable in the high.
Temperature ! time defined in the

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

82 Troubleshooting

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

Program Parameters 83

9 Program Parameters

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

84 Program Parameters

9.1 Notes

The following tables provide an overview of the parameters.

Note: Generally, changes in these parameters will not become active immediately,
but only at the start of the next analysis cycle.
A small number of parameters will only become active after a program restart.
These parameters are marked with "#N" (New start) in the table.

For every parameter, the recommended value or range is indicated. The recommended
value is an approximate recommendation, all values must be adjusted to the
circumstances (measuring range, stream switching, etc.). The following abbreviations are
used in the table:

B binary value 1 or 0 (Yes/No, active/not active, true/false)

N integer without unit
T temperature in the unit °C or °F, as configured in the main window
K Temperature difference in K
F Floating point value
% percent
U factor in reference to 1 (1 corresponds to 100%)
P Pressure in mbar
V volume in ml
F volume flow in ml/min
s seconds
h hours
K/s Temperature change per second in Kelvin/s
- no recommendation

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

Program Parameters 85

9.2 General Parameters

Parameter Value/Range Meaning

CustomVPGain 1.0 F Setting for Conversion = CustomVP: slope
for conversion of ASVP to CustomVP.
CustomVPOffset 0.0 F Setting for Conversion = CustomVP: offset
for conversion of ASVP to CustomVP.
HistoryLength 7N Data from the previous days are archived.
The parameter specifies the length of the
recording period in days.
ModbusActive 0B "0" - Modbus function is switched off.
"1" - Modbus function is switched on -
Caution, only switch on if the Modbus
software is installed!
P_Conversion 0…5 N Conversion of the measured pressure to
Vapor Pressure
0 ASVP - no conversion
5 CustomVP
P_Decrease_Max 4P Maximum decrease in pressure during
measurement. If the value falls below this
limit, the alarm TA_PRESSURE_TREND is
P_Initial_Max 900 P Maximum permitted pressure at start of
measurement. If this value is exceeded, the
alarm TA_PRESSURE_INITIAL is triggered.
P_Range_Max 1600 P Maximum pressure during measurement. If
this value is exceeded, the measurement is
aborted and the alarm TA_RANGE is
P_Sample_Min 1600 P Minimum pressure when the sample flows
through the measuring cell. If the value
falls below this limit, the alarm
TA_PRESSURE_LOW is triggered.

Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007 PACS Software for RVP-4

86 Program Parameters

Parameter Value/Range Meaning

P_Unit 0…4 N Conversion of the measuring results to
other pressure units
0 mbar
1 kPa
2 psi
3 bar
4 mmHg
T_Cell_Limit 0.15 K Maximum permitted deviation from the
target measuring cell temperature during
measurement. If this value is exceeded, the
measurement is aborted and the alarm
TA_INACCURATE_TEMP is triggered.
T_Delta_Max 10 K Maximum permitted temperature difference
between sample heat exchanger and
measuring cell while a sample stream is
active. If this value is exceeded, the alarm
T_Fine_Limit 0.1 T Temperature tolerance in the state Wait
Fine Temperature.
T_Max 60.0 T Maximum temperature for all temperature
measuring points.
T_Min 0.0 T Minimum temperature for all temperature
measuring points.
TO_Wait_Fine 600 s Time limit for the state Wait Fine
Temperature. If this limit is exceeded, the
alarm TA_TO_WAIT_FINE is triggered.
TO_Waitcoarse (600-1800) s Time limit for the state Wait Coarse
Temperature. If this value is exceeded,
the alarm TA_TO_WAIT_COARSE is
TW_Piston 120 s Time limit for reaching the measuring
piston position. If this limit is exceeded, the
alarm TA_PISTON_POSITION is triggered.
TW_Ready 5s Hold time for the output Ready.
TW_StartUp 5s Delay for reading the IO values after
starting PACS
TW_Stream_Switch 240 s Minimum waiting time in the state Wait
fine Temperature after stream switching
(controller adjustment after disruption).

PACS Software for RVP-4 Version 1.0.0., 11.05.2007

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