50 Reading Comprehension Texts

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Tong hop va Bien soan: Co PHAN OIEU

Co: P h a n T h i O i e u Thanh tfch hoc, giang day

Glang vlen Tleng Anh fTri/tfng OH HS NQI)

Lut^^i.i - T6t nghl0p loal Xu3t S4c Th^c s? Ly
lu$n vi Phi/dng phdp glang day TlSng Anh
(MTESOL) TnTdng OH Victoria - Uc
- Klnh nghl0m 8 nam luy$n thl OH,
- CP rait nhl6u hpcslnh dgt dl§m cao
(9-10) trong Ky thl T6t Nghlfep THPT vd
Thl OH vdo cdc tri/dng DH ndl tleng

Phong cach giang day

LuOn nhiet tlnh, gan gQI vdl hpc slnh.

Trau chuot de mang den bdl glang chSt lirpng


Co PHAN DIEU - MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89


Co PHAN DIEU - MOON.VN Facebook: phandieu89

Be bai doc 1:
Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
(1) Increasing numbers of parents in the U.S. are choosing to teach their children at home. In fact, the U.S.
Department of Education has estimated that in 1999, about 850,000 children were being home-schooled. Some
educational experts say that the real number is double this estimate, and the ranks of home-schooled children
seem to be growing at the average rate of about eleven percent every year.
(2) At one time, there was a theory accounting for home-schooling: it was traditionally used for students
who could not attend school because of behavioral or learning difficulties. Today, however, more parents are
taking on the responsibility of educating their own children at home due to their dissatisfaction with the
educational system. Many parents are unhappy about class size, as well as problems inside the classroom.
Teacher shortages and lack of funding mean that, in many schools, one teacher is responsible for thirty or forty
students. The children are, therefore, deprived of the attention they need. Escalating classroom violence has also
motivated some parents to remove their children from school.
(3) Although there have been a lot of arguments for and against it, home-schooling in the U.S. has become a
multi-million dollar industry, and it is growing bigger and bigger. There are now plenty of websites, support
groups, and conventions that help parents protect their rights and enable them to learn more about educating their
children. Though once it was the only choice for troubled children, home-schooling today is an accepted
alternative to an educational system that many believe is failing. Question 1: This estimated number was
presented by
A. home - schooled children
B. the parents
C. a governmental office
D. school teachers
Question 2: According to some experts, the exact number of home-schooled children then must be •
A. 1,900,000 B. 1,700,000
C. 850,000 D. 1,600,000 Question 3: The past participle "home - schooled" in the first paragraph is
best equivalent to " at home".
A. taught B. self- learned C. self-studied D. untaught
Question 4: Many parents stop their children from going to school because it is now too________________ for
A. expensive B. humorous C explosive D. dangerous Question 5: The number of parents who want
to teach their own children in the U.S is__________________________________________________ .
A. remaining unchanged B. going up
C. remaining the same D. going down Question 6: The noun "dissatisfaction" in the second paragraph is
closest in meaning to " _____________________________________________________________________ ".
A. discouragement B. disagreement
C. disappointment D. discrimination

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Question 7: More parents teach their children because they completely ___________________________________
educational system.

A. appeal to
B. please with
C. object to
D. approve of
Question 9: The closest synonym of the participle phrase "accounting for" in the second paragraph is

A. explaining
B. calculating documents of
C. counting for
D. reasoning for
Question 10: The attitude of the author towards home-schooling can be best described as

A. favorable B. remarkable
C. acceptable D. unfavorable
Dap an:
Question 1: C. a governmental office
"the U.S. Department of Education has estimated that..." : Bo Giao Due Hoa Ky iroc tinh rang .... => Cac so lieu
iroc tinh trong bai dirge dira ra bod mot ca quail chinh phu. Question 2: B. 1,700,000
Theo cac chuyen gia, con so chinh xac ve so hoc sinh dang hoc tai nha phai la: 1.700.000 em. "the U.S.
Department of Education has estimated that in 1999, about 850,000 children were being home-schooled. Some
educational experts say that the real number is double this estimate" - Bo Giao Due Hoa Ky iroc tinh nam 1999 co
850, 0000 hoc sinh dang dirge hoc tai nha. Nhung 1 so chuyen gia clio rang 'real number is double" - con so thirc
sir la gap doi, tire la 1.7000.000 hoc sinh. Question 3: A. taught
Home-schooled = taught: hoc a nha, dirge day hoc tai nha. Co the dung phirong phap suy luan: home- nha,
school: trirong hoc => nha chinh la trirong hoc. Question 4: D. dangerous
Nlneu bo me khong muoii cho con den tiirong vi: Skim doan 2
"class size, problems inside tlie classroom, Escalating classroom violence": Lop qua dong, tlneu giao vien, bao
lire hoc dirong ra tang => NGUY HIEM. Question 5: B. going up
So luong bo me muoii day con a nha d niroc My dang: tang len Cau dan tien cua bai khoa
"Increasing numbers of parents in the U.S. are choosing to teach their children at home" - Question 6: C.
Dissatisfaction = disappointment: that vong, khong hai long.
t r \ f

Co the suy luan tir thong tin 6 doan 2: cac van de trong lop, lop dong, bao lire, ... => Han la cac bac phu huynh se
kliong hai long ve dieu nay. Question 7: C. object to

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Object to: phan doi

Ngay cang nhieu phu huynh lua clion cho con hoc d nha vi hp 'phan doi" he thong giao due hien tai. Suy doan: co
phan doi thi mm cho con hoc 6 nha. Question 9: A. explaining
Accounting for = explaining: giai thich cho viec gi
"there was a theory accounting for home-schooling" - co 1 gia thuyet dira ra "giai tliich cho" viec hoc tai nha ngay
cang pho bien. Question 10: A. favorable
Skim toan bo doan van tlii ta co the tliay quan diem cua tac gia doi voi xu huong hoc tai nha. =. Tac gia neu
ra xu huong, cac mat tich cue cua homeschoolmg => thich thu, ung ho
"home-schooling today is an accepted alternative to an educational system that many believe is failing." =>
Hoc tai nha la mot lua chon thay the dupe chap nhan tliay cho he thong giao due ma nhieu nguoi cho rang dang
that bai.

De bai doc 2:
Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Education is more important today than ever before. It helps people acquire the skills they need
for such everyday (1) _________ as reading a newspaper or managing their money. It also gives them
the specialized training they may need to (2) ___________ for a job or career. For example, a person must
meet certain educational requirements and obtain a (3) ____________ or certificate before he can practice
law or medicine. Many fields, like computer operation or police work, (4) __________________ satisfactory
completion of special training courses.
Education is also important (5) __________ it helps people get more out of life. It increases their
knowledge and understanding of the world. It helps them acquire the skills that make life more
interesting and enjoyable, (6) __________ the skills needed to participate in a sport, paint a picture, or
play a musical (7) ________ . Such education becomes (8) __________ important as people gain more and
more leisure time.
Education also helps people adjust to change. This habit has become necessary because social
changes today take place with increasing speed and (9) ____________ the lives of more and more people.
Education can help a person understand these changes and provide him (10)________________ the skills for
adjusting to them.
Question 1. A. works B. prepare C. make
Question 2. A. do B. card C. diploma
Question 3. A. license B. requiring C. require D. activities D.
Question 4. A. requires B. despite C. although work D. paper
Question 5. A. therefore B. for instance C. such that D. to require D.
Question 6. A. such as B. equipment C. instrument because D. for
Question 7. A. appliance it* B.increasing C. increase example D.
Question 8. A. increased B. affect C. affective device
Question 9. A. effect B. for C. in increasingly
Question 10. A. with Dap D. effective D.
an: to
B.jobs C.

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Question 1. Dap an D
Eveiyday activities = hoat dong thirong ngay, work = cong viec (khong dem diroc), job = nghe ngliiep, action =
hanh dong
Giao due da tro nen quan tfong hon bao gio het. Giao due giup chung ta co diroc nhiriig ky nang
chung ta can de thirc hien cac hoat dong hang ngay nhir doc bao hay quan ly tie 11 bac.
Question 2. Dap an B
Prepare for smt = chuan bi cho cai gi
Giao due cung :no la sir ren luyen cmcho ta sit ren luyen chuyen biet mot ky nang nao do de chuan bi cho cong
viec, sir nghiep.
Question 3 Dap
License = bang, card = the, diploma = chung chi, paper = giay, ket qua
Mot ngiroi phai dat den mot trinh do giao due nao do, va co bang cap hay chung chi nao do moi co tlie thirc hien cac
cong viec nhir luat sir hay bac si. Question 4 Dap an C
Chu ngir tiong cau la many fields ~ danh tir so nliieu ~ dong tir cilia 6 so nliieu, kliong them s Nlneu nganh, vi du
nhir lap trinh may tinh hay canli sat yen cau chung ta phai hoan thanh nhirng khoa hoc cluiyen nganli moi co the lam
viec. Question 5. Dap anD
Because = boi vi, therefore = vi the, despite = mac du, although = mac du Question 6 Dap an A
Such as = nliu la (liet ke); For instance, + menli de = vi du nhir = For example, ®h menh de
Question 7. Dap an C
Musical instrument = dung cu am nliac
Question 8. Dap an D
Trang tir dung tiuoc tinh tir de bo nghia cho tinh tir do: increasingly impoitant Question 9. Dap an B
Affect (V) = gay anh huong; effect (N) = anh hirong
Giao due giup moi ngiroi thich nghi voi sir thay doi. Dieu nay rat can thiet klu ma xa hoi dang tliay doi
voi toe do ngay cang tang nhanh va nhung tliay doi do co anh huong den cuoc song cua nliieu ngiroi
hon nua tiong xa hoi.
Question 10 Dap an A
Provide smb with smt = cung cap cho ai cai gi
Giao due giup con ngiroi hieu diroc nhung thay doi nay va ti'ang bi cho ho nhung ky nang can thiet de thich nghi voi
nliirng tliay doi do.

De bai doc 3:
Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
In the United States, presidential elections are held in years evenly divisible by four (1888, 1900, 1964, etc.).
Since 1840, American presidents elected in years ending with zero have died in office, with

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one exception. William H. Harrison, the man who served the shortest term, died of pneumonia only several weeks
after his inauguration.
Abraham Lincoln was one of four presidents who were assassinated. He was elected in 1860, and his untimely
death came just five years later. James A. Garfield, a former Union army general from Ohio, was shot during his
first year in office (1881) by a man to whom he wouldn't give a job. While in his second term of office (1901),
William McKinley, another Ohioan, attended the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. During the
reception, he was assassinated while shaking hands with some of the guests. John F. Kennedy was assassinated in
1963 in Dallas only three years after his election.
Three years after his election in 1920, Warren G, Harding died in office. Although it was never proved, many
believe he was poisoned. Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected four times (1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944), the only man
to serve so long a term. He had contracted polio in 1921 and eventually died of the illness in 1945.
Ronald Reagan, who was elected in 1980 and reelected four years later, suffered an assassination attempt but
did not succumb to the assassin's bullets. He was the first to break the long chain of unfortunate events. Will the
candidate in the election of 2020 also be as lucky? Question 21: All of the following were election years EXCEPT
_____________________________________________________________________ .
A. 1960 B.1930 C. 1888 D. 1824
Question 22: Which president served the shortest term in office?
A. Abraham Lincoln B. Warren G. Hardii
C. William McKinley D. William H. Harrisor
Question 23: Which of the following is true?
A. All presidents elected in years ending in zero have died in office.
B. Only presidents from Ohio have died in office.
C. Franklin D. Roosevelt completed four terms as president.
D. Four American presidents have been assassinated.
Question 24: How many presidents elected in years ending in zero since 1840 have died in office?
A. 7 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3
Question 25: The word "inauguration" in the first paragraph means most nearly the same as

A. election B. acceptance speech

C. swearing-in ceremony D. campaign
Question 26: All of the following presidents were assassinated EXCEPT __________
A. John F. Kennedy B. Franklin D. Roosevelt C. Abraham Lincoln D. James A.
Garfield Question 27: The word "whom" in the second paragraph refers to _________.
A. Garfield B. Garfield's assassin C. a Union army general D. McKinley
Question 28: The word "assassinated" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to

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A. murdered B. decorated C. honored D. sickened

Question 29: In the third paragraph, "contracted" is closest in meaning to _______ __________.
A. communicatee ed about B. developed C. agree about
Question 30: fi^ D notified- How long did Warren G, Harding
work as a ^ long did Warren G, Harding work as a president? president?
A. 2 years B. 3 years C. 4 years D. 4 years
Dap an:
Question 21: B. 1930
"In the United States, presidential elections are held in years evenly divisible by four (1888, 1900, 1964, etc.)"
= Bau cu Tong thong 6 My duoc to chiic vao cac nam cilia het cho 4.
'=;> Dap an B. 1930 khong chia het cho 4 nen khong phai la n Question 22: D. William H. Harrison
Tong thong nao dam nhan vi tri trong thoi gian ngan nliat? Scanning "shortest tenn".
"William H. Harrison, the man who served the shortest term, died of pneumonia only several weeks after his
inauguration" => Harrison
Question 23: D. Four American presidents have been assassinated.
Cau nao dudi day dung?
+ Dap an A va B- Sai vi: " Since 1840, American presidents elected in years ending with zero have died in office,
with one exception. William H. Harrison" - tu nam 1840 cac tong thong duoc bau cu vao nhung nam ket thuc = 0
deu chet d van phong nhung co "MOT NGOAI LE" - Tong thong Harrison.
+ Dap an C - sai vi: Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected four times (1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944), the only man to
serve so long a term. He had contracted polio in 1921 and eventually died of the illness in 1945. = Franklin duoc bau
lam tong thong 4 lan nhung ong ta khong hoan tlianh 4 nhiem ky boi vi ong ay da mat vao nam 1945, 1 nam sau lan
bau cir thu 4.
^ Chi con dap an D. 4 vi. tong thong My da bi am sat (Abraham Lincoln was one of four presidents who were
assassinated.) Question 24: A. 7
Co bao nhieu tong thong duoc bau chon trong nhung nam ket thuc bang 0 ke tir nam 1840 da chet hong van phong
tong thong?
+ Cu moi 20 nam thi lai co 1 nam bau cu ket thuc bang so 0. Do do, it i/\uianam J^IIICCke tir nam 1840 den
nay da co 8 cuoc bau cu ma nam ket thuc b§ng s6 0: 1860, 1880, 1900,1920, 1940,
1960,1980, 2000. + " Since 1840, American presidents elected m years ending with zero
have died in office, with one exception. William H. Harrison" - tu nam 1840 cac tong thong duoc bau cu vao nhung
nam ket thuc = 0 deu chet 6 van phong nhung co "MOT NGOAI LE" - Tong thong Harrison.
O Co 7 vi tong thong duoc bau vao nhung nam ket thuc bang so 0 chet tai van phong. Question 25: C.
swearing-in ceremony "inauguration" : le nhan chuc = swearing-in ceremory

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Question 26: B. Franklin D. Roosevelt

Tat ca cac tong thong dirdi day den bi am sat trir: "Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected four times (1932, 1936, 1940
and 1944), the only man to serve so long a term. He had contracted polio m 1921 and eventually died of the illness
in 1945." => Ong ta chet vi benh khong phai bi am sat. Question 27: lied of tlie lllneB. Garfield's assassin Dai
tir quan he "whom" clii den ai?
'=;> ( Menh de quan he co gidi til) Thay cac dap an vao vi tri "whom" va xet ngir nghia cua cau do. "James A.
Garfield, a fonner Union anny general from Ohio, was shot during his first year in office (1881) by a man to
whom he wouldn't give a job" = James da bi ban trong nam dan tien tai van phong cua minh vdi mot ngircu
dan ong - ngirdi ma (ke am sat) James da khong cho mot cong viec. Question 28: A. murdered
Assassinate = murder (v): am sat Decorate (v): trang tri, honor (v): vinh
danh; sicken (v): lam cho dm yen Question 29: B. developed
Contract = develop (v): nhiein benh (ong ay bi mac benh bai liet - polio va chet) Question
30: B. 3 years Warren da lam tong thong trong bao nhieu nam?
"Three years after his election in 1920, Warren G, Harding died in office" = 3 nam sau khi diroc bau
' O , /V » , fifl

cir tin Warren chet trong van phong tong thong => Ong ta lam tong thong dirge 3 nam. De bai doc 4:
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.
(1)Most languages have several levels of vocabulary that may be used by the same speakers. In English, at
least three have been identified and described.
(2) Standard usage includes those words and expressions understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the
speakers of a language in any situation regardless of the level of formality. As such, these words and expression are
well defined and listed in standard dictionaries. Colloquialisms, on the other hand, are familiar words and idioms
that are understood by almost all speakers of a language and used in informal speed or writing, but not considered
acceptable for more formal situations. Almost all idiomatic expressions are colloquial language. Slang, refers to
words and expressions understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as appropriate formal usage by
the majority.
(3) Colloquial expressions and even slang may be found in standard dictionaries but will be so identified.
Both colloquial usage and slang are more common in speech than writing. Colloquial speech often passes into
standard speech. Some slang also passes into standard speech, but other slang expressions enjoy momentary
popularity followed by obscurity. In some cases, the majority never

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accepts certain slang phrases but nevertheless retains them in their collective memories. Every generation seems to
require its own set of words to describe familiar objects and events.
(4) It has been pointed out by a number of linguists that three cultural conditions are necessary for the
creation of a large body of slang expressions. First, the introduction and acceptance of new objects and situations in
the society; second, a diverse population with a large number of subgroups; third, association among the subgroups
and the majority population.
(5) Fmally, it is worth noting that the terms "standard", "colloquial", and "slang" exist only as abstract labels
for scholars who study language. Only a tiny number of the speakers of any language will be aware that they are
using colloquial or slang expressions. Most speakers of English will, during appropriate situations, select and use
three types of expressions.
Question 1: Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?
A. Standard speech B. Different types of vocabulary
C. Idiomatic phrases D. Dictionary usage
Question 2: The word "appropriate" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. old B. large C. important D. correct Question 3: The word "obscurity" in the third could best be replaced
by ____________________________________________________________________ .
A. toleranceg B. influence C. qualification D. disappearance
Question 4: How is "slang" defined by the author?
A. Words and phrases accepted by the majority of formal usage.
B. Words or phrases understood by the majority but not found in standard dictionaries.
C. Words or phrases that are understood by a restricted group of speakers.
D. Words or phrases understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as formal Question 5: Where in
the passage does the author explain where colloquial language and slang are most commonly used?
A. Line 21-23 B. Line 16-17 C. Line 10-11 D. Line 3-4
Question 6 : Which of the following is true of standard usage?
A. It is constantly changing
B. It is limited to written language
C. It is only understood by the upper classes .vtv
D. It can be used in formal and informal settings Question 7: The word "them" in the third paragraph
refers to _______________________________________________________ .
A. slang phrases B. words C. the majority D. memories Question 8:The author mentions all of the following as
requirements for slang expressions to be created EXCEPT AA^** A. new situations B. a number of linguists C.
interaction among diverse groups D. new generation Question 9: It can be inferred from the passage that the author
______________________________________________________________ .
A. does not approve of either slang or colloquial speech in any situation
B. approves of slang and colloquial speech in appropriate situations
C. approves of colloquial speech in some situations, but not slang

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D. does not approve of colloquial usage in writing Question 10: What does the author mean by the statement:
"Colloquialisms, on the other hand, are familiar words and idioms that are understood by almost all speakers of
a language and used in informal speech or writing, but not considered acceptable for more formal situations.'"?
A. Informal language contains colloquialisms, which are not found in more formal language.
B. Familiar situations that are experienced by most people are called colloquialisms.
C. Familiar words and phrases are found in both speech and writing in formal settings.
D. Most of the speakers of a language can used both formal and informal speech in their appropriate situations.
Dap an:
Question 1: B. Different types of vocabulary Mam topic => Skim dau va cuoi bai khoa, cau dau cac doan. ") Most
languages have several levels of vocabulary ..."
^ Bai khoa chu yeu 1101 ve cac loai tir vimg khac nhau :"standard", "colloquial", and "slang" Question 2: D.
correct Tir "appropriate" gaii nghia voi tir nao nhat? O Appropriate (a): dung dan, phii hop ■=> Correct (a): chinh
xacl»® Question 3: D. disappearance

Question 4: D. Words or phrases understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as formal "Slang"
diroc dinli nghia nhir the nao?
"Slang, refers to words and expressions understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as appropriate
formal usage by the majority.' - Tieng nong chi den cac tir hay cac dien dat duoc hiem boi 1 nhom ngiroi nhung
kliong diroc chap nhan sir dmig chinh xac boi phan dong cong
Obscurity (11): toi tam, 1110 ho ^ gan nghia voi dong. Question 5: C. Line 70-iJi.® Vi tri nao trong bai khoa
"disappearance: sir bien mat tac gia de cap den hoan canh sir dung ngon ngir thong tuc va
tieng long? Scanning key words " colloquial language and slang" "Both colloquial usage and slang are more
common 111 speech than writing" Question 6 : D. It can be used in formal and informal settings Cau nao sau day
la dung ve cach sir dung tir vimg chuan mire. Scanning "standard of usage"
O "Standard usage includes those words and expressions understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the
speakers of a language 111 any situation regardless of the level of formality." => Diroc chap nhan boi plian da
ngiroi 1101 tong bat cir hoan canh nao bat ke mire do trang trong nao. Question 7: A. slang phrases Meo lam cau
hoi reference la tliay the tir trong dap an vao tir gach chan roi xem nghia cua cau do co logic hop ly khong.
"I11 some cases, the majority never accepts certain slang phrases but nevertheless retains them in their collective

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^ Trong mot so tiirong hop phan dong khong chap nhan 1 so tieng long nhat dinli tuy nlnen se lirii "chung" -
tieng long - trong tri nha
Question 8: B. a number of linguists
* r r A ' y t —

Tac gia de cap den tat ca nhimg nhan to sail day la yeu can de tao ra cac dien dat tieng long trir: Scanning "slang
expressions" va " create" => doan 4
"It has been pomted out by a number of linguists that three cultural conditions are necessary for the creation of
a large body of slang expressions .... new objects and situations in the society; ... a large number of subgroups; ...
association among the subgroups and the majority population." Khong co B.
Question 9: B. approves of slang and colloquial speech in appropriate situations Co the suy ra tir bai khoa rang ,
tac gia tan thanh viec sir dung tieng long va ngon ngir thong tuc trong nhung lioan canh phu hop.
^ Trong bai khoa tac gia da nliac den viec tieng long dk sir diing tiong tinhhuong than mat va tranh dung trong tinh
huong trang trong => co the dung tieng long trong tinh huon phu hop. Question 10: A. Informal language contains
colloquialisms, which are not found in more formal language.
Tac gia co y gi trong cac can tren?
Dap an B sai vi: colloquialisms la ngon ngir thong tuc chir khong phai "situations"
Dap an C sai vi colloquialisms chi diroc chap nhan trong infonnal situations clur khong diroc chap
nhan trong formal settings.
Dap an D sai ve mat ngliia khong klidp voi noi dung lihung cau tren. O Dap an A: ngon ngir than mat bao gom cac
cu tir thong dung ma khong diroc tliay tiong cac ngon ngir trang tiong hon.

De bai doc 5:
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the blanks.
The first question we might ask is: What can you learn in college that will help you in being an
employee? The schools teach (11) ___________ many things of value to the future accountant, doctor or
electrician. Do they also teach anything of value to the future employee? Yes, they teach the one thing
that it is perhaps most valuable for the future employee (12) ____________ . But very few students bother to
learn it. This basic skill is the ability to organize and express ideas in writing and in speaking. This means that your
success as an employee will depend on your ability to communicate with people and
to (13)________ your own thoughts and ideas to them so they will (14) _____________ understand what you
are driving and be persuaded. y^fV
Of course, skill in expression is not enough (15) ____________ itself. You must have something to say
in the first place. The effectiveness of your job depends (16) ___________ your ability to make other people
understand your work as they do on the quality of the work itself.
Expressing one's thoughts is one skill that the school can (17) ____________ teach. The foundations for
skill in expression have to be (18) ___________ early: an interest in and an ear (19) _____________ language;
experience in organizing ideas and data, in brushing aside the irrelevant, and above all the habit of

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verbal expression. If you do not these foundations (20) have an your school years, you may never
opportunity again. Question 11: A. a great Question
B. large C. a large
12: A. to know Question 13: A. transfer D. great D. of
Question 14: A. both Question 15: B. how to know C. knowing ilOO knowing D.
A. on Question 16: A. on most B. present C. interpret represent D.
Question 17: A. truly Question 18: B. as well C. either not D. for D. on
A. lied Question 19: A. in Question B. by C. in much D. hardly
20: A. when Dap an: Question 11 B. much on C. most on D. laid D. for
Dap an: A B. really C. quite D. during
Ban than tu "many" nghia la nhieu. B. lain C. lay
De nhan manh muc do rat nhieu ta co B. by C. if
the dung: a great many Question 12. B. for C. of Ho©*
Dap an: A
^Bi'y r r f

It + is/was + adj + (for somebody) to V = do la the nao (doi voi ai do)

de lam viec gi. it is perhaps
most valuable for the future employee to know = co the do la dieu gia tri nliat de nhung nhan vien
tuong lai biet
Question 13. Dap an: B
Present = trinh bay, the liien
Question 14 Dap an: A
Both ... and... = vira ... va vua... They will both understand what you are driving and be persuaded. = hoc se vua
hieu dieu ban dang nham toi va vua bj thuyet phuc Question 15. Dap an: B
By itself = mot minh no. Dich: di nhien la clii minh ki nang trong viec the hi en, bay to la khong du Question 16.
Dap an: B
Depend on something = phu thuoc vao cai gi; Depend much on = phu thuoc nhieu vao... Question 17. Dap an: B
Really = that sir, Truly = mot cach dung sir thirc; Quite = kha la. Hardly = hiem kin Question 18 Dap an: D
Lay foundation (for something) = dat nen mong cho cai gi. The foundations ... have to be laid early = nen tang cho
ki nang trinh bay can duoc dat nen mong tu som Question 19 Dap an: D
An ear for something = kha nang lang nghe cai gi Question 20. Dap an: D |i4

During + something = ti'ong suot klioang tlioi gian gi; When + menh de/Vmg = ti'ong kin (ai) lam gi De bai doc 6:
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.

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(1) Course numbers are an indication of which courses are to various categories of students at the
University. Undergraduate courses with the numbers 100 or 200 are generally introductory courses appropriate for
freshmen or sophomores, whereas courses with the numbers 300 or 400 often have prerequisites and are often to
juniors and seniors only. Courses with the numbers 800 or above are open only to graduate students. Certain
graduate courses, generally those devoted to introductory material, are numbered 400 for undergraduate students
who qualify to take them and 600 for graduate students. Courses designed for students seeking a professional
degree carry a 500 number for undergraduate students and a 700 number for graduate students. Courses numbered
99 or below are special interest courses that do not carry academic credit. If students elect to take a special interest
course, it will not count toward the number of hours needed to complete graduation requirements.
(2) Full-time undergraduate student is expected to take courses that total twelve to eighteen credit hours. A
full-time graduate student is expected to take courses that total ten to sixteen credit hours. Student holding
assistantships are expected to enroll for proportionately fewer hours. A part- time graduate may register for
minimum of three credit hours. An overload, that is, more than the maximum number of hours, may be taken with
the approval of an academic advisor. To register for an overload, students must submit the appropriate approval
form when registering. Overloads above 24 hours will not be approved under any circumstances.
Question 1: Where would the passage most likely be found?
A. In a graduate course B. In an undergraduate course
C. In a college catalog D. In a syllabus
Question 2 : What is the purpose of the passage? luate course
A. To apologize B. To inform C. To persuade D. To criticize
Question 3: The word "categories" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____________ .
A. teachers B. courses C.jobs D. groups
Question 4: The word "those" in paragraph 1 refers to ___________ .
A. graduate courses B. course numbers
C. introductory courses D. graduate students
Question 5: Which classification of students would be eligible to enroll in Mechanical Engineering

A. A part- time student B. An undergraduate student

C. A full- time student D. A graduate student
Question 6: If an undergraduate student uses the number 520 to register a accounting course, what number would a
graduate student probably use to register for the same course? A. Accounting 620 I B. Accounting 820
C. Accounting 520 D. Accounting 720
Question 7: How is a student who registers for eight credit hours classified? A. Full- time student B.
Graduate student
C. Part- time student D. Non-degree student
Question 8: Which of the following courses would NOT be included in the list of courses for graduation?

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A. English 90 B. Eglish 100 C. English 300 D. English 400

Question 9: A graduate student may NOT ____________ .
A. enroll in a course numbered 610
B. register for only one one-hour course
C. enroll in an introductory course
D. register for courses if he has an assistantship Question 10: The word "appropriate" in the LAST paragraph
is closest in meaning to

A. wrong B. interest C. suitable D. denial

BAP to:
Question 1: C. In a college catalog Bai khoa nay thirong xuat hien 6 dau => Skim bai van thi ta tliay bai chu yeu
noi ve cac khoa hoc, mon hoc, yeu cau va cac quy dinli ve course 6 trirong cao dang, dai hoc Bai khoa co the xuat
hien 6 catalog cua trudng dai hoc, cao dang. Question 2 : B. To inform Muc dich cua bai khoa la gi?
A. xm loi => khong lien quan
B. thuyet phuc => Khong hop ly
C. Phe binh=> khong co => B. cung cap thong tin cho hoc sinh biet.
Question 3: D. groups
Categoiy (n): muc, hang
Group (n): nhom => 2 tir co nghia gan giong nliau Question 4: A. graduate courses Thay cac lira chon vao cho
"those" doc ky xem noi dung cau do co hop ly, logic kliong. "Certain graduate courses, generally those devoted to
introductory material.." =? Nliung mon dai hoc nliat dinh, thuong la "nhung khoa hoc" danli cho phan de cirong
(hoc lieu gioi tliieu).... Question 5: D. A graduate student Hoc sinli nao 11161 co the du dieu kien dang ky
Mechanical Engineering 850?
Scanning "850" => doan 1: "Courses with the numbers 800 or above are open only to graduate students" => chi co
"graduate student" 11101 duoc dang ky khoa hoc 800 va tren 800 . Question 6: D. Accounting 720
Neu nhu 1 undergraduate student sir dung khoa so 520 de dang ky khoa ke toan, tlii graduate student se phai dimg
so nao de dang ky khoa tuong tir? "Courses designed for students seeking a professional degree cany a 500
number for undergraduate students and a 700 number for graduate students. " => Nhirng khoa hoc lay bang
chuyen liganh la 500 doi voi undergraduate, 500 voi graduate => graduate dang ky khoa so 720 Question 7: C.
Part- time student Hoc sinh dang ky cho nhung gio hoc 8 tin chi diroc phan loai nhu the nao?
Scanning " 8 credit hours" => "A full-time graduate student is expected to take courses that total ten
to sixteen credit hours ......... A part-time graduate may register for minimum of three credit hours." =>
Part time student.
Question 8: A. English 90 Khoa hoc nao khong co trong cac khoa graduation?
Scanning "graduation" va loai tru cac lira chon = "Courses numbered 99 or below are special interest courses that
do not carry academic credit. If students elect to take a special interest course, it will not count toward the number
of hours needed to complete graduation requirements." ^ Cac khoa so 99 va tren 99 la khoa theo so thich, khong co
tin chi. Neu hoc sinh hoc khoa nay thi khong duoc tinh vao gio hoc can thiet de tot nghiep => Khoa tieng Anh 90
khong duoc tinh tot nghiep
Question 9: B. register for only one one-hour course
Mot "graduate student" se KHONG: ....
(Scanning "a graduate student", sail do loai hit cac lua chon)
Dap an A : Certain graduate courses, ...600 for graduate students. => Co

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Dap an C: Certain graduate courses, generally those devoted to introductory material => co
Dap anD: "Student holding assistantsliips are expected to enroll for proportionately fewer hours." =>

KHongcoB Question 10: C.

suitable Appropriate (a): phu hop, thich
hop Suitbale (a): phu hop, hop voi

Be bai ctoc 7:
Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Studies about how students use their time might shed light on whether they face increased academic and financial
pressures compared with earlier eras.
Based on data about how students are spending time, academic or financial pressures don't seem to be greater now
than a generation ago.
The data show that full-time students in all types of colleges study much less now than they did a generation
ago - a full 10 hours a week less. Students are also receiving significantly higher grades. So it appears that
academic pressures are, in fact, considerably lower than they used to be.
The time-use data don't suggest that students feel greater financial pressures, either. When the time savings
and lower opportunity costs are factored in, college appears less expensive for most students than it was in the
1960s. And though there are now full-time students working to pay while in college, they study less even when
paid work choices are held constantly.
In other words, full-time students do not appear to be studying less in order to work more. They appear to be
studying less and spending the extra time on leisure activities or fun. It seems hard to imagine that students feeling
increased financial pressures would respond by taking more leisure.
Based on how students are spending their time then, it doesn't look as though academic or financial pressures
are greater now than a generation ago. The time-use data don't speak directly to social pressures, and it may well be
that these have become more intense lately.
In one recent set of data, students reported spending more than 23 hours per week either socializing with friends or
playing on the computer for fun. Social activities, in person or on computer,

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would seem to have become the major focus of campus life. It is hard to tell what kinds of pressures would be
associated with this change.
Question 1: The study's conclusion that students' workload now is not greater than before is based
study's co fi©

A. what students achieve with greater load B. how students spend their time
C. how students work through college D. what college demands from students
Question 2: Research studies have shown that pressures put on students nowadays are ________________ .
A. not greater than the past B. getting ever greater
C. much greater than the past D. more diversified
Question 3: Students get higher grades as ______________ .
A. students study much harder B. academic workload appears more attractive
C. academic workload appears less demanding D. college's facilities are much better Question 4: According to
the author, the fact that students have more time for leisure is a proof that .
A. financial pressure on students is not a problem
B. academic work disinterests them
C. they are active with extra-curricular activities
D. they cannot find extra jobs
Question 5: All factors considered, college now seems ______________ .
A. more costly B. ever more expensive
C. much more expensive D. less expensive
Question 6: According to the author, the fact that more full-time students are working for
pay _______ •
A. does not change students' campus life
B. indicates that students are academically pressured
C. is not an indication of pressures
D. shows that students are financially pressured
Question 7: Students nowadays seem to be studying less and _____________ .
A. spending more time on leisure B. spending more time doing odd jobs
C. giving more time to sports D. taking more extracurricular activities
Question 8: The word "focus" in the last paragraph can be replaced with ______________ .
A. central activity B. primary theme C. headline D. biggest importance Question 9: The author finds it hard to
point out ______________________________________________ .
A. how students' campus life becomes subject to academic pressure
B. what is associated with the change in students' campus life
C. the causc to students' financial pressure
D. how the background of students' campus life is built
Question 10: The word "Academics" in the title mostly means _______________
A. students' workload in college B. college students and tutors
C. professors and research students D. graduate students' workload
Dap an:
Question 1: B. how students spend their time

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Ket luaii rang khoi lirpng cong viec cua hoc sinli ngay nay khong Ion lion truoc dau dira vao dau? Skimming
bai klioa ta tliay lap lai cac cau nhir:
+ "Based on data about how students are spending time ........... "
+ "Based 011 how students are spending their time then .. .."
^ Dira vao cach hoc smli sir dung tlioi gian cua hp. Question 2:
A. not greater than the past Cac nghien ciru clii ra rang ap lire dat
len hoc sinli hien nay: '=;> Scanning " pressure" va " nowadays"
"academic or financial pressuies don't seem to be greater now than a generation ago. '=;> Ap lire ve hoc tap va
tai cliinli co ve nlur kliong I611 hon so voi the he trirdc day. Question 3: C. academic workload appears less
demanding Nhung hoc smh hoc dirpc diem cao hon boi vi: ^ Scanning "higher grades"
^ "Students are also receiving significantly higher grades. So it appears that academic
.VTVpressuies are, 111
fact, considerably lower than they used to be." => Viec hoc tap it ap lire I1011 trirdc do nen hoc
smh thirdng dat diem so cao hon.
Question 4: A. financial pressure on students is not a problem
' U s 2 ■ . . . . . . - -
Theo tac gia, thuc te la hoc smh co nhieu tlidi gian vui choi hon la bang chung chung minh rang:
^ Scanning " time" va " leisure"
"They appear to be studying less and spending the extra time on leisure activities or fun. It
seems hard to imagine that students feeling increased financial pressures would respond by
taking more leisure."
^ Hoc smh co ve hoc it hon va danli tlioi gian con lai de vui choi. That klio de tin rang cac hoc smh cam thay ap
lire ve tai chinli tang len trong khi hp tham gia vui choi nhieu hon. => Ap lire ve tai cliinli kliong phai la van de.
Question 5: D. less expensive => Scanning " college" va "now"
^ "college appears less expensive for most students than it was in the 1960s." =^ chi plii hoc tap dai hoc da thap
lion cho phan I611 hoc smh so voi nhung nam 1960. Question 6: C. is not an indication of pressures
Theo tac gia, viec ngay cang nhieu hoc smh hoc full tune dang lam viec de kiem tien la: ^ Scanning " full
time students" va " working for pay"
^ "And though there are now full-time students working to pay while in college, they study less even when paid
work choices are held constantly." => Smh vien di lam nhung lai hoc it hon => Di lam khong phai la dau liieu cua ap
lire. Question 7: A. spending more time on leisure Scanning "students" va " studying less"
O "They appear to be studying less and spending tlie extra time on leisure activities or fun." => Hoc smli co ve
hoc it hon va danli tlioi gian con lai de vui choi. Question 8: A. central activity

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Focus : tap trung, chu yeu = central activity: cac hoat dong chinh, trong tam Question 9: B. what is associated with
the change in students' campus life
Scanning hard to point out'
'=;> Tac gia hay kho co the chi ra: cai lien quail den sir tliay doi cua cuoc song sinli vien cua hoc
'=;> "It is hard to tell what kinds of pressures would be associated with tins change." Question 10: A. students'
workload in college
Academics = sudents's workload 111 college: klioi luong cong viec cua smli vien trong truong dai hoc. Academics
aren't the problem: klioi luong cong viec 6 truong hoc khong phai la van de.

De bai doc 8:
Read the incompleted passage below and choose the correct option A, B, C or D for each blank to complete it.
A recent issue of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the
(11) _______ of second language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for those (12) _____________
a language course. One suggestion is that you (13) ________
___ whether you are likely to be successful at
learning a language. Did you enjoy studying languages at school, for example? Do you have enough
time to learn a language? The major (14) __________ will be your own time and effort. If proof of your
level of proficiency is important you must make sure that the course on offer leads to a (15) _______________
qualification. Also, be realistic in your (16) __________ . If you don't set achievable aims you are more
likely to give up. Do not be deceived (17) ___________ thinking that the most expensive courses are the
best. (18) _______ around to get the best possible value for money. You should also bear in mind that
the quicker you learn a language the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried
to teach herself German by enrolling on a (19) ___________ course. Already fluent in four languages and
with a sound knowledge of teaching methodology her chances of making progress were
high. Three
years on she remembers very little. She feels her biggest mistake was not to build (20) ________________ her
previous studies. "I should have consolidated what I'd learn by continuing to study, even D. wondering
if it were by myself." D. assess D.
D. understood
D. ends D. by
D. Shop D.
fast D. up

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Question 11. A. domain B area C. field C.

. considering
Question 12. A. looking B thinking
Question 13. A. balance B review C.survey
Question 14. A. evaluation B chance C. price
Question 15. A. regarded B valued C. recognized
Question 16. A. sights B objects C. goals
Question 17. A. B in C.into
Question 18. fl Nose B Push C. Run
Question 19. A. crash B quick C.rapid
Question 20. A. out B on C. through
Dap an:
Question 11. C. field Field (n): linh vuc, nganh

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'=;> Mot an ban gan day cua tap chi hoc ngon ngir da tham van mot so chuyen gia tiong linh virc hoc ngon ngir
tliir 2. Question 12. C. considering Consider (v): can nhac^W^
Loi khuyen cua ho co the rat hiru ich doi voi nhung ai dang can nhac tlieo hoc mot khoa ngon ngu. Question 13. D.
assess Assess (v): danli gia
Mot goi y la ban nen danli gia ban co the thanh cong trong viec hoc ngon ngir do hay khong? Question 14. D. cost
Evaluation (n): sir danh gia Cost (n): chi phi
Chi plii chu yeu ban phai bo ra chinli la tlioi gian va sir no lire cua chinh ban.

Question 15. C. recognised

Valued (p2): diroc danh gia
Recognised (p2): diroc gin nhan
Do do, ban phai dam bao rang khoa hoc ban dang can nhac theo phai dem den mot gia tri diroc ghi nhan.
Question 16. C. goals Goals (n): muc tieu.
Ban cung can phai co nhung muc tieu tlnet tliirc. Question 17. B. in
Be deceived into st (v): bi lira doi boi cai gi do
Dung bi lira doi boi suy ngliT nhung khoa hoc d§t nhat la tot nliat.
Question 18. D. shop
Shop around (v): xem xet can than, ky lirong
Hay xem xet can than de dong tien cua ban diroc tieu dung gia tri Ion nhat cua no. Question 19. A. crash A crash
course (n): khoa hoc cap toe
Ban nen nlio tiong dau rang, ban hoc cang nhanh tlii ban cung se quen cang nlianli theo. Sandra, mot giao vien
ngirdi Phap da co gang tir hoc tieng EXrc bang viec dang ky mot khoa hoc cap toe. Question 20. B. on
Build on (v): theo cai gi do, dira vao cai gi 3 nam hoc co ay hau nhir chang nlio diroc bao nlneu, co ay nlian ra rang
sai lam Ion nliat cua co ay la dira theo nhung cai hoc tnroc do cua minh. " Toi le ra nen cung co that chac cai ma toi
da hoc boi tiep tuc hoc, ke ca klii tir hoc.
,ig Ky mot Knoa noc
De bai doc 9: Ho®11
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.
(1) It is commonly believed that school is where people go to get an education. Nevertheless, it has been said
that today children interrupt their education to go to school. The difference between schooling and education
implied by this remark is important.

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(2) Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Education knows no limits. It can
take place anywhere, whether in the shower or on the job, whether in the kitchen or on the tractor. It includes both
the formal learning that takes place in school and the whole universe of informal learning. The agent (doer) of
education can vary from respected grandparents to the people arguing about politics on the radio , from a child to
a famous scientist. Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises. A
chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions. People
receive education from infancy on. Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term; it is a lifelong process, a
process that starts long before the start of school, and one that should be a necessary part of one's entire life.
(3) Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern varies little from
one setting to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at about the same time, take the assigned
seats, are taught by an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. The pieces of reality that
are to be learned, whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the workings of governments, have been
limited by the subjects being taught. For example, high school students know that thev are not likely to find out in
their classes the truth about political problems in their society or what the newest filmmarkers are experimenting
with. There are clear and undoubted conditions surrounding the formalized process of schooling.
Question 1: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The best school teach a wide variety of subjects
B. Education and schooling are quite different experiences
C. Students benefit from schools, which require long hours and homework
D. The more years students go to school, the better their education is
Question 2: In the passage, the expression "children interrupt their education to go to school" mostly implies that
A. schooling prevents people discovering things
B. schooling takes place everywhere
C. all of life is an education
D. education is totally ruined by schooling
Question 3: The word "all-inclusive" in the passage mostly means _____________________ .
A. including every thing or everyone B. going in many directions
C. involving many school subjects D. allowing no exceptions
Question 4: According to the passage, the doers of education are _______________ .
A. only respected grandparents B. mainly politicians
C. mostly famous scientists D. almost all people
Question 5: What does the writer mean by saying "education quite often produces surprises"?
A. It's surprising that we know little about other religions.
B. Educators often produce surprises.
C. Informal learning often brings about unexpected results.
D. Success of informal learning is predictable.
Question 6: Which of the following would the writer support?
A. Our education system needs to be changed as soon as possible.
B. Going to school is only part of how people become educated.

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C. Schooling is of no use because students do similar things every day.

D. Without formal education, people won't be able to read and write. Question 7: The word "they" in the last
paragraph refers to _________________________________________ .
A. newest filmmarker^w" B. political problems:.^* ®
C. workings of governments D. high school students
Question 8: Because the general pattern of schooling varies little from one setting to the next, school
children throughout the country _____ .
A. are taught by the same teachers B. have the same abilities C. do similar things D. have similar study conditions
Question 9: From the passage, we can infer that a high school teacher _________ .
A. is free to choose anything to teach
B. is not allowed to teach political issues
C. is bound to teach programmed subjects
D. has to teach social issues to all classes
Question 10: The word "chance" 111 tlie second paragraph is closest in meaning to ___________________
A. unplanned
B. unusual

Dap an:
Question 1: B. Education and schooling are quite different experiences Skimming dau va cuoi cac doan cua bai
+ "The difference between schooling and education implied by this remark is important." + "Education is much
more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling" + "Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized
process .."
Mam ideas: giao due va tnrong hoc la nhung trai nghiem rat kliac nliau.
Question 2: C. all of life is an education
jn 1 .^Ftak Ajj JR.! | i^j
Ngu y cua tac gia khi nor cau ' children intermp their education to go to school" la " ca cupc song
chung ta cliinli la 1 sir giao due", chung ta dang lam gian doan cuoc song cua minh de den tnrong. Question 3: A.
including every thing or everyone All - inclusive (a): bao ham tat ca (all- tat ca, inclusive: bao gom) Giao due mo
hon va bao ham tat ca moi tlur hon so voi tnrong hoc. Question 4: D. almost all people Nliirng ngirdi thuc
liiengiao due la :
"The agent (doer) of education can vaiy from respected grandparents to the people arguing about politics on tlie
radio , from a child to a famous scientist." => iiliung ong ba dang kinh, nliirng cliinli tri gia, tre em cho den nghe si
noi tieng => Hau het tat ca moi ngiroi. Question 5: C. Informal learning often brings about unexpected results.
"Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises" = " Trong klu tnrong
hoc co mot sir kha doan nhat dinh thi giao due lai thirdng dem den nliirng bat ngo". O Y cua tac gia la: Cacli hoc
khong chinh thong thirong dem den nhung ket qua khong ngo. (Hoc 6 tnrong la formal, 6 ngoai cuoc song la
mfoimal) Question 6: B. Going to school is only part of how people become educated.

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Tac gia se img ho qiian diem nao diroi day: Den tiiidng chi la mot phan cua de tro thanh mot nguoi co giao due.
Con giao due 11161 la mot phan ciia suot doi nguoi. "Education, then, is a veiy broad, inclusive term; it is a lifelong
process, a process that starts long before the start of school, and one that should be a necessary part of one's entire
life." Question 7: D. high school students "For example, high school students know that they are not likely to find
out in their classes the truth about political problems in their society or what the newest filmmarkers are
experimenting with." Meo lam cau hoi reference la tliay cac lira chon vao cho tir gacli chan, lieu tliay nghia cua
cau do logic va hop ly thi la cliinli xac.
" Vi du, hoc sinh Tmng hoc hieu rang "chung" se kliong the tim ra tiong lop hoc sir that ve cac van de cliinli tri
trong xa hoi hoac la nhung dieu 111a cac nha lam plum dang trai qua. => "chung" la "high school students".
Question 8: C. do similar things Scanning key words " students/children throughout the country)
"Throughout a country, children arrive at school at about the same time, take the assigned seats, are taught by
an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. " O Hoc sinh khap ca nude den tiudng cung
gio, ngoi vi. tri da dinli, diroc day boi ngiroi Ion, sir dung
cung sacli giao klioa, lam bai tap va tin cir nhu nhau ^ Hoc smh lam nhung thu giong nhau.
Question 9: C. is bound to teach programmed subjects Cau lioi suy luan dira h en thong tin cua
bai => can doc ky bai klioa roi dua ra ket luan. Co the suy ra rang giao vien 6 cac tiirong hoc: Doc
ky doan cuoi lien quan den tiirdng hoc.
"The pieces of reality that are to be learned, whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the workings of
governments, have been limited by the subjects being taught."=> Nhirng mang thirc te se duoc hoc du la ve bang
chu cai hay hieu biet ve cong viec cua cliinli pliu deu bi gioi han boi cac mon hoc duoc day => Dira ra ket luan la:
giao vien phai/ bi gan (be bound to) day nhung 111611 hoc da duoc len chirong trinh, len ke hoach sail. Question
10: B. unplanned Chance (n): co hoi
Unplanned (a): kliong len ke hoach, kliong co dir duili tiiroc ^ co hoi la cai ma khong ngo trirdc duoc, khong dir
tinh trirdc duoc.

Be bai doc 10:

Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their
knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages instreaming pupils. It does not
take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the
bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top
grade! tloon*

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Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect
of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their
academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching
contributes to all these aspects of learning^ ^
In our classroom, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups; this gives them the opportunity
to learn to co-operate, to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with the personal
problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, to communicate effectively.
The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teachers. Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes the
work on individual tasks and assignments, they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class
teaching when this is appropriate. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need
in order to do this effectively. An advanced pupil can do advanced works; it does not matter what age the child is.
We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.
Question 1: In the passage, the author's attitude towards "mixed-ability teaching" is ______________
A. questioning B. approving C. objective D. critical
Question 2: The phrase "held back" in paragraph 1 means __________ .
A. prevented from advancing B. forced to study in lower class
C. made to remain in the same classes D. made to lag behind
Question 3: The author argues that a teacher's chief concern should be the development of the pupils'

A. learning ability and communicative skills B. intellectual abilities

C. total personality D. personal and social skills
Question 4: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Group work provides the pupils with the opportunity to learn to be capable organizers
B. Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities
C. Group work gives pupils the opportunity to learn to work together with others
D. Pupils also learn to develop their reasoning ability
Question 5: The author's purpose of writing tins passage is to ______________
A. recommend pair work and group work classroom activities
B. offer advice on the proper use of the school library
C. argue lor teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same class.
D. emphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom teaching Question 6: According to the
passage, which of the following is NOT true?
Development of pupils as individuals is not the aim of group work
Pupils cannot develop in the best way if they are streamed into classes of different intellectual abilities
It's not good for a bright child to find out that he performs worst in a mixed-ability class
There is no fixed method in teaching pupils to develop themselves to the full
Question 7: According to the passage, which of the following is an advantage of mixed-ability teaching?
A. Formal class teaching is the important way to give pupils essential skills such as those to be used in the
B. Pupils as individuals always have the opportunities to work on their own.
C. A pupil can be at the bottom of a class
D. Pupils can be hindered from an all-round development
Question 8: Which of the following statements can best summarize the main idea of the passage?
A. The aim of education is to find out how to teach the bright and not-so-bright pupils

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B. Various ways of teaching should be encouraged in class

C. Children, in general, develop at different rates
D. Bright children do benefit from mixed-ability teaching Question 9: According to the
passage, "streaming pupils" ___________________________________
A. is the act of putting pupils into class according to their academic abilities
B. aims at enriching both their knowledge and experience
C. is quite discouraging
D. will help the pupils learn best
Question 10: According to the author, mixed-ability teaching is more preferable because _____________
A. children can learn to work with each other to solve personal problems
B. it doesn't have disadvantages as in streaming pupils
C. formal class teaching is appropriate
D. its aim at developing the children's total personality Dap an:
Question 1: B. approving
Thai do cua tac gia doi voi "day da ky nang" la gi?
+ "both their knowledge and experience are enriched" = kien thuc va kinh nghiem cua tre deu tro nen phong phu
+ "mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning." = lop hoc ket hop cho hoc sinli gioi va kem
co the guip ich cho moi khia canh cua hoc tap.
Tac gia dua ra cac loi ich cua day da ky nang => Ung ho.
Question 2: A. prevented from advancing Cum til "held back" co nghia
la gi?
Be held back : bi kim ham = prevented from advancing: bi ngan can phat trien, tien bo Question 3: C. total
Tac gia ban luan rang moi quail tam chu yeu cua giao vien nen la sir phat trien ve .... cho hoc sinh. "We are
concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability." = Chung ta chu trong
phat trien day du kha nang cua tat ca cac hoc sinh chu khong phai clii lieng ket qua hoc tap => phat trien toan bo
nhan cach
Question 4: B. Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities Dieu gi dirdi day khong duoc de cap den
trong bai khoa?
Dap an C: "The pupils often work in groups; this gives them the opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share"
Dap an A: " and to develop leadership skills"
Dap an A: "They also leam how to cope with the personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make
decisions, to analyze and evaluate, to communicate effectively!"
O Dap an B : hoc sinh hoc cach tliam gia vao hoat dong giang day khong duoc nhac den. Question 5:
C. argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same class.
Doan 1: tac gia nhac den loi ich cua viec day chung hoc sinh thong minh va kem thong minh " mixed ability
teaching" - giau kinh nghiem va kien thirc va bat loi cua viec phan loai hoc smli " steaming pupils" - gay chan nan
doi voi hoc smh hoc kem.
Doan tiep theo tac gia noi ro hon cac hoat dong ap dung tiong cac lop hoc nay va loi ich cua cac hoat dong do.
^ Tac gia ung ho viec day chung hoc sinh gioi voi kem trong cung mot lop. Muc
dich cua tac gia khi viet bai khoa nay la gi?
Question 6: B. Pupils cannot develop in the best way if they are streamed into classes of different intellectual

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D. There is no fixed method in teaching pupils to develop themselves to the full Theo
bai khoa, cau nao diroi day khong dung?
B. Hoc sinh khong the phat trien tot nha neu chung diroc xep vao hoc cung voi nhung hoc sinh co kha nang kliac
nhau. => Sai: "We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to
attain this goal."
Cac dap an con lai dung boi vi:
A. Phat trien hoc sinh 1 cach doc lap khong phai la muc dich cua lam viec nhom. => Dung. Vi lam viec nhom giup
tie hoc cach hop tac va chia se (cooperate and share)
C. it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade! = hoc smli kem se cam tliay chan nan neu minh
o cnoi cung cua mot lop gioi.
D. Tac gia da dua ra nliieu plurong pliap day cho lop hoc tong hop nlur lam viec nhom, cap doi, lam doc lap de tie
phat trien toan dien => khong co mot plurong phap co dinli nao
Question 7: B. Pupils as individuals always have the opportunities to work on their own. Theo bai
khoa, dau la loi ich cua day hoc ket hop?
"Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes the work on individual tasks and assignments, they can do tins at
their own speed." = > doi liic cac em hoat dong theo cap, doi klu lai lam rieng cac nhiem vu, cac em co the lam 6
toe do lieng cua minh => Hoc smli luon co co hoi hoat dong doc lap. Question 8: B. Various ways of teaching
should be encouraged in class
aS35», JM Af r '

Can nao diroi day co the torn tat dung nhat noi dung chinh cua bai khoa?
Tac gia ban luan ve " mixed ability teaching" va dira ra nhieu plurong phap giang day trong lop hoc
nlur "grpup work", "using the library effectively", "working 111 pa us", "workin on individual tasks" =>
Nhung plurong phap hoc khac nhau nen diroc sir dung trong lop hoc.
Question 9: A. is the act of putting pupils into class according to their academic abilities
Theo bai khoa, phan loai hoc smli la: Hoat dong xep hoc sinh vao cac lop hoc dira theo kha nang hoc
tap cua chung.
Question 10: D. its ann at developing the children's total personality Theo tac gia, viec day chung hoc sinh gioi
voi kem diroc ira chuong hon oi vi: "We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just
their academic ability." = Chung ta chu trong pliat trien day do kha nang cua tat ca cac hoc sinh clur kliong phai chi
lieng ket qua hoc tap

Be bai doc 11: Afl

Read the incompleted passage below and choose the correct option A, B, C or D for each blank to complete it.

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Higher Education in the UK Students who have successfully completed an A-level course may
go to university to do (11) ______ three- or four-year course leading to a first degree such as Bachelor
of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc), etc. They apply to several universities which then (12) ___________
an offer of a place specifying the minimum grades the student needs to obtain in the A level subjects
studied. Higher education is not (13) _______ . In principle, students have to pay a contribution to the cost
of teaching (tuition fees) and have also to pay their living costs (maintenance). The government
provides (14)______ to help them pay for university education which have to be paid back from
earnings once their income reaches a certain (15) ________ . In recent years government policy has been to
(16) _____ the percentage of 18-year olds (17) _______ go to university, which is now, at 40%, double the
1990 figure, but this growth has been at the (18) ___________ of the amount of financial support given to
individual students. Universities receive money (19) ____________ the state for each student and are
responsible for employing staff and deciding
which courses to offer. The head of a university, who is (20) ___________ for its management, is called a
vice-chancellor. Question
11: A. that Question 12: A.
B. a C.this C. make D. the D.
create Question 13: A.
B. do C. compulsory get D. free
permitted Question 14: A.
B. allowed B. C.shares C. D. rents D.
loans Question 15: A.
hires B. level mark C. rank D.
grade Question 16: A. rise
B. remain B. increase C. decrease D.
Question 17: A. who
which whose C. che whom D.
Question 18: A. fee
B.suspense B. C. tohose
C. expense D.
Question 19: A. of
Question 20: A. liable Dap
from B. i^ofl
answersable in
responsible D.
Question 11: Dap anB. a
Cau true cua 1 tiuli tir kep:
(A/an) + number +"-"+ Unit (don vi) + Danli tir
Nhirng hoc smh da hoan thanli thanh cong klioa hoc trinh do A tlii co the theo hoc mot khoa hoc ba hoac bon nam
6 dai hoc Question 12: Dap an C. make
Make an offer: Cung cap cho ai dieu gi do, 1 sir guip do (collocation) Ho img tuyen vao
nhieu tnrong dai hoc ma sau do nhirng tnrong nay cung cap cho hp 1 1101 hoc chi dinh diem so
toi thieu hoc sinh can dat dirpc trong nliirng 111011 da hoc 6 trinh do A.
Question 13: Dap anD. free
Bac hoc cao hon khong dupe mien phi.
Liru y cac cau sau deu nhac den chi phi hoc tap (cost, tuition) => free la hop ly Question 14: Dap an A. loan
Cliinli phu se cung cap cap nliirng khoan vay de giup chung chi tra cho viec hoc dai hoc, 111a sau nay mot kill thu
nliap hoc smh dat toi mot mire nliat dinh tlii se phai tra lai khoan tien do cho cliinli phu.
- Loan (11): khoan cho vay (thudng la ngan hang hoac cac to chirc tin dung cho vay)
- Hu e (11): viec tliue (trong thdi gian ngan)
- Share (11): co phan, viec chia ra tirng phannho.

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- Rent (n): tien thue nha, ... (diroc tra thuong xuyen, theo ki) Question 15:
Dap an B. level
- dat tdi mot mire nhat dinh Question 16: Dap an C. increase
Loai ngay dap an B (remain) va D (decrease) vi nghia cua cau, khong the nao la "giu nguyen" hay "giam" ma phai
la "tang len".
- Rise (v): tang len (noi dong tir lien khong dung voi tan ngir)
- Increase (v): tang len (dung duoc voi tan ngir), increase something: tang cai gi Vi the de dang chon dap an C
Question 17: Dap an A. who
Day la cau true menh de quan he, "who" thay the cho 18 year-olds.
Trong nhung nam gan day, cac chinh sach cua cliinli phu da nham muc tieu khuyen khich ti le phan tram nhung
ngiroi 6 do tuoi 18 di hoc dai hoc, ma ti le do bay gid la 40%, gap doi so voi nam 1990. Question 18: Dap anD.
- Expense of: Chi phi, phi ton phai chi ra cho muc tieu nao do nhung sir tang trudng nay cliinli la nhd vao chi phi
ho tro tai cliinli ma chinh phu da trao cho tirng hoc sinh, smli vien.
- Fee (n): tien tliii lao, tien thuong, tien hoc plii
- Suspense (n) 'Tinh trang cho doi, hoi hop, sir tam hoan.
A i.' "f^ W *
- Charge (n): Tienpliai tra, gia tien, ganhnang, trach nhiem. Question 19: Dap an B. from
Cac trudng dai hoc nhan tien tir chinh phu cac bang, trao cho timg smli vien va co trach nhiem trong viec thue liurdn
nhan vien cung nhu quyet dinh cung cap cac khoa hoc cho sinh vien. Question 20: Dap anB. responsible Be
responsible for: Co trach nhiem ve.
Ngiroi dung dau ciia mot trudng dai hoc, ngiroi cliiu trach nhiem cho cong viec quan ly cua trudng diroc goi la plio
liieu tiirong.

De bai ctoc 12:

Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication.
Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral speech. When there is a language
barrier, communication is accomplished through sign language in which motions stand for letters, words, and ideas.
Tourists, the deaf, and the mute have had to resort to this form of expression. Many of these symbols of whole
words are very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally, spelling, however, cannot.
Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or unintentionally. A
wink can be a way of flirting or indicating that the party is only joking. A nod signifies approval, while shaking the
head indicates a negative reaction.
Other forms of nonlinguistic language can be found in Braille (a system of raised dots read with the
fingertips), signal flags, Morse code, and smoke signals. Road maps and picture signs also guide, warm, and
instruct people.

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While verbalization is most common form of language, other systems and techniques also express human
thoughts and feelings.
Question 1: Which of the following best summarizes this passage?
A. Nonlinguistic language is invaluable to foreigners
B. Although other forms of communication exist, verbalization is the fastest
C. When language is a barrier, people will find other forms of communication.
D. Everybody uses only one form of communication
Question 2: The word "these" in the fir st paragraph refers to ____________ .
A. thoughts and feelings B. tourists
C. the deaf and the D. sign language motions Question 3: All of the following statements are true EXCEPT
______________________________________________________________ . .VIV
A. Ideas and thoughts can be transmitted by body language, ^tf /VABJM
B. There are many forms of communication in existence today
C. The deaf and mute can use an oral form of communication
D. Verbalization is the most common form of communication
Question 4: Which form other than oral speech would be the most commonly used among blind people?
A. Picture signs B. Braille C. Signal flags D. Body language
Question 5: How many different forms of communication are mentioned here?
A. 5 B. 7 C. 9 D. 10
Question 6: The word "wink" in the second paragraph means most nearly the same as ___________ .
A. close one eye briefly B. close two eyes briefly
C. shake the head from side to side D. bob the head up and down
Question 7: Sign language is said to be very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally EXCEPT for
__________________ .
A. spelling B. ideas C. whole words D. expressions
Question 8: People need to communicate in order to __________ .
A. keep from reading with their fingertips
B. be picturesque and exact .vtv
C. create language barriers Ho®
D. express thoughts and feelings Question 9: What is the best title for the
A. The importance of Sign Language.
B. Ways of Expressing Feelings.
C. The Forms of Communication.
D. Picturesque Symbols of Communication. Question 10: Who would be MOST likely to use Morse
A. A scientist B. An airline pilot C. A spy D. A telegrapher
Dap an:
Question 1: Dap an C. When language is a barrier, people will find other forms of communication.

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Cau nao co the torn tat bai khoa tren?

Skimming bai khoa ta tliay tac gia da nhac den van de rao can ve ngon ngir va nhac den rat nhieu "other forms of
communications". yj
"When there is a language barrier, communication is accomplished through .... sign language, body language,
nonlinguistic language. .."
'=;> Kin ngon ngir la rao can thi con nguoi se tim cac loai hinh giao tiep khac. Question 2:
Dap anD. sign language motions Tliay cac lua chon vao vi til tu "tliese" va xet nghia cua cau:
'=;> Kin ma co rao can ve ngon ngu thi giao tiep co the thuc hien dupe thong qua "sign language" dudi dang
lianli dong " motions' thay cho chu cai. Ngiroi cam va diec phai dung den loai ra hieu nay. Nhieu loai "ngon ngu ra
hieu bang hanh dong nay" co the rat chhili xac.... Question 3: Dap C. The deaf and mute can use an oral form of
communication Tat ca nhung tliong tin dudi day dung tin thong tin nao?
'=;> Ngiroi cam va diec kliong the su dung hinh thuc giao tiep bang tieng 1101 dupe. Dap an
A dung: "Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions"
Dap an B dung: "Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of various forms of
Dap an D dung: "While verbalization is most common form of language" Question 4: Dap an B. Braille
=> Loai hinh giao tiep lion ca I611101 danli cho phan I611 nguoi mu chinh la he thong chu 1101 "Braille". "Other
forms of nonlinguistic language can be found 111 Braille (a system of raised dots read with the fingertips)"
Question 5: Dap an C. 9
Bao gom: letters, a wink, a nod, shaking, signal flags, morse code, and smoke ignals, road maps and picture signs.
Question 6: Dap an A. close one eye briefly A wink: cai nhay mat
= nham mot mat trong thdi gian ngan Question 7: Dap an A.
"Many of these symbols of whole words are very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally, spelling,
however, cannot." => Nhieu loai bieu tupng cua cac ngon ngu nay rat giau hinh tupng va chinh xac, va co the sir
dung long rai tren quoc te. tuy nhien "spelling" thi lai kliong the. Question 8: Dap an D. express thoughts and
feelings Moi nguoi can giao tiep de lam gi?
"they have made use of various forms of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has
been m the form of oral speech." => De dien ta cam xuc va suy nghi cua minh. Question 9: Dap anB. Ways of
Expressing Feelings.
Skimming bai khoa ta thay tac gia chii yeu 1101 ve cac cach dien dat cam xuc va suy nghi cua con nguoi. chir cai,
ngon ngu co the, cac loai 111a, tin hie
O Cach the tlnen cam xuc cua con nguoi. Question 10: Dap an D. A telegrapher

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Ma Morse la mot loai ma ky tir dung de truyen cac thong tin dien bao. Ma Morse dung 1 chuoi da dupe
chuan hoa bao gom cac phan tu dai va t daingan de bieu dien cac chu cai, elm so, dau chain, ky tu dac biet, ..
■=> Ma Morse thuong dupe dung cho dien tin vien (A telegrapher)
De bai foe 13:
Aging is the process of growing old. It occurs eventually in every living thing provided, of course, that an
illness or accident does not kill it prematurely. The most familiar outward signs of aging may be seen in old people,
such as the graying of the hair and the wrinkling of the skin. Signs of aging in a pet dog or cat include loss of
playfulness and energy, a decline in hearing and eyesight, or even a slight graying of the coat. Plants age too, but
the signs are much harder to detect.
Most body parts grow bigger and stronger, and function more efficiently during childhood. They reach their
peak at the time of maturity, or early adulthood. After that, they begin to decline. Bones, for example, gradually
become lighter and more brittle. In the aged, the joints between the bones also become rigid and more inflexible.
This can make moving very painful.
All the major organs of the body show signs of aging. The brain, for example, works less efficiently, and even
gets smaller in size. Thinking processes of all sorts are slowed down. Old people often have trouble in
remembering recent events.
One of the most serious changes of old age occurs in the arteries, the blood vessels that lead from the heart.
They become thickened and constricted, allowing less blood to flow to the rest of body. This condition accounts,
directly or indirectly, for many of the diseases of the aged. It may, for example, result in heart attack.
Aging is not a uniform process. Different parts of the body wear out at different rates. There are great
differences among people in their rate of aging. Even the cells of the body differ in the way they age. The majority
of cells are capable of reproducing themselves many times during the course of a lifetime. Nerve cells and muscle
fibers can never be replaced once they wear out.
Gerontologists - scientists who study the process of aging-believe this wearing out of the body is controlled by
a built-in biological time-clock. They are trying to discover how this clock works so that they can slow down the
process. This could give man a longer life and a great number of productive years.
Question 1: What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. Signs of aging are easier to detect in animals than in plants.
B. Aging occurs in every living thing after it has reached maturity.
C. Not all signs of aging are visible.
D. The outward signs of aging may be seen in old people Question 2:
What does the word "it" in line 2 refer to ___________________________ ?
A. aging B. a living thing C. an illness D. an accident Question 3: All of the followings may be the
outward signs of aging EXCEPT _____________________________________________________ .
A. the graying of the hair B. the wrinkling of the skin
C. the decline in hearing and eyesight D. the loss of appetite
Question 4: When does the human body begin to lose vigor and the ability to function efficiently?
A. Soon after reaching adulthood B. During childhood

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Question 5: What happens to memorization when the brain begins to age? A. It works less. ^ becomes
C. It declines. D. It slows down.
Question 6: What does "aging is not a uniform process" mean?
A. Not all living things age.
B. Not all people age at the same age
C. Not all people have signs of aging
D. Aging doesn't occur in all people
Question 7: The word "brittle" as used in the second paragraph means _________________ .
A. soft and easily bent
C. hard but easily broken
B. hard and endurable
D. rigid and inflexible
Question 8: According to the passage, what condition is responsible for many of the diseases of the old?
A. the arteries have become thickened and constricted.
B. the blood vessels lead from the heart.
C. the brain gets smaller in size.
D. bones become lighter and brittle
Question 9: What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. Gerontologists have controlled the process of aging.
B. Gerontologists are working hard to help people live longer and more healthily.
C. Gerontologists are trying to give people an eternal life. ^ *
D. Gerontologists are now able to slow down the process of aging. Queston 10: According
to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A. All living things grow old.
B. Aging is unavoidable in any living things.
C. Plants show less signs of aging than any other living things
D. Most body parts wear out during the course of a lifetime. Dap an: _
Question 1: B. Aging occurs in every living thing after it has reached maturity Y chinh cua doan van 1 la gi?
Skimming cau dau cua doan van va cac key words cua cac cau tiep theo.
"It occurs eventually in eveiy living tiling provided, of course, that an illness or accident does not kill it
prematurely... signs of aging may be seen m old people, ... of aging in a pet" => Lao hoa xay ra 6 moi
vat song, dau liieu cua lao hoa xuat hien kin co the song biroc den tuoi trirong tlianli.
Question 2: B. a living thing
Tir "it" thay the cho tir nao trong doan van?
^ Thay lan lirot 4 lira chon vao vi tri "it" va xem xet lighia cua cau.
"Aging is the process of growing old. It occurs eventually in eveiy living thing provided, of course, that an
illness or accident does not kill k prematurely." = Lao hoa la mot qua trinh gia hoa di. Lao hoa (it) xay ra dan
dan 611101 co the song va di nhien trong dieu kien cac co the song ay (IT) khong bi benh tat hay tai nan lam
chet som.
Question 3: D. the loss of appetite
tat ca eac cau diroi day deu la dau hieu cua lao lioa TRU:

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A va B - dung vi: " The most familiar outward signs of aging may be seen in old people, such as the graying of the
hair and the wrinkling of the skin."
C dung vi: " Signs of aging in a pet dog or cat include loss of playfulness and energy, a decline in hearing and
'=;> Chi con D kliong co (mat di sir ngon mieng kliong phai la dau hieu cua lao hoa)
Question 4: A. Soon after reaching adulthood
Klii nao co the con ligudi bat dau mat di su cudng trang va kha nang lam viec hieu qua? "Most body parts grow
bigger and stronger, and function more efficiently during childhood. They reach their peak at the time of maturity,
or early adulthood. After that, they begin to decline. "=> Phan Ion cac bo phan cua co the Ion dan va cac chirc nang
hoat dong hieu qua trong tlioi tre con. Cac chirc nang nay hoat dong tot nliat 6 dinli diem tiirong thanli hoac giai
doan dau tiirong thanh. Sau do, sire manh cua cac co quan va chirc nang bat dau giam dan. => Tlioi diem sau tiirong
thanh. Question 5: C. It declines.
Dieu gi xay ra voi tri nho khi ma bo nao bat dau lao hoa?
"The brain, for example, works less efficiently, and even gets smaller 111 size. Thinking processes of all sorts
are slowed down. Old people often have trouble in remembering recent events." => Nao se hoat dong kem hieu qua
va tham chi con be di. Qua trinh suy nghi chain lai. Ngiroi gia thi hay quen.
'=;> Tri nlid bi giam sut Question 6: B. Not all
people age at the same age
"Lao hoa khong phai la mot qua trinh dien ra mot cach dong bo" nghia la gi?
"Different parts of the body wear out at different rates. There are great differences among people in their rate of
aging" => Lao hoa 6 cac phan khac nhau cua co the dien ra voi toe do khac nhau. Va cung co sir khac nhau giua toe
do lao hoa giua nhung nguoi khac nhau. => Kliong phai moi ngiroi deu lao hoa a ciuig 1 tuoi.
Question 7: C. hard but easily broken Tir"
brittle" co nghia la gi?
Brittle co nghia la gion - tuc la cuug nhung de vo vun
Question 8: A. the arteries have become thickened and constricted.
Tlieo bai khao, dieu kien nao khien cho nhieu benli den voi ngiroi gia?
"One of the most serious changes of old age occurs in the arteries, the blood vessels that lead from the heart. They
become thickened and constricted, allowing less blood to flow to the rest of body. This condition accounts, directly
or indirectly, for many of the diseases of the aged." => Do thay doi voi dong mach can chuyen mau tir tun den cac
bo phan cua co the. Thanh dong macli day hon, cung hon khien mau chay den cac bo phan it hon, true tiep lioac gian
tiep gay ra nhieu benh cho nguoi gia. Question 9: B. Gerontologists are working hard to help people live longer and
more healthily. Y chinh cua doan van cuoi la gi:
"Gerontologists - scientists who study the process of aging-believe this wearing out of the body is controlled by
a built-in biological time-clock. They are trying to discover how this clock works so that they can slow down the
process." => Cac nha klioa hoc dang no lire tim cach giiip con ngiroi song lau va klioe manh lion. Ho nghien ciru
dong ho giup con ngiroi lam chain qua trinh lao lioa. Queston 10: C. Plants show less signs of aging than any other
living things

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Theo bai khoa, dieu gi dudi day kliong dung?

"Plants age too, but the signs are much harder to detect." => Thirc vat cung gia, nhung dau liieu kho nhan ra
hon. => Noi thuc vat co it dau liieu lao hoa hon cac smli vat song kliac la kliong dung.
A.B. D dung vi: + " It occui's eventually in eveiy livmg tiling provided, of course, that an illness or accident
does not kill it prematurely"
+ " All the major organs of the body show signs of aging"

De bai doc 14
Bodies are made to move! They are not (11) _______________
__________ for sitting around in front of the
television or reading magazines. Keeping fit doesn't (12) _______________ you have to be a super-athlete,
and even (13) __________ exercise can give you a lot of fun. When you are fit and healthy, you will
find you look better and feel better. You will develop more energy and self-confidence.
Every time you move, you are exercising. The human body is designed to bend, stretch, run, jump
and climb. (14) __________ it does, the stronger and fitter it will become. Best of a exercise is fun. It's
what your body likes doing most - keeping on the (15) ______________ .
Physical exercise is not only good for your body. People who take regular exercise are usually
happier, more relaxed and more alert (16) ____________people who sit around all day. Try an experiment
next time you are (17) ___________a bad mood, go for a walk or play a ball game in the park. See how
much better you feel after an hour.
A good (18) __________ of achievement is yet another benefit of exercise. People feel good about
themselves when they know they have (19) _____________ their fitness. People who exercise regularly will
tell you that they find they have more energy to enjoy life. So have (20) __________________ you'll soon see
and feel the benefits.
Question 11: A. planned B. designed C. programmed D. caused
Question 12: A. involve ^ft B. require C. reveal D. mean
Question 13: A. a little B. a few C. little D. few
Question 14: A. more and more B. the more C. more D. moreover
Question 15: A. increase B. move C. develop D. decrease
Question 16: A. then Question B. about on C. than C. at D. with D.
17: A. in B. under
Question 18: A. sense B. feel C. lot D. piece
Question 19: A. experienced B. improved C. carried out D. grown
Question 20: A. a11:
runB B. a trial C. ago D. a start
Dap an: Question
"design" (v): thietkeoOfV .Vftdanli cho
"design for st/domg st": chi dinh,
cai gi/lam cai gi Question 12: D
"mean" (v): co nghia la 51 u

Keeping fit doesn't mean: Giu can doi kliong co nghia la

Question 13: A

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"a little": mot it (dung vdi danli tit kliong dem dupe)
"a little" va "little" deu co nghia la it, nhung "little" mang nghia rat it, duong nhu khong dii Question
14: B
Cau true so sanli cang... cang...: "the more (adj+er)..., the more(adj+er). Question 15: B
"on the move": dang di chuyen Question 16: C "than": lion
Pliia trade co sir so sanh adj+er va more, vi the phai dung tu tlian Question 17: A
"in a bad mood": dang trong tam trang khong vui/khong tot, "mood" cilia cung gioi tu in Question 18:
"A good sense of achievement": Mot cam giac/y thuc ve sir thanh tiru "sense" co nghia la klia nang nhan thuc y
thuc, cung co nghia kliac la ly do muc dicli (cua viec lam gi) Question 19: B "improve": cai thien, tien bo
"experience": trai nghiem, co kinh nghiem "carry out": tien hanh "grow": trong, lonlerafcp ® Question 20: C
Cum "have a go at st/domg st": co het sue ve cai gi/ve lam viec gi »
De bai ctoc 15:
Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Carbohydrates, which are sugars, are an essential part of a healthy diet. They provide the main source of
energy for the body, and they also function to flavor and sweeten foods. Carbohydrates range from simple sugars
like glucose to complex sugars such as amylose and 5 amylopectin. Nutritionists estimate that carbohydrates
should make up about one-fourth to one-fifth of a person's diet. This translates to about 75-100 grams of
carbohydrates per day.
A diet that is deficient in carbohydrates can have an adverse effect 10 on a person's health. When the body
lacks a sufficient amount of carbohydrates it must then use its protein supplies for energy, a process called
gluconeogenesis. This, however, results in a lack of necessary protein, and further health difficulties may occur. A
lack of carbohydrates can also lead to ketosis, a build-up of ketones 15 in the body that causes fatigue, lethargy, and
bad breath. Question 1. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Carbohydrates are needed for good health.
B. Carbohydrates prevent a build-up of proteins.
C. Carbohydrates can lead to ketosis.
D. Carbohydrates are an expendable part of a good diet.
Question 2. The word "function" as used in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following? A.

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B. serve
C. dissolve
uissoive D.
___ x! ________ nni- . ___________________ i »i ________________ n _ ... ________ ________ i • .

Question 3. The word "range" as used in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the
A. probe
B. proceed
C. hail
D. extend
Question 4. The word "lack" in the second paragraph is most similar to which of the following?
A. plethora ^^
B. shortage
C. derivation
D. commission
Questoion 5. According to the passage, what do most nutritionists suggest?
A. Sufficient carbohydrates will prevent gluconeogenesis.
B. Carbohydrates are simple sugars called glucose.
C. Carbohydrates should make up about a quarter of a person's daily diet.
D. Carbohydrates should be eaten in very small quantities. Question 6. Which
of the following do carbohydrates NOT do?
A. prevent ketosis
B. cause gluconeogenesis
C. provide energy for the body
D. flavor and sweeten food Question 7. What does the word "this" refer to in
the second paragraph?
A. using protein supplies for energy
B. converting carbohydrates to energy
C. having a deficiency in carbohydrates
D. having an insufficient amount of protein Question 8. oes INU i aescriDe caAccording to the
passage, which of the following does NOT describe carbohydrates?
A. a protein supply
B. a necessity
C. a range of sugars
D. an energy source Question 9. Which of the following best describes the author's tone?
A. sensitive
B. emotional
C. informative
D. regretful
Question 10. Which of the following best describes the organization of this passage?
cause and result
comparison and contrast

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specific to general

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D. definition and example Dap an:

Question I. A. Carbohydrates are needed for good health. Noi dung chinh cua bai
khoa la gi?
Skimming cau dau tien cua bai klioa: " Carbohydrates, winch are sugars, are an essential part of a healthy diet"
Cac cau sau lam rd lion noi dung cliinli cua bai khoa: chirc nang cua carbohydrates, hau qua ciia viec tlueu
carbohydrates, ....
O Carbohydrates can tluet cho mot sire klioe tot.
Question 2. B. serve
Tir "function" duoc sir dimg trong doan van dau tien gan nghia voi tir gi? Function: chirc nang = serve: gift vai tro.
Neglect: xao nhang; dissolve: hoa tan; profess: tuyen bo, bay to Question 3. D. extend Tir "range" diroc sir dung
trong doan van dau tien gan nghia voi tir gi? Range: mo long pham vi = extend: 1116 rong Probe: dieu tra; proceed:
tiep tuc; hail: hoan ho, hoan nghenli Question 4. B. shortage Tir " lack" gan nghia voi tir nao? Lack: tlueu hut =
shortage: tlueu
Questoion 5. C. Carbohydrates should make up about a quarter of a person's daily diet, j Theo bai khoa, cac chuyen
gia dinli dirong tlurdng khuyen cao dieu gi?
". Nutritionists estimate that carbohydrates should make up about one-fourth to one-fifth of a person's diet." =>
Carbohyrates lien chiem % den 1/5 khau phan an cua moi nguoi hang ngay. Question 6. B. cause gluconeogenesis
Dieu gi duoi day khong pliai la chirc nang cua carbohydrates?
+ "They provide the mam source of energy for the body, and they also function to flavor and sweeten foods (A+
+ "A lack of carbohydrates can also lead to ketosis" = tlueu Carbohydrates gay benh ketosis => Carbohydrates ngan
chan benli ketosis.
'=;> Chi con B. gay gluconeogenesis la kliong dung.
Question 7. A. using protein supplies for energy Tir "tins"
chi den tir nao/ hay cho tir nao?
"When the body lacks a sufficient amount of carbohydrates it must then use its protein supplies for energy, a
process called gluconeogenesis. This, however, results in a lack of necessary protein, and further health difficulties
may occur."= Kin co the tlueu carbohydrates, no phai sir dung protein de cung cap nang lirong, mot qua trinh diroc
goi la gluconeogenesis. Qua trinh nay co the din den thieu protein.
^ This = sir dung protein de cung cap nang lirong.
Question 8. A. a protein supply
Theo bai klioa, dieu nao diroi day khong dimg de mieu ta ve carbohydrates?
"They provide the main source of energy for the body, and they also function to flavor and sweeten foods.
Carbohydrates range from simple sugars like glucose to complex sugars such as amylose and 5

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amylopectm." => B. C. D deu co: can thiet, ciuig cap dirdng, cung cap nang lupng. => A. cung cap protein kliong
dupe nhac den. Question 9. C. informative Giong dieu cua tac gia la gi?
^ Tac gia enng cap rat nhieu thong tin lien quail den carbohydrates ! dinh nghia, cau tao, chuc nang, ... =>
mang tinh cung cap thong tin. Question 10. D. definition and example
Dieu nao dirdi day mieu ta cliinli xac nliat cach to cliuc cua van ban?
Mo dau doan van, tac gia neu dnili nghia ve carbohydrates, sau do tac gia neu cac chuc nang cua carbohydrates va
lay vi du minh hoa. -> Cach to chuc la dinli ngliia va minh hoa.
fi™ De bai
doc 16:
Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Environmental Concerns
Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life. (11) _________________
human activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world carries on consuming (12)
___________ of the world's resources while half of the world's population do so just to stay
(13)_ . we are rapidly destroying the only resource we have (14)_
_______________ which all people can
survive and prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is (15) _________ built on or washed into the sea. Renewable
resources are exploited so much that they will never be able to recover (16) We discharge
pollutants into the atmosphere without any thought of the consequences. As a (17) ____________ , the planet's
ability to support people is being reduced at the very time when rising human numbers and consumption are
making increasingly heavy demands on it.
The Earth's (18)________ resources are there for us to use. We need food, water, air, energy,
medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to (19) __________ us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If we
are sensible in how we use the resources they will last indefinitely. But if we use them wastefully and excessively
they will soon (20) ___________________and everyone will suffer.
Question 11: A. Still B. Despite C. Yet D. Although
Question 12: A. two-thirds B. two- third C. two-three D. two-threes
Question 13: A. survival B. alive Coexistent J D. live
Question 14: A. on B. at D. by
Question 15: A. sooner B.rather C. either D. neither
Question 16: A. completely B. quite C. greatly D. utterly
Question 17: A. result B. product C. development D. reaction
Question 18: A. natural B. real Question 19: A. stay B. keep C. living D. genuine
C. maintain D. hold
Question 20: A. run out B. run away C. run up D. run off
Dap an:
Question 11. Dap an C. Yet
Yet = the nhung = But. Still = van. Despite = Although s Trai dat la 1101 duy nliat tren vu tru nay co the cung
cap noi 6 cho loai ngudi. The nhung nhung hoat dong cua con ngudi lai dang khien trai dat dan dan mat di
kha nang cung cap 1101 6 cho con ngudi.

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Question 12. Dap an A. two-thirds

Cach viet phan so: Tir so la so dem, mau so la so thir tir. Klii tir so Ion hon mot tlii phai them "s" vao san mlu s6
Question 13. Dap an B. alive
Stay + adj = song; duy tri 6 tinh trang nao. Alive (adj) = con song Question 14. Dap an D. by
By = bang cach nao. (song va phat trien bang cac nguon tai nguyen tren trai dat) Question 15. Dap an C. either
Either ... or = ... hoac la. Question 16. Dap an A. completely
Recover = hoi phuc. Completely = hoan toan. Quite = kha. Greatly = Ion, nhieu. Utterly = circ ki, hoan toan
Question 17. Dap an A. result
As a result, menh de = Ket qua la,... Question 18. Dap an A. natural Natural resources = cac nguon tai nguyen
thien nhien Question 19. Dap an B. keep
Keep somebody + adj/Ved = duy tri ai 6 tinh trang nao Question 20. Dap an A. run out
Run out = het, can kiet
De bai doc 17:
Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete each blank below.
"Ask your pharmacist first" Minor illnesses have a nasty habit of striking
(11) ________________________________________________ the wrong time, don't they ? (12)

you have a pile of things to do at work and even more on your plate at home, the last thing you
want is a (13) ___________ throat or a tension headache to drag you down. (14) ___________________ this
summer, when you're feeling (15) __________ the weather, remember that a visit to your (16) ______________
pharmacy (17) _____________ be a real bobus real bonus in helping you get the right remedy to ease
your symptoms. But it's not (18) ______________ _ the meication the medication that assists the cure -
only at a pharmacy will you find expert (19) ____________ from a highly trained health professional. Just
try asking a supermarket shelf what it (20) ________________ for family health problems.
Question 11. A. for B. at C. in D. to
Question 12. A. However B. Although B. Despite C. When
Question 13. A. sore B. cut C. hurt D. injured
Question 14. A. Then
B. As C. On D. So
Question 15. A. beneath B. under C. Over D. below
Question 16. A. national B. local C. domestic D. nattive
Question 17. A. did B. ought C. must D. can
Question 18. A. as B. since* UK Cfthen D. just
Question 19. A. messages B. preparation C. therapy D. advice
Question 20. A. recommends B. commands C. orders D. wants
Dap an:
Question 11. Dap an la B. at the wrong time = wrongly, badly: sai, kliong tot Question 12. Dap an la D. when :
klri^j (lien tit 1101 menh de elii thai gian)
Cac tu con lai: However: mac du ( dung 6 dau cau, sau co dau pliay ); altliough + clause: mac du ( clii
sir tuong phan); despite + N/ V-mg: mac du
Question 13. Dap an la A. sore throat: benli dau hong
Cac tir con lai: cut: bi cat, huit: bi ton thirong; injured: bj thirong

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Question 14. Dap an la D. So: vi vay..,( lien tir clii ket qua )
Cac tir con lai: then: sau do, as : boi vi (=because ), kin (=when ), 011: gioi tir, tuy nhien kliong di voi danh tir clii
mua "summer"
Question 15. Dap an la B: feel/be + under the weather: cam thay khong dirpc khoe do thai tiet Question 16. Dap an
la B. local pharmacy: hieu thuoc 6 dia phirong
Cac tir con lai: native: thuoc tir nhien, bam sinh; national: thuoc quoc gia; domestic: thuoc trong nude Question 17.
Dap an la D. can: co the ( clii kha nang )
Cac tir con lai: must: phai ( chi sir bat buoc ); ought (+to): nen ( chi I61 kliuyen); did: bp dong tir qua kliir
Question 18. Dap an la D. Just dupe dung de nlian manh,chi dich danli sir viec, voi nghia "dung" hay " chinh"
Question 19. Dap an la D. expert advice : I61 kliuyen mang tinh chuyen 111011 Cac tir con lai: messages: nhung
tliong diep, tin nhan; preparation: sir chuan bi; therapy : lieu phap Question 20. Dap an la A. recommend: gioi
thieu, tien cu Cac tir con lai: command: yeu cau; order: ra lenh, want: 11111011

De bai doc 18:

Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Alzheimer's disease impairs a person's ability to recall memories, both distant and as recent as a few hours
before. Although there is not yet a cure for the illness, there may be hope for a cure with a protein called nerve
growth factor. The protein is produced by nerve cells in the same region of the brain where Alzheimer's occurs.
Based 011 tins relationship, scientists from the University of Lunch 111 Sweden and the University of California at
San Diego designed an experiment to test whether doses of nerve growth factor could reverse the effects of memory
loss caused by Alzheimer's. Using a group of rats with impaired memory, the scientists gave half of the rats doses of
nerve growth factor while giving the other half a blood protein as a placebo, thus creating a control group. At the
end of the four- week test, the rats given the nerve growth factor performed equally to rats with normal memory
abilities. While the experiments do not show that nerve growth factor can stop the general process of deterioration
caused by Alzheimer's, they do show potential as a means to slowing the process significantly.
Question 1. With what topic is this passage mainly concerned?
A. impaired memory of patients
B. cures for Alzheimer's disease
C. the use of rats as experimental subjects
D. nerve growth factor as a cure for Alzheimer's

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Question 2. The word "impairs" in line 1 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. affects
B. destroys
C. enhances
D. diminishes lOQfr
Question 3. According to the passage, where is nerve growth factor produced in the body?
A. in nerve cells in the spinal column
B. in red blood cells in the circulatory system
C. in nerve cells in the brain
D. in the pituitary gland
Question 4. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "region" ?

A. vicinity
B. plain
C. expanse
D. orbit
Question 5. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Alzheimer's disease is deadly.
B. Though unsuccessful, the experiments did show some benefits derived from nerve growth factor. OW®1-
C. The experiments did not show any significant benefits from nerve growth factor.
D. More work needs to be done to understand the effects of nerve growth factor. Question 6. Which of the
following could best replace the word "significantly" in the last time?
A. considerably B. knowingly C. suggestively D. tirelessly
Question 7: Which of the following could best replace the word "potential" in line 16?
A. possibility
B. capability
C. dependability
D. creativity
Question 8: The word "they" in the passage refers to ______________
A. scientists
B. memory abilities
C. rats
D. experiments
Question 9. The passage most closely resembles which of the following patterns of organization?
A. chronological order
B. statement and illustration
C. cause effect
D. alphabetical order
Question 10. The relationship between nerve growth factor and a protein is similar to the relationship between
Alzheimer's and ________________________
A. forgetfulness
B. a disease

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C. a cure

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D. a cancer Dap an:

Question 1 D. nerve growth factor as a cure for Alzheimer's Chu de chinh
cua doan van la gi?
+ "there is not yet a cure for the illness, there may be hope for a cure with i protein called nerve growth factor"
+ "whether doses of nerve growth factor could reverse the effects of memory loss caused by Alzheimer's"
O Bai khoa xoay quanh " nerve growth factor" - mot yeu to phat trien than kmh co kha nang chong lai anli
hirong mat tri nha cua benh Alzheimer's. Question 2. D. diminishes Tir "impairs" dong nghia voi tir nao? Impair
(v): lam suy giam, yeu di = diminish
Affect (v): anhhirong ; enhance (v): tang cirong; destroy (v); phaihuy Question 3. C. in nerve cells in
the brain
Theo bai khoa, chat phat trien day than kmh diroc sinh ra tir dau?
"a protein called nerve growth factor. The protein is produced by nerve IQOIV^^cells in the same region of the
brain where Alzheimer's occursMot loai protein diroc goi la chat phat trien than kinh. Loai protein
nay diroc san xinli ra boi cac te bao than kinh 6 cimg kliu virc voi vimg nao bj Alzheimer's => diroc
sinh ra 6 cac te bao than kinh 6 vimg nao
Question 4. A. vicinity
tir " region" dong nghia voi tir nao?
Region (n): viing, khu virc = vicinity
Expanse (n): khu virc long Ion ; orbit (n): quy dao; plam (n): dong bang
Question 5. D. More work needs to be done to understand the effects of nerve growth factor.
x 9

Dieu gi co the suy ra tir noi dung cua bai khoa?

"At the end of the four-week test, .......... While the experiments do not show that nerve growth factor
can stop the general process of deterioration caused by Alzheimer's, they do show potential as a means to slowing
the process significantly '= Vao cuoi cuoc thi nghiem dai 4 tuan, ... Mac dii cac cuoc till nghiem khong cho thay
chat phat trien than kinh co the ngan chan qua trinh pha huy gan ra boi benh Alzheimer's, nhung cac thi nghiem nay
cho thay tiem nang giup lam chap qua trinh suy giam do rat Ion. => Can phai co nliieu no lire hon liua de tim liieu
ve "nerve growth factor". Question 6. A. considerably
Significantly (adv): mot cach dang ke, Ion = considerably
Knowingly (adv): cliu tam, co y ; tirelessly (adv): mot cach khong met moi; suggestively (adv): co tinh

Question 7: A. possibility
Potential = possibility (n): kha nang, tiem nang
.... cac tlii nghiem nay cho thay tiem nang giup lam chap qua trinh suy giam do rat Ion. Question
8: D. experiments
Tir "they" o day la chi den "experiments" cac cuoc thi nghiem.

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Mac dii cac cuoc thi ngliiem kliong cho thay chat phat tnen than kinh co the ngan chan qua trinh pha
huy gaii ra boi benli Alzheimer's, nhung cac thi lighiem nay cho thay tiem nang giiip lam chap qua
trinh suy giam do rat Ion.
Question 9: B. statement and illustration
Tac gia da to chuc bai khoa nhu the nao?
Dau tien, tac gia dua ra chu de ve vai tro cua chat phat tiien than kinh trong viec lam chain lai hau qua cua benli
Alzheimer's, sau do, tac gia dua ra cac vi du minh hoa ve cac cuoc tlii nghiem chat nay.
Neu van de va lay vi du minh hoa.
Question 10. B. a disease
Moi quail he giua chat pliat then than kinh va mot loai protein giong voi moi quail he giua Alzheimer's va....? fi^
Chat phat tiien than kinh la mot loai protein san smh ra => Alzheimer's la mot can benh => Moi quail lie giua chat
pliat tnen than kinh voi mot loai protein giong moi quail he giua Alzheimer's va mot can benli.

De bai doc 19:

Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Thanks to our modern lifestyle, with more and more time spent sitting down in front of computers than ever
before, the number of overweight people is at a new high. As people frantically search for a solution to this
problem, they often try some of the popular fad diets being offered. Many people see fad diets as innocuous ways
of losing weight, and they are grateful to have them. Unfortunately, not only don't fad diets usually do tlie hick,
they can actually be dangerous for your health.
Although permanent weight loss is the goal, few are able to achieve it. Experts estimate that 95 percent of
dieters return to their starting weight, or even add weight. While the reckless use of fad diets can bring some initial
results, long-term results are very rare.
Nonetheless, people who are fed up with the difficulties of changing their eating habits often turn to fad diets.
Rather than being moderate, fad diets involve extreme dietary changes. They advise eating only one type of food,
or they prohibit other types of foods entirely. This results in a situation where a person's body doesn't get all the
vitamins and other tilings that it needs to stay healthy.
One popular fad diet recommends eating lots of meat and animal products, while nearly eliminating
carbohydrates. A scientific study from Britain found that this diet is very high in fat. According to the study, the
increase of damaging fats in the blood can lead to heart disease and, in extreme cases, kidney failure. Furthermore,
diets that are too low in carbohydrates can cause the body to use its own muscle for energy. The less muscle you
have, the less food you use up, and the result is slower weight loss.
Veteran dieters may well ask at tins point, "What is the ideal diet?" Well, to some extent, it depends on the
individual. A United States government agency has determined that to change your eating habits requires changing
your psychology of eating, and everyone has a different psychology. That being said, the British study quoted
above recommends a diet that is high in carbohydrates and high in fiber, with portions of fatty foods kept low.
According to the study, such a diet is the best for
people who want to stay healthy, lose weight, and keep that weight off. And, any dieting program is best undertaken
with a doctor's supervision Question 1: What is the author's mam point?
A. Reckless fat dieting probably takes weight off the fastest.
B. Most people shouldn't tiy to lose weight
C. High-protein diets can make you sick.

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D. Fad diets are ineffective and unsafe; high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets are best. Question 2:
According to the passage, why are there more overweight people nowadays?
A. They are using fad diets.
B. They spend a lot of time in front of computers.
C. They have heart disease.
D. They are eating more protein than ever before.
Question 3: After losing weight by dieting, what usually happens to people?
A. they have kidney failure
B. they gain weight back again
C. they keep the weight off
D. they have less muscle
Question 4: Which of the following best expresses the essential information in paragraph 3?
A. Fed up people turn to fad diets, which, being too extreme, don't give the body everything it needs.
B. People are fed up with fad diets and turn to diets which provide what the body needs.
C. People prefer fad dieting to moderate dieting because it requires fewer foods to give the body what it needs.
D. Fad diets give fed up people the moderate dietary changes they need to get all the required vitamins.
Question 5: Which is not mentioned as an effect of the meat and animal product diet?
A. heart disease
B. slower weight loss
C. psychological changes
D. kidney failure
Question 6: According to the passage, why does the ideal diet depend in the individual?
A. The less muscle you have, the less food you use up.
B. Everyone can gain weight back.
C. Everyone has a different psychology.
D. Everyone likes different food.
Question 7: According to the passage, what diet does a British study recommend?
A. a meat and animal product diet
B. a diet high in carbohydrates, low in fiber, and high in fat.
C. a fad diet but with healthier foods.
D. a diet high in carbohydrates, low in fiber, and low in fat.
Question 8: The word " innocuous" 111 the paragraph 1 can be best replaced by ____________________ .
A. helpful
B. harmless
C. effective
D. beneficial
Question 9: What does the word "this' in paragraph 3 refer to? changing eating habits.
B. that people change their habits.
C. extreme dietary change
D. eating one type of food.
Question 10: What does the writer imply in the last paragraph?
There are many different ways of dieting.

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The best way of dieting is psychological.

There is no such a thing called best diet for all.
Dieting takes a lot of psychology. Dap
Question 1: D. Fad diets are ineffective and unsafe; high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets are best. Y cliinli cua tac gia
la gi?
Skimming nhirng cau dau va cuoi cua bai khoa, cac key words trong cac cau 6 doan giua.
+ "not only don't fad diets usually do the hick, they can actually be dangerous for your health." = che do an
kieng thinh hanh cliang nhirng la tro lira doi ma con co hai cho sire klieo cua ban.
+ "the British study quoted above recommends a diet that is high in carbohydrates and high m fiber, with
portions of fatty foods kept low. According to the study, such a diet is the best for people who want to stay healthy,
lose weight, and keep that weight off." = an cac do an giau carbohydrates va nlueu chat xo, giam do beo rat tot cho
nguoi mudn song klieo manh va giam beo.
^ Che do ankieng thinh hanh kliong hieu qua va an toan, mot che do an giau carbohydrates va it chat beo moi la
tot nhat. Question 2: B. They spend a lot of time in front of computers. Theo bai klioa, tai sao ngay nay lai co nhieu
nguoi bj beo phi?
"Thanks to our modem lifestyle, with more and more time spent sitting down in front of computers than ever
before, the number of overweight people is at a new high" => Do cuoc song hien dia, 11101 ngiroi ngoi i tnroc may
tinh nhieu hon nen so lirong ngiroi beo phi tang len. Question 3: B. they gain weight back again
Sau kin giam can bang an kieng, dieu gi luon xay ra doi voi chung ta? "Experts estimate that 95 percent of dieters
return to their starting weight, or even add weight." = Cac chuyen gia uoc tinli rang 95% nhung ngiroi an kieng bi
beo tro lai va tham clii la tang can hon. Question 4: A. Fed up people turn to fad diets, which, being too extreme,
don't give the body everything it needs.
Cau nao diroi day dien ta cliinli xac nhat thong tin can thiet trong doan 3?
+ "people who are fed up with the difficulties of changing their eating habits often turn to fad diets.
Rather than being moderate, fad diets involve extreme dietary changes ...................This results in a situation
where a person's body doesn't get all the vitamins and other things that it needs to stay healthy." => Nhung ngiroi
chan nan voi nhirng kho khan cua viec thay doi thoi quen an uong thuong tim den cach an kieng thinli hanh. Dieu
nay dan den tinh trang co the khong co du vitamin va nhung thir can thiet khac de klioe manh. Question 5: C.
psychological changes
Dieu gi kliong dupe nhac den nlur la hau qua cua cac bua an co thit gia che bien tir dong vat? Tat ca cac
dap an khac dung vi:
"the increase of damaging fats in the blood can lead to heart disease and, in extreme cases, kidney failure.
Furthermore, diets that are too low in carbohydrates can cause the body to use its own muscle for energy. The less
muscle you have, the less food you use up, and the result is slower weight loss. "
< Khong co C. thay doi ve tam ly Question 6: C. Everyone has a different psychology.
Theo bai khoa, tai sao che do an kieng ly tudng lai phu thuoc vao timg doi tupng? Doan cuoi: "to change your eating
habits requires changing your psychology of eating, and everyone has a different psychology."=> De thay doi thoi
quen an uong cua ban tlii can phai thay doi ca tam ly ve an uong, moi ngiroi co mot tam ly khac lihau
Question 7: D. a diet high in carbohydrates, low in fiber, and low in fat.
Theo bai khoa, mot nghien cim 6 niroc Anli da kliuyen nen tlieo che do an kieng nhir the nao?
"the British study quoted above recommends a diet that is high in carbohydrates and high in fiber,
with portions of fatty foods kept low." = an cac do an giau carbohydrates va nhieu chat xo, giam do

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beo rat tot cho ngiroi muon song klieo manh va giam beo.
Question 8: B. harmless
Innocuous (a): vo hai, kliong co hai = hannless
Useful (a): c6 ich
Beneficial (a): co lpi
Effective (a): hieu qua.

Question 9: D. eating one type of food.

Tir "tins" trong doan 3 chi den tir nao? => Thay cac lira chon vao vi. tri tir 'tins" xa xet nghia ciia cau. "They advise
eating only one type of food, or they prohibit other types of foods entirely. This results in a situation where a
person's body doesn't get all the vitamins and other things that it needs to stay healthy."
^ Che do an kieng tliinli hinh kliuyen moi ngiroi clii an 1 loai thuc an duy nhat, cam an cac loai khac hoan toan.
"Viec an 1 tliir" nlur vay klnen co the thieu vitamin va cac chat can thiet. Question 10: C. There is no such a thing
called best diet for all. Tac gia ngu y gi trong doan van cuoi ? => Doc that ky ca doan va dua ra ket luan.
"to some extent, it depends on the individual ................to change your eating habits requires changing your
psychology of eating, and everyone has a different psychology." =>0 1 mire do nao do, clie do an con phu thuoc vao
timg nguoi, de thay doi thoi quen an uong thi can phai thay doi tam ly an uong va 11101 ngiroi lai co 1 tam ly khac
nhau. => Khong co mot che do an nao la tot nhat cho tat ca 11101 ngiroi (moi ngiroi lai ap dung 1 che do rieng)
n vsv
De bai doc 20:
Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Health is something we tend to (11) _____ when we have it. When our body is doing well, we are
hardly (12) ____ of it. But illness can come, even (13) ________ we are young. In fact, childhood has been
a very susceptible time. Many diseases attack children in particular, and people know very little (14) to cure
them once they struck. The result was that many children died. About a century

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ago, (15)_ _of

many diseases was found, and cures were developed. As this medical discovery spread, the world
became (17) _______ safer for children. The result is that (18) _______________ a hundred years ago, the
average man lived for 35 years, nowadays, in many areas of the world, people can (19) to live
for 75 years. And what do we expect by the year 2020 ? Undoubtedly, medical science will continue to (20) .
Some people will be able to avoid medical problems that are unavoidable today.
_, scientists found out about germs, and then everything changed. The (16)_

Question 11 A. throw away B ignore C. give up D. forget

Question 12 A. keen B awake C. concerned D. aware
Question 13 A. if B. while C. when D. so
Question 14 A. when B how C. which D. what
A.therefore .
Question 15 B moreover
lam gi. Ignore = 16 di. Give upC.= however
tir bo. throw away = virt bo. D.forget
Question 16 A. reason B origin C. source D. cause
. vtv
Question 17 A. quite B more C. very tl A^H gio;C.
>i c;
ai gi. Awake
when D. muchtinh tlurc.
Question 18 A. why B where D. whereas
Question 19 A. expect B desire C. want D.hope
Question 20 A.speed up B run C. accelerate D. advance
mac du
Dap an
Question 11 Dap an
)mething. Origin = nguon goc. soui'ce
Tend to V =1co khu' quen
Question 12. Dap an D
Aware of something = nhan thuc duoc cai gi. Keen on something concerned = lo lang,
quail tam Question 13 Dap an C
Even when = tham chi khi. If = neu. while = trong khi. So = vi tlie Question 14. Dap an B
Know how to V = biet cach lam gi Question 15. Dap an C
However = tuy nhien. Therefore = vi the. Moreover = honnua. although Question 16 Dap
an D
Cause of something = nguyen nhan gay ra cai gi = reason for so: nguon (tai nguyen)
Question 17. Dap an D

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Much + tinli tir dang so sanli hon = ... hon nliieu. much safer = an toan hon nhieu Question
18 Dap an D 1
Whereas = trong khi (do). Why Question 19 Dap an A
Expect to V= hi vong, ki vong lam duoc gi. desire vong
Question 20. Dap an D
Advance (v) = tien tnen, phat tnen. speed up = tang toe. run chay. accelerate = rao birdc, tang nhanh

(li do) tai sao. Where = 1101 ma. When = khi ma

kliat khao, mo udc. want to V muon. hope = lii

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De bai 39c 21:

Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
The diseases related to smoking are a big problems. Doctors think that the annual medical cost for lung cancer,
heart disease, and other illnesses connected to smoking is between 12 and 35 million pounds.
And smoking costs society money in other ways. Between 27 and 61 billion pounds is spent each year 011 sick
days when people don't go to work, 011 wages that you don't get when you don't go to work. And on work lost at the
company when you are sick.
This money counts the wages from people who die of cancer at young age and stop paying taxes. This does not
count fires started by cigarettes, which kill fifteen hundred people yearly and injure another four thousand. Smoking
costs every man, woman and child in the UK from one hundred and ten to two hundred and fifty pounds each year
in the lost work and wages. When you add another fifty to one hundred and fifty pounds yearly in insurance cost,
that comes to one hundred and sixty to four hundred and ten pounds. If everyone stopped smoking, a family of four
could have up to one thousand six hundred and forty pounds a year more.
Smoking will also cause other problems. People who don't smoke will live longer and so they will take more
money from the government when they are old. But they will also work for more years and pay more taxes.
In the end, the value of a non-smoking nation is not in pounds. The good health of the people is the true value
for us all.
Question 1: Every year companies lose _______ because of the disease.
A. work B. wages C. time D. money Question 2: If everyone stopped smoking, all the United
Kingdom _______________________________________________________ .
A. would have less money
B. would have more money
C. would have no more problems
D. would live longer
Question 3: If everyone stopped smoking, a family of four could have __________ more each year.
A. from $160 to $410
B. from $110 to $250
C. from $1,500 to $4,000
D. $1,640
Question 4: The true value for the UK of not smoking is u nave _____ more c
A. good health Hooti*
B. more money
C. more working
D. more taxes Question 5: The text is bout .
A. diseases that smokers get .viv
B. how much smoking costs the UK
C. how much the UK get if everyone stopped smoking

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D. taxes which are not paid by smokes Dap an:

Question 1: A. work
Scanning "companies", "lose", "smoking"
"And smoking costs society money in other ways .... And on work lost at the company when you are sick."
'=;> Hut thuoc gay ton kem ve tien bac cho xa hoi bang nhung cach khac nhau. Cac cong ty bj mat di klioi luong
cong viec ma le ra ban se lam kin ban 6m. Question 2: B. would have more money Neu nhir moi ngiroi dung hut
thuoc thi niroc Anh se ra sao?
"Smoking costs eveiy man, woman and child in the UK .... If everyone stopped smoking, a family of four could
have up to one thousand six hundred and forty pounds a year more." =s§ Neu vay, mot gia dinli 4 nguoi co the tiet
kiem them 1640 pound moi nam. => Se co nhieu tien hon. Question 3: D. $1,640
"If everyone stopped smoking, a family of four could have up to one thousand six hundred and forty pounds a
year more." => Neu vay, mot gia dinli 4 ngiroi co the tiet kiem them 1640 pound moi nam. => Se co nhieu tien hon.
Question 4: A. good health
"In the end, the value of a non-smoking nation is not in pounds. The good health of the people is the tine value for
us all." => Gia tri dich thirc cua mot quoc gia kliong hut thuoc kliong pliai la 6 tien ma la sire klieo cho moi nguoi.
Question 5: B. how much smoking costs the UK Doan
van chii yeu noi ve cai gi:
Dau tien tac gia neu tac hai ciia hut thuoc doi voi sire klioe: "The diseases related to smoking are a big problems"
Sau do la cac thiet hai ve vat chat cua viec hut thuoc: " mat tien, mat lirong khi kliong lam viec vi bi. benh, bi om do
hut thuoc." Tiep theo la loi ich cua 1 quoc gia kliong hut thuoc: " sire klieo cho moi ngiroi" ^ Bai viet noi ve van de
hut thuoc da gay thiet hai nhu the nao doi voi nuoc Anh.

De bai doc 22: jtaoiv.vtt

Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answ
indicate the correct answer to each of the blanks.
Hypatia was born in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 370 A.D. For many centuries, she was (11) ______________
only woman scientist to have a place in the history books.
Hypatia's father was director of Alexandria University, and he (12) ____________ sure his daughter had
the best education available. This was unusual, as most women then had few (13) _____________ to study.
After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria (14) _________________ she began
teaching mathematics. She soon became famous (15) ___ her knowledge of new ideas.

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We have no copies of her book, (16) _______________ we know that she wrote several important
mathematical works. Hypatia was as also intealso interested in technology and (17) __________________________
tools to help with her work.
At the (18) many rulers were afraid of science, and (19) connected with it
was in danger. One day in March 415, Hypatia (20) Question 11: A. aattacked in the street and killed.
Question 12: A. could Question B. the C. one D. an
13: A. teachers Question 14: A. B. put C. made D. said
where Question 15: A. for B. classes C. opportunities D. customs
Question 16: A. or:re B. there C. how D. which
Question 17: A. didiOU< B. in C. by D. from
Question 18: A. time B. as C. because D. but
Question 19: A. something B.learnt B. day C. experimented ^ | C. D. invented D.
Question 20: A. had Dap an: period®**' year
Question 11. Dap an B.anyone C.nobody D. all
B. has C. was D. is
"the only + noun'j^... duy nhat
Question 12. Dap an C
Cum "make suie [of something (that)... ]: lam de chac chan la, chac Question
13 Dap an C "opportunity": co hoi
Hau het phu nir thai do co rat it co hoi de hoc tap
Question 14. Dap an A
"where" la menh de quan he, duoc thay the cho Alexandria a phia triroc
Question 15. Dap an A j ' ^ ' Cau tnic "famous for...": noi tieng
vi, do.... Question 16 Dap anD
"but": nhung, dung de noi 2 ve doi lap cua mot cau Chung ta khong co ban sao sach cua ba ay, nliung cluing ta biet
rang ba da viet nhieu tac pham toan hoc quan trong Question 17. Dap anD "mvent": tao ra, sang tao ra
Hypatia cung rat quail tam den cong nghe va sang tao nhieu dung cu de giiip ich
An.*11trong cong viec
Question 18. Dap an A Cum "At the time": luc do, khi ay Question 19 Dap an B "something":
nhung thu
"anyone" va "nobody" khong dung trong can khang dinh "all" tlii khong dung, vi phia truoc co tii many


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Question 20 Dap an C

'was attacked": bi tail congDay la cau dang bi dong trong qua khu vi hanh dong nay da ket thiic trong qua klu'r roi.

De bai 39c 23:

Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
In the 1960s, The Beatles were probably the most famous pop group in the whole world. Since then, there have
been a great many groups that have achieved enormous fame, so it is perhaps difficult now to imagine how
sensational The Beatles were at that time. They were four boys from the north of England and none of them had
any training in music. They started by performing and recording songs by black Americans and they had some
success with these songs. Then they started writing their own songs and that was when they became really popular.
The Beatles changed pop music. They were the first pop group to achieve great success from songs they had written
themselves. After that it became common for groups and singers to write their own songs.
The Beatles did not have a long career. Their first hit record was in 1963 and they split up in 1970. They
stopped doing live performances in 1966 because it had become too dangerous for them - their fans were so excited
that they surrounded them and tried to take their clothes as souvenirs! However, today some of their songs remain
as famous as they were when they first came out. Throughout the world many people can sing part of a Beatles song
if you ask them.
Question 1: The passage is mainly about ______________________
A. how the Beatles became more successful than other groups.
B. why the Beatles split up after 7 years.
C. the Beatles' fame and success.
D. many people's ability to sing a Beatles song. Question 2: The
four boys of the Beatles __________________________________
A. came from the same family.
B. wrote their own songs.
C. came from a town in the north of England.
D. received good training in music.
Question 3: The word "sensational'^ closest in meaning to A. notorious
00»< .viv
B. bad
C. shocking
D. popular
Question 4: The first songs of the Beatles were __________________
A. written by themselves.
B. broadcast on the radio.

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C. paid a lot of money.

D. written by black Americans. Question 5: What is not true
about the Beatles?
A. The members had no training in music.
B. They had a long stable career.
C. They became famous when they wrote their own songs.
D. They were afraid of being hurt by fans. Question 6: The Beatles
stopped their live performances because
A. they had earned enough money.
B. they did not want to work with each other.
C. they spent more time writing their own songs. .vtv
D. they were afraid of being hurt by fans. Question 7: The year 1970
was the time when ___________________________________________
A. they split up.
B. they changed pop music.
C. they started their career.
D. they stopped singing live. Question 8: What the fans of the Beatles often
did was _________________________________________________________
A. sing together with them.
B. take their clothes as souvenirs. .vn
C. ask them to write more songs.
D. ask them why they should separate. Question 9: Some songs of the
Beatles now
A. are still famous as they used to be.
ClCl lil^J UOVU IU LfV-

B. became too old to

C. are sung by crazj
D. are the most famous. Question 10: The tone of the passage is that of.
admiration .vtv
criticism HO©!*

Dap an:
Question 1: C. tire Beatles' fame and success.
Ap dimg ky nang Skimming.
+ "The Beatles were probably the most famous pop group in the whole world" + "today some
of their songs remain as famous as they were when they first came out'
' ■ •' n i «k i ■
O Bai khoa cliu yeu noi ve sir noi tieng va thanh cong cua nhom nliac Beatles.
Question 2: B. wrote their own songs.

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"Then they started writing then own songs and that was when they became really popular." = Sau do hp bat
dau biet cac ca khuc cho chinh I10 va nhung bai hat do trd nen rat thinh hanh. => 4 chang trai cua nhom nhac
Beatles da tu sang tac nhac cho rieng I10. Question 3: C. shocking
sensational (a): rat an tupng, gay soc, gay kmli ngac = shocking. tioott Question 4: D. written by black
Americans. Scanning "the first songs"
- "They started by performing and recording songs by black Americans"
= Ho bat dau the hien va tliu am cac ca khiic cua nguoi My da den. => Nhung bai hat dau tien cua nhom nliac
Beatles dupe viet bdi nhung nguoi My da den. Question 5: B. They had a long stable career.
Bieu gi dudi day khong dung kin 1101 ve nlidm nliac Beatles?
- "The Beatles did not have a long career. Their first hit record was in 1963 and they split up in 1970"
^ Beatles khong co mot sir nghiep dai on dinh. Nhom nliac ban gin am dau tien nam 1963 va tan ra nam 1970.
Question 6: D. they were afraid of being hurt by fans. Scanning " live performances"
- "They stopped domg live performances in 1966 because it had become too dangerous for them - their fans
were so excited that they surrounded them and tried to take their clothes as souvenirs!"
= Hp dung bieu dien nliac song nam 1966 vi fans quail lay hp va co gang lay ao cua hp de lam ky mem, dieu
do rat nguy hiem doi vdi hp. Question 7: A. they split up. Scanning " 1970"
"Then* first hit record was in 1963 and they split up in 1970." => Nam 1970, nhom nliac tan ra. Question 8: B.
take their clothes as souvenirs. Scanning "fans of the Beatles"
- "then fans were so excited that they surrounded them and tried to take their clothes as souvenirs!"
O Fans cua nhom nhac thddng lay quail ao ciia hp de lam ky mem. Question 9: A. are still famous as they
used to be. Scanning "songs" va "now"
- "today some of then songs remani as famous as they were when they fnst came out"
= Ben nay, mot so ca kliiic cua nhom nliac nay van noi tieng nlur kin chung mdi dupe ra mat khan
Question 10: A. admiration
Qua cac tliong tni mieu ta sir thanh cong cua ban nliac ta tliay tac gia viet ve nhom nliac Beatles bang giong
ngudng mo.

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De bai d<?c 24:

Read the following passage and mark A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate cate the co
the correct word for each of the blanks.
One of the most urgent environment problems in the world today is the shortage of clean
Having clean drinking water is a basic human right. But acid rain, (11) ____________________ pollution and
garbage have made many sources of water undrinkable. Lakes and even entire seas have become large
pools (12) ___________ poison. Lake Baikal in Russia is one of largest lake in the world. It
(13) __________ a rich variety of animals and plants, including 1,300 rare species that do not exist (14)
_________ else in the world. But they are being destroyed by the massive volumes of industrial
pollutants which (15) ___________ into the lake everyday. Even where law existed, the government did
not have the power to enforce them.
Most industries simply ignore the regulations. The Mediterranean Sea (16) _________________ 1% of
the world's water surface. But it is the dumping (17) __________________ for 50% of all marine pollution.
Almost sixteen countries regularly throw industrial wastes a few miles (18) ____________
Water is free to everyone. A few years ago people thought that the supply of clean water in the world
was limitless. Today, many water supplies have been (19) ___________________ by pollution and sewage.
Clean water is now scarce, and we are at last beginning to
respect this precious (20) ________________________________________________________________ .
We should do B. industry B. C. industrial D. industrialized
something now. in C.of
Question 11: A. industrious B. contains B. D. to
Question 12: A. on Question somewhere B. C. encloses C. D.
13: A. composes Question pour B. everywhere C. consist
14: A. where Question 15: A. occupies B. boil C. s D.
stay Question 16: A. makes land B. of B. comprises C. anywh
Question 17: A. shore kept B. outlet ground C. on ere D.
Question 18: A. away C. made C. burn D.
Question 19: A. ruined nature holds
Question 20: A. well
%££/• source
D. soil
Dap an: D. off
Question 11: C. industrial D. conserved
■=> Can 1 tinh tir bo sung nghia cho danli tir
"pollution and garbage" ; industrial pollution and garbage: o nhiem va rac thai
cong ngliiep. Question 12: C. of
■=> Pool of poison: ho chira chat doc
hai. Question 13: B. contains
o Contain (v): chira; Ho Baikal chira rat nlneu loai dong thirc vat.
Question 14: D. anywhere

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■=> Diing any clio cau phu dinh; Ho Baikal chira rat nhieu loai dong thirc vat, bao gom 1300 loai kliong con
ton tai 6 bat ky 1101 nao kliac tien the gioi. Question 15: B. pour

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o Pour into: do vao; Mot luong Ion chat thai cong nghiep do vao ho moi ngay.
Question 16: B. occupies
■=> Occupy (v): cliiem, cluem bao nhieu phan
Question 17: C. ground
■=> Dumping group: kliu do rac thai Question 18: D. off
■=> Offshore: ngoai bien, khong thuoc tren ba. Question 19: A. ruined
o Ruined (p2): bi plia huy; nhieu nguon niroc da bi plia huy boi o nhiem va rac thai
Question 20: D. source
O Precious somes: nhung nguon tai nguyen quy gia.

Be bai doc 25:

Read the following passage and choose the correct letter A, B, C, D for each of the questions from 21- 30.
(1) The sauce that is today called ketchup (or catsup) in Western cultures is a tomato - based sauce that is quite
distinct from Eastern ancestors of this product. A sauce called ke-tjap was in used in China at least as early as the
17th century, but the Chinese version of the sauce was made of picked fish, shellfish, and spices. The popularity
of this Chinese sauce spread to Singapore and Malaysia, where it was called kechap. The Indonesian (5) ketjab
derives its name from the same source of the Malysian sauce but is made from very different ingredients. The
Indonesian ketjab is made by cooking black soy beans, fermenting them, placing them in a salt brine for at least a
week , cooking the resulting solution further, and sweetening it heavily; this process results in a dark, thick and
sweet variation of soy sauce.
Early in the 18th century, sailors from the British navy came across this exotic sauce on voyages to Malaysia
( 1 0 ) and Singapore and brought samples of it back to England on return voyages. English chefs tried to recreate
the sauce but were unable to do exactly because key ingredients were unknown or unavailable in England; chefs
ended up substituting ingredients such as mushrooms and walnuts in an attempt to recreate the special taste of the
original Asian sauce. Variations of this sauce became quite the rage in the 18th century England, appearing in a
number of recipe books and features as an exotic addition to menus from the period.
(15) The English version did not contain tomatoes, and it was not until the end of the 18th century that
tomatoes became a main ingredients in the ketchup of the United States. It is quite notable that tomatoes were
added to the sauce and that tomatoes had previously been considered quite dangerous to health. That tomato had
been cultivated by the Aztecs, who had called it tomalt; however, early botanists had recognized that tomato was
a member of the Solanecaeafamily, which does include a
number of poisonous plant. The leaves of the tomato plant are poisonous, though of course the fruit is

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Thomas Jefferson, who cultivated the tomato in his gardens at Monticello and served dishes containing
tomatoes at lavish feasts, often receive credit for changing the reputation of the tomato. Soon after Jefferso had
introduced the tomato to American society, recipes combining the new fashionable tomato with the equally
fashionable and exotic sauce known as ketchap began to appear. By the middle of the 19th century, both of the
tomato From tomato ketchup, Heizn branched out into a number of other products, including various sauces,
pickles, and relishes. And tomato ketchup were stables of the American kitchen.
Tomato ketchap, popular though it was quite time-consuming to prepare. In 1876, the first mass- produced
tomato ketchup, a product of German-American Henry Heizn, went on sale and achieved immediate success.
Question 21: It is not stated in paragraph 1 that_________.
A. the Chinese sauce was in existence in the 17th century.
B. the Malaysian sauce was similar to the Chinese sauce.
C. the Chinese sauce was made from seafood and species.
D. the Indonesian sauce was similar to the Chinese sauce.
Question 22: The word "it" in paragraph 1 refers to ________ .
A. a salt brine B. a week C. the resulting solution D. this
^ X V/ V W I. J

Question 23: What ingredient is not used to make Indonesian sauce? A. soy beans B. sugar C.
D. mushrooms
Question 24: It can be inferred from the second paragraph that mushrooms and walnuts were ___________ .
A. difficult to find in England.
B. not part of the original Asian recipe.
C. not native to England.
D. transported to England to Asia.
A. became an anger
Question 25: The phrase "became quite the rage" in paragraph 2 means ________________
B. became strange
C. became popular
D. became a protest
Question 26: The author mentions the
— ttdOl^* English version at the beginning of the
A. indicate what will be discussed in the coming paragraph. third paragraph in order to
B. explain why tomatoes were considered dangerous.

A1 C. make a reference to the topic of the

h 3, the tomato previous paragraph.
A. was considered poisonous plants. D. provide an example of a sauce using
tomatoes. Question 27: According to the
paragraph 3, the tomato plant _

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B. is related to some poisonous plants.

C. has edible leaves.
D. has fruit tat is sometimes quite poisonous.
Question 28: The word "staples" in paragraph 4 could be best replaced b
A. standard elements.
B. strong attachment.
C. necessary utensils.
D. rare alternatives.
Question 29: Where in paragraph 4 can the following sentence go in? "It turnedfrom
very bad to exceedingly good"?
A. At the beginning of the paragraph 4. .vtv
B. Before the sentence " Soon after Jefferson H©
C. Before the sentence "By the middle of the 19th century
D. At the end of the paragraph 4.
Question 30: "Tomato ketchup" is closest to the word ________ .
A. ketchap B. ke-tjap C. ketjab D. kechap
Dap an:
Question 21: Dap an la D. the Indonesian sauce was similar to the Chinese sauce. Thong tin nao kliong dupe nliac
den d doan 1 ?
Dap an A xuat hien: "A sauce called ke-tjap was in used in China at least as early as the 17th century" Dap an B
xuat hien: "The popularity of tins Chinese sauce spread to Singapore and Malaysia, where it was called kechap"
Dap an C xuat hien "Chinese version of the sauce was made of picked fish, shellfish, and spices" Dap an D- khong
chinh xac voi tliong tm trong bai khoa - Line 5:"The Indonesian ketjab derives its name from the same source of
the Malysian sauce but is made from very different ingredients." ketjab Indo co ten bat ngudn til nude sot
Malaysia nhung tlianh phan lai khac nhau. Question 22: C. the resulting solution Tir "it" trong doan 1 chi den tir
Thay 4 lira chon vao v j tri "it" va xet xem nghia cua cau do co hop ly khong. "The
Indonesian ketjab is made by cooking black soy beans, fermenting them, placing .vtv
them m a salt brine for at least a week, cooking the resulting solution further, and
sweetening it heavily"
'=;> Ketjab Indo dirpc lam bang cach nau dau nanh den, u men dau, sau do thay nude muoi man vao
it nhat 1 tuan, nau "resulting solution" len va lam ngot" resulting solution" that ligot. '=;> "it"
thay the cho "the resulting solution" d pliia trade. Question 23: D. mushrooms
Nguyen lieu nao khong dirpc dung de nau nude sot Indo? The Indonesian ketjab is made by cooking black soy
beans, fermenting them, placing them in a salt brine for at least a week, cooking the resulting solution further, and
sweetening (lam ngot) it heavily. Khong co Mushrooms (nam) Question 24: B. not part of the original Asian
recipe. Co the rat ra ket luan tir doan 2 la nam va qua oc cho:

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- "chefs ended up substituting ingredients such as mushrooms and walnuts in an attempt to recreate the
special taste of the original Asian sauce."
- Cac dau bep ket thue cong doan cuoi cung khi nau bang nhung nguyen lieu thay the nhu nam va qua oc cho
de co gang tao lai huong bi cua niroc sot chau A ban dau. => nam va qua oc cho kliong phai la nguyen lieu
cua cong thue nau nude sot ban dau.
Question 25: C. became popular (tro lien thinh hanh, plio bien) became quite the range: tro nen plio bien, thinh
hanh = became popular. Question 26: C. make a reference to the topic of the previous paragraph. Tac gia de cap
den phien ban nuoc sot Anh 6 dau doan 3 nham muc dich: Doc that ky phan cuoi doan 2 va dau doan 3.
"Variations of tins sauce became quite the rage in the 18th century England, appearing in a number of
recipe books and features as an exotic addition to menus from the period ................... The English version did
not contain tomatoes, ..." => Doan 2 noi ve su pho bien cua nuoc sot 6 Anli - Doan 3, tiep tuc noi cln tiet ve cong
thirc nau nude sot Anh (khong cho ca chua)
'=;> Muc dich: Tao sir lien ket, quy clueu voi chu de cua doan van trirdc.
Question 27: B. is related to some poisonous plants. Scannmg doan thong tinve
"'tomato plant"
"that tomatoes had previously been considered quite dangerous to health" - trirdc day nguoi ta cho rang ca chua
rat co hai cho sire klioe. Question 28: A. standard elements.
Staples (n): nguyen lieu chu yeu, co ban = standard element (yeu to, thanh phan tieu chuan) Question 29: B.
Before the sentence " Soon after Jefferson
Tim vi tri thich hop cho cau "It turned from veiy bad to exceedingly good" - No chuyen tir rat xau thanh circ ki
tot" ?
Doc that ky doan 4, tim thong tin lien quail den bad va good => dau tien ca chua bi cho la gay hai cho sire klioe.
Nhung sau khi Jefferson "... recipes combining the new fashionable tomato with the equally fashionable and
exotic sauce known as ketchap began to appear." => Sir ket hop cua Jefferson da tao thanh nude sot ca chua rat tot
=> Cau tren co the dat ngay sau cau nay. ( Sau ket hop cua Jefferson, ca chua tinig diroc coi la co hai tro thanh circ
tot) Question 30: A. ketchap Tomato ketchup gan nghia vdi tir nao? Scanning " tomato ketchup"
"recipes combining the new fashionable tomato with the equally fashionable and exotic sauce known as ketchap
began to appear. niroc sot co ca chua chinh la ketchap.

De bai ctoc 26:

Read the following passage and choose the correct letter A, B, C, D for each of the blanks below.
Louis Braille was born in France in 1890. His father had a small business. He (11)______________ shoes
and other things from leather. Louis liked to help his father in the store even (12) _____________ he was very

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small. One day when Louis was three years old, he was cutting some leather. Suddenly the knife (13) and hit
him in the eye. Louis soon became completely blind.
When he was ten years old, he (14) ___________ the National Institute for the
class went to visit a (15) blind in Paris. One day his
exhibit by a captain in the army. One thing in the exhibit was very
interesting for Louis. It showed messages in code. Armies send messages in messages (16) ________________
codes so no one else can read them. The captain wrote this code in raised letters on very thick paper.
Louis thought a lot about this code. Then he (17) _________ to write in the same way so blind people
could "read" (18) _______ their fingers. It is very difficult to feel the differences between raised letters.
(19) _____ of letters, Louis used a "cell" of six dots. He (20) __________ the dots with two dots across and
three down.

Question II Question 19 case A. enjoyed B. by D. created D.

Question 12 Question 20 collected B. Because B. set until D. went
Question 13 A. did A. so B. made B. C. manufactured C. off D. entered
Question 14 A. slipped because B. when C. cut C. D. suddenly
Question 15 A. went A. if* broke B. reached C. unusual D. confident
Question 16 truly A. M arrived B. C. secret C. D. considered
Question 17 personal A. special B. encouraged C. of C. D. on D. In
Question 18 decided A. private B. Instead C. puAAO®1 spite D.
with A.In arranged
Dap an:
Question 11. Dap an la B. made , make shoes: lam giay
Question 12: Dap an la C. when; even when: ke tir khi - Louis muon giiip do cha minh 6 cua tiem ke tir kin con
la dira ti e
Question 13: Dap an la A. splipped; slip (v): tnrpt; Khi Louis dang cat mieng da tlii con dao bat ngo tnrpt va ban
vao mat cua ong.
Question 14: Dap an la D. entered; enter (v): vao, tham gia vao; Khi Louis 10 tuoi, ong tham gia vao hoc vien
quoc gia cho ngirdi khiem tlii 6 Paris.
Question 15: Dap an la B. special, special (a): dac biet; Mot hom lop hoc cua Louis diroc tham quail mot cuoc
tiien lam dac biet cua mot vi tirdng quan hong quan dpi.
Question 16: Dap an la C. secret; secret (a): bi mat - Quan dpi giri tin nhan di dirdi dang ma bi mat de ngudi khac
kliong the doc dirpc.
Question 17: Dap an la A. decided; decide to V: quyet dinh lam gi - Louis quyet dinh bat chudc cacli viet do de
cho ngudi khiem tlii. co tlie doc dupe.
Question 18: Dap an la A. with, read with fingers: doc bang cac ngon tay
Question 19: Dap an la C. Instead ; instead of: thay vi- Thay vi sir dung cac cliir cai Louis sir dung cac
o noi.
oOfl •.
Question 20: Dap an la D. arranged; arrange (v): sap xep sap xep cac o.
p - Louis s

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De bai 27:
Read the below passage and choose the correct letter A, B, C or D for each of the questions.
hqo Television
A11 American TV network has had an international hit with the drama "24", a thriller known for its suspense
and often graphic violence. Over the past year, controversy has surrounded the series because of its portrayal of
Muslim terrorists and its frequent scenes of torture. But the content of "24" is not the only thing that would have
been unthinkable 011 prime-time television 20 years ago. Its form also represents a major change in modem TV:
during each episode's 44 minutes - a real-tune hour,
minus 16 minutes for commercials - the show connects the lives of 21 different characters, each with
fljj §3
their own personalities and specific relationships with other characters. Nine different story lines (or "threads") are
depicted, each involving events and information revealed in previous episodes. [ I ]
[2] For years many people have assumed that popular culture is in a state of decline rapidly degenerating
into "junk culture" with 110 worthwhile purpose. But an interesting new book challenges that assumption.
"Everything Bad is Good for You: How Today's Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter," by Steven
Johnson, makes a persuasive argument that today's complex TV dramas and other pop culture Products gives
healthy mental exercise. He calls the use or complex, interwoven plot lines involving multiple characters
"multi-threading", and it is a new and growing phenomenon 111 TV To keep up with shows like "24", he points out,
you must "pay attention, make inferences, track shifting social relationships", and these cognitive challenges are
changing our mental development for the better. [3]
[4] The most obvious change in the last five years of narrative entertainment is the rise of reality TV, Surely,
you might be thinking, watching "Survivor" or "The Bachelor" cannot possibly raise anyone's IQ, "Survivor" is
now 111 its tenth season, and "The Bachelor" is 111 its seventh. But as Johnson tells us lately "even the junk has
improved". The new reality shows are like games: they are series of
competitive tests, each more challenging than the last, and with rules that must be learned as you play.
On "Survivor" for instance, the participants and the audience know the general objective of the game but each
episode brings new challenges that require quick thinking. Success in these games calls for the intellectual labor of
finding the weak spots in the rules and in your opponents. This labor is done not just by the stars of the shows but
the viewers at home as well. This is what makes these shows such fun to watch - the human mind enjoys being
challenged. As Johnson writes, "There's real pleasure ... in solving puzzles, detecting patterns or understanding a
complex narrative system." Question 1: What is the topic of the passage?
A. The decline of TV today B. Benefits of TV today
C. TV and culture D. Why "24" became a hit
Question 2: Which is the best place for the following sentence? "It is
not only hour-long dramas that make us smarter."
A.fl] B. [2] C. [3] D. [4]
Question 3: The word "each" 111 paragraph I refers to ________________________ .
A. story lines B. characters C. episodes D. personalities Question 4: The author begins the passage by
discussing "24" 111 order to ____________________________________________________________ .

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A. prove that TV has become much more violent

B. show how TV has become more complex
C. explain why many TV shows nowadays are controversial
D. argue against IIS graphic violence and portrayal of terrorists
Question 5: It can be inferred that the author of the passage
A. agrees with Steven Johnson's views
B. strongly disagrees with Steven Johnson's views
C. has no opinion about Steven Johnson's views
D. agrees with some of Johnson's views but disagrees with others
Question 6: According the passage, Johnson's book argues all following except that
A. popular culture is not in decline Ho®
B. many TV shows involve cognitive challenges
C. people enjoy the effort of understanding complex shows
D. hour-long dramas bring the greatest benefits Question 7:
"Multi-threading" in T^is a new type of _______________________
A. form B. content C. series D. character Question 8: The author mentions "junk culture" in paragraph 2
in order to __________________________________________________________________________ .
A. emphasize how worthless most TV shows are
B. contrast a common view of TV with the one he presents in t
C. explain why TV viewing is in decline in the United State
D. argue against the view that popular culture can be worthwhile Question 9: The word "they" in
paragraph 3 refers to _________________________________ .
A. junk B. shows
C. games D. "Joe Millionaire" and "The Bachelor"
Question 10: The word "detecting" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _________ .
A. making B. admiring C. remembering D. finding
Dap an:
Question 1: Dap an la B. Benefits of TV today (loi ich cua TV ngay nay) Skimming bai
khoa ta thay tac gia liet ke mot so loi ich cua TV:
"today's complex TV dramas and other pop culture Products gives healthy mental exercise" "This is what
makes these shows such fun to watch - the human mind enjoys being challenged" Question 2: Dap an la D.
Scanning bai khoa, tim doan van co noi den "smarter"- cac bo plum khien chung ta thong minh lion. "It is not only
hour-long dramas that make us smarter.".... Surely, you might be thinking, watelling "Survivor" or "The Bachelor"
cannot possibly raise anyone's IQ "Survivor" is now in its tenth season, and "The Bachelor" is in its seventh. But as
Johnson tells us lately "even the junk has improved".
'=;> Kliong phai clii co nhung bo phim dai moi khien chung ta tro nen thong minh hon. .. Ban co the nghi rang
xem Survivor hay The Bachelor khong the nao tang IQ cua ai do, Survivor hien nay co 10 tap con The
Bachelor co 7 tap. Nhmig nhu Johnson noi voi chung ta o tren thi junk culture da duoc cai thien.

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Question 3: Dap an la A. story lines
"Nine different stoiy lines (or "threads") are depicted, each involving events and information revealed in previous
O Thay the cac lira chon vao "each" => xem nghia co logic khong.
^ 9 kicli ban khac nliau dirpc mo ta, moi kich ban bao gom nhung sir kien va thong tin dirpc he 16 6 nhung tap
trirdc do. Question 4: Dap an la B. show how TV has become more complex.
Tac gia bat dau bang viec thao luan ve bo phim "24" nham muc dich: chirng minh TV dang trd nen ngay cang
phirc tap
"Its form also represents a major change in modem TV: during each episode's 44 minutes - a real-time hour, minus
16 minutes for commercials - the show connects the lives of 21 different characters, each with their own
personalities and specific relationships with other characters".
O mot sir thay doi Ion, trong 1 tap phim dai 44 phut +16 phut quang cao tlii no phim da ket noi dirpc cuoc doi
cua 21 nhan vat khac nhau, moi ngudi 1 ca tinh va nhirng moi quan he rieng biet vdi nhung nhan vat khac => phirc
tap hon xira. Question 5: Dap an la D. agrees with some of Johnson's views but disagrees with others Tac gia dong
tinh vdi mot so quan diem cua Johnson nhung kliong dong tinh vdi 1 so quan diem khac. ^ Doc ky noi dung cac cau
lien quan den Johnson's views va rut ra ket luan. O "Steven Johnson, makes a persuasive argument that today's
complex TV dramas and other pop culture Products gives healthy mental exercise". => Johnson da dua ra 1 lap luan
day thuyet phuc rang cac bo phim phirc tap ngay nay va sail pham ciia van hoa Pop cho chung ta nhung bai tlie due
tri tue=> Tac gia dong tinh vdi quan diem nay cua Johnson Question 6: Dap an la D. hour-long dramas bring the
greatest benefits A dirpc de cap: " popular culture is in a state of decline rapidly degenerating into "junk culture"
with no worthwhile purpose"
B dirpc de cap: "these cognitive challenges are changing our mental development for the better"
C dirpc de cap: "tlie participants and the audience know tlie general objective of oiv.vivtlie game but each
episode brings new challenges that require quick thinking"
Question 7: Dap an la A. fonn
"Multi-threading" la mot loai hinh thirc phim moi.
"He calls the use or complex, interwoven plot lines involving multiple characters "multi-threading"" Plot lines -
kich ban, noi dung
Johnson goi cac kich ban phirc tap, dan xen lien quan den nhieu nhan vat kliac nhau la "multi threading"
Question 8: Dap an la B. contrast a common view of TV with the one he presents in the passage Muc dich cua tac
gia khi de cap den "junk culture" d doan van 2 la de doi chieu, so sanh 1 quan diem pho bien hien nay vdi quan diem
ma ong ta dua ra.
Tir the hien sir tuong phai la " but" : "For years many people have assumed that popular culture is in a state of
decline rapidly degenerating into "junk culture" with no worthwhile puipose. But an interesting new book
challenges that assumption." Question 9: Dap an la C. games
^ Thay 4 lira clion vao "they", xet nghia cua cau co logic, hop ly khong.
^ "The new reality shows are like games: they are series of competitive tests, each more challenging than the
last, and with rules that must be learned as you play." = Nliirng chuong trinh thuc te moi giong nhir cac trd
choi: cac trd choi do la day cac bai kiem tra day canh tranh,

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cai sau lai cang thach thue hon cai trade voi nhung quy tac ban nhat dinh phai hoc 11161 choi duoc.
Question 10: Dap an la D. fmdmg Detecting : dm ra, kham pha ra = finding Making: taora; admiring: kham phuc;
remembering: liho.

De bai doc 28:

Read the below passage and choose the correct letter A, B, C or D for each of the blanks.
How do you feel when you getting all your (11) __________________ an exam? Do you always (12)
_____________ in getting all your ideas down on paper, or do you sometimes feel that you are
(13) ____________ a mess of it? Apart from those lucky few who (14) _________________ through exams,
most secondary school (15) ____________________ find them very stressful. Many teachers are (16)
_____________ of the problems their children face and use different method for measuring their
progress: continuous assessment. With continuous assessment, students are given various
(17) _________________ to do through the year. All their marks are added together to produce a total
mark at the (18) ______________ of the year, students have to (19) _________________ more responsibility
for their education because they can't rely on doing well on just one day. Also they have
more time to

Question 11 A. write A. manage B. sit B. D. make

Question 12 A. making A. sail achieve B. ©oft D. pass
Question 13 A. students A. having B. D.
Question 14 knowledgeable go doing
Question 15 B. classmate B. (20) _____________ over D. drive
Question 16 recognizable B. their work, meaning that D.
Question 17 efforts tasks B. end B. they're able to do their best. colleagu
Question 18 A . finish take B. consider es D.
Question 19 A. get A. C. give C. succeed C. intellige
Question 20 imagine taking C. move C. nt D.
Dap an: preference C. aware C. result D.
Question 11 achievements C. edge C. do C. think stop D.
Question 12 make D.
Question 13 H©atl< examine
Dap an la B. sit - sit/take an exam: thi/ tliam gia thi cir Dap an la C.
succeed - succeed in doing st: thanh cong lam gi Dap an la A. making - make a mess: lam
11101 tliii roi tuiig len Question 14: Dap an la B. go - go through: vuot qua, chi mot so it hoc
smli may man vuot qua ky thi, con lai phan Ion hoc smli tiung hoc nhan tliay lio rat cang thing. Question 15. Dap an
la A. students - secondary students: hoc smli hung hoc Question 16 :Dap an la C. aware - be aware of: nlian tliay
Question 17: Dap an la B. tasks - cong viec, nhiem vu - voi hinh thirc danli gia tliudng xuyen, hoc sinh se diroc giao
nhieu nhiem vu suot ca nam hocjjf QOU* ^ Question 18: Dap an la B. end - at the end of the year: cuoi nam
Question 19: Dap an la B. take- take responsibility: dam nhan trach nhiem

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Question 20: Dap an la C. think - think over: suy nghi can than - hoc sinli co nhieu thai gian de suy nghi can than ve
chuyen hoc tap, dieu do co ngliia la ho se lam tot nhat co the
Read the below passage and choose the correct letter A, B, C or D for each of the questions.
( 1 ) The Winterthur Museum is a collection and a house. There are many museums devoted to
De bai doc 29:
the decorative arts and many house museums, but rarely in the United States is a great collection
displayed in a great country house. Passing through successive generations of a single family, Winterthur has been
a private estate for more than a century. Even after the extensive renovations made to it between 1929 and 1931, the
house remained a ( 5 ) family residence. This fact is of importance to the atmosphere and effect of the museum. The
impression of a lived-in house is apparent to the visitor: the rooms look as if they were vacated only a short while
ago whether by the original owners of the furniture or the most recent residents of the house can be a matter of
personal interpretation. Winterthur remains, then, a house in which a collection of furniture and architectural
elements has been assembled. Like an English country house, U is an organic structure; the house, as well as the
collection and ( 1 0 ) manner of displaying it to the visitor, has changed over the years. The changes have coincided
with develoyins concepts of the American arts, increased knowledge on the part of collectors and students, and a
progression toward the achievement of a historical effect in period-room displays. The rooms at Winterthur have
followed this current, yet still retained the character of a private house.
( 2 ) The concept of a period room as a display technique has developed gradually over the years in an effort to
( 1 5 ) present works of art in a context that would show them to greater effect and would give them more meaning
for the viewer. Comparable to the habitat group in a natural history museum, the period room represents the
decorative arts in a lively and interesting manner and provides an opportunity to assemble objects related by style,
date, or place of manufacture.
Question 21: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The reason that Winterthur was redesigned.
B. Elements that make Winterthur an unusual museum.
C. How Winterthur compares to English country houses.
D. Historical furniture contained in Winterthur.
Question 22: The phrase "devoted to" in line 1 is closest in meaning to ___________________
A. surrounded by
B. specializing in
C. successful in
D. sentimental about Question 23: What happened at Winterthur
between 1929 and 1931?
A. The owners moved out.
B. The house was repaired.
C. The old furniture was replaced.
D. The estate became a museum.

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Question 24: What does the author mean by stating "the impression of a lived-in house is apparent to the visitor"
(lines 5-6)?
A. Winterthur is very old.
B. Few people visit Winterthur.
C. Winterthur does not look like a typical museum.
D. The furniture at Winterthur looks comfortable.
Question 25: The word "assembled" in line 9 is closest in meaning to ______________________
A. summoned
B. appreciated
C. brought together
D. fundamentally changed
Question 26: The word "it" in line 9 refers to __________________ -mjg AftfV*^'
A. Winterthur
B. collection
C. English country house
D. visitor
Question 27: The word "developing" in line 11 is closest in meaning to _______________________
A. traditional
B. exhibiting
C. infonnative
D. evolving
Question 28: According to the passage, objects in a period room are related by all of the following EXCEPT
A. date
B. style
C. place of manufacture
D. past ownership
Question 29: What is the relationship between the two paragraphs in the passage?
Paragraph 2 explains a term that was mentioned in Paragraph
Each paragraph describes a different approach to the display of objects in a museum.
Paragraph 2 explains a philosophy of art appreciation that contrasts with that explained in Paragraph
Each paragraph describes a different historical period.
Question 30: Where in the passage does the author explain why displays at Winterthur have changed?

A. lines
B. lines 4-5
C. lines 6-8
D. lines 10-12
Bap an:
Question 21. Dap an la B. Elements that make Winterthur an unusual museum.

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There are many museums devoted to the decorative arts and many house museums, but rarely in the United
States is a great collection displayed in a great country house. = co rat nine bao tang danh cho nghe thuan hang tri
nhung 6 My hiem co bao tang nao lai co 1 bo siru tap do so duoc tiung bay hong 1 ngoi nha kieu mien que.
Sau do, cac phan sau tac gia chu yeu di liueu ta nhung diem noi bat rieng biet cua bao tang. Bai khoa chu yeu noi
ve cac yeu to khien Winterthur tro thanh bao thanh dac biet. Question 22: Dap an la B. specializing in (chuyen
"There are many museums devoted to the decorative arts and many house museums" = Co nhieu bao
tang danh rieng cho nglie thuat trang tri
Question 23: Dap an la B. The house was repaired.
Even after the extensive renovations (sua sang, cai tien) made to it between 1929 and 1931, the house
remamed a family residence. = sau nhung lan cai tao Ion nam 1929 va 11931, can nha van la khu 6 gia
dinh. => nam 1929 va 1931, can nha diroc sua chira.
Question 24: Dap an la C. Winterthur does not look like a typical museum.
Tac gia co y gi kin noi" an tuong ve mot ngoi nha co nguoi 6 rat ro rang doi voi du kliach"?
^ Winterthur khong giong nhu nhung bao tang dien liinli khac, do la mot bao tang co nhung net dac biet rat
ro rang, no giong nlnr 1 ngoi nha co ngiroi 6. Question 25: Dap an la C. brought together (thu tliap, siru tap)
Assemble: lap rap, thu thap lai = bring together: mang lai voi nhau, gan lai voi nhau Question 26: Dap an la A.
Tliay cac lira chon vao "it' va xet nghia ciia cau co logic kliong. "Cung giong nhu nha 6 vimg que niroc Anli,
Winterthur la mot toa kien true hiru co." Question 27. Dap an la D. evolving (phat trien, tien hoa) developing:
pliat trien = evolving: tien hoa, phat hien
Sir thay doi cua Wuitertliur phu hop voi nhung quail diem dang phat trien cua nghe thuat My. Question 28:
According to the passage, objects in a period room are related by all of the following EXCEPT
Dap an la D. past ownership
Theo bai klioa, cac vat trong period room co lien quan boi cac tieu chi sau trir: ngiroi so hiru trirdc do.
"the period room represents the decorative arts in a lively and interesting manner and provides an
opportunity to assemble objects related by style, date, or place of manufacture." Question 29: Dap an la A.
Paragraph 2 explains a term that was mentioned in Paragraph 1. Moi quail lie giira 2 doan van trong bai khoa la
" .... progression toward the achievement of a historical effect in period-room displays. The rooms at Winterthur
have followed this current, yet still retained the character of a private house.The concept of a period room as a
display technique has developed ..." Doan 2 giai thich cho cum "period-room displays" 6 doan 1. Question 30:
Dap an la D. lines 10-12
Doan nao tac gia giai thich tai sao cach trang bay 6 Winterthur phai thay doi?

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"The changes have coincided with developing concepts of the American arts, increased knowledge on the part of
collectors and students, and a progression toward the achievement of a historical effect in period-room displays."
=> Thay doi de phii hop voi quail mem dang dan thay doi ve nghe thuat 6 nude My.



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De bai doc 30:
Read the incomplete passage below and choose the correct option A, B, C or D for each of the blanks.
Denmark is the smallest and most southerly of the countries of Scandinavia. (11) __________________ lie
in northern Europe. It is probably best (12) __________ for being home to the powerful Vikings, (13)
___________ 1,000 years ago. Denmark is a small country, with limited natural (14) ___________________ .
Nevertheless, it has become one of the richest countries in the (15) _______________ .
Denmark has its own (16) ______________ culture and traditions, and a tongue-twisting language,
which includes several different dialects. Although Denmark is a member (17) _______________________ the
European Union, recently it has been reluctant to work more closely with the EU and give up (18) of its
Wealth in Denmark is shared out more evenly than in most countries, because people pay high taxes. Many
workers pay more than 50 percent of their wages in tax. The money is used to pay
(19) _____________ a welfare system which includes health care, benefits for the unemployed and the
elderly, and public services. Compared to the rest of the
world, it is (20) ___________________________________________________________________ to become
either very rich or very poor B.when B. C.which D. where
in Denmark. known C. seen C. m Km^ *
Question 11: A.whose B.more since C. D.less D.
Question 12: A.liked B.features natures sources D.
Question 13: A.over B.land C.space world
Question 14: A.resources B.distinctive C.disliked D.disinterested
Question 15: A.earth B. to B. C.in D.of D.some
Question 16: A.distant every B.for C.very D.to D. easy
B.simple C.on
Question 17: A.from
Question 18: A.many
Question 19: A.at Question 20: A.impossible Dap an: ivft
Question 11 Dap anC
Dap an la C. which: dai tir quan he thay the cho " Scandinavia" Question 12. Dap an B
Dap an la B. best-known hinh tliirc so sanli hon nhat cua well known Be well known for: noi tieng ve ... Question
13. Dap an A
Dap an la A. over 1,000 years ago: tien mot nghinnam trirdc. Ta co, over/under + so dem: tren /dirdi.... Question 14.
Dap an A
Dap an la A. natural resources: tai nguyen tliien nhien Cac tir con lai: features: nhung dac diem; nature: tir nhien,
ban chat ( khong co dang so nhieu ); sources: cac nguon

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Question 15. Dap an D
Dap an la D. 111 the world: tren the gioi
Cac tii con lai: earth: trai dat,land: dat lien; space: kliong gian
Question 16. Dap an B^w^
Dap an la B. own distinctive culture and traditions: nen van hoa va tray en thong dac biet rieng
Cac til con lai: distant: xa trong khong gian va thoi gian; disliked: kliong duoc yeu tliich; dismterested:
kliong vu loi
Question 17. Dap anD
Dap an la D . a member of the European Union: mot thaiili vien cua Lien minh chau Au Question 18. Dap anD
Dimg phuong phap loai trir:
Every va very kliong co cau true theo sau la gioi til of. Many + of + Ns, nhung "independence" la danli
tir kliong dem dupe —»Dap an la D. some of + . .Ns/N( uncountable )
Question 19 Dap an B
Dap an la B. pay for: tra (tien) cho. ...
Question 20 Dap an C
Dira vao nghia chon dap an la C. difficult: kho
Cac tir con lai: impossible: kliong the; simple: don gian, easy: de

De bai doc 31:

Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
PANDEMIC DISEASES > to indicate the co,
Diseases are a natural part of life on earth. If there were no jiooft diseases, the population
would grow too quickly, and there would not be enough food or other resources, so in a
way, diseases are natural ways of keeping the Earth in balance. But sometimes they spread
very quickly and kill large numbers of people. For example, in 1918, an outbreak of the flu spread across the world,
killing over 25 million people in only six months. Such terrible outbreaks of a disease are called pandemics.
Pandemics happen when a disease changes in a way that our bodies are not prepared to fight. In 1918, a new
type of flu virus appeared. Our bodies had no way to fight this new flu virus, and so it spread very quickly and killed
large numbers of people. While there have been many different pandemic diseases throughout history, all of them
have a new thing in common. First, all pandemic diseases spread from one person to another very easily.
Second, while they may kill many people, they generally do not kill people very quickly. A good example of
this would be the Marburg virus. The Marburg virus is an extremely infectious disease. In addition, it is deadly.
About 70 -80% of all people who get the Marburg virus died from the disease. However, the Marburg virus has not
become a pandemic because most people die within three days of getting the disease. This means that the virus does
not have enough time to spread a large number of people. The flu virus of 1918, on the other hand, generally took
about a week to ten days to kill its victims, so it had more time to spread.
While we may never be able to completely stop pandemics, we can make them less common. Doctors
carefully monitor new diseases that they fear could become pandemics. For example, in 2002,

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and 2003, doctors carefully watched SARS. Their health warnings may have prevented SARS from becoming a

Question 1: According to paragraph 1, how are diseases a natural part ot lite on Earth? A. They prevent
pandemics B. They help control the population C. They led the world grow quickly D. They kill too many people
Question 2: Based on the information in the passage the term "pandemics" can be explained as _____________
A. diseases with no cure
B. a deadly kind of flu
C. diseases that spread quickly and kill large numbers of people
D. new disease like SARS or the Marburg virus Question 3: According to the passage, what
causes pandemics?
A. Changes in a disease that body cannot fight
B. Careless doctors who do not watch the spread of disease
C. Population growth that the world cannot support
D. The failure to make new medicines
Question 4: According to the passage, all of the following are true of the 1918 flu pandemic EXCEPT that
A. it involved a new kind of flu virus B. it killed over 25 million people
C. it was the last pandemic in history D. it took a little over a week to kill its victims
Question 5: The word "it" in the passage refers to __________
A. disease B. flu virus C. pandemics D. bodies
Question 6: Which of the following is mentioned as a common feature of all pandemic diseases?
A. They spread from people to people very quickly
B. It kill many people very quickly
C. They do not kill people very quickly
D. They kill all the victims
Question 7: According to paragraph 3, why hasn't Marburg virus become a pandemic?
A. It is not a deadly disease
B. It does not spread from person to person easily
C. Doctors have prevented it from becoming a pandemic
D. It kills people too quickly
Question 8: The word 'monitor' in the passage is closest in meaning to ____________
A. fight B. prevent C. watch D. avoid
Question 9: The author mentions SARS in order to ____________
A. give an example of a highly dangerous disease
B. suggest that SARS will never become a pandemic
C. give an example of the successful prevention of a pandemic
D. suggest that there may be a new pandemic soon. Question 10: This passage is mainly about
A. how to prevent pandemic diseases B. pandemic diseases
C. pandemic diseases throughout history D. why pandemics happen
Dap an:

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Question 1: B. They help control the population
Theo doan 1, benli dich da trd thanh mot phan cua tu nhien vi:
"If there were 110 diseases, the population would grow too quickly, and there would not be enough food
or other resources, so in a way, diseases are natural ways of keeping tlie Earth m balance" => Neu nhu
kliong co benli, dan so se tang len nhanh chong, khong du thuc an va cac nguon tai nguyen, nen benh
dich la mot bien phap tu nhien de giu can bang trai dat.
Question 2: C. diseases that spread quickly and kill large numbers of people
Dira vao thong tin trong doan van, benli dich co the duoc giai thich la gi?
"tliey spread very quickly and kill large numbers of people" => benh dich tlii tat nhien phai la benli roi, va can benh
nay lan rat nhanh va lam nliieu ngirdi chet. Question 3: A. Changes in a disease that body cannot fight Theo bai
khoa, nguyen nhan nao din den benli dich?
"Pandemics happen when a disease changes 111 a way that our bodies are not prepared to fight. " = Benli dich xay ra
khi mot can benli thay doi theo cach ma co the chung ta khong duoc chuan bi de kliang lai.
Question 4: C. it was the last pandemic in history Theo bai khoa, tat ca cac cau dirdi day dung trir:
Dap an C sai vi h ong bai doc khong co thong tin lien quan den dieu do. Cac dap an con lai dung vi: + Dap an A: "In
1918, a new type of flu virus appeared"
+ Dap an B: "in 1918, an outbreak of tlie flu spread across the world, killing over 25 million people 111 only six
+Dap an D : "The flu vims of 1918, 011 the other hand, generally took about a week to ten days to kill its victims, so
it had more time to spread." Question 5: B. flu virus Tir "it" chi den cai gi?
"Our bodies had no way to fight this new flu virus, and so it_spread very quickly and killed large numbers of
people." = Co the chung ta khong co cach khang lai loai virut cum 11161 nay, nen "it - loai vi mt cum nay" lan rat
nhanh va lam nhieu ngirdi thiet mang. Question 6: C. They do not kill people very quickly
Cau nao dirdi day dirpc coi la mot dac diem chung cua tat ca cac benli dich?
"Second, while they may kill many people, they generally do not kill people very quickly" = Benli dich
kliien nhieu ngirdi chet nhung nhin cliung lai khong kliien ngirdi ta chet nhanh.
Question 7: D. It kills people too quickly
Theo doan 3, tai sao Marburg lai khong dirpc coi la benli dich?
"the Marburg virus has not become a pandemic because most people die within three days of getting tlie disease" =>
Marburg khong phai la benli dich vi phan ldn moi ngudi tu vong sau 3 ngay nhiem benli - nhanh- trong khi do dac
diem ciia benli dich la khong kliien ngirdi benli chet nhanh. Question 8: C. watch
Monito = watch (v): trong chinig, theo doi, quan sat Cac bac si can than theo doi cac benli 11101 vi I10 so benli dich se
xay ra. Question 9: C. give an example of the successful prevention of a pandemic Tac gia de cap den SARS nham
muc dichgi?

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"Doctors carefully monitor new diseases that they fear could become pandemics. For example, in 2002, and 2003,
doctors carefully watched SARS. Their health warnings may have prevented SARS from becoming a pandemic" =>
Cac bac si da theo doi cac benh 11161 rat can than phong benh dich xay ra, vi du la SARS va ho da thanli cong trong
viec ngan chan SARS tro thanli benh dich => Dua ra 1 vi
is „RS tro
du ve viec ngan chan dicli benh thanli cong. Question 10: B. tli? pandemic diseases Bai van chu
yeu noi ve van de gi? + Bai van xoay quanli chu de "benli dich" - Ho nhan de + Tac gia chu yeu noi
den: benli dich la gi, kin nao xay ra benli dich, cac vi du ve dai dich trong lich su.

De bai doc 32:

Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Statesmen define a family as "a group of individuals having a common dwelling and related by
blood, adoption or marriage, (11) _________________ includes common-law relationships." Most people
are born into one of these groups and (12) _________________ live their lives as a family in such a group.
Although the definition of a family may not change, (13) ____________________ .relationship of people
to each other within the family group changes as society changes. More and more wives are (14)
______________ paying jobs, and, as a result, the roles of husband, wife and children are changing.
Today, men expect to (15) _________________ . for pay for about 40 years of their lives, and, in
marriages (16)_today's
which both spouses have paying jobs, women can expect to work for
about 30 to 35 years of their lives. This mean that man must learn to do their share of family tasks such
as caring for the children and daily (17) _________________ chores. Children, too, especially adolescents,
have to (18) ______________ with the members od their family in sharing household tasks.
The widespread acceptance of contraception has meant that having (19) ______________________ is as
matter of choice, not an automatic result of marriage. Marriage itself has become a choice. As alternatives (20)
____________________________ common-law relationships and single-parent families have become
socially acceptable, women will become more independent.
Question 11: A. which Question 12: A. must Question 13: A. a
Question 14: A. taking Question 15: A. live Question 16: A. in
Question 17: A. home Question 18: B.that
C. what C. D. it
A. carry Question 19: A. time B. need would D. will
Question 20: A. similar to Dap an: B. any C. some D. the
Question 11. A. which B. making C. keeping D.
B. work C. hope performing
B. for C. with D. ask D. to
B. family C. house D. household
B. deal C. cooperate D. combine
B. families C. happiness.vn D. children
B. like D. or else

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Which la dai tir quan he thay cho adoption marriage (cai ma bao gom ca nhung 11101 quan he thirc te), kliong dung
"that" vi co dau phay Question 12. D. will
Will + V: Hau het moi ngiroi smli ra trong nhom ngiroi nlur vay va se song cuoc song nlur 1 gia
dinli Question 13. D. the va se song cue
The relationship: nhung 11101 quan lie cua con ngiroi noi chung Question 14. A. taking take paying jobs: dam
nhiem cac cong viec Question 5. B. work

Cau nay dich la: ngay nay, dan ong mong union lam viec de chi tra cho cuoc song diroc ti ong klioang 40 nam
Question 16. A. in
Do o tren co "in today's marriages", "in which" la thay the cho cum nay
Question 17. D. houshold
Cum: household chores: viec nha
Question 18. C. cooperate
cooperate with sb: lam viec cung voi ai do
Question 19. D. children
Cau nay la: sir chap nhan long rai viec tranli thai ngliia la khong co con (have cluldi'en) Question 20. C. such as
Cau nay la: nhung sir thay the kliac (cho hon nhan) nlur la nhung moi quan he thirc te, gia dinli co bo/me don than
da ngay diroc chap nlian hon

De bai d<?c 33:

Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the


Carefully guiding a needle that's longer than his tiny fingers, a young boy stitched together the leather pieces
of a soccer ball. He sits crouched in the corner of a hot, airless shed for 12 hours. For his long day's work, he will
earn 60 cents.
The boy is one of more than 200 million children who work at hard, sometimes dangerous jobs all over the
world. Child labor exists in two-thirds of the world's nations. From Indonesia to Guatemala, poor children as
young as 6 are sent off to work. Often they are mistreated and punished for not working hard enough. Children
mix the gunpowder for firecrackers in China and knot the threads for carpets in India—all for pennies a day.
Sometimes they are sold as slaves.
In a speech to the Child Labor Coalition when he was U.S Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich expressed gratitude
for the organization's work to end abuse of child labor, "You turned lip the heat, and you got results." He also
congratulated Craig Kielburger, then 13, of Canada, who traveled the world for a year fighting for kids' rights.
Craig believes kids can make a difference. He offers tins advice. "Write letters

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to companies and government officials. Put pressure on leaders to make changes and to stop the misuse of
One solution to the child-labor problem in poor countries is education. "The future of these countries,"
Secretary Reich told TFK, "depends on a work force that is educated. We are prepared to help build schools."
Education is helping to make the world a brighter place for 12-year-old Aghan of India. When he was 9,
Aghan was kidnapped from his home and sold to a carpet maker. Aghan's boss was very cruel. "I was always
crying for my mother," he recalls. Aghan's dream was to learn to write so that he could send letters to his parents.
Earlier this year, Aghan was rescued from the factory by a group that opposes child labor. Today he is living in a
shelter in New Delhi and is hard at work—learning to write. Question 21: What is an example of dangerous work
done by child?
A. stitching a soccer ball .vtv
B. knotting carper threads
C. mixing gunpowder
D. none of the above Question 22: Where young children are forced to
work, .
A. they never see their families
B. they work but never get paid
C. they are punished if they do not work hard
D. they are always sold as slaves Question 23: Child labor
is most common in ___________________________________.
A. countries that make firecrackers
B. poor countries
C. countries that have slavers
D. countries that make carpets. Question 24: The children
who work are often ___________________________________.
A. treated well
B. paid generously
C. misused .vtv
D. all of the above Ho®
Question 25: When children are used to work for unfair wages in poor working
conditions, it is best described as .
A. an abuse of working children
B. hard work _ ^■fj'U
C. a poor working environment
D. unfair labor practices Question 26: According to the article, children who work
under poor conditions,
A. start to work only after age 13
B. start to work only after age 12
C. make only 60 cents an hour
king environ

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D. may make only 60 cents a day Question 27: According to the article, what is the best way to keep many
children from falling victim to the abuse of child labor in the future?
A. help poor countries educate their children
B. refuse to buy products made in countries that abuse child labor
C. rescue each child.
D. none of the above
Question 28: Why do families allow young children to go to work?
A. they don't know how bad it is
B. the grownups don't want to work
C. the families are very poor and need the income
D. the children are paid a lot of money
Question 29: How do you know Aghan was not happy making carpets away from his family?
A. he dreamed of learning to write
B. He was rescued
C. He cried for his mother
_ -if"*
D. He lives in a shelter
Question 30: In New Delhi, Aghan _________________ .
worked for a group that is opposed to child labor
received an education
lived with his family
made carpets Dap an:
Question 21: C. mixing gunpowder
"Children mix the gunpowder for firecrackers in China" => Tie em tron thuoc sung cho cac xirong sail xuat phao
6 TQ
Question 22: C. they are punished if they do not work hard
"Often they are mistreated and punished for not working hard enough" => Tie em
liougn —^ lie em
thuong bi nguoc dai va phat klu kliong lam viec du chain chi. 1, Question 23: B.
poor countries 'From Indonesia to Guatemala, poor children as
Ho®* young as 6 are sent
off to work" => Lao dong tie em thuong pho bien 6 cac nuoc ngheo. Question 24: C.
"Often they are mistreated and punished for not working hard enough. Children mix the gunpowder for
firecrackers in China and knot the threads for carpets in India—all for pennies a day. Sometimes they are sold as
slaves." => Tie em thuong bi su dung sai muc dich, bi nguoc dai, lam nhung viec nguy hiem, nang nlioc
Question 25: A. an abuse of working children
Klu he em bi su dimg lam viec voi mire lirong kliong hop ly hong dieu kien lam viec ton tan, thi do duoc goi la
lam dimg lao dong tie em.

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Question 26: D. may make only 60 cents a day

"For his long day's work, he will earn 60 cents." = => boil tre se co the kiem diroc chi 60 cents cho mot
ngay lao dong dai - £ Question 27: A. helf
countries educate .vtv
their children
"One solution to the child-labor problem in poor countries is education" => Giai phap tot nhat de bao
ve tre klioi tinh trang lam dung lao dong tre em la cho cluing di hoc.
Question 28: C. the families are very poor and need the income
Tai vi gia dinli hp qua ngheo va can co tliu nliap nen da de he em di lam.
Question 29: C. He cried for his mother
""I was always crying for my mother," he recalls" => Cau be luon klioc vi nlio me => cau be khong lie vui ve khi
phai roi nha de di lam tham. Question 30: B. received an education

Today he is living in a shelter in New Delhi and is hard at work—learning to write. De bai doc 34:
Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
I was raised on a farm in a remote village in the 1950s. The winter months were endless and
everything was covered in snow. I was always (II) ____________ for the warmer weather to come. When
spring arrived, everything came alive- flowers would bloom and the animals would come out of
hibernation. I would follow the bear tracks and search for them. Once, however, I (12) _________________ an
angry mother bear who saw me (13) ___________a threat. (14) __________the sight of the bear, I did what
my father had told me. I stood still until she stopped growling and walked away. The trick was
effective, but looking back now, I realized that the situation was (15) _______________ more serious than I
thought at the time. By the age of twelve, I had lots of camping (16) __________________ , as I used to go
camping with my dog on my school holidays. We would spend days (17) _____________ the forest, catching
fish for dinner, (18)__________ at the frogs and the (19) ___________ of birds and the insects hopping up
and down on the surface of the water. Of course, this was possible only during the warm months. When the
autumn came, everything went quiet, which was quite usual in those parts. It wasn't long
before the animals disappeared, the birds (20) ______________ south and the snow took over. The place
became deserted once again.
Question 11: A. willing B. keen B. came C. far C. D. exploring D.
Question 12: A. found out across B. same qualities C. observing D.
Question 13: A. as Question as B. At B. quite researching C. flocks
14: A. By Question B. skills B. noticing C.
15: A. very Question Ofl< detecting B. bunches
16: A. experience looking B. D. enthusiastic
Question 17: A. investigating swarms D. reached D.
Question 18: A. watching C. eager C. like D. In D. so
Question 19: A. sets dealt with D.
C.such as C. On qualifications

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Question 20: A. fly B. flying C. flew D. flight

Dap an:
Question 11 Dap an C. eager
"eager for something" hoac "eager to do something": hao hire, mong dpi ve cai gi Question 12 Dap an B. came
across "come across": gap tinh co Question 13 Dap an A. as
"see" somebody/sometlinig as...: nhin nlian ai/cai gi nlur... Question 14 Dap an B. At
at the sight of tlie bear": ngay khi nhin tliay con gau,. Question 15 Dap an C. far
"far/much more" dung de nhan manh lion khi so sanh Question 16 Dap an A. experience
"camping experience": kinli nghiem ve cam trai, ve sau co de cap "as I used to go camping with my dog oil my
school holidays." Question 17 Dap an D. exploring
"explore" : kham pha. "spend" +doing something, vi the nen ta chon "exploring" Question 18. Dap an B. looking
"look at": quan sat, nhin, kliong chon "observe" hay "watch" vi 2 tir nay kliong co gioi tir di kem, "notice" thi
kliong phu hop ve nghia Question 19 Dap an D. flocks "bird" di voi danli tir chi so lirpng la "flock": dan
Question 20 Dap an C. flew
Dong tir fly dirpc chia qua khir "flew", vi pliia trade co "disappeared" (dang qua khu)

De bai d?c 35:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C,
t&QOft*or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Motivation has several effects on students' learning and behavior.
First, motivation directs behavior toward particular goals. Motivation determines the specific
goals toward which people strive; thus, it affects the choices students (8) __________ . For example, whether
to enroll in an art class or physics, whether to attend a school basketball game during the week or complete an
assignment that's (9) __________________ the next day.
Second, motivation increases the initiation and persistence of activities. It will increase students' time on
task and is also an important factor affecting their learning and achievement.
In addition, motivation (10) ________cognitive processing. Motivation actually affects what and
how information is processed because (11) _________ students are more likely to pay attention and try to
understand the material instead of simply going through the motions of learning in a superficial manner.

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(12)motivation leads to improved performance. Effort, initiation, persistence, cognitive

processing will lead to improved performance.
Question 8: A. have 1400 B. crete C. make D. do
Question 9: A. due B.done B. C.handed C. D. finished
Question 10: A. attempts B. discourages C. D. enhances D.
rises Question 11: A. motivated B. motivate C. In motivational D.
motivation Question 12: A. Finally total Generally speaking
What is more Dap an:
Question 8: Dap an C. make Make choices: dua ra lira chon Question 9: Dap an A. due Due (date): han nop
Question 10: Dap an D. enhances Enhance something: thuc day cai gi Question 11. Dap anB. motivated
Motivated: (adj) tinh tir sir dung cho ngirdi. Nhirng hoc sinh co dong .vtvlire.
Question 12: Dap anB. Finally ^jf Ho®
Theo chuoi trinh tir: First, Second, Finally.

De bai doc 36:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.
(1) European citizens are concerned about the state of the environment. They want their children and
grandchildren to have the same right as we have to clean air, clear water and green forests. The European Union
(EU) shares these concerned and has accepted the principle of sustainable development. Since 1992, the focus of
EU environmental policy has been to match production and consumption patterns to what our environment can
sustain in the long term. Climate change and the depletion of the ozone layer are two instances where the limits of
sustainability may have been exceeded. Pre-1992, EU environmental policy concentrated on corrective action. This
was not always successful, partly because there was no integrated approach between environmental protection and
economic activities in other sectors which went on harming the environment. Now the EU promotes partnership and
shared responsibility to prevent and where possible, reverse environmental degradation. It seeks from a coalition of
government, industry and consumers a commitment to conserve resources, to re-use and recycle old products, to
dispose of waste safely and develop environment-friendly energy sources. As pollution knows no frontiers, the EU
sees its policy as part of a global strategy to save the environment for future generations.
(2) We are engaged in a race against time. The need for a pro-active policy to protect the environment is
universally recognized in Europe and elsewhere. [V
(3) Social progress and economic prosperity have depended on activities which deplete the earth's
resources and cause pollution. The products we need and the vital services we use - from

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transportation to health-care systems - use these resources and create waste and pollution as byproducts.
(4) Historically our planet's remarkable regenerative capacity was able cope with the environmental impact of
human activity. But this capacity is now stretched beyond its limit. The two need to be brought back into balance as
quickly as possible as our environment is threatened in many, often interrelated ways. [... ]
Question I: What are the main European Union's environmental concerns?
A. To have uncontaminated environments for their next generations.
B. To have more children and grandchildren.
C. To have clean air, more water and bigger forests.
D. To have more children rights.
Question 2: The word "consumption" in the first paragraph is closet in meaning to __________ .
A. the amount of oil, electricity, etc. that is used
B. the sustainability of environmental development
C. the development of economic activities
D. the depletion of the ozone layer
Question 3: Why did EU environmental policy pre-1992 fail?
A. Because they did not take action.
B. Because of the climate change and depletion of the ozone layer.
C. Because there was no environmental protection.
D. Because there was no combination between ecological reservation and not environment-friendly economic
Question 4: The phrase "dispose of' in the fust paragraph is closet in meaning to ___________ .
A. get rid of B. reserve C. compose D. include
Question 5: Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?
A. The calls for environmental protection activities are now common worldwide.
B. Administration, economists and consumers all need to be committed to take necessary action to protect the
C. Climate change and the depletion of the ozone layer are two biggest threats to the environment.
D. The activities contributing to the development of the society and economy may deplete environmental
Question 6: The words "the two" in the last paragraph refers to ________ .
A. climate change and ozone layer
B. the human's impacts on the environment and its recovering capability
C. social progress and economic prosperity
D. the products we need and the vital services we use
Question 7: It can be inferred from the text that the next paragraph concerns __________ .
A. The social progress B. The human activities
C. The dangers to the environment flj D. The transportation
Dap an:
Question 1: Dap an A. To have uncontaminated environments for their next generations.
Thong tm nam a cau trong doan 1: "They want their children and grandchildren to have the same light

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as we have to clean an-, clear water and green forests."

Question 2: Dap an A. the amount of oil, electricity, etc. that is used
Comsumption: (n) lirong tieu thu
Question 3: Dap an D. Because there was no combination between ecological reservation and not
environment-friendly economic activities.
Thong tin nam 6 cau hong doan 1: "This was not always successful, partly because there was no integrated approach
between environmental protection and economic activities in other sectors which went on harming the
environment." Question 4: Dap an A. get rid of Dispose of = Get rid of: (phv) loai bo
Question 5: Dap an C. Climate change and the depletion of the ozone layer are two biggest threats to the
Trong bai doc chi noi "Climate change and the depletion of the ozone layer are two instances where the
limits of sustainability may have been exceeded." (doan 1) chir khong nhac den "Climate change and
the depletion of the ozone layer are two biggest threats to the environment."
Question 6: Dap anB . the human's impacts on the environment and its recovering capability
"The two" am chi den "our planet's remarkable regenerative capacity" va "environmental impact of
human activities" diroc nhac den 6 cau trade do.
Question 7: Dap an C. The dangers to the environment Vi cau cuoi cung hong bai doc hieu nhac den "...our
environment is threatened in many, often interrelated ways."

De bai doc 37:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Have you decided it's time to part with all those old books (8) /y you haven't read for years, or all those CDs
you never listen to? One way to profit from things you no longer want is to sell them.
Over the last few years, there has been an enormous (9) _________ in the number of people who sell things
online through services like ebay. It can be a fun way of making money and you are bound to enjoy it. Here's how it
(10) ______decided to sell your things, you need to set up an ebay account. Then, you need to
tell people what are things you are selling are like. You can also add photographs so that people take
more (11) _____ of your advertisement. People visiting the website can then offer you money for your
things. The person who (12)_______ to pay the most money wins the auction. If you've got just the right
thing for sale that someone is looking for, you can make a fortune!
Question 8: A. when B. what C. whom D. 0
Question 9: A. increase B. raise C. decrease D. rising

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Question 10: A. After B. Before C. As D. Having

Question 11: A. notice B. attention C. look D. notification
Question 12: A. keeps B. refuses C. promises D. continues
Dip an: fl®* ^ Aall^^
QuestionS: Dap anD. 0
Kin dai til quail he thay the cho 1 tan ngu thi co the loai bo Question 9: Dap an A. increase
There has been an enormous increase in: Co su tang truong trong... Question 10: Dap anD. Having
Kin 2 menh de co cung chu ngu thi co the bo chu ngu 6 1 menh de va the bang dang V_ing
Question 11: Dap an A. notice Take more notice of something: chii y nhieu lion den cai .vtvgi
Question 12: Dap an C. promises Promise + to V: hiia lam gi

De bai doc 38:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.
Your next car may be electric. We look at the technologies that will bring the revolution.
(1) The main reasons why electric cars are not more popular at present are their price and their relatively
small range. Existing battery systems only allow electric cars to travel a distance of between 100 and 160 km.
However, this distance may not be a problem for urban drivers. A recent Sydney study reported that 70 percent of
journeys were 30 km or less, and recent data from the US suggests that 77 percent of trips taken there are 48 km or
(2) An innovative company called Better Place is aiming to make electric car an option for all drivers. It
wants to see existing vehicles replaced by electric vehicles which, it says, offer a number of benefits. Firstly, they
can be powered by renewable energy which produces zero emissions. What is more, electric motors are more
efficient and can convert more than 90 percent of power into movement, whereas the efficiency of diesel or petrol
engines is less than 20 percent. To achieve its aim, Better Place plans to use technology which is already available.
(3) The plan is simple but revolutionary. It starts with the installation of a home charge point, and through
this, the vehicle will be plugged into the electricity grid whenever it is in the garage, typically at night. In the
morning, with the fully charged battery, the car is capable of as much as 160 km in urban motoring conditions. In
addition to the home charge point, the battery can be topped up by charge point as work and at supermarkets.
(4) The battery is linked to a control centre by smart technology inside the vehicle. Better Place can then
ensure that the car is charged with electricity from renewable sources at the cheapest price. For longer trips, a
navigation system directs the driver to the nearest switch station, where the depleted battery can be replaced with a
charged one by a robot within a couple of minutes.
(by Tim Thwaites, issue 29 of Cosmos, October 2009)

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Question 13: According to the reading, who may be in favor of using electric cars at present? A.
A. unvers
Drivers around
city B. All11drivers
D. A drivers
C. Regular commuters D. Divers travelling for long trips
' as the adva Question 14: As
ft®' Better Placc
stated, what was
NOT mentioned as the advantage of electric vehicles?
A. They are eco-friendly means of transport.
B. Innovative but simple technology is going to be utilized to make electric vehicles.
C. The efficiency of their motors is nearly five times more than that of diesel or petrol engines.
D. They are said to emit no exhaust fumes. Question 15: The word "it" in the second ft paragraph

refers to ____________________________________________________ .
A. A recent Sydney study B. Existing vehicle
C. Better Place D. Electric car
Question 16: The word "revolutionary" in tlie third paragraph is closet in meaning to
A. innovative B. modern C. challenging D. revolved
Question 17: What is NOT mentioned in the reading as the place where batteries can be recharged?
A. At work B. At supermarkets C. At home D. On the road Question 18: The word "renewable" in tlie last
paragraph is opposite in meaning to _________________________________________________ .
A. inexhaustible B. endless C. limitless D. unrecoverable
Question 19: At switch centre, the batteries can be replaced by what? A. A navigation system B. Another
C. A robot D. A charged battens ,
Question 20: What can be the best title for this reading?
A. The electric revolution B. An innovative company
C. The popularity of battery systems D. A revolution navigation system
Dap an:
Question 13: Dap an A. Drivers around tlie city
Thong tin lay 6 cau doan 1: "... this distance may not be a problem for urban drivers."

Question 14: Dap an B. Innovative but simple technology is going to be utilized to make electric vehicles.
Thong tin nay khong dung vi trong bai noi "To achieve its aim, Better Place plans to use technology
which is already available." (cau cuoi doan 2)
Question 15: Dap an C. Better Place
Tit "it" am chi "Better Place" 6 cau truoc do
Question 16: Dap an A. innovative
Revolution ^ Innovative: tien tien
Question 17: Dap an D. On the road
Trong bai khong nhac den thong tin pin co tlie sac tren dudng Question 18: Dap an D. unrecoverable

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Renewable sources: la nhung nguon nhien lieu co the tai tao/ pliuc hoi duoc nen renewable >< unrecoverable

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Question 19: Dap an C. A robot

Thong tin lay 6 cau cuoi doan 4: "For longer trips, a navigation system directs the driver to the nearest switch
station, where the depleted battery can be replaced with a charged one by a robot within a

couple ofminutes.'y^W^ " Question 20: Dap an A. The electric revolution
Tieu de nay lien len cac y cliinli cua ca bai. Nhung lira clion con lai chi la nhung chi tiet lilio

De bai d<?c 39:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
The zipper today is a very common item. Used to join two pieces of fabric along the edges, it
(8) _____ an important function for many types of clothing as well as other things people use, such as
bags or tents. (9) ________ a look at its early history reveals that the zipper was, in fact, an unlikely
Toward the end of the nineteenth century, when the first zippers were being (10) people
were generally satisfied with the way they were already fastening their clothing. Simple buttons
considered sufficient, and (11) ________ people complained that something better was needed. It is
therefore (12) ______ that companies
B.serves B. C. gets D. brings D.
invested money I the development of a product that
Although B. C. Despi«l C. Yet
few people
discovered B. developed C. D. processed
though necessary...
few B. a few C. D. little D.
Question 8: A. plays Question 9: necessary expected possible
A. But Question 10: A. found
Question 11: A. many Question
12: A. puzzling Dap an:
Question 8: Dap anB. serves
Serve an important function: phuc vu/ co 1 chirc nang quan h ong
Question 9: Dap anD. Yet
HP * A ■ iA ,1 A 1 "A 1A4A11A

Tir noi de the hien quan he doi lap Question 10: Dap an C. developed
Find/ discover: (v) phat hien ra mot cai moi Develop: (v) phat trien
Question 11. Dap anB. few A few: it nhung co tinh chat khang dinh
Few: it nhung mang nghia phu dinli la khong nliieu, kliong du
Question 12: Dap an A. puzzling Puzzling: (a) gay boi roi

De bai doc 40:


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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.
(1) As its name suggests, the acacia ants live in acacia trees, and it chooses the most inaccessible places in
the tree to build its nest. When an ant finds itself on a tree, it will start making a hole beneath one of the thorns, the
sharp needle-like structures growing on the branches. When the hole is big enough, the ant will start a family there.
That family soon grows very large, and when it is a few hundred strong, it will protect the whole tree, from the roofs
up to the leaves, and flowers, by defending against invaders.
(2) Acacia ants ward off not only small animals, like sugar gliders, but also large ones, like goats or
giraffes. As soon as the ants detect an intruder near the tree, they quickly rush toward it and bite it, injecting a toxic
substance into the animal's skin. The substance is not life threatening, but it creates enough pain to make the
intruder look for another tree whose tasty leaves are not so well guarded.
(3) The ants protect the tree because it is in their interest to do so. If a giraffe were to destroy the tree, it
would also mean the demise of the ant's home. Such animals are thus a threat to the ant. But acacia ants do not
frighten away all animals that come near them. Scale insects, for example, are quite welcome, because they produce
a sweet juice the ants enjoy. Some of the ants' food also comes from the acacia tree itself. Acacia trees provide a
kind of oil that is collected by the ants and taken to their nests. It is one of the favorite food of baby ants.
Question 13: What would be the most suitable title for the passage?
A. A tasty tree B. The tiny Protectors
C. Making a Small Home D. Observing a Dangerous Insect
Question 14: Where on the acacia tree do acacia ants build their nests?
A. On the leaves B. Near the roots C. Under the thorns D. Inside the
Question 15: What can be inferred from the passage about acacia tree leave?
A. They are eaten by animals. B. They are shaped like needles.
C. They are extremely poisonous. D. They are used as a hiding place.
Question 16: The phrase "ward off" in the second paragraph is closet m meaning to __________ .
A. stick to B. crawl over C. move from D. frighten away
Question 17: What do acacia ants do when they sense an animal near the tree? A. They attack the animal.
B. They hide in their nests.
C. They carry their young out of the nest. D. They use animal for transportation.
Question 18: The word "it" m the second paragraph refers to ________ .
A. an intruder B. a tree C. the skin D. the substance
Question 19: The word "demise" 111 the last paragraph is closet in meaning to ________ .
A. decoration B. description C. destruction D. development
Question 20: Ants use the oil of the acacia tree for what purpose? ^s •• A. Covering their smell B. Feeding their
C. Cleaning their nests D. Fighting their enemies

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Dap an:
Question 13: Dap anD. Observing a Dangerous Insect

Day la tieu de bao quat thong tin cua ca bai doc. Nhung lua chon con lai kliong dupe true tiep nliac den Question

14: Dap an A. On the leaves

Thong tin lay 6 cau trong doan 1: "When an ant finds itself on a free, it will start making a hole beneath one of the
thorns, the sharp needle-like structures growing on the branches." Question 15: Dap an C. They are extremely
Thong tin lay 6 cau trong doan 2: "As soon as the ants detect an intruder near the free, they quickly rush toward it
and bite it, injecting a toxic substance into the animal's skin. The i anuuiei uec wxu
substance is not life
threatening, but it creates enough pain to make the intruder look for Ho®*1- another tree whose
tasty leaves are not so well guarded." Question 16: Dap an D. frighten away Ward
off = Frighten away: bao ve
Do trong bai doc co mot so tliong tin nlur "... [the ants] protect the whole free... by defending against invaders" va
"As soon as the ants detect an intruder... they quickly rush toward it and bite it..." Question 17: Dap an A. They
attack the animal.
Thong tin lay 6 cau trong doan 2: "As soon as the ants detect an intruder near the free, they quickly rush toward it
and bite it, injecting a toxic substance into the animal's skin." Question 18: Dap an D. the substance It = the
Question 19: Dap an C. destruction
Do trong bai doc co tliong tin 6 doan 3: "If a giraffe were to destroy the tree, it would also mean the demise of the
ant's home." Tir "also" the hien la "the ants' home would be destroyed too."

Question 20: Dap an B. Feeding their young .vtv

Thong tin lay 6 2 cau cuoi doan 3: "Acacia trees provide a kind of oil that is collected by the ants and taken to
then nests. It is one of the favorite food of baby ants.'
De bai di?c 41:
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.
(1) Have you ever wondered where museums get the works and relics that they put on display? If the
museum is sponsored by the government, then the relics were probably collected under special laws that protect
historical treasures related to that country. However, not all museums are sponsored by the government. Sometimes
a private collector decides to set up a museum so that the public can view the works or relics in his or her collection.
Since the 1990s, more and more of these museums set up by private collectors have sprung up in China. Typically,
these private museums are small, but they give visitors the chance to see works and relics not found anywhere else.

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Songtang Li is one such collector who has put part of his private collection on display for the public. In
2001, Li opened his museum in an old 18th century house in Beijing. The museum displays some of the best
examples of Chinese folk art he has collected over his lifetime. Many of the pieces in tlie collection are actually
architectural decorations from old houses and buildings around China's capital. Whenever an old building was
being torn down, Li would visit the site to see if there was anything from the building worth rescuing. In this way, Li
managed to accumulate thousands of folk art pieces, some of which are over 1,000 years old.
Li began collecting folk art sculptures when he was young. The first pieces in his collection were two
gate piers that stood in front of his house. The stone piers were carved with historical designs, and Li thought of
them as his two friends. During his childhood, he would sometimes even sit beside them and tell them stories.
When Li was seven, the city told Li's family to get rid of the piers so that the street could be rebuilt. Rather than
throwing them away, Li's father allowed his son to keep them.
Thus began Li's lifetime hobby of visiting demolition sites and collecting pieces of sculpture or
decorative architecture. Anything that he was allowed to take away would end up in his collection. In the late 1970s,
China underwent major economic reforms. At that time, Beijing started widespread demolition and rebuilding
across the city. According to Li, more than ninety percent of the old houses and temples in Beijing have since been
torn down and replaced with modern buildings.
Luckily, all of old Beijing's architectural folk art has not been lost. Visitors to the Songtangzhai Folk
Sculpture Museum can view some of the best relics Li rescued over the years. Question 1: What can be the best title
for this reading?
A. "A great collector and his museum"
B. "The best museum designer"
C. "Changes in Chinese Architecture"
D. "The largest Museum in China"
Question 2: Where is the Songtangzhai Folk Sculpture Museum located?
A. In a city near Beijing B. In China's capital
C. In Songtang Li's house D. In an old 18th century temple Question 3: The word "accumulate" in
the second paragraph is closet in meaning to ___________________________________________ .
A. accommodate B. collect C. reservqr. D. circulate
Question 4: What was NOT on display in the Songtangzhai Fold Sculpture Museum?
A. Architectural decorations from old buildings
B. Carved stone piers
C. Paintings Li made during his childhood
D. Pieces of sculpture or decorative architecture
Question 5: The word "them" in tlie third paragraph refers to ________ .
A. Li's two friends B. Li's family members
C. Two stone gate piers D. Folk art sculpture
Question 6: Which of the following is NOT true according to the text? A. Most of tlie pieces in
Li's collection came from his childhood home.
B. Chinese government issued a special policy on preserving their national historical treasures.
C. Songtang Li has made great contribution to protect architectural folk arts.

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D. Setting up a private museum is not prohibited in China. Question 7: What is Li's opinion about modem
A. Ninety percent of it needs to be torn down.
B. Few parts of it are very old.
C. Folk art can be seen in most of it.
D. Not much of it was rebuilt. Dap an:
Question 1: Dap an A. "A great collector and his museum"
Tieu de nay neu len cac y chinh ciia bai. Nhung lira chon con lai chi la nhung chi tiet nho
Question 2: Dap an B. In China's capital
"In Beijing" = "In China's capital"
Question 3: Dap anB. collect
Accumulate = Collect
Question 4: Dap an C. Paintings Li made during his childhood
Trong bai doc kliong nhac den thong tin: "Panitmgs Li made during his childhood"
Question 5: Dap an C. Two stone gate piers
Them = Two stone great piers: duoc nliac den 6 cau trirdc do
Question 6: Dap an A. Most of the pieces in Li's collection came from his childhood home. Dimg tir "Most of'
khien cho thong tin ca cau A sai vi trong bai doc noi "Thus began Li's lifetime hobby of visiting demolition sites and
collecting pieces of sculpture or decorative architecture. Anything that he was allowed to take away would end up
in his collection." (2 cau dau doan 4) Question 7: Dap an B. Few parts of it are very old.
Thong tm lay 6 cau cuoi doan 4: "...more than ninety percent of the old houses and temples in Beijing have snice
been torn down and replaced with modem buildings."

De bai d?c 42:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Is an unknown force having an influence on Pioneer 10 and 11, NASA's oldest space probes?
The probes have been travelling through space for over thirty years but scientists have now (8) _____________
to the conclusion that their current position does not correspond with predictions of where they should
be. The probes appear to be (9) _______ the control of something other than the sun's gravity. Scientists
are unsure of the cause of the probes' slowness, but have narrowed down the possibilities to three main options.
They put forward their suggestions at a conference this week. It is possible, but unlikely, (10) -
____ both probes are malfunctioning in the same way at the same time; our understanding of gravity
may be wrong, or an unknown force in the universe is (11) _________ a difference to the speed of the craft.

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Scientists say they will need to carry (12) __________ more research before they can determine what the
cause is.
Question 8: A. get B. come C. reach D. achieve
Question 9: A. under B. in C. on D. through
Question 10: A. which B. when C. that D. what
Question 11: A. creating B. doing C. making D. putting
Question 12: A. in B. on C. away D. out
Dap an:
Question 8: Dap an B. come
Cum "come to the conclusion that...": di den ket luan la Question 9: Dap an A. under
Cum "under the control of ...": diroi sir kiem soat cua .vtvQuestion 10: Dap an
C. that Cau true: It is possible that... Question 11. Dap an C. Ho® making Cum "make a
difference": tao nen sir khac biet
Question 12: Dap anD. out
If fj Q J
Cum "cany out": tien hanh (nghien ciru)
answer sheet to u
De bai doc 43:
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
(1) Most people know that a balanced diet and regular exercise are very important. However, most people
do not know how to exercise properly. Instead of concentrating on how to get the best results efficiently and
effectively, people usually rush through their workouts, or they make the same common workout mistakes.
(2) Exercising the right way is important for people who are worried about their health and their
appearance. However, if someone is not working out properly, it is rare that he or she will see the results he or she
wants. Therefore, training experts have devised tips to teach people how to exercise correctly in order to achieve
the greatest health benefits. If you want to achieve the best workout results, here are a few helpful tips to bear in
(3) One of the most common workout mistakes is doing the same routine over and over again. This does not
challenge your muscles, and it can actually prevent muscles from growing and repairing themselves. Instead of
always sticking to the same old workout, it is important to change your routine every six to eight weeks. It is also
important to add a variety of workouts to your routine, such as swimming, yoga, or biking to make sure your whole
body stays fit. This will help make your workouts more interesting, and benefit your health and muscle
development as well.
(4) Another mistake people tend to make is to work out too hard, too often. Your body needs to rest between
workouts. Otherwise, no progress will be made. It is best to keep the number of hard workout routines to no more
than two per week. Then, for those who don't want to get off schedule by

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skipping a day, shorter workouts of about twenty minutes can be used on other days. For more variety in workouts,
you could also plan an easier routine for forty to sixty minutes between days of shorter, more intense workouts.
Experts recommend, however, taking at least one day off completely each week, especially after several hard
workout days in a row.
(5) In reality, no one is perfect. However, if you want to make a difference in your overall health, there are
some things you can do. Stretch before and after every workout. Do not rush your routine and do not work out too
little or too much. Remember not to make these common workout mistakes, and always have fun while exercising!
Question 13: What is the best title for this reading?
A. Adding a variety of workouts to your routine.
B. Working on your workout. .vtv
C. Changing your routine as soon as possible.
D. Work out hard and often. Question 14: Which is NOT mentioned in the reading as the
common workout mistakes?
A. People do not usually take enough rest when taking exercise.
B. People tend to stick to the same routine day by day.
C. People do not stretch before and after every workout.
D. People do not verify the types of sport in their routines. Question 15: The phrase "devised" in the second
paragraph is closet in meaning to Dloset m meaning to ______ .
A. carefully planned B. divided al -rt.Vft
C. considered D.
Question 16: The phrase "bear in mind" in tlie second paragraph is closet in meaning to _________
A. persist with B. remember C. appear D. think Question 17: Why is it advised that the workout routine be
changed every six to eight weeks? A. To avoid bone problems B. To challenge your muscles C. To become faster D.
To exercise your brain Question 18: The word "This" in tlie third paragraph is closet in meaning to .
A. Adding a wide range of exercises B. Swimming
C. Yoga D. Biking
Question 19: What can be inferred from this reading? .vtv
A. Taking too much rest between workouts may prevent muscles from growing.
B. It is not a good idea to take a day off from exercising.
C. Daily intense workouts help one stay healthy.
D. The diversity in the types of workout is better than doing the same all the time. Question 20: The work
"stretch" in the last paragraph is opposite in meaning to ___________________________
A. exaggerate B. widen C. make tight D. extend
Dap an:
Question 13: Dap anB. Working oil your workout.
Day la y bao quat cua ca bai. Nhung lua chon con lai chi la nhung chi tiet nlio h ong bai. Question
14: Dap an C. People do not stretch before and after eveiy workout.

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Thong tin nay khong phai la 1 "common workout mistake" ma la 1 loi khuyen, tliong tin 6 cau trong doan 5:
"Stretch before and after eveiy workout." Question 15: Dap an A. carefully planned Devised = carefully planned:
duoc len ke lioac ky cang Question 16: Dap anB. remember Bear in mind = remember: ghi nho (dieu gi) Question
17: Dap an B. To challenge your muscles
Thong tin lay 6 2 cau dau trong doan 3: "One of the most common workout mistakes is doing the same routine over
and over again. This does not challenge your muscles, and it can actually prevent muscles from growing and
repairing themselves." Question 18: Dap an A. Adding a wide range of exercises
Tii "this" am clii den cum tit "add a variety of workouts to your routine, such as swimming, yoga, or biking to make
sure your whole body stays fit." 6 cau trade do
Question 19: Dap an D. The diversity in the types of workout is better than doing the same all the time.
Thong tin lay trong doan thu 3 cua bai Question 20: Dap an C. make tight
Stretch: duoi chan/ tay, thu gian co # make tight: troi buoc chat

De bai doc 44: .viv

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
(1) In early 1976, Mau Piailug, a fisherman, led an expedition in which he sailed a traditional
Polynesian boat across 2,500 miles of ocean from Hawaii to Tahiti. The Polynesiar Voyaging Society had
organized the expedition. Its purpose was to find out if seafarers in the distant past could have found their way from
one island to the other without navigational instruments, or whether the islands had been populated by accident. At
the time, Mau was the only man alive who knew how to navigate just by observing the stars, the wind and the sea.
(2) He had never before sailed to Tahiti, which was a long way to the south. However, he understood how
the wind and the sea behave around islands, so he was confident he could find his way. The voyage took him and his
crew a month to complete and he did it without a compass or charts.
(3) His grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby. He showed
him pools of water on the beach to teach him how the behavior of the waves and wind changed in different places.
Later, Mau used a circle of stones to memorize the positions of the stars. Each stone was laid out in the sand to
represent a star.
(4) The voyage proved that Hawaii's first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea
and the stars. Mau himself became a keen teacher, passing on his traditional secrets to people of other cultures so
that his knowledge would not be lost. He explained the positions of the stars to his students, but he allowed them to
write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done.

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Question 1: What does the reading mainly discuss?

The behaviors of the wind and the sea around islands.
The voyage made by an ocean navigator using traditional method.
Navigational instruments used to find the way from one island to the other.
Mau's traditional secrets.
Question 2: Why did Mau Piailug lead the expedition organized by the Polynesian Voyaging Society?
A. To find the quickest route between Hawaii and Tahiti.
B. To observe the stars, the wind and the sea.
C. To find out if navigating between islands had been possible in the past.
D. To teach people in the other island how to navigate.
Question 3: The phrase "by accident" in the first paragraph is opposite in meaning to
A. on purpose B. by mistake C. unintentionally D. bythance
Question 4: The word "it" in the second paragraph refers to_________ .
A. his crew B. the island C. the boat D. the expedition
Question 5: What did Mau use to learn where each star was situated in the sky?
A. Stones B. A compass C. Charts D. Waves
Question 6: What is the answer Mau could find out after the voyage?
A. The first inhabitants of Hawaii could read and write.
B. The sea around Tahiti was very familiar among seafarers in the distant past.
C. Hawaii's first inhabitant found their way to Tahiti by studying the behavior of the sea and the situation of
the stars.
D. His students would never be able to remember his traditional secrets. Question 7: What can be inferred
from this reading?
A. At the time of his voyage, Mau had unique navigational skills.
B. Mau thought it would be difficult to use a compass and charts.
C. Mau expccted his students to memorize the position of the stars.
D. Mau's boat belonged to the Polynesian Voyagmg. Dap an:
Question 1: Dap an B. The voyage made by an ocean navigator using traditional method.
Day la y bao quat cua ca bai. Nhung lira chon con lai chi la nhunj chi tiet nho ti ong bai.
Question 2: Dap an C. To fmd out if navigating between islands had been possible in the past.
Thong tin lay 6 cau trong doan 1: "Its purpose was to fmd out if seafarers in the distant past could have
found their way from one island to the other without navigational instruments,..."
Question 3: Dap an A. on purpose
By accident = By mistake - By chance: tinh co # On puipose: co y, co tinh Question 4: Dap an D. the expedition
Tir "it" am chi den danh tir "the voyage" 6 cau trirdc do. The voyage = the expendition Question 5: Dap an A.
Thong tin lay 6 cau trong doan 3: "Later, Mau used a circle of stones to memorize the positions of the stars."

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Question 6: Dap an C. Hawaii's first inhabitant found their way to Tahiti by studying the behavior of the sea and the
situation of the stars.
Thong tin lay a cau dau hong doan cuoi: "'The voyage proved that Hawaii's fust uihabitants came m small boats and
navigated by reading the sea and the stars."
Question 7: Dap an A. At the time of his voyage, Mau had unique navigational skills.
Thong tm lay a cau cuoi trong doan 1: "At the time, Mau was the only man alive who knew how to
navigate just by observing the stars, the wind and the sea."

De bai doc 45:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Water (8) _____ over 70% of the Earth's surface. It is a veiy important resource for people and
the environment.
Water pollution affects drink water, rivers, lakes and oceans all over the world. In many
developing countries, it is usually a leading (9) _________of death, by people drinking from polluted water
sources. More to this, water pollution affects not only individual living species but also populations and entire
functioning ecosystems (10) ________________ exist in the waters.
Humans have now (11) the importance of clean water as a foundation for life. In recent
time, more and more organizations and councils are working hard to educate, protect, restore
waterways and encourage practices that help keep waters from (12) __________ , and also to preserve water
ecosystems from destruction.
Question 8: A. runs B. covers C. flows
Question 9: A. cause B. reason C.factor
Question 10: A. it B. who C.they C.
Question 11: A. evaluated B. realized studied C.
D. that
Question 12: A. disappearance B. reduction contamination
its* D. determined
D. vaporation
Dap an: 11
Question 8: Dap an B. covers Cover: (v) bao phu Question 9: Dap
Ho® an A. cause Cause
of something: nguyen nlian din den cai gi. Nhung tir kliac lioac la khong hop ve
ngliia, lioac la khong di diroc voi "of' Question 10: Dap an D. that
"that" la dai tir quail he phu hop lam chu ngir cua menh de chira cum "exist ui the waters"
Question 11: Dap anB. realized
Realize: (v) nhan ra
Question 12: Dap an C. contamuiation
Contamination: (n) sir o nliiem. Doan nay co nghia la "giu cho nirdc khong bi o nhiem"

De bai doc 46:

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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.
Hibernation is typically linked to seasonal changes that limit food supplies. It is identified by metabolic
suppression, a drop in body temperature, and torpor - a sleep-like state - interspersed with brief bouts of
wakefulness. Though certain species of fish, amphibians, birds and reptiles are known to lie dormant during cold
winter months, hibernation is generally associated with mammals, according to Don Wilson, a curator emeritus of
vertebrate zoology at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
Endothermic mammals — "waim-blooded" animals that generate body heat internally - need a constant
energy source to keep their engines running, Wilson told Live Science. And when that energy source becomes
difficult to find, hibernation can help them weather harsh conditions.
"Duiing times of the year when that energy source is missing - especially in northern climates - one coping
mechanism is to just shut down," he said. "They'll feed heavily duiing the few months when food is plentiful and
build up fat, then go to sleep and live off their fat reserves."
A special type of fat called "brown fat" accumulates in hibernating mammals, Wilson said. Bats that
hibernate develop brown fat on their backs between their shoulder blades, but mammals can also store brown fat in
their bellies and elsewhere in their bodies, Wilson said.
Brown fat goes a long way because the hibernating animal draws on it very slowly, reducing their
metabolism to as little as 2 percent of their normal rate, according to a 2007 study published in the Journal of
Their core body temperature is also greatly reduced. It generally hovers close to the air temperature in the
animal's den but can sometimes fall as low as 27 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 3 degrees Celsius) in Arctic ground
squirrels, according to Kelly Drew, a neurochemist and professor with the Institute of Arctic Biology at the
University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Arctic ground squirrels' bouts of torpor last about two to three weeks, Drew told Live Science, and the
animals rouse "pretty consistently" for about 12 to 24 hours, before resuming their winter sleep. They repeat this
process for up to eight months.
But even though Arctic squirrels maintain a lower body temperature than any other hibernating mammal, the
changes in their bodies overall aren't that different from those that occur in other hibernating mammals, Drew said.
"The quality of mammalian hibernation is similar from bears to hamsters to ground squirrels," Drew said.
"The distmguisliiiig feature is how cold they get." Question 13: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Why hibernation is not popular among mammals.
B. How hibernation works in mammals.
C. The process of hibernation in Artie ground squirrels.
D. The change in body temperature during hibernation.
Question 14: The word "dormant" in the first paragraph is closet m meaning to _________ .
A. active B. busy C. awake D. inactive
Question 15: According to the passage, what does NOT happen during hibernation?

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A. A fall in the body temperature

B. Some intervals of being awake and active
C. An increase in the body fat
• t
Question 16: The word "weather" in the second paragraph is closet in meaning to __________
meaning to .
A. involve in B. suffer from C. adapt to D. rely on
Question 17: Where on the hibernation bat's body is brown fat mostly likely to be found?
A. Backs B. Blades C. Shoulders D. Bellies
Question 18: According to the passage, the metabolism in hibernating animals is reduced by.
A. Half of the normal rate B. 98% of the normal rate

D. A suppression in metabolism
C. 2% of the normal rate D. 20% of the normal rate
Question 19: How much can the Artie ground squirrel's body temperature reduce to
A. Almost the same as their den's temperature
B. Always as low as 3 degree Celcius
C. Always as low as -3 degree Celcius
D. Never lower than the polar bear's temperature
Question 20: Which is tine about the Artie ground squirrel's hibernation?
A. It sleeps eight months on end.
B. Its hibernation lasts only 2 to 3 weeks.
C. It switches between inactivity and wakefulness for 8 months.
D. It only wakes up for 12 to 24 hours during the hibernation. Dap an:
Question 13: Dap anB. How hibernation works in mammals. Ca doan van giai thich cach ma dong vat co vii ngu
dong nhu the nao Question 14: Dap anD. inactive
"dormant" ^inactive", vi cau trong bai co nghia la "du la nhung loai dong vat khac cung kliong hoat dong trong miia
dong nhung ngu dong la hoat dong duoc gan voi dong vat co vu." Question 15: Dap an C. An increase in the body
Thong tin lay 6 cau cuoi doan 3: "They'll feed heavily during the few months when food is plentiful and build up
fat, then go to sleep and live off their fat reserves."
Chung song dira vao luong mo tich trtr -> khi ngu dong, chung kliong the tich them mo dirpc Question 16: Dap an
C. adapt to Weather: thay doi cho phu hop = adapt to Question 17: Dap an A.
Backs §»
Thong tin lay a cau trong doan 4: "Bats that hibernate develop brown fat on their backs between their shoulder
Question 18: Dap anB. 98% of the normal rate
Thong tin lay 6 doan 5: "Brown fat goes a long way because the hibernating animal draws on it very slowly,
reducing their metabolism to as little as 2 percent of their normal rate ..." Giam xuong con 2% nglira la da giam 1
luong la 98%

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Question 19: Dap an A. Almost the same as their den's temperature

Thong tin lay 6 doan 6: "Then- core body temperature is also greatly reduced. It generally hovers close to the air
temperature m the animal's den..." Nhung cau khac kliong chinh xac
Question 20: Dap an C. It switches between inactivity and wakefulness for 8 months. Thong tin lay 6 doan 7:
"Arctic ground squirrels' bouts of torpor last about two to three weeks, Drew told Live Science, and the animals
rouse "pretty consistently" for about 12 to 24 hours, before resuming their winter sleep. They repeat this process for
up to eight months."

De bai doc 47:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on ' on your answer :your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
What should I do in the evening?
Try to go to bed at the same time each night. The body has an internal clock and hormones that control
sleepiness and wakefulness. This clock worLs best if there is a regular sleep routine. When working well, you will
feel sleepy at bed time. Try not to ignore this by staying up, as this is a window of opportunity for sleep. Going to
bed too early can also disturb your sleep. In the hour before going to bed, it is important to have a relaxing sleep
routine. This may include a warm bath, reading quietly or a warm milk drink. Going to the the toilet is important to
avoid having to get up in the night.
Are there things that I should not do in the evening?
Caffeine should be avoided for at least 4 hours before going to bed. This isn't just coffee and tea. It is also
found in colas and soft drinks. Smoking also makes it difficult to go to sleep, so there should be no cigarettes before
going to bed or during the night. Alcohol might help you get to sleep, but it will make it harder to stay asleep. It
makes sleep problems like snoring and sleep apnoea worse as well. Activities that are stimulating should be
avoided in the hour before bed. This includes moderate exercise, computer games, television, movies and important
discussions. Being in brightly lit environments or the blue light of the computer can reduce evening levels of the
sleep-promoting hormone, melatonin. Don't fall asleep on the couch during the evening as it reduces your sleep
pressure and makes it harder to fall asleep when you go to bed.
<Extracted from www.sleephealthfoundation.org.au)
Question 1: What is the tiue about the body's internal clock?
A. It controls our sleeping hours at night.
B. It works best if we have a good sleep habit.
C. It is a signal of how our sleepiness and wakefulness control us.
D. It makes you feel awake when getting up.
Question 2: A relaxing sleep routine includes all of the following EXCEPT__________ .
A. a warm bath B. some reading C. going to the toilet D. a cup of warm water
Question 3: The word "It" m the second paragraph refers to ________ .

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A. Smoking B. Coffee C. Caffeine D. Colas

Question 4: According to the passage, all are not good for your sleep EXCEPT _________ .
A.Coffee B. Tea C. Smoothies D. Soft drink
Question 5: The word "stimulating" in the passage is closet in meaning to __________ .
A. boring B. heavy C. exciting D. tiring
Question 6: Melatonin is ______ .
A. a hormone which helps people stay awake
B. a hormone which helps people stay sleepy
C. a hormone which helps people aware of their sleepiness
D. a hormone which helps people wake up after sleeping Question 7: What is the main idea of the
passage? .vtv
What should be and be not done to sleep well?
What is a good sleep?
What should be avoided during your sleep?
What should be done before going to bed? Dap an:
Question 1: Dap anB. It works best if we have a good sleep habit.
Thong tin lay o cau trong doan 1: "This clock works best if there is a regular sleep routine." Question
2: Dap an D. a cup of warm water
"In the hour before going to bed, it is important to have a relaxing sleep routine. This may include a warm bath,
reading quietly or a warm milk drink. Going to the the toilet is important to avoid having to get up m the night." (cau
cuoi doan 1) Question 3: Dap an C. Caffeine
Thong tin lay 6 nhung cau dau doan 2: "Caffeine should be avoided for at least 4 hours before going to bed. This isn't
just coffee and tea. It is also found in colas and soft drinks." Question 4: Dap an C. Smoothies
Thong tin lay 6 nhung cau dau doan 2: "Caffeine should be avoided for at least 4 hours before going to bed. Tins isn't
just coffee and tea. It is also found in colas and soft drinks. Smoothies: khong diroc nhac den Question 5: Dap an C.
Thong tin lay 6 doan 2: "This includes moderate exercise, computer games, television, movies and important
discussions." .vtv
Day de la nhung hoat dong gay hung thu va yeu cau tap truiig cao Question 6: Dap anB. a hormone which
helps people stay sleepy
Thong tin lay a doan 2: "Being in brightly lit environments or the blue light of the computer can reduce evening
levels of the sleep-promoting hormone, melatonin." Question 7: Dap an A. What should be and be not done to sleep
well? Ca bai deu noi ve nhung nen va khong nen lam de co 1 giac ngu ngon
e co 1 giac ngu ngon.

De bai doc 48:

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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Have you ever (8) where the modern disco started? Before the Second World War, men
and women going to nightclubs danced in couples to live bands. But in Paris
during the war, jazz bands
were (9)______ in clubs. People still wanted to dance, so they took along their gramophone players
instead, and tlie veiy first "discotheques" were created. The idea remained popular after the war, partly because it
was cheaper to pay a DJ than a whole band, and soon Parisian Discotheques were copied in the USA and (10)
____________________ countries.
It was the arrival of a dance craze called "The Twist" in 1961 (11) ____________ really made discos
though, as for the first time couples danced without touching each other. Even Jacqueline Kennedy, the wife of the
US President, was photographed doing the dance. Fashion, music and technology have moved on quite a bit since
then, but the basic idea has B. considered C. believed C. D.
never lost its (12) _____________________________________________________
B. stopped B. prevented C. .
Question 8: A. thought the other B. others C. D. allowed
Question 9: A. banned when B. which C. D. other D.
Question 10: A. another popularity appearance where D.
Question 11: A. that
nul Question 12: A. interest presence
Dap an:
Question 8: Dap anD. wondered .vft
Thought: (v) nghi Considered: (v)
can nliac Believed: (v) tin
Wondered: (v) tir hoi Question 9:
Dap an A. banned Banned: (v) bi
c4m Stopped/ prevented: bi. ngan
chan Allowed: (v) duoc cho phep
Question 10: Dap anD. other .vtv
Other + danli tir so nhieu: nhung doi tirong khac cung loai Ho®
Question 11: Dap an A. that
Cau true: It is something that V something
Question 12: Dap an B. popularity
To lose one's popularity: khong conthinh hanh/ noi tieng

De bai doc 49:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
(1) Over the past 20 years, scientists have been using technology on nature to improve food supplies. They
are producing genetically modified (GM) food by modifying, or changing, the genes of

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plants and animals. Genes are the codes in the cell of every living thing that determine the way they look and
grow. In humans, gens determine characteristics such as the color of our eyes and how tall we are. By changing
the genes of plants, scientists can cause crops to produce more, become resistant to pests and disease, and have
more nutritional value. Genetically modified plants can have great benefits by increasing food supplies,
protecting the environment, and even improving nutrition.
(2) How will we feed the growing population? The world's population is expected to exceed 8 billion by
2025. Much of this increase will occur in the cities of developing countries. Unfortunately, food production,
instead of increasing, has decreased over the last ten years. As it is, some 40,000 people die from hunger-related
causes every day. The only way to increase food production seems to be through technology, since land and water
are getting scarce. In Africa, millions of people don't have enough food to eat and are dying because drought has
destroyed their food supply. If GM food crops could be developed that could resist drought or grow in poor, dry,
or salty soils, this would help poorer countries.
(3) GM crops can protect the environment because they are kinder to nature. Many farmers today depend
on chemical such as pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers to make their crops grow. Through gene biology, the
genes of plants can be modified so that they will be disease-resistant and pest-resistant and still produce the same
amount. An example of a pest-resistant crops is maize, which is similar to corn. There is a bacterium in the soil
which produces poison that kills insects, but is it harmless to people. Putting this bacterium gene into maize
plants makes them produce their own poison, which kills the pests that eat them. This is better for the
environment because it reduces the need to spray fields with pesticides and fertilizers.
(4) Genetically modified crops may make food more nutritious by adding genes to produce more
vitamins that the body needs for health and growth. For example, a kind of rice called golden rice has been
genetically modified to contain vitamin A. Regular rice dose not have vitamin A, and some people who live
mostly on rice are missing this important vitamin. This new rice can make a big difference to those people.
Modifying potatoes to contain less starch would make French fries healthier because they would not absorb so
much fat in the cooking. GM vegetables of the future may be produced with added nutrient to help fight heart
disease and cancer. Question 13: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. How GM crops are made B. The development of GM crops
C. The advantages of GM crops D. The history of Gm crops
Question 14: What causes 40,000 people to die every day?
A. Food inadequacy B. Diseases related to GM food
C. Diseases related to overpopulation D. Lack of water and land
Question 15: How can GM crops help produce more food?
A. GM crops can grow on less fertile land and in unsupportive weather conditions.
B. GM crops grow faster, so farmers can grow more in the same period of time.
C. GM crops are healthier and people will stay full longer. I
D. GM crops can grow on less soil and water. Question 16: The word "they" in paragraph 3
refers to _____________________________________________

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A. genes B. plants C. crops D. farmers

Question 17: According to the passage GM crops ________ .
A. kill other plants B. don't need water to grow
C. attract more pest^V D. are environment-friendly
Question 18: The word "absorb" in paragraph 4 is closet in meaning to ________ .
A. release B. reduce C. take in D. set out Question 19: Some crops do not require many pesticides
because they ________________________________________________________ .
A. are poisonous to pests that eat them
B. don't taste good to pests
C. have a bacterium that kills pests
D. grow underground and pests hardly find them
Question 20: Which of the following statements would be the writer probably agree with?
A. GM crops should be promoted for their benefits.
B. GM crops should be developed more in poorer countries.
C. GM crops will soon replace naturally grow crops.
D. GM crops are more nutritious and so more expensive than naturally grown crops. Dap an:
Question 13: Dap an C. The advantages of GM crops Ca
bai doc noi ve loi ich ciia tluic pham bien doi gen
Question 14: Dap an A. Food inadequacy
Thong tin lay 6 doan 2: "As it is, some 40,000 people die from hunger-related causes every day. Question 15:
Dap an A. GM crops can grow on less fertile land and in unsupportive weather conditions.
Thong tin lay 6 doan 2: "The only way to increase food production seems to be through technology, since land
and water are getting scarce. In Africa, millions of people don't have enough food to eat and are dying because
drought has destroyed their food supply. If GM food crops could be developed that could resist drought or grow
in poor, dry, or salty soils, this would help poorer countries." Question 16: Dap anB. plants Thay "they" bang
"plants" thi cau co nghia Question 17: Dap anD. are environment-friendly
Thong tin lay 6 cau cuoi doan 3: "This is better for the environment because it reduces the need to spray
fields with pesticides and fertilizers." Question 18: Dap an C. take in Absorb = take in: .vtvhap thu
Question 19: Dap an A. are poisonous to pests that eat them
Thong tin lay 6 doan 3: "Putting tins bacterium gene into maize plants makes them produce their own
poison, which kills the pests that eat them."
Question 20: Dap an A. GM crops should be promoted for then- benefits.
Tac gia chi ban ve loi ich cua thue pham bien doi gen nen co the suy luan tac gia ung ho viec phat trien loai thirc
pham nay.

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De bai doc 50:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
(1) Despite what society might try to tell us, being single doesn't have to be a bad thing - in fact, for some
people, it is even better than being paired up, with researchers finding that single life can impart a whole lot of
benefits that marriage doesn't.
(2) In a recent presentation to the American Psychological Association, psychologist Bella DePaulo,
pointed to evidence that single people can have richer, more meaningful lives than their married counterparts.
One study cited by DePaulo showed that people who are single are often closer to their parents, siblings, friends,
neighbors, and co-workers. Another study showed they had a heightened sense of self-determination, and
demonstrated continued growth and development as an adult. DePaulo is now conducting her own research into
this topic in the hopes of breaking down "singlism" - the stereotype that single people are somehow less worthy
than their married counterparts.
(3) Most people who live alone are young adults who postpone marriage into their last twenties, but some
are in their thirties and forties. One reason they often give for staying single is that they have not met the right
person. Others say that marriage involves too much commitment and responsibility, or that they prefer the single
lifestyle. There are two important sociological for the increase in singlehood. First, the social pressure to get
married has declined. Second, the opportunity for singles to have a good life has expanded. This is especially true
for women. As educational and employment opportunities for women increase, marriage is no longer the only
path to economic security, emotional support, social responsibility, and meaningful work.
Question 1: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Living alone among young people
B. Challenges of singlehood
C. The advantages of and the reasons for staying single
D. How to avoid staying single
Question 2: The word "it" in the first paragraph refers to _________.
A. society

B. a marriage
Question 3: According to the passage, research into singienood :p»w -
A. is no longer conducted
B. yields results that strengthen the benefits of staying single
C. is mostly done by female researchers
D. is only presented to the American Psychology Association Question 4: The word
"commitment" is closet in meaning to ___________________________ .
A. promises B. health C. finance D. time
Question 5: According to the passage, singles ________ .
A. have a strong bond with their family
B. are not as determined as others
C. are often in their early twenties onwards

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D. do not get on well with their colleagues Question 6: What can be inferred about DePaulo?
A. She supports feminism. B. She supports alternative lifestyles.
C. She hold prejudices against singles. D. She supports singlism.
Question 7: What is NOT mentioned as a reason for the increase in singlehood?
A. Marriage is believed to be too financially demanding.
B. People appear to enjoy life more as singles.
C. People no longer feel obliged to get married against their will.
D. People have not found the other half. Dap an:
Question 1: Dap an C. The advantages of and the reasons for staying single Toan bo bai
doc phan tich loi ich va nguyen nhan cua viec song doc than Question 2: Dap an C.
being single Thay "it" bang dap an C tlii cau co nghia
Question 3: Dap an B. yields results that strengthen tlie benefits of staying single Thong tin lay 6 doan 2: "In a
recent presentation to the American Psychological Association, psychologist Bella DePaulo, pointed to evidence
that single people can have richer, more meaningful lives than their married counterparts. One study cited by
DePaulo showed that people who are single are often closer to their parents, siblings, friends, neighbors, and
co-workers. Another study showed they had a heightened sense of self-determination, and demonstrated
continued growth and development as an adult." Question 4: Dap an A. promises Commitment = promise: (n)
cam ket/ sir hua hen Question 5: Dap an A. have a strong bond with their family
Thong tin lay 6 cau trong doan 2: "One study cited by DePaulo showed that people who are single are often closer
to their parents, siblings, friends, neighbors, and co-workers." Question 6: Dap an
B. She supports alternative lifestyles.
Thong tin lay o cau trong doan 2: "One study cited by DePaulo showed that people who are
single are often closer to their parents, siblings, friends, neighbors, and co-workers." Q^V® Va "DePaulo is now
conducting her own research into tins topic in the hopes of breaking down "singlism" - the stereotype that single
people are somehow less worthy than their married counterparts."
Co the suy luan Depaulo ung ho cac lira chon song khac nhau ngoai viec ket lion nhu truyen thong. Question 7:
Dap an A. Marriage is believed to be too financially demanding


Giao vien Phan Dieu Nguon


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