7 Ways To Shower Smarter

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7 Ways to Shower Smarter

Find out the surprising missteps you've been making

behind the curtain
BY ALY WALANSKY July 9, 2014

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You spend time showering every. Single. Day. So don't you think you should do it in the
smartest way possible? We consulted experts to find out how you can make better use of
the minutes you log behind the curtain to get softer skin and better hair—in less time.
You're welcome.

Skip The Soap

Shocking but true: Soap isn't necessary or helpful when you shower, says
dermatologist Marnie Nussbaum, M.D. Suds can actually strip skin of its essential oils,
leaving it tight, dry, and itchy. The smarter move: Use a soap-free body wash
like Sebamed Liquid Face and Body Wash($20, sebamedusa.com). A body wash
like this is water-based instead of oil-based to maintain the slightly acidic pH of 5.5—so
it'll cleanse skin without drying it out, says Nussbaum.

…And the Hot Water

You now know that soap can be majorly drying to your skin—but super-hot water
exacerbates the effect even more, says Nussbaum. So as good as it might feel to crank up
the water temp, you're actually better off sticking with lukewarm H2O.

Give Your Loofah Some TLC

Washcloths and loofahs can harbor bacteria, mold, and yeast, says dermatologist Joel
Schlessinger, M.D. If you use a loofah, make sure you replace it at least once a month.
Schlessinger says the best way to keep loofahs clean is to dry them completely between
uses—even if that means storing it outside of the moisture-filled shower. If you prefer
washcloths, grab a fresh one every day, and avoid using it on your face. This is very
irritating to the skin and ends up causing dry areas, breakouts, and even sores, says
Schlessinger, who recommends washing your face with your hands instead.

Use Shampoo on the Right Spots

Many people put the bulk of their shampoo on the general length of their hair, but it's
actually a better idea to focus most of it on your scalp, roots, and the nape of your neck,
says Schlessinger. Why? This is where dirt and oils usually collect. It's also a good idea
to avoid using too much shampoo on your ends because they're prone to dryness and

MORE: What Happens When You Don't Use Shampoo for 5 Years

Don't Shave Until the End of Your Shower

In order to get the closest shave—and reduce your chances of getting an ingrown hair—
you'll want to wait until at least five minutes into your shower before you break out your
razor. This will give your pores a chance to open and ensure the hair's softened for easy
removal, says Nussbaum. Again, though, you'll want to make sure the water is warm, not
hot, since scalding water will cause your follicles to swell (and when this happens, your
hair is more likely to break before it can be removed).

MORE: 10 Things No One Ever Tells You About Shaving Your Legs

Keep Showers Short

Stick to short showers—no more than five to 10 minutes, depending on if you're shaving,
says Nussbaum. This decreases the odds of stripping skin of its essential oils. So even
though it may feel luxurious to treat yourself to a long shower, you'll want to save those
for rare occasions—otherwise, you'll likely end up with dry and itchy patches of skin.

Moisturize Immediately Afterward

As soon as you step out, pat the skin dry—as opposed to rubbing it with a towel, which
can be irritating—says Schlessinger. Then apply a lotion to lock moisture into skin and
protect the epidermal barrier.

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