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A Practical Research Presented to the Faculty of the Senior High

School St. Michael’s College, Basic Education Department
Iligan City

Ampuan, Azzam P.
Caluyo, Bea D.
Colaljo, Marc Kristian C.
Gripo, Beejay B.
Manatom, Jhun Denmark L.
Namoc, Ralph B.
Pandapatan, Al-Warith A.

March, 2019
Chapter 1



Internet refers to an architectural system that has

revolutionized communications and methods of commerce by allowing

various computer networks around the world to interconnect (Michael

Aaron D. and Robert K., 2019). The Internet provides a capability so

powerful and general that it can be used for almost any purpose that

depends on information, and it is accessible by every individual who

connects to one of its constituent networks. It supports human

communication via electronic mail (e-mail), “chat rooms,” newsgroups,

and audio and video transmission and allows people to work

collaboratively at many different locations.

Personnels could easily handle their jobs with the help of the

internet. Staffs can use the internet as a tool in making their works more

efficient and productive. Educators would be able to discuss the topic

easily and it would also give an interactive activities and yields the latest

news and discoveries which is accessible through internet. Students

could also benefit the in internet usage at schools. They could do their

task more efficient and they could also learn in more effective way.

People would also know that the internet is not just limited for bringing

individuals together but also finding hints and informations for their

The Effectivity of Internet Usage in St. Michael's College will serve

as a gateway for the personnels to use tons of job-based strategies and

techniques. Internet does not only provide social connection and

entertainment but also give academic and scientific information. In our

modern days, the fast pace of the advancement of technology is changing

the way everyone in their daily lives so the researcher had an idea that it

could also change the way of staffs and students learn which would help

improve the quality of education in many ways.

As a disadvantage, personnels may consider this information

overload. With all of the information available to individuals, they may

find it difficult to choose which information is most important to a topic

and also when to stop looking. In addition, the validity of Internet

sources varies considerably from website to website, which means

personnels can very easily acquire inaccurate or out-dated information

online, students might use the internet in wrong purposes instead of


Theoretical Framework

For this study, the researchers will utilize the Social Cognitive
Theory by Albert Bandura (1989).

Social Cognitive Theory. A theory of learning that asserts people

from observing others in their social environments. Modeling, this
refers to learners observing others perform actions in context, so
teachers often incorporate it into their own teaching practice. With
technology, educators’ abilities to provide models increases and
also increase students’ access to models by providing opportunities
for all students to observe teachers explain and demonstrate
concepts and skills.

Self–efficacy, or the belief in one’s own ability to complete

tasks and reach goals, is increased when students are able to
watch a model of a skill and then practice it themselves. One of it
is software programs with already downloaded avatars or recorded
teachers that model a desired skill or behavior, after which the
student is provided an opportunity to practice and perform.

Technology provides access to tutors or mentors that many

students may not have otherwise. Students are no longer bound to
receiving help solely through their school community, and can
communicate with tutors and mentors from all over the world
whom they would not otherwise be able to reach with technology,
increasing their learning potential. (Wardlow L., 2016.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Internet Usage Effectivity of Internet

Respondents’ Profile Usage

Benefit of Internet Usage in
-Name St. Michael’s College
-Age Effectivity of Internet Usage
-Gender to the quality of work


Figure 1.1: Research Paradigm of the Study

This study aims to measure the effectivity of the internet usage to
the quality of the work or learning in St. Michael’s College. Only 2
variables are being assessed in this study which is the Effectivity of
Internet usage and the Benefit of Internet Usage in St. Michael’s College.
The internet usage would be the factor that will affect the dependent
variable which is the Benefit of Internet Usage in St. Michael’s College.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the effect of Wi-Fi on the learning in

St. Michael’s College.

Specifically, it attempted to answer the following questions:

1. What is the respondents’ profile in terms of:

1.1 Name

1.2 Age

1.3 Sex

1.4 Position

2. What are the benefits of using internet usage among the personnels in
St. Michael’s College?

3. Is the internet usage effective to the personnels quality of work in St.

Michael’s College?

Hypotheses of the Study

From the foregoing statement of the problem, the following null

hypotheses were tested;

Ho1: The internet usage is not effective to the personnels’ quality

work in St. Michael’s College.

Ho2: The availability of internet would improve the quality of work

and the education in St. Michael’s College.
Significance of the Study

The importance of this study is to know the effects of internet to

the personnels in SMC BEd, enhance the way of teaching and improve
working time using Internet and modern technologies that most
personnels are using nowadays.

The Personnels. This study will enable personnels to teach

different teaching methods to students that have different learning styles
and abilities. Internet will also enable access to applications that can
help them work on things more easily and more productive because of
Internet. It will help them on their paperworks and other important
things to be done in time and with efficiency in order for them to do
things faster and easy.

The Students. This study will enable students to make things also
quicker because the personnels of the school will be able to provide quick
instructions, requirements, and other important tasks that will be given
to the students because of the Internet that would help them work more
efficient and productive.

The School. This study would give an opportunity to St. Michael

College – Basic Education Department to improve the quality of
education and make tasks and other important doing of a certain
personnels easy by making Internet available and accessible for all the
personnels. It will help the school to be more productive in terms of
student to personnels, vice versa.

The Future Researchers. This study would let future researchers

to further develop this research. This study would also provide
information which could help future researchers to conduct a new kind
of research that would change the society.
Scope and Delimitation

This study was conducted to determine the Effectivity of internet

usage among the personnels in St. Michael’s College. The researchers
would give questionnaires to respondents from St. Michael’s College. This
study is limited within the personnels of St. Michael’s College – Basic
Education Department in San Miguel, Iligan City.

Definition of Terms

To better understand the study, these are the terms that are
defined in their operational and conceptual definition:

Information. As used in this study, this refers to data that would

be used for educational purposes. This term refers to a stimulus that has
meaning in some context for its receiver (Rouse M., 2015).

Internet. As used in this study, this refers to a network as a

source of learning-based data. This term refers to a system that allows
various computer networks around the world to interconnect (Khan R. &
Dennis M.A.,2018).

Effectivity. As used in this study, a measure of the extent to

which a specific intervention, procedure, regimen, or service, when
deployed in the field in routine circumstances, does what it is intended to
do for a specified population. (Wojtczak., 2002)

Personnel. As used in this study, this refers to the people who are
working inside a school or a company that helps on working and
facilitating to make things done or work. (Deng., 2009)

Usage. As used in this study, this refers to the importance of a

certain thing and how can it be used and how will it benefit the person
that will use it. (Wendt., 2012)
Chapter 2


This study presents the review of related literature and studies

after an intensive search done by the researchers. This will also provide
information for a better comprehension of the study.

Related Literature

Using Internet at school, students can quickly and easily share

documents, edit presentations in real time, store project files in the
cloud, and improve their teamwork skills. Internet in education even
allows students to collaborate with peers from other schools.
Employers’ value teamwork and students who leverage technology to
develop this skill will have more opportunities to succeed in the
professional world.

Internet for schools also allows teachers to tailor lessons and

presentations according to their students' learning styles. Teachers
can elaborate on topics through email, virtual chat rooms, and even
create online tools and apps for students to use. This personalized
instruction helps each student excel at their own pace.

One of the key benefits of having Internet solutions for

schools is increased student engagement. Technology is already a vital
part of students' lives outside the classroom, and it's only natural to
leverage it at school to drive their curiosity and encourage
participation. You can learn more about E-rate terms in our glossary.
(Seven Benefits of Having Internet Solutions for School, 2010)

With the latest technologies giving teachers and learners the

access to a limitless supply of information, the need to use Internet in
schools has become an integral part of modern teaching- learning
setting, having access to the internet on tablets, mobile phones, or
laptops let learners utilize all of the gadgets available to them via the

On the other hand, full access to the Internet in school also

provides learners the opportunity to be distracted, divide their attentions,
lose their interest in classroom discussions and limit their social

This easy access of information concerning just about any topic

may lead learners to materials that are not age-appropriate such as fake
news and issues and the increasing presence of commercial sites and
links with little content that would be deemed educational for learners.
Not to no mention the controversial materials that many parents prefer
not to be available to children on the net for various reasons like sites
depicting pornography and the numerous interactive game apps that are
greatly appealing to our learners.

Now that teachers are faced with digital natives in their

classrooms, and the use of Internet provided by the school is now being
implemented, any school adopting this modern trend in education
should set strict guidelines and rules, Learners should be taught online
safety and the use of judgment in getting good quality of information,
and restrain from personal use in the school. Otherwise the use of
Internet in schools is a good avenue for alternative source of information
aside from what they are getting from their teachers. (Internet in School:

One big advantage about the Internet is that you just need one
click and you have information. The web is bigger than any book and
therefore the perfect place to research. Another advantage is that the
students and teachers are always up to date. Many can subscribe
website or whatever you can subscribe and get emails with articles that
are up to date. Staying connected to the internet is always important. In
today’s time many offices work with Internet, laptops and newest
technology. Therefore, if students learn how to use it early in their life
then they will be prepared for later. (Los, 2015)

The accessibility of the Internet can be a significant benefit to

students. Students have a wealth of resources available to them online,
and those resources can make it easier for kids to understand key
concepts on nearly every subject. Whereas students might once have
been forced to trek to the library to research a given subject, now they
can do so from the comforts of home. The Internet never closes, so
information is at students’ disposal regardless of when they sit down to
do their schoolwork.

Another advantage to using the Internet to complete schoolwork is

that the Internet can be an extension of the classroom beyond school
walls. Educational Web sites abound on the Internet, and many of these
sites are written and monitored by professional educators. Many of their
questions or concerns may already be addressed, and certain topics may
be more easily explained on a Web site written by a professional
educator. Rather than waiting to address an issue in class, students can
visit such Web sites to answers to their questions. (Spears, 2017)

An effective way to boost the economy of the country is to provide

Filipinos with Internet access in educational institutes, so as to improve
collaborative and interactive learning. In this respect, Senator Paolo
Benigno Aquino IV drafted the Bill 1050 last August, according to which
academic institutions should be provided internet access points. Last
September, the senator pointed out that only 26% of public schools in
the Philippines have access to the Internet and that it was very important
to allow students and teacher to benefit from the internet, so that they
could go online to develop their learning and do relevant research. For
this reason, he created the K-12 Basic Education Program, which adopts
a tablet-based learning system in schools.
Other Senators have also moved in the same direction. Last March
Senator Emmanuel Pacquiao introduced the House Bill 3591 that
supported the installation of Internet in state colleges and universities. In
the meantime, Senator Francis Pangilinan also drafted a similar bill, Bill
58 to provide public areas, academic institutions included, with free Wi-
Fi. All these programs have a democratic goal in common, as the Web is
a useful source of information that can reach all people, independently of
their social class. (Bertani, 2016)

Related Studies

The next factor which impacts the efficiency of Internet use in

education is that teachers in most cases are unprepared for the practice
of integrating the information resources of the Internet, its facilities in
teaching and learning process. In many countries the institutes of
education do not train future teachers for the specific activity of handling
Internet resources. The situation is changing in some countries due to
the organization of special associations for in-service teacher training.
But still many teachers and educators consider this a self-dependent
activity in terms of using Internet technologies, finding some materials
for the projects, reports, essays, using e-mail if necessary, etc. But in
fact if we speak about education, we must keep in mind that this is a
mutual, interactive activity, which should be controlled and directed.
Even if the students are supposed to study some course or material
located in the Internet all by them, they should be provided with the
necessary instructions how to do it, what additional information is to be
used in the Internet or other resources. So, this problem deals with the
training of teachers either in the universities or at in-service training
courses. (Polat et. al., 2003)

Given the diversity of the information carried on the Internet,

student access to inappropriate material is a major concern of many
parents and teachers. In 2000, almost all public schools with Internet
access (98 percent) had “acceptable use policies” (AUPs) and used
various technologies or procedures, such as blocking or filtering
software, an intranet system, honor codes for students, or teacher/staff
monitoring, to control student access to inappropriate material on the
Internet. (Cattagni et. al., 2001)

On the contrary, there are also disadvantages of an easy internet

access in school. Most of us have an account on different social media
sites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) that can be easily
accessed during school and office hours. When doing some research one
can easily open a new tab for a new site for social media. Some students
become less productive in school and loose interest in their lesson
because they become focused on these sites. Some teachers have
gadgets that can access these sites easily, that’s why instead of teaching
and preparing for a lesson or attending a faculty meeting, they take a
“selfies” and post status. Downloading videos and other teaching
materials sometimes resulted in the laziness of the teacher because they
do not teach anymore; they just present it in class and for the students
to watch without any explanation from the teacher. Because of the easy
access of information through the internet, teachers and students exert
less effort in gaining knowledge, because some just do the “copy-paste”
method. (Parcon, 2016)

However, it is not simply just having the Internet that is important

but rather what the Internet allows teachers and students to do in the
classroom. Several years ago there was widespread agreement that
mobile devices and social media should not be in the classroom however
that has changed to what type of mobile devices and which social media
sites work the best (Ed. Week, 2011)

It was noted several times throughout the discussion that

technologies such as the Internet and personal computer do not increase
access or improve learning for all potential students. The most
fundamental drawback is the unequal availability of technologies for
people of low socioeconomic status. The concern is that technology is
benefiting only those with access while alienating those who cannot
participate. Some authors think that the use of technology to access
education could widen the gap between the haves and the have-nots, and
perhaps make this divide more permanent. Technologies such as the
Internet and the personal computer could increase the benefits of
education and reduce its negative aspects, depending upon how teachers
make use of them in the classroom and how online classes are managed.
Problems in the educational setting, such as the unavailability of
technology for low-income students, are far from being solved. Thus,
technology should not be an essential tool for receiving a quality
education. Instead, it should be viewed as an option to enhance learning
and increase opportunities. (Kemp, et. al., 2014)
Chapter 3


This study presents the instruments and all the things needed to
perform and observe our study. This would pertain to methods that
would serve as a guide which would be followed by the researchers.

Research Design

This research is a qualitative study which uses survey method to

gather data that would be used to answer the questions stated in this
study. The researchers prepared a questionnaire or a survey form to be
used to gather data.

Locale of the Study

This study is conducted in St. Michael’s College – Basic Education

Department. It is located at Miguel Sheker Ave, Iligan City, Lanao del
Norte. It was founded on the year 1914 and was distinguished as the
oldest catholic institution of higher learning in Lanao area.
The Respondents

The respondents of this research are the personnels of St.

Michael’s College – Basic Education Department. A number of 50
personnels coming from faculties and administrators.

Sampling Procedure

This research study is using non-probability sampling in choosing

its participants to gather data. This would not specify the probability of
selection of elements in the population which means the individuals in
the population do not have equal chances of being selected.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers would ask approval from the principal to allow the
researchers in performing this study. Then, the researchers would send
letter to the chosen respondents to know if the respondents are willing to
participate as a respondent in this research. The researchers would give
a questionnaire to the chosen respondents. The researcher would then
collect and tally the data gathered from the respondents. After collecting
the data, the researchers would interpret and discuss the results.

Instruments Used

The instruments used in making this study are survey

questionnaire. These survey questionnaires would be answered by the
respondents. It would provide information that would be gathered,
interpreted, and discussed by the researchers.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Statistical tools are used in analyzing data. This would help in the
organization of data so that appropriate conclusions can be drawn. The
researchers would use the population mean and the percentage in
treating the data.
Percentage. This would identify the percentage of the frequency of
a response over the total number of respondents. This would help
analyze the data gathered by the researchers.

𝚸= . 𝟏𝟎𝟎


f – Frequency
N – Total number respondents
P - Percentage

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