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The Davao City Alliance Gospel Church Solid Rock Student Center, believes in the inherent
worth and dignity of every children. We uphold their basic rights based on the UN
Declaration on the Rights of the Child; these are the right to freedom of expression and
protection from any forms of abuse, exploitation and neglect.

Below are the general guidelines that we will ensure to follow:

a. All users/stakeholders (note: can we use stakeholders instead of users? i think it is

more appropriate in our context) take responsibility for their own use of technologies
making sure that they use technology responsibly, safely and legally

b. All users will undergo Online Safety Training in partnership with MCMN Youth 4

c. All users sign up to the terms in this policy

d. All users have a responsibility to report any known misuses of technology

e. All users have a responsibility to support fellow users

f. All users have a responsibility to protect their own private information including
passwords. Any attempts to access, corrupt or destroy another person’s information
are unacceptable.

g. All users should be aware that where access has been granted by the organization we
reserve the right to confiscate or investigate fully communications if we need to do so.

h. Users will report and escalate issues to the respective contact in their local area (Child
Protection Officer, Pastor, BCPC, Brgy. Social Worker, Police Officer) especially if
they have concerns over abuse by themselves or others.

i. Users will use cameras and communication tools safely and responsibly and will not
abuse, harass, embarrass others or themselves.

To strictly ensure the protection of children, we will uphold specific guidelines for the
following persons:

Guidance to Project Staff, Volunteers, Church Leaders and Other Individuals

a. Members in a position of trust and/or responsibility should not be in contact with

young people through social networking sites if they hold such a position in respect of
that individual young person.

b. Should a young person in your organization or care request to become a named friend
on your Social Networking Page or request that you become a named friend on the
young person’s Social Networking Page you should decline if any of the below apply:
b.1 You are in a position of responsibility in respect of that child.
b.2 You hold a position of trust and responsibility in the organization.
b.3 Your contact with the child is through the organization and the parent/guardian of
the child does not give their consent to such contact.

b.4 Thus, if any Volunteers, Staff and Church Leaders already friends or connected
with, in any social networking sites for the purpose of communicating
important information or announcements regarding the child’s involvement on
the organization and for monitoring the child’s whereabouts, he/she must be
responsible not to violate the stated policy.

c. Social networking sites should never be used as a medium by which to abuse or

criticize others.

d. The publishing of a photograph or video footage on a social networking site is

governed by the same requirements as any other media.

Guidance to Student Center Children Beneficiaries

a. Do not ask staff members to be your social networking site friend – they will refuse as
that would breach good practice and the organization’s Child Protection Policy.

b. Use the internet positively and do not place yourself at risk.

c. Consider who you are inviting to be your friend and follow the good advice of the
social networking sites to ensure you are talking to the person you believe you are
talking to.

d. Always remember that anything you say including photos, pictures and video clips
posted on your site may be shared with people other than those for whom it was

e. Never post or send any photographs, videos or make comments that may be:

e.1 Hurtful, untrue and upsetting and you may regret sharing later on; or

e.2 Used by other people in a way you did not intend or want.

e.3 Do not put pictures of other children in the project location on the site. If you do
wish to upload such a picture you must get advice and consent of the Child
Development Worker/Youth Development Worker, the other young person and
their guardian before considering uploading such a photo. This will not
prevent you having pictures of your friends on your site taken outside of the
project location but it is good advice to always ensure they and their guardians
are happy with any picture you have of them on your site.

f. Always be aware that social networking sites are a method of communication like
letter writing and the spoken word. They are bound by the same laws and rules. Such
technology is instant and this allows you as the user to react in the ‘heat of the
moment’, where in the past you would have been required to write a letter which
would have taken time and allowed for you to think again before sending. So never
place a comment on the internet that you would not put in writing or say to the
individual concerned.

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