It Had Been A Hard Day

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It had been a hard day

It had been a hard day ………..

The sun spilled its rays into the room invading every
nook and corner. I shot out of bed instantly alert. It was
impossible to deceive myself that dawn had not arrived. I
left my bed reluctantly to prepare for school. After washing
up myself, I shuffled out the bathroom leisurely. A fragrance
greeted me while I reached the kitchen. It was my favourite
food , instant noodle! My mom had prepared it for me
before going to work. Without hesitation, I rushed towards
it like a monster chasing its prey trying to engulf it as soon
as possible.
Unfortunately, Lady luck was not on my side , I
accidentally slipped onto the floor with my butt downwards
because of my legs that were still wet after bathing. Then
my body was slipped towards the table and rammed into it
with a huge momentum. The bowl of instant noodle fell
down from the table and splashed on my head.
“Argghhhhhhhhhhhh!”, I shouted in pain due to the hotness
of the noodle and twitched my body like a caterpillar on the
floor. I quickly went into the bathroom to use the water to
cool my body. Fortunately, it was not a serious injury, my
pain feeling soon disappeared. There was no time for me to
waste , I would be late to school. I changed my school
uniform as fast as lightning and left my house hastily.
I ran towards school directly as I knew that my
school bus surely had gone. I ran like the legendary Usian
Bold while calculating the probability of I late to school.
Suddenly , I felt a few drops of water hit onto my body. I It
started raining. I ran more faster to avoid get wet. The rain
was getting heavier and I was drenched to the skin. When I
finally reached school, only my back was not wet as my bag
sheltered it. I looked at the big clock on the wall of my
school block. “Yeah! I haven’t late to school" I thinking
myself and walked towards my classroom.
When I was walking near to my classroom , I
felt a sense of strange because my class was so still I could
hear a pin drop. I felt shocked when I saw there was nobody
in the class. Realisation dawned on me when I looked at the
notice board. It was public holiday today. “Oh shit! Why I
didn’t listen properly to the announcement yesterday? ” I
filled with regrets. Therefore, I had to wait until rain
stopped so that I can walked back home. Unfortunately, It
took 2 hours for the rain to stop. Therefore, I wasted 2 hours
sitting on the chair in the classroom while waiting the rain
to stop. Then I went back my house on foot. I felt so tired
today and lay on the bed fell asleep instantly.

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