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Sabarillo, Erra Chelsea T.

Logic & Critical Thinking

2nd-BSN TTH/4pm-5:30pm


1. What is the function of Language?

 Is to communication information, because man is a social
being as such, there is a need for him to communicate in
order to maintain social relationships with fellow human

2. The definition Etymological?

 Etymological is derived from the latin word definire which
means “to close within limit”. Originally, it means to mark
bounderies or limits. Later, it is also known to mean the act
of stating.

3. What are the Elements of Definition?

 Definiendum - is a word/ or a group of words to be defined.
 Definiens - is a word or a group of words that is meant to
gives its meaning.

4. List Down 5 Kinds of Definition.

 Stipulative Definition - is that assigned to a word for the
first time.
 Lexical Definition - is one that which reports a meaning of a
word which is already used in a language.
 Precising Definition- is used to reduce the vagueness of a
 Theoretical Definition - is one that which present an
abstract picture or characterization of an entity or entities
signified by the definiendum.
 Persuasive Definition - is used to generate or cause a
favorable or unfavorable attitude toward what is signified by
the definiendum.
5. List down 4 Rules Governing Good Definition.
 A definition should be clear.
 A definition should be coextensive with term or thing defined.
 A definition should be positive, whenever possible.
 A definition must be brief.

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