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Why did the United States get involved in World War I and how did the nation's fight

overseas shape

peace abroad and society at home?

United States had old tradition of isolation. United State wanted to stay neutral in the World War I

however, later it decided to join the war. It declared war on April 6th, 1917. Following are the main

reason that led the entry of USA in World War I.

1. Unrestricted submarine warfare

Germany policy of unrestricted submarine warfare was a main reason why United States entered in

World War I. Germany had blocked the British islands and declared it war zone area. Under

Unrestricted submarine warfare, Germany declared to attack all merchant ships including those

which belonged to neutral countries. Number of American ships were destroyed by March 1917 and

as a result, President Wilson summoned Congress session and America entered the war on April 6th,


2. U.S. Business Interests

With the beginning of World War I, American exports to Europe grew rapidly. In order to fight the

war, many Europe countries borrowed load from United States financial institutions. Business

considerations were also a major reason for United States involvement in World War I.

With entering of United States in the war, balance of power shifted towards the allies. Germany and

other axis powers were already badly hurt and American involvement led to victory for the allies

over axis powers.

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