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Training v Development Assignment

Training Development

It Improves the quality of work force Development enhances employee

What is the purpose? by concentrating the specific areas. growth and it also improves the
Quality of work force but it focuses on
long-term Skills.

Training occurs periodically from Development is continuous process

When is this likely time to time to sharpen the skills of and thee is always need to develop the
to occur? employees man power in order to improve the

It is short-term oriented It is long-term oriented

How long does this
usually last?

It usually occurs Onsite It happens mostly Offsite

Where is this likely
to happen? Onsite or

Why is this Through training employees develop It is important for growth of

necessary? skill, competency and knowledge personality and maturity regarding
according to their job potential capabilities of staff.

What techniques are To improve the work performances

used? of the employees Development is carried out to prepare
employees for future challenges.

Training is actually a process to learn for the employees through which they can develop the skills and

enhance their knowledge as needed by their job. It improves the understanding and efficiency of the

employees. Training is short term process and its scope is limited to the extent of job deceptions for a

specific job. Needs for training are identified when organizations set specific targets to achieve


Development is gradual and long term process in an organization. Developments techniques are employed

to help the growth of employees. It provides in depth knowledge related with environment of business

and human relations. Both training and development are actually inter-linked processes.

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