The Effects of Struggles of Engineering Students in Ctu-Mc in Today's Generation

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A Research Paper

Presented to the

Cebu Technological University

Cebu City, Philippines


In Partial Fulfilment

Of the requirements for the Subject

Research in Daily Life 1



Dagandan, Eliah June G.

Gevana, Febril J P.

Perez, Adrian M.

Romero, David Paul T.

Tadle, Joanah Marie Y.

Yu, Rabbie James C.


The study conducted by the researchers of Grade 11 STEM – B, could not

have been possible and successful without the help of the following persons

mentioned below. The researchers would like to acknowledge and give their

gratitude for the supports and assistance that they have received for the success

of their research. Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully


Above all, to the almighty God, the author of knowledge and wisdom, the

one who maintained peace and protection of the researchers.

The respondents, who have whole-heartedly participated and cooperated

with the researchers and truthfully answered the questionnaires.

To all the family, relatives, friends, and others who gave their full support

in terms of financial assistance.

The Cebu Technological University – Main Campus also contributed for

the opportunity and permits to conduct.

To Mr. Raul A. Gonzales, the instructor, who guided the researchers with

the process and shared all his knowledge about Research.

The researchers owe all of the achievements, benefits and promotions

they could receive for the research with all of these personalities.

The researchers were all inspired by different personalities that made

them more determined in making the study successful. In which they believe that

it could give pride to them and to these people as well. The researchers dedicate

this conducted research to the following:

To the families who were always in their side supporting them with all of

their needs.

To the loved ones, friends, and classmates who inspired the researchers

to be more consistent.

To the State University, for the success of the research is also a success

of the University.

To the Engineering students, the main target of the research.

And lastly, to the researchers themselves as aspirants of becoming

engineers in the near future.

It is also a gift to the people who taught them everything about research;

teachers, instructors and professors that would surely believe that their sacrifices

and efforts are paid off.



Researchers: Dagandan, Eliah June G. Gevana, Febril J P. Perez, Adrian M.
Romero, David Paul T. Tadle, Joanah Marie Y.Yu, Rabbie James C.
Date: May 15, 2019

Adviser: Dr. Raul A. Gonzales

The research focuses on the effect of struggles of engineering students

studying at CTU – Main Campus. From the start, the researchers have great

aspirations of becoming an engineer and this became an idea for them to

conduct such research for the purpose of having a good orientation of the

upcoming engineers and also for a vision of better engineering education. During

the first week of April 2019, a survey was conducted to college in field of

engineering and successfully gathered data from 80 respondents as stated in the

research methodology. The gathered data describes about the struggles in

different aspects, effect of these struggles to student’s grades and performance

to school, and effect to their lifestyle. Struggles and solutions will be introduced

and there will be different effects that maybe good or also bad that could be

found in the content of this study. So far, conclusions and recommendations that

are found at the last chapter of the study are accurately based from all the

interpreted data.
Table of Contents

Chapter I…………………………………………………………………..1

Topic Problem…………………………………………………….2


Theoretical Background………………………………………….4



Research Methodology……………………………………….....10

Definition of Terms…………………………………………….....11

Chapter II……………………………………………………………....….13

Chapter III……………………………….………………………………...25

Summary of Findings………………………………………….…25


List of Tables

I. The Problem that Affects the Student’s Physical Health

II. The Problem that Affects the Student’s Social Health

III. The Main Problem that Affects the Student’s Emotional and Mental


IV. The Second Problem that Affects the Student’s Emotional and Mental


V. Effects of the Struggles Regarding Physical Health to the Student’s

Grades and Performance

VI. Effects of the Struggles Regarding Social Health to the Student’s

Grades and Performance

VII. Effects of the Struggles Regarding Emotional and Mental Health to the

Student’s Grades and Performance

VIII. Impact of the Struggles in their Courses

IX. Student’s Biggest Help in Dealing Struggles

X. Student’s Second Biggest Help in Dealing Struggles

XI. Student’s Third Biggest Help in Dealing Struggles

XII. How the Solutions affect the Student’s Lifestyle



Engineering is very important in the development of our community. It

plays such an important role because it is the way that we humans are able to

use the rules of the world to achieve things; it also creates the things that our

society needs to function and gives life to our infrastructures. Engineering is the

most chosen course this day, and that provoke the researcher to have this topic.

The researcher wanted to become Engineers and wanted to raise awareness not

only for them but also for students who have aspirations of becoming an

Engineer. The researcher’s focus will be dealing on solutions that will help

prepare and strategize various problems an engineering student will encounter.

Engineering students experience struggles like mental pressures and depression

that becomes a hindrance of their ambition. This research will help lessen the

chance of failing and sets good expectations about the course.

Theoretical Background

Judith Samsom McIlwee & J. Gregg Robinson (1992), “Making good

grades in an engineering program is no easy task. By all accounts, it is a

gruelling curriculum presided over by demanding professors. The environment is

highly competitive, as students struggle for the scarce resources of good grades

and the good jobs they bring. Dropout rates are high, and those who make it

have little time for the social life most college students take for granted.”

Richard Hill & George Solt (2010) “There is a traditional gap in an

engineer’s education. Most academic courses around the world do little to

explain that engineering projects depend as much on financial matters as they do

on technology. Without money project don’t get built, and without profits there

would be no incentive to build them.”

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (2010)

“Engineering is one of the few activities that connect with almost all others. It is

intended to be a human rather than a technical report on engineering. It aims to

discuss human as well as engineering issues and to try to understand and

address some perceptions about engineering such as engineering is a boring

and difficult subject which is poorly paid and environmentally negative. These are

vital issues and engineering is vital in sustainable development addressing

climate change mitigation and adaptation, and reduction of poverty.”

Nicholas Sakellariou & Rania Milleron (2018) “The engineering students I

knew spent a great deal of time on their lab reports and homework assignments

and in general took little interest in the world around them."

The problem is that so many of them are being pulled in other directions that they

never do get around to thinking about where they fit in the grand scheme of


Chad D. Carpenter (2014) “The life of an engineer can offer so many great

experiences, challenges and accomplishments. However, some of the confusion,

hardships, and failures also come along, but do not let t6hat discourage you.

Engineering is a profession held with high regards for a reason. Engineers take a

problem, apply their technical knowledge and intuition, and then compose a

solution. Engineering offers a life full of fun, excitement, and job satisfaction but

commence a quite challenging college life. –“

Raymond B. Landis (2007) “Studying engineering introduces its readers to

themselves and to one another. Students who take this material to heart will gain

a better understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses and will learn

ways to overcome the latter. Their new knowledge will also improve their ability

to communicate. This insights and skills will serve them well throughout college

and in their subsequent professional careers, whether or not they remain in


Henry Petroski (1985) “We are all engineers of sorts, for we all have the

principles of machines and structures in our bones. We have learned to hold our

bodies against the forces of nature as surely as we have learned to walk. We

calculate paths of our arms and legs with the computer of our brain. Failures

appear to be inevitable in the wake of prolonged success, which encourages

lower margins of safety. Failures in turn, lead to greater safety margins and

hence, period of success.”

David Blockley (2012) “Engineering is everywhere. We all often fail to

think about the engineers who make it happen, the skills they need and the

challenges they face. My passion is to help people find out more about what

engineering is, what engineers do and how it all relates to what many now refer

to as a collective of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Engineers solve problems to provide for human needs. To do it they have to be

creative, innovative and practical so that the solutions they come up with are fit

for their intended purposes.”

Şenay Purzer, Johannes Strobel, and Monica E. Cardella (2014) “I am an

advocate of providing as many young people as possible opportunity to learn to

think systematically, to identify and solve problems of significance, to accept

failure as a part of their intellectual development, and to be comfortable in

situations in which there are multiple possible outcomes. These traits describe

engineering habits of mind but have potential utility in many areas of life beyond

the practice of engineering.”

Lynn F. Jacobs and Jeremy S. Hyman (2013) “Taking tests and writing

papers, managing your time and making deadlines without undue stress,

knowing when and how to go see the professor, applying to grad school or

finding a job, all of these are things that will be always part of the college”
Statement of the Problem

The study assessed the effects of struggles of engineering students in CTU

– Main Campus for the academic year 2018-2019, which turn to be a guide factor

to the educational outcomes and psychological welfares of upcoming

Engineering students. Furthermore, the researchers would also benefit the

research themselves and would greatly impact the whole community as well as

the University.

Specifically, the current study sought to answer the following exploratory


I. What is the demographical profile of the respondents?

II. What are the main causes of struggle faced by engineering


III. How do these struggles affect the students and the course?

IV. What are the solutions derived by the Engineering students in

overcoming their struggles?

Significance of the Study

This study is significant to various sectors of the academic community

of the Cebu Technological University.

The Researchers, benefiting from this study are the researchers

themselves for their aspiration of becoming engineers in the near future. The

result of the study would be a very big help in the decisions they would make and

what strategies they could formulate. It would be very useful for their expectation

about the course.

The First Year College Engineering Students, freshmen engineering

finds this study beneficial. It would serve as their ultimate guide along their

journey with the course. This study would lessen their negative outlook and also

helps them understand the Engineering life.

The Coming Engineering Students, benefits from this study would

also be acquired by the upcoming Engineering students. The study’s goal

focuses on how to lessen struggles regarding Engineering as well as guiding

those students who have aspirations becoming Engineers. More likely, the

study’s goal mainly helps these students who haven’t taken engineering yet.

Setting them expectations and good outlook about the course would be a very

great help for their decision-making.

The Faculty, the Faculty of CTU – Main Campus would also benefit

from this study. Teachers being aware of the struggles faced by their students

would be a very great help to their teaching style. It would be very useful for
some adjustments or improvements they could make for the class. The study

would not raise the awareness to the Engineering Administration only but to the

whole Faculty as well.

Research Methodology

Research Design – Qualitative Descriptive

Research Environment – The research would be conducted at Cebu

Technological University – Main Campus.

Research Respondents – The respondents of this research are the

Engineering Students of CTU – Main Campus. Engineering students has the

experience of how Engineering life looks like thus Gathering information from

them would be the scoop of this study. Grade levels of the respondents won’t be

a big matter for the study for it is intended to all engineering students (general).

Research Instruments – The researchers would need instruments or

tools for the study. These instruments include personal computer, and internet

books for the sources and the arrangement of the contents, laptop and flash

drive for the file storage, foods and bond papers for the conduction of survey, ball

pen and paper for the interpretation of data and also money for the

miscellaneous. With these instruments, it would be sufficient enough for a

successful research.

Research Procedure – In order to have a research, there should be a

process or being followed. With the topic problem, the researchers decided to

first know the study’s purpose and importance, next, formulating questions that

would fit the research’s goal (S.O.S.), Afterwards, conducting a survey to the

research respondents. After gathering data and information, the researchers will

be having a brainstorm for the interpretation, finally, coming up with a conclusion.

Definition of Terms

Struggles – Hindrance / difficulty in doing something.

Study / research – a process that is conducted with some experiments and surveys in

order to come up with a solution to a problem.

CTU-MC – Cebu Technological University – Main Campus, the researcher’s State


Benefit – to receive something that is good.

Questionnaires – papers where all the questions regarding the topic problem are written

with corresponding choices.

Respondents – people that could relate in the topic presented and where the researchers

gather information.

S.O.P. – the “Statement of the Problem”, where all the main questions about the topic

problem are presented and being based by research questionnaires.

S.O.S. – the “Significance of Study” that shows different personalities that could benefit

from the study.

Affect – a change or impact to a particular thing

Effect – an outcome / result.

Aspiration – a dream to become a specific professional.

Dealing – to fight or to control the difficulties faced.

Upcoming – joining a specific course in the next months or years.

Performance – a student’s capabilities on doing school works.

Course – a profession taken up by a student. (e.g., Engineering)

Engineering – one of the hardest courses faced by college students.

Impact – the intensity of damage in the difficulties of the student.

Lifestyle – a student’s daily life and routine.

Outlook – thought or idea about something.

Awareness – to be conscious about what is happening.


The Chapter II of the study will be talking about all the data gathered from

the research’s respondents. In this chapter, all the table of data containing

frequency and percentage will be presented. The interpretation based from the

gathered data will also be discussed in this chapter. The analysis based from the

data interpretation has been organized and brainstormed by the researchers. All

data that will be presented in this chapter are rest assured accurate and precise

with all due reviewed by the researchers.

Table 1

The Problem that Affects the Student’s Physical Health

Problems Frequency Percentage (%)

Bullying 1 1.25

Lack of sleep 41 51.25

Traffic 3 3.75

School works 32 40.00

Inappropriate diet 1 1.25

Time management 1 1.25

Stress in anything 1 1.25

TOTAL 80 100

Based on the Study of Table 1, Lack of Sleep got 41 (51.25%) out of 80

respondents, School works have 32 (40%), Traffic has 3 (3.75%) while, Stress in

anything, Bullying, Inappropriate Diet, and Time Management got 1 (1.25%) of

the overall respondents.

Seeing the results, it shows that Lack of sleep is the greatest problem that

affects student’s physical health next, is the traffic and followed by school works.

It also indicates that stress in anything, bullying, inappropriate diet, and time

management are the least problems.

Table 2

The Problem that Affects the Student’s Social Health

Problems Frequency

Percentage (%)

Isolated 5 6.25

Physical appearance 7 8.75

Being Busy 50 62.50

No time for leisure 16 20.00

None 1 1.25

Not Sociable 1 1.25

TOTAL 80 100

In Table 2, Isolated has 1 out of 16 (6.25%) of the respondents. 7

respondents (8.75%) have chosen Physical Appearance as a problem to their

social health while 5 out of 8 (62.5%) has a problem of Being Busy and No Time

for Leisure has 16 (20%) out of the overall respondents. There is 1 (1.25%) who

prefer none of these and the same for Not Sociable.

With these results, the researchers found out that being busy is the

greatest problem that affects their social health. Then, no time for leisure appears

to be next to it. After is the problem about their physical appearance and being
isolated. Not sociable appears to be at last or the least problem they have


Table 3

The Main Problem that Affects the Student’s Emotional and Mental Health

Problems Frequency Percentage (%)

Depression and Anxiety 25 31.25

Pressure on Grades 38 47.50
Family Problems 5 6.25
Financial Problems 11 13.75
All of the Above 1 1.25

TOTAL 80 100

In table 3, it shows that 19 out of 40 (47.50%) consider pressure on

grades as the greatest factor that affects their emotional and mental health as a

student, followed by the 25 out 80 (31.25%) respondents answered depression

and anxiety while only 11 out of 80 (13.75%) respondents answered financial

problems, 1 out of 16 (6.25%) respondents answered family problems and 1 out

of 80 (1.25%) answered that all of the choices given affects his emotional and

mental health.

Based on the result, we can say that majority of our respondents saw

themselves that pressure on grades has the greatest effect on their emotional

and mental health. Followed by depression and anxiety, lastly are financial

problems & family problems, and one respondent answered all of the choices
given affects his emotional and mental health. Seeing the result, the expected

problem that has a higher possibility of affecting the aspiring engineering

student’s emotional and mental health will be pressure on grades.

Table 4

The Second Problem that Affects the Student’s Emotional and Mental Health

Problems Frequency Percentage (%)

Depression and Anxiety 21 26.25

Pressure on Grades 23 28.75

Family Problems 10 12.50

Financial Problems 21 26.25

Lack of Foundation on My Course 1 1.25

Amount of School Works 2 2.50

Mechanics Dynamics 1 1.25

Lack of Knowledge 1 1.25

TOTAL 80 100

In table 4, it shows that 23 out of 80 (28.75%) find themselves that

pressure on grades is the 2nd problem that greatly affects their emotional and

mental health. Another 21 out of 80 (26.25%) respondents answered depression

and anxiety as well as financial problems. Only 1 out of 8 (12.50%) answered

family problems while 1 out of 40 (2.50%) respondents answered amount of

school works while the three least problems which scores only 1 out of 80

(1.25%) respondents are Lack of foundation on my course, Mechanic dynamics,

and Lack of knowledge.

Based from the results, it shows that pressure on grades is the second

problem affecting their emotional and mental health. Next to it is depression and

anxiety, same with financial problems. Then, family problems come next. It also

shows that lack of foundation on the course, mechanic dynamics, and lack of

knowledge in the last rank.

Table 5

Struggles Regarding Physical Health Affects the Student’s Grades and


Problems Frequency Percentage (%)

Greatly Affects 41 51.25

Slightly Affects 37 46.25

Does not Affect 2 2.50

TOTAL 80 100

In table 5, it present how struggles regarding physical health affects the

student’s grade and performance, on which 41 out of 80 (51.25%) respondents

answered greatly affect while slightly affect has 37 out of 80 (46.25%). Only 1 out

of 40 (2.50%) answered does not affect.

Based from the result, majority of the respondents (41) answered that the

struggles they are facing greatly affects their physical health. Followed by 37

respondents who think that the struggles slightly affects their physical health, and

only 2 respondents answered that the struggles does not affect their health.

Table 6

Struggles Regarding Social Health Affects the Student’s Grades and


Problems Frequency Percentage (%)

Greatly Affects 26 32.50

Slightly Affects 40 50.00

Does not Affect 14 17.50

TOTAL 80 100

In table 6, it present how struggles regarding social health affects the

student’s grade and performance, on which 13 out of 40 (32.50%) respondents

answered greatly affect while slightly affect has 1 out of 2 (50.00%). Only 7 out of

40 (17.50%) answered does not affect.

Based from the result, majority of the respondents (26) answered that the

struggles they are facing greatly affects their social health. Followed by 40

respondents who think that the struggles slightly affects their physical
appearance, and only 14 respondents answered that the struggles does not

affect their physical appearance.

Table 7

Struggles Regarding Emotional and Mental Health Affects the Student’s Grades

and Performance

Problems Frequency Percentage (%)

Greatly Affects 46 57.50

Slightly Affects 30 37.50

Does not Affect 4 5.00

TOTAL 80 100

In table 7, 23 out of 40 engineering students said (57.50%) that the

struggles regarding emotional and mental health greatly affects their grades and

performance while 37.50% said that it only affects slightly. Furthermore, there are

only one out of twenty (5.00%) students said that it doesn’t affects their grades

and performance.

Majority of the engineering students experienced that the struggles

regarding emotional and mental health greatly affects grades and performance,

while there are only few who experienced that it doesn’t affect at all. Meanwhile,

3 out 8 experienced that it only affects slightly.

Table 8

Impact of the Struggles in their Courses

Problems Frequency Percentage (%)

Has no impact 1 1.25

Less- Slight Impact 18 22.50

Moderate- Big Impact 28 35.00

Has Great Impact 33 41.25

TOTAL 80 100

We can see that in the table above that 41.25% of the respondents said

that struggles has great impacts in their courses, 35.00% said that it has

moderate or big impact, 9 out of 40 (22.50%) said it has less or slight impact,

while only 1 out of 80 (1.25%) respondents said that it has no impact at all.

Based on the percentages, almost half of the respondents said that the

struggles have great impacts in their courses. Lesser respondents when it comes

to moderate and even lesser when it comes to slight impact.

Table 9

Student’s Biggest Help in Dealing Struggles

Problems Frequency Percentage (%)

Coffee 2 2.50
Food Trip 4 5.00
Computer Games 5 6.25
Hanging out with Friends 6 7.50
Rest/Sleep 40 50.00
Alcohol Beverages 4 5.00
Exercise 2 2.50
Girlfriend/ Boyfriend 0 0.00
Family Bonding 13 16.25
Road Trip 0 0.00
Sightseeing 0 0.00
Relaxing at the Beach 0 0.00
God 3 3.75
Enough Time in understanding 1 1.25

TOTAL 80 100

In table 9, it shows the biggest help in dealing the struggles, the highest 3

choices that the respondents have chosen in table 9 are the following: 1 out of 2

(50.00%) thinks that Rest/sleep is the biggest help, followed by 13 out of 80

(16.25%) thinks that Family bonding is the biggest help, next is 3 out 40 (7.50%)

thinks that Hanging out with friends is the biggest help.

Based on the percentages, half of the respondents said that Rest/Sleep

have the biggest help in dealing the struggles, it is followed by Family Bonding,
and Hanging out with friends. Lesser percentage of respondents answered when

it comes to the other choices given in the table.

Table 10

Student’s Second Biggest Help in Dealing Struggles

Problems Frequency Percentage (%)

Coffee 1 1.25
Food Trip 8 10.00
Computer Games 9 8.75
Hanging out with Friends 20 25.00
Rest/Sleep 14 17.50
Alcohol Beverages 1 1.25
Exercise 4 5.00
Girlfriend/Boyfriend 3 3.75
Family Bonding 12 15.00
Road Trip 1 1.25
Sightseeing 3 3.75
Relaxing at the Beach 2 2.50
Spending Time Alone 2 2.50

TOTAL 80 100

In table 10, it shows the second biggest help in dealing the struggles of

the respondents, the highest 3 choices that the respondents have chosen in table

10 are the following: 1 out of 4 (25.00%) thinks that Hanging out with friend is

their second biggest help, followed by 7 out of 40 (17.50%) thinks that

Rest/Sleep is their second biggest help, next is 3 out 20 (15.00%) thinks that

Family Bonding is their second biggest help.

Based on the percentages, a quarter of the respondents said that Hanging

out with friends is their second biggest help in dealing the struggles; it is followed
by Rest/Sleep, and Family Bonding. Lesser percentage of respondents answered

when it comes to the other choices given in the table.

Table 11

Student’s Third Biggest Help in Dealing Struggles

Problems Frequency Percentage (%)

Coffee 4 5.00
Food Trip 13 16.25
Computer Games 10 12.50
Hanging out with Friends 11 13.75
Rest/Sleep 12 15.00
Alcohol Beverages 4 5.00
Exercise 4 5.00
Girlfriend/Boyfriend 3 3.75
Family Bonding 9 11.25
Road Trip 5 6.25
Sightseeing 2 2.50
Relaxing at the Beach 1 1.25
Watching Anime 1 1.25
Reading 1 1.25

TOTAL 80 100

In table 11, it shows the third biggest help in dealing the struggles of the

respondents, the highest 3 choices that the respondents have chosen in table 11

are the following: 13 out of 80 (16.25%) thinks that Food trip is their third biggest

help, followed by 3 out of 20 (15.00%) thinks that Rest/Sleep is their third biggest

help, next is 11 out 80 (13.75%) thinks that Hanging out with friends is their third

biggest help.
Based on the percentages, 13 respondents said that Food trip is their third

biggest help in dealing the struggles; it is followed by Rest/Sleep, and Hanging

out with friends. Lesser percentage of respondents answered moderate and even

lesser when it comes to the other choices given in the table.

Table 12

How the Solutions affect the Student’s Lifestyle

Problems Frequency Percentage (%)

Greatly Benefits 49 61.25

Benefits 31 38.75

Harm 0 0.00

Greatly Harms 0 0.00

TOTAL 80 100

In the Table 12, it talks about how the solutions affect the student’s

lifestyle. 31 out of 80 respondents (38.75%) said that these solutions benefit their

lifestyle while 49 of the remaining respondents (61.25%) insisted that these have

great benefits at all.

With the results shown, the researchers found out that great benefits could

mostly be found with the student’s solutions. Minority are just benefits but the

results don’t show that these solutions could harm their lifestyle.
Chapter III

This chapter of the study presents a summary of the researcher's findings,

Conclusion that answered the research problem and recommendations were also

included this portion.

Summary of Findings

This chapter focus on the effects of the struggle face by engineering

students in which the struggle they encounter affects the student's physical,

mental, social health and also their studies & grades. Because of the struggles,

most of the students don’t want to pursue or continue of becoming engineering

students because of the hardship they may encounter. In this chapter, we the

researcher's formulate solutions that can help to the students who took up the

course to deal or lessen the struggle they may encounter.


These are the conclusions that the researchers have come up based on

the data from chapter II:

i. The engineering students of CTU-MC stated that there are lot of struggles

which affect the student's physical, social and mental/emotional health. These

struggles have been proven to be a hindrance to their career as well as in their

daily life.

ii. Engineering is one of the most demand courses nowadays. However, our

study shows that this particular course has many hardships, difficulties and

struggles that greatly affect the students physical, social and emotional/mental.

iii. CTU - MC Engineering students have constructed their own different ways to

deal on their struggles. To state, half of the Engineering students had hanging

out with their friends as the most effective way for them to deal their struggles.

Their own solutions had benefited them and it doesn't harm them at all.

The researchers recommend the following in order to deal with struggles:

i. No homework during weekends.

ii. Extension of deadlines.

iii. Make a to-do list.

iv. Have enough sleep.

v. Enjoy the Challenges.

vi. Have passion on what you're doing.

vii. Don't procrastinate. Being lazy is your fault.

To those who will take the Engineering course, make sure you take it

whole heartedly. You have to be interested on the course. Learn and have fun at

the process.

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Sample Questionnaire

Shade on which you think is the best. If others, please be specific.

1. What is the main problem do you think affects your physical health?





OTHERS: (Please specify) ________________________

2. What is the main problem do you think affects your social health?





OTHERS: (Please specify) ___________________

3. What is the main problem do you think affects your emotional and mental





OTHERS: (Please specify) _________________

4. Based from the choices given in number 3, what is the second (2nd) biggest

problem do you think affects your emotional and mental health?



Kindly draw the symbols for the ff. questions:

1. How do these struggles regarding physical health affect your grades and


2. How do these struggles regarding social health affect your grades and


3. How do these struggles regarding emotional and mental health affect your

grades and performance?

4. Do you think that these struggles have impact in your course? Rate: ________

1 4 7 10

has no impact has less – slight has moderate – big has great impact

impact impact





 ALCOHOL BEVERAGES  OTHERS: (Please specify)


1. What do you think has the biggest help in dealing with the struggles? (Pick one.)


2. What do you think is the second (2nd) biggest help in dealing with the struggles?


3. What do you think is the third (3rd) biggest help in dealing with the struggles?


4. How do these solutions affect your lifestyle? _______ draw your answer here.


List of Respondents

Names Section Age

Abalo, Francis Danielle BSEE 19
Alimento, Jaseth BSCE 19
Alipuyo, Dhaniel BSME 27
Amancio, Darlene BSIE 26
Apor, Jessa Mae BSCE 21
Arcales, Dominic BSEE 29
Arias BSEE 27
Baclayan, Rodel BSME 23
Baguhin, Michael BSME 24
Balmadies, Helbert BSME 21
Banzon BSIE 18
Baroquia, James Robert BSME 23
Booc, Clark BSEE 20
Bulda, Rubie Jane BSIE 23
Burao, Jassen BSME 20
Cabatana, Joan Kenneth BSIE 18
Camasuran BSIE 19
Cohel, Michael BSIE 21
Comendador, Crystal Rose BSEE 22
Cruz, JB BSEE 21
Daclan, John Michael BSME 19
Dela Rosa, John Gadfrey BSCE 19
De Los Santos, Veejay BSCE 19
Desucatan, Jared BSCE 19
Dolotina BSME 24
Donato, Sean Nathan BSCE 19
Espinosa, Jayson BSCE 25
Genon, Devie BSEE 19
Gilbuena, Roldan BSEE 19
Hermita, Kenneth BSME 19
Hisoler, RB BSCE 19
Igot, Hanna Marie BSIE 20
Illaga, Lyle Ivan BSME 19
Impas, Marry Joy BSCE 22
Jaberina, Alvin BSIE 22
Jimenez, Julcris BSME 20
Labitad, Julay BSEE 18
Lahaylahay, Arnel BSME 18
Laperan, Rie BSCE 19
Lumandas, Ivy Marie BSME 18
Maghugas, Lenar BSEE 19
Mahinay, Roosevelt BSIE 19
Mainit, Janmaybe BSEE 21
Marata, Joseph BSEE 19
Matbagon, Alvin BSME 25
Matiug, Alfie Ray BSME 20
Mercader BSIE 19
Mercado BSCE 19
Miras BSCE 20
Mojado, Mark BSME 33
Montante BSCE 20
Montecino, Grace BSCE 19
Moralde, Roselyn BSCE 18
Naingue, Ellah Mae BSEE 19
Nogro, John Mor BSCE 19
Nueva, Clark BSCE 19
Nunez, Warren John BSIE 18
Ochea BSIE 20
Octiras, Joshua BSCE 18
Pantillas, Ma. Sharaine BSIE 19
Rosell, Marion Frances BSCE 20
Sabang, Roy BSME 21
Sabpane, Romeox BSECE 19
Salvador, Cham Kenneth BSIE 19
Socorro, Del BSCE 20
Tipanero, Jannah Faith BSCE 20
Vasquez, Mary Jane BSCE 20
Villanca, Charles Xavier BSME 19
Villanca, Dale BSME 19
Villanca, John BSME 19
Ysatam BSME 20
Gwen BSCE 19
Kenneth BSEE 19
Kristian Jade BSEE 18
Paul BSCE 20
Shinx BSCE 18
Unkown BSCE 19

Contact Information

Name : Joanah Marie Tadle

Address : Sampaguita St., GBA, Pitogo, Consolacion, Cebu

Cell Phone : 09978872098

Email :

Personal Information

Date of Birth : 09/01/01

Place of Birth : Velez Health Care Centre

Citizenship : Filipino

Gender : Female


Senior High School : Cebu Technological University – Main Campus

Junior High School : Consolacion National High School - Day Class

Elementary : Consolacion Central School


Graduated Junior High School with Honor (93 GPA) during the school year 2017-

Contact Information

Name : Rabbie James Yu

Address : Purok 1, Nangka, Consolacion, Cebu

Cell Phone : 09262425929

Email :

Personal Information

Date of Birth : 10/01/01

Place of Birth : VSMMC, Cebu City

Citizenship : Filipino

Gender : Male


Senior High School : Cebu Technological University – Main Campus

Junior High School : Consolacion National High School - Day Class

Elementary : Nangka Elementary School


Graduated Elementary as a Salutatorian during the school year 2009-2010

Graduated Junior High School with High Honor (95 GPA) in the school year

Contact Information

Name : David Paul T. Romero

Address : Henry Banawan Comp., Pepito St., Pob. Occ., Consolacion, Cebu

Cell Phone : (+63) 926 654 8843

Email : |

Personal Information

Date of Birth : 05/16/01

Place of Birth : Vicente Sotto MMC, Cebu City

Citizenship : Filipino

Gender : Male


Senior High School : Cebu Technological University – Main Campus

Junior High School : Consolacion National High School - Day Class

Elementary : Consolacion Central School

Consistent Class Top Achiever in Elementary
Graduated Junior High School with Honor (92 GPA)
Awarded as Best in ICT in Consolacion National High School, 2018
Champion Area Level Technolympics Logo Designing Contest 2018
Placed 2nd in Division Level Technolympics Technical Drafting Contest 2018
Contact Information

Name : Adrian Perez

Address : Jugan, Consolacion, Cebu

Cell Phone : 09475560564

Email :

Personal Information

Date of Birth : 08/28/01

Place of Birth : Cebu City

Citizenship : Filipino

Gender : Male


Senior High School : Cebu Technological University – Main Campus

Junior High School : Our Lady of Rule Catholic Learning School Inc.

Elementary : Our Lady of Rule Catholic Learning School Inc.


Graduated Elementary with Honor (90 GPA) during the school year 2013-2014

Graduated Junior High School with Honor (91 GPA) during the school year 2017-

Contact Information

Name : Febril J P. Gevana

Address : Consolacion, Cebu

Cell Phone : 09239515608

Email :

Personal Information

Date of Birth : 02/15/01

Place of Birth : Sacred Heart of Cebu

Citizenship : Filipino

Gender : Male


Senior High School : Cebu Technological University – Main Campus

Junior High School : Jugan National High School

Elementary : Jugan Elementary School


Graduated Kinder and Elementary as a Valedictorian

Graduated Junior High School with Honor (91 GPA)

CTU-MC Math Olympiad Champion

Contact Information

Name : Eliah June G. Dagandan

Address : Cotcot, Lilo-an, Cebu

Cell Phone : 09771455470

Email :

Personal Information

Date of Birth : 06/12/01

Place of Birth: Lying In, Consolacion, Cebu

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Male


Senior High School: Cebu Technological University – Main Campus

Junior High School: Jugan National High School

Elementary: Jugan Elementary School


Graduated Junior High School with Honor (90 GPA) during the school year 2017-


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