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Biotechnology Test Bank Page 1

Name:______________________________ Date:_______________________________

1 The DNA structure was identified by ________

A Smith and Wesson

B Watson and Edison
C Watson and Crick
D Proctor and Gamble

2 Nucleotides are:

A building blocks of nucleic acids

B building blocks of proteins
C molecules of sugar
D high and low tides caused by the phases of the moon

3 The four bases in DNA include Cytosine, Guanine, Thyimine and _________

A Adenoid
B Uracil
C Adenine
D Adipose

4 When was the structure of DNA identified?

A 1935
B 1948
C 1928
D 1953

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5 How many base pairs are in each turn of the DNA helix?

A 8
B 10
C 12
D 11

6 The bases in DNA pair in this way:

A A with T, G with U
B A with U, T with C
C C with G, T with U
D A with T, G with C

7 The four bases found in RNA are:

A cytosine, thymine, adenine, guanine

B cytosine, thymine, uracil, guanine
C cytosine, uragoof, adenine, guanine
D cytosine, uracil, adenine, guanine

8 If the sequence of bases in a strand of DNA is represented by TACCAG, what would be the
sequence of bases in the complementary DNA strand?


9 What would be the sequence of bases in RNA transcribed from the sequence TACCAG?


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10 A codon is made up of ________bases.

A Three
B Four
C Five
D Eighteen

11 Assuming that it is part of a coding sequence, the DNA sequence TACCAG can code for how
many amino acids in a protein?

A one
B two
C three
D six

12 In distinguishing the difference between the 3' and 5' end of a DNA molecule, the 5' end,
ends in a _________

A potassium
B hydroxide
C phosphate
D sugar

13 Antiparrellel, with regard to DNA means that

A the strands cross each other

B the strands run parrellel to each other but run in opposite directions
C the strands run the same directions and are parrellel
D strands run at right angles to each other

14 The two functions of DNA are to

A Carry genetic information

B express genetic information
C frustrate students who are trying to learn about DNA
D both a and b

15 The three types of RNA include messenger, ribosomal and

A transfer
B hip hop
C plasmid
D chatting

16 A codon is:

A a sequence of two bases that code for an antibody

B a sequence of three bases that code for an amino acid
C a sequence of six bases that code for genetic expression
D a sequence of one base that codes for an amino acid

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17 The two parts of a ribosome are

A big and small

B oval and oblong
C square and round
D small and smaller

18 In RNA, Uracil pairs with

A Cytosine
B Guanine
C Thymine
D Adenine

19 The condition that exists when the genetic material in an organism has been changed or

A biopharmaceutical
B transgenic
C multi disciplinary
D vesicle

20 A drug or vaccine that is developed through biotechnology

A biopharmaceutical
B transgenic
C vesicle
D multidisciplinary

21 The use of biotechnology with animals

A biopharmaceutical
B transgenic
C animal biotech
D molecular biology

22 The use of biotechnology to improve plants and the products that are produced from plants

A plant biotechnology
B multidisciplinary
C molecular biology
D animal biotechnology

23 Involving many disciplines or branches of learning

A biopharmaceutical
B synthetic biology
C vesicle
D multidisciplinary

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24 Changing the genetic information in the cell

A genetic engineering
B molecular biology
C vesicle
D biopharming

25 A product used to maintain health or treat a disease

A veterinary medicine
B vesicle
C biopharming
D therapeutant

26 The art and science of promoting health amongst living animal organisms

A vesicle
B biotechnology
C veterinary medicine
D human medicine

27 Creating life like characteristice through the use of chemicals

A vesicle
B synthetic biology
C multidisciplinary
D environmental biotech

28 Using scientific processes to get new organisms or new products from organisms

A Veterinary medicine
B vesicle
C therapeutant
D biotechnology

29 Tiny, rounded structures with cell like traits - created in a laboratory.

A vesicle
B biopharming
C molecular biology
D genetic engineering

30 The production of pharmaceuticals in cultured organisms

A biopharming
B human medicine
C transgenic
D molecular biology

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31 Any biotechnological process that may promote a good environment

A molecular biology
B organismic biotech
C cloning
D environmental biotech

32 The use of technology in producing and processing food

A biopharming
B food biotech
C veterinary medicine
D organismic biotech

33 The process of producing new organisms by separating cells or tissues of existing

organisms; the new organism has identical genetic material to its parent

A vesicle
B organismic
C cloning
D not this one :)

34 The two major areas of biotechnology are:

A vet and human medicine

B genetic engineering and cloning
C synthetic and molecular
D organismic and molecular

35 Restriction Enzymes were discovered in _____

A 1962
B 1970's
C 1988
D 1492

36 The sugar found in RNA is:

A Riboflavin
B Deoxyribose
C Sucrose
D Ribose

37 The distance of one complete turn of the DNA helix is

A 30 centimeters
B 36 microliters
C 34 angstrums
D 34 inches

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38 Eukaryotic cells have:

A a true membrane bound nucleus

B no nucleus
C circular shaped DNA, known as plasmids
D a chemical substance used to prevent disease

39 The study of the heredity of living organisms

A genetics
B prototype
C modern biotechnology
D fermentation

40 A research model that is carefully tested

A recombinant DNA
B research
C domestication
D prototype

41 The use of systematic methods to answer questions

A research
B domestication
C antibiotic
D heredity

42 Process in which yeast enzymes chemically change compounds into alcohol

A research
B antibiotic
C fermentation
D domestication

43 Genetic material that has been moved from one chromosome to another

A variability
B recombinant DNA
C prototype
D heredity

44 Using processes that slow or prevent food spoilage

A prototype
B antibiotic
C research
D food preservation

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45 Discovered Penicillin

A Norman E. Borlaug
B Alexander Fleming
C Gregor Mendel
D Ian Wilmut

46 A drug used to combat bacterial infections

A prototype
B variability
C hallucinagenic
D antibiotic

47 Set up x ray difraction lab to study DNA

A Mary- Claire King

B Rosalind Elsie Franklin
C Thomas Hunt Morgan
D Walter Sutton

48 Credited with discovering the structure of DNA

A Smith and Wesson

B Watson and Einstein
C Crick and Crack
D Watson and Crick

49 Worked with a group of Scottish scientists to successfully clone "Dolly" the sheep

A Ian Wilmut
B Gregor Mendel
C Anton Von Leeuwenhoek
D Jim Uttecht

50 Known for his studies of heredity working with pea plants

A Mary- Claire King

B Rosalind Elsie Franklin
C Ernst Ruska
D Gregor Mendel

51 Three techniques of early food preservation include heating, cooling and

A pickling
B freeze drying
C school lunch
D dipping in chocolate

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52 Differences that exist within a species

A domestication
B heredity
C variability
D not this one :)

53 Overuse of antibiotics may result in:

A growth of warts
B developing resistance to the antibiotic
C profuse diarrhea
D sleep apnea

54 Made widespread use of the methods from ancient biotechnology, especially fermentation

A classical biotech
B modern biotech
C ancient biotech
D none of these

55 The three stages of biotechnology include classical, modern and

A really old
B really, really old
C older than dirt
D ancient

56 The manipulation of genetic material within organisms refers to:

A classical biotech
B modern biotech
C ancient biotech
D none of these

57 Early history of human civilization inlcudes important developments in agriculture and food

A classical biotech
B modern biotech
C ancient biotech
D none of these

58 Food or beverage products that are the result of yeast activity include:

A bread
B wine
C beer
D all of the above

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59 Housing, education, jobs, social and recreational opportunities, and the environment make
up the ___________ of human life.

A quality
B quantity
C conditions
D terms

60 The three basic needs of all humans include:

A food, water and football

B water, basketball and shelter
C food, water and shelter
D food, shelter and FFA

61 _____________ is the state of the human body as related to disease and vigor

A quality of life
B health
C vaccine
D polymer

62 An abnormal condition of the body.

A vaccine
B disease
C health
D virus

63 Life expectancy in the United States averages _____ years

A 71
B 73
C 75
D 76

64 Women in the United States have a longer life expectancy than men

A True
B False

65 Of the following countries, which has the shortest life expectancy?

A United States
B Canada
C Sweden
D Africa

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66 Biotechnology in agriculture has a negative impact on world food production through

increased yields and quality.

A True
B False

67 In plant biotechnology, the _________ Bacillus thuringiensis is used to allow the plants to
produce their own insecticide.

A virus
B fungi
C bacterium
D pathogen

68 Flavr Savr are modified ________ that can be harvested at a time when they have better
flavor and will not overripen at the store

A raspberry
B apple
C tomato
D grape

69 A food that has benefits other than nutrition is called a:

A pharmaceutical
B biopharm
C neutraceutical
D functional vegetable

70 Synthetic hormone produced and injected to increase milk production in dairy cattle

A porcine somatotropin
B bovine somatotropin

71 A substance introduced into the body to prevent disease

A pathogen
B antigen
C vaccine
D antibiotic

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72 ______________ is a protein molecule produced as defense against disease organisms.

A antibody
B antigen
C vaccine
D antibiotic

73 Changing the genetic makeup of a human to treat disease

A genetic engineering
B antibiotic
C designer drug
D gene therapy

74 The picture at right would be an example of :

A tissue engineering
B gene therapy
C really freaky (but not the answer) :)

75 How many chromosomes are found in each cell of the human body?

A 23 pair or 48 chromosomes
B 22 pair or 46 chromosomes
C 23 pair or 46 chromosomes
D 23 pair or 53 chromosomes

76 What is the leading cause of human death?

A suicide
B car accidents
C animal attack
D heart failure

77 The five common developmental stages of humans include infancy, child years, teenage
years, adulthood and _____.

A adolescence
B preschool
C kindergarten
D college

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78 _____________ is an international effort to locate and identify every human gene.

A Human genetics proficiency

B genetic engineering
C autosome study
D human genome project

79 Which countries have been involved in the human genome project: Italy, Japan, Canada,
United Kingdom and _________

A France and the U.S.

B Moldova and Ukraine
C Russia and Germany
D Sweden and Switzerland

80 How many genes are present in a human

A 1,000,000
B 1,000
C 10,000
D 100,000

81 _____________ is a chromosome that is not a sex chromosome

A somatic cell
B autosome
C nucleus
D zona pelucida

82 Down's Syndrome is caused by an anomaly known as:

A polyploidism
B Trisomy 2
C Trisomy 21 having an extra of the 21st chromosome
D Polysomy 18

83 Vaccines help to prevent disease by:

A helping the body recognize and fight disease

B introducing an antigen into the body from which antibodies are formed
C helps the body to build resistance against a disease.
D all of the above

84 The ability of a device to be inserted into the body without rejection is known as:

A prosthetic
B dialysis
C biocompatibility
D germ line therapy

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85 Microdissection is used in human medicine to:

A test for precancerous cells or invading cancer cells

B test for the presence of certain genes
C detect neurfibromatosis
D none of these

86 The use of an artificial part used in the human body is known as

A biocompatibility
B prosthetics
C autosome
D gene therapy

87 By the age of 70, the human heart has pumped _______ gallons

A 40 million
B 46 billion
C 46 million
D 5 trillion

88 _________ is the leading cause of human death

A renal failure
B heart failure
C kidney failure
D cancer

89 The first Homo sapiens were found on earth ____ years ago

A 200,000 - 250,000
B 300,000 - 400,000
C 30,000-40,000
D 25 - 30

90 The function of the circulatory system is to:

A carry oxygen from the lungs for the cells

B remove wastes from the blood and flush them from the body
C bring wastes to the lungs and kidneys
D both a and c

91 Life processes include growth, repair, circulation, obtaining food and nutrients and _____

A respiration
B secretion
C sensation movement
D elimination
E all of these

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92 The Human Genome Project

A involves scientists from the US

B involves research in Canada
C is a comprehensive research project of international scope
D none of these

93 HUGO was formed in what year

A 1492
B 1776
C 2006
D 1988

94 The human organism has about ______ genes that have been mapped

A 100,000
B 10,000
C 100,000,000,000
D 1,000,000,000

95 There are more than _______ base pairs in a haploid genome

A 23 pair
B 3.5 trillion
C 3 trillion
D 3 billion

96 ______________ is a single celled organism in the Kingdom Monera

A eukaryote
B prokaryote
C organelle
D cytoplasm

97 _________ is an organism made up of cells that have a nucleus

A eukaryote
B prokaryote
C organelle
D cytoplasm

98 Small parts of the cell with specific fuctions are known as...

A organelles
B blastocyst
C Zona pelucida
D eukaryotes

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99 Most organisms are _________ meaning that they have two chromosomes that control
each trait.

A haploid
B diploid
C triploid
D polyploid

100 Most humans, even Lars, have _________ pairs of chromosomes

A 20
B 21
C 23
D 25

101 __________ are the energy factories of the cell

A golgi body
B vacuole
C ribosome
D mitochondria

102 The _______ is frequently referred to as the brain of the cell

A nucleus
B organelle
C golgi body
D endoplasmic reticulum

103 ___________ is a process by which cells break down carbohydrates and other molecules to
produce energy

A transpiration
B photosynthesis
C phototropism
D respiration

104 __________ is the movement of water through a membrane from areas of high
concentration to areas of low concentration

A osmosis
B diffusion
C transpiration
D respiration

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105 _________ is the movement of molecules, especially gases and liquids, from areas of high
concentration to low concentration

A osmosis
B diffusion
C transpiration
D respiration

106 Osmosis and diffusion function because of nature's preference for _________ which refers
to a system that is balanced or equal.

A osmosis
B diffusion
C transpiration
D equilibrium

107 Cell division takes place by any of three methods, they are....

A Mitosis, meiosis, and fusion

B mitositch, mynoseitches, and fishing
C mitosis, fission and meiosis
D mieosis, fission and fusion

108 In mitotic division....

A new cells have 1/2 the original number of chromosomes

B new cells have 3/4 the original number of chromosomes
C new cells have three of each chromosome
D New cells are exactly like the original cell

109 In meiotic division....

A new cells have 1/2 the original number of chromosomes

B new cells have 3/4 the original number of chromosomes
C new cells have three of each chromosome
D New cells are exactly like the original cell

110 Mitosis has _________ stages

A 6
B 12
C 18
D 24

111 Meiosis has _______ stages

A 6 or 8
B 11 or 12
C 18 or 19
D 24 or 23

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112 Organelle that makes proteins for cellular use and communication

A vacuole
B endoplasmic reticulum
C cytoplasm
D ribosome

113 Cell organelle containing chlorophyll

A chloroplast
B ribosome
C cytoplasm
D vacuole

114 Jelly like fluid that surrounds organelles in the cell

A endoplasmic reticulum
B cytoplasm
C ribosome
D Smucker's

115 Cell organelle that works with ribosomes to make and transport proteins

A endoplasmic reticulum
B chloroplast
C vacuole
D eukaryote

116 A large organelle used for storage

A vacuole
B cytoplasm
C Mr. Tirrel's brain - clever but not the answer:)
D prokaryote

117 The four bases found in RNA are:

A cytosine, thymine, adnine, guanine

B cytosine, thymine, uracil, guanine
C cytosine, uragoof, guanine, adenine
D cytosine, uracil, guanine, adenine

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118 Which band contains the largest molecules of DNA


119 __________ are considered basic units of biological inheritance

A gametes
B codons
C genes
D exons

120 In electrophoresis, the loading wells are located at the

A positive end
B negative end
C left side
D right side

121 What is PCR used for in the DNA or foresics lab

A identify DNA
B magnify or duplicate small DNA samples
C transform DNA to RNA
D It makes something

122 DNA fingerprints will be exactly the same for:

A All members of the same species

B sibings
C mother and daughter
D monozygotic twins

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123 PCR stands for:

A Putting Crisis Reserve

B Power Cord Rewire
C Polymerase Cryptos Reaction
D Polymerase Chain Reaction

124 The four bases found in DNA are

A cytosine, thymine, adenine, gummie bear

B cytosine, thymine, adenine, guanine
C cytosine, thymine, adenoid, guanine
D cytosine, thymine, adenine, quanine

125 In gel electrophoresis, in which direction does the DNA travel

A from left to right

B from negative to positive
C from positive to negative
D from positive to electrode

126 In our DNA Fingerprinting lab, the DNA samples that we used were taken from........

A chickens
B rabbits
C corn
D e coli bacteria

127 Each DNA sample was cut into smaller pieces using

A scissors
B restriction enzymes
C electricity
D digestive enzymes

128 All bands that are visible on a gel are compared to a known sample of DNA and the
________ of the DNA fragment is determined through comparison

A genes
B size
C origin
D color

129 Our gels for gel electrophoresis were stained_______

A red
B yellow
C green
D blue

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130 If the agar (gel) used to make the gel (jello) for gel electrophoresis was made stronger or
thicker in one gel than in another we could expect that the DNA fragments would travel..
than a gel made with less agar.

A farther
B less distance
C the same distance
D who knows?

131 The DNA samples that we loaed into the wells were _____

A red
B blue
C purple
D green

132 An agency of the US Department of Agriculture that has major responsibility for agricultural


133 Keeping information secret or private

B Regulation
C Confidentiality
D regulated Organsim
E permit

134 Information on a permit application that is a trade secret

B Confidentiality
C Permit
D Regulation
E confidential business information

135 A genetically engineered organism , vector, and similar forms

B regulated organism
C Permit
D regulation
E confidentiality

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136 Genetically Modified Organisms are often referred to as GMO's

A True
B False

137 Harvesting of fertilized ova from a donor and implanting them into a recipient animal.

A zygote
B pronucleus
C artificial insemination
D embryo transfer

138 An animal similar to humans, possessing thumb and forfinger opposition

A zygote
B non human primate
C pronucleus
D artificial insemination

139 The birthing process

A zygote
B parturition
C lactation
D puberty

140 One cell embryo formed by the union of a sperm and an ovum (egg)

A zygote
B anestrous
C ovum
D primate

141 Transfer of collected semen to a recipient female

A embryo transfer
B pronucleus
C artificial insemination
D copulation

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142 Chosing the gender of a potential offspring

A artificial insemination
B gender preselection
C xygote
D xenograft

143 The period of time of pregnancy in mammals

A gestation
B fertilization
C conception
D parturition

144 The haploid (single) nucleus of the sperm or ovum that has united in fertilization to form a

A embryo transfer
B fetal stage
C anestrous
D pronucleus

145 Secretion of milk by the mammary glands

A non human primate

B lactation
C gestation
D copulation

146 The time during the estrous cycle when a female is fertile and receptive to the male

A anestrous
B estrous cycle
C estrus
D in vitro

147 The process of uniting egg and sperm within laboratory glassware

A artificial insemination
B embryo transfer
C laboratory animal
D in vitro fertilization

148 The practice of grafting or joining an organ or a tissue from one species to another species

A xenograft
B gestation
C puberty
D in vitro

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149 The four models for animal research include computer/mathematical approaches, non living
systems, living animals and

A living plant tissues

B living animal tissue
C clinical models
D simulations

150 Pigs engineered to produce human hemoglobin and mice that produce human antibodies
are examples of animals used to transgenically produce drugs or pharmaceutical products

A True
B False

151 Bovine Somatotropin is a naturally occuring hormone produced in the ovary of cattle.

A True
B False

152 Embryo transfer can be performed surgically and non surgically

A True
B False

153 In embryo transfer, recipient animals must be synchronized with hormone injections so that
they are at the same stage in their estrous cycle as the donor animal

A True
B False

154 Anestrous can be defined as the absence of estrous cycling.

A True
B False

155 Semen are mature sex cells from the male parent

A True
B False

156 Puberty is the time at which an animal is capable of reproduction

A True
B False

157 The virus which causes AIDS belongs to the family called:

A herpes viruses
B retro viruses
C influenza viruses
D phages

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158 The multiplication cycle of retroviruses is distinguished from that of other viruses with RNA
genomes by

A synthesis of RNA complementary to the viral genome

B synthesis of DNA complementary to the viral genome
C the production of enveloped virus particles
D lysis of the cell in order to release new virus particles

159 The general structure of a virus is best described as

A a single protein capable of invading cells and altering cell functions

B a single piece of RNA or DNA capable of inserting itself into the cell's DNA
C a small amount of RNA or DNA surrounded by a lipid membrane
D a small amout of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat and sometimes a
lipid membrane

160 It is difficult to develop drugs which prevent virus multiplication without harming the
intended animal because

A viruses are so small

B viruses use the normal cellular machinery to multiply
C viruses are similar in structure to animal cells
D the location of virus multiplication in cells is not known

161 For viruses which infect animal cells, the specific cell type which a virus will infect is
determined primarily by

A the size of the virus particle

B the size of the animal
C a specific interaction between viral proteins and cell surface proteins
D the number of times an animal has been exposed to the same virus

162 A virus genome may consist of

A single stranded DNA

B double stranded RNA
C single stranded RNA
D double stranded DNA
E any of the above are possible

163 The viral enzyme reverse transcriptase is used in gene cloning to

A cut DNA into smaller fragments

B create "sticky" ends to facilitate joining DNA fragments together
C generate cDNA corresponding to cellular mRNA
D break down bacteria membranes to aid transformation

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164 The picture at right would be considered a ___________ shaped virus

A helical
B naked helical
C icosohedron
D capsid

165 What is the function of the virus capsid?

A proten containing DNA

B protective protein coat for the viral genome
C enables the virus to infect bacteria
D creates many copies of the DNA

166 How do viruses cause diseases in humans and other animals

A By breaking down the glycoprotein envelope

B cause changes within the cell that interfere with cellular function
C damage tissues and organs by lysing from the cells
D both C and B

167 How do many viruses escape from the cell where they multiply

A budding or lysing
B they don't
C blown on the wind
D broken down by stomach acid

168 What is a "phage"?

A a bacteria that infects plants

B a virus that infects fungi
C a virus that infects animals
D a virus that infects bacteria

169 How many different types of bacteriophages are present in a single plaque?

A Six
B Two
C Three
D many copies of a single type of phage

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170 A complete virus particle is called a :

A amnion
B virion
C prion
D moron

171 What Kingdom includes bacteria

A Animalia
B Protista
C Fungi
D Monera

172 How many kingdoms are there?

A 4
B 2
C 5
D 6

173 Science is divided into _______ main areas or branches

A 3
B 4
C 2
D 12

174 The xylem conducts water and minerals __________

A down from the leaves and stems to the roots

B down from the leaves to the stems
C up from the stems to the leaves
D up from the roots to the leaves and stems

175 ___________ is a group of cells that are alike in structure and activity

A Organ
B Tissue
C Cell
D Organ System

176 ___________ is a substance made up of amino acids

A Tissue
B Lipid
C Protein
D Enzyme

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177 ________ is a type of protein

A enzyme
B catalyst
C lipid
D propolis

178 A binomial or scientific name consists of _________

A species and family

B genus and family
C genus and cultivar
D genus and species

179 The seven classifications from largest to smallest are

A Kingdom, Phylum, Order, Class, Family, Genus, Species

B Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
C Phylum, Kingdom, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
D Kingdom,Class, Order, Phylum, Genus, Family, Species

180 Life Science is often known as ________

A Botony
B Biology
C Chemistry
D Zoology

181 Which of the following is NOT a branch of science

A life science
B sociology
C mathematics
D physical science

182 Virology is the study of _________

A bacteria
B animals
C viruses and protists
D viruses

183 The study of fungi is _______

A botony
B virology
C mycology
D bacteriology

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184 Botony is the study of ______

A bacteria
B plants
C fungi
D paramecia

185 ______________ is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler material by
ordinary means

A atom
B element
C compound
D proton

186 ___________ is the smallest unit in which an element can exist

A atom
B element
C proton
D neutron

187 ___________ is the smallest group of atoms that act together to form a stable independent

A atom
B element
C compound
D molecule

188 _____________ is the energy a body has because it is in motion

A chemical
B molecular
C kinetic
D potential

189 The classification of living things is known as_____

A binomial nomenclature
B taxonomy
C systematic naming
D genera

190 ____________ is an essential function for an organism to be in the living condition

A life processes
B nutritional deficiency
C anemia
D lactation

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191 ___________ is the oxidation process in living cells that releases chemical energy in foods

A photosynthesis
B respiration
C transpiration
D secretion

192 ____________ is a specialized organ or tissue that produces secretions

A node
B gland
C blastocyst
D zona pelucida

193 ____________ is an organic compound of fatty acid

A enzyme
B catalyst
C protein
D lipid

194 Enzymes are classified into ________ groups

A 6
B 8
C 12
D 16

195 ____________ is a substance which causes a reaction to take place without being changed

A catalyst
B amino acid
C protein
D lipid

196 Proteins are usually made up of which four chemical elements

A H, C, N, K
B H, C, P, Mn
D C, O, P, Bo

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Answer Key : Biotechnology Test Bank

Question: Answer
1 C
2 A
3 C
4 D
5 B
6 D
7 D
8 C
9 D
10 A
11 B
12 C
13 B
14 D
15 A
16 B
17 A
18 D
19 B
20 A
21 C
22 A
23 D
24 A
25 D
26 C
27 B
28 D
29 A
30 A
31 D
32 B
33 C
34 D
35 B
36 D
37 C
38 A
39 A
40 D
41 A
42 C
43 B
44 D

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45 B
46 D
47 B
48 D
49 A
50 D
51 A
52 C
53 B
54 A
55 D
56 B
57 C
58 D
59 A
60 C
61 B
62 B
63 D
64 A
65 D
66 B
67 C
68 C
69 C
70 B
71 C
72 A
73 D
74 A
75 C
76 D
77 B
78 D
79 A
80 D
81 B
82 C
83 D
84 C
85 A
86 B
87 C
88 B
89 B
90 D
91 E
92 C
93 D
94 A
95 D
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96 B
97 A
98 A
99 B
100 C
101 D
102 A
103 D
104 A
105 B
106 D
107 C
108 D
109 A
110 A
111 B
112 D
113 A
114 B
115 A
116 A
117 D
118 A
119 C
120 B
121 B
122 D
123 D
124 B
125 B
126 D
127 B
128 B
129 D
130 B
131 C
132 A
133 C
134 E
135 B
136 A
137 D
138 B
139 B
140 A
141 C
142 B
143 A
144 D
145 B
146 C
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147 D
148 A
149 B
150 A
151 B
152 A
153 A
154 A
155 A
156 A
157 B
158 B
159 D
160 B
161 C
162 E
163 C
164 C
165 B
166 D
167 A
168 D
169 D
170 B
171 D
172 C
173 B
174 D
175 B
176 C
177 A
178 D
179 B
180 B
181 B
182 D
183 C
184 B
185 B
186 A
187 D
188 C
189 B
190 A
191 B
192 B
193 D
194 A
195 A
196 C

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