Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8.docx Marichu

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8

I. Objectives:

At the end 50-minute period the students should be able to:

a. Name the types of sentences and define their purpose

b. Identify the types of sentences
c. Used the correct end mark for each type of sentence
d. Create an example for each type of sentence
II. Contents:
A. Subject Matter: ENGLISH
B. Topic: Types of Sentences According to Functions
D. Reference: English Communication Skills Through Afro- Asian
III. Procedure:

Teacher’s activity Student’s Activity

“Good Morning class!” “Good Morning Ma’am!”

“Let us pray first.” ( the student will lead the prayer)

“Who is absent today?” (student will answer)

“Before you take your seat, kindly

arrange your chairs properly.”

“How’s your day class? Are you doing “Yes Ma’am!”


“That’s good to know, so are you “Yes Ma’am!”

excited to discuss our new topic

“Okay that’s good, before we proceed ,

I have prepared here some sentences.”

1. Mammals are animals with fur.

2. Are dolphins mammals?
3. I’m scared of snakes!
4. Look at how the dolphins jump
out of the water.

“Based on the sentences that are being (students will give their answer)
listed on the screen, what have you

“Okay, very good!Thank you. Who (students will give their answer)

“Great class!”
“Because these sentences will going to
have a connection about our topic for

“Do have any idea about our new topic (students will give their answer)

“Yes, because our topic for today is all

about the types of sentences according
to functions.”

“Here is the first type of sentence, the (students volunteers to read)

declarative sentence. Who wants to
read the definition?”
(Declarative sentence- makes a
statement and ends with a period.)

“ Thank you, you can take you seat.”

“ So here are examples of declarative
“Class can you give me another ( the students will give their own
example of declarative sentence?” example)

“Let’s proceed to the second type of

sentence which is the interrogative

“Will you read the definition of an (the student will read the definition of
interrogative sentence?” an interrogative sentence)
(interrogative sentence-asks a question
and ends with a question mark?

“Who can give another example of

interrogative sentence?” ( the students will give their own
“Are we clear with the interrogative

“Next, what is an imperative (the student will read the definition of

sentence?” an imperative sentence)
(imperative sentence- sentence that
give a command or a request)

“Now, can you give me an example of ( the students will give their own
imperative sentence?” example)

“Very good class! “

“And lastly, the exclamatory sentence.”

(exclamatory sentence- is a sentence (the student will read the definition of
that shows a strong feeling and it ends an exclamatory sentence)
with an exclamation point)

“Class here are some examples of

exclamatory sentence.”
( the students will give their own
“Now it’s your turn to give an examples example)
of exclamatory sentence.

IV. Generalization:

“Class are we clear with the types of “Yes Ma’am!”

sentences according to their function?”

“Do you have any question class?” ( assuming that the students wants to
ask a question)
“Have you understood our topic “Yes Ma’am!”

“So what are the types of sentences “ The types of sentences are
again?” declarative, interrogative, imperative
and exclamatory sentence.

“Yes, very good! So, again, can you tell (the students will tell the meaning of
me what declarative sentence is?” declarative sentence)

“Okay. Very good! How about the (the students will tell the meaning of
interrogative sentence?” interrogative sentence)

“What about imperative sentence (the students will tell the meaning of
class?” imperative sentence)

“What about the last one?” (student will give the last type of
sentence which is exclamatory

“What is exclamatory sentence again (the students will tell the meaning of
class?” exclamatory sentence)
V. Evaluation:

Test I.

Read each sentence. Identify each sentence as declarative, interrogative,

exclamatory, or imperative.

1. Sarah and Allan walk their dogs every morning.

2. There are so many stars in the sky!
3. Do you want a slice of cake?
4. Stay in your room until you finish your home work.

Test II.

Put the correct punctuation marks at the end of the sentence.

1. Buy a gallon of milk on your way home.

2. How are crayons made?
3. Harry Potter is the best book series!
4. Strawberries are fruits.

Test III.

Create your own sentences.

Prepared By:

Marichu S. Magno

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