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A computer system is made up of hardware and software:

What is software?
Hardware is the physical parts of the computer and software is the programs that run
on a computer.
There is a close relationship between hardware and software. Without software,
hardware is very limited and without hardware, software would not be able to run. They
need each other.
Software is a general term for programs that control and make use of the hardware
Software is translated into machine code for the hardware to understand. Software
types are in a hierarchy of their position in relation to the hardware.
Software makes hardware useful. It gives it the instructions it needs to operate. When
hardware runs software, it loads the software into its RAM.
There are two main types of software:
systems software
applications software

Systems software
Systems software helps run and maintain the computer. It includes the operating
system, drivers and utility software.
Operating system
The biggest part of systems software is the operating system. It is an essential part
that allows other systems software, and application software, to communicate
with hardware.
All computers have an operating system. They cannot operate without one.
The operating system is needed to perform a number of tasks. It provides a user
interface, manages the use of memory and the opening, closing, saving and deleting
of files. Most operating systems have features that look after the security of the
computer with usernames and passwords.
Examples of operating systems include Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, Android and iOS.
Applications software
Applications software is used to carry out tasks on a computer, such as writing an
email, making a poster, doing homework and messaging friends. Some of the
applications we might use to do this include a word processor, web
browser and graphics software.
Some software, such as word processors, spreadsheets and desktop publishers are
called general purpose software because it is possible to carry out lots of different
tasks using that application.
Some software is called special purpose software because it performs one specific
task. This might include a flight simulator, payroll software or an application for
revising maths.
Applications are also used on smartphones to do lots of things, such as social
networking, listening to music and messaging.
Types of software
Firmware is a program embedded onto a hardware device. All hardware components
in a computer have firmware. Firmware is usually coded into a hardware device when
it is created in a factory. The user of the computer does not usually interact with the
firmware directly. A typical example of firmware is the BIOS program written into
the ROM of a computer. The BIOS runs when a system starts up before the operating
system starts.

An operating system (OS) is a platform that gives the user an interface to the
hardware. The OS uses device drivers to communicate with the firmware. The OS
provides a user-friendly interface and performs basic tasks such as controlling and
allocating memory, controlling the execution of software applications,
controlling peripherals, networking, and managing files.

Software applications - also called an application or 'app' - is not essential for the
basic function of the computer. Examples include games, word processors and web
browsers. Programming environments are a type of software application used to write
code and create programs.
Bespoke and off-the-shelf software
Off-the-shelf software is designed to provide a general set of features that a broad range of
customers will find useful. The most popular and widely used software is usually off-the-
shelf, eg web browsers, apps and games.

Bespoke software (also known as custom-made software) is specially designed and written for a
single organisation or group of users. Businesses or scientific projects will often need bespoke
software as the exact software needed may not exist.
Proprietary, free and open source software
All software development takes time and expertise,
but there are many models for funding software
development, and different models of ownership.

Proprietary software
Proprietary software (sometimes referred to
as closed sourcesoftware) is software that legally
remains the property of the organisation, group, or
individual who created it. The organisation that
owns the rights to the product usually does not
release the source code, and may insist that only
those who have purchased a special licence key can
use it.
Free software
Free software (also called freeware) is licensed at no
cost, or for an optional fee. It is usually closed
Open source software
Open source software is free and openly available to
everyone. People who create open source products
publish the code and allow others to use and modify
it. Communities of programmers often work
together to develop the software and to support
users. Open source products are usually tested in
public by online contributors.

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