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Câu hỏi: building a 'magical kingdom' may help develop 1 . ........................................ .

Bài đọc: Although she isn't aware of it, this fantasy is helping her take her first steps towards

her capacity for creativity

Giải thích: ‘take her first steps towards her capacity for’ tương đương với từ ‘develop’.

Đáp án: creativity


Câu hỏi: board games involve 2 ........................................... and turn-taking

Bài đọc: She's learning about the need to follow rules and take turns with a partner

Giải thích: ‘take turns’ tương đương với turn-taking. Vậy từ còn thiếu là ‘follow rules’, nhưng

bài yêu cầu chọn 1 từ duy nhất.

Đáp án: rules


Câu hỏi: Recent changes affecting children's play

populations of 3 . ......................................... have grown

Bài đọc: ‘But we live in changing times, and Whitebread is mindful of a worldwide decline in

play, pointing out that over half the people in the world now live in cities

Giải thích: ‘changing times’ gợi cho chúng ta nghĩ đến ‘recent changes’ trong bài. Và xu hướng

‘over half the people in the world now live in cities’ tương đương với số người sống ở đô thị

tăng lên.

Đáp án: cities

Q4 - 6

Câu hỏi: opportunities for free play are limited due to

- fear of 4 . ........................................ ..

- fear of 5 . .........................................

- increased 6 . .......................................... in schools

Bài đọc:

‘The opportunities for free play, which I experienced almost every day of my childhood, are

becoming increasingly scarce,' he says.

Outdoor play is curtailed by perceptions of risk to do with traffic, as well as parents' increased

wish to protect their children from being the victims of crime, and by the emphasis on 'earlier

is better' which is leading to greater competition in academic learning and schools’.

Giải thích: ‘limited’ tương đương ‘scarce’. Hai nỗi sợ trong bài là trafic và crime. ‘increased’

tương đương với ‘greater’.

Đáp án: 4 traffic, 5 crime, 6 competition

Q7 - 8

Câu hỏi: International policies on children's play • it is difficult to find 7 .

......................................... to support new policies • research needs to study the impact of play

on the rest of the child's 8 . ........................................ .

Bài đọc: ‘But what they often lack is the evidence to base policies on.’

‘Dr Jenny Gibson agrees, pointing out that although some of the steps in the puzzle of how and

why play is important have been looked at, there is very little data on the impact it has on the

child's later life’.

Giải thích: base policies on = support new policies, impact on the child’s later life = impact on

the rest of the child’life

Đáp án: 7 evidence, 8 life


Câu hỏi: Children with good self-control are known to be likely to do well at school later


Bài đọc: the ability to self-regulate has been shown to be a key predictor of academic


Giải thích: self-regulate = self-control, a key predictor of academic performance = likely to do

well at school later on

Đáp án: TRUE


Câu hỏi: The way a child plays may provide information about possible medical problems.

Bài đọc: ‘In my previous research, I investigated how observing children at play can give us

important clues about their well-being and can even be useful in the diagnosis of

neurodevelopmental disorders like autism.'

Giải thích: give clues = provide information about, disorders = medical problems.

Đáp án: TRUE


Câu hỏi: Playing with dolls was found to benefit girls' writing more than boys' writing.

Bài đọc: Whitebread's recent research has involved developing a play-based approach to

supporting children's writing. 'Many primary school children find writing difficult, but we

showed in a previous study that a playful stimulus was far more effective than an instructional

one.' Children wrote longer and better-structured stories when they first played with dolls

representing characters in the story’.

Giải thích: Mặc dù writing được đề cập đến trong bài, không có sự so sánh giữa writing của

boys và girls.



Câu hỏi: Children had problems thinking up ideas when they first created the story with


Bài đọc: In the latest study, children first created their story with Lego*, with similar results.

'Many teachers commented that they had always previously had children saying they didn't

know what to write about. With the Lego building, however, not a single child said this

through the whole year of the project.

Giải thích: didn’t know what to write about = had problems thinking up ideas

Đáp án: FALSE


Câu hỏi: People nowadays regard children's play as less significant than they did in the past.

Bài đọc: Somehow the importance of play has been lost in recent decades. It's regarded as

something trivial, or even as something negative that contrasts with “work”.

Giải thích: the importance of play has been lost = regard play as less significant (=less

important). trivial = not important.

Đáp án: TRUE



Câu hỏi: a description of how people misused a bike-sharing scheme

Bài đọc: ‘The system, however, was prone to vandalism and theft’. After every weekend there

would always be a couple of bikes missing.

Giải thích: vandalism và theft là hai việc mà mọi người dùng chiến dịch bike-sharing này sai

cách (misused)

Đáp án: E


Câu hỏi: an explanation of why a proposed bike-sharing scheme was turned down

Bài đọc: Nevertheless, the council unanimously rejected the plan. 'They said that the bicycle

belongs to the past. They saw a glorious future for the car,' says Schimmelpennink.

Giải thích: Phần ‘They said that.. future for the car’ là lý do tại sao họ turned down (=rejected)

a proposed bike-sharing scheme (=the plan)

Đáp án: C


Câu hỏi: a reference to a person being unable to profit from their work

Bài đọc: But financially I didn't really benefit from it, because I never filed for a patent.

Giải thích: unable to profit = financially didn’t really benefit

Đáp án: F


Câu hỏi: an explanation of the potential savings a bike-sharing scheme would bring

Bài đọc: It turned out that a white bicycle - per person, per kilometre - would cost the

municipality only 10% of what it contributed to public transport per person per kilometre.

Giải thích: potential savings = would cost only 10%

Đáp án: C


Câu hỏi: a reference to the problems a bike-sharing scheme was intended to solve

Bài đọc: ‘They believed the scheme, which was known as the Witte Fietsenplan, was an answer

to the perceived threats of air pollution and consumerism’

Giải thích: problems = the perceived threats of air pollution và consumerism, …was an answer

to sth = was intended to solve sth.

Đáp án: A


Câu hỏi: Which TWO of the following statements are made in the text about the Amsterdam

bike-sharing scheme of 1999?

Phân tích từng option A - E

A It was initially opposed by a government department.

Bài đọc không nói đến việc kế hoạch này bị phản đối (opposed) bởi một chính phủ nào vào

năm 1999.

B It failed when a partner in the scheme withdrew support.

Bài đọc: 'To continue the project we would have needed to set up another system, but the

business partner had lost interest.'

Giải thích: had lost interest = withdrew support

C It aimed to be more successful than the Copenhagen scheme.

Không có sự so sánh trong bài về mục đích của chiến dịch này với chiến dịch Copenhagen.

D It was made possible by a change in people's attitudes.

Bài đọc: 'Times had changed,' he recalls. 'People had become more environmentally

conscious, and the Danish experiment had proved that bike-sharing was a real possibility.' A

new Witte Fietsenplan was launched in 1999 in Amsterdam.

Giải thích: Kế hoạch mới được ra mắt do ‘people had become more environmentally

conscious’. Thì hoàn thành và từ ‘changed’cho chúng ta nghĩ đến đáp án ‘a change in people’s


E It attracted interest from a range of bike designers.

Giải thích: Không có thông tin nào trong bài về một loạt các bike designers.



Câu hỏi: Which TWO of the following statements are made in the text about Amsterdam today?

Phân tích các option:

A The majority of residents would like to prevent all cars from entering the city.

Bài đọc: Today everybody longs for cities that are not dominated by cars.'

Giải thích: Thông tin trong bài đọc là tất cả mọi người muốn (long for) các thành phố không bị

thống trị bởi xe hơi. Điều này không có nghĩa là học muốn chặn tất cả xe vào thành phố.

B There is little likelihood of the city having another bike-sharing scheme.

Bài đọc: but the city never got another Witte Fietsenplan. Molenaar believes this may be

because everybody in Amsterdam already has a bike. Schimmelpennink, however, cannot see

that this changes Amsterdam's need for a bike-sharing scheme. Although he thinks it is strange

that a city like Amsterdam does not have a successful bikesharing scheme, he is optimistic

about the future.

Giải thích: Bài đọc nói rằng ông ấy rất lạc quan về tương lai (mà ở đó Amsterdam sẽ có một

bike-sharing scheme nữa). Như vậy đáp án có ít khả năng (there is little likelihood) không phải

là đáp án đúng.

C More trips in the city are made by bike than by any other form of transport.

Giải thích: Không có sự so sánh nào giữa việc có nhiều chuyến đi bằng bike so với các phương

tiện khác.

D A bike-sharing scheme would benefit residents who use public transport.

Bài đọc: 'People who travel on the underground don't carry their bikes around. But often they

need additional transport to reach their final destination.'

Giải thích: Những người dùng public transport (=travel on the underground) cần thêm phương

tiện để đến điểm dừng cuối cùng. Bike giúp họ làm được điều này.

E The city has a reputation as a place that welcomes cyclists.

Bài đọc: it is regarded as one of the two most cycle-friendly capitals in the world

Giải thích: is regarded as = has a reputation as, welcome cyclists = cycle-friendly.


Q 23-24

Câu hỏi: The first urban bike-sharing scheme The first bike-sharing scheme was the idea of

the Dutch group Provo. The people who belonged to this group were 23 . ..............................

They were concerned about damage to the environment and about 24 . ...............................,

and believed that the bike-sharing scheme would draw attention to these issues.

Bài đọc: The original idea for an urban bike-sharing scheme dates back to a summer's day in

Amsterdam in 1965. Provo, the organisation that came up with the idea, was a group of Dutch

activists who wanted to change society. They believed the scheme, which was known as the

Witte Fietsenplan, was an answer to the perceived threats of air pollution and consumerism.

Giải thích: first = original, belong to this group = was a group of, damage to the environment

= threats of air pollution

Đáp án: Q 23 activists, Q24 consumerism

Q 25

Câu hỏi: As well as painting some bikes white, they handed out 25 . ....................... that

condemned the use of cars.

Bài đọc: In the centre of Amsterdam, they painted a small number of used bikes white. They

also distributed leaflets describing the dangers of cars and inviting people to use the white


Giải thích: handed out = distributed, condemned the use of cars = describing the dangers of


Đáp án: leaflets

Q 26

Câu hỏi: However, the scheme was not a great success: almost as quickly as Provo left the

bikes around the city, the 26 . ..................... took them away.

Bài đọc: The police were opposed to Provo's initiatives and almost as soon as the white bikes

were distributed around the city, they removed them.

Giải thích: almost as quickly as = almost as soon as, took them away = remove them

Đáp án: police




Câu hỏi: Hotel managers need to know what would encourage good staff to remain.

Bài đọc: It is therefore essential for hotel management to develop HRM practices that enable

them to inspire and retain competent employees. This requires an understanding of what


Giải thích: good staff = competent employees, remain = retain, need to know = requires an

understanding of, encourage = motivates

Đáp án: E


Câu hỏi: ‘The actions of managers may make staff feel they shouldn't move to a different


Bài đọc: Ng and Sorensen (2008) demonstrated that when managers provide recognition to

employees, motivate employees to work together, and remove obstacles preventing effective

performance, employees feel more obligated to stay with the company.

Giải thích: feel they shouldn’t move to a different employer = feel more obligated to stay with

the company.

Đáp án: D


Câu hỏi: Little is done in the hospitality industry to help workers improve their skills.

Bài đọc: Despite this recognition of the importance of employee development, the hospitality

industry has historically been dominated by underdeveloped HR practices (Lucas, 2002).

Lucas also points out that 'the substance of HRM practices does not appear to be designed to

foster constructive relations with employees or to represent a managerial approach that enables

developing and drawing out the full potential of people, even though employees may be

broadly satisfied with many aspects of their work' (Lucas, 2002

Giải thích: dominated by underdeveloped HR practices = little is done, enables developing and

drawing out the full potential of people = help workers improve their skills.

Đáp án: B


Câu hỏi: Staff are less likely to change jobs if cooperation is encouraged

Bài đọc: Ng and Sorensen (2008) demonstrated that when managers provide recognition to

employees, motivate employees to work together, and remove obstacles preventing effective

performance, employees feel more obligated to stay with the company.

Giải thích: motivate employees to work together = cooperation is encouraged, employees feel

more obligated to stay = less likely to change jobs

Đáp án: D


Câu hỏi: Dissatisfaction with pay is not the only reason why hospitality workers change jobs

Bài đọc: In addition, or maybe as a result, high employee turnover has been a recurring

problem throughout the hospitality industry. Among the many cited reasons are low

compensation, inadequate benefits, poor working conditions and compromised employee

morale and attitudes (Maroudas et al., 2008).

Giải thích: turnover liên quan đến việc change jobs, among the many cited reasons = not the

only reason

Đáp án: C


Câu hỏi: One reason for high staff turnover in the hospitality industry is poor morale.

Bài đọc: In addition, or maybe as a result, high employee turnover has been a recurring

problem throughout the hospitality industry. Among the many cited reasons are low

compensation, inadequate benefits, poor working conditions and compromised employee

morale and attitudes (Maroudas et al., 2008).

Giải thích: poor morale = compromised employee morale.

Đáp án: YES


Câu hỏi: Research has shown that staff have a tendency to dislike their workplace.

Bài đọc: ‘While it seems likely that employees' reactions to their job characteristics could be

affected by a predisposition to view their work environment negatively, no evidence exists to

support this hypothesis (Spector et al., 2000)’.

Giải thích: ‘Research has shown’ trái ngược với ‘no evidence exists to support’

Đáp án: NO


Câu hỏi: An improvement in working conditions and job security makes staff satisfied with

their jobs.

Bài đọc: Herzberg ( 1966) proposes that people have two major types of needs, the first being

extrinsic motivation factors relating to the context in which work is performed, rather than the

work itself. These include working conditions and job security. When these factors are

unfavorable, job dissatisfaction may result. Significantly, though, just fulfilling these needs

does not result in satisfaction, but only in the reduction of dissatisfaction (Maroudas et al.,


Giải thích: ‘just fulfilling these needs does not result in satisfaction’ trái ngược với ‘makes staff


Đáp án: NO


Câu hỏi: Staff should be allowed to choose when they take breaks during the working day.

Bài đọc: Deery (2008) has recommended several actions that can be adopted at the

organizational level to retain good staff as well as assist in balancing work and family life.

Those particularly appropriate to the hospitality industry include allowing adequate breaks

during the working day, staff functions that involve families, and providing health and well-

being opportunities’.

Giải thích: không có thông tin về việc cho phép nhân viên chọn thời gian nghỉ giải lao.



Câu hỏi: Tews, Michel and Stafford carried out research on staff in an American chain of


Bài đọc: … Tews, Michel and Stafford (2013) conducted a study focusing on staff from a

chain of themed restaurants in the United States.

Giải thích: carried out research = conducted a study

Đáp án: restaurants


Câu hỏi: They discovered that activities designed for staff to have fun improved their …

Bài đọc: It was found that fun activities had a favorable impact on performance and

manager support for fun had a favorable impact in reducing turnover.

Giải thích: discovered = found, improve tương tự như had a favourable impact

Đáp án: performance


Câu hỏi: and that management involvement led to lower staff …

Bài đọc: and manager support for fun had a favorable impact in reducing turnover.

Giải thích: management involvement trong ngữ cảnh của bài là manager support, reducing =


Đáp án: turnover

Q39 -40

Câu hỏi: They also found that the activities needed to fit with both the company's 39

............................and the 40 . ........................................ of the staff.

Bài đọc: Their findings support the view that fun may indeed have a beneficial effect, but the

framing of that fun must be carefully aligned with both organizational goals and employee


Giải thích: fit with = aligned with

Đáp án: 39 goals, 40 characteristics


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