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Connecting Science Content and Science Methods for Preservice Elementary School Teachers

Presentation of the thesis

The researcher Scott Kirst is an assistant professor in the Department of Education and Tim flood is a
professor in the department of geology they are both at St. Norberth College in De Pere,Wiconsin presented
a research entitled "Connecting Science Content and science Methods for Preservice Elementary School
Teachers". The integration of an undergraduate science content course and science methods course into a
single combined course for preservice teachers, including a precourse field experience, was undertaken at a
small, liberal arts college.

They have a wide ranging of study. Their task is to futher exacerbated the K-8 education majors were
they're expected to advocate science to their future students along with many other subjects. Also as a
postsecondary educators, their ultimate goal is should not be the future elementary teachers be familiarizes
only with the nature of science, but also to implant them how science is exciting that they will share to their

The First part of the research was about the Research Base where the recent studies shown between science
and teaching of science is that there are need for more information which particularly for education majors.
Most of elementary teachers feel ill-euipped to teach the basics of K-8 science shen they graduate which is
greater than 50% of the population of new teachers. And to successfully create the new combined course
they required between the respective instructors in the Geology Department and those in the Education
Department a comprehensive and complementary process of integration.

The second part was the Assessment of the new Course where different assessment strategies were used is
stated. The characteristics, helped to measures the attitudes, perceptions, knowledge, skills, and diposition
of the students Through the new K-8 geoscience instruction. The first characteristics assessed was the
preservice teachers' attitude towards science. The second characteristics assessed was the nature and depth
of the preservice teachers' understanding of science and critical thinking skills. The third characteristic was
assess is the perceptions and recognition of the connections to science and crosscutting concepts

The third part Showns the results and the assessment of the learning goals which was multifacted and
included outside consultants for guidance. The qualitative or quantitative assessment was collected from the
survey. The science attitude survey results the quantitative science attitude survey asked four questions and
was administered between four control grouos (n=72) and three experimental groups (n=35). Focus group
results focuses on performed on three cohorts of experimental students (N= 35) immediately on the
conclusion of the course.


To have a better Understanding for Science in preservice teachers, they want to produce and implement
new K-8 program for the future educators students. It's very challenging issue for the many educators
students college in United States. St Norbet Collage introduce the idea to have a new K-8 system. The
education and the geology department, they want the preservice elementary teacher to have a geology
course. The main goal of them is not to simply familiarize them in the nature of science, rather to share
their knowledge to students about science.

The geology course it is the required curriculum course of St. Nobert College. The St. Nobert College is
the liberal arts college, that have a 2,200 undergraduate, 30 academic major's, 60 graduated student's in two
master's program, and 75 students graduate every semesters with degree in elementary education's.

The recent studies shown that have more integration or process between science and the teaching of
science, specifically for education majors. Research shown that 50% of elementary teacher's they feel ill to
teach the basics of K-8 science,when they graduate. Compare to 80% of new elementary teacher's, they are
very confident in terms of teaching reading, language arts and the mathematics (Banilower et al. 2013).
The effectiveness of being inspire and interest in science in elementary school children, If the teacher
itself understand the nature of science the children got come up to have interest in science too.(Koenig
Schen. & Bao, 2012)

General Approach

The approach of the research was always to promote the K-8 preservice teacher which is essential, in the
part any institution of higher learning, there were challenges in combining content and pedalogy they
should have elaborated it more for the readers to understand it better and uses simple words.this approach
applies also to the course of events, which is presented step by step and in which the main perspective
disappears among innumerable more or less irrelevant details.

The research proposed different courses they make the ideas precise and concrete with regard to the Project
goals that were at the intended, a broader impacts of the project that provided an innovative approarch will
surely improve the K-8 Scence. The learning goals and new courses that will bring the Institution up.

As the text goes along it is somewhat difficult for the readers to understand well the article all about. The
words used should be more simple and more shorter for the readers to understand it.

Length and clarity

The research appear the prescribe goal and outcome,and the most important to this research is having a
connections between science and the teaching of science. Here is the example of this. Research (Avery &
Meyer, 2012; Saxman. Gupta, & Steinberg. 2010) also illustrated that ann inquiry based content science
like geology, specifically with science methods course, can increase the confidence of preservice teachers.
And can help to implement their skills in teaching.

Another example is (1) to improve and have a better practice to the K-8 science instructions (2) the
engagement of the education and science faculty in a cooperative strain (3) an opportunity to propagate a
replicable model of preservice education for any field of science (4) the most important is to train the next
generation of K-8 science educators whose knowledgeable.

Some details

When it comes to the overall criticism and impression of this study it is credible and wil be effective and
useful after it will be impliment. As far as data was arrange appropriately and observe what should do next.
The Parts of the research must be examine and observe the data. It should be having more summay and
precise arragemenf of data. And the figure 1 is a good assets, it makes the K-8 program more efficient and
more applicable to use. Then the ideas should be more shorter and precise for the readers to understand it
well and generate more ideas quicky and will not get bored reading it.


The intent of this research is to target instructional methodology of the science and the education course to
meet specific needs of the K-8 preservice teachers. They want to implement about the K-8 program for the
next and future educators. They determine if the preservice teacher integragating higher thinking skills,they
determine if have any change towards the attitude of science teachers.

They examine the preservice teacher if their understanding,knowledge, and skills have a different
outcome. And they have a assessment to implement and evaluate if the preservice teachers have a better
understanding of science, and if the preservice teachers is qualified to teaching skills.

The Pairing of a Science Communications and a Language Course to Enrich First-Yeat English Language
Learners' Writing and Argumentation Skills
Presentation of the thesis

The Researchers Ashley J. Welsh a postdoctoral teaching and fellow with the university of British
Columbia Vantage College and the science Centre for Learning and teaching, Amber Shaw a lecturer in the
vantage one academic English program at University of british college, and Joanne A Fox the principal of
UBC vantage College and joint appointed in the Michael Smith laboratories and Department of
Microbiology and Immunology, All at UBC in Vancouver, Canada Proposed a research Entitled "The
Pairing of a Science Communications and a Language Course to Enrich First-Yeat English Language
Learners' Writing and Argumentation Skills". The article explores how the english language learners'
writing evolved during a first-year seminar in science course aimed at developing students' argumentstion

This research highlight how science communications course in the context of a highly coordinated and
enriched first-year was paired with weekly academic english course program for international students.
This kind of research is a kind of research were show how collaboration between science and language
facilty that will lead to the developmeny and facilitation of the targeted activities and assignments that will
surely improve the english language skills of the first year students in the university. This will also focus on
the communication and writing skill in the first year students and also will improve the critical thinking
skills of the students that will surely help them and also it will increased the focus of the students and

The first part of the research was about the SCIE113 and Vantage One program which is a large Intensive
research where the first year enrollments in science courses can reach more than 300 students per section.
The faculty of science made a commiyment that the first year students would have a small class experience
that allowed them to interact with a faculty member which would a first year student can be develo in
intensive course writing. Within this program the instructor and coordinator collaborated with one another
to develop activites and assignments to strengthen the students' writing and argumentation skills.

The next part was the table 1 showing the SCIE 113 units the first and the second week are the defining the
nature of science, thr next one science as a way of knowing, the fifth , sixth and seveth week the presenting
scientific arguments the scientific community will be the next one and the last is the science and society.
The units should be done with more amount of time for the students to undestand well the SCIE 113 units.

The methods and analysis of the study paralled those of previous study with all students registered in SCIE
113 that the first year students' writing and skills in argumentation will improve with the help of vantage
one program and also with the help of instructors. The analysis of the all data are examined using
pseudonyms to address issues of confidentiality. Within the semester the students will complete 3 types of
essay which contains 500 words each that should be only minimum of 300 words or 400 words in
accomplishing one of the essays that will reflect the content of the courses. And for the term paper it should
be the students are the one who will select their litersture about the unresolved scientific questions in thr
area of their interest.

The Result part stated that the analization of the data revealed significant improvements in internarional
ELLs', Writing and argumentation skills with their perceptions of their skills and abolities to write and
communication scientifically. The statistically significant in the top group of students' writing assignments
and performance has no increases or no changes which had to have a result or improvement using their
program. To increase the performance and the critical thinking skills of the students with regards to writing
performace and argumentation they must asked the weaknesses of the students to provide new strategies
that will surely improve the performace of the students and will also show the positive effect and


The capability to understand and communicate science is an important skills to the students. If the
English and science combine, the students ability to argumentation skills will be developed. This
collaborative model can help the students to improve their writing ability, and to improve their writing
skills and argumentation skills. Unfortunately the communication science training is limited for the
undergraduate. They said that the students must understand the characteristics of the nature of science, and
also the argumentative discourse. Within undergraduate education have a instruction how to effectively
communicate their ideas.

The undergraduate science classroom is the place where the students can developed and improve the
skills. The North american universities have a lot of students that attending in this institutions. With that
increasing students that attend in North American universities, classroom strategies and assessments are
needed to support the respectful communication and learning of the students.

The University of British Columbia have a large numbers of enrollist in science course, that can reach
more than 300 students per section because of this large enrollist the faculty member decide that the first
year students would have a small class experience. To the development of SCIE 113, a first year writing
intensive course must be pair a science faculty member, and graduate teaching assistant, the result of this is
every section have a 25 first year science students.

The SCIE 113 is have a 3hours/week courses that focuses on developing the writing critical thinking,and
argumentation skills, it's the requirements of one student for their degree. They want every students
developed and improve their writing skills and argumentation skills.

General approach

This approach applies also to the course of events, which is presented step by step and in which the main
perspective disappears among innumerable more or less irrelevant details. The development of SCIE113,
has been paired with the languages that focuses to the support of VANT 140, the its support of the writing,
argumentation, critical thinking and communication skills of the students positively. The study also shows
how the studens will improve their skills with regards to the stated qualities and skills that will surely help
and improve the students and assuring they will use those skills in the near future.

One the questions is that how they would implement the research to all first year students in the schools and
universities and how are they sure that these programs will benefits the students. What the improvements
and strategies are they going to formulate if they are some lacks of areas that are needs to improves for
those students that are not fast learners or the one who can't cope with their program.

On the table 1 shows the units they are going to implement and objectives which are the defining thd nafure
of science, the next one is science as a way of knowing, presenting scietific arguments, evidence in a
scientific world view, scientific community and science and society showing the objectives of each units
that they should elaborte more the information and make it precise to know what should the students learn
and improve , and how they are going to improve those skills through the program. They should also alot a
few more time or days for the students to understand well and improve their critical thinking skill and
writing skills positively.

Length and clarity

The research is want to improve and implement the writing skills and argumentation skills of the students.
The course curriculum and goal encourage the students to explore how science is conducted and
communicated in various scientific disciplines. Each section of SCIE 113 3 hours/week is linked with a
VANT 140 academic English course 1 hour/week taught by an AEP instructor. In Vantage One,language
learning is combined with disciplinary learning and the language and content instructor closely work to
one another.

SCIE 113 and VANT 140 AEP, they collaborated to develop new activities and assignments to strengthen
the writing and argumentation skills of international students.The SCIE 113 coordinator have a background
in chemistry and physics, and a PhD in curriculum studies,the VAT 140 instructor has a background in
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages with a master of applied linguistics. They observe the
students if every students improve and implent their writing and argumentations skills, the help of SCIE
113 coordinator and the VANT 140 AEP instructor, and biweekly the insinstructional teams have a meeting
they will discuss issues related to language learner,this collaboration have a better goal for the students.

Some Details

When it comes to the tables inserted to the research the table shows that different units that they are going
to apply in the Vant 140 program, that they should increase the amount of time spended on the designated
units for the students to understand well the different areas and for them to be able to improve their writing
skills, and critical thinking skills. The last table shows the students' reflection towards critical thinking,
argumentation, hedging, and writing in science.

The target of the research to provide a program developing the skills of the first year students with regards
to their writing skills, and critical thinking skills of the students and improve their science skills. This study
is a promising example of how collaboration between science and academic english faculty which can lead
to the development of the target activities.
They examine and provide activities that will implement those target learning and their
understanding,knowledge, and skills have a different outcome. And they have a assessment to implement
and evaluate if the preservice teachers have a better understanding of science and writing skills.

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