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Assignment 1 (Due: before 4pm, Friday, 2nd August 2019)

Q1) Consider the system of linear elastic springs shown in Figure Q1. Solve for the unknown

Figure Q1

Q2) Consider the system of linear elastic springs shown in Figure Q2. Write down the
condensed equations for the unknown displacements.

Figure Q2

Q3) Consider heat transfer in a plane wall of thickness L = 0.1 m. The left surface is maintained
at temperature T0 = 50 0C and the right surface is exposed to ambient temperature T∞ = 5 oC
with heat transfer coefficient β = 25 W/ (m2.0C). Thermal conductivity, k of the wall is 0.01 W/
(m.0C). Determine the temperature distribution in the wall and heat input at the left surface of the
wall by using two linear finite elements. Take cross sectional area, A = 1 m2.
Q4) An insulating wall is constructed of three homogeneous layers with conductivities k1, k2, and
k3 in intimate contact as shown in Figure Q4. Under steady-state conditions, the temperatures of
the media in contact at the left and right surfaces of the wall are at ambient temperatures of
TL and TR , respectively, and film coefficients  L and  R , respectively. Determine the
temperatures when the ambient temperatures are known. Assume that there is no internal heat
generation and that the heat flow is one-dimensional. Take cross sectional area, A = 1 m2.

Figure Q4

Q5) Solve for all the unknowns for the composite wall as shown in Figure Q5 by using linear
finite elements. . Take cross sectional area, A = 1 m2.

Figure Q5
NOTE: Your submission can be either handwritten or computer generated. Late submissions
will be penalized by deduction of marks (-5 marks for each subsequent day after the due date.
Maximum deduction = -20 marks). Very late submissions (submissions after 4 days from the due
date, including weekends and public holidays) will be given zero mark. Details:

 Submissions on or before Friday, 02/08/2019, 4PM = No penalty

 Submissions on Friday, 02/08/2019, from 4.01PM onwards to Monday,
05/08/2019, 4PM = Deduction of 5 marks
 Submissions on Monday, 05/08/2019, from 4.01PM onwards to Tuesday,
06/08/2019, 4PM = Deduction of 10 marks
 Submissions on Tuesday, 06/08/2019, from 4.01PM onwards to Wednesday,
07/08/2019, 4PM = Deduction of 15 marks
 Submissions on Wednesday, 07/08/2019, from 4.01PM onwards to Thursday,
08/08/2019, 4PM = Deduction of 20 marks
 Submissions on or after Thursday, 08/08/2019, 4.01PM = will be given 0 mark

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