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Reg. No.

Mohamed Sathak A J College of Engineering
Siruseri IT Park, OMR, Chennai - 603103.
Assessment - II Exam
Date /Time Max. Marks 50 Marks
Subject with Code EC6701 - RF AND MICROWAVE ENGG Time 90 minutes
Branch ECE Year/Semester IV/VII

Course Objectives
The Student should be able
S. No. Course Objective
1 To inculcate understanding of the basics required for circuit representation of RF networks.
2 To deal with the issues in the design of microwave amplifier
3 To instill knowledge on the properties of various microwave components
4 To deal with the microwave generation
5 To deal with the microwave measurement techniques
Course Outcomes:
On Completion of the course the students will be able to
CO No. Course Outcome
Explain the active & passive microwave devices & components used in Microwave communication
2 Analyze the multi- port RF networks and RF transistor amplifiers
3 Generate Microwave signals and design microwave amplifiers.
4 Measure and analyze Microwave signal and parameters.


K1-Remembering , K2-Understanding, K3-Applying, K4-Analyzing, K5-Evaluating ,K6-Creating

Part A (7x2=14 marks) CO BT level Univ. QP

(Answer all the questions) Mapping Reference
1 Define impedance matching 3 K2 MAY2014
2 Mention the ideal characteristics of dielectric material in MMIC 3 K2 NOV 2013
3 What is isolator?And why isolators are called uniline? 3 K2 Nov 2016
4 Compare PIN and PN diode. 3 K2 Nov 2016
5 What is Gunn Effect? 4 K1 NOV2014
6 Bring out the differences between the TWT & Klystron 4 K3 NOV2017
7 What is Tetrodes and Pentodes? 4 K2 NOV 2016
Part B (2x13=26marks) CO BT Univ.QP Marks
(Answer all the questions) level Reference Alloted
8 (a) What is a circulator? With neat diagram explain the 3 K2 Nov 2016 13
working principle ,construction, operation of four-port
circulator using magic-tee. Verify the circulator theory
with necessary S-parameter equations.
(b) Derive the equation for scattering matrix of magic Tee 3 K2 NOV2017 13
9 (a) Explain the working principle and operation of multi- 4 K2 NOV2016 13
cavity Klystron amplifier and derive the expression for its
output power.

(b) Explain π mode of operation of Magnetron Oscillators 4 K2 MAY2015 13
mention few high frequency limitations.

Part C (1x10=10marks) CO BT Univ.QP Marks

level Reference Alloted
10. (a) Explain the working principle of TWT Amplifier. 4 K2 NOV 2014 10

(b) A Reflex klystron is to be operated at frequency of 9 3 K4 NOV2014 10
GHz, with dc beam voltage Vo=600V, repeller space L=1
mm for the mode n=2 or 1 mode. Rsh= 15 KOhm,
e/m= 1.759x1011Calculate electronic efficiency, output
power and corresponding repeller voltage for a beam
current of 10 mA. The beam coupling coefficient is
assumed to be 1.

*****ALL THE BEST****

Prepared By Verified By Approved By

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