Soil Mechnics Review of Properties

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Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Soil (Terzaghi’s Theorem)

➀ Ultimate Bearing Capacity

a) Square Footing
qu = 1.3 c Nc + Nq Df + 0.4 γ B Ny

b) Rectangular Footing
⎛ B⎞ 1 ⎛ B⎞
qu = c Nc ⎜ 1 + 0.3 ⎟ + Nq Df + B γ Ng ⎜ 1 - 0.2
⎝ L⎠ 2 ⎝ L ⎟⎠

c) Circular Footing
qu = 1.3 c Nc + q Nq + 0.3 γ B Ny

d) Strip Footing (wall footing)

qu = c Nc + q N q + ½ γ B Ny

➁ Net Ultimate Bearing Capacity

qu(net) = qu - γ Df

➂ Gross Ultimate Bearing Capacity

qu - γ Df
qu(gross ) = + γ Df
➀ Local shear failure (square footing)
c' = c
qu = 1.3 c' Nc ' + q Nq ' + 0.4 γ B Ny '

➁ General shear failure:

qu = 1.3 c Nc + q Nq + 0.4 γ B Ny

➂ Cohesion strength = 1.3 c Nc

Soil overburden pressure = q Nb
Footing dimension = 0.4 γ B Ny
Unit weight of soil at different location of water level
Bulk unit weight = 20 kN/m3


Df =1.2
water table

qu = 1.3 c Nc + q Nq + 0.4 γ B Ny
q = 20(Df) γ = 10.19
γ = 20 – 9.81 = 10.19
q = 20(1.2) = 24
B) Water level on top of footing
ground water table


γ = 20 – 9.81 = 10.19
q = 1.2(10.19 = 12.23
qu = c Nc + 12.23 Nq + 0.4 B (10.19)Ny

C) Water level at the bottom below the footing at a distance less

than B
ground surface


D=2.5 2.5 m
ground water table

(B-D)=1.5 1.5 m

γ ’ B = γs D + (γsat - γw)(B – D)
γ = 20 kN/m3 (bulk unit weight)
γsat = 22 kN/m3 (given)
γ ’(4) = 20(2.5) + (γsat – 9.81)(1.5)
γ ’(4) = 20(2.5) + (22 – 9.81)(1.5)
γ ’ = 17.07 kN/m3
qu = c Nc + 12.23 Nq + 0.4 B (γ ‘)Ny
qu = c Nc + 12.23 Nq + 0.4 B (17.07)Ny

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