Long Term Plan 8 January 2017

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Long Term Plan –Second Term

Class 8(1) & (2) Teacher – Susha Arthur

February 2016-2017

First term Second term

UNIT 1: Languages of the world p.8-13

UNIT 10: Design and shape p. 78 - 85
UNIT 2: E-communication p.14 -23

UNIT 3:Rivers and coasts p.24 – 29 UNIT 11: Personality types p. 88 - 93

UNIT 4: Great expeditions p30 – 37
UNIT 12: People and their jobs p. 94 – 101
UNIT 5: Sports and hobbies p. 40 - 45

UNIT 6: Entertainment and media p. 46 - 53 UNIT 13: Shops and services p.104 - 109
UNIT 7: Household routines p. 56 – 61
UNIT 14: Possessions and personal space
UNIT 8: Habitat interactions p.62 - 69
p.110 - 117
UNIT 9: Buildings and structures p.72 - 77

UNIT 15: Natural disasters p. 120 - 125

UNIT 16: Survivors p. 126 - 133

UNIT 17: Summer season p. 136 – 141

UNIT 18: Using English p.142 - 149

Long Term Plan
Second Term
Class 8 (1)&(2)

Topics / Framework Code/ Lesson Objectives Activities

Learning objectives

Listening: Listening to people talking Students listen and say where

L1 Understand the main points in
Unit 10 unsupported extended talk on a about food; listening and taking notes William is going and why.
Design and wide range of general and Listen. Write the shopping list.
shape curricular topics Write down the items but not
p.- 78-85 the quantities.
L2 Understand most specific Listen. Write down exactly
information in unsupported
extended talk on a wide range of what William had to buy at the
general and curricular topics supermarket. Use the correct
2 weeks quantifiers.
S1 Use formal and informal Speaking: Describing items in a Describe the items in the
registers in their talk on a growing
range of general and curricular
shopping basket; speaking about shopping basket at the top of
topics things to buy the page.
Role-play the conversation
S7 Use a growing range of between William and his
appropriate subject-specific mother.
vocabulary and syntax to talk
about curricular topics Language focus: Quantifiers with Use the quantifiers in the Use
countable and uncountable nouns (a of English box to describe each
W4 Develop coherent arguments, bar of, a slice of, etc.) of the pictures.
supported when necessary by Use the expressions in the
reasons, examples and evidence, Language tip box to replace the
for a growing range of written
genres on general and curricular underlined words in these
topics sentences
Vocabulary: bar, loaf, slice, bunch, Find words that match the
W5 Use, with limited support, jar, carton, can
style and register appropriate to a meanings listed in the
limited range of written genres on exercise. WB Page 58-59
general and curricular topics Vocabulary: sphere, cube, cylinder,
triangular prism, hexagonal prism, Match the words to the_3D
W7 Spell a range of high- square-based pyramid, triangular (three-dimensional) shapes.
frequency vocabulary accurately
on a range of general and
pyramid, hemisphere, cone
curricular topics Writing: Cambridge Secondary 1 Write a 100-120 words story
Checkpoint (Paper 2) Writing Part 3 titled: The day I woke up
USE2 Use a wide range of late.
quantifiers for countable and Practice
Write a shopping list of what
uncountable nouns and a growing A shopping list
range of noun structures; use you need to buy for picnic,
qualifying uncountable nouns …a using the quantifiers.
piece of… a bar of…,etc. on a Photocopiable activity 14: Shopping crossword
range of general and curricular
Poetry Read and discuss the
Reading: Reading a poem; questions.
understanding vocabulary Lines from the poem mean.
Speaking: Discussing the meaning of Write Analysis of the poem.
a poem
Writing: Remembering phrases and
writing them down; writing an analysis
of a poem
Unit 11 R1 Understand the main points in Reading: Reading a personality test Do the personality test on
texts on a growing range of
Personality page_89 using the instructions
unfamiliar general and curricular
type topics, including some extended Reading: Reading about a young Read the news story. Why is
p.- 88-93 texts app developer the title ‘Appsolutely
R2 Understand specific Answer the questions about the
information in texts on a growing
7 days range of unfamiliar general and
curricular topics, including some Speaking: Answering a personality Tell students what sort of
extended texts test; discussing answers personality he/she has.
Speaking: Speaking about what Ask and answer the questions.
R6 Deduce meaning from context
on a growing range of unfamiliar
makes people successful
general and curricular topics,
including some extended texts Vocabulary: adventurous, calm, Choose the adjectives from the
cautious, decisive, determined, easy- list to describe a good friend.
R8 Read a growing range of going, generous, hard-working, How many pairs of opposites
extended fiction and non-fiction honest, impatient, independent, can you find?
texts on familiar and some
unfamiliar general and curricular
logical, loyal, modest, optimistic, Solve the crossword. All the
topics with confidence and organised,patient, pessimistic, quick- answers are adjectives
enjoyment tempered, shy, sociable, describing personality.
spontaneous, sympathetic Choose an adjective from the
R9 Use familiar and some crossword to describe each of
unfamiliar paper and digital
reference resources to check the people in the pictures.
meaning and extend understanding Match the words to their
Vocabulary: launched, summarised, definitions.
W1 Brainstorm, plan and draft proudest, inspired, stereotypical, nerd
written work at text level, with (informal), genius, humanities, invest
limited support, on a range of in, take risks n
general and curricular topics
Writing: Writing a summary Write a summary of the news
W2 Compose, edit and proofread story
written work at text level, with
limited support, on a range of
Cambridge Secondary 1 Write 100-120 words story
general and curricular topics
W3 Write, with limited support, Checkpoint(Paper 2) Writing Part 3 beginning with these
with moderate grammatical
Practice sentences:
accuracy on a growing range of
general and curricular topics “I quickly started to open the
large box.”
USE1 Use a range of abstract “The bus stopped and I quickly
nouns and compound nouns; use a
growing range of gerunds as jumped on it.”
subjects and objects; use a
growing range of complex noun Language focus: Adjectives followed Rewrite the sentences in the
phrases on a variety of general and by prepositions Use of English box, so that
curricular topics they’re true for you.
Complete the sentences with
suitable prepositions.
Lauaus: Prepositions followed by
nouns Complete these sentences with
the correct preposition: in, on
or at.
Complete the sentences about
Nick D’Aloisio with the
correct prepositions.
Complete the article about Fred
Turner with the correct
R1 Understand the main points in Vocabulary: dentist, receptionist, Match the jobs to the people in
Unit 12 texts on a growing range of physiotherapist, pharmacist, doctor, the picture.
unfamiliar general and curricular
People topics, including some extended driving instructor, cleaner, firefighter, What jobs are related to the
and their texts taxi driver, carpenter, plumber, police illustrations?
jobs officer, manager, waiter/waitress, Read the sentences and
p- 94-103 R2 Understand specific paramedic, car mechanic, shop complete them with the correct
information in texts on a
assistant, optician, electrician, chef, vocabulary.
growing range of unfamiliar
general and curricular topics, engineer Complete the text with
including some extended texts appropriate words.
Listening: Listening to people talking Listen to people talking about
R4 Understand implied about their work. their work. What jobs do you
meaning on a growing range of
7 days unfamiliar general and curricular think they do?
topics, including some extended Listen again. Who talks about
texts the following?
Speaking: Speaking about people’s Talk about the people you
R6 Deduce meaning from jobs know and the jobs they do.
context on a growing range of Complete these questions.
unfamiliar general and curricular Then ask and answer them with
topics, including some extended a partner. Give reasons for
your answers.
R7 Recognise typical features at Language focus: Suffixes for job Add the correct suffixes to the
word, sentence and text level in a titles words to make job titles.
growing range of written genres
How many examples of verbs
R8 Read a growing range of Verbs and prepositions followed by and prepositions followed by
extended fiction and non-fiction verb + -ing the -ing form can you find in
texts on familiar and some the
unfamiliar general and curricular text?
topics with confidence and
enjoyment Complete the text with the
Will future and future continuous correct -ing forms of the verbs
R9 Use familiar and some in the box.
unfamiliar paper and digital Use the prompts to write five
reference resources to check
meaning and extend understanding
sentences that are true for you.
Writing: Write about people’s jobs Describe the jobs these people
L1 Understand the main points in do. If you can, say where they
unsupported extended talk on a work.
wide range of general and Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint
curricular topics Write 100-120 words
(Paper 2) Writing Part 3 Practice
story. This is the title of
W3 Write, with limited support,
with moderate grammatical
the story. My Great
accuracy on a growing range of Adventure
general and curricular topics Reading: Reading about a firefighter Read this description of a
typical day in the life of a fire
W4 Develop coherent arguments,
supported when necessary by fighter.
reasons, examples and evidence, Find a word in the text for the
for a growing range of written following.
genres on general and curricular Read what people say about
their jobs and complete the
USE8 Use a range of future words.
forms, including some passive Fiction
forms, on a range of general and Reading: Reading extracts from a Read the extract and answer
curricular topics
story; understanding vocabulary the questions.
USE15 Use infinitive forms after Speaking: Discussing the plot of a Discuss the given questions.
a growing range of adjectives and story
verbs; use gerund forms after a Writing: Answering questions
growing range of verbs and
prepositions; use a growing range
of prepositional verbs and a limited
range of phrasal verbs on a range
of general and curricular topics
Unit 13 R1 Understand the main points in
Shops and texts on a growing range of Vocabulary: stationery, dairy Identify the items in the
unfamiliar general and curricular
Services topics, including some extended products, bakery, household and photos.
p-104- 109 texts cleaning, frozen foods, chilled foods, In which section of a
health and beauty, home baking, supermarket would you find
R4 Understand implied meaning tinned foods each item?
on a growing range of unfamiliar
general and curricular topics,
Write a list of two things you
7 days including some extended texts would find in each of the
R6 Deduce meaning from context Write the names of the
on a growing range of unfamiliar supermarket sections on the
general and curricular topics,
including some extended texts signs.
Read the text and match the
R7 Recognise typical features at words to the definitions.
word, sentence and text level in a Listening: Listening to Listen to the announcements.
growing range of written genres
announcements Which is the odd one out?
L1 Understand the main points in Listening: Listening to a Why?
unsupported extended talk on a conversation Listen again. Which section of
wide range of general and the supermarket does each
curricular topics announcement refer to?
L2 Understand most specific Listen to Lara and Julia. What
information in unsupported are they planning?
extended talk on a wide range Listen and answer the
of general and curricular topics questions.
S1 Use formal and informal Talk about your local
registers in their talk on a growing Speaking:Speaking about supermarket.
range of general and curricular supermarkets
topics Reading: Reading and identifying; Read the text and look at the
S6 Interact with peers to
reading and answering diagram. Which sections on the
negotiate, agree and organize diagram does the article
priorities and plans for completing mention?
classroom tasks Read the text again and answer
the questions.
USE6 Use a range of pronouns
[relative, demonstrative, indefinite, Language focus: Prepositions Complete the details of the
quantitative]; use a growing range followed by nouns offers with the correct
of reflexive pronoun structures on
a range of general and curricular Language focus: Reflexive pronouns prepositions.
topics Language focus: Prepositions after Complete the supermarket
adjectives and verbs announcements with the
USE14 Use a growing range of correct prepositions.
prepositions preceding nouns and
adjectives; use a growing range of
Complete the sentences with
dependent prepositions following the correct reflexive pronouns.
nouns and adjectives and a limited Complete the sentences with
range of dependent prepositions the correct prepositions: as,
following verbs on a range of
general and curricular topics
for, from, on, to, with.
Writing: Completing sentences; Write a paragraph about the
W4 Develop coherent arguments, writing a paragraph advantages and disadvantages
supported when necessary by of supermarkets.
reasons, examples and evidence, Write a paragraph about a
for a growing range of written
genres on general and curricular recent trip to a supermarket.
Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint Grammar Practice
Unit 14 R2 Understand specific Reading: Reading posts on a web Read the posts on the web
Possessions information in texts on a forum; reading and answering forum. What are the items
growing range of unfamiliar
and general and curricular topics,
pictured here?
personal including some extended texts Answer the questions.
space Read what the people in
R4 Understand implied meaning column A say. What did
p- 110-119 on a growing range of unfamiliar
they go on to say? Find the
general and curricular topics,
including some extended texts answers in column B.
Speaking: Speaking about treasured Talk about your most treasured
R6 Deduce meaning from context possessions; giving advice possessions. Then write your
on a growing range of unfamiliar own post for the web forum.
7 days general and curricular topics,
including some extended texts
Language focus: To have something Give advice using the verbs in
R7 Recognise typical features at
word, sentence and text level in a done the box.
growing range of written genres Language focus: Past perfect in Report the answers to the
reported speech interviewer’s questions.
R8 Read a growing range of Language focus: Compound Report the underlined
extended fiction and non-fiction
texts on familiar and some
adjectives sentences using the past
unfamiliar general and curricular perfect and making any other
topics with confidence and necessary changes.
enjoyment Look at these compound
adjectives from the
USE3 Use a range of compound
adjectives and adjectives as
adverts. What do they mean?
participles and a growing range Complete the sentences with
of comparative structures to compound adjectives.
indicate degree on a range of Make compound adjectives by
general and curricular topics
taking one word from each
USE9 Use a wide range of active column. Then think of a noun
and passive simple present and that each one could describe
past forms; use a growing range of and use it in a sentence.
causative forms; use a range of
Complete the restaurant review
past perfect simple forms in
narrative and reported speech with the compound adjectives
on a range of general and in the box.
curricular topics Writing: Writing an advert Write out each advertisement
in Exercise_1 using full
USE11 Use a range of reported
speech forms for statements, sentences.
questions and commands, Reading: Reading extracts from an Read this extract from
including indirect and embedded autobiography; understanding Chapter_1 of Floella
questions with know, wonder
on a range of general and vocabulary Benjamin’s autobiography
curricular topics Writing: Answering questions Coming to England.
The author uses the following
S1 Use formal and informal ‘strong’ adjectives. Match
registers in their talk on a growing
them with their meanings.
range of general and
curricular topics Read the extract. Then answer
S2 Check the main point or the questions.
detail of what someone else Imagine and then describe a
has said house.
W1 Brainstorm, plan and draft Review of Units_13–14 Vocabulary
written work at text level, with Use of English
limited support, on a range of
general and curricular topics

W3 Write, with limited support,

with moderate grammatical
accuracy on a growing range of
general and curricular topics
Unit 15 R1 Understand the main points in Reading: Reading about natural Read the text. Choose a title
Natural texts on a growing range of disasters for each paragraph.
unfamiliar general and curricular
disaster topics, including some extended
texts Language focus: Present perfect Complete the sentences with
p-120-125 active and passive the correct present perfect form
R2 Understand specific Language focus: despite, in spite of of the verbs in brackets.
information in texts on a growing
range of unfamiliar general and Complete the text with the
curricular topics, including some prepositions from the box.
extended texts Read the news website report.
7 days Complete it using the present
R6 Deduce meaning from context
on a growing range of unfamiliar
perfect passive of the verbs
general and curricular topics, given in brackets.
including some extended texts Rewrite the sentences using the
structures in brackets.
R8 Read a growing range of
extended fiction and non-fi ction
Vocabulary: pressure, release, Read the clues and write the
texts on familiar and some surface, fuel, source, overflow, melt, words in the grid to reveal the
unfamiliar general and curricular burst, break, epicentre, cool (vb.), mystery word.
topics with confi dence and moist, crust, burst
Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint Read the text, and for each
W1 Brainstorm, plan and draft Paper 1 Reading and Usage number, circle the correct
written work at text level, with word on the next page.
limited support, on a range of
general and curricular topics Complete the message a
teenager has left on a website.
W5 Use, with limited support, Write ONE word in each space.
style and register appropriate to a
Complete the conversation.
limited range of written genres on
general and curricular topics Write the correct letter A – H.
Look at the text in each
W6 Use appropriate layout for a question. What does it say?
range of written genres on a
growing range of general and Circle the correct letter A,B or
curricular topics C.
Write the correct letter (A – H)
in the box.
Unit 16 R1 Understand the main points n Read the article. Who were
Survivors texts on a growing range of Reading: Reading about the Chilean ‘the_33’ and why did they
unfamiliar general and curricular
topics, including some extended mining accident become famous?
p- 126 - 135 texts Read these sentences. Which
paragraph in the article does
R2 Understand specific each sentence complete?
information in texts on a growing Write eight questions about the
range of unfamiliar general and
curricular topics,including some story using these question
extended texts words.
R3 Understand the detail of an Speaking: Speaking about mining Take turns to ask and answer
argument on a growing range of
unfamiliar general and curricular
accidents the questions you wrote in
topics, including some extended Exercise_3.
Language focus: Comparative Complete the sentences using
adverbs the prompts.
R5 Recognise the attitude Choose words from the box to
or opinion of the writer on a complete the compound nouns.
growing range of unfamiliar
general and curricular topics, Complete the sentences using
including some extended texts comparative adverbs made
from the following adjectives.
The following adverbs have -er
R6 Deduce meaning from context
on a growing range of unfamiliar
endings in the comparative.
general and curricular topics, Use them with much to
including some extended texts complete the sentences .
Vocabulary: copper, trapped, These words and phrases all
R7 Recognise typical features at ventilation, supplies, shelter, drill appear in the article about the
word, sentence and text level in a
growing range of written genres (vb.), capsule, shaft Chilean miners on page 128 of
the Coursebook. Match them to
R8 Read a growing range of their meanings.
extended fiction and non-fi ction
texts on familiar and some
unfamiliar general and curricular Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint For each question, there
topics with confi dence and Paper 3 Listening are three pictures and a
enjoyment short recording. Choose
W3 Write, with limited support, the correct picture and
ith moderate grammatical circle the letter A, B or C
accuracy on a growing range of below it.
general and curricular topics
You will hear people
W4 Develop coherent talking in five different
arguments, supported situations. For each
when necessary by reasons,
examples and evidence, for a question, circle the
growing range of written correct answer A, B or C.
genres on general and
curricular topics
You will hear an interview
USE12 Use a growing range of For each question; circle
comparative degree adverb the correct answer A, B
structures with regular and
irregular adverbs; use a growing
or C.
range of sentence adverbs Fill in the missing
including as well, though; use a information in the
range of pre-verbal, post-verbal
and end-position adverbs on a numbered space.
range of general and curricular Review of Units_15–16 Vocabulary
topics Use of English

Unit 17 Read the dialogue. Why is the

Summer R4 Understand implied meaning Reading: Reading a dialogue guest confused about the time
on a growing range of unfamiliar
season general and curricular topics,
breakfast is served?
including some extended texts Read the information about Sea
p 136- 141 View Hostel and listen again.
R10 Recognise inconsistencies in Who is right in each situation,
argument in short and some
the guest or the hostel
extended texts on a limited range
of general and curricular subjects manager?
7 days
W4 Develop coherent arguments,
supported when necessary by
Listening: Listening to conversations Listen to the dialogue and
reasons, examples and evidence,
for a growing range of written answer the questions.
genres on general and curricular Listen to these conversations.
topics What does each guest want?
Speaking: Speaking about staying at Role play the dialogue.
W5 Use, with limited support, a hotel Complete the sentences to say
style and register appropriate to a what these people are thinking.
limited range of written genres on
general and curricular topics
Language focus: Indirect and Rewrite these questions as
W6 Use appropriate layout for a embedded questions indirect/embedded questions.
range of written genres on a Make these direct questions
growing range of general and more polite by writing them as
curricular topics
indirect questions.
Give the opposite of these
adjectives by putting the
correct prefix in front of them.
Use a dictionary to help you.
Use the adjectives you wrote in
Exercise 3 to complete these
Unit 18 R2 Understand specific
Using information in texts on a Reading: Reading and interpreting
growing range of unfamiliar
English general and curricular topics,
including some extended texts Read the poster. What is it for?
7 days What is The Golden Touch?
R5 Recognise the attitude Read what Sarah and Tom said
or opinion of the writer on a
growing range of unfamiliar after the auditions.
general and curricular topics, Who said what?
including some extended texts

R7 Recognise typical features at

word, sentence and text level in a Speaking: Speaking about the
growing range of written genres theatre
Have a conversation about the
R8 Read a growing range of theatre using the questions.
extended fiction and non-fi ction
texts on familiar and some
unfamiliar general and
curricular topics with confi dence
Listening: Listening to auditions
and enjoyment Listen to two actors at the
auditions. Who sounds
W1 Brainstorm, plan and draft more confident, Sarah or Tom?
written work at text level, with
limited support, on a range of
general and curricular topics Writing: Reporting sentences
W2 Compose, edit and prof read Write your own story using
written work at text level, with Reporting sentences
limited support, on a range of
general and curricular topics
W3 Write, with limited support, Language focus: Reported speech: What were the original
with moderate statements, statements and questions that
grammatical accuracy on a questions and commands Sarah and Tom reported in
growing range of general and Exercise_3?
curricular topics
Report the statements and
W5 Use, with limited questions.
support, style and register Report the underlined
appropriate to a limited range of questions, statements and
written genres on general and
curricular topics
Vocabulary: audition (vb. and n.), Complete the text with the
W6 Use appropriate layout for a script words from the box.
range of written genres on a
growing range of general and
curricular topics

W8 Punctuate, with accuracy, a

range of written work on a range
of general and curricular topics
Revision Revision
weeks Dates
1 1 12 Feb. – 16 Feb.2017
2 19 Feb. – 23 Feb.2017
2 3 26 Feb. – 2 March
4 5 March- 9 March
3 5 12 March – 16 March
6 19 March – 23 March
4 7 26 March – 30 March
8 2 April – 6 April
5 9 9 April – 13 April
10 16 April – 20 April
6 11 23 April – 27 April
12 30 April – 4 May
7 13 7 May – 11 May
Exam 24 May 2017

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