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[DATE BOND EXECUTED (aa nt Be ta Tan BO ope BID BOND ats OMB Control Number: 9000-0045 (See instructions on reverse) TODAY'S DATE lExpiration Date: 7/31/2019 PASSA ROGUETON RA STO THE THEPTIONCOTSCIN HOO Ws TOGO TAR UST § SSO. He STIS BY BOGUS ZT We PSPUTRE ROTTSN RET 1905. You do not need i answer hase questonsuness we dpa a vas Oca of Management and Buigat (OMB) corto number. The OME contd number fr this colton is 9000-0045 Wo estate tat twat ke 25 minutes to read the ssrutons. gather tho face, and newer the quostons. Sandon carsmont lingo au te estate neuding Suggests or reducing te burden. or any oer aspets of he eolacon cf nfomaton fo: Genera Sane Aaminatin, Regustry Secetarat Oven (VICE), 1800 F Ses Nv Wahingon, OC. 20405 PRINCIPAL Lop! name an sess ass) TYRE OF ORGANZATION [3 oe) FIRST MIDDLE LAST [xJNowoua. CJparmersiie [von venture 1234 COURT / JAIL ADDRESS sr. [leorronsnon [Jomier sre cITy / TOWN, ST 12345 STATEOF INCORPORATION YOUR STATE Birth Cert. # x0cKKxx ‘SORETTES) (Nar sa basoss SaaS) FIRST MIDDLE LAST DEPOSITORY TRUST COMPANY 55 WATER ST., 1st Floor NEW YORK, NY 10041 PENAL SOMOF BOND SD TENTCATION ERCENT TION ROT TOBEED aoa inraTion none corse Franows Jmousws) Jrnorens [oars | TODAY's parE |""NAME “OF COURT # casenumber FOR Conracon. Spl 100s] xx xx | xx | xx [ster performance upon debt a (fill in amount) Wo, the Principal and Suet) ae firmly Bou othe Unto Slates of Amara (hereinafter ale the Government ine above pena um. For payment of he penal sum, we bind uroWves our hes, executes. administers, and successors jy ana saveal However whee the Surels are coporatons ach ae cosets we, tho Sues, bing Sursehes in sich sin int and every" ae wel a "severay" ony or the purpose of alwing at acon or actos against any oral of. Forall other prpoces, each Surely bias ist omy and soveray wah tba Paina fr be payment of he sum Shawn oppoat the nme ote Suey Ine Ma of aby 9 nated, helt habe te fl amount fhe nal sum, Conon “The Principal has evi he bid denied above THEREFORE: Trg stoe tanon itn Pcp (vn canes Coen ero av wn a paca ern raat). fo Pid i speced), executes th utes convacual documents and sue ths bons) rues by hems of he bd ae arenas win the time specad (on (10) days i pti pace) ater recap of the floma by ths principal: ofa) he ever fatwa to execu such her conactildocumens and ge such Bonds, pays te Goverment any ost Ech Surety executing this instrument agrees hati obligation tna irpaed by any etension(s) of the tine for eceptanes ofthe bi hat the Principal may grant ote Government Netce ene sustyoz) of extensions) waved. However, war othe noe apples nlf extensions egregaing not mere than sa (60)eslonda days adn 10 the paid Signal alowed for acceplance of ed witness: “The Prncpal and Suey) excited this bid bond and affes the sens on he above date PRINCIPAL F z E: sicnaTurE(s) | By: (S) | By: Firse Middle Gout. fess Sean] Corporate NaNESe —_[T ; z is Seal qmes) First Middle Last (Typed) as surety INDIVIDUAL SURET(ES) 7 muthorized rz signatures) |" By: Gine Middle Last Rep. (Seal) (sea in 7 rz ‘CORPORATE SURETW(ES) NAMES. [STATE OF NCORPORATION[LIABILTY LMT @] <| ADoRESS z b Corporate roNATURE(S| a @ a Seal aimee z (pee) TRUWORZED FOR LOOM REPRODUCTION STANDARD FORM 24 (REV. 6/2016) Previous edton NOT ueabe Prescribed by GSA - FAR (48 CFR) 53228) WANE ‘STATE OF INCORPORATION [ABILITY UNIT (8) 2] ADDRESS z 5 iz Corporate G farcxaruress| ‘Seal Bp i i aime) Cyoes) NAME & "STATE OF INCORPORATION LIABILITY LIMIT (3 | aopRess z : Corporate BJscunrunes]" ‘Seal aromas b “TLE Types) Naess STATE OF NCORPORATION [ABI LNT @) 9] aooress 5 Corporate, ir iz 8 [sionarureis} Seal RaneESE fi Bs mE) pes) NAME & STATE OF INCORPORATION]LIABILITY LIMIT (8) | ADDRESS Elecnarune)| a Corporate Z Seal Bhaege qi a “TimLE(S) Cypes) rer’ ‘STATE OF INCORPORATION [ABILITY LNT | ADDRESS E |sionarureis|" 2 Corporate Z Seal Spmese i iz ‘TLE (yee) NAME & ‘STATE OF NGORPORATION ABILITY LIMIT) o| ADDRESS sicnarures)|" a Corporate Seal BRaeee i B ‘inte (pes) INSTRUCTIONS 41. This form is authorized for use when a bid guaranty is required. Any deviation ftom this form wll requite the witen approval ofthe Adminstrator of General Services. 2, Insert the ful legal name and business address of the Principal inthe space designated "Principal onthe face ofthe form, An authorized person shal sign the bond. Any person signing in a representative capacity (eg. an attomey-n-acl) must furnish evidence of authorty if that representative is not a member ofthe fim, partnership, or joint venture, or an officer ofthe corporation involved, 3. The bond may express penal sum as a percentage ofthe bd price. In these cases, the bond may state @ maximum dolar limitation (@.9.. 20% ofthe bid price but te amount not exceed ‘ols. 4. (a) Corporations executing the bond as sureties must appear on the Department of the Treasurys list of approved suretles and must act within the limitations Isted therein. The value put into the LIABILITY LIMIT block is the penal sum (ie. the face valve of the Bond, unless a co-surety arrangement is proposed. (b) When mutiple corporate sureties are Involved, thelr names and addresses shall appear inthe spaces (Surely A, Surety B, et.) headed "CORPORATE SURETY(IES)”" Inthe space designated "SURETY (iES)" on the face of the form, inert only the lator dantfer corresponding to each ofthe sureties. Moreover ‘when co-suray arrangements exis, the partes may alocate ther respective limitations of labilty under the bond, provided that the sum total of thor ably ‘equals 100% of the Bond ponal sum, (¢) hen individual sureties are involved, a completed Affidavit of Individual Surety (Standard Form 28) for each individual surety, shall accompany the bond ‘The Government may require the surely to funish adatonal substantiating information concerning its financial capably 5. Corporations executing the bond shall afi ther corporate seals. individuals shall execute the bond opposite the word “Corporate Sea: and shal fix an adhesive seal if executed in Maine, New Hampshire, or any other jursdicton requiring adhesive seals, 6. Type the name and tile of each person signing this bond in the space provided. 7 In its application to negotiated contracts, the trms “is” and “bidder” shall include ‘and “ollerr REV. 2076)

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