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Migration report

Goto tcode SE38 and give program name as ZPAN_MIGRATION12 and click on create.
Provide title and type as ‘executable program’ and save it under local package.
Please copy the attached source code.
Goto tcode SE80 and Give program name:
Create two screens .i.e one screen for displaying vendors/customers who does not have
PAN numbers.
Second screen for displaying vendors/customer with their respective PAN numbers.

Steps to be followed for creating screens:

Screen 100: Give program name in se80 tcode and right click on object
 
name create screen.
Provide short description for the screen:
Please refer below screen shot for your reference:

Give dynpro number : 100

Goto flow logic tab and select layout button. screenshot is provide below for your
Select custom control button provided at left side and drag and drop it on the
layout.please refer below screen shot.

Click on custom control and provide name as ORIGINAL_CONTAINER and activate the
layout.refer below screen shot.
Click on push button and drag and drop it on layout and provide name as MIGRATE,title
as MIGRATE and fct code as MIGRATE as shown in below screeshot..

After activating the layout,click on flow logic to come out of the layout.
Uncomment the modules in flow logic tab as shown in below screenshot.
Double click on module process before output and uncomment status and titlebar:

Double click on status ‘BACK’ and provide below details(refer below screenshot)
save and activate it.
Double click on titlebar and provide description then save and activate screen.
Steps for creating screen 200:

Select the program name and right click on it-->create screen.
Give dynpro number : 200
Provide short description for the screen(refer below screen shot)

Goto flow logic tab and select layout button.

Click on custom control and provide name for the custom control as ‘CONT1’.

Click on text button provides at left side and drag and drop it on layout and
provide name and title.(refer screenshot)

After activating the layout,click on flow logic to come out of the

layout. Uncomment the modules in flow logic tab.
Double click on module of process before output and uncomment status and titlebar:

Double click on status ‘STATUS’ and provide below details save and activate it.
Double click on titlebar and provide description then save and activate screen.

Providing text elements:

Goto tcode se38 and give program name ZPAN_MIGRATION12 and click on display,Then
click on goto->text symbols.
Click on text symbols tab and provide the details provided in screenshot.

Click on selection texts tab and provide the details provided in screenshot.
Save and active the report .

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