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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Laguna


S.Y. 2013 -2014

Name : ________________________________________ Grade & Section : ____________

Teacher : ______________________________________ Date : _____________________


Directions: Listen as the teacher reads the story. Answer the questions that follow. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.
1. The first man approached St. Peter with confidence.
The action word in the sentence was…
a. St. Peter b. approached c. confidence d. first man
2. Where do you think these professionals go?
a. In heaven b. in kingdom c. in garden of Eden d. in paradise
3. Who do you think was the best among the professionals?
a. The doctor b. the lawyer c. the engineer d. the teacher
4. Why do you think St. Peter gives halo and pair of wings to the teacher?
a. Because he was a teacher and taught all the professionals
b. Because the teacher was the best of all
c. Because the teacher is very intelligent
d. Because the teacher knows best
5. “ And what you have to say for yourself?” St. Peter asked. The message conveyed in the passage was?
a. He asked about the good deeds you have done.
b. He asked about the activities in life.
c. He asked what was the best thing you done.
d. He asked where you want to go.


A. Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank.
6. Gerard ___ her sick grandmother next week.
a. will visit b. going to visit c. went visiting d. visited
7. The teacher ___ the final test tomorrow.
a. will give b. wrote c. gave d. given
8. Airam ___ a long letter to his mother last week.
a. writes b. wrote c. write d. will write
9. Paul didn’t take the test but we ___ it.
a. take b. takes c. taken d. took
10. Pette is a member of the Earth Defenders. He ___ the environment through conservation.
a. helps b. help c. helped d. helping

B. Directions: Identify the meaning of the underlined two-word verbs in each sentence.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
11. Non-government agencies wil put-up the needed amount for the flood victims.
a. to ask b. to give up c. to raise d. to show
12. Rose turned-down Andrei’s invitation because of other appointments.
a. refused b. returned c. accepted d. neglected
13. The president called-off the meeting for important matters.
a. cancelled b. reported c. announced d. continued
14. Stand-by for the next bulletin.
a. wait b. stand beside c. stand erect d. remain standing
15. Keep-up the good work. Something is in store for you.
a. hide b. start c. stop d. continue
C. Directions: Read each sentence carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

16. The diligent workers take good care of the queen ant.
The word that described is ___
a. diligent b. worker c. care d. queen
17. Pagsanjan Falls is the largest and one of the most beautiful spots in the Philippines. The word ____
Described Pagsanjan Falls.
a. One b. spots c. beautiful d. Philippines
18. Valerie received a box containing ______ ribbons.
a. Tall b. smart c. red d. kind
19. Saudi Arabia has ____ oil than Kuwait.
a. Many b. much c. more d. most
20. The Bamboo Organ is the ______ musical organ in the Philippines.
a. Large b. larger c. largest d. more large

D. Directions: Write on each blank whether the underlined word is an adverb of manner, time, place, or
__________ 21. Spend your money wisely. __________ 24. Put your things down.
__________ 22. I will be out of town for a week. __________ 25. Approach life positively.
__________ 23. I am really afraid of ghost.

E. Directions: Identify the following statement/discourse. Write direct or indirect on the blank.
__________ 26. The police officer signaled that Mr. Driver had to stop.
__________ 27. The referee shouted, “ Foul Angelo!”
__________ 28. “ We will leave early,” said Dave.
__________ 29. Dariann said that her brother was washing the dishes.
__________ 30. “ Turn on the light by the stairways,” Jimrex said.

A. Directions: Read the short story silently, then answer the questions that follow. Box the letter of the
correct answer.
The sky was very dark. With his books, Josh ran as fast as he could. He was only about
three blocks away from home when the rain fell. That night, Josh lay shivering in his bed. He was wrapped
in thick blanket with a thermometer in his mouth…

31. What could have happened to Josh?

a. He had colds and fever c. He stayed in an air-conditioned room.
b. He slept soundly. d. He was scared of ghost.

32. When did the story happen?

a. on a holiday b. on a Sunday c. on a school day d. last summer vacation

33. It has been raining heavily the whole morning. The people in the city could not get their rides.
What would happen if it goes on raining?
a. There will be floods c. There will be a gathering party
b. There will be brown outs d. There will be a striking workers

B. Directions: Read each situation/utterance. Infer the traits/mood of the character. Underline the letter
of the correct answer.

34. Tomorrow, don’t bring me an apple. I will not be here. They will send me to another camp.” Then, the
broken-hearted boy walk away, never looking back.
a. angry b. contentment c. jealous d. sad

35. Arnold did not like to wear the camisa made of abaca. But his mother insisted. Arnold looked at his
mother politely and wore the camisa. What kind of boy was Arnold?
a. discourteous b. impolite c. helpful d. obedient
C. Directions: Draw conclusion from the information given. Choose and encircle the letter of the correct

36. Lolo Ariston is a good man. He respect his fellowmen. It would be safe to assume _______.
a. he would earn the love and respect of his people
b. many will get angry with him
c. he is a good leader
d. A and C are correct

37. Dexter is preparing for running competition. When he met an accident. His legs were badly injured.
a. Most probably he could not join in the said competition
b. He will be spending most of his time in the hospital bed.
c. He will go in the competition.
d. A and B are correct

38. Bea is a devoted office worker. She often reports on time. She works with less supervision. Most likely
she will be _________.
a. promoted by her boss
b. reprimand by her behavior
c. lost her job
d. very intelligent

39. The Enriquez Family is preparing for a picnic to a beach one Sunday morning. Suddenly the clouds
became dark. Thunder and lightning occurred and when they open the radio, the announcer said that a
typhoon is coming. The Family would probably __________
a. stay in the house and listen to the weather forecast given by the PAGASA.
b. Postpone the picnic and go to the nearest mall
c. Go to the beach even there is a strong typhoon.
d. Play outside the house.

40. Danielle is a naughty boy. He walks around and teases his classmates. One day the teacher called him…
a. The teacher got mad at Danielle
b. The teacher told Danielle about his misbehavior
c. The teacher gave Danielle a gift.
d. The teacher assigned Danielle a task.

D. Directions: Read each sentence below. Write F if the statement is a Fact and O if it is an opinion.
_____ 41. Stars are made of hot gases.
_____ 42. The star that appeared when Jesus was born symbolizes peace.
_____ 43. Jose Rizal could have been agreat president in our country.
_____ 44. Christmas is the best time of the year.
_____ 45. We celebrate New Year every first day of January.


Directions: Read carefully the following situations. Write an appropriate ending for each.
46. Jem helps her mother cook during Saturday and Sunday. In this way she learns how to cook. One
Sunday morning, her mother visited her grandmother who was sick. There was no one to cook in the
house, so Jem…

47. A King once ruled the kingdom for many years. None of his subjects experienced hard life. He helped
them how to feed themselves. His subjects obeyed him willingly. One day he became very ill, his people

48 – 50. Write a descriptive paragraph with title “ A Dog is a Man’s Best Friend”.
Story for Listening : Grade V
By : Juan Flavier

As was his habit, St. Peter sat at the entrance of heaven. He liked to interview each arrival from earthly
life. He was particularly interested in knowing what the person had done for a living. This would give him
an idea of good deeds done as a basis for deciding whether to allow him entrance or to remand him to the
lower section where the flames burned all day long.
The new batch consisted mostly of professionals. The first man approached St. Peter with
“What did you do on earth? And why should I accept you into heaven?” asked St. Peter.
“ I was a doctor. I attended to the sick and wounded. I also prevented disease by making people healthy
through immunization and other public health measures. I always responded to the call of the people.”
“ Enter heaven,” St. Peter intoned solemnly.
“ Next, please. What did you do on earth, and why should I accept you into heaven? “
“ I was a Lawyer, and I defended the accused and condemned. I was aguardian of truth and a
champion of law and order. I guided and counseled people to settle disputes. I was always at the service of
the people.”
“ Proceed to the gate,” The Saint commanded.
“ Next, please, what did you do on earth? Why should I accept you into heaven?”
“ I was an engineer on earth. I constructed houses for people to live in. I build skyscrapers for offices
and other needs of the people. I spanned river by constructing bridges. Man has made advances through
my endeavors. I was always an active partner in the progress of the people.”
“ Go pass the gate into heaven.
“Next, please,” said st. Peter.
“ And what have you to say for yourself? “
“ I was a teacher, and I taught all my school children to be God-loving…good and upright citizens.
Here are a halo and a pair of wings.” Said St. Peter to the elated teacher.

1. B 26. indirect
2. A 27. direct
3. D 28. direct
4. A 29. indirect
5. A 30. direct
A. 31. A
6. A 32. C
7. A 33. D
8. B 34. D
9. D 35. D
10. A 36. A
B. 37.D
11. C 38. A
12. A 39. A
13. A 40. B
14. A 41. F
15. D 42. O
C. 43. O
16. A 44. O
17. C 45. F
18. C
20. C 46 – 50 Teacher’s decision

21. manner
22. time
23. degree
24. place
25. manner
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of Siniloan


S.Y. 2013 -2014

1.1 Identify action words/ descriptive words in
the sentences/paragraph heard 1 1 2%

1.2 Evaluate and make judgement on oral texts

presented 2–4 3 6%

1.3 Report accurately information heard 5 1 2%

6 – 15 10 20%
2.1 Use the different verb forms.
16 – 20 5 10%
2.2 Use words that describe persons, places,
animals, ideas…
21 – 25 5 10%
2.3 Use adverbs
26 – 30 5 10%
2.4 Direct and Indirect discourse

31 – 33 3 6%
3.1 Predict Outcomes
3.2 Infer traits of character, mood of expression,
34 – 35 2 4%
how story would turn out
3.3 Draw conclusion based on information given
36 – 40 5 10%
3.4 Evaluate ideas/ Make judgements
41 – 45 5 10%
4.1 Write an ending to an incomplete story 46 – 47 2 4%
4.2 Write different text ( Narrative, Description, 48 - 50 3 6%
Appointments, Advertisement)

TOTAL 50 100%


Principal III

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