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142 LESSON ELEVEN ALPHABE: 1, We will learn only two internal sandhi rules at this time. These INTERNAL need not be memorized, but are mainly for recognition. SANDHI 2. The first rule is that s changes to § if immediately preceded by any vowel buta or 4, or preceded by k or r. The rule does not apply if the s is final or followed by an r. It applies even if an anusvara (m) ot visarga (h) comes between the vowel, k, or r—and the s. This rule is clearer in chart form: | any vowel | inspite of | changess | unless final | 1 (buta or a), | intervening! tos | orfollowed | | kore | omorh 1 | immediately | | \ I I byr | L | 1 3. If the sound following the s is t, th, or n, it is also retroflexed. For example: stha becomes tisthati 4, The second rule is that n changes to n if preceded anywhere in the same word by r, r, , or §. Certain sounds may interrupt the process, Study this chant: Jh, fi, | changes n lif followed by | 1 Tunless ¢ eh, Irot tthd,dhn, fon lvowels, m, y, IF 1, §, sinterferes | i | t, th, d, dh, ' ly,orn ! | H 1 \ 2 LESSON ELEVEN 143, 5. Retroflex sounds, such as r, r, fF, and g, leave the tongue in a retroflexed position. Unless certain sounds interfere, such as retroflex sounds of the releasing type, like f, or sounds from the row above or below, then n becomes retroflexed. (The ka varga and pa varga don’t seem to move the tongue enough to change out of the retroflex position.) For example: rmena (The r changes the n ton.) putrena (The r changes the n to n.) putranam (The r changes the n ton.) 6. In this chart, the sounds which could interfere are in bold. They are all the consonants in three rows except for yaz ka kha gas gha—ota ha ca cha ja jha—sfia’_—sya a ta tha da dha na ra sa ta tha da dha_— na la ssa pa pha ba = bha.—Ss—sma—svk 7. Ifanother n immediately follows the n, they both become np.

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