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U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural
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Nutrient Cycling in Soils: Sulfur

John L. Kovar

Cynthia A. Grant
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

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Kovar, John L. and Grant, Cynthia A., "Nutrient Cycling in Soils: Sulfur" (2011). Publications from USDA-ARS / UNL Faculty. 1383.

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Nutrient Cycling in Soils: Sulfur
John L. Kovar and Cynthia A. Grant

S ulfur is an essential element required for normal plant growth, a fact that has been recog-
nized since 1860 (Alway, 1940). It is considered a secondary macronutrient, following the
primary macronutrients nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, but is needed by plants at levels
comparable to P. Sulfur deficiency will impair basic plant metabolic functions, thus reducing
both crop yield and quality. Deficiencies and responses to S amendments have been reported
in crops worldwide (Tisdale et al., 1986; McGrath and Zhao, 1995; Scherer, 2001), and are becom-
ing more common (Haneklaus et al., 2008). The likelihood of a response is determined by the
balance between sulfur supply and crop demand. The main reasons for recent increases in doc-
umented S deficiencies include the reduction of SO2 emissions from various industrial sources,
mainly coal-fired power plants, an increase in the use of high-analysis fertilizers with little S,
decreased use of S-containing pesticides, greater S removals with ever-increasing crop yields,
and continued losses through leaching and erosion of topsoil. As pointed out by Haneklaus et al.
(2008), in only a few years, the reputation of S has changed from that of an undesirable pollutant
to a limiting factor in crop production.
In this chapter, we provide current information on the demand for S in various cropping
systems, what we know about the soil supply of S, the best ways of assessing S status and man-
aging S inputs, and how all of this information can be put together to optimize crop production.
In each section, references will provide the reader with an opportunity to explore the topic in
greater detail than can be given in these few pages.

Crop Demand for Sulfur

Substantial increases in the yields of major cereal and oilseed crops during the last four decades
have greatly increased crop demand for S. With world population expected to rise to 9.2 billion
by 2050, crop production and consequently S supply must increase as well.
The requirement for S or any other nutrient by a crop can be defined as the total amount of
nutrient in the crop (kg ha−1) or the concentration (g kg−1) of the nutrient in the whole plant or
specific plant part that is associated with optimum growth. Data on crop S contents are useful in
calculating S removals from a field and for estimating S fertilizer needs. Critical concentrations
of S in plant tissue are useful in diagnosing in-season S deficiencies. Numerous references pro-
vide critical plant tissue S concentrations for various crop species (Table 7|1) (Westerman, 1990;
Bennett, 1993; Mills and Jones, 1996). Both public and commercial plant analysis laboratories

J.L. Kovar, USDA-ARS, National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment, 2110 University Boule-
vard, Ames, IA 50011-3120 (; C.A. Grant, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
Brandon Research Centre, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada.
Copyright © 2011. American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America, 5585 Guilford Road, Madison,
WI 53711, USA. Soil Management: Building a Stable Base for Agriculture. Jerry L. Hatfield and Thomas J. Sauer (ed.)


This article is a U.S. government work, and is not subject to copyright in the United States.
Table 7|1. Critical sulfur concentrations in plant tissue of various crop species. Adapted
from Mills and Jones (1996) and Dick et al. (2008).
Critical concentration at various uptake levels
Crop Part sampled† Time of sampling
Deficient Low Sufficient High
———————————————————% ———————————————————

Alfalfa top 15 cm early bud <0.20 0.20–0.25 0.26–0.50 >0.50

Barley whole top heading 0.15–0.40

Canola/rape YMB before flowering 0.35–0.47

Cotton YMB early flowering 0.20–0.25

Cowpea YML early bloom 0.17–0.22

Maize ear leaf initial silk <0.10 0.10–0.20 0.21–0.50 >0.50

Oats top leaves boot stage <0.15 0.15–0.20 0.21–0.40 >0.40
Onion whole top half maturity 0.50–1.0

Peanut YML pre-flowering 0.20–0.35

Rice whole top max. tillering 0.10–0.20 0.20–0.30 >0.30

Ryegrass young herbage active growth 0.10–0.25

Soybean first trifoliate early flower <0.15 0.15–0.20 0.21–0.40 >0.40

Sugar cane third leaf from tip 12–15 wk. after 0.14–0.20
Sunflower YML mid-season 0.30–0.55

White clover young herbage active growth 0.18–0.30

Wheat YEB/YMB mid-late tillering 0.15–0.40

† YEB, youngest emerged leaf blade; YMB, youngest mature leaf blade; YML, youngest mature leaf.

often provide critical values online. Sulfur be a reliable indicator. Photos of S deficiency
concentration in most crop plants ranges symptoms are available from many sources,
between 0.1 and 1.5% S, although concen- including printed works (e.g., Bennett, 1993)
trations in excess of 3% have been reported and online sources (e.g., http://www.back-
for crops grown under saline conditions [verified 4 Feb.
(Duke and Reisenauer, 1986). In general, S 2011]). Applications of soluble sulfate fer-
concentrations in grain are higher than in tilizer often can correct a deficiency and
vegetative tissue. increase crop yield and quality in the same
Visual symptoms of S deficiency can be growing season.
used as a diagnostic tool; however, symp-
toms will vary with crop species and the
degree of deficiency (Duke and Reisenauer, Responsive Crops
1986). Sulfur deficiency symptoms include The S content of plants differs greatly among
reduced plant growth and chlorosis of the crop species, among cultivars within a spe-
younger leaves, beginning with interveinal cies, and with developmental stage. Most
yellowing that gradually spreads over the species of the Cruciferae and Liliaceae fami-
entire leaf area. Unlike N, which can be read- lies contain the largest amounts of S (Scherer,
ily remobilized in the plant, S is somewhat 2001). In general, the oilseed crops, such
immobile, so that deficiency symptoms tend as oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), canola,
to occur first in younger leaves. With severe and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), and
deficiencies, leaf cupping and a more erect legumes, such as alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)
leaf structure is often observed. This char- and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], have
acteristic is common with canola (Brassica a much higher requirement for S than
napus L. and B. rapa L.) (Franzen and Grant, the small grains and maize (Zea mays L.)
2008). Under mild to moderate S deficiency, (Duke and Reisenauer, 1986). Whole plant
however, visual symptoms may not always S content is often higher during vegetative

104 Nutrient Cycling in Soils: Sulfur | John L. Kovar and

Cynthia| Authors
A. Grant
Principles Underlying Management
growth stages than at maturity. Malhi and Table 7|2. Sulfur removals of various
Gill (2002) found that the demand for S by crops at the given yield levels. Adapted
canola was greatest during flowering and from Dick et al. (2008).
seed set. Gregory et al. (1979) recorded a Crop
Yield S content
50% decrease in plant S content of wheat
during the period from anthesis to matu- Mg ha−1 kg ha−1
rity, and speculated that efflux from roots Alfalfa biomass 13 34
into soil was the most likely pathway of loss. Canola/rapeseed grain 2.2 13
Plants also release measurable amounts of S
Cool-season grass biomass 9.0 18
into the atmosphere when S concentrations
in foliage are high due to exposure to sulfur Cotton lint 1.7 45
dioxide or excessive S uptake from soil (Jan- Grain sorghum grain 9.4 25
zen and Ellert, 1998). residue –† 18
Crop removal of S is a function of yield
Maize grain 11.5 15
and S concentration in the harvested bio-
stover 6.9 10
mass (grain or dry matter). Sulfur removals
by various crops as a function of yield are Orange fruit 60 31
given in Table 7|2. Similar data are avail- Peanut tuber 4.5 24
able from many sources (Spencer, 1975; Potato tuber 56 25
Tabatabai, 1986; Jez, 2008). Currently, much
Rice grain 7.8 13
of the S assimilated by the crop is retained
in the system in plant residues returned to Soybean grain 4.0 13

the soil. Intensification of cropping systems, residue – 15

however, has led to higher yields and accel- Sugar Beet tuber 67 50
erated crop S removal, which places greater
Sunflower seed 3.9 7
demand on soil supply of S.
residue – 11

Tomato fruit 67 46
Sulfur Acquisition and Uptake Wheat grain 5.4 8
The majority of S required by a plant is straw – 17
absorbed from soil solution by roots in the
form of the divalent sulfate anion, SO42− (Bar- † Sulfur removals in stover, straw, and crop residues are
estimates based on typical values of a harvest index
ber, 1995). Similar to nitrate and phosphate, (i.e., the ratio of harvested grain to total plant biomass).
sulfate is taken up by specialized transport- In most cases, the crop residues are not harvested and
ers in root cells and transported with the the S would not be removed from the field.

transpiration stream (Hawkesford and De

Kok, 2006). Atmospheric SO2 can be phyto- metabolites (alliins, glucosinolates, and
toxic at high concentrations, but can also be phytochelatins). These compounds are
captured and metabolized as a S source for important for the physiology of plants and
plants when the S supply to roots is limiting for resistance to environmental stresses and
(Westerman et al., 2000; Stuiver and De Kok, pests (Duke and Reisenauer, 1986). In addi-
2001). Sulfur that is captured directly from tion to sulfate, S is moved within the plant in
the atmosphere is eventually deposited in the reduced form as glutathione (Hawkes-
the soil as plant residue (Dick et al., 2008). ford and De Kok, 2006). Cysteine and
Because sulfate is an integral part of sev- methionine play a crucial role in the struc-
eral metabolic pathways, an insufficient ture and function of plant proteins. Sulfur
supply negatively affects plant metabolism. is involved in basic plant functions, such
Sulfate taken up by roots must be reduced to as photosynthesis and carbon and nitrogen
sulfide (S2−), before it is further metabolized. metabolism (Droux, 2004). At present, how-
Reduction of sulfate to sulfide and its sub- ever, the complex interactions between the
sequent incorporation into cysteine (sulfate shoot and roots that regulate S assimilation
assimilation) occurs in the chloroplasts of in relation to uptake and distribution are
the shoot (Droux, 2004). Cysteine is the pre- still poorly understood (Hawkesford and
cursor of methionine and most other organic De Kok, 2006).
sulfur compounds in plants, including thi- Sulfur compounds are important for
ols (glutathione), sulfolipids, and secondary crop quality. Haneklaus et al. (1992) found

that insufficient S diminished the baking depends on organic matter content, soil par-
quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) well ent material, and the amount of S added
before crop productivity decreased. Zhao via fertilizer amendments and atmospheric
et al. (1999) reported that a grain N/S ratio deposition (Scherer, 2009). Inorganic S is
of 16:1 in wheat was the lower limit for opti- subject to adsorption, desorption, precipi-
mum dough and bread-making properties. tation, and oxidation–reduction reactions,
The S-containing amino acids in soybean while organic S is subject to mineralization
are of particular nutritional importance in and immobilization (Fig. 7|1). Because soil
animal diets (Krishnan, 2008). Sulfur com- S is continuously cycled between inorganic
pounds in onion (Allium cepa L.), garlic and organic forms, these processes deter-
(Allium sativum L.), and other Allium spe- mine the short- and long-term ability of a
cies determine the flavor profi le of these soil to supply available S. The soil S cycle
crops (Boyhan, 2008). Defects in potato has been reviewed extensively in the liter-
(Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers often result ature (Stevenson and Cole, 1999; Schoenau
when S uptake is below optimum. Pav- and Malhi, 2008; Scherer, 2009).
lista (2005) found that common scab and
black scurf were reduced by early-season
applications of elemental S, ammonium Inorganic Sulfur
sulfate, or ammonium thiosulfate during As mentioned above, inorganic sulfate is
a 6-yr study in the western United States. the form of S absorbed by plant roots grow-
Haneklaus et al. (2008) concluded that a ing in soil. In general, less than 5% of total
balanced nutrient supply, including S fer- S in soil is the sulfate form. Sulfate can be
tilization, for agricultural crops is the best present in soil solution, adsorbed on min-
guarantee for producing healthy foods. eral surfaces, or coprecipitated with Ca and
Mg. In well-drained surface soils with neu-
tral to alkaline pH, sulfate exists mainly in
Soil Supply of Sulfur the form of soluble salts of Ca, Mg, and Na.
A general understanding of the basic Solution sulfate concentrations of 3 to 5 mg
processes involved in the soil S cycle is nec- L−1 are considered adequate for the growth
essary to ensure proper S nutrition of crop of most crops, but concentrations change
plants. Total S in soils varies widely and continuously depending on the balance

Fig. 7|1. Simplified version of the sulfur cycle in soils. Adapted from Stevenson and Cole (1999).

106 Nutrient Cycling in Soils: Sulfur | John L. Kovar and

Cynthia| Authors
A. Grant
Principles Underlying Management
between plant uptake and mineralization– Organic Sulfur
immobilization (Scherer, 2009). The organic S pool represents 95% or more
Sulfate ions reach root surfaces via mass of the total S in most noncalcareous sur-
flow and diffusion. In soils with more than face soils. Organic S is present in plant and
5 mg L−1 soluble sulfate, essentially all S animal residues, microbial biomass and
required by the crop is supplied by mass metabolites, and humus. Organic S is ren-
flow via the transpiration stream (Barber, dered plant available through the process
1995). Sulfate concentrations in soil solution of mineralization, while immobilization is
are usually lowest in the winter and early the process by which sulfate is converted
spring because of leaching and slow min- by soil biota into organic forms that cannot
eralization rates (Castellano and Dick, 1990). be taken up by roots. Hence, the amount of
Adsorbed sulfate is in equilibrium with organic S in soil is highly correlated with
sulfate in soil solution. Adsorption is pH- organic C and total N. Unless S fertilizer is
dependent, and increases as pH decreases, applied or atmospheric deposition is signif-
reaching a maximum at pH 3 (Scherer, 2009). icant, mineralized S is the dominant input
At pH levels greater than 6.5, adsorption to the plant-available sulfate pool during a
is negligible, and the majority of soil sul- growing season (Schoenau and Malhi, 2008).
fate is found in solution (Curtin and Syers, Soil organic S is a heterogeneous mixture
1990). In acid soils, sulfate is often adsorbed of compounds, many with unknown chemi-
on the surfaces of hydrous oxides of Fe and cal identity (Kertesz and Mirleau, 2004). Two
Al and edges of aluminosilicate clay miner- main groups of S-containing compounds
als (Bohn et al., 1986). Adsorbed sulfate can have been identified, namely ester sulfates
significantly contribute to the S needs of (C–O–S) and carbon-bonded S (C–S), consist-
plants growing in highly weathered, acidic ing of S-containing proteins and a variety
soils because it is readily available. Sulfate of heterocyclic compounds. Delineation of
adsorption is influenced by the presence of these two groups is based on laboratory frac-
competing anions, such as phosphate, nitrate, tionation procedures in which ester sulfate
and chloride (Tisdale et al., 1985). Adsorbed is determined by hydriodic acid (HI) extrac-
sulfate is held less strongly than ortho-phos- tion, and C-bonded S is calculated from the
phate (HPO42−), so application of soluble difference between total S and ester sul-
P fertilizers will increase the availability fate (Tabatabai, 1996). McLaren et al. (1985)
of sulfate. Addition of lime also increases found that sulfate added to soil is quickly
sulfate availability as a result of the com- incorporated into the ester sulfate fraction,
petition of ortho-phosphate and hydroxyls and that this pool, rather than the C-bonded
(OH−) with sulfate for adsorption sites on S fraction, provides the majority of sulfate
Fe and Al oxides (Scherer, 2009). Crops can taken up by plants. Of the total organic S in
utilize adsorbed sulfate in subsoils, but soils, 30 to 70% is found in the organic sul-
early season S deficiencies may occur until fate fraction (Schoenau and Malhi, 2008).
root development is sufficient. Deep-rooted With time, ester sulfate S is converted to
crops are less likely to experience these early C-bonded S, indicating that C-bonded S is a
season deficiencies. Adsorption of sulfate more stable component of the soil organic S
can be a useful mechanism for retaining S in pool. Hence, the composition of the organic
soils prone to leaching (Scherer, 2009). S pool in soil is an important determinant
Microbial oxidation of reduced inor- of the S-supplying capacity for crop plants.
ganic S forms, such as elemental S, sulfides, Mineralization of ester sulfates in soil is
and thiosulfates, to sulfates is an important accomplished by several sulfatase enzymes
process in soils (Stevenson and Cole, 1999). produced by soil microorganisms (Scherer,
Microbial oxidation is performed by both 2009). Ester sulfates in soil are hydrolyzed
autotrophic and heterotrophic microorgan- to release inorganic sulfate. Low levels of
isms, such as Thiobacillus, Pseudomonas, and soil sulfate stimulate microbial production
Arthrobacter. Reducing conditions found in and release of sulfatases. Gupta et al. (1988)
flooded and waterlogged soils can result found that repeated application of S fertiliz-
in sulfate conversion to sulfide. Sulfides ers resulted in a decline in sulfatase activity.
are oxidized back to sulfates when the soil Sulfur mineralization is greater when grow-
becomes aerobic again (Scherer, 2009). ing plants are present, presumably because
of higher microbial populations in the

rhizosphere, which increase sulfatase activ- upper landscape positions (Roberts and Bet-
ity. There is some evidence that plant roots tany, 1985). Part of the difference between
can produce and secrete sulfatase enzymes upper- and lower-slope positions is due to
(Knauff et al., 2003), but further research decreased organic matter and associated
is needed. Mineralization of C-bonded S organic S in soils of the upper landscape
occurs when soil microbes utilize the vari- surfaces. Higher water tables in lower
ous compounds as a C source and release landscapes result in higher subsoil sulfate
sulfate during the process (Scherer, 2009). (Haneklaus et al., 2008). Sulfur deficien-
However, mineralization of ester sulfates is cies are most often observed on hilltop and
much faster than that of C-bonded S com- side-slope positions, especially on eroded,
pounds, so ester sulfates are more important coarse-textured soils. However, an excep-
contributors than C-bonded compounds for tion can occur where gypsum occurs near
short-term S cycling. the surface on eroded knolls, provided that
The majority of organic S in crop residues there is readily available sulfate for early
is in the form of C-bonded S. Decompo- growth of the crop. Sulfur deficiency is less
sition of residues results in conversion of common on foot-slope and toe-slope posi-
these compounds into microbial biomass tions with medium- to heavy-textured soils
and humic products rich in organic sulfates. high in organic matter. It is not unusual to
Microbial biomass S constitutes less than 3% find extremely high soil S concentrations
of total soil S, but it is quite labile and con- and S deficiencies in the same field. The high
sidered a main factor controlling S turnover variability in S concentration within a field
in soil (Yang et al., 2007). Greater amounts of poses challenges for soil testing (Bloem et al.,
biomass S often translate to greater amounts 2001). If soil samples are composited, a sam-
of S available for the crop. Factors control- ple with excessive S can elevate the results of
ling microbial activity and the release of the soil test and may lead to the conclusion
plant-available S via mineralization include that the field is well-supplied with S, when
the C/S ratio in the residue being decom- in fact the majority of the field is S deficient.
posed and environmental conditions (Pirela
and Tabatabai, 1988). When the C/S ratio
of organic residues is below 200, there is a
net release of inorganic sulfate, while at C/S Assessing the Need
ratios greater than 400, there is a net loss for Sulfur
of inorganic sulfate from the soil (Scherer, As the need to supplement S to achieve
2009). For C/S ratios between 200 and 400, optimum crop production grows, greater
sulfate can be either tied up or released from attention will need to be paid to diagnos-
soil organic matter. Sulfur mineralization tic tests that accurately predict responses.
rates are greatest when soil water content is These tests must be reproducible and come
greater than 60% of field capacity and soil at a reasonable cost. At present, soil tests
temperatures are in the range of 20 to 40°C that aim to extract some fraction of inor-
(Stevenson and Cole, 1999). Under optimum ganic S and/or mineralizable organic S, and
soil temperature and moisture conditions, plant diagnostic tests that measure what
Tabatabai and Bremner (1972) showed that a the plant has captured at a specific stage
significant amount of sulfate S will be min- of growth are available. Blanchar (1986),
eralized in a short period of time. Jones (1986), Tabatabai (1996), and Dick et
al. (2008) provide excellent reviews of test-
ing methodology.
Spatial (Landscape Scale) and
Temporal Variability of Soil Sulfur
Sulfur availability is often associated with Soil Testing
landscape position. As S distribution varies and Availability Indices
across a field, crop response to S fertilizer Although offered by many public and com-
is also often strongly related to landscape mercial laboratories, soil testing has not
position. Differential yield responses to generally been very effective for predicting
landscape position have been documented crop responses to available soil S (Dick et
(Haneklaus et al., 2006). Lower landscape al., 2008). This is in part because a soil test
positions tend to have higher soil S than cannot provide an estimate of the amount

108 Nutrient Cycling in Soils: Sulfur | John L. Kovar and

Cynthia| Authors
A. Grant
Principles Underlying Management
of atmospheric S that continuously supplies canola should have a total N/S ratio of 12 in
a crop with S. These atmospheric inputs the tissue at flowering, while barley (Hor-
vary with the time of year, amount of rain- deum vulgare L.) requires a ratio of 16 in the
fall, and location of the field in relation to tissue at flag-leaf. Zhao et al. (1997), however,
S sources. In general, the significant spatial reported that sulfur-deficient rapeseed and
and temporal variability in sulfate distri- that with sufficient S had similar N/S ratios.
bution creates problems in soil testing and One of the problems with relying on plant
subsequent recommendations for S fertil- analysis to diagnose sulfur problems is that
izers. Nevertheless, soil tests have been if the problem is found, application of sulfur
widely used for many years to predict crop may come too late to benefit the crop during
requirements for S. Various extractants have that growing season (Malhi et al., 2005).
been used, including water, acetates, car-
bonates, chlorides, phosphates, citrates, and
oxalates (Jones, 1986; Kowalenko and Grim-
mett, 2008). The monocalcium phosphate
Managing Sulfur
or potassium phosphate extractant is com- Amendments
monly used in North America to predict S With a goal of maintaining or increasing
availability. There are many shortcomings crop production, any deficits in the S bal-
to the procedure, which were identified ance of the system are usually solved by the
early in its use (Hoeft et al., 1973). Blair et al. application of some form of S fertilizer. A
(1991) developed a method utilizing warm wide range of inorganic and organic S fertil-
(40°C) potassium chloride solution for Aus- izers is available, several of which are listed
tralian soils, but this test has limited use in Table 7|3. Commercial S fertilizers tend to
elsewhere. Schoenau et al. (1993) reported be inorganic materials that are directly man-
good correlations between soil S measured ufactured or are produced as byproducts
with anion exchange resin membranes and of other manufacturing processes. Animal
plant S availability, but the method also has manures, municipal biosolids, and com-
seen limited use. posts are common soil amendments that
The lack of a good correlation between often contain significant organic S. Detailed
soil tests and crop response has led to the reviews of individual S fertilizer products,
consideration of N/S ratios in soils as an including their advantages and disadvan-
indication of sulfur supply (Janzen and Bet- tages in cropping systems, are available
tany, 1984). Total sulfur in a selected group from various sources (Tisdale et al., 1985;
of Canadian soils was highly correlated Hagstrom, 1986; Boswell and Gregg, 1998;
with organic carbon and total nitrogen Scherer, 2001).
(Bailey, 1985). It was suggested that soils
with a high N/S ratio could be prone to sul-
fur deficiency. Inorganic Sulfur Sources
Sulfur-containing inorganic fertilizers can
be divided into two main classes based on
Plant Analysis S form. Sulfate materials, such as ammo-
Plant-tissue testing for S can also be used as nium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4] and gypsum
an indication of S status of the crop (Jones, (CaSO4), provide an immediate source of S
1986; Mills and Jones, 1996). The plant the crop, but the sulfate can be highly sus-
growth stage and the plant part sampled ceptible to leaching (Curtin and Syers, 1990).
are the most important variables to consider For this reason, sulfate fertilizers should
when using plant tissue testing to diagnose be managed similar to nitrate-N fertilizers.
potential S problems. However, excess S Elemental S materials provide a more grad-
can be taken up and stored as sulfate in the ual release of sulfate into soil because the
plant, which makes a plant diagnostic test S must first be oxidized to the sulfate form.
more difficult. Although few studies have This reduces the risk of leaching losses, but
documented direct interaction of N and S S availability to the crop is delayed and crop
fertility, plant N/S ratio has also been sug- growth may not be improved (Janzen and
gested as an indication of sulfur deficiency Ellert, 1998). More importantly, oxidation
(Marschner, 1995). Bailey (1986) suggested of elemental S and other reduced fertil-
that for maximum yield in Canadian soils, izer S forms produces acidity in the form of

Table 7|3. Examples of common inor- phosphate fertilizers (Tisdale et al., 1985).
ganic and organic sulfur fertilizer sources. Ammonium thiosulfate is the most com-
Adapted from Tisdale et al. (1985) and mon thiosulfate fertilizer; the clear liquid
Dick et al. (2008). is widely used in the fluid industry. It can
Nutrient also be added to irrigation water. Follow-
Fertilizer sources ing soil application, thiosulfate fertilizers
N–P–K S break down to yield approximately equal
——————%——————— parts of sulfate and elemental S (Hagstrom,
Inorganic sources
1986). The elemental S must undergo oxida-
tion to sulfate before it can be captured by
Elemental S 0–0-0 88–98 plant roots.
Gypsum (calcium sulfate) 0–0-0 18 Elemental S fertilizers are the most
Ammonium sulfate 21–0-0 24 S-dense materials (Table 7|3), but can vary
Ammonium thiosulfate 12–0-0 26 greatly with respect to physical charac-
teristics. Finer particle size allows more
Magnesium sulfate 0–0-0 14
rapid conversion to sulfate. To avoid both
Potassium magnesium sulfate 0–0-18.2 22
the difficulties of handling finely divided
Potassium sulfate 0–0-41.5 18 S particles and the potential fire hazard of
Aluminum sulfate 0–0-0 14 the dust, molten elemental S can be mixed
Ordinary superphosphate 0–9-0 11–12 with bentonite clay to produce a granular
Organic sources
material that mixes well with other gran-
ular fertilizers on the market (Hagstrom,
Municipal biosolids –† 0.3–1.2 1986). After application to soil, the bentonite
Cattle manure (liquid/solid) – 0.15–0.8 clay absorbs water and swells, which then
Poultry litter – 0.5 causes the granules to fracture and release
Sheep manure – 0.35 the S. Because the S must be oxidized to sul-
fate, the effectiveness of the fertilizer can be
Swine manure (liquid) – 0.25
inconsistent due to differences in both the
Composted biosolids – 0.44
fineness of the elemental S particles and soil
Composted dairy manure – 0.22 properties, mainly aeration and tempera-
Composted crop residues – 0.10–0.22 ture (Chapman, 1989). Particle fracturing
† Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium levels in organic and S dispersal is enhanced by soil wetting
sources vary widely, so only typical sulfur concentra- and drying cycles (Nuttall et al., 1993).
tions for these materials are given. Research comparing sulfate sources
with elemental S formulations indicates
that in the initial year of application sul-
sulfuric acid (H2SO4) as shown by following fate sources are more effective (Solberg et
equation: al., 2007). Cool, dry soils and the relatively
short growing season that occurs in north-
2 S0 + 3 O2 + 2 H2O → 2 H2SO4 [1] ern climates may restrict the oxidation of
elemental S sources. However, research
In calcareous soils with high pH, this has shown that residual S from elemental S
effect can be beneficial by improving the fertilizers will become available with time,
availability of phosphorus and most micro- thereby increasing yields in subsequent
nutrients. In some soils, however, soil crops (Janzen and Ellert, 1998; Riley et al.,
acidification reduces populations of bene- 2000; Solberg et al., 2007). Between conver-
ficial bacteria and fungi, which may affect sion to plant-available sulfate and S uptake
cycling of S and other nutrients (Gupta et by the crop, S from elemental S fertilizer is
al., 1988). subject to leaching losses. Grant et al. (2004)
Sulfate fertilizers can be further divided found that the residual benefits of elemen-
into sulfate and thiosulfate (S2O32−) forms. tal S and ammonium sulfate were similar 3
Gypsum is the most abundantly available yr after fertilizer application.
sulfate material. In addition to being mined, The combination of increasing S defi-
gypsum is recovered from flue gases of coal- ciency and strong demand for high analysis
fired power plants, as well as from several fertilizers that contain little or no S has lead
industrial processes, such as production of the fertilizer industry to develop new

110 Nutrient Cycling in Soils: Sulfur | John L. Kovar and

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Principles Underlying Management
S-enhanced products. The S-enhanced biosolids application can be rapid and pro-
materials are generally monoammo- vide plant-available S within a few days
nium phosphate (MAP) or diammonium (Tabatabai and Chae, 1991).
phosphate (DAP) with microparticulate ele-
mental S dispersed throughout the granules
(Blair, 2009). Another material has one-half Timing, Placement, and Rate
of the S in the sulfate form and the other half The timing of S fertilizer applications, how
in the elemental S form that must be oxi- the various forms of S should be applied to
dized by soil bacteria to become available to soil, and fertilizer rates for specific crops
plants. Lefroy et al. (1997) found that oxida- are all management decisions that require
tion rates of elemental S are enhanced when careful consideration. The growth and
S and P are mixed together in soil, possibly development of cereal grains, oilseed crops,
due to the P and S nutritional requirements and various legumes are quite different, so
of S-oxidizing microorganisms in the soil the demand for S varies considerably with
(Friesen, 1996). Recent research has shown growth stage. In general, research has shown
that these new products may increase the that a sufficient S supply is needed during the
agronomic efficiency of added S, which early growth stages of cereal grains to ensure
makes S inclusion in traditional P fertilizers proper tiller development (Haneklaus et al.,
an attractive option (Blair, 2009; Kovar and 2008). In contrast, insufficient S during the
Karlen, 2010). early part of the growing season may have
little effect on canola yields if adequate S is
available during flowering and seed set (Jan-
Organic Sulfur Sources zen and Bettany, 1984; Malhi and Gill, 2002;
Sulfur-bearing organic amendments often Franzen and Grant, 2008). Excellent reviews
contain significant amounts of sulfate and of S fertilizer management for specific crops
can be effective sources of plant-available S are presented in Jez (2008).
through mineralization. Organic S in these The appropriate time of the year for S
amendments, however, can vary consid- application also depends on the S form.
erably and appears to turn over relatively Sulfate sources, such as ammonium or
slowly (Eriksen et al., 1995). Tabatabai and potassium sulfate, contain readily avail-
Chae (1991) reported that there was a grad- able S and should be applied at or near the
ual linear increase in mineralized S with time of planting to reduce S losses. In soils
time in five soils amended with four types with low organic matter content, sandy tex-
of animal manure, but that in some cases, ture, or rapid water movement through the
S mineralization was slower in manure- profile, fall applications of sulfate materials
amended soil than in unamended soil. These should be avoided (Hagstrom, 1986). Soil
results and those of other studies (Eriksen et or foliar applications of sulfate sources can
al., 1995) suggest that animal manures are also be used to correct S deficiencies during
not a good source of S in the short term. The the growing season. To be effective, in-sea-
type of feed and length of storage affect the son soil (top-dress) applications depend on
plant availability of the S in the materials. rainfall or irrigation to move the S into the
In addition, animal manures, particularly root zone, although Kovar and Karlen (2010)
liquid swine effluent, tend to be low in S rel- found increased sulfate concentrations in
ative to N, so that supplemental S fertilizer the root zone approximately 4 wk after a
is needed to meet the needs of many crops surface application of liquid ammonium
(Schoenau and Davis, 2006). thiosulfate (Fig. 7|2). Elemental S sources
The impact of municipal biosolids and must be applied early enough to allow oxi-
compost applications on the S dynamics dation of S to the sulfate form before the
in agricultural soils depends on the C/N/S time of crop demand. Solberg et al. (2003)
ratio in the material (Tabatabai and Chae, reported that fall application of elemental
1991). Sulfur mineralization can be signifi- S allowed fertilizer granules to break down
cant in materials with a low (<<200) C/S ratio. with freezing-thawing and wetting-drying
Application of compost can also stimulate cycles, thus aiding oxidation of elemental S
sulfatase activity in soil, as well as increase during the growing season. However, Grant
levels of microbial biomass S (Perucci, 1990). et al. (2004) found that even with fall appli-
In some soils, S mineralization following cation, conversion of elemental S to sulfate

Fig. 7|2. Root zone distribution of
bioavailable sulfur 26 d after applica-
tion of ammonium thiosulfate
(12–0–0–26 S) liquid fertilizer on the
soil surface approximately 5 cm to
the side of the maize row (arrow) in
2009 (Kovar and Karlen, 2010). Sulfur
concentrations are micrograms
sulfate (SO42−) S cm−2 soil and were
determined by extraction with
bicarbonate-saturated exchange
resin membranes.

may be too slow in the northern Great Plains advantage of the oxidized zone. Deep
to optimize yield of a spring crop. placement of sulfate sources decreases S
The effectiveness of S fertilizer place- availability as a result of reduction of sul-
ment, as with the timing of S application, fate to sulfide (Samosir et al., 1993).
depends on the type of material applied The amount of S fertilizer needed for effi-
and the soil to which the fertilizer is applied. cient production of a particular crop requires
Sulfate sources that are broadcast with or the integration of a significant amount of
without incorporation at or near planting information. Nevertheless, general guide-
can provide readily available S to the crop lines have been developed for important
(Malhi et al., 2005). In soils with adequate crops in specific regions. In the Midwest
plant-available S in the subsoil, row or band and northeastern United States, Hoeft and
application of sulfate sources at the time of Fox (1986) found that an annual application
planting can be quite effective (Hagstrom, of 28 kg S ha−1 was adequate for alfalfa pro-
1986; Grant and Bailey, 1993). Care must be duction, and 17 kg S ha−1 were adequate for
taken, however, to avoid seedling damage maize. Kamprath and Jones (1986) reported
caused by excessive sulfate concentrations that S fertilization rates required for opti-
in contact with young roots. Elemental S mum maize yields in the southeastern
sources generally should not be applied United States ranged from 18 to 66 kg S ha−1,
in bands, because this application practice with the higher amounts required on deeper,
reduces the contact of the S with oxidizing coarse-textured soils. For a soybean crop, 22
microorganisms in the soil (Nuttall et al., kg S ha−1 were adequate. When canola or
1993). Broadcast application of elemental S other S-demanding crops are grown in the
should include tillage to mix the material Great Plains of the United States and Can-
with soil in the root zone. In flooded rice ada, S fertilizer rates as high as 30 kg S ha−1
(Oryza sativa L.) systems, Blair and Lefroy or more may be needed, depending on yield
(1998) suggest that S fertilizers should be potential (Malhi et al., 2005). Blake-Kalff et
placed on or near the soil surface to take al. (2000) found that oilseed rape grown in

112 Nutrient Cycling in Soils: Sulfur | John L. Kovar and

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Principles Underlying Management
the UK requires more than 12 kg S ha−1 for the available S pool during the growing sea-
optimum yields, while a wheat crop requires son can have a significant impact on how
less than 10 kg S ha−1. Khurana et al. (2008) much S is actually captured and utilized by
suggested that S fertilizer rates be increased the crop. This dynamic must be understood
for all crops grown in the Indo-Gangetic if accurate S fertilizer recommendations are
Plains of southern Asia. Application of 20 to be made. The S balance of a crop produc-
kg S ha−1 is needed for raya (Brassica juncea tion system on a local or regional scale will
L.) and lentil (Lens culinaris L.), while rice determine the external S requirements and
responds to applications up to 42 kg S ha−1. the long-term stability of the system. If the
Because of the widespread use of urea and S balance is negative, the system cannot be
S-free P and K fertilizers, rice production in sustained.
Southeast Asia can benefit from S applica- Crop production systems are changing,
tions up to 60 kg S ha−1 (Blair et al., 1979). The but research addressing S nutrition lags.
values listed here are broad averages based Many specialty fertilizers are coming onto
on reviews of available research. Results the market. The agronomics and environ-
from a long-term fertility trial in Sweden mental impact of these materials are still
(Kirchmann et al., 1996) indicated that when uncertain. Little research addresses S-use
excessive amounts of S fertilizer are applied, efficiency of newer crop cultivars. Inter- and
leaching losses of S significantly increase. transdisciplinary efforts are necessary to
Therefore, S fertilizer recommendations, as unravel the interrelationships between S
those for other essential nutrients, must be and other essential nutrients, and to under-
site specific. stand their metabolic pathways within crop
plants (Haneklaus et al., 2008). An under-
standing of the underlying mechanisms at
the gene, cell, and whole-plant levels may
Challenges in Managing allow us to grow crops with improved qual-
the Sulfur Fertility of Soils ity and resistance to stresses (Hawkesford
Sulfur deficiencies will continue to be a and De Kok, 2006). This knowledge is also
growing problem due to ever-increasing required if we hope to develop sophisticated
crop yields, less atmospheric S deposition, nutrient management systems for future
less S applied as an impurity in fertilizers, agricultural production.
and continued erosion of topsoil in which
most mineralizable organic S is found.
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