Beloved Master Revered Babuji Maharaj: Ednesday, September 4, 2013 - 10:00 A.M

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Beloved Master

Revered Babuji Maharaj

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 – 10:00 a.m.

he imitations of the messages do not in

any way carry our energies. This is something

to consider; we wanted to clarify this point.
In addition to their content, these messages
hold a valuable benefit, a vibratory potential
that can be felt by beings who are sensitive to
a subtle approach to phenomena. Everything
is vibration in this world; this unique aspect
is not recognised as it should be in the current
state of affairs. All sacred texts of the past
also have this richness. They endure over time,
as they are recorded in the sacred ledgers.
Many mysteries are yet to be uncovered by
humans of today. Not everything can be
revealed now, but the future will enlighten
humanity on sensitive matters that are
extremely important for universal balance.
Such notions are beyond human beings of
today. A spiritual way like ours subtly
prepares spiritual beings for their future
condition. They will have to adapt to
situations that are new for them; this
vibratory world will intensify its action and
lead them to another state of consciousness.
Blessed are those who are preparing themselves
to access this state more easily. Following such
a spiritual path is the best guarantee one has
in this truly unique situation.
May all our brothers and sisters have a heart
sufficiently open and consider this aspect. This
teaching is richer than it seems. It is up to
each one to understand and to act.
------- This is how it goes.


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