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Analytical Text Explanation


a) Generic structure

General Statement: Flooding is a natural phenomenon that usually happens in a lot of areas
drained by the river flow. In simple terms, it can be defined as the presence of flood water in
a vast region that covers the area of the earth’s surface.

Sequenced of explanations: Flooding process itself occurs when the rains come and cause
water sources such as rivers, seas, lakes, and ditches no longer able to accommodate the
water drop. The barren land covered with trees without overflowing water will speed up the
process of proficiency level, because the trees that should absorb the water have been used as
a furniture material. When the water source is no longer able to accommodate, the water will
overflow and flow into residential areas and have a big impact. Nowadays, flood is an
annually happening in some big cities in Indonesia, especially Jakarta.

Closing: So, that’s the explanation of flood and how does it happen.

b) Language features

 Use simple present tense

Flooding process itself occurs when the rains come and cause water sources
such as rivers, seas, lakes, and ditches no longer able to accommodate the
water drop.

 Use passive voice

Flooding is a natural phenomenon that usually happens in a lot of areas

drained by the river flow.

 Conjuction of time

 When
 Usually
 In simple terms
 No longer
 Will
 Nowadays
 annually

 Action verbs
 Come
 Covered
 Flow


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