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Jose Chona Jo Memorial National High School

Cambuhawe, Balamban, Cebu

Second Periodical Test in ENGLISH 10

SY: 2018-2019
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. What is the other term of the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013?
a. Republic Act No. 10637 c. Republic Act No. 10627
b. Republic Act No. 10667 d. Republic Act No. 10647
2. Any bullying done through the use of technology or any electronic means.
a. Gender-based bullying c. Internet Bullying
b. Cyberbullying d. Social Bullying
3. Refers to any student who commits acts of bullying as defined by the Act or this IRR.
a. Bullied c. Bullying
b. Bully d.Victim
4. Refers to any student who experiences the acts of bullying or retaliation as defined by the Act or this IRR.
a. Bullied c. Bullying
b. Bully d.Victim
5. This refers to any act that humiliates or excludes a person on the basis of perceived or actual sexual
orientation and gender identity.(SOGI).
a. Gender-based bullying c. Internet Bullying
b. Cyberbullying d. Social Bullying
6. She was the inspiration of poets and musician.
a. Eurydice c. Persephone
b. Bellerophon d. Calliope
7. He played his lyre so sweetly that he charmed all living and non-living things on Earth.
a. Hades c. Orpheus
b. Zeus d. Hermes
8. This myth was retold by Olivia Coolidge.
a. Orpheus c. How Odin lost his eye
b. Arachne d. Inferno
9. It’s the other term of 9 Goddesses.
a. Calli c. Muses
b. Circles d. Selle
10. The three-headed dog who guards the gate of the Underworld.
a. Centaur c. Cerpent
b. Cerberus d. Centerus
11. This indicates simple futurity and obligation.
a. may c. shall
b. would d. too
12. A word that expresses future possibilities mixed with doubt and uncertainty.
a. may c. shall
b. would d. too
13. Are used as an auxiliary or helping verbs with special functions.
a. may c. shall
b. Modals d. Adverb
14. It expresses invitation or past possibility.
a. may c. shall
b. would d. Modals
15. These are the stories about Gods, Goddesses, and heroes passed from generation to another.
a. Short story c. Myth
b. Epic d. Poem
II.B. Choose the letter of the word that fits best to the description below.

a. Primordial c. omnipotence

b. Coll d. retrogade

16. an agency of force of unlimited power

17. a series of loops; spiral
18. existing from the beginning
19. being or relating to the rotation of a satellite in a direction opposite to that of the body orbited
Jose Chona Jo Memorial National High School
Cambuhawe, Balamban, Cebu

20. A type of writing that requires a writer to defend a position on a topic using evidence from personal
experience, literature, historical examples, and research to support his or her evidence.
a. Persuasive Essay c. Argumentative Essay
b. Impromptu d. Epic
21. It introduces the problem and gives the background information needed for the argument and the thesis
a. Conclusion c. Climax
b. Body d. Introduction
22. It contains the reasons. Each paragraph talks about one reason. The reason is included in the topic
sentence and is supported by details or materials.
a. Conclusion c. Climax
b. Body d. Introduction
23. It restates the main claim and gives one or two general statements which exactly summarize the arguments
and support the main premise.
a. Conclusion c. Climax
b. Body d. Introduction
24. An argumentative essay includes the following: except.
a. Presents and explains the issue or case.
b. Explains the ideas from other genre.
c. Gives reasons and supports that should prove its point
d. Refutes (proves wrong) opposing arguments
25-30. Give at least 6 cicles of hell.
31-35. Write the DepEd Mission.
35-40- Write the DepEd Vision.

“A teacher presents the past, reveals the present and creates the future.”
- Anonymous


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