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Light scattering from twisted metal cylinders

Richard R. Zito and William S. Bickel

The twisting of polished cylinders beyond the elastic limit results in the formation of surface cracks in the
smooth surface. These surface cracks scatter light in a characteristic way. For small plastic deformations,
the light scattering properties of the surface depend linearly on the permanent twist angle. Therefore, light
scattering may be used as a kind of strain gauge.

1. Introduction 111. Twisted Specimen

It is a well-known principle of mechanics' that dur- Loads may be applied to the specimen through the
ing the twisting of cylindrical rods plastic deformation impact socket either by a series of sharp impacts or
of the surface occurs before plastic failure of the interi- quasi-statically with a torque wrench. The latter
or. Plastic deformation of the surface of a cylinder loading was used in these experiments. Specimens
typically manifests itself in the formation of micro- were twisted at a rate of 10/s by a torque of 10 ft lb. A
scopic cracks. If these surface features are illuminat- tight-fitting sleeve around the specimen was used to
ed with light at visible wavelengths, significant maintain its straightness during twisting. Figure 2
amounts of scattered light may be collected.2 3 This shows the microscopic appearance of a typical crack
scattered light will have a well-defined wavelength, formed on the surface of the sample after twisting to
intensity, and polarization in each direction in which it 900. These cracks are scattering centers which are
is detected.2 3 Furthermore, this unique scattered capable of changing the polarization of incident radia-
light signature will change systematically as a function tion. This polarization change will be described in
of the permanent angle through which the specimen is more detail in the next section.
plastically deformed. Therefore, light scattering may
be used as a kind of strain gauge capable of detecting IV. Light Scattering
plastic deformations prior to structural failure. The instrument used in these experiments is capable
of preparing and analyzing light in any of four possible
11. Specimen Preparation states: unpolarized, horizontally linearly polarized,
Figure 1 shows the geometry of the twist specimens slant 450 linearly polarized, and right circularly polar-
employed. The twist specimen was machined from ized. Each of these polarization states corresponds to
2024 aluminum alloy in the T351 condition. One end a component of the Stokes vector.4 5 The geometry
of the specimen has a tang which allowsit to be gripped used to analyze the scattered light is summarized in
by a vise. The other end was cut into a hexagon to Fig. 3. There are sixteen possible combinations of
allow it to be gripped by an impact socket. The central polarization states for preparation and analysis of
portion of the specimen was polished to better than A/ light. For each combination the scattered intensity or
10 as judged by SEM examination of the surface after polarization efficiency 2 may be plotted as a function of
polishing. detector angle. Each plot is called a matrix element
(denoted by Si), and only four of the sixteen possible
matrix elements are independent. 6 7 The four inde-
pendent combinations are unpolarized to unpolarized
(S,,), unpolarized to horizontal linear (S12), slant lin-
ear to slant linear (S3 3), and slant linear to circular
The independence of the S,,, S12 , S3 3, and S3 4 matrix
elements was confirmed by experiment. Other matrix
The authors are with University of Arizona, Physics Department,
elements can be obtained by operating on and combin-
Tucson, Arizona 85721.
ing the basic four elements. These four matrix ele-
Received 26 September 1985. ments are the only ones that survive as probes for
0003-6935/86/111833-04$02.00/0. changes of surface structure. The number of indepen-
© 1986 Optical Society of America. dent matrix elements depends on the symmetry of the

1 June 1986 / Vol. 25, No. 11 / APPLIEDOPTICS 1833

Fig. 2. Appearance of a specimen before and after twisting to 900.
These SEM micrographs were taken at magnifications of 15000X
and 4000X,respectively. Before plastic deformation, only an occa-
sional polishing remnant could be found. However, these generally
had an exceedingly low profile. The before micrograph shows the
Fig. 1. Geometry of the twist specimen. The angles y and are worst of the remnants we found. After twisting, numerous surface
coming out of the plane of the paper. cracks were formed. These latter features act as scattering centers
for incident visible light.


beamwidth (O.7nm)
scatteredray , I/

scattering particles. Different symmetries survive de-

pending on whether the particles are single scatterers
8t ray
- fO)L}-41Ta
input franHe-Cdlaser

or a randomly oriented collection of many scatterers.
A single ellipse will have its Sij dependent on its orien- Fig. 3. Geometry for illumination and examination of the speci-
tation, and these Sij will be different from those of a men.
randomly oriented collection of the same ellipses.
The role of single particle symmetries and their contri-
bution to the Sij is described by van de Hulst. 7 vidual scattering matrix elements as well as averaging
To gain an intuitive feel for how unique information over the possible individual particle symmetries which
is destroyed by random orientations, consider light establish the net number of independent Sij-in this
scattering from a long, thin fiber (which may be consid- case, four. Experiments with any new scatterer
ered the special case of an infinitely long elliptical should include measurements of all sixteen Sij until
particle) oriented perpendicular to the plane in which 0 the independent scattering matrix elements are confi-
is measured. A single deformed (noncircular cross dently established. When this is done, one of the four
section) fiber will create an asymmetric scattering pat- matrix elements can be chosen as the most sensitive
tern; that is, the Sqjmeasured scanning clockwise ( = probe for change and be used to monitor the system.
0-180°) will be different from those measured while Little systematic information is carried by the Sl
scanning counterclockwise. Nevertheless, on each matrix element, because beam pointing errors due to
side, the same four independent Sij will hold, but the small geometrical distortions from sample placement
two sets of matrix elements will be different. If many errors and minute amounts of bending during twisting
fiber scatterers are involved, all rotated randomly in result in specular reflections out of the detector plane.
the 0 direction relative to one another, the two sets of This condition causes the total intensity to vary wildly
matrix elements will be identical. That is, the asym- from test to test. Furthermore, laser power fluctua-
metry will be erased. tions from test to test also cause measurable changes in
Similar ideas apply to the surface scattering work the total scattered intensity as a function of detector
described in this paper. Each particular defect has its angle. The other independent matrix elements (12,
own symmetry. However, scattering from many de- S33, and S34) do not have these problems because they
fects with polydispersed sizes,shapes, and orientations are normalized to the scattered intensity (S11).
destroys the individual particle symmetry and obeys Figure 4 shows the relative scattering efficiency as a
the resultant symmetry of the surface as a whole. This function of the detector angle for the S12 matrix
randomness contributes both to phase loss in the indi- element (unpolarized light in, horizontal linear polar-

1834 APPLIEDOPTICS / Vol. 25, No. 11 / 1 June 1986





4) F



Fig. 4. The S12 matrix element. The relative scattering efficiency
(in percent) is graphed as a function of the scattering angle (0). Fig. 5. The S33 matrix element. The relative scattering efficiency
(in percent) is graphed as a function of the scattering angle (0).

ized light out). These curves have the general charac- er interesting change occurs in the zero crossing of the
ter of the S12 matrix element for spherical Rayleigh S 3 3 curve. The untwisted specimen shows a zero cross-
scatterers.8 Each of the three curves corresponds to a ing at 0 = 310. However, after plastically deforming
different permanent twist angle (). There are many the specimen 300, the zero crossing increases to 370
features which can be exploited here as a kind of strain and remains there for all twists in the 30-900 range.
gauge. For example, the dip at 0 = 260 begins system- For twists between 600 and 900, a rapid change occurs
atically to vanish as the plastic deformation angle of in the backscatter region (1350 • 0 < 1800) for the S 3 3
twist is increased. However, the curves for twist an- element, although only small changes were noted in
gles between 60° and 90° show little change. Another this region for twists between 00 and 600. A simple
interesting feature which may be exploited is the peak empirical formula relates twist angle 40(in degrees) to
at a scattering angle of 690 which gradually diminishes the scattering efficiency peak height (AE) above back-
for twist angles between 00 and 600. The zero crossing ground at 650. When AE is measured in percent, we
of the S1 2 curve is unstable as a function of twist angle have
and is therefore not useful as a prognostic indicator of = -3.95(AE) + 60. (3)
specimen failure. The value of the scattering efficien-
cy (E) at 0 = 260 is especially interesting because it is If we express Eq. (3) in terms of the plastic shear strain
related linearly to the twisting angle 0 (for 00 • 0
600) according to the equation Yp,

= 2.67E + 138, (1) = -0.017(AE) + 0.262, (4)

where E is measured in percent and 0 in degrees. In where yp is in radians and AE is in percent as before.
terms of the plastic shear strain yp, Eq. (1) may be Equation (4) is valid over the region 0 • yp • 0.262.
rewritten as (see Fig. 1)
V. Conclusion
lyp= 0.012E + 0.602, (2)
The central question about light scattering tech-
where yp is in radians and E is in percent. Equation niques is "how good are they?" As a strain gauge for
(2) is valid for 0 • yp • 0.262. the case considered here, light scattering seems prom-
Next, the S33 matrix element (linear 450 polarized ising over the interval 00 • 0 600. In this region,
light in and linear 450 polarized light out) may also be some features of the matrix elements change linearly.
exploited for strain detection. The basic shape of the In the interval 600 • 0 • 900, nonlinearity sets in so
S33 element may be understood either in terms of that changes in scattering are not simply proportional
spherical Rayleigh or Mie scatterers. In each case the to the deformation. The region 0 2 900 is currently
S3 3 curve starts at +100%, then passes through a zero, unexplored. However, experimenters should be
and finally terminates at -100%.8 Figure 5 shows the aware that, in this latter region, light scattering prop-
S33 matrix element for twist angles of 00, 300, 600, and erties may not even vary monotonically with deforma-
900. A peak at 0 = 610, which is a very prominent tion.
feature of samples with a high random polish, is dimin- The algorithms described in this paper are extreme-
ished after the specimen has been twisted 300. After a ly system dependent. They must be determined for
600 twist, the peak has totally vanished. Again, after a each case of specimen geometry and type of strain
900 twist, the peak at0 = 610 is not to be seen. Anoth- (twisting, bending, etc.). We have shown here that, if

1 June 1986 / Vol. 25, No. 11 / APPLIEDOPTICS 1835

light scattering is to be used as a probe to identify References
certain physical changes in a system undergoing stress, 1. E. F. Byars, and R. D. Snyder, Engineering Mechanics of Defor-
polarization signals, in addition to the total scattered mable Bodies (International Textbook Co., Scranton, PA, 1969).
intensity, can be sensitive, specific, and valuable. Al- 2. W. S. Bickel and R. R. Zito, "Light Scattering from Metal Surfa-
though a change in the light scattering signal implies a ces," J. Appl. Phys. submitted.
change in the structure, the actual change should be 3. R. R. Zito, W. S. Bickel, and W. M. Bailey, "The Physical and
determined and quantified once by other means (light Optical Properties of Agglomerated Gold Films," Thin Solid
or electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, etc.) to relate Films 114, 241 (1984).
the change in the light scattering signal to the actual 4. S. R. Cloude, "Polarmetric Techniques in Radar Signal Proces-
sing," Microwave J. 26(7), 119 (1983).
change in structure. Although the first comparative 5. W. S. Bickel and W. M. Bailey, "Stokes Vectors Mueller Matrices,
measurements might be time-consuming and expen- and Polarized Scattered Light," Am.J. Phys. 53, 468 (1985).
sive, the resulting algorithm can be used for fast in-situ 6. E. S. Fry and G. W. Kattawar, "Relationship Between Elements
nondestructive measurements. of the Stokes Matrix," Appl. Opt. 20, 2811 (1981).
7. H. C. van de Hulst, Light Scattering by Small Particles (Wiley,
New York, 1957).
8. W. S. Bickel, "The Mueller Scattering Matrix Elements for Ray-
leigh Spheres," in Applications of Circularly Polarized Radia-
We thank the Army Armament R&D Command and tion Using Synchrotron and Ordinary Sources, F. Allen and C.
the Department of Energy for support. Bustamante, Eds. (Plenum, New York, 1985).

MeetingsCalendarcontinuedfrompage1832 21-22 Introduction to Military Thermal Imaging course, Kent

1986 Sira,Ltd., Conf.Unit, South Hill, Chislehurst,Kent
September BR75EH, U.K.
30-1 Oct. Optical Engineering Foundation course, Kent Sira,
Ltd., Conf. Unit, South Hill, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 21-23 Optical Fabrication & Testing Workshop, Seattle
5EH, U.K. OSA Mtgs. Dept., 1816 Jefferson P., N.W., Wash.,
DC 20036
22-24 FirstACCG/East Conf.on Crystal Growth,Atlantic City
6-10 10th Int. Fiber Optic Communications & Local Area G. Loiacono, Philips Labs., 345 Scarborough Rd.,
Networks Expo., Orlando Information Gatekeepers, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
Inc., 214 Harvard Ave., Boston, MA 02134
26-31 Optics & Optoelectronics Symp. (Engineering Areas in
7-9 4th Int. Conf. on Optical Fiber Sensors, Tokyo OSA Optoelectronics), Cambridge SPIE, P.O. Box 10,
Bellingham, WA 98227
Mtgs. Dept., 1816 Jefferson P., N.W., Wash., DC
26-31 33rd AVSNat. Vacuum Symp., Baltimore AVS,335 E.
8-10 Optical Memory Tech. Mtg., Tokyo TOC, P.O. Box 45th St., New York, NY 10017
14817, San Francisco, CA 94114

26-31 Cambridge Symp. on Optics & Optoelectronics/Ad-

14-15 Laser Safety Update course, Cincinnati Laser Inst. of vances in Intelligent Robotics Systems, Cambridge
Amer., 5151 Monroe St., Ste 118W, Toledo, OH43623 SPIE, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227

14-17 10th IEEE Int. Semiconductor Laser Conf., Kanazawa

Business Center for Academic Societies Japan, Conf. November
Dept., Yamazaki Blds. 4F, 40-14, Hongo 2-Chome,
Bunkyoku, Tokyo 113, Japan 3-5 18th Ann. Symp. on Optical Materials for High Power
Lasers, Boulder S. Rivera, NBS, Mail Stop 724.02,
325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303
19-20 OSA Ann. Mtg. Short courses, Seattle OSA Mtgs.
Dept., 1816 Jefferson P., N. W., Wash., DC 20036
3-7 APS Division of Plasma Physics Mtg., Baltimore Amer.
19-24 OSA Ann. Mtg., Seattle OSA Mtgs. Dept., 1816 Jef- Phys. Soc., 335 E. 45th St., New York, NY 10017
ferson P1.,N.W., Wash., DC 20036

5-7 Optical Storage for Small Systems, Los Angeles TOC,

20-22 Multiple Ecitations of Atoms Top. Mtg., Seattle P.O. Box 14817, San Francisco, CA 94114
OSA Mtgs. Dept., 1816 Jefferson P., N.W., Wash.,
DC 20036
9-14 Imaging & Photographic Science course, Rochester
RIT, P.O. Box 9887,Rochester, NY 14623
20-24 Int. Laser Science Conf., Seattle OSA Mtgs. Dept.,
1816Jefferson P., N.W., Wash., DC 20036
10-13 5th Int. Congr. on Applications of Lasers & Electro-
Optics, Wash., DC H. Lee, Laser Inst. of Am., 5151
20-24 Eastern Analytical Symp., New York S. Klein, 642 Monroe St., Suite 118W, Toledo, OH43623
Cranbury Cross Rd., N. Brunswick, NJ 08902 continuedonpage 1853

1836 APPLIEDOPTICS / Vol. 25, No. 11 / 1 June 1986

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