Decree Confirming Declaration As To Name Change Anthea Winterwind Bey

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IN THE MATTER OF: ) In The Consulate Chambers of THE CHANGE OF NAME ) Alabama Republic, Territory OF: ANTHEA TREVORLYN DALEY ) Morocco/ Amexem ‘TO: Anthea Winterwind Bey ) MACNO000000089 DL: 055980653 / DL: D424018675310 DECREE CONFIRMING DECLARATION AS TO CHANGE NAME This cause came on to be heard upon the Proclamation of a Nationality, Declaration of Status and birthright ties with the Moorish Nation. The Declaration for Change of Name of ANTHEA. TREVORLYN DALEY to Anthea Winterwind Bey and “Beneficiary” In connection to the Moorish National Trust, having appeared in the Consulate Chambers, the Consulate thereof, before Consul. Itis of my knowledge that all are entitled the right to Proclaim a Nationality and cannot be deprived right of changing a Nationality, as well as the right of Moors to use the Names affixes El, Bey, Ali, Al, Dey or any other prefix of suffix, for it is their custom accordance with Divine Right, Religious Independence, and Inheritance. (EUR 75, Sundry Free Moors Act of 1790) as reference to Moors in America, also, United Nations Declaration of Rights of Indigenous People, and Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786/1836, and Treaty of ‘Tripoli 1796, with due respect given by Prince Khabir Uriel Bai, reference (Allut Laudibus Effere) Its here Declared that Anthea Winterwind Bey has been accepted by this Consulate Chambers and all others. Itis ORDERED and DECREED by the Consulate that ANTHEA TREVORLYN DALEY be hereafter known by the name of Anthea Winterwind Bey. DONE this date of April 10, 2019.

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