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Diversity, in social contexts, connotes ● There were concepts of ‘karma’ and

“collective differences” in culture, groups, ‘rina’ or the debt one owed to the
language and ethnicity. We have always had almighty and the society which could
variety in abundance in India. India’s be met only by performing one’s
geopolitical condition along with multiple ‘dharma’.
interactions with foreigners via invasions, ● The above elements are more in
missionaries, trade has led to foreign letters and spirit, than in practice
influences on the subcontinent which in turn today.
has had an impact on the social scenario of ● Nevertheless, today, they stand
the country. institutionalized as a way of life which
In retrospect, ever since the dawn of human has become all pervading across
settlement, India has always harbored a rich various communities.
cultural heritage and civilization. Over all In the above light, we can say that the Indian
these years, she has provided a healthy communities and the society at large are
environment for a number of ideas and sustained and regulated by social institutions
culture to flourish and take roots, thereby and the relationship amongst them. Let us
facilitating syncretism and synthesizing a look into the three unique Indian social
cultural fabric which is unique and exclusive institutions that have had a central influence
to the subcontinent. She is home to almost on the society and the lives of communities
all the religions of the world, harbors 22 for millennia.
scheduled languages and over 1500 dialects.
India’s geopolitical condition along with CASTE
multiple interactions with foreigners via ● Manusmriti, the authoritative book on
invasions, missionaries, trade has led to Hindu law, justifies the caste system
foreign influences on the subcontinent which as the basic order of the society.
in turn has had an impact on the social ● It is a 3000-year-old system which
scenario of the country as a whole. divides the Hindu community into a
hierarchy based on their karma and
THE LINCHPIN OF THE INDIAN SOCIETY: dharma. The caste system has four
BASIC INSTITUTIONS main categories - Brahmins,
The Indian society has always been upheld as Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and the
‘traditional’ based on the notion that we Shudras.
Indians reject materialism and pursue only ● At the top of the hierarchy were the
“spiritualism”. Though the wheels of change Brahmins believed to have come from
have kept churning and we have embarked Brahma's head.
upon a journey towards a more secular, pro ● Then were the Kshatriyas, supposedly
capitalist and modern state, things have from his arms.
differed in the past. ● The third slot went to the Vaishyas,
● The traditional Hindu society has who were created from his thighs.
believed and followed the ascribed ● At the bottom of the heap were the
identity which has always been Shudras, who came from Brahma's
hierarchical. feet.
● The 4 concepts of “purushartha”, ● Outside this caste system were the
namely, dharma, artha, kama and Dalits or the untouchables.
moksha, formed the major goal of Caste has not confined itself to Hinduism and
their lives. has seeped into the more egalitarian religions
● They also believed in 4 stages of life like Islam. Muslims are divided into classes of
or ‘ashram’ which were interlinked to Ashraf and Ajlaf. Ashraf are in turn divided
the above mentioned concept of into Shaikh, Saiyed, Mughal, Pathan while
‘purushartha’. Ajlaf consist of various other castes like teli,
dhobi, darjee etc. among the Muslim.

CASTE AND OCCUPATION (b) The Mongoloids- Bhotiya, the

● The hereditary association of caste Wanchu, the Naga (Himalayas)
with an occupation used to be a very (c) The Negrito- the Onge ,the Jarwa
striking feature of the caste system. (Islands)
● Overtime, occupational hierarchies ● Linguistically too, there is great
gave rise to various jatis. diversity among these tribes. They
● The jati system provided a unique have a total of 105 different
system of cooperation through the languages and 225 subsidiary
economic system of jajmani. language.
● It means exchange of goods and ● Numerical strength of tribes also
services amongst the jatis and is varies with regions. Tribes like Gonds
based on the patron client and Bhils have decent numbers while
relationship. some like Great Andamanese number
● India has 3500 jatis out of which more less than hundred.
than 750 are schedule caste ● These tribes also show great variety
communities. in their economic pursuits. Some
Nevertheless, with the advent of market tribes like Cholanaicken depended on
economy, this system is waning away. food collection and hunting others like
Khasi of Meghalaya practiced shilfing
TRIBE cultivation.
The present popular meaning of the word
‘Tribe’ was acquired during the expansion of FAMILY AND KINSHIP
colonialism particularly in Asia and Africa. ● Kinship System in India indicates the
● A ‘tribe’ in India is a category of specific code of conduct to delineate
people, included in the list of the various relationship ties amongst
scheduled tribes. Tribal populations individuals and demarcating their role
are not mainstreamed. They form in and for every relationship not only
isolated and rather closed groups, tied by ties of blood but via marriages too.
by strong bonds of kinship and ● Kinship system is essentially a
culture. ‘cultural system’, and varies according
● One remarkable difference between to varying cultures. Kinship denotes
tribes and castes is the fact that the family relationship through blood,
former is more of an egalitarian adoption or marriage. .
system and not mutually ● In the Indian society, it is noteworthy,
interdependent as is the case with that the distinction between blood
castes. kin’s and affinal kin’s is not so sharply
● Total population of Scheduled Tribes drawn.
is 84,326,240 as per the Census 2001 ● A uniform kinship pattern for the
which accounts for 8.2% of the total whole of India has not been and will
population of country. The share of not be available, so long, as different
the Scheduled Tribe population in social conditions continue to persist in
urban areas is a meager 2.4%. different parts of the country and
● Geographically, the tribes are influence norms and institutions in
concentrated in five regions namely, those regions.
Himalayan region (Gaddi, the Naga ● Kinship varies from region to region.
etc.), Middle India (Mundas Santhals Some have localized lineage while in
etc.), Western India (Bhils), South some part of the country there is a
Indian Region (Chenchu,) and the presence of a larger exogamous
Islands Region (Onge). category in many jatis, which is
● On the basis of racial features, Guha known as ‘gotra’.
(1935) classifies them into the ● Some part of the country also has a
following three races. class of kinsmen who provide a basis
(a) The Proto-Australoids; the Gonds, for some joint action in which those
Mundas, Hos (central india) belonging to the same jati, live in one


village who are either actual or ● Such is the diversity that the
potential relatives with the added languages can provide a primer on
bond of village residence. nearly every major aspect of historical
● Finally, there is a class of fictive kin, linguistics like the impact of
who are not actually related by blood socioeconomic, ethnic and religious
or marriage can establish fictional divides, the influence of foreign
bonds of kinship with one another languages, and the development of
writing systems to name a few.
LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY ● India is home to 22 constitutionally
● India is a microcosm of the world’s recognized languages. However,
language diversity. She has been a number of languages is much higher.
perfect host to and has assimilated ● There are thousands of dialects which
and synthesized different cultural are spoken in the country like the
variety, regional differences, race, avadhi and braj spoken in the Hindi
religion and war, to produce a diverse belt. They also play a major role in
pattern of language. formulating regional identities.


● On account of such institutions and ● The process of modernization of
their assimilation, the Indian society Indian Society was ushered with the
has evolved and developed certain introduction of democratic political
remarkable features which are system leading to political modernity .
peculiar to the Indian system. ● The elected representatives have
● Apart from institutionalization with passed legislation to abolish
respect to marriage, caste and kinship traditional social structures - abolition
and multiplicity and plurality in terms of Zamindari, Untouchability,
of religion, ethnicity and language, Prevention of atrocities act (SC and
the Indian community shares bonds of ST), Dowry Prohibition, Domestic
unity amidst all this diversity, which is Violence etc, dismantling in theory
termed as, ‘unity in diversity’. and legally orthodox hierarchies, and
● India’s diversity is unique in terms of the judiciary has ensured dispensation
its enormity and is responsible for the of justice.
development of our composite and
● Advent of colonialism brought about
rich culture and democracy.
awakening and an ideological shift,
which was consolidated post
independence with indigenous
● Modernity has a wider
connotation than modernization ● However sociologists observe that
which mainly refers to a civilization tradition has held its ground. The
Modernity, on the other hand, inertia and rigidity of traditional
connotes a culture primarily structures has violently resisted
determined by ideals of rationality, change .
plurality and liberal notions and ethos. ● The process of secularization hasn’t
● India's traditional elements have been successful to provide functional
continued to persist even while new alternatives to traditional structures in
elements are being introduced order to maintain social solidarity and
through various heterogenic factors. control.
Thus these elements of modernity ● Religious revivalism has cropped up
have not been replaced, instead have against the modern tenets of
been accommodated into India's secularization and rationalization.

● Violence against women has reached is a need to grow and evolve with the
new level as the struggle against changing circumstances. For any
patriarchy continues. society to move forward, two things
● Moreover the ability of old structures are necessary. First, the need to
to continuously adapt to changes in accept that these faults exist and
society has ensured their co- second, addressing them with
existence. alacrity.
● Caste has been rejuvenated through ● Political independence has made
caste based political parties in possible for the nation to achieve
democratic system. The class credible development and growth.
structures have seen reproduction of The liberal values and changes in the
caste hierarchies. ideological patterns have brought
about changes in the institutional
COEXISTENCE OF SPIRITUALISM WITH framework that India has been
MATERIALISM envisaging for centuries.
● Materialism focuses on material well- ● Expansion of western education have
being and progress and is reflected as shattered the traditional structure of
the desire for material possessions caste. With increased mobility in
and the incessant struggle to attain professions, there is a transformation
them. of rigid caste into modern mobile
● It is the search for Artha and Kama. classes. Besides, there is a
Materialism is inevitable and is secularization of occupation. Among
embodied in the present model of high castes there is a trend towards
capitalism and consumerism and the Modernization while among low
quest for wellbeing and prosperous. classes is a trend towards
● Spiritualism in India is a complete Sanskritization.
philosophy of human life, the correct ● The fragmentation of the feudal
way of living and right way of society has given rise to new classes.
thinking. This genesis is based on the
● It can be traced to the ideals of disintegration of the caste system.
dharma and moksha of ‘purushartha’. ● The impact of modern social forces is
It is letting go of desires and also evident in the change of family
detaching from worldly possessions so structure which is exhibiting
as to control your senses to connect characteristics of urban family.
with the inner supreme conscious. ● Urbanization is another evolutionary
● Such is the veracity of and the depth pattern noticed in the Indian scenario.
of the imprint on the Indian minds of Growth of secularism has developed a
the Aryan civilization, Islamic, value system which emphasizes
Buddhist and Bhakti and Sufi culture, individual initiative and responsibility.
that almost Every Indian can tell ● The emphasis on individuality and
stories of history, which serves as a individual rights has tremendously
reminder of a consciousness of a great affected woman and has challenged to
civilization heritage. the traditional view of society that
It is this spirituality which enables even the women as a class are inferior to men.
most deprived to endure poverty and it is Women’s role in decision-making is
materialism and its aspiration which provides assuming significance and they are
the prospect of improvement. pursuing emancipation.
● Modern means of communication,
WHERE DOES THE INDIAN SOCIETY growth of competitive economy and
STAND TODAY? AN EVALUATION OF THE expansion of western education have
EVOLUTIONARY TREND shattered the traditional structure of
● Social infrastructure, cultural, caste. With increased mobility in
attitudinal and behavioral patterns do professions, there is a transformation
not remain static. As years pass, there of rigid caste into modern mobile


classes. Besides, there is a capitalist system has led to the

secularization of occupation. Among development of new classes. The
high castes there is a trend towards genesis of these new classes is based
Modernization while among low on the disintegration of the caste
classes is a trend towards system.
Sanskritization. All the above instances bear testimony to
● The transformation of the Indian how our mindsets have changed over time.
society from a feudal society to a


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