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Moorish National Republic Federal Government ‘> ~ Societas Republicae €a Al Mauritanas ~ Moorish Divine and Mational Movement of the World Aoxthiwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / Morth America / The North Gate’ $S ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ The True and De Jure Natural Peoples — Heirs of the Land S& ~ ISLAM ~ Affidavit of International Trust Ot the Moorish Divine and National Movement of the Wlorla MACN-3333333333 For the Public Record, On the Public Record and Let the Public Record Show ‘This Affidavit of the Worldwide Trust of the Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World is hereby placed on the public record for all to witness on this 21" Day of January 2019. We, the Aboriginal, Indigenous Nations of the Barth arc the descendants of the Pharaohs of Kemet. We are forever in Propria Persona Sui Juris, In Proprio Solo and In Proprio Heredes at all points in time. The intention of this Proclamation of Trust is that We are exercising all of our sovereign divine rights at this time and at all points in time, We are the sovereign heirs, executors, administrators, trustees, settlors, creditors, claimants, and beneficiaries of our vast estate. We hereby claim, proclaim, declare, nationalize and place in this living, divine, intemational, private Trust all that we are heirs to as aforementioned and including but not limited to: Allland Al oil, water, gold, silver, minerals, crops and all other natural resources and portable land. Al stateless persons branded as “negro”, “black”, “colored” and “African American”. Alll Moorish subjects ipso jure. Alll gold, silver and portable land backed lawful coinage and tender. We affirm the following documents as part and parcel of this living natural trust document: Notice to Asois Nei Pring Notice o Pail Nai to Ags. Any isi, soon, andl eo thst fy any CORPORATION, hi PRINCIPALS, AGENTS ‘or ASSIGNS are by forever rib un deh andthe nae oll gis an opty of sas eng: an th descendant of Acasa ot Cz. Nebing ths ada sall be ites cons ay jin tt the rico or int ances ned esate a ay tne Arg al adgecns Peps Doce ‘Nosiwest Amexem Nor Ate Nor Aerie The Mocca Eloi "Templ oe Moon to Se Non = Domes, Non ~ Reet, Now-Sutet, Neb Cov Ben the ih Ha enh of ths Lan The Holy Koran of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science by the Noble Prophet Drew Ali~ 1926 Galactic law, Intergalactic law, Universal law, Natural law, Divine law, Supreme law of the land ‘The ‘Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786 and 1836 The Declaration of Independence ‘The Articles of the Confederation ‘The Constitution for the united States 1791 ‘The Moorish National Republic Federal Government Trust~ MACN-R999999999 ‘The Notice of Intent to Lien and Arrest Command 09/11/18 ~ Document number 7018 2290 0000 1227 4911 Additionally, we declare, proclaim and enforce our sovereign rights to travel freely on our own land, to self-govern autonomously and to adjudicate judicially within our own nations and among our own peers free of molestation, violation, and encumbrance by all foreigners. No one speaks for us, we speak for ourselves. No one represents us, ‘we present ourselves. We do now exercise our sovereign right to issue, distribute and exchange our own national Jawful currencies, coinage and tender among the indigenous nations of the earth. Netto Agents Notice to Pricgal Nace iis Naito Age. Ay mise sgt out uf is document by sty CORPORATION, the: PRINCIPALS, AGENTS. ‘oc ASSIGNS ate aay eer roid on pain o eth nd the free cal gts and proper of pens engnged tren: andthe desea of Aen shal mx be Che. Novi inthis eit ll be inp s eons ay jin ats mt ert or niet ances ei eat yt Aerial ad ai ‘Nontivest Amexen / Noh Afca/NowhAtperka/ The Matec Epi Template Mec and Sun: Non Domes, Non Reset, NewSalfet, Non Right Hes and inka ofthe Land Page| of?

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