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Explanation Speech

Student's Name: Morgen Nolan

R110 Section No: 25237
Date: 3/10/2019
Instructor's Name: Casey Cawthorn

Title of Speech: Travel India

Thesis Statement: Traveling from the US to India may seem a little scary and overwhelming so I’d
like to share with you what is advised when traveling, my experience, and my personal recommendations.


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Attention I. Imagine traveling somewhere where there’s delicious food, warm

weather, and beautiful colors and culture everywhere.

II. If this all sounds appealing to you then a trip to India might be in

Credibility III. My fiancé is from India, and December 2018 was my first trip to
his home.

Thesis IV. Traveling from the US to India may seem a little scary and
overwhelming so I’d like to share with you what is advised when

traveling, my experience, and my personal recommendations.

BODY (*Fill in any

Main Point I. When traveling outside of the US, you need to make sure you actions)
cover the important things such as passports and visas.

Copyright © 2019 Department of Communication Studies @ IUPUI University | Explanation Speech

A. You will need to apply for your US passport or if you have one
Sub Point
already make sure it’s not expired. If it is, renew it.

Sub-sub point 1. If you’re unsure how to apply for your passport, use the

forms on to apply for your passport for

the first time. This website gives you a nice layout of

everything you need to do.

Sub-sub point 2. If you are renewing your passport, it’s a very similar
process just a different form and instead of paying two

fees you just pay the application fee.

Sub Point B. Along with you US passport you will need to apply for your
Indian Visa.

Sub-sub point 1. I found applying for my E-Visa online was easiest and
was approved overnight but they say it can take up to 72

hours. All you need to do is go to

and fill out the required information upload a 2x2inch

color photo just like the one you used for your passport.

Pay the fee and submit.

Sub-sub point
2. After submitted they will send you an e-mail with
hopefully an approval. You CAN NOT use this e-mail as

the official visa. YOU NEED TO go to the actual web site

again and print off the e-visa with granted status.

Main II. There’re no required vaccinations if you’re traveling from US to

India but they are extremely recommended.

A. Make sure you’re up to date on all your routine vaccines

Sub Point
such as measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), diptheria-tetnus-

Copyright © 2019 Department of Communication Studies @ IUPUI University | Explanation Speech

pertusis, your varicella or chickenpox vaccine, polio

vaccine, and your yearly flu shot.

Sub Point
B. Some others you can consider are Hepatitis A, Typhoid,
Rabies, and Malaria. It depends on where you are traveling

and how long you are staying but you can find out what is

best for you by going to the CDC website. Also make a Dr.

appt. about a month prior to take off because some of the

vaccinations need to be started weeks prior the time you

land outside of the country.

Main Point III. Some areas in India have increased crime and terrorisms
(,2019). One way to be aware of these areas is to go

to as they update the advisories often.

Sub Point A. You can enroll in Smart Traveler Enrollment Program

(STEP) to receive messages from the embassy


B. Always practice good personal security and situational

Sub Point
awareness ( 2019).

Now that we have the important stuff covered let me tell you about my
Main Point IV. After 19 hours in the air I finally landed in India. We had to drive
6 hours to our destination. Just by looking out the window on that

car ride I was in culture shock.

Sub Point A. There were little cars and scooters driving all over the very
Show Slide
bumpy roads honking the whole time they drove. Along with all

the tiny cars and scooters there were people everywhere! It was

very early morning when people started getting up to open up

all their little shops and foods stands and let me tell you the

Copyright © 2019 Department of Communication Studies @ IUPUI University | Explanation Speech

food is amazing. So, with all the vehicles, people, and shops,

then you add in all the stray animals walking on the streets,

there was never a dull moment. People weren’t walking their

dogs, they were walking their cows.

Sub Point B. I was able to visit many churches and temples with my fiancé
and his family. Not only are the structure of the buildings

beautiful, but the atmosphere was so spiritual and holy.

Sub-sub point 1. The people were speaking in a different language luckily, I
had my fiancé there to translate. Traveling with him made

my trip much more at ease.

Sub-sub point 2. Since I had all my vaccinations, I didn’t have to worry so

much about getting infected by the food, or the mosquitos.

In my 2 weeks experience I was able to learn a lot and am better

prepared for next time I go.
Main Point V. Let me recommend some shopping and packing tips you if
traveling to India for the first time.

Sub Point A. Shopping tips:

Sub-sub point 1. Let your bank know that you are traveling to India

because if you try using your bank card while you are

there without letting your bank know then chances are

you will run into trouble. You can’t use US dollars in

India so make sure you go to the money exchange

before leaving otherwise you can do this right at the

airport. You will need to exchange American dollars

into rupees.

Sub-sub point 2. When you arrive in India just take a short trip to the

clothing store such as Pantaloons and pick up some

Copyright © 2019 Department of Communication Studies @ IUPUI University | Explanation Speech

kurtas and leggings. They are very cheap and super

cute. Always buy bottled water and don’t get ice cubes.

The chances of water contamination are high.

Remember to make your Dr. appt. to get all your

appropriate vaccinations. Remember there are stray

dogs everywhere so keep that in mind when deciding if

the rabies vaccination is appropriate for your trip

Sub Point B. Packing tips:

Sub-sub point 1. Pack lightly. It is a conservative country so covering up

with the cloths you have in your closet will probably be

too hot. Also, just bring a pair of comfortable flip flops

or flats but remember its extremely dusty there and

your shoes will get dirty. You are going to want to bring

home more than what you brought so still bring your

big suitcase to check just don’t pack it very full. Keep in

mind the air quality and many places in India is poor so

bring a light scarf to wrap around your face if you’re

going riding the scooter.

Sub sub sub i. Our winter season is also technically their

winter season. Even though it was still hot, it

was tolerable. We went in December and the

highest it got mid day was in the 80s so you

might want to think about this when choosing

a date.

Sub sub sub ii. Bring hand sanitizers and wipes. A lot of the
toilets depending where you go are not like our

toilets or bathrooms. A lot of toilets I

Copyright © 2019 Department of Communication Studies @ IUPUI University | Explanation Speech

encountered outside of my fiancés home were

commodes that were literally in the ground

with no flush just a water hose.

Sub-sub point 2. My last recommendation would be to not travel alone. I

was fortunate enough to go with someone who spoke the

language but even if you don’t know anyone from India

travel with a friend or family. You can download google

translator and google maps which I found very helpful.

I. As I said before traveling to India from the US can seem scary and

Review of Main overwhelming but if you do your research ahead of time and find
out what’s advised, what you remember from my experience, and
my recommendations, Its completely worth it.
exit line or Final
Appeal II. India is a beautiful country and I hope everyone can one day
experience it with a little more ease now.

Statement of Academic Honesty: I have read and understand the sections in the Student Bulletin and/or course syllabus
relating to IUPUI’s Honesty/Cheating Policy. I certify that I have not cheated or plagiarized in the process of completing
this assignment. I also verify that this assignment is unique to this class and that I have not used work from previous
courses. If it is found that cheating and/or plagiarism did take place in the writing of this outline, I understand the possible
consequences of the act, which could include expulsion from IUPUI.

Work Cited

Health Information for Travelers to India. 13 Feb 2019. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. 3
March 2019.

Copyright © 2019 Department of Communication Studies @ IUPUI University | Explanation Speech

How to apply for a passport. Travel.Stat.Gov. U.S. Department of State-Bureau of Consular Affairs. 3
March 2019.

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program. A Service of Bureau of Consular Affairs. U.S. Department of State. 3
March 2019.

Welcome to India. Bureau of Immigration Ministry of Home Affairs Government of India. 3 March 2019.

Copyright © 2019 Department of Communication Studies @ IUPUI University | Explanation Speech

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