A Brief History of Nunchako

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For the animated TV series, see Numb Chucks.
For other uses, see Nunchaku (disambiguation).

Various types of nunchaku.

The nunchaku (Japanese: ヌンチャク Hepburn: nunchaku, sometimes "nunchuks",[1]"nunchucks",

"chainsticks",[3] "chuka sticks"[4] or "karate sticks"[5] in English) is a traditional Okinawan martial
arts weapon consisting of two sticks connected at one end by a short chain or rope. The two
sections of the weapon are commonly made out of wood, while the link is a cord or a metal chain.
The nunchaku is most widely used in martial arts such as Okinawan kobudō and karate, and is used
as a training weapon, since it allows the development of quicker hand movements and improves
posture. Modern-day nunchaku can be made from metal, wood, plastic or fiberglass. Toy and replica
versions made of polystyrene foam or plastic are also available. Possession of this weapon is illegal
in some countries, except for use in professional martial art schools.
The exact origin of nunchaku is unclear. Allegedly adapted by Okinawan farmers from a non-weapon
implement for threshing rice, it was not a historically popular weapon because it was ineffective
against the most widely used weapons of that time such as samurai swords, and few historical
techniques for its use still survive.
In modern times, nunchaku (Tabak-Toyok) were popularized by actor and martial artist Bruce
Lee and his martial arts student (and teacher to him of Filipino martial arts) Dan Inosanto, who
introduced this weapon to the actor.[6] Further exploration of use of nunchaku and of
other kobudo discipline was afforded to Bruce Lee with and by Tadashi Yamashita, who worked with
Bruce Lee on and in the movie Enter the Dragon. Another popular association in modern times is the
fictional character Michelangelo of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise. Organizations
including the North American Nunchaku Association, World Amateur Nunchaku Organization,
Fédération Internationale de Nunchaku de Combat et Artistique, World Nunchaku Association, and
International Techdo Nunchaku Association teach the use of nunchaku as a contact sport.


 1Etymology

 2Origins
 3Parts

 4Construction

 5Formal styles

 6Freestyle

 7Sporting associations

 8Legality

 9Law enforcement use

 10Gallery

 11See also

 12References

 13External links

The origin of the word nunchaku (ヌンチャク) is not known. One theory indicates it was derived from
pronunciation of the Chinese characters 双截棍 (a type of traditional Chinese two section staff) in
a Southern Fujian dialect of Chinese language (兩節棍 nng-chat-kun, pair(of)-linked-sticks). Another
derives from the definition of "nun" as "twin".
Another name for this weapon is "nûchiku"(ヌウチク).[7]
In the English language, nunchaku are often referred to as "nunchuks".[8]


Hyoshiki (wooden clappers)

The origin of the nunchaku is unclear, although one popular belief is that nunchaku was originally a
short South-East Asian flail[9] used to thresh rice or soybeans. This gave rise to the theory that it was
originally developed by an Okinawan horse bit (muge), or that it was adapted from a wooden clapper
called hyoshiki[10] carried by the village night watch, made of two blocks of wood joined by a cord. The
night watch would hit the blocks of wood together to attract people's attention, then warn them about
fires and other dangers.[11]
Some propose that the association of nunchaku and other Okinawan weapons with rebellious
peasants is most likely a romantic exaggeration. Martial arts in Okinawa were practiced exclusively
by aristocracy (kazoku) and "serving nobles" (shizoku), but were prohibited among commoners
(heimin).[12] According to Chinese folklore, nunchaku are a variation of the two section staff.[13]


Parts of nunchaku

 Ana: the hole on the kontoh of each handle for the himo to pass
through—only nunchaku that are connected by himo have an ana.

 Himo: the rope which connects the two handles of some nunchaku.

 Kusari: the chain which connects the two handles of some


 Kontoh: the top of each handle.

 Jukon-bu: the upper area of the handle.

 Chukon-bu: the center part of the handle.

 Kikon-bu: the lower part of the handle.

 Kontei: the bottom of the handle.[14]

Nunchaku consist of two sections of wood connected by a cord or chain, though variants may
include additional sections of wood and chain. In China, the striking stick is called "dragon stick" ("龍
棍"), while the handle is called "yang stick" ("陽棍"). Chinese nunchaku tend to be rounded,[according to
whereas the Okinawan version has an octagonal cross-section (allowing one edge of the
nunchaku to make contact with the target, increasing the damage inflicted). [according to whom?][citation needed] The
ideal length of each piece should be long enough to protect the forearm when held in a high grip
near the top of the shaft. Both ends are usually of equal length, although asymmetrical nunchaku
The ideal length of the connecting rope or chain is just long enough to allow the user to lay it over his
or her palm, with the sticks hanging comfortably and perpendicular to the ground. The weapon
should be properly balanced in terms of weight. Cheaper or gimmicky nunchaku (such as glow-in-
the-dark versions) are often not properly balanced, which prevents the performer from performing
the more advanced and flashier "low-grip" moves, such as overhand twirls. The weight should be
balanced towards the outer edges of the sticks for maximum ease and control of the swing arcs.

Uncommon nunchuks made of solid nylon, hollow aluminum, and solid metal (unlinked)

Traditional nunchaku are made from a strong, flexible hardwood such as oak, loquat or pasania.
Originally, the wood would be submerged in mud for several years, where lack of oxygen and
optimal acidity would prevent rotting and cause the wood to harden. The rope is made from
horsehair. Finally, the wood is very finely sanded and rubbed with an oil or stain for preservation.
Today, such nunchaku are often varnished or painted for display purposes. This practice tends to
reduce the grip and make the weapon harder to handle, and is therefore not advised for combat.
Modern nunchaku can be made from any suitable material, such as wood, metal, or almost any
plastic, fiberglass or other hard substance. Toy and practice nunchaku are commonly covered with
foam to prevent injury to the self or others. It is not uncommon to see modern nunchaku made from
light metals such as aluminum. Modern equivalents of the rope are nylon cord or metal chains on
ball bearing joints. Simple nunchaku may be easily constructed from wooden dowels and a short
length of chain. Short rope nunchaku is used for free style swing. Rope is 13cm~15cm the player
hangs the rope on the wrist and turns the sticks.Grip is short kontou girp. Long rope nunchaku is
used for X letter swing martial art swing.Grip is long kontei grip.Short rope is safe becourse the
sticks can be controlled easily. The Nunchaku-Do sport, governed by the World Nunchaku
Association, promotes black and yellow polystyrene foam nunchaku. Unlike readily available plastic
training nunchaku, the devices they promote are properly balanced.
There are some alternative nunchaku, made solely for sporting such as:

 "Bleeder" (nunchaku with sharp or dull razor blades) and "sharper"

(nunchaku with nails) are used as components of the basic training
and grading programme (Programme Verhille) in French nunchaku
de combat.[15]

 "Glow-Chucks," made either with fiberglass and a coloured light

fitted in the ball bearing, or fluorescent tape wrapped around the
 "Penchaku" or "Prochux," which are flashier Lissajous-do sticks
available for artistic performances. These are more colourful and
sometimes fluorescent with a modified anatomy, which favors
control at the expense of power. They have longer sticks and
extremely short ropes. The idea is based on a mathematical model,
the Lissajous curve, which allows the user to keep a continuous
flowing form.

 "Speedcord," a new version of a cord and bearing nunchaku called

"Neo Speedcord" and "Neon Speedcord" nunchaku, a fast,
lightweight, purely freestyle or demonstration type nunchaku. [16]
There are also some types of nunchaku with no noted use in sport, such as:

 Nunchaku with knives, or metal branches with a concealed blade in

the end of each branch.[17]

 Telescopic nunchaku, or nunchaku with retractable metal sticks.

Formal styles[edit]
The nunchaku is most commonly used in Okinawan kobudō and karate, but it is also used
in eskrima (more accurately, the Tabak-Toyok, a similar though distinct Philippine weapon, is used,
as opposed to the Okinawan nunchaku), and in Korean hapkido. Its application is different in each
style. The traditional Okinawan forms use the sticks primarily to grip and lock. Filipino martial
artists use it much the same way they would wield a stick—striking is given precedence. Korean
systems combine offensive and defensive moves, so both locks and strikes are taught. Nunchaku is
often the first weapon wielded by a student, to teach self-restraint and posture, as the weapon is
liable to hit the wielder more than the opponent if not used properly.
The Nunchaku is usually wielded in one hand, but it can also be paired. It can be whirled around,
using its hardened handles for blunt force, as well as wrapping its chain around an attacking weapon
to immobilize or disarm an opponent. Nunchaku training has been noted [by whom?] to increase hand
speed, improve posture, and condition the hands of the practitioner. Therefore, it makes a useful
training weapon.
There are some disciplines that combine nunchaku with unarmed techniques:

 Mouhébong Taekwondo combines Korean nunchaku

with taekwondo.[18]

 Nunch-Boxing combines nunchaku with kicking and punching

techniques. Nunch-Boxing itself is part of the broader
discipline Nenbushi.[19]

 Nunchaku en savate combines savate techniques with the

nunchaku. First imported to the USA by FIS Savate Professor JN
Eynard (one of the pioneers of savate in the USA and one of the
few mastering Nuchaku-en-Savate) in 1983

Freestyle nunchaku is a modern style of performance art using nunchaku as a visual tool, rather
than as a weapon. With the growing prevalence of the Internet, the availability of nunchaku has
greatly increased. In combination with the popularity of other video sharing sites, many people have
become interested in learning how to use the weapons for freestyle displays. Freestyle is one
discipline of competition held by the World Nunchaku Association. Some modern martial arts teach
the use of nunchaku, as it may help students improve their reflexes, hand control, and other skills.

Sporting associations[edit]
Since the 1980s, there have been various international sporting associations that organize the use of
nunchaku as a contact sport.[21][22] Current associations usually hold "semi-contact" fights, where
severe strikes are prohibited, as opposed to "contact" fights. "Full-Nunch" matches, on the other
hand, are limitation-free on the severity of strikes and knockout is permissible.[23]

 North American Nunchaku Association (NANA): Founded in

2003 in California by Sensei Chris Pellitteri, NANA teaches all
aspects of the nunchaku, traditional and free-style, single and

 World Amateur Nunchaku Organization (WANO): Founded by

Pascal Verhille in France in 1988.

 Fédération Internationale de Nunchaku de Combat et

Artistique (FINCA): Founded by Raphaël Schmitz in France in
1992 as a merger of disbanded associations WANO and FFNS
(Fédération Française de Nunchaku Sportif). Its current name
is Fédération Internationale de Nunchaku, Combat complet et Arts
martiaux modernes et affinitaires (FINCA).[24] A fight with FINCA
rules lasts two rounds of two minutes. There is no need for
changing either the nunchaku branch or the hand before hitting, just
a correct recuperation. There are no stops during the fight, except
for loss, lifting, or penalties.

 World Nunchaku Association (WNA): Founded by Milco

Lambrecht in the Netherlands in 1996.[25] WNA uses yellow and
black plastic weight-balanced training nunchaku and protective
headgear. They have their own belt color system, in which
participants earn color stripes on the belt, instead of fully colored
belts. One side of the belt is yellow and the other black, so that in a
competition, opponents may be distinguished by the visible side of
the belt. WNA fight rules correspond to the kumite subsection of
Nunchaku-do discipline.[26] It is a two-minutes "touch fight," in which
technical abilities are very important. After each scored point, the
fight stops and the fighters take back their starting position.

 International Techdo Nunchaku Association (ITNA): Founded by

Daniel Althaus in Switzerland in 2006. ITNA rules fights last two
rounds lasting 2:30. There are no stops during the round, except for
loss, lifting, or penalties. Between two strikes, the fighter has to
change hand and nunchaku branch before hitting again, except if he
 Nunchaku-en-Savate (ARSIC-International): First presented by
Jean-Noel Eynard, Professeur of Savate, pioneer of FFBFSDA
Savate in the USA. The sport combines technique of Savate with
Nunchaku similar to Savate combined with la Canne. Nunchaku-en-
savate rebirth occurred in the Ivory-Coast in the late 1970s. It was
taught in classes of Self Defense Savate. The sport made its way to
the USA in 1983.


Of the various materials of which nunchaku may be made, solid metal bars, shown here, are among the most
effective for striking.

In a number of countries, possession of nunchaku is illegal, or the nunchaku is defined as a

regulated weapon. Norway, Canada,[27][28] Russia, Poland, Chile, and Spain are all known to have
significant restrictions.
In Germany, nunchaku have been illegal since April 2006, when they were declared a strangling
In England and Wales, public possession of nunchaku is heavily restricted by the Prevention of
Crime Act 1953 and the Criminal Justice Act 1988. However nunchaku are not included in list of
weapons whose sale and manufacture prohibited by Schedule 1 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988
(Offensive Weapons) Order 1988 and are traded openly (subject to age restrictions).
In Scotland laws restricting offensive weapons is similar to that of England and Wales. However in
2010 Glasgow Sheriff Court refused to accept a defence submission that nunchaku where not
prohibited weapons under Scottish law although the defendants were acquitted on other grounds [31].
The use of nunchaku was, in the 1990s, censored from UK rebroadcasts of American children's TV
shows such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoons and films.[32] The UK version of the Soul
Blade video game was also edited, replacing the character Li Long's nunchaku with a three-
sectioned staff. In Hong Kong, it is illegal to possess metal or wooden nunchaku connected by a
chain, though one can obtain a license from the police as a martial arts instructor, and rubber
nunchaku are still allowed. Possession of nunchaku in mainland China is legal.
Legality in Australia is determined by individual state laws. In New South Wales, the weapon is on
the restricted weapons list and, thus, can only be owned with a permit.
Legality in the United States varies at the state level. As elsewhere, the popularity of Bruce Lee
movies in the 1970s led to a wave of nunchaku bans.[33] Many states prohibit carrying nunchaku in
public as a concealed weapon, but a small number restrict or completely ban ownership. California
has made exceptions for professional martial arts schools and practitioners to use the nunchaku.
The state of Arizona considered nunchaku to be a "prohibited weapon," making mere possession
illegal, with the sole exception of nunchaku-like objects that are manufactured for use as illumination
devices, from the 1970s–2019.[35][33] New York formerly banned all possession of nunchaku, but this
was ruled unconstitutional in the 2018 case Maloney v. Singas.[36]

Law enforcement use[edit]

In 2015, police in the town of Anderson, California were trained and deployed to use nunchaku as a
form of non-lethal force. They were selected because of their utility as both a striking weapon and a
control tool.
Nunchaku have been employed by American police for decades, especially after the popular Bruce
Lee movies of the 1970's, but tasers have since become the preferred non-lethal weapon for most


The kusari (chain) used to connect the two halves of the nunchaku.

The kikon-bu (lower part) of one handle of a nunchaku, showing

the kontei (bottom part) of the handle.

The jukon-bu (upper part) of the nunchaku, showing the kontoh (top of the
handle) and the kusari (chain) which connects the two handles, or halves,
of the nunchaku.

Close-up image of the kontoh(top) of two nunchaku, showing

the kusari (chain) on one, and the himo (rope) and ana (hole) that
the himo goes through on the other.

See also[edit]
 Tabak-Toyok

 Sai

 Arnis

 Butterfly sword

 Meteor hammer

1. ^ ""Nunchaku" definition, Oxford Dictionary of English". Oxford
University Press. Archived from the original on 8 August 2016.
Retrieved 11 July 2016.

2. ^ "Nunchuck" definition, Mirriam-Webster Dictionary, accessed Apr 3,


3. ^ "Enter the Dragon case study". British Board of Film

Classification. Archived from the original on 10 May 2018.
Retrieved 11 July 2016.

4. ^ Active Interest Media, Inc. (March 1975). Black Belt. Active Interest
Media, Inc. pp. 10–. ISSN 0277-3066.

5. ^ "Karate sticks". Dictionary. Archived from the original on 9 April

2016. Retrieved 5 April 2016.

6. ^ "Meet the Guy Who Introduced Bruce Lee to Nunchucks". Angry

Asian Man. Archived from the original on 25 July 2017. Retrieved 26
July 2017.

7. ^ ヌンチャクについて [Regarding Nunchuks] (in Japanese).

Budoshop Japan. Archived from the original on 2013-04-20.
Retrieved 2012-01-15.
8. ^ [1] thefreedictionary.com

9. ^ Donn F. Draeger & Rober W. Smith (1969). Comprehensive Asian

Fighting Arts. ISBN 978-0-87011-436-6.

10. ^ Reframing Japanese cinema: authorship, genre, history, Authors

Arthur Nolletti, David Desser, Publisher Indiana University Press,
1992, Original from the University of Michigan, Digitized May 5,
2008 ISBN 0-253-34108-6 ISBN 978-0-253-34108-2

11. ^ "OKS Nunchaku". oks-online.com. Archived from the original on


12. ^ Alex Levitas. "The real history of the

nunchaku". nunchaku.tripod.com. Archived from the original on 2016-
08-15. Retrieved 2016-07-27.

13. ^ Kit, Wong Kiew (1996). The Art of Shaolin Kung Fu. Element Books.
p. 159. ISBN 1-85230-789-7.

14. ^ Demura, Fumio (10 May 1971). "Nunchaku: Karate Weapon of Self-
defense". Black Belt Communications – via Google Books.

15. ^ Programme Verhille Archived 2009-08-05 at the Wayback Machine.


16. ^ Organisation, John Albury-NEO Nunchaku Exercise. "NEO

SpeedCord Nunchaku sale London made training Nunchaku and
Nunchaku cases". www.neo-nunchaku.co.uk. Archived from the
original on 2013-08-10.

17. ^ Les armes dérivées du Nunchaku Archived 2009-04-09 at

the Wayback Machine. www.nunchaku-sfw.com

18. ^ "Korean Nunchaku (Mouhébong Taekwondo)". paristaekwondo.com.

Archived from the original on 2009-04-09.

19. ^ "France Nenbushi". free.fr. Archived from the original on 2011-07-20.

20. ^ Nunchaku en savate Archived 2010-11-19 at the Wayback Machine

21. ^ Lagravère, Laurent. "Historique du Nunchaku de

combat". nunchaku.free.fr. Archived from the original on 2008-11-13.

22. ^ "Nunchaku Saida – History". nunchakusaida.com. Archived from the

original on 2008-10-19.

23. ^ "Nenbushi Historique". free.fr. Archived from the original on 2009-

24. ^ "**** FINCA - Federation Internationale de Nunchaku, de Combat
Complet et Arts martiaux modernes.
****". fincaweb.free.fr. Archived from the original on 2008-11-14.

25. ^ "The WNA". nunchaku-do.org. Archived from the original on 2009-


26. ^ "WNA Kumite". nunchaku-do.org. Archived from the originalon 2008-


27. ^ Taylor, Kim. "The Legality of Martial Arts Weapons In

Canada". ejmas.com. Archived from the original on 2008-05-14.

28. ^ Regulations Prescribing Certain Firearms and other Weapons,

Components and Parts of Weapons, Accessories, Cartridge
Magazines, Ammunition and Projectiles as Prohibited or Restricted,
SOR/98-462 Archived 2010-11-04 at the Wayback Machine. Canlii.
Accessed 2010/06/30

29. ^ Feststellungsbescheid des BKA from 5 February 2004, AZ KT21 /

ZV 5-5164.02-Z-23/2004

30. ^ Waffengesetz Anlage 2 (Waffenliste), Abschnitt 1, Ziffer 1.3.8

31. ^ "Men cleared of banned weapon sale". BBC News. Retrieved 2018-

32. ^ "TMNT: The Rennaissance [sic] Reptiles Return". Kung Fu

Magazine. Archived from the original on 2010-01-06. Retrieved 2009-

33. ^ Jump up to: In Arizona, It's No Longer A Felony To Own Nunchucks

a b

34. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2012-01-26.

Retrieved 2013-08-28.

35. ^ "Arizona Revised Statutes - 13-3101 - Definitions". Arizona

Legislature. Retrieved 2018-12-18.

36. ^ "03-786 - Maloney v. Singas". govinfo. Retrieved 2018-12-18.

37. ^ Peralta, Eyder (28 October 2015). "Small California Town Gives Its
Police Nunchucks As Non-Lethal Alternative". NPR. Archived from the
original on 6 November 2015. Retrieved 9 November 2015.

External links[edit]
Wikimedia Commons has
media related to Nunchaku.
Information and techniques
 North American Nunchaku Association

 Nunchaku Tutorials English site with nunchaku tutorials.

 Nunchaku Tutorials Videos

International associations

 World Nunchaku Association English homepage for the World

Nunchaku Association, based in the Netherlands.

 International Techdo Nunchaku Association English homepage for

the International Techdo Nunchaku Association, based in
Forums and portals

 Freestyle (Nunchaku) Forum English forum for freestyle nunchaku

artist, collectors and enthusiast.
Legal issues

 Forbidden Sticks: A Four-Century Blog Tour Chronicles the history

of nunchaku bans and contains updates about the American legal
case of Maloney v. Singas (formerly Maloney v. Rice, Maloney v.
Cuomo, and Maloney v. Spitzer), which was begun in 2003, and
which challenges the constitutionality New York's decades-old
prohibition on possession of nunchaku in the privacy of one's home
for peaceful use in martial arts training, etc.


Okinawan kobudō
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