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SUBLIME TEXT 2 Nando Vieira // @fnando


⌘⌅ Add new line after current line ⌘→ Go to the end of line ⌘⌥1 Original layout

⌘⇧⌅ Add new line before current line ⌘← Go to the start of line ⌘⌥2 Split into 2 columns

⌘⌃↑ Swap line/selection up ⌥→ Move cursor forward one word ⌘⇧⌥2 Split into 2 rows

⌘⌃↓ Swap line/selection down ⌥← Move cursor backward one word ⌃⇧1 Move file to panel 1

⌘] Indent line/selection ⌘↑ Go to the start of file ⌃⇧2 Move file to panel 2

⌘[ Unindent line/selection ⌘↓ Go to the end of file ⌃1 Focus panel 1

⌘/ Comment line/selection ⌃M Alternate between bracket's start/end definition ⌃2 Focus panel 2

⌘⇧/ Block comment line/selection ⌘P Go to anything ⌘K, ⌘B Toggle sidebar

⌘⇧D Duplicate line ⌘R Go to symbol ⌃` Toggle console

⌃⇧K Remove line ⌃G Go to line

⌘K Delete to the end of line ⌃0 Go to the sidebar

⌘F2 Toggle bookmark
⌘⌦ Delete to the start of line ⌃1 or ⎋ Go to the text buffer
⌘⇧F2 Clear all bookmarks
⌃⌦ Delete word ⌘⇧] Go to next tab
F2 Go to next bookmark
⌘K, ⌘U Uppercase ⌘⇧[ Go to previous tab
⇧F2 Go to previous bookmark
⌘K, ⌘L Lowercase ⌃L Go to selection

F5 Sort selected lines

⌘⇧P Command palette

⌘D Select word (repeatable)

⌃SP Show completions

⌘F Find ⌘K, ⌘D Skip that word selection

⌘⌃P Switch project
⌘⌥F Replace ⌘⌃G Select all words
⌘B Build
⌘⇧F Find in files ⌘⇧→ Select to the end of line
⌘⌃F Fullscreen
⌘I Incremental find ⌘⇧← Select to the start of line
⌘⌃⇧F Distraction-free mode
⌘G Find next ⌘L Select line (repeatable)
F6 Spellcheck
⌘⇧G Find previous ⌥⇧→ Select next word
⌃F6 Next misspelling
⌘E Use word/selection to find ⌥⇧← Select previous word
⌘⇧V Paste and indent
⌘⇧E Use word/selection to replace ⌘⇧SP Select scope (repeatable)
⌘⇧T Reopen closed tab
⌘⌥E Replace next ⌘⇧M Select code bracket (repeatable)

⌘⌥R Toggle regular expression ⌘⇧J Expand selection to indentation

⌥ Option ⌘ Command ⌃ Control
⌘⌥C Toggle case-insensitive ⌘⇧A Expand selection to tag
⌦ Delete ⌅ Enter ⎋ Esc
⌘⌥W Match whole word
⇧ Shift SP Spacebar ⇥ Tab

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