Asm 8220

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Subject- SCIENCE Class- S2

Every month a science and mathematics magazine –“QUEST” is

uploaded on the portal. Go through those magazines to get some ideas
1. Prepare a science magazine as part of formative assessment in science.
The magazine should have the following components-
a) Title page. Give a suitable name /Title (Page1)
b) Name of the student, class, roll no. (Page2)
c) List of Contents (Page3)
d) One Indian scientist- name, picture and his contributions (Pages 4)
e) Nine Discoveries and Inventions (3 in biology, 3 in chemistry, 3 in
physics)(Page 5)
f) Five interesting facts about science/Do you know- 5 facts. (Page 6)
g) Quiz with at least 10 questions (Page7)
h) One simple science activity that can be performed, with requirements,
procedure and diagram. (Page8)
i) Article on recent Cyclone Fani or any other natural disaster with
pictures. (Page 9)

The marking will be done on the following parameters

a) Title - 1 marks
b) Presentation/Creativity/ Uniqueness -2 marks
c) Content-Written/ Visual - 2 marks

Total marks -5
 Assessment will be done individually.
 The articles can be typed or hand written but should not be direct
printouts from the internet.
 The magazine should be spirally bound/ tied properly.



Answer the following questions in your assignment copies :

(1) Due to availability of less water, how does the plant cope up with lack of water in
desert conditions?
(2) After a vigorous exercise, you may experience cramps in your leg muscles. Why does
this happen?
(3) What will happen if carbon monoxide combines with haemoglobin?
(4) Name the pigment present in plants, which can absorb solar energy.
(5) Name the respiratory organs of (i) fish (ii) mosquito (iii) earthworm.
(6) Which part of visible spectrum is absorbed by chlorophyll pigments?
(7) How does respiration in plants differ from that in animals?
(8) Name the cartilaginous flap which closes the glottis to check the entry of food into it
during swallowing.
(9) Chloroplast are called energy convertors. Explain.
(10) Why is the rate if breathing much faster in aquatic organisms than those of terrestrial
(11) Autotrophs synthesize food for the living world. Justify this statement in one sentence
only interconnecting autotrophs and heterotrophs.
(12) Which of the organs perform the following functions in humans?
1. Absorption of food.
2. Absorption of water
(13) Name the areas in a woody stem through which respiratory exchange of gases take place.
(14) Tooth enamel is one of the hardest substances in our body. How does it undergo damage
due to eating chocolates and sweets?
(15) Why doesn’t the lungs collapse even after forceful expiration?
(16) How would it affect the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates if the duodenum of man
if there is a blockade in the pancreatic duct?
(17) “If there were no algae there would be no fish in the sea”. Comment.
(18) Write the functions of the following in the digestive process:
(i) Bile
(ii) Bicarbonate secreted by the duodenal wall.
(iii)Pancreatic amylase.
(19) Why is the process of diffusion insufficient to meet the oxygen requirement of human
(20) Draw neat, labelled diagrams of
a. Human Alimentary Canal
b. Human Respiratory System
c. Stomatal Apparatus


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