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The Legend of Danau Biru

Once upon a time lived a simple lover named Arjuna and Damayantii who had just
been married a few months.
day Arjuna went abroad to find work to support his family's life. Arjuna has gone
abroad for three months. But there is no news when he will return. When Arjuna left to
say goodbye to wander, the two of them had promised to live as closely as possible. After
more than three months of her husband's departure, Damayanti remained faithful in
waiting for Arjuna's arrival. But one day Damayanti heard bad news about Arjuna, he was
so shocked that he fell unconscious. He really did not believe the news he had just heard,
that Arjuna had married another woman born to a wealthy family. Damayanti was so fond
of Arjuna he did not expect that Arjuna had just forgotten their promise.
situation so sad because Arjuna lived, Damayanti went to calm down by going to a
place very far from her house, because there was no purpose for her to sit under a banyan
tree while lamenting her love story. Damayanti cried so much that she thought of the man
she was so sad, sadly, her tears were unstoppable, just spilled, flowing incessantly. Every
day he spent only crying on the tree. Until finally his tears flooded and sank the banyan
tree. Even his body sank by his own tears until he just drifted away.
lake formed from the holy tears of Damayanti. At that time there was a man who
lived around it, he found a book on the edge of the lake that read "I will always love you
Arjuna even though you betrayed me" his eyes immediately directed to the lake in front
of the lake which is so clean, the water is as clear as bluish-colored crystals . The man
immediately gave the name of the lake, "Danau biru". The man promised to look after
and preserve the lake which he named the Danau Biru.

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